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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  May 27, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> thank you for joining us, we're back tomorrow night. on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you and america. [ ♪♪ ]llia
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>> good evening from washingtone four cent-mac type mac o international outrage after israel admits dozens of civilians were killed in an airstrike in rafah.fa plusll we take you to a remote jungle in columbia for our whatever happens segment on pablo escobar's infamous cocaine hippos. bu digt a bear with a memorial y special, dipping into efforts to solve some of america's mysteries. locating and inviting servicemembers who remain missing in action. we begin first with a democracy 24 report,da president biden spo his day honoring servicemembers who died in the line of duty, tonight we are learning he'siden planning to break his silence on former president trumps colonel trier, closing arguments in manhattan begin tomorrow.s overth the weekend, robert f. c kennedy junior addressed the libertarian party's convention
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hoping for a chance to swaydo third-party right notaw we have the details from the north lawn it tonight, hello peter soo and gooder evening, even to the president biden's remarks were solemn, the cap with the theme for what hey thinks it will help him when it reelections, suggesting he is the only candidate on the side of democracy. >> president biden: every generation has t o earn it, fight for it. >> of this weekend i was a point made by another kennedy urgent democratic us not to vote for rfk junior. >> we have to go out and votes for joe biden and vote for democracy over autocracy. >> to those buzzwords in the prompter today. >> president biden: in the a power over democracy and a talker see, the rights of many. >> reporter: biden on making a play for libertarian votes but kennedy and donald trump are with eight noisy libertarian
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convention. >> president biden: what is the reasoniden jillian: of taking a chance to have this horrible president is for our country which he will do in far less in four years, itut won'sit take four >> reporter: campaign statements have been mostly outside of courtrooms with closing arguments set to begin tomorrow, the former president's attorneys believe the instructions from the judgero won't be fair. >> i have zero confidence that this person sitting on the bench will do the right thing and give the jury instructions and an appropriate manner without anyer persuasion towards the prosecution. >> reporter: guilty or not expect president biden to speak extensively about the verdict for the first time you met political reports, the message will be different with specific rulings and the fundamentalro point willce remain the same. at the legal system workedne and the process should be respected. that twot bi men will debate ind
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than one month, the zhugin president biden struggled to find a line that landed with ans crowd of cadets at west point. e >> president biden: never forget it mikepowe is not only strong as when we led by example of our power but by the power of our example. you can clap for that. >> reporter: president biden a surprise unannounced stop at delaware last night, she is bow biden's widow and hundred biden's ex-girlfriend who was also said to testify in hundred biden's gun trial in delivery that begins next week. white house officials say thisy. presidential visit to the house had nothing to do with that testimony, is eight has to do with the upcoming ninth anniversary of bo biden's o passing. >> jillian: peter on the north lawn, thank you. [ ♪♪ ] u is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says tonight
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"a tragic mistake has been made". the israeli strikes targetinga toward ate hamas leaders in rafn set a fire to attend camp there that was housing displaced palestinians and killed dozensnn of people including women and children. our correspondent has a details tonight from tel aviv. >> reporter: at civilian car slowly through the streets of rafah, is a makeshift hurst for the bodies of palestinia civilians. >> what humanity is ischemic where is the world, where is th, nation. >> reporter: overnight israel launched airstrikes againsty rafah, targeting toward why senior hamas militants. in the process theyi reportedly killed dozensmi of civilians sheltering in tents. these early military facing international condemnation has opened a rare probe into the incident. >> at the details of yesterday'h incident are still under an investigation. which we are committed texteo conducting to the furthest extent, any harm to noncombatants during this war. >> dana: rep mike the unitedt wi
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states weighing in car callingai on associate use restrained with the biden admin stations national skewed counsel saying in a statement "the devastatinga images following an idea of strike in rafah last night thatn he killed dozens of innocent palestinians are heartbreaking amid clear disagreements between president biden and israeli n prime minister benjamin netanyahu about how thetoeel procedure with the war in gaza.i they israelide leaders saying ts about the incident >> our outermost effortsat do nt harm noncombatants last night,a there was a tragic failure. >> mr. trump: as a war in gaza approaches the eight-monthe se market, and drug negotiations between israel and hamas are set to resume this week. in tel aviv for us tonight, thank you. [ ♪♪ ]bo u.s. lawmakers visiting taiwan to boost the islandsiw andeterrence against china but n
