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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 27, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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life. [gun is a liewted] salute] [bagpipes] >> present arms. >> we know that you live with loss everyday and not just memorial day. let us always strive defend the democracy for which they fought and died. [taps] they did their duty and we must, too. >> gillian: tomorrow on "special report," closing arguments begin in former president trump's criminal trial, we will bring you there remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for watching "special report" on this memorial day. i'm gillian turner in washington. ingraham angle is next. ♪ ♪
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>> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham this is a special edition of the ingraham angle. thanks for joining us on this memorial day where we remember and honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice defending our country. a reminder to all of us freedom, of course, is not free. here is some of my angle's defending america, our borders, and our freedoms. >> laura: the rescue, that's the focus of tonight's angle. the scenes today were not reassuring after the president bombed the houthis and called the lid early last night he bumbled his way through a school in allen town today. >> this is sherwin, and sam -- >> along with our allies. >> secretary austin. >> i do. >> i'm sorry. [inaudible] >> laura: i hope that poor girl got extra credit for having to sit there now, just as we see the deterioration of our cities,
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beset by crime, by migrants, we also see biden's own deterioration with each passing day. simply getting from marine one to his car is a herculean task. . >> laura: and he has the darndest time sentences with numbers. >> on my watch smirk having infrastructure decade. decade. [applause] over a billion 300 quintillion. 3 hurvelings mill, trillion. >> niko used to say things like that when he was 3. now, let's go back a decade or. so it's friday. we'll have fun with this. joe at that point could at least
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be edited to look peppy. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> all right. otherwise we're going to be in trouble with jill and michelle. >> same time next week? >> same time next week. >> laura: obama getting that better than vodka. 2014. now the biden campaign is scrambling to find ways to make joe appear vigorous. but is it working? >> mr. president, what did you learn about the balloon? >> laura: i love how he does that little trot and realizes i better not keep running. they push him out for his campaign speech at valley forge and then dr. jill has to rush in for the big save at the end. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ i don't care ♪ i don't want to tear me apart. >> laura: at this point, the first lady almost deserves the title doctor since she has been rescuing him on almost a daily basis. but the bidens have such little regard for the intelligence of the american people they think that they can message this problem away. >> one of the things that drew me to him was his strength. i see that strength and that resilience and that steadiness over single day. he has wisdom and experience. he knows every leader on the world stage. he has lived history. >> laura: what? we now have a new synonym for
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ancient, it's called lived history. while she may be his visiting angel but she is america's eyes and ears. >> he can do it and i see joe every day. i see him out, you know, traveling around this country. i see his vigor. i see his energy. i see his passion every single day. >> so to those who say i can't vote for joe biden, he's too old what do you say? >> i say his age is an asset. >> laura: and as for that report that biden has been on the vacation more than a third of the presidency? >> what people don't see is how hard joe works every single day. that he gets up thinking what he can do for the american people. and he does that, you know, his job doesn't end when we just have dinner together at 7:00. >> right. >> he is on the phone. and he is on the phone with leaders of foreign countries. and he is on the phone with his
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cabinet. >> laura: when wheel of fortune is over he is hard at work but wait a second. did she say he is on his phone cabinet at night? his medicine cabinet? we know he wasn't on the phone with his most important cabinet secretary at least he should be lloyd austin for at least four days. the vigorous, tireless biden didn't even notice his pentagon chief was missing. but you are supposed to ignore that ignore the fact that your president is decomposing in front of you and, instead, you are supposed to worry about the guy who brought you peace and prosperity. >> this has got to be so different than any races that -- >> -- it is. >> you and your husband have run. a little scary. >> it is a little scary. we have to win. we must win. we cannot let go of our democracy. >> and if you don't? >> i don't know.
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>> i can't even think about it? >> no, i can't think about it. >> laura: well, of course, donald trump doesn't jog. >> he doesn't need pretend to jog. neither does he need melania to act as his nurse maid nor his co-president. no one doubts it that he is the one making the tough calls and it isn't an act. >> it's not sustainable for our country. we have millions and millions of people here. it is not sustainable. did you see in new york city where they are getting the regular students out and they are putting migrants in their place? we are going to have the largest deportation effort in the history of our country. we're bringing everybody back to where they came from. we have no choice. [applause] >> we have no choice. >> laura: of course he is right. he understands that america can no longer be a super power if redrain our own resources by allowing free riders to take advantage of us. >> would you be committed to nato, for example, if a second trump term?
