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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 27, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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[ ♪♪ ] >> we know that you live with loss every day, not just memorial day. but trying to defend the democracy, for which they fought and died, they did their duty and we must as well. >> jillian: tomorrow on special report, closing arguments begin at a former presidents trumps criminal trial, we will bring you there. remember if he can capture is alive, set your dvr at 3:00 pm on the west coast, thank you for watching the special report on this memorial day. in washington, the abraham angle is next. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]
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>> hello everybody, along with the judge jeanine pirro, harold ford junior, jesse watters. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is a special addition of the 'the five'. [ ♪♪ ] it is memorial day, americans nationwide hitting the beach and firing of their girls to kick off the unofficial start to the summer season, but we cannot forget of the true meaning of today. remembering the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. we honor and salute our military heroes today and every day. coming up on the 'the five' we are jam packed show, eight summer shopping showdown, with some of our favorite bed bath & beyond items and we will also answer your fan mail questions, but for as we're driving right in with some hot topics to celebrated the summer season and the fastest. are you ready? first avenue americans are ready to pack up their cars and head
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to the open road, a new survey shows a majority travelers nationwide a planning to take a road trip this summer. and i know you must love a road trip. >> not only am i taking our road trip and i'm selling used cars. if anybody needs one. >> dana: 40 like to go u it's on the books the summer starting july 5th at my stand of gig in vegas and we're driving to july 13th to colorado springs, so through arizona, new mexico and somewhere around the colorado board and my wife will probably go out into a separate car and we will meet up in colorado. >> dana: you will see my sister angie. >> we will rally. >> dana: that's exactly what i was thinking what happened. judge jeanine, de like a road trip. >> judge jeanine: i love a road trip. >> dana: de have one planet u. >> judge jeanine: no. [ laughter ] i'll go anyway, but nobody will accept me with my dogs. we will go around the block a few times, i'll tell the dogs he
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went to connecticut and new jersey. >> dana: road trip by would like to do is going up state new york, of never done that. >> judge jeanine: i used to always think that my days to take a road trip to see my mom in upstate new york, i may take that road trip and visit her. >> dana: a little nostalgic. do you like to pack up the kids wages jet setting every work u. >> harold: we will spend a lot of time in michigan over the summer, up in harder were -- harbor springs, the kids will have a chance to get a lot of outdoor stuff. spent some time on the island also. i want to take my kids across tennessee, one a to memphis and go across the state. a's to do that as a kid, my dad would come back and we would drive back in the summer, take two or three days to do it. and think my kids can only withstand, if he were going across state not all the way back into new york.
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see if we can get that done this on my. >> dana: do you like road trips u. >> jesse: know i hate road trips! because of traffic. we don't take road trips. have not have the opportunity. >> dana: am really good in a road trip. i know when to be quiet, win to tell story, good with the radio or the audiobook or the podcast whatever it might be. and i can, while i used to read a map it really well, i really could read a map. >> judge jeanine: peter drive ischemic. >> dana: peter mostly drives it. >> judge jeanine: do you like that? >> dana: it, yeah, love that you drives. my favorite places i have not done, a place of wind that i used to do, blue ridge mountains unbelievable. also from calgary to jasper in canada, that is an amazing trip. and glacier national park is somewhere i have never done a road trip. >> colorado, gorges.
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>> dana: mountains, all that. up next we all know barbecued burgers and hotdogs are summer favorites, one city finds a top five best cookout sites are creamy potatoes out, mexican sweetcorn solid, mediterranean pasta salad, coleslaw and mac & cheese. harold deal like any of those u. >> harold: the coleslaw, a hamburger guy, barbecue guy, i grow a lot of chicken u i like coleslaw. potato salad? >> dana: creamy potato salad. i like a vinaigrette potato salad. >> judge jeanine: vinaigrette potato salad is the best. i invited do vinaigrette to. >> harold: vinegar in the coleslaw i like. >> judge jeanine: is great with parsley and potato as well, talk about at the sides, the side they do a very epic. i'll make hamas, i'll make -- humus.
