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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  May 27, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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>> ♪ ♪ >> charles: fire up the
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grill, to travel and 2024 campaign, welcome everyone, i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto and this is a special. they -- edition of "your world." the pretty -- in here to talk about what is expected to be an exciting summer -- ceo of sue leonard. this is becoming an annual ritual with us wear you give us these mouthwatering, you know, -- i can't wait,'s to. >> well, you know, what this weekend what we saw was the grill. the grill lights up and people -- [inaudible] you're looking at hamburger meat -- they're still up
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considerably over the last two or three years right now. >> charles: to that point we looked at these monthly data reports and it's pretty clear, food at home to your point out the prices have slowed dramatically versus food at restaurants which at one point people were, like, y. cook? because food prices have gone up so much so, you know, a cheeseburger is appointed% madonna since 2019, i rather have your ground we've and make my own burger! >> yarco. that's what you're seeing customers are doing this memorial day and that's what we saw before my people just decide --
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i understand you've got a gargantuan live lobster? >> yeah. but you know what -- i have a lobster -- i bring him and, i showed charlie the lobster right here okay? then i say he's a nice friend of mine, but him up on my shoulder like this. and i just -- the kids like this and i get the kids to touch a lobster. they go home and tell their parents about it, their grandparents and they just love it so this is my little friend, charlie larocque sterling here. and i know what your favorite thing here, one of these gu guys. [laughter] these were just great and you know what? we had god-fearing from the food channel come over. and he was mentally eating a piece of steak and you know what i did? i just said i'm going -- and
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i go -- i took a bite right out of these, mice tomahawk. they're really tender and delicious and it's sort of a showpiece that you can have, you know, on your plate and everybody loves it over memorial day. >> charles: i have been reading though, private label in the supermarket industry is going even larger. the prices are substantial discount verses, you know, some of the more well-known brand names. are using that trend in your stores? >> absolutely. there's a big trend towards the app. we do a lot of specials were seeing a trend towards that. also private-label how people are switching off the big brands right here. you go to the private-label you save 20-25% and a lot of times its the same manufacturer you will notice to the big brands. so go for the private-label. >> charles: before i let
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you go, i also understand you just opened another location in new jersey, another 500 jobs to the great state of new jersey. >> yeah. we're excited about that. we just opened one in new jersey and where -- i'm going to go down there tomorrow. we had a great memorial day weekend down there, we love the people of new jersey. plus, it's the garden state so we are getting a lot of good, fresh produce and food down in new jersey. it's very cool. you know, charles, one of the things we are doing is we do things where we make our phone -- on fresh guacamole everyday, we make our own. [ speaking french ] the relic -- cutting up the stakes right here -- and our labor -- $22 the average. i can't really, you know, retailers i would say for the most part, all the friends i've talked to her not guarding the customer at all.
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but, you know, we are getting increased cost and packaging from suppliers, from, you know, the ukraine problem that came up, there was -- that was the breadbasket in the world, increase a lot of feed prices. unreleased things are just built and and, you know, we are basically just passing along our cost increases. there's nothing extra added on top. >> charles: it's still -- your shopping experience is so unique, it's one-of-a-kind and all i can say is the our friends over in the new location, welcome aboard, because it's a great place to shop particularly this time of year. will see you soon, stew. >> charles, when you come to the store i got this piece of steak for you okay? >> charles: you got it! [laughter] see you later, man. >> have a great day. >> charles: the box does not stop here. -- it is not stopping the white house from blaming companies for those price hikes. so i will display up --
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layout for consumers and boarders as we head towards an election? let's get -- democrat extended just nicole brown a schmitz. along with -- i want to start with you because, you know, we just heard from you leonard, his ass to him, he got to pay for diesel, plastic, you got to play for labor -- it feels like consumers are not upset -- as upset as what the businesses are -- at -- as the white house would like them to be. >> yeah. my local neighborhood grocer actually had the same thing, they went to the process of posting how much the raw materials or the raw food that they're ordering in to the store is costing them, but the price increases are the -- over the last year -- i think because customers request -- company about the prices. the reality is, the biden administration first tried a gas lighting tactic on this isn't happening, trying to tell americans that their warrants aren't tighter, that the economy is actually great and when that didn't work and pull up to pull up to pull another turning and blaming