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>> depends if they treated us properly. look, nato is taking advantage of our country. they took advantage of us on trade. and then they took advantage of us on our military protection. of the 28 countries at the time, only 8 countries were paid up. we were paying the difference. i went to them and said if you don't pay, we are not going to protect you. >> laura: well, weakness, incompetence and self-loathing is what the biden administration has shown us and shown the world from day one. even trump's most fervent detractors though like writer bret stephens, they are beginning to see even if they don't agree with him why he is winning. working class is getting shafted and trump is the only one speaking for them. america needs a leader who can navigate the headwinds that we are facing. they are strong headwinds, someone who knows how to do the job believes in and works for the american people. until we get one, america is going to grow as weak and as frail as our current president. and that's the angle.
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>> laura: coming up, if you want your suburbs to stay safe and free, usual going to want to stay tuned. ♪
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>> laura: they're coming for the suburbs that's the focus of tonight's angle. for decades. the left wing intelligencia,
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such as this it is coman comanches drivers of climate change. it's endless ridicule and disdain. and they have been desperate to change zoning laws in order to force social and demographic change on neighborhoods that the left does not consider diverse enough. the word you hear a lot of now is equity. and this week advance housing equity and promote what he claims to be affordable housing. >> folks, we know affordable housing has been a challenge for a long time. so solve it long term we have to increase supply because when supply is down, demand is up, costs rise. the bottom line to lower housing costs for good is to build, build, build. >> laura: how will this be done? through a federal power grab,
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essentially, an aggressive federal intervention in local politics. a plan to pressure cities and other localities to relax zoning restrictions that prevent the construction of let's say a tenement in the middle of a single family home neighborhood. biden's outgoing hud ceremony marcia fudge says we are about a million housing units short in the united states right now. of course, this is like an arsonist complaining of smoke from an house fire that that arsonist set himself. high interest rates and inflation, both of which biden is responsible for are the single biggest drivers of housing costs today. add to that 10 to, what, 12 million illegal aliens and you have a true housing deficit upon your hands. now, these new recommendations are a political wish list that could be the basis for his housing policy in a second term, so, if you like your suburbs, safe, and oncology guested, and
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you like your gas powered suv, then you better vote for trump no november, because they are coming for both. of course, we can't discount the politics coming into play here, either. biden chose town vale his housing policy blueprint in nevada this week where the polls are beginning to look very grim for democrats. i guess we're going to see if folks in reno and the vegas suburbs are really clamoring for multi story apartment buildings in their neighborhoods, i don't think so. now, of course, biden tried to make it sound all like kind of like a norman rockwell painting. >> my dad used to always say was that the way you build equity in your home is the way you build wealth. so you build enough equity in your home then you have enough money to borrow to get something new and move and so on. and that's how everybody makes it. everybody in the middle class makes it. >> laura: so says a man who has
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donor damage the middle class than any president since jimmy carter. biden's open border, the push for more foreign workers. his ridiculously high energy costs. his war on the gas powered vehicle. all of it, every single thing is an attack on middle income workers. now, biden himself tries to sell his attack on the suburbs as just common sense. but, listen closely to the words of his dim bulb energy secretary jennifer granholm. >> we're trying to embed structural equity into a system that has been structurally inequitable. and it's not just the community benefits plans, but it's also the way these tax incentives have been structured. >> laura: embed structural equity. so, all you racists in the suburbs, get ready, because you don't have a right to live in such a big house on a quarter of
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an acre e. acre, third of an acre, half an acre of land. now, you are not being an ally for housing equity if you do. and when structural equity and that lingo is not enough to get your juices flowing. radical socialist congressman jamaal bowman has a message for all your capitalists out there. >> it is plantation capitalism to have someone paying 40, 50, 60% of their salary towards rent. that is plantation capitalism. rent should be capped at 20% of someone's salary. we need continue to vest and pass the green new deal for public housing. >> laura: i hope the business community is happy that they got into bed with those lewans. the truth is big government got us into this mess and more spending and the destruction of the suburbs is only going to make the divide in this country