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and eggplant. [ laughter ] >> jesse: i love that. >> dana: what kind of size deal like u. >> jesse: eloquently put a watermelon block with feta cheese and a toothpick. that is a road trip dish. [ laughter ] >> mac & cheese and cornbread that's a go to. and there's a reason every barbecue establishment in the world gives you cornbread, it is supposed to be there. i think this polling is reflective of a carb conscious people looking for their summer body but once you get that instagram filtered to make you look skinny you will go back to the cornbread, stop getting yourself. >> have never had pasta salad -- >> dana: cucumbers, tomatoes, liturgies u. >> that's a greek salad. >> dana: look how integrated america has become, sweetcorn and everything. next step, year beach day may be
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what the doctor ordered, research say being near the ocean can reduce your blood pressure and taking a walk in the state that mike stanton decreases start livmac stress levels u it is anybody here not like to walk on the beach u everybody can! >> obviously i get hit on a lot because of my body, i'm just a human as well. this is not a baywatch reboot. i grew up on an island, of course. >> dana: do you like the beach u. >> jesse: big beach guy, love it. it would also not be alive without the sun, the people that aware that hats, they put their children and the burqas because they are afraid, the sun has been around for a long time, relax it won't kill you. >> judge jeanine: the problem is some people have to do that because they are so fair, it develops into skin cancer. you have to protect your children jesse. >> jesse: all right dr, thank you. >> judge jeanine: i do have a doctors, thank you. >> i'm them and -- minority, i'm
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not a big beach guy, my wife and kids are cutting to get up every morning. >> jesse: but we don't look at you -- [ laughter ] >> dana: on that note, up ne next, nearly a third of americans claim they would be able to disconnect and power down their phones for the entire summer, entire summer teemac. >> i don't believe it. >> i believe every one of these people are bringing an ipad. i can disconnect from iphone, because is on your watch and ipad. >> dana: all connected. it's a nice idea to think about. >> judge jeanine: out would be so anxious, that i'm missing something or i'm not able to connect with somebody, i would be anxious. >> dana: but if nobody needed to get in touch with you if you are not working, you know? >> judge jeanine: what about your kids? >> jesse: we are on the news business, we cannot do it. we get on every don't know what happened. [ laughter ]
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>> dana: harold gimmicks. >> harold: at like to leave it off an hour on the morning but i have tvs on everywhere, so as long as my kids and wife are there, i try not to look at the phone before 9:00. >> for social media, i think if you stayed off it for a week you would realize how unnecessary most of it is. dinner pictures not necessary, 20 years ago if you take a picture of your dinner, they would put you in a home. [ laughter ] >> dana: why do you have a picture of your dinner? >> dana: >> you developed this to show to strangers, they would lock you up. [ laughter ] >> dana: finally, americans never wanted to end it, summer just started. survey reveals 40 percent of people look forward to the season the most of the over 60 percent saying they wish summer lasted longer. judge, with global warming they might get their wish. >> judge jeanine: the problem is it does not last longer, on over they will. i love summer, i love this on, without the sun i feel like the
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world is ending. >> dana: do you want a longer summer, longer fall? >> harold: at like the fall, i like the small of the fireplace, pork cooking and a love to turn on the football. >> dana: jesse watters can! >> jesse: i'm looking forward to be a snowbird one i can just winter and the florida and do summers out here in the northeast. that would be fine with me. you can still watch football. >> harold: a very unpretentious of you. [ laughter ] >> dana: as you sit mojitos in nature watermelon. >> jesse: as a lifelong cabdriver we preferred the winter because when it warms that we can smell the city. >> dana: not a bad point. a lot more fun coming up on 'the five' and quizzing comment including jesse watters number shopping showdown. stay tuned for our memorial day special you sick! [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? this reminds me of my bike. look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. i had no idea this was a motorcycle exhibit. ■ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ■ ■if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike. ■ ■ if you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it. ■ if you're happy and you know it, smile big and bright. ■ thousands of kids just like me, are happy every day. and it's all because of generous people like you, who support shriners hospitals for children® every month.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: welcome back everybody, it is time for jesse watters summer shopping showdown. [ ♪♪ ] we are battling it out over the prices for some of our favorite summer atoms from bed bath & beyond, ever heard of it gimmicks. >> judge jeanine: i love you! >> jesse: whatever guesses without going over is the winner. i will be playing, i do not know the answers.