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providing taiwan's governmentt with allco the weapons it needs the visit comes days after beijing sounded -- surroundedt r taiwan during massive military exercises. sver senior correspondent haat s that story. >> mr. trump: days after theinva chinese wintery staged a massiva a mock invasion of taiwan, a bipartisan congressional delegation visited the islandori despite beijing's opposition, with the committee with position to the -- claiming to one is its own. >> we need to do everything we can to make it possible for him to see the risk outweighs the , the risk is too high. >> reporter: it was the first u.s. visit to watson's the last nag ration of the president, i think will for the support, a-g new billov encoding aid for the solve governed island was passed by congress. >> everybody here is an important force and friendship with taiwan, to help taiwan strengthen its self defense
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capabilities. >> reporter: beijing not only conducting wargames and hunting fighter jets, and live missiles but also political attacks in the u.s., singh actions like the congressional visit defies washington's one in china policy. >> china is firmly opposed to this and will take measures to safeguard territorial integrity. >> reporter: washington is bound to provide taiwan with a means to defend its of and the biden administration remains ambiguous if troops would be dispatched of china attacks, another message from lawmakers today, weber winces years presidential race will have taiwan's back. >> the united states is fully and completely committed to deterrence to supporting taiwan militarily, diplomatically and economically. >> reporter: that commitment perhaps a very good thing, is in the past 24 hours, 21 chinese military aircraft's and 11 ships have been spotted operating near taiwan. dangerous waters.
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>> jillian: in london of rest, and q. the un nuclear watchdog said a line has once again increased its top priority, uranium enriched weapons levels, confidential report reviewed by the associated press reveals iran has more than 300 pounds now of uranium enriched up to 6. it is a major increase of just over 45 pounds since last report which came in february. uranium enriched at 60 percent purity is that technical stuff away from a nuclear weapons grade levels. also today, iran's acting president addressed the country's new parliaments, it was first public speech since last week's tillich -- helicopter crash that killed his predecessor and seven other officials, and one will hold president election june 28th. of fox weather alert, tornadoes with thunderstorms at swap with us as airplanes in the ozark mountains have killed at
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least 21 people across five estates, buildings are flattened, people without power, and forecasters worn out there more severe weather is on the way. blogs weather correspondent matthew gordon is in texas tonight, hello. >> reporter: hello, dozens people shot that makes shelter behind me, even though the walls collapsed everybody made it out alive. we're there were fatalities in this community, seven people confirmed dead, more than 100 injured. this tornado that debt leads to hit texas since 2015, among the data 2-year-old and 5-year-old. the tornado hit northern texas late saturday night chain through and her report, destroying more than 200 homes and damaging 120 others. the government much support for storm victims and praise texans were coming teach others aid. >> take a moment of time tonight to say prayer for everybody who was in harm's way. they need your prayers. they need your support. and god willing good, we will
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help them rebuild their lives as quickly as possible. >> reporter: president biden spoke to governor abbott of oklahoma and arkansas, expressing his condolences for the lives lost. between friday and sunday they were 38 confirmed tornadoes that touched down across ten states, along with the victims of north texas total people died after an ef three tornado hit northeastern oklahoma, eight storm related deaths reported in arkansas and four in kentucky. the storm caused a delay of the indy 500 after lighting was detected in the area, officials paused preraised activities and fans had to live with the grandstands and snake bit. fans were allowed to return a few hours later and the rays got underway. these forms of nongovernment hour to hundreds of thousands across the heartland, meanwhile more severe weather is expected come with getting cleanup efforts. >> jillian: ! is gordon in, thank you. coming up next, we have the presidential race and tomorrow's
