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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 27, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: before we go on this memorial day i want to honor all those brave men and women thanking their lives for our country, for your freedom. we thank you, we can never thank them enough. unfortunately that other and we have this evening. thank you for being with us and make initial possible. please let your dvrs we never ever missed an episode of. >> everyone: hannity." let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld is next, he will put its mark on your face. have a great night. >> ♪ ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ >> happy memorial day everyone. and, timpf, greg is off today doing whatever we think he does when he's off, i don't even ask anymore. we had a great show with some great that's over the past few months to donate let's watch some of our favorites. enjoy. >> greg: for more -- former president bill clinton has a memoir coming out this fall of his life after the white house -- says its pop up book music -- [laughter] in the report claimed that donald trump spotify playlist includes suspicious minds by elvis. hello by lionel richie. november rain by guns and roses. meanwhile president biden's playlist includes knocking on heavens door. [laughter] by bob dylan. according to our friend tiger woods is saying no to sex
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during preparation for the masters back no word yet if you'll be switching to blue balls. [laughter] but not having sex in order to prepare for the masters? apparently some people have been preparing for the masters for eight years. [laughter] >> greg: lila . new images at a healthcare event revealed visible markings from cpap machine on biden's face. his staff pointed this as proof that he's breathing. [laughter] on wednesday joe rogan called "w." a reviews infested had house. "w." responded by saying
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it's okay. you don't have to clap. thank you, tyrice. a proposed law in california would ban your boss from regularly contacting you after work hours. and at least two people hope this law comes to new york. [laughter] i just called you to tell you about my nightmares! >> in movies. >> greg: yes. rumors about -- once the prince harry's virginity. but this little debate about who took turns harry's balls. [laughter] the biden administration is spending $422,000 to treat diabetes with native american healing circles. any other american healing circle? so that's what we're calling blackjack tables? [laughter]
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>> i love that one. [cheering and applause] >> greg: today is national tell a lie they. the way, great job kat. >> wow. not nice. [laughter] >> greg: the president of botswana is threatening germany over a conservation this -- dispute by sending over 20,000 elephants. the u.s. is showing their support and willing to send over five of their own. [laughter] [applause] >> greg: let's get started. diversity, equity and inclusion, never in the field of human and the river has so few words done so much harm to so many. it's almost as bad as brian kelln made here. [laughter] but the ei has done it again. know the seattle public school system is feeling out is highly capable cohort schools designed for gifted
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students who can skip the lessons designed for other kids their age. you know,, nerds. because when you thought seattle could not get any number it does something literally to do just that. and can you guess why? that's right. because it's racist. you see these programs up to the students from the bad races, last year over 50% of the advanced students were white. sixty% asian, three-point 4% black. they just were not enough black and latino, indigenous alaskan -- alaskan? and pacific islander stud students. i guess we can say goodbye to the nba real soon, right? what's that? oh, we don't use that type of insane reasoning when it supports? what a strange demarcation. people say don't do that with basketball but let's do it was less important stuff, you know, like education. so the schools got canceled like it was hosted by don lemon.
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tran 19 and why? because it's not about how smart -- is not about what's up here and it's about what is on here. it's about what these kids look like when they're in a classroom together. it's about embarrassing their teachers and administrators just by being themselves. i don't know why that sounds pretty racist to me. so now instead of putting the brainiacs in their own class with their own teacher and curriculum at all those brats are being together and the teachers are expected to come up with different lesson plans for different level. okay kids. today's work of larry word is "mediocrity." has anyone here knows what that means? mediocrity is what happens when the people who run our country force at all to lower our standards so the elites can pat themselves on the back for their atrocious beliefs. and that is what it's about. the continuing destruction caused by luxury beliefs which are bad ideas that
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still status on the elites who hold them while inflicting pain on everyone else who must and do them. you see it with climate activism at criminal justice, and now education. and in lighten aggressive already has her college degrees their houses and two electric car so they are immune from their own destruction. but got help -- got help your kids. influence the smart kids will be reading about gutfeld monologs. well in the same classroom, this local -- kids will be reading "get it together," by jesse watters. [applause] the kids who are already reading shakespeare are stuck in the same room with the kids still eating burgers and paste. in my case it was both. glue tastes great. but now i get to it -- eat the whole horse. [laughter] but today, helping kids of all races advice of their own