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and we are using the prices from bed bath & beyond memorial day sale, for us to up, at tabletop fire pits, not only is this the regular tabletop far better, up your garden rubbing alcohol smokeless tabletop fire pits. guess the price. >> judge jeanine: okay,, hold on. >> harold: it's on a sale. mine is up and running. i'm going 62 american. >> jesse: 62. that seems high. twenty-two, 24 q.! god dammit harold! 3999 that my $39.99. >> dana: do i get the prize give! >> jesse: we will have to return this. >> i price would high because i planned to smoke hog dogs with my. >> jesse: this is still pricey! hamilton beach blacksmith a
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dispensing blender. this black smoothie dispensing blender. >> dana: that's when it gets a bit more pricey. >> harold: he hit this little nozzle. >> judge jeanine: he know why, dana always went. >> dana: that sartre lost last three times but i'm working on at this time. >> judge jeanine: oh, my god, i'm overpriced. i mean there is inflation but. [ laughter ] >> jesse: i got $40, i feel like i went way over. $29.99 again! >> harold: i went over! >> i was within a penny. [ laughter ] >> harold: i shop at bed bath & beyond, i know things. to three the three-piece stainless steel grill toolset, where harold can flip his burgers and twist his dogs whatever he does on the grill, mr. grill master general. >> dana: it stainless steel you said teemac?
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>> jesse: and it is on sale. >> i went high because of the craftsmanship. >> jesse: $19. all three of them. >> not that's not the answer. >> jesse: $60.99, that was close! >> dana: i one! >> jesse: up next we have a four site outdoor pillow, support of feeling, resistant covers by christopher knight homes. sorana cirstea four pillows, teal coronado, outdoor pillows. >> harold: are they waterproof q.! >> jesse: weather resistant. >> judge jeanine: that means he can rain but you can order flood. >> jesse: you can spell the mojito and nobody cares. >> i'm going $30.99 again. >> jesse: prices are high.
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q.! c3 54! >> judge jeanine: while! >> jesse: harold is in the lead, who thought harold would be so in touch with the streets. >> harold: and made to the people for where they are. >> jesse: take that road trip back. final think is the joseph and joseph and asked three-piece large cutting board set. >> harold: what is that can! to date you model the offer us q.! >> it's worth 5000 points i can get back in the game. >> jesse: a series of cutting boards, joseph and joseph. >> is it heavy q.! >> that they are nice! >> jesse: what was the number q.! $29.99!
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>> judge jeanine: who won, harold! [ laughter ] >> jesse: harold's wife makes him a good shopping. >> while what herald. >> jesse: up next, what was our favorite outdoor activity when we were kids? find out as the anzio fan mail questions is memorial day. [ ♪♪ ] okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> dana: ashley strohmier in new york,'s was promised or benjamin netanyahu now says sunday's deadly strikes in rafah was a "a tragic mistake". the attack displeasing palestinians killed at least 45
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people. 's was military initially called a precise airstrike on a hamas compound but it opened an investigation wants details of the deadly strike emerged. the stock of rich uranium in iran despite denying its pursuit of nuclear weapons, supporting the nuclear watchdog of the un, according to the iaea, around is a short technical step away from a weapons grade levels of uranium. iran has maintained its nuclear program was peaceful but western experts have long raised concerns iran is trying to become a nuclear nation. i'm ashley strohmier, back to 'the five'. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: >> harold: look back to 'the five' memorial day special,
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we're answering your fan mail question. first, as a kid, judge what was your favorite outdoor activity? >> judge jeanine: it depends, when i was a kid i used to love to go to the park. most kids do, go down the slide. and then as you get older, the amusement park, and then swimming you might raise to love to swim b6 and jimmy what was yours q.! >> was a big bike rider but eloped to organize games. we played a lot of tag, every kid growing up played cops and robbers, cowboys and elizabeth lawrence. [ laughter ] the point is i used to love those types of street games. >> harold: what about you? >> dana: i used to love the amusement park, lakeside, but i used to love to rollerskate. i had rollerskates, yeah. i'm pretty good, i'll have a contest with you. >> harold: ab jesse watters
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can bring us on watermelon. >> jesse: what was your favorite outdoor activity? >> diving board, one of the lifeguards on watch or hidden and have a friend double valencia. super double duper balance, you got a lot of air. >> harold: you are the reason public pools don't have diving boards anymore. [ laughter ] >> dana: they have a diving board, they said the kids wanted to die because they will be able to dive the. >> harold: lobe playing basketball, rollerskating, there was a grade and reason park called liberty land which is now closed teemac a second question, what is a favorite day memorial day weekend tradition, primetime q.! >> jesse: usually it is barbecuing, this memorial day i'm in la. >> dana: this is a relatively new for me but it's kind of the kickoff for the first tennis lesson of the season, so my coach, friend nico, he comes from argentina every year for six months and he teaches us, that is the kickoff to three
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might worry peter. >> dana: friday at 2:00 here we go. >> wearing a white is a big deal be! catch a lot of heat from the fashion police here on a channel, a lot of my choices become more acceptable post memorial day. and the parade, i go to the parade. but i used to margin it, i was first trumpet, take that. i had a game. >> judge jeanine: for me, by memorial day, the pool is ready. you gotta take that tab off, than the heater does not working have to get it to work. and you gotta get the top but memorial day it's perfect. >> harold: love that, love eating and grilling, for me the great part tradition 11 maybe a lot of people, a love lacrosse. final four men's and women's college, you got uva playing maryland on the boys side and the woman society got northwestern and florida, and boston college of. >> dana: i love lacrosse.