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closing arguments from former president trumps criminal choppermac first is what our fox affiliates around the country covering tonight. fox 25 at a boston, i suspect that to be arranged tomorrow. and will double charges including assault would be -- with the intent to murder after six people were stabbed and severed a tags encoding four girls at a movie theater. the 26 euros suspect was arrested saturday neighed after police pursuit. and this, doubly as dan and miami, boxing legend mike tyson suffers a medical scare on a flight to la be! hastens reps told the new york post that he was dizzy and nauseous due to an ulcer flare up. this incident comes ahead of the 57-year-old's fight with a youtube or turned boxer jake paul slated for july 20th. alive look from fox 11, one of the big stories, free guys for active military veterans, is memorial day. first 100 people who showed a
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valid military id got a free philip, alive look is out of the beltway, the special report, we will be right back. [ ♪♪ ] smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks
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>> we believe that property rights are fundamental to a free society and that joe biden's rampant inflation is a monstrous theft from the american people. >> president biden: we have focused on the growing the economy, our growing economy, growing in from the bottom up, and when that happens everybody, it will knock the top down. >> jillian: it's talk about of the presidential election, biden's economy with our fox news chief political analyst, thank you for being with us. the statistics reporting that inflation is at 19.4 percent overall since joe biden came into office, is coupled with higher than usual gas prices everybody is feeling this holiday weekend trip away reports average today is $3.59, versus a year ago $3.57, we then have that tie in it to the political season, with reuters
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reporting political independence are now drifting closer to republicans, a review of the economy. seems to be a -- sort of perfect come in a show not great stuff of the economy for president biden. >> it is definitely that way, it is proven how hard inflation, after all we have job growth and economic growth, stock market is doing while broadly speaking. people think fully of the economy because of the inflation numbers you've just cited. the thing about inflation, it affects everybody, a lot of people cannot afford it and are feeling terribly pressured, even people who can afford it cannot -- do not like it. it is a terrible way on people feeling about the economy. luck, it wasn't so long ago that there was basically no inflation and people remember that. i think it will be all too hard for the biden campaign and the president to shake the burden this has placed on them because
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they -- and then along comes don trump and he can point to the period of almost no inflation that was the case during his administration. it is a very big advantage for him. >> jillian: on the other side before president trump, the brief respite the last few days from the criminal proceedings in manhattan, they are picking up again tomorrow. we had arena hobble on yest yesterday, the team is concerned about the jury that -- how the jury will respond once they receive instructions from the judge, take a listen. >> mr. trump: i've being indicted by the government on 91 different things, unlike joe biden, i don't throw people in jail for disagreeing with me. i don't do that. >> he held the jurors for five weeks, we've being sitting here, we saw no facts in the last resort for the prosecution will
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be this a judge with political motivations going to give them instructions on how to decide the fate of a former president and the future president of the united states to three the do you by that? >> well, i'm not going to the judge's motives, our know what the judge's motives aren't. out of than it can be argued that he has been held from the prosecution. whether the jury is instructed in this rather complicated novel case, will be important. that is the next up we are waiting for, him to instruct the jurors on the matters of the law. legal experts by the dozens have come out and said this case is built on the house of cards in terms of the legal issues involved and it's very calm catered and tenuous, at least i think it is a in -- in danger of collapsing. the lawyers on the jury may be of some help to donald trump of they are honest, no reason to believe they will not be. but that connection would be,
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still a distinct possibility depending on the judge's instructions and we will find out then how much damage being able to be labeled a convicted felon will do to president trump. the other thing we will find out is how much power is left in the issues raised the concerns of january sixth and mr. trumps postelection conduct after the 2020 election. democrats will try to make that feel like genuine six happening in your house, so wishing those toward what issues there is some potential out there to undo the situation with mr. trump where he seems distinctly ahead and nearly all the key states. not by large margins but noticeable margins nearly everywhere. i think that is where we are. >> jillian: certainly in the key swing states. we will be watching and listening tomorrow, thank you for being with us on this memorial day. >> thank you.