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more stark. suburbs over time will become more like cities or the super rich the only thing that will drive down cost is a booming economy. more growth, less wasteful spending. less off-shoring of american manufacturing to countries in asia. at the beginning of 2020 mortgage interest rates were 3.72%. today they're around 7.56%. so doubling rates means first-time home buyers are forced into smaller homes or forced out of the market all together and, of course, liberals love that. well, for you not for them. they prefer that you live like mice in a maze or china style with high rises as far as the eye can see. remember, the rules that they want to impose on the rest of us never ever effect them. the obama's compound in martha's
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vineyard won't be affected by new zoning laws nor about the biden estate in wilmington. clintons are safe in chappaqua. and if the government doesn't deliver on housing, quell, some resentful miscreants are taking matters into their own hands by scwawghtsd in other people's homes. >> now a landlord is someone in possession of their property who they thought one person and actually turned out to be another. >> have a right to be in the house. >> do you not. you do not. according to my lease me and my girlfriend owns the house. i don't know what you need to take up with the police. whatever the case may be. >> i own the house. i own the house. >> laura: now, what a nightmare. and if the illegal aliens already field justified walking right into our country uninvited, why should would he be surprised if they settle into our homes, too? now, this video supposedly posted by illegal seems like something from the babylon bee. >> my people, i have thought
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about invading a house in the united states because i learned there's a law that says if a house is not inhabited, you can exprotestor it. exprot appropriateit. that will be my next business invade abandoned houses. because of the high interest rates and blue state covid lockdowns that so many businesses, foreclosures are up. and we note banks are essentially absentee landlords until they can offload these properties which makes foreclosed homes prime targets for squatters including the newcomers according to fox news digital. >> previously migration into the country you have a shortage of housing which is already a problem. now you have a huge influxion of people coming into the country with really nowhere to go. although they are giving temporary housing, it's not a permanent solution. so people are really looking for somewhere that they can possibly stay long term. >> laura: yeah, long term.
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welcome. although squatter story nothing new they are becoming far too common in biden's america. it's a sign of the times, where americans who work hard, americans who follow the rules are forced to pay for those who don't or just have their neighborhoods ruined all together. >> people will find a house that's for sale that's empty, they break into the house. and then they claim that they have rights to the house. and they stay there. they know that the new york policy is with landlord tenant court it will take 26 to 40 months to get them out. they will never be held criminally liable, they don't believe so. they come, in take the house and rent out rooms. >> laura: oftentimes the police get called. then they see a fake lease. the home's original locks and codes have been changed and squatters continue to live there rent-free while the matter is all tied up in court. in queens, a homeowner was
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actually arrested after changing the locks, forcibly evicting the squatters. his house evicting the squatters and he's the bad guy? but that's not like so much in liberal la la land because, look, no consequences for real criminal wrongdoing where phony charges of racism are just used as a battering ram. where everyone has to live with less, with more crime and less freedom again, this is all done in the name of equity. now, i know there are a lot of suburban women out there who think i got to vote for biden. they want to save abortion. but the biden plan to rezone the suburbs should send you running to trump. wake up, save the life you worked hard to create for yourself and your family. and that's the angle. >> laura: all right. coming up, what do democrats oliver twist have in common? more than you think. that's next. ♪
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>> mark: good evening. i'm mark meredith in washington with a look at tonight's top headline. millions of people under a severe thunderstorm watch in the northeast. over the weekend deadly tornadoes tore across the nation's heartland. the violent weather killed at least 22 people in texas, oklahoma, arkansas, and kentucky. tonight, the storm has moved east creating delays at new york area airports and putting people living all along the i-95 corridor at risk of damaging wind gusts, large hail and tornadoes. president biden marked memorial day by honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice after placing a wreath at the tomb of the unknown at arlington national cemetery. he delivered a somber speech. the president saying, quote: freedom has never been guaranteed and every generation has to earn it. that is look at our top stories at this hour. i'm mark meredith live in
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washington. now back to the ingraham. angle.♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: disappearing dreams. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> please, sir, i want some more. >> huh? >> laura: if democrats want their way for another four years you will all start feeling you will have less and be expected to be happy with it. less begging the government for scraps. more power and control in washington, less for you. and here is reality for young people today. >> you look at the average income 75 grand. how are you supposed to afford an average mortgage payment of $3,400. >> young people can't afford to buy homes. that's part of the american dream which unfortunately is now dead. >> laura: are there are consequence force run away spending and borrowing.