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>> harold: but it's the final four so it's a big deal be when i also think of lacrosse when i think of people who cannot hit a curveball. [ laughter ] >> or people who don't like physical contact. [ laughter ] so judge, what is a favorite slaver of ice cream and do you prefer donna cohen or do you like it in a sunday's sake! >> judge jeanine: first of all it has to always be in a cohen, secondly it is black raspberry, but i will go for butter pecan also. >> harold: do you make the cake also, thank you again for my birthday cake. >> judge jeanine: yes, i've made change cheesecake for his birthday. >> jesse: yeah, well i got him liquored. [ laughter ] >> you make the cake also q.! >> dana: no, i like to bake. >> harold: you like to make connect. >> judge jeanine: only for use. >> dana: as a kid, peanut butter and chocolate. my dad and i would go to baskin-robbins. thirty-one flavius, peanut
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butter and chocolate by then it evolved. his favorite is men's chocolate chip, later in life that has become my favorite. but on memorial day weekend, like vanilla. >> judge jeanine: really q.! >> dana: playing in a cup. >> love the friendly's reese's pieces five scoop. it is a 5-foot -- it's a bowl of ice can with five scoops in it, you order and that which is comes up and asked if everything's okay at home. then you pick up five scoops of ice cream which have always loved! i love the reese's pieces sunday peanut butter. >> harold: what about you? >> jesse: have to be in the right mood, i don't come in with a predetermined flavored, a look around and make a selection guide gametime decision. you know my rules, mentor not be seen licking ice cream cones except on vacation, but we prefer that you use a spoon. >> harold: you not that guy that tastes everything before you -- oh, no,. [ laughter ]
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>> dana: he gets the samples. >> harold: you have to get the samples. i like vanilla chocolate chip and peanut about a crunch. >> dana: that is a good one. >> harold: do like soft ice cream q.! >> judge jeanine: ally kid with the cake. don't say anything jesse watters! >> jesse: you like lacrosse and basketball. [ laughter ] >> harold: what is the one picnic food you love the most from her childhood? >> in love with a bologna sandwich with the doritos. they would give his doritos with cheese, it's like a crunch, my mom would cut it in four square as it was three i love you. [ laughter ] p5 i haven't talk about this in a long time but memory comes to me for my grandmother, the fried chicken cold. fried chicken at the picnic. >> harold: it's really good, what you think. >> jesse: i would do peanut
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butter sandwich with honey and banana. >> dana: at memorial day? >> jesse: know at a picnic. every picnic the truck having picnics of up into q.! [ laughter ] >> harold: your honor q.! >> judge jeanine: at a picnic anyhow hot dog ischemic the hot dog has to be burnt, burned so much alike pops. and then it's gotta be like a burnt crust. i like everything burnt. >> harold: let me write that down. [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: hot dogs and chicken. delicious! >> harold: you think so q.! >> judge jeanine: i do. >> harold: i grilling day, a lot of people i know a gluten-free, there will be lots gluten at my house at the cookout. >> dana: just that one event. >> harold: and then i also love barbecue, and three, i love fermented cheese. some people like it in
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wintertime, 11 on my hot dog and on a hamburger. >> jesse: how we ever even something so much he got tired of we're lining out of the answers next, stay with us! happy memorial day. [ ♪♪ ] ♪ the best moments happen outside. where laughter dances with the wind, and stories are told beneath the stars. where connections grow and memories are born. at bass pro shops and cabela's, we believe in the magic of the great outdoors. our friendly, knowledgeable outfitters will help you gear up for your next adventure. with club member mondays now through memorial day... club members save 10-percent at bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure start here.