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>> jillian: the stock market was closed today, in observance of memorial day. up next, california's businesses versus democratic governor gavin newsom over a new tax initiative. plus, whatever happened to that colombian cocaine hippos can! the infamous cocaine hippos. basketball hall of famer, one of the biggest stars dana broadcasting, bill walton has passed away. walton had a prolonged fight with cancer, he was an nba most valuable player, twahtwah time champion and college in the nba 93 town national player of the year at ucla. walton was 71 years old! they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jillian: welcome back, a united airlines flight at from chicago's o'hare international airport today after an engine caught fire, temporally holding arrivals in a very busy memorial
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day traveled ebmac the faa's at its top arrivals into the airport he netted airlines, the plane was towed to the gates, the passengers thankfully no injuries were reported. [ ♪♪ ] california businesses are trying to rain in government sitting with a ballot initiative, making it more difficult for taxes to be raised, the measures being challenged by democratic governor. national correspondent chose as from los angeles. >> at the taxpayer protection act give voters a right to approve or reject all new taxes. >> reporter: california groups want to stop government overspending, they are now showing the propositional would regard two thirds of voters to approve any city or state tax increase. >> the taxpayer protection act ensures that all new taxes have broad support from californians
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by empowering voters. >> reporter: but governor gavin newson contrary to his campaign for democracy criticized republicans and. >> ignore the will of the people... >> reporter: and was the california supreme court to deny the voters the right to vote on that proposition by preemptively killing it before it goes on the ballot. >> with this measure constitutes an unlawful revision so it cannot appear on the ballot. >> reporter: the state argues that proposition would deny government the money it needs from fixing streets to public safety you want two thirds is a very difficult number for any community to be able to achieve. >> reporter: supporters say taxpayers are done giving is steamrolled by sacramento. >> what we have is essentially a toward what way streak where the legacy of power is shared amongst these two groups, people on the one hand, by the end of the people last word. >> reporter: the state supreme court must rule in the next few
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weeks otherwise voters in november could send a message in california, they have had en enough. >> our voters are scared because they know this is a very high passage. >> reporter: it is rare for courts to intervene before a vote for a proposition already qualified for the ballot, but opponents worry if past, they won't be able to undo the damage, they think of his present student city and state government. >> jillian: all right, thank you. [ ♪♪ ] >> jillian: decades after drug gang pain public esquire illegally smuggled four he was into columbia, the massive creatures a.k.a. the cocaine hippos are multiplying untracked, also reeking havoc. into nights whatever happened to segment, we explored the remote colombian jungle and efforts to contain this rapidly expanding preparation of the world's most
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deadliest land mammal. >> reporter: columbia is battling with an invasive species, devastating is ecosystem, displacing native animals and injuring dozens of people. hippopotamus does not -- do not exist in colombia, until the early 1980s when they first arrived here, the famed estate of the once feared narco kingpin pablo escobar, who brought them here as part of his personal zoo. pablo escobar was killed in 1993 but the hippos remained it, and started to multiply. >> right now, 150, 160 hippos. >> reporter: they have no natural predators in columbia. >> it is hippo heaven, you food all year long, water all year long. >> reporter: animal rights activist got a law passed making it illegal to kill them, without drastic action, ten years from now expose columbia's table population would be in the thousands and growing.