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the visitors saying this is corporate greed, this is gouging. realty it is that the san francisco fed did just a couple week ago come come -- that showed that over all and for the last three years, mark up substate flats chemically suffused -- where markups are going up but overall in the economy, let's think that's what i don't think this gambit to blame small businesses for the cost that they are incurring at the production level and at the shipping level is going to work either for the biden administration. >> charles: i read that survey, if you go to the san francisco federal got great researchers. meanwhile, nicole, a lot of things happen starting with the -- secondly it's temporary, thirdly well, you know, its someone else's fault another color circle back with her for friends in the media saying, you know, america is having -- dealers have not been able to connect the dots. >> yeah, i mean, look, you can't tell people how they feel and you can't tell people a whole slew of facts
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and figures and numbers. they know what they're doing calico in to the store, realizing that is costing more than it did before. but there's a difference between a whole small local grocer who is feeling those costs and a big monopoly or -- or emerging that happen with the croakers and alriksson where we are seeing incorporates profit line and is hitting record number -- what the biden administers and is trying to make a point of is that there are exceedingly record numbers of profits were a lot of these companies and that doesn't need to happen at the expense of the consumer. i would actually see though that the democrats, the anguish that they are is that the train administration isn't leaning into this more. democrats releasing the biden administration isn't connecting the dots and putting the full pressure behind this so it's an interesting complaint that happening sort of on the -- >> charles: i guess the problem -- on one hand how can you brag about america having the greatest economy in the world being powered by
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american corporations and at the second time, on the other hand say but they're all villains? >> will last a long term -- >> i don't think the -- >> charles: inez? >> that's the long-term democratic problem and i frankly, i agree a little bit there are corporate actors that are bad actors and -- probably are taking advantage a very volatile pricing environment to try to squeeze out as much profit as possible. i mean, we would expect that that happens but over all that is not what is driving the inflation and i think if you look at joe biden's approval numbers on the economy which are now --'s approval rating is 38% can only, only 388% of americans trust him to do the right thing when it comes to the economy, we all know that president is not a magician and economy sometimes is impacted by things that are totally outside of the president's control. in this case, you know, gas prices, for example, with russia invading ukraine in 2022 caliber something outside of joe biden's control, at least 11, we can
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get into foreign policy. but i don't think americans will -- gas lighting that the biden administration was trying before. do you think that the connector that's not under trump networks was going on for the first three years, 16% for the average american family -- in the first three years of -- under biden it's .07% everyone is just barely treading water and putting trailers under credit cards. >> charles: just to pick up on this point about the -- what the president cannot and can control -- the $1.9 trillion for me was the trigger. it was money that was not needed in the economy, was part of the grand scheme that has been fooling around a long time, modern monetary theory that government controls the purse strings, when a print of a whole bunch of money and send the people? and theoretically it seemed pretty good for a long time but we've tried it and the end result was what folks warned us about. this inflation that simply won't go away. >> is up to me? >> charles: inez. >> sorry. this is obviously has -- at
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least a large part of this has to do with the fact that the government has spent all of this money schmuck i mean, joe biden just a couple of days ago announced another large forgiveness package for student loan that for exa example. these are the kind of giveaways that do pump money to the economy, that phishing and then bucher it inflation. i think people, again, people know this because they know they were better off for years ago that -- that's what he fundamental you difficult place. if you're trying to argue as a president that, you know, in favor of your administration when people just know in their pocketbooks that they are treading water now and have been, you know, for the last 3 years at best they were treading water. i think your last schmuck is commonsense. >> charles: and that's economics 101. i want to apologize nicole, we can go back because of the other issues are pretty choppy there so we'll ask her to come back on a shoot -- so very soon. thank you both, ladies. meanwhile a new fox police shows -- what you can due to help save some cash for your
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trip. that's coming up. and think quick, what does donald trump heading deeper in to the blue territory have to do with ronald reagan here and jfk here? will explain. >> ♪ ♪ that's why select paints and stains are buy one get one half off. so you can refresh your space inside and out. paint more for less this memorial day. but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. every single night. during our memorial day sale, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to $800
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>> ♪ ♪ >> what are you trying to do for us?
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>> i'm trying to -- [simultaneous talking] >> i'm trying to tell you that i know now, there is no program or promise that a president can make that the federal government can -- and do this. there is legislation in congress. legislation! between governments come between the private sector. >> charles: there was ronald reagan back in 1980 taking a deep dive in the blue new york, helping him actually booked the script and when that state. jfk had his own reversal, winning the red west virginia appealing to cool minors there. and now it's donald trump's turned, campaigning in the box, trying to win over is take -- states that has now not board republican since ronald reagan. -- is as political reporter sarah bradford.