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new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support.
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(♪) daily zz for quality sleep. (♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add any base. shop now at [ ♪♪ ] >> judge jeanine: we are back with 'the five' when moral day special, it's get to more familymac questions. number 1, have you ever even something so much that he got tired of it can make a spoon
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happens to me a lot with pizza, i.e. until i call myself names. [ laughter ] then he usually burped and eat another piece! me in peace or in a very abusive relationship. >> judge jeanine: dana q.! >> dana: there's a little place near fox news that has soups and it's been here long time and for a long year, many years i would have the turkey chile. but there was one day when i was like i will never eat this again. and spend many years and have not had it. every once in a while a look at it and think it was good but i can never do it again. >> jesse: ever needing got faults for years now, i get tired of it, haven't gotten tired of it. >> jesse: >> what is it connects beauty you've seen the show, it's a figure of speech. he eats a solid every day and i have not gotten sick of the solid. >> judge jeanine: your whole life that is not think you've been sake of! >> jesse: among gluttonous.
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you looking at me like you don't believe me. >> judge jeanine: i don't. sex too many chips. i have given up chips, i have given -- decided to give them up for a month. >> judge jeanine: the ge that whole bag we gave you q.! >> harold: it was cheddar and sour cream. >> judge jeanine: >> jesse: he left them in a green room, there was still in the greenroom. >> harold: you have to see my pantry. >> judge jeanine: you know what i will never eat again and probably have not even 20 years? whenever you have those hotdogs with the baked beans on them q.! i haven't had baked beans and a hundred years, i will never eat them again p6 i have to give yourself some time. >> judge jeanine: all right. you know what jimmy, what is a favorite pizza topping q.! >> i usually eat it straight out. when i get a topping, i'm a sausage and pepperoni guy, not as a whole march to my youth of wearing a t-shirt in the pool
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year-round. >> dana: alec a crispy pepperoni, i will always add jalapenos. >> jesse: pepperoni and sometimes if it's that kind of night, i will dip it in like a cheese sauce. [ laughter ] >> harold: alec sausage and pepperoni, do you like deep dish q.! >> judge jeanine: what he wanted q.! >> harold: sausage, pepperoni and extra cheese. [ laughter ] more gluten please. >> judge jeanine: when i lived in chicago for a unique -- for a few years they always used to go to nano's and they had the best deep edition the country. it was unbelievable, always the pepperoni. have you ever -- have you ever completely missed an event or data because you hided on your calendar wrong harold ?
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>> harold: at have had a covid-19 four times. >> judge jeanine: how many vaccines have you had ? >> harold: i had four vaccines. i'll tell you what it did to me, my memory, i cannot recall its and they happen last week four months ago be ten are you suing >> harold: no, i don't think it was the vaccine, i think it was covid-19. sometimes i forget, i have to write things down. i don't write things down i forgot of them. >> judge jeanine: go ahead jesse. >> jesse: have a great assistance, i don't know if you've heard of him, so if i do forget, i don't forget because i have a backup plan. that man is johnny. >> judge jeanine: he is the man. >> dana: i don't forget things but i have a lot of fear i will drop things, and last week i got so confused about something that i apologized profusely to somebody that i had dropped the ball, i wasn't able to make the
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appointment please forgive me know everybody rolled back and said that sound is not even tomorrow it's friday. so i did not miss it but i live in fear i will. >> judge jeanine: i had something similar. >> i have anxieties that have reminders on my phone, everything i need to do in my adult life has an 8:00 am reminder and a corresponding alarm clock that reminds me to check my phone, but if you forget things and public they will make you president. [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: i remember completely missed an event because i had it on the calendar wrong, i remembered that were versed, a couple came to my house who were having a big party, they came to my house all dressed out, with a package, the whole thing and it wasn't the date of the party. so they ran to the gate and said we think we are early and i said oh boy. so try to make them feel comfortable, you know, trying to pull out some cocktails, all
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dolled up i felt terrible. but i don't remember missing anything, i really don't. it's anxiety. >> harold: you now forgetting things, be outed somebody else. [ laughter ] array, if you were a ghost, what would you do to haunt people q.! >> that's funny! i think i would be a friendly ghost. they could casper. i wouldn't want to ruin the lives. i would hang on their claws that, they would put on a shirt and i would say not that. you know what i mean ? >> dana: i think i would mess with her phone and with the alarm, i think that would be f fun. >> you would be a jerk about it. >> dana: of course,, my inner jerk. >> jesse: haunt or peep q.! c5 oh! >> judge jeanine: only you would say that, haunt.