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pace is not considered inequitable and high smuggling highly intelligent children back is now -- and that includes black kids. in fact, those who complain about shutting down these schools included black parents. and guess what the school board vp reportedly told th them? they were being token eyes by the white parents. she was probably in the slow blast which is once again is my numbingly racist but to the elites it's as if black parents don't have minds of their own. asked if they do have the same hopes and concerns about their children and everybody else. to one day be like me, you know, rich enough to own a helicopter that can drop for the parties into ryan told me's swimming pool. [laughter] not only are some of us monitors kids in school being punished for what they look like but for the smart kids. these d.e.i. plastics claim
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to be helping. call me old-fashioned but the only reason kids should be punished for what they look like it's in their chubby. [laughter] the smartest kid might be black but now he has to sit next to the dumbest kid in school might be white or asian. well probably not asian. [laughter] when i was a kid and we had a test coming up everybody wanted to sit next to the asian kid. is the only reason george took a had friends. [laughter] but sadly like it or not these kids are learning what modern america is all about. is not about living up to your potential as an individual, it's about what you look like as part of the herd. you part of the group, you have no control. which is why i quit menudo. [laughter] and, of course, anybody who there is to question this is racist and that includes black parents who realize their gifted children are being punished. and their exactly right. finally, something every race
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can agree on. which is why the idiots who make the rules won't let us. [applause] let's welcome tonight's gas! she's on the -- "'05," but you definitely attend. because of the five -- nina marita [cheering and applause] >> greg: he's frightened by unfamiliar sounds like applause. after, writer and comedian jamie lizzo. [cheering and applause] she is a vibrant vixen with a voice deeper than nixon. new york times best selling author, fox news contributor, kat timpf. [cheering and applause] his immense, intense and won't sit on the fence, new york times best selling author and comedian and former nwa will champion, tires [cheering and applause] >> greg: danny, you know what killed me about this
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whole thing came i would rather kill the program that admit their policies to work. >> israel -- word because just this morning with a story on america's newsroom about how harvard is starting to reject the d.e.i. programs and there's a professor who wrote a piece that said, "look at the applicant the number of africans from the -- continues to go down by thousands because people don't want to go there anymore because it's become insane. in corporate america also is starting to walk away from d.e.i. so it's weird that elementary schools and junior highs of seattle can't figure this out that is a terrible thing. and every person has something special that they can do. >> greg: yes. >> and i mean, i know what yours is. >> greg: oh, i know. added some films on it back in the eighties in germany. >> interesting. those were a little bit weird. >> greg: i'm very flexible. >> if a kid is not in the gifted program and are upset which they may not be upset, you don't know who was upset -- you know the exact? the mom because her kids and
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get and so she had to make it back for everybody. -- which they need is school choice because his parents are trapped in a situation -- >> greg: terrorist i have to go to you next because you have children and their are very different -- you know. >> genetics. >> greg: yes. does this bother you? this must bother you. >> know because one of my kids are homeschooled for this reason. but as a former teacher, sometimes it can be a benefit to have a gifted kid sitting with kids that are behind because sometimes they will help them catch up in a happens next never. what usually happens is you get the gifted kid to sit next to the other kids and he starts imitating their behavior. >> greg: right. >> and so -- and then the ones that don't get picked on because if you has the shakespeare book and i have the scratch and sniff pop art books, i'm going to go out of
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my way to tease him to make myself feel better their metro everybody who has the regular books are going to go after him and it doesn't stop in the classroom, estate on social media, is going to -- out with the -- in the recess or -- maybe they don't have reasons anymore very minor problem is is that we just need to call it what it is. every time you argue with them -- i don't like this well is because you're racist or sexist or whatever. which means -- and that's what they've done all alone. the labels card solos were all saying the common sense and were all arguing about it so they can freely be racist out in the open and -- is that polite racism. hey, black families we're -- you're not good at making decisions so we're going to make it for you because you're black so don't worry about reading or writing i will get through to you -- there just laying up and it's just a layer. its racism, in broad daylight but arisen -- every time i disagree with jamie and if he
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is losing argument he'll say you always premises tyrus and i'll be like, well, the argument is over. meanwhile the real ones are acting in broad daylight. >> greg: you know, jamie your children are gifted in that you're finally out of their lives. [laughter] '. >> greg: or the upload -- uploaded that. >> the crowd goes wild before they uploaded that testing in this -- i just directed at you. >> for the lost children, funny. if that's the biggest response i got all night, i'm going to be very upset. [laughter] i have three children so this hits home. what the teacher sent me to the -- she goes will knock you have a favorite kid?" which is such a bizarre question. but as a parent you know that smartcards will tell you all have a -- others tell you, is my neighbors kid. [laughter] >> i am one of these -- i'm on -- i really was in school.