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>> they are an environmental problem and hippos of a dangerous for people. >> reporter: november colombian government officials and answer new goal, to catch and sterilize 40 hippos per year. but the planet seams somewhat unrealistic, you to surgery because $10,000 and takes a team of eight people 78 hours to perform you when you have to bring water, electricity, people in the field basics of the also trying to on to -- obtained the contraceptive drug developed by the u.s. department for wildlife management proquest that -- progress is, it can be adventured by tranquilizer dart but unfortunately it is nearly impossible to obtain any columbia. in 2021, scientist traveled to colombian donating donating somebody those doses were quickly you step in the have not been back since. >> jillian: that was clear of jenkins reporting from columbia, you can catch the full special, the drug lords hippos available now for streaming right on fox news. coming up next, we will take a look at the work being done now to locate and identify
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service members who went missing in action. first, beyond our borders tonight. officials and officials and papua new guinea are asking for international help, telling the united nations at more than 2000 people are believed to have been buried alive in last friday's landslide. determining the scale of the disaster so far has been difficult for officials because of very dangerous continuing conditions on the ground. and protesters in armenia are demanding the resignation of the prime minister by blocking the streets to the capital city and clashing with police as you conceived that, protests have bawled the country for weeks it's part by the government's return for abortive villages to azerbaijan. u plaza, alive look at london, one of the big stories, during daredevils for britain's annual cheese rolling events. chaired by several thousand spectators, scores of reckless racers with seven, wheels of cheese down to the cooper's help
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u for his race to the finish gets to keep that cheese. races have been held since at least 1826. [ ♪♪ ] some of the other board's stories tonight, we will be right back. [ ♪♪ ] (restaurant noise) [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> gillian: welcome back on memorial >> jillian: welcome back, on memorial day be on or americans who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the nation. families of servicemembers who went missing in action never had the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones or have any kind of closure. we take a look tonight at efforts to try to locate and identify these heroes who are gone from us but not forgotten. >> reporter: thank you. to maybe page are we to three men who were previously unaccounted for after world war ii aqua, vietnam and korea. the defense prisoner of war missing in action accounting agency has recently positively identified the remains. tonight, we take a closer look at their stories in the effort to locate thousands of servicemembers who gave their lives decades ago.
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of the more than 2.2 million airmen who served in world war ii, just 355 were airmen. >> it's a historic unit, segregated units, just did heroic things in world war ii. >> reporter: fred brewer was one of 27 airmen who previous he was thought to be missing in action. >> he was a second tuskegee debate invited. >> reporter: an air base in italy alongside 57 other fighters, assigned to escort bombers. brewer had attempted to climb above, causing his engine to stall and crashed. in 2011, and italian local had build a memorial using the wreckage of the second lieutenants brewer's mustang named traveling light, researchers were able to match the debris to remains that had
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been buried at a civilian the cemetery, had that. >> had that memorial not been formed, we may not have had these remains can! >> correct. >> what is the process once you get a tip like that or investigation. >> it can range from a few weeks or sometimes ten, 15 years. these are the hard cases b6 in december, lieutenant brewer was finally given a proper burial and laid to rest in his hometown of charlotte, north carolina. this october on the 80 the anniversary of his death, is ceremony will be held for brewer and the italian town near where he died. q1 how does this process worked u. >> it is a fulfillment of our promise made to servicemembers we sent off to combat, did not come home. >> reporter: ask tomorrow date a a funeral was held for a green metal of honor recipient guy died defending his fellow comrades. >> he fears you stood in the middle-of-the-road throwing grenades into the truck, during that withdrawal the company was at tagged by such superior numbers it was forced to deploy
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in a rice field. realizing that his wounds would hamper his comrades, he refused to retire to the next position but remained to cover the company's withdrawal. one last scene he was firing every weapon available and firing off another hostage. >> what's even more amazing is he got his mother to forge his enlistment papers at the age of 16. entered the army, finds himself in the bottle in 1950 and at 19 he does that valor, that heroic action, thereby allowing his unit to escape to safety. >> his story has a nick link to jimmy carter. he was born in georgia, his parents what do various forms in the middle of georgia. one of the forms they were good launch to president carter's father, he was in hospice when you told that his -- story was