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we all have to just contend with this now. there is no way to defend this. but, yeah, they are going to try. you are going to start hearing things like who needs to own a home anyway? rent something so much easier anyway. houses just tie you down. you should just focus more on your work/life balance. send me a memo when we have retired that phrase. remember, feminists they have always believed that suburban life was repressive, even racist. but, this is all a lie or to use their lingo it's all just disinformation. it's used to cover for the failed liberal experiment young people see the american dream as out of reach. no wonder so many feel depressed and just stuck. >> do you just feel lied to, you felt if you went to college and got a degree you would be able to afford a house and things make you happy. still yet barely able to afford
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groceries or clothes or literally anything that makes you happy at all. >> laura: naturally with the high cost of living, more are staying with mom and dad longer. according to new survey by the harris poll for bloomberg, roughly 45% of people ages 18 to 29 # are living at home with the family. that's the highest figure since the 1940s. now, in the 1980s, we couldn't wait to bust out at home at 18. now many americans are simply managing their exceptions. now, we shouldn't be surprised this was their plan all along. ♪ >> laura: the gloveless know best. look how well they did by our kids during covid, after all. they offered no real solutions to curbing inflation or bringing down prices.
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instead, they will gearing up to tell us that really today's problem, they are just too complex to solve. once again, we're hearing the phrase the new normal. but it is not normal that, is a lie. it's a twisted bleak world they are creating and the establishment's handling of things is deeply unpopular new "wall street journal" shows most americans think things are getting worse not better. bidenomics was supposed to be making things better a new line from washington though will be that we have to unite as americans. it's simply will all be okay with less. now they are also going to redefine patriotism as well. now, remember, if you really care about protecting others, you needed to get the covid shot soon, if you really care about saving our country from climate
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change, you are going to ditch that gas powered suv, your gas stove, your gas water heater, et cetera. and if you don't, you're just a maga interesting to la indict. >> let's be clear that the automotive sector is moving toward e investments and we can't pretend otherwise. sometimes when debate happens early 2,000s and people think we can have landline phones forever. >> laura: what a dismissive jerk, okay? and i kept thinking i watched him and i thought wait a second, that was a road scholar cars and cell phones the same thing? okay, pete, go back to south bend. if you are a young voter, wake up before it's too late. you don't have to like everything about trump or everything he does or says. but one thing he will not do you
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will not turn the economy upside down and gut your freedoms and tell you get used to it. that's not the american way and that's the angle. >> laura: coming up, freedom depends on functioning legal system not one weaponized against legal opponents. my angle explains it, next. ♪
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>> laura: tyrants in training. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: is donald trump at risk of being america's first real political prisoner? i thought a lot about this over the weekend. now, with the unconscionable financial judgment in that new york civil fraud case, the fani willis debacle in georgia. the efforts to knock trump off state ballots and of course let's not forget jack smith's criminal prosecution, what else are trump supporters supposed to think? now erin now, there are various ways that despots cling to power. political opposition is eliminated through censorship of opposing views. intimidation of free thinkers through harassment. and also show trials, of course, and imprisonment of the opposition. that's all part of it. and then there is always the threat to family members and financial ruin. well, donald trump is facing all of that.