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had trouble in school and i don't think it's good to try to keep everyone together. i was more of, like, instead of no child left behind i was, like, don't wake up. [laughter] like, it's frustrating. for real demek the -- it would take another place and we would learn to use -- honestly, we would smoke i did better in college. i think i put things smarter in college, i would schedule all my classes really early in the morning in this way when i woke up at noon i was done for the day. [laughter] >> greg: i bet you still have nightmares over college about you missing classes. >> i do. and, like, but there are -- we need people that, like, deliver pizzas and -- clean pools. by the way of not throwing shade, these are jobs that i have had, i'm not saying its a menial job. notice there is no coincidence that i did choose jobs that -- the guy that gets laid in porno jobs. [laughter] >> greg: houthis, i would
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guess that your -- houthis i would get >> greg: you are precocious. >> i was also in trouble a lot though too. but this thing blows my mind especially -- i don't know about especially but definitely, what the school is saying they're going to do instead, they're assuring parents and saying they're going to have an individual lesson plan for each individual student. which sounds awesome. i will be way better. but it also says there will necessarily be any more teachers in the class. >> greg: exactly. >> there will be a curriculum about how to go about this, -- -- alistair macgregor limits how you -- to corn yourself into times -- i don't understand how they can get away with saying that -- i know we did dolly the sheep or whatever but this seems a lot more advanced. and i don't know how that was not pushed more okay okay what are you really going to
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do? because based on how time works, you are not going to do that. through the are going to because you're not going to be a challenge and other kids are not getting the attention that they need. it's almost as if they belong in separate classes. >> greg: it's crazy and, of course, it was an awful white lady behind this that -- affluent, white liberal. exactly and just so smart. before we go, quick reminder, my favorite kind, you can come see me on tour this summer. i'm in red bank, new jersey, fort lauderdale, -- go to g. gutfeld account for tickets. up derek cease study's conclusion about gender confusion nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as seven days. now i can help again feel the difference with nervive.
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we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilter's patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. you know, that's peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? call 833 leaffilter today to schedule your free inspection. or visit
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>> ♪ ♪ >> greg: thank you. gen z something is required
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to show up when your higher. you may have heard of ghosting in behavior typically associated with dating worry about me stop communicating with someone without explanation. of course, some people experiencing -- expands ghosting more than others. [laughter] the practice is common among gen z another started doing it with employers. in new survey found 93% of gen z admitted to skipping up on interviews and 87% said that you accepted a job offer only do not show up for their first day of work. it should be noted this study is from the uk so none of the jobs were for dentists. [laughter] deep shot. the kids -- chip shot! the kids claim billing help them keep control over their careers. no surprise or flights of fancy have left businesses trailing by a people plus without a doctor's item down they can spend there days doing what they do best end nothing.
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which raises an interesting question. how do you have a career if you constantly blow off job interviews? maybe is actually kind of smart. after all we prefer to someone who didn't actually want the job not show up all? if you're about to be happy that you just dodged a bullet. a personal blows of the first day of work probably isn't someone you want working for you. so they could probably did you are huge favor and is the kids lost when you think about it demek i mean he ends up missing the first day of orientation. that's when my staff learns about their benefits. [laughter] when i model ropes. [laughter] yeah. yeah. charlie, are you gen z. >> i'm not gen z, i'm a millennial. >> greg: oh. >> there you go before you know what's funny? the leader says you can prevent ghosting with a higher salary. >> i see that. i think a job before -- >> i kind of works the board. >> greg: exactly. do you think this is unique to gen z ".
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>> i do what is actually burst ridiculous identified myself as a millennial. i recall being ghosted by similar jobs i applied for when i graduated. i remember applying for a job as a reporter in idaho falls idaho. there's only two reporters in whole area. and i was in fox cbs and abc all will into one they never got back to me demek i thought i had a great interviews i was a bit astonished when i look at the pathogens that is heading down now i think about okay the ease about our family go to college, they can fail college classes and have it white of the transcript in some cases and future employers will never know. they can probably get a student loan that wiped out by joe biden. and then the graduate only to blow off the employers who are trying to give them a golden opportunity. so i imagine if they're treating potential employers like this would probably peter significant others like? i just want everyone here please hold me accountable even among disparate. never let me did a younger man, please.