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sarah, and politics obviously anything is possible, we've learned that. >> that's right and we've seen donald trump really grow his support with minority voters, with certain -- hispanic voters, with black voters. in 2020 joe biden carry black voters by 92% in the latest peer researchable, joe biden is only curing them a 77%, that is a double-digit loss in just 4 years, and we're seeing doctor trump make those games i think because he's not really speaking to racial groups in the sort of the rights-of-way that use the democrats address at. is speaking to the working class and he's treating treating all americans regardless of their backgrounds according to class in a way and i think that method has really been appealing and he knows the average american feels like they can't get ahead, p. check is not covering as much as it used to and that sort of message is actually a pretty unifying message and it's one that we're hearing donald trump promote more
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more and that's eating in to the constituencies that put joe biden in the white house. >> charles: speaking of flipping the strike -- trip, it really does feel -- i'm an economics guy, i'm sincere when i say i don't know if there has been ever been a president has been better for wealthier people in joe biden the $1.9 trillion, you know, build that he push through, on that money eventually trickle down to the top one%, they're paying the college loans offer people who graduated from the american -- graduating from american universities is again. i received were expensive in the past but you live better, your children live better. it really is amazing to me and to your point, trump is seizing on that. >> right a lot of joe biden policies right now are catering to the country's elite whether that's tax breaks for electric cars, forgiving the college that
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all people who were obtained master's degree or doctorate degrees or arts degrees. these are not problems that the working-class are really concerned about right now. and to the extent that joe biden is talking about the economy, he's just highlighting how could it is. bidenomics is what what everyone should be celebrating rhino according to joe biden and the way the democrats have framed it is that if you as an american sitting at home don't agree that the economy is doing well then maybe you're just too dumb to understand the economic numbers that show that it is humming along. noncombatants people americans like that and he is not protesting elites issues. >> charles: sarah i have to ask you, also, i saw a headline recently that the fundraising -- that seems to have changed -- that hide is turning then as well and trump is coming on strong. >> that's right. in fundraising is a proxy for enthusiasm is a lot of political analyst often put it than donald trump is leaving by that metric in april he raised significantly more more -- unfortunately
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because of all of the law fair -- a lot of the impact of that additional fundraising is blunted by the fact that so much of the money has to go donald trump's legal offensive but nonetheless if you are looking at this as a metric of how excited donors are about each prospective candidate i do think that it shows the excitement, the enthusiasm, the momentum that this -- at this point is behind on trump and it's one of many reasons why i think the democrats are starting to get a little bit more nervous about their prospects in november. >> charles: between then and showing up in the south branch they probably are getting pretty nervous. sarah, thanks a lot, appreciated. >> thank you. >> charles: so far so good this year for the stock market but how long can you keep riding this wave of green and how long is too long for a movie? we report on hollywood -- they may just want to hide. >> ♪ ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ resident biden honored troops to their income but during his memorial day speech. biden's or walks in delaying their rates at the tomb of the and -- annual memorial day traditions for the president. and israeli prime minister abandonment of the nose is a tragic mistake was made this after and in every strike in rafah killed dozens of displaced palestinians. the u.s. national security council reiterated that israel must take steps now to protect civilians them of the israeli military says it had opened an investigation. and basketball hall of famer and basketball broadcasting star bill walton has passed away. he had a prolonged fight with
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cancer, -- in observance of memorial day. we'll be back with a special report at 6:00 pm eastern. >> ♪ ♪ >> charles: despite persistent inflation along with uncertainty over the economy and interest rates, the stock market keeps rocking so what can we expect as we head in to the summer? let's get -- melissa, let me start with you. what camp are you in, sam o'reilly, summer dollars? >> is going dependent -- to depend on the fed and the fan continues to act like they're going to lower interest rates one or two more times this year and, of course, the market will continue to rally but jamie darren camm a ricquan -- recently and said we'll second, they may actually raise rates again and i think that spoke -- spoke the market a little bit last few days so we don't know what will happen with interest rates. i don't think even the fed knows what's going to happen with interest rates.