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now, how do we know this is all political? well, aside from new york's totally novel application of fraud statutes or fulton county's spurious claims that trump is running some kind of ricco enterprise, there is this obvious point. had trump just quietly retired from politics, none of us would have heard about latisha or fani or jack. russia and its biden era ally china, well they are pros, aren't they destroying dissent before this gets too powerful. brutally and efficient. russia crutches the pro-freedom protesters, imprisons navalny and announces his sudden death. anyone who challenges the ruling authority now knows the same fate can happen to them. by the same token. loyalists who prove themselves, you know, to be real followers of the movement, well, they get special privileges and accolades. ands that exactly what the
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leaders of the get trump crew are hoping. >> watching this, you could see, you know, fani willis was -- is standing on business with a witness. frankly today with the clinic in black woman hood. >> is he a fraudulent businessman and eventually those house of cards fall down. tish james was really smart. >> there were many winners today when the court of appeals opinion was issued. special prosecutor jack smith and his brilliant legal team. >> laura: communist dictators we know here with getting, right? we are getting tyranny. dissent is not tolerated period. of course all supposedly to protect the tranquility and entirsuperiority. weaponized against inconvenient forces. everyone knows the game. security forces, government lawrence, judges, they are not independent. they are all political hatchet men for the communist party. and since 2015 when trump
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announced his run for the presidency, official forces in washington have been unleashed on him. from the deep state, to the russia hoax, to the low life d.a. in manhattan, they call him pro-putin as they scramble to put him in jail, bankrupt him, and even come after his family. and, by the way, they brag about it. >> i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day suing him, defending your rights, and then going home. >> we will rise up together and we will resist this president. then ultimately we will bring him down! >> hey hey, ho ho, donald trump has got to go. >> laura: and friday she bragged about getting her political scalp claiming it was going to help the little guy. >> today, the court, once again, ruled in our favor and in favor of every hard-working american who plays by the rules.
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donald trump and the other defendants were ordered to pay $463.9 million. >> laura: this is not what america is supposed to be. this is soviet-style political persecution. trump's original a&e peel came appeal the americansystem runs e globalists had become rigid against the middle class. that's why he got so much publicity and that's why people flocked to him in 2015 and 2016. he focused on trade policy. sending too many jobs overseas. we had out-of-control permanent bureaucracy and of course millions of illegals were crossing the border and america hating radicals were taking over the schools. of course on all of that he was right. but, in their quest to not merely drive him from politics but to destroy him personally, they have damaged every
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institution that used to have prestige and respect. now, new york had the crown as the financial capital of the world. today what entrepreneur would take the risk in new york now? you get sideways with latisha or someone like her, and you could lose everything for no wrongdoing by the way. jonathan turley put it well saying the impact on new york business is likely to be dire. new york is already viewed as a hostile business environment with the top end of its tax base literally heading south as taxes and crime rises. this draconian award is only going to deepen concerns over the arbitrary application of the law. now, governor hochul, she knows this is going to backfire. but, of course, that's the price she is willing to pay. her political machine has told her to destroy trump. and she's going along with the plan. >> i think that this is really an extraordinarily unusual circumstance that the law abiding and rule-following new yorkers who are business people
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have nothing to worry about because they're very different than donald trump and his behavior. >> laura: weak, weak, weak. trump literally defrauded no one. and, look, since covid, many wealthy new yorkers they have left new york and taken their business with them. this is just another reason for all of them to bolt, and they will. now, governor hochul has proven that if you offend the wrong people, they will try to ruin you. it's not just the corruption in the court system, the fbi, the cia, the doj, the fec, the scc, the corporate press, even the military, all these institutions are supposed to exist for all of our benefits. politics should never come into play. but about half of the voting public now believes that those institutions, for the most part, are just tools of the dnc. if you don't play ball, or you are a disrupter, think, you
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know, elon musk or trump, and they will eventually make you pay big time. now, let's be clear. trump got 74 million votes in the last election? and those people contribute trillions every year to our g.d.p. were they all russian sympathizers all potential insurrectionists. a mega monster class? of course not. these are decent patriots who simply want the government to work for the american people. there are none so blind than those who refuse to see. and in their rabid zeal to stop trump, the establishment has not only sacrificed their reputations but the credibility of key american institutions. by laying waste to their own institutions, the establishment is settings itself up for a ladies and gentlemen loss. even if they finish off trump legally, politically, financially, they are going to be shocked to discover that for many, many years to come, their position will be significantly weaker because some voters and some leaders in other foreign