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[laughter] >> greg: i feel the same way. [laughter] >> i don't know. i'm on the fence. [laughter] >> update what i i can get at this point. >> greg: kat on the other hand, it's not like you all these people anything, right? these boxes can fire your any moment. >> i don't think it is easy gen z either. the lip injections alone... [laughter] more time and pain and i'm willing to put in, clearly. i also just -- i think it's -- they just missed the part of the job that's good is the part where you get paid. you know, i don't know why you put in an effort to allocate go in to a job interview, put yourself threw that do not get -- even conmen can they go see you after they have your money. >> greg: right. >> but that's an important part of it. [laughter] but what did you get. you -- are you just addicted
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to the thrill of a scam. i think people understand what a career is. a career has to be something we have two make money and millennial's actually -- to -- ghosting would were in their career which is acting as a millennial i can relate to. is a lot of anxiety okay i always worry every time -- if i don't say something that i should have sent something and if i that it was wrong. which is weird that i thought for a living. >> greg: that is true. you don't have a problem here that's for sure. yeah, you know, maybe they are addicted to job interviews. you get free coffee and water, people are nice to you. >> already being nice about this? it's not even a generation thing. i'm asked and we've got a ton of moran's -- i'm x and we have a ton of mars in our group too. to them we have to call in-laws. you know the one who always has that get-rich-quick scheme and -- he just need your money to unlock it. at least have the decency to be a nigerian prince. [laughter]
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the problem is for this younger group and i watched this go down this weekend with mike it. everybody thinks their fam famous. so -- and i want to explain it -- you decided you want a job. you got out, before 3:00 pm, did some form of grooming. over to the job interview which you stayed up all night practicing your lines -- lies about how you are not lower than c. grade student in college and you had a really cool career in influence in getting ready to start with your working on. you went to the interview and they were dumb enough to give you a job. you went home. you bragged about it. you were doing your thing. and then you... [laughter] and then you... i think i just killed one of my kids.
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and then you -- where was i.? and then you wait for your first day to go on your ticket -- tiktok or facebook and say -- ghosted adopted the burn. for four people to the -- to tell you "you're so brave. you're such a badass." because apparently -- hold on, because when i was coming up, we had the 20 things called -- and keeping the light bill on because generation x parents answer when you ask them for money was usually what i just did to my phone. click. >> greg: andrew did this ever happen in the restaurant business will -- he has to because -- okay they're very promiscuous with their careers. >> and with their time. the thing is is that this happens everything they. we've got job postings -- and every single day we get ghosted. when we started to do is currently a doctor's office policy where we think your credit card before the interview and if you don't show up for the interview we
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charge you $100. are still have gone up 600% weekly. but to get into some of the psychology behind this the reason these people -- because -- somebody ghosted for a job interview -- i reach out to them, like, you go to the first interview. the actually respect him and said no, it social anxiety i started rubbing their eyes are panicking in a northern track with somebody i'm like you want me to call your bluff? come and we have -- they've now been working for us for two years and it really did have social anxiety because anxiety because everyone is on their phones these days and i how to interact with people. >> greg: naprosyn with morgan freeman. [laughter] >> and then an interviewer. >> greg: yes. [laughter] >> why morgan freeman? 's. >> greg: i don't know i just said that name. >> i can't wait for black history month to be over [laughter] >> greg: coming up, -- the screaming age. [applause] shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends.