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coming home, guard of the biggest smile and said i remember the young man. student that's amazing. >> reporter: active wars make it difficult to identify those killed in action as conflict is wind down, investigators still need to work through environment of factors and foreign governments. >> vietnam, very challenging. the acidic soil degrades remains almost destroys them. >> reporter: the colonel flew a phantom during the vietnam war. >> what more do you know about historic u. >> he was from san francisco, he was a phenomenal athlete, had a partial scholarship, his parents could not afford stanford so he enlisted in the air force. >> reporter: was last seen in 1969 when his plane disappeared returning from eight cancel strike mission, teams conducted an aerial surge where were unable to survey the ground as the vietnam war raged on the one they had a field team located at the crash site and 95, the recovery mission happens in
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2021, positive id coming just last year. >> how can i take so long u. >> in his case, we just have to keep sending teams back to either investigate the site, excavate the site, the last known location, and and surly is rolling the dice. it's like the csi a finding war heroes, and you're piecing together not only the remains but is there story and what happened. >> every single one has a unique story to it, whether it's lieutenant brewer, corporal story or in the case of him. >> reporter: director makiko says there is still 72,000 soldiers missing from world war ii, 7500 from korea and 1500 from vietnam. of those, roughly 81,000, the agency believes 38,000 will be recoverable. >> jillian: right to bear with a special memorial day report. coming up next to all-star panel on stage of the presidential
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race, plus a major foreign-policy headache for president bottom u the memorial day tribbett will continue from across the nation, stick with us. [ ♪♪ ] d unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. viking. exploring the world in comfort.
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on 91 different things. if i was in a libertarian before, i sure as hell am a libertarian now. >> this is an acknowledgement by trump and his campaign that followers are not going to get him into the white house. >> jillian: time to bring our panel, editor and achieve out of the federalist, senior political analyst ron williams, sweeping all for being here this memorial day, wonderful to see you. dan, into the end of the libertarian party bypassed donald trump, bypassed rfk junior, they know mineta to oliver chase. trump in that same speech this weekend got some booze, to think it was a mistake for him to go talk to that crowd, or worthwhile u. >> adding it is definitely worthwhile, the or reaching those into stoppage when voters that trump shares in common with libertarians. a lot of libertarians there that
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do not like some of the baker government policies you did in not reforming medicare or social security but 11 percent of americans are libertarian are identified with that ideology. so he wants to reach those voters even if it comes at the cost of getting boos which he almost never see because he's speaking to his maga faith bulls. >> jillian: big news coming up ahead, the trump criminal trial will resume a new york city. interestingly president biden we learning down from politico is planning to break his vow of silence surrounding all things trump and the criminal charges he is facing, he will weigh in, get some kind of public statement or address one's verdicts are reached in each over the four criminal trials, the white house dads says he's doing this because he wants to convey a message that he is sort of honor know, out of the political fray owned this or
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above the politics, what you make about u. >> editing it is interesting he will be speaking honored, i don't think people think it's because he's not concerned about politics but because he is extremely worried about the politics of democrat laufer and how it is affecting the general presidential election. there's a new york trial, i think people why they regarded as the weakest over the various trials that trump may be going through, it is also might be likely to secure a conviction. people like it is not only because joe biden's number 3 out of the department of justice was one of the prosecutors, but because it is a coordinated campaign from democrats with the biden. is trying to say his opponent is an authoritarian but a lot of people looking at this law fare and just think that biden is the authoritarian and he's trying to get away from that. >> jillian: what do you say they lack u. >> i think the key thing president biden will have to focus on in the political moment is to say that president, former president trump said he wanted to testify and he did not
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testify. he said people who do not testify are essentially guilty. here he is, he has a chance to testify and he does not. i think president biden as his rival for presidency will make a big deal out of that, at the end in terms of overt tickets. all this talk about destruction the comment instructions coming from the judge, it sounds to me and this is typical now, if he does not win, it was fixed or something was wrong or the judge was biased. is always this way. we won the election but it was not fraudulent, it is a set up for the same old song. >> jillian: the reason people are concerned about is the judge nitrile is because he has rand this trial in a favorable way for the prosecution. great example he would not let bradley smith testified, a literal former chairman of the federal election commission, saying to the jury would find him guilty on nebula's election charges that were never dealt with.