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country also no beyond any doubt that u.s. institutions have been weaponized for short-term political gain. people like biden, blinken, huff and puff about putin all they want. but to the rest of the world, they are going to look like hypocrites who will do whatever it takes to destroy their own political opponent. look, if they have their way, trump would rot in jail for the rest of his life. we all know that so when biden talks about democracy or freedom or following the constitution, that is just empty rhetoric. no more meaningful than the phrases we hear from dictators all over the world. we can only hope that the voters correct this situation and give us a government that truly respects the will of the people; otherwise, this notion that america stands for freedom and liberty will become harder and harder to take seriously. and that's the angle. >> laura: coming up, religious liberty, we hold it dear and sacred and we should and biden is coming after it. my angle calls them out. that's next. ♪ ♪
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>> egg on his face the focus of tonight single. meet the constituency the biting campaign is desperately trying to win back. [ chanting ] free palestine [ chanting ] >> laura: during the holiest time of the year for christians in new york, the faithful could not even enjoy the celebration of the resurrection. pro hamas protesters believe their cause trumps everything else. it was discussing at every level but where there is disrespect,
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is their sacrilege condemned by the white house a buyer president who calls himself a roman catholic? of course not because that would mean offending muslim voters or left-wing activists but the biting administration, they are fine offending even targeting christians. back in 2022 fbi continuing potential problems with traditional catholics and yesterday, abiding team celebrated trans- visibility day despite coinciding with easter. this began back in 2010 but they have fully embraced the day even plastering it over their social media accounts but biden confused himself proven good confusing others. >> want to send a message to the entire community including transgender children. you are loved.
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you are heard. you are understood. and you belong. >> laura: because kids today are not confused enough but the second point if you will commemorate godlessness, have some respect for christians and do so another day in the left already celebrates godlessness 24/7 anyway so when internationally designated day is frankly redundant. >> today of all days i stand proud and visible with my fellow transgender americans and happy transgender day visibility. >> laura: the white house it is best to brush off the easter uproar, christians get the message loud and clear but they already know if they live their faith openly or frankly if they ever posted anything about biblical teachings on human sexuality, in this administration they would be
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considered bigots or even potential domestic terrorist. everyone know there's no room in the biden administration at any level for traditional christians who believe the bible is actually the word of god but there is room for others. >> we will fight and win wars with rain power and if those brains happy to be in a trance body or any other body, you should want them serving alongside you. >> diversity is so important in our culture and for our country in the world's so we really need to welcome diversity and actually celebrate diversity. >> laura: that might have been a little too much rachel tonight. all diversity accept ideological or intellectual, that they don't like any of that. the biden team the democrats the
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media they believe and they mandate total conformity and submission and if you question them at all, you are now cast and you might be a racist or misogynist and the only way you can be a christian and not be of big it is to be a cafeteria catholic or spiritually religious. it so bad for biden the federally liberal washington cardinal could not fight his own dismay -- cannot hide. >> i would say he's very sincere about his face and other catholics he picks and chooses the mentions of a faith to highlight while exhorting or contradicting other parts there is a phrase that a cafeteria catholic that you choose and
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dismiss that which is challenging. >> laura: i love that. but does biden even care? item no but think goodness for all the controversy swirling that the intrepid al rocher in his barometric pressure was at the white house to ask about the upset that biden has calls among christians. >> how is easter for you guys? >> expended out at camp david in the family is the beginning, middle and end and went to mass on saturday and easter egg hunt put plastic eggs. >> education so there's something for everyone here. >> laura: did she actually she egg education? if biden's verbal mumbles and symbols, those are one thing but willingness to offend christians
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and failure to speak out against what his fellow catholics had to put up with at st. patrick's, that speaks volumes. if prayers at a large mosque during a muslim holy day had been similarly disrupted and ruined with pro-israel protesters and christian protesters, i have a feeling he would've heard from the white house. number member their messaging is always political and now christians hear them and that's the angle. that's it for us tonight and thanks for watching the special edition of the angle and never forget those who fought and died defending our country and freedoms for our family and grandchildren and posterity and fly your flag proudly and remember your flag etiquette and remember it's america now and forever and jesse watters prime time starts now. [ ♪♪ ]


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