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inflation is still too high. what really happened -- and they're not good. inflation is -- prices are still going up. and everybody is happy because they're not going up as much as they used to but they're still going up and clearly it is still bothersome to many people especially people that are living paycheck to paycheck. is very difficult for people when interest rates are very high in the cost of everything is very hard. >> charles: let me pick up on that because melissa's point, you go back to when the fed -- everyone was giddy, excited but the markets close lower that th they, then close lower the next day despite nvidia's and -- amazing earnings report because there's this cloud of inflation not lawyer way and you know what, whether the fed says they will cut or not the markets are starting to believe there's not going to be any cuts. >> yeah. look at him thinking going to get vision to come anywhere near 2%. no 1 wants to admit this but the only way you will get
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inflation anywhere near 2% is a recession because you need demand -- so the federal have to make a choice between sticking with a two% number in picking back or the economy because not going to accomplish both. i think we will have a tale of two stories this year. i think the market is going to rub higher in to the summer months because they are going to believe the nerium and we'll get some thought -- solid inpatient data i think -- but i think you'll see a real acceleration of inflation toward the latter part of this year and will be talking about stagflation for 2025 because the economic numbers are starting to support that as you start to calculate out over the next x12 months. >> charles: so stagflation is the man goes down, job, unemployment goes up and inflation stays persistent. we've got some of that in areas like housing already, melissa were even though most -- makes people frustrated but still, we -- we could've had this conversation amongst
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the -- and the market has still gone higher. how do you figure that this is a market that can find any narrative, rate, scott moe rate,, and still find a way to keep moving hire? >> remember, the market doesn't always make sense, what was happening is the emotion of the market and the anticipation that thanks are going to get better in the future and sometimes the market does move higher and then if things don't turn out to be that way like interest rates dropping the market could see a salad but i think he felt we see in the market is going to be short-lived unless we would go in to a recession. but to be honest with you even if the fed would drop rates one, two, three more times between no and the end of the year, which is also much higher now, so much higher number of people, for credit cards, mortgages like you said -- i think it's 7.5% it's just too hard. and will not make a big -- as far as going out and buying a home -- i will say one thing, the. what did change between now
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and the next six months or 12 months this is an election year. you know, trump goodwin, charles, he actually could win and if trump wins i think then that the economy could improve and inflation could go down and trump could go back to the tax cuts that he had that helped businesses and helped everything -- everyday consumers and then think collaterally get better and that is really actually i'm optimistic that that can happen. >> charles: you know, it's interesting when you look at the nfib -- homebuilders roared and, of course, i think -- in the markets know that at least these tax rates will stay in place that could be something that offers a fervent between no and that election time, new people smacked of people just hold on by the fact that it could get top euro? >> i think you need to own things that are tied to inflation. excalibar marble approach -- where we are on some
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commodities. we bought more commodities on the last week and i think you can still own -- at the end of the day it can -- attend her -- the fed -- doesn't matter, the market believes that. and the money flows are still buying dips them actually set up near her -- here near term is still bullish from an equity perspective recall as of what's happening economically so until dynamics change, and i think the market still going to go up so we are still tactically bullish. we do own a lot of inflation assets because i think them either is the easiest way because i think consensus whether you're bullish or bearish his inflation will persist and so commodity prices should continue to be resilient. so, you know, these will of -- before you hit had been so don't fear what might happen months from now happy the game as is right now. >> charles: arrived to a as well as the wave is going in the right direction.
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eddie, melissa, thank you both very much appreciate it. when it comes to going to the movies that shouldered the film the better? and it repeats the debate settled wants and for all. we report, you slice. ♪ when the moon hits your i, like a big pizza pie. ♪ back amore. ♪ window world seems to sh shine. ♪ like you've had too much wine. ♪ back amore. >> ♪ ♪ ayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow. let's grow a little closer to jesus together. try hallow for free today. but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story.
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charles, because people are saying 92 minutes is going to go but i have to first ask are you seeing it in a theater which is one of my favorite things to do because if you go longer than 90 minutes that it is megan someone has to go to the bathroom and you miss part of a movie. that happened to me recently. so i would say a little less than 92 minutes but at home you can posit and i think this is great because people are watching binge watching shows no so if her own -- if a strong 40 minutes long, was a little over two shows. thing that's a good amount of time. >> charles: i like the technicality you put there because when i much movie at home it takes me five days, i don't care how long it is but i just want to show the event -- audience -- gone with the wind was three ours and 58 minutes. once upon a time in america three ours and 49 minutes. ben hur three ours and 22 minutes. lawrence of arabia -- they used to run long. i guess were not ready for those anymore. >> too much. it's way too much. i don't know who watches that kind of film. who has an amount of time?