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[cheering and applause] >> greg: thank you. in your brain now mosque's domain? elon musk and is an x that his company neuralink has implanted a computer in to the brain of his first human test subject. so we know it's not adam schiff. [laughter] musk says the patient is recovering well and initial results show promising neurons spike detection. which is medical speak for the patient got a boner. [laughter] i'm kidding. the brain check, which has 1000 electrodes, allows people to wirelessly perform computer functions by just thinking of what they would like to do via think and click -- according to company execs the long-term goal is to make the check available to billions of people and unlock human potential and go
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beyond biological capabilities. great. noggin fire people from my mind. [laughter] [applause] >> so we can murder someone with our mind. [laughter] >> greg: but in the short-term the hope it will help people with debilitating neurological disorders. meaning when trials are done in six years folks with head injuries or dementia can benefit from that ship. oh while you just let me die says one man? [laughter] kat, what you make of this? is in this exciting? isn't elon musk amazing? every part of life he is targeting to make it better energy, space, technology, health. i'm leaving something out. >> it's exciting for people who want this and honestly
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people who are in situations where this iteration may be an official -- we're going to end of unfortunately is that we won't have a choice in whether or not -- because so many people will have that and people without them will be able to compete in terms of opportunities kind of like now if he didn't want -- even want a cell phone and basically it's like okay then live in the woods until your own food you've got no other option. you can't be a functioning member of society and more. i don't want -- i mean that one of things people -- number of secrets my phone is full of secretly everybody is that the more people who know, like, -- they can see your mind okay this is the one place i have where i can do whatever i want. >> greg: yes. >> don't take that away from me. >> greg: we want. not yet anyway. she's kind of thinking a good point. >> she is 1000% right and it will take a step further. human -- you will literally -- everything you think is the worst isn't yours anymore. you're sitting at your home and think about leaving, -- next thing you know she's
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okay, hey, -- put your thoughts up on the screen. i don't want to -- and then boom and all the algorithms on your phone and stop someone says -- looking at the wrong thing and goes across your mind. you don't want all that. is the scariest thing everyone in the world's life will be one because it won't be -- catching your phone is one thing but literally you're falling asleep in the link i thing up to your ear and put their mind set and the morals into you and will just be big man slaves. it's horrible. >> greg: kennedy, is this going to advantage woman tyrus says, that you will now be able to see what were thinking? >> yes. i'm going to be -- going to have an army of nubile men fulfilling my everywhere him doing my billing. -- wasps central smart centre cannot of my nose and put other things up in places we
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can talk about but don't think about and don't have to do with the. as we think this is great. have always been a big fan of right to try and resume tragic stories about people who died because they weren't able to get treatments and drugs, they might have saved their lives, they might have -- and the government has always stood in the way. so if you have -- paraplegic who is under 40 who can't feel and who can't live and this may give them some semblance of a normal life then they at least have the right to be a part of the study. >> greg: it's interesting because it does -- this is all kind of related. if you take something okay okay steroids were invented for an illness but then were used as performance enhancement drugs, entities talking about this is made for people with quadriplegic issues and whatnot. but it will be used as a performance enhancer or a mental enhancer. that person will be able to go on jeopardy and win without even trying. >> it won't stop there and i'll tell you, the last i need is another implant. [laughter]
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>> i think tyrus makes a good point that there is no way to put this in your brain and they just leave you alone. guess what's going to happen if they put in there and then you start to get the adds let you go for -- before neuralink premium permit because otherwise you're minding your own business and suddenly your, like, plaque psoriasis. that looks like beans and lagers for. never thought about black psoriasis before. so i say leave this alone -- an elevator close button. we don't need any more new inventions. >> we all need to stop this. you know what will happen when someone mentally texas you? hey, i know you're there. i'm in your brain. answer me. you can't just turn the phone on silent and said in a get the call. now -- are you mad at me, are you mad at me are you mad at me why are you not talking to me?
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i'm going to be digging at my skull pulling the implant o off. [laughter] from the #1 rated brand in cordless outdoor power, the ego zero-turn riding mower with e-steer technology. drives like a car, turns on a dime. and it cuts up to 2.5 acres on a single charge. exclusively lowes, ace, and ego authorized dealers. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? it's more magic than ever. with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and watch how sprays can leave grime like that
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the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. >> announcer: story in five words. [applause] >> ♪ ♪ >> greg: five words. witness who wasted to tes testify. >> oh. perhaps mortar or something? ain't telling you -- >> greg: that was honest. tyrus della -- with us for the prosecution in a criminal trial involving rubber young folk. were all -- were old friends. and was trying to --
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back in 2013 but he's frequently been forgetful and unreliable understand. do you think the sort's strategy? >> yeah. or he was maybe trying to cope. listen, if we run tape again it sounds like me win is the thursday and friday nights in my house. areas around 9:00 at dash -- that you want to watch a movie, i kill it -- really can't right number -- i don't know. he's honest. is probably the best way -- best time to question him. i think everyone should be high understand. took up and go give some justice and probably they will solve the mystery of the murder while their high. >> greg: he probably knows who killed jfk. >> in seven minutes. everybody talks up here will solve something to the end of the day.