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people are not anticipating he would give jury instructions any more fairly than he ran the trial and there is a lot to be upset about. >> but in is a hundred fundraising e-mails at the biden campaign has sent thousands the trial first started, only two of them are about this trial. they don't think that it is a total sure political when or they are looking to debate in the months to reset the race. >> jillian: and others sort of big item on trump's plate right now is his vp pig, we had nikki haley in israel over the weekend paying homage to visiting sites of the hamas massacre on october 7th, let's take a listen to what she said. >> do you hear about hamas, by there is an entire generation of palestinians who are now entrenched without hamas ideology. remember one of this happiness had finished them, they need to finish hamas. don't stop until they finish. >> jillian: and that is just
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what benjamin netanyahu and the idf are trying to do moving forward, they have not back down, these airstrikes over the weekend that have killed two hamas senior leaders plus a bevy of civilians, we are carrying women and children are included in the body count. it seems like benjamin netanyahu for the first time sort of on one essay backtracks but admitted that a mistake was made and they are going to look into what happened. we have not seen this tone from him before in this war. >> we have not, and it comes as a biden administration has sent a clear message to israel that they have to have a very limited operation in rafah, they support getting rid of hamas but they know they cannot repeat what they have down into the rest of gaza. and the biden administration feels like israel has mostly listened to, they have not crossed any redlines and they may not have to hold back more aid, even if that would wind
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them some votes. >> his claim though that somehow you are defeating hamas, i think it really suffered this week when we saw hamas attack tel aviv in the midst of this. it's like you can say we are wiping out hamas and they will be gone, they are still there, even though you now, i guess seven months into this award. >> jillian: almost eight. >> there seems it we are farther from a deal to get of this award to an end which is think would be good for everybody but i'm not sure is politically good for benjamin netanyahu and it looks like hamas is afraid that the saudi arabia and would enter in some kind of peace deal that would not be favorable to them. the talk to principal players seem to prefer war. >> jillian: there are echoes of the lessons learned with the u.s. trying to defeat al qaeda over the course of 20 years, is very hard, people can be killed, ideologies tend to remain unchecked. i want to ask you for reflections on this moral day before we let you guys go.
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>> i talked to my father-in-law who was a retired lieutenant call and all, specifically he wanted to have been remember, he merely said a number of gate -- names he graduated with 1958, brown, and has made a comment that -- but you particularly mentioned the name ed mayan, who survived his injuries and came back from what we yet now him or even though they were horrific but was unable to withstand them over the long-haul. and you asked people particular member people who have is a comment to their injuries whether mental or physical many years after they come home. >> jillian: what about you. >> combined joint task force operations, the memorial day same monies in baghdad, iraq today to honor three u.s. army soldiers killed in the drone attack of tower 22 in jordan, you remember earlier this year. william at rivers, sergeant kennedy standards were killed in january 28th in a drone attack
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on hits tower 22, a small post in northeastern georgia. >> jillian: thank you so much for joining us. great work from the panel, finally tonight, we want to take some time to honor the true spirit of memorial day into night's report salute. sites and sound from ceremonies across the u.s. commemorating the heroes who died in line of duty. >> it is a day of remembrance for those who gave their all, and service tower country while donning the call of our nation. it is a solemn day, reflecting on the calls to freedom, families and they kissed goodbye, walking proudly into the face of unfathomable danger and ultimately giving all to protect and defend our way of
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life. [ ♪♪ ] >> we know that you live with loss every day, not just memorial day. but trying to defend the democracy, for which they fought and died, they did their duty and we must as well. >> jillian: tomorrow on special report, closing arguments begin at a former presidents trumps criminal trial, we will bring you there. remember if he can capture is alive, set your dvr at 3:00 pm on the west coast, thank you for watching the special report on this memorial day. in washington, the abraham angle is next. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]