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were in the tiktok generation or everyone's three minute clips. that's just crazy. i'm with abby on the one too. theater is a different experience. nineteen minutes -- you threw that -- if it goes longer than that but at home, also break it up. that's why we binge series because they have stopped points, you know. in the movie is pretty hard to do that. >> make it more brief. >> charles: i think there was something -- the movies were better back then, that we just put it that way, i think. congress by the way can get some things done because the way peter the great appeared -- it is according to a connecticut official who flew to washington dc to declare new haven the pizza capital of the united states. alley do you believe smacked where is the blessed -- best slice? >> new york holds the trophy -- that's who, you know, the top guy is for -- determining
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which pizza is best but congress is not a party to the. have of them are so old i don't even think they're eating solid food. [laughter] let alone be able to judge pizza. >> charles: that's cold. maybe they can judge baby food or something like that. abby, what do you think? >> what's up with the government trying to get involved with naming certain food items? because indiana was a court to just determine that our taco was a sandwich which is blasphemy by the way. look that i love pizza. i lived in both chicago and new york city, i tried so many different places. in my favorite pizza -- in phoenix, arizona so i'm very open-minded to there being other pizza capitals of the world. but i have not tried new haven pizza but reading about it with the char i think you said and the crispy crust i think it's time to go to new haven which is probably what this congress wants us to do so to an. >> charles: let me know when you go, i might go there with you too. >> deal. >> charles: dreaming of an
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endless summer vacation. check this out, there's a new cruise the extent to make a reality. it's a three and a half year itinerary alexander you only -- it only ever catches spring or summer season, whatever the destination is, passengers can get on catholic in stay on as often as they want. abby, is ideal for you? three and a half years of summer and spring. >> absolutely not. i love traveling, i do a lot for population. but i cannot be on a board for that long. and you can get off but we hundred days of summer? you can -- you have to have some variety in it. you don't appreciate summer if you're constantly living in summer vacation. also i'm sure this ship is built beautifully and it's amazing but it's currently sitting in the stage -- same shipyard the titanic was built. so if that long, three and half years on a 31-year-old boat just does not fit right with me. >> charles: ally?
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>> i agree. i was on a weeklong cruise that was three days too long. for a lifetime! is unlike i'm sure on steroids -- if they sign up for the. >> charles: i will say this though. i've only been on two cruisers. they were midsize ships cal uens will be phenomenal and there was the older couple and they've been on almost 300 cruisers. i went up to their cabin, it was a penthouse! i mean if i had what they had, i could be on a crews for ten years. it was, like, bigger then the studio! so maybe they'll hook up with the kind of rooms where wacky don't get cabin fever it might work! >> i would do that, then. [laughter] if you got to leave the board every once in a while i guess its not so bad. >> charles: years ago there was a ship called the world-renowned you could actually by your own condo and it and -- ladies, thank you so much. there was a lot of fun, docu
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again real soon. >> thanks, guys. >> charles: so let the gravel rush begin. the holiday weekend seeing millions of you hit the road but a lot of you are making changes in your plans due to the sticky inflation. we've got some money-saving tips just ahead. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ (wife) saving for retirement was tough enough. (husband) and navigating markets can be challenging at times. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments, we keep a disciplined approach with your portfolio, helping you through the market's ups and downs.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> charles: pack your bags and pack some patients. the unofficial summer travel season kicks on this holiday weekend with a lot of you hitting the road for that getaway, fox whether -- is in pennsylvania with the latest. katie? >> memorial day travel is set to be a record breaker when it comes to road trips. according to aaa. and here at this restaurant along i-95 group spoken with travelers who say traffic is pretty much unaffordable -- unavoidable but with the click of the unofficial start of summer. >> all year will be part of the crazies. we'll leave friday evening doctor bethany beach. >> almost 44 million americans are hitting their wheels, rose and skies for the holiday weekend. a number aaa c. -- says has not been seen in over 20
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years and most people will be encouraged. >> the big news this year is we expect road trips will set an all-time record. with more than 90% of americans traveling by car or just about 38 million americans traveling. >> drivers can expect similar grass prices to last year. the national average and the holiday weekend just 361 per gallon and travel times are expected to be up to 90% longer than normal. where hearing even for the early birds. >> very hectic. very heavy traffic this morning. is always heavy on format, fourth of july at everything is three times as much as it usually is. >> we got to avoid the traffic -- that knows will have more but better to be ahead of time. >> most people we've met at this restaurant are heading to the delaware beaches. but some are driving as far south as florida. charles? >> charles: katie, you very much and with temperatures eating up so is the traffic