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the problem is we won't remember it. that's the thing. but we will solve world hunger, well sold we won't tell anyone. >> greg: and we'll eat everything. kat does tyrus have a point that may be being an honest think you'll be under the influence? >> no... i think that it can make you think that your thinking the best. like, i think we would all leave here thinking we had a great -- have ten business ideas and we wake up and be like how do i tell the person that i'm not going to do th that. [laughter] one person gets it. out of. rpg your honesty. this has to be a plan, right? because that is a really high person. that can't be in accidents. that can't get a feel like if you want to go in and be a good witness might want to just wait to -- or maybe get a medium-high. don't get back high. less than --
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that that is the story. how do rumors that? the microphone is wearing a mask! >> greg: there's a lot of mass suffering from low covid, jesse. >> or micro covid. by the way we know who killed jfk. >> greg: who? >> it was a cia. >> greg: that's true. thank you, tucker carlson. [laughter]
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>> in that case... [laughter] >> greg: but he's right. he is right. do you think maybe he was just sleepy from reading your book? [laughter] >> i'm glad you mentioned the book, greg. is called "get together, troubling tales from the liberal range your quotes before they go. joey -- mdma but i don't think that was mdma. >> no. mdma is -- md -- go on a spirit walk. there was not a spirit well. here's the deal calculated on the point at. number 1 this shows how weak our generation is. is absolutely weak because if it were al capone on trial in a witness that they were going to testify against him they want to just show up -- i'm too high to tell the truth. to just be dead. they would have cinderblock for feet. but, you know, this new generation the gist going to get you high and send you in
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there to turn your back! the other thing is this mack fulton county, georgia. i'm pretty sure -- talking about all kinds of [bleep]. as a georgian i just want to apologize to america. this is what you're -- we're presenting to you in a couple of weeks in a row is a corrupt da talking about our sex life -- and now we've got a guy that's too hard to tell on themselves. there's been nothing good in fulton county since -- knocking bombs out of there. >> greg: that's true. it will be hard to defend yourself in court when your name is young blog. is a fine upstanding citizen, young dog. all right. coming up, a well-deserved plug for a man who wears a rug. [cheering and applause]
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>> ♪ ♪ >> announcer: five more words. >> ♪ ♪ >> greg: science, more cycles are woman. kat, of british researchers as the number of female psychopaths can be greater than previously thought because they're more subtle than men and their psycho behavior is less obvious. do you agree? >> yes, but this doesn't describe me because it says if you want to have control over others and is becoming control over myself. >> greg: all right.
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what about you you know a lot of female psychopaths? >> sure. there all my best friends. [laughter] i think it's turning -- this psychologist -- date that there were ten times, you know, can mend everyone psychopathic woman i think maybe it's 50/50. have you not know any mean girls in high school? mean girls in high school were some dumb guys on the playground punching each other out? >> hey! >> who has a lasting psychological trauma and damage then mean girls? before it is true and i think our culture tyrus encourages female psychology -- psychopathic meanwhile as male skull or not but in females it's okay. >> everyone: you go, girl." >> what? >> yeah. g. another guy says you go girl. great. awesome.
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listen, llc is this you have to give woman a break on this. is not their fault. are going to social media you have, like, 65% of men are transitioning to women or something like that. is still the numbers. all these crazy ass man transitioning over to women and they say i'm crazy because they go on social media and they look crazy and what is a woman? anyone can be one so the poor woman unlike -- and while you love me enough and do it -- it and make you mad? which is fine. were genetically designed to go back right -- back checking there and dreaming of other places while you talk. were designed for that. [laughter] >> greg: is 233 because miller, criminal -- when the reporting on criminals, they do see women when it's men and a bang as women risks skews all know the crime stats. you had to deal with psychopaths in your line of
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work. >> i still do. did my own research -- look i'm married to a woman, the chris west and l ever know. of my employees are women from -- for all your information, investigative intelligence needs. and my daughter, great girl, she's a woman also. not a will -- single one of them are psychopaths. >> greg: you didn't mention your first wife. >> who? [laughter] good night. drive safe. >> greg: i'm kidding. i shouldn't have said that. >> what you did. [laughter] >> greg: don't go away, will be right. ny said that! with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies
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>> thank you for joining us, we're back tomorrow night. on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you and america. [ ♪♪ ]


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