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and maybe some tempers. what you can due to stay cool and stay -- save time and money on your trips this summer, travel -- gay before we get to some of your tips, how do you think this summer travel season will play out? >> this weekend, charles, and happy memorial day monday for you, for ten for what -- we will see some record in bricking numbers all over again. i'm trying to show you from using 299 -- 2019 still in -- consider a new reality, people are -- despite positions of record's acting traffic on roadways, are pack airports and, claims people are still heading out to their temporary tithing travel and we see that i think will see some record-setting holiday weekends and weeks ahead were the summer season. >> charles: so you've got -- these types because everyone wants to get on the road. we don't have the loose cash we had maybe a year or two ago to give us some some -- so receiving tips. >> i think when it comes to sanity, charles, ellison a
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bit on a lot of airports lately, they are packed. even my club membership, i walk in and i'm having a fight -- hard time looking for a sheep -- set maybe this is the summer word will look at alternative and quotation. think train travel is starting to pop up and an avenue for a lot of folks calgary interesting sustainability message behind train travel and we're already seeing amtrak put out some pretty attractive sales and promotions for the summer season among the timing around locking other flights is also shifting from a usually you're looking at 30 days out or a domestic flight, 60 days out for an international flight but if you're looking out some of the fare prices for ac are europeans like now you look at the keshock, want to travel in june, july, even august. so i'm saying we for the second half of the summer season. i even love the idea of traveling to europe in the fall when the weather is actually a bit more manageable and the crowds are thinner, value is greater than but -- fungible idea
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about when we -- one of the bastions of savings in the industry continues to be cruising. we are seeing just this year, charles, eight brand-new vessels hitting the water over the next several years. we've got a couple dozen more ships that are on the horizon. that means we got to get not the -- we've got to get the new individuals out there and that means as we head to the summer season last minute promotions are going to abound in places like the caribbean, mexico and alaska so if you're flexible, you're willing to jump ownership just days to go, can get some pretty substantial savings. and if you're a lovely individual, you have to start to think about summer 2025, charles,, there may be used out there as well. >> charles: gabe, for great stuff, appreciated very much. >> us he was. >> charles: as the fighting continues over there that we honor the men and women who protect our freedoms here. >> ♪ ♪
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important it is to remember, having this discussion at this very moment. >> it really is. as we look around the world, we are sending billions of our tax dollars to help the ukrainians fight the russians. unfortunately, hooton has militarize his industrial base and has an endless supply of fresh troops. it is making that fight much more dangerous. israel is reeling from the october 7th attack by hamas and for months now, six months, they have been battling back against gaza. it looks as if we are in some sort of ending in a couple of months. i would argue with raphael being the last city and gaza to fall, the battles in the middle east,
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whether with israel or elsewhere, they are going to continue because iran is dead set on being the hegemon of the region and doing what it can to make life miserable for israel. given that and the fact that we are really preparing for some sort of major confrontation with china in a couple of years, certainly over taiwan, but their buildup is significant, as is ours. we are in a world that is filled with instability and that reminds us on memorial day we depend upon the young men and women who are deployed across at least 150 nations around the world to be ready at a moment's call to go out and defend this country and our freedoms and if they fail to do that, we can lose all we have today. >> to your point, last week, during the taiwan elections, china made a serious show of
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force, a very intimidating show of force. it is hard to imagine something is going to happen there very soon, it is hard to imagine these areas of conflict not eventually drawing in u.s. troops. again, it is time to say we have an all volunteer military. young men and women who live in the greatest country in the world in the medial of an industrial revolution that have chosen to put their lives on the line for us and i am not sure we recognize that as much as we should. i think we recognize it a lot more than we did in the recent past. >> i agree with you. the unfortunate reality is life on earth requires people willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy in this country. i would hope that every american who loves where we are would reach out to those that have
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served, either in the past or the president, if you see someone in uniform, it may be embarrassing for them, but go up to them and say thank you for your service. it is really important for us to recognize it does take an element beyond ourselves to do what is necessary. >> on a personal note, i went to see my father's headstone. we don't know what these folks go through. if you can articulate to everyone watching how important it is, they need our support as
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much as they support us. >> working at the pentagon, you look across the highway and you see arlington cemetery. we are approaching headstones and heroes buried there and every one of them has a family. our nation has bled and bled for a good reason most of the time. we love freedom. that is important. >> folks at home, thanks for watching us this memorial day. "the five" starts now. ♪ ♪


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