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nobody's talking about peeping. >> jesse: you saying i can go anywhere want and nobody would know i was there q.! what would you do to haunt! >> harold: and was jesse watters, i would want to haunt people. i don't know. i don't know, sometimes people in my own home when i come around the corner they get scared, i just scare people. >> judge jeanine: okay. for me what would idea if if i were going to haunt people... >> jesse: make them watch this block again. [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: do you want to try again? >> jesse: know, do you q.! >> judge jeanine: what about a second one from you q.! >> a bonus haunting q.! in all honesty allow the idf pranks, and very pro- pranks. i think you have to do something along those lines,. >> judge jeanine: it like in a
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cemetery ? >> over that runs deep. >> judge jeanine: ahead, are usually late or early two events ? our answers when we return. [ ♪♪ ] events? our answers when we return. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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[ ♪♪ ] >> it welcome back, we have more of your fan mail question. got a facebook question from tara. are you usually late or early q.! we know. the most punctual human. [ laughter ] you are early, super functional. jesse watters you make 18 entrance to three not late, i'm right on time. went to a concert over the weekend, the minute i show up, where did we see the concert again ? >> dana: metlife. >> jesse: morgan waters, right as i entered this we!
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>> judge jeanine: he was waiting for you! >> you have to be on time for your see because he will throw it. we love you morgan! harold ? >> harold: i'm always a little bit late. >> judge q.! c i do this thing, i come to parties like a smash and grab, i'm early because i want to leave. i show up, take a lot of selfies and then i leave. i'm irish -- i do an irish goodbye, i'm known for a be number 2 from maria, when it driving do you have the radio on, talk on the phone are sit in silence ? judge how does is go for you ? >> judge jeanine: always music, always music. never in silence. and i talked to the dogs as well. [ laughter ] >> they want to be talked to. do you crank at the cassette the whole time ? three how do you
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know ? >> we sit and jam the entire time for three if the family is there we will do some books on tape but sometimes what happens is all the kids fall asleep and emma wants to fall asleep some does driving and everybody is sleeping. >> no way to live. >> dana: do you throw onto the tunes ? >> jesse: know i will wake everybody up, rather now wake them up. >> harold: into the driveway you're driving. [ laughter ] >> dana ? >> dana: sometimes i want music, sometimes i want silence, sometimes podcast. he just has to read my mood depending on the time. >> that's the thing about you you are easy to deal with. just have to read my mind. >> like to blast music when i drive but it's dangerous because sometimes you get the holy spirit, you're singing at the top of your lungs that need to know how fast you're going. went from here in ohio and several hours and five minutes, it was a 600-mile drive, the
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only guy was made that when the only guy on the road was me and the police helicopter, would not leave me alone! it was great. and was like a personal escort. question number 3 from pauline, are you able to sleep in on days off or are you forever an early riser ? >> dana: i do wake up early but on saturdays and sundays a wake up slightly later than usual. my weekly wake up times is like 4:45 am. if i sleep until 6:15 am, on a saturday, that is a win. that is a bonus. >> jesse: 10:00 am after morgan wall in, and then this morning 6:30 am. back on track. >> we all have a process. >> harold: them up early, my son where love my best friend, he will not get out for school on time. is a joker gets up at 6:00 am on saturdays!
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he says data, i have a full day in front of me. i cannot blame him. >> judge jeanine: i used to be a real early riser but i get up now around 7:00 am. when i can i will save a few extra hours. >> harold: in my twenties i would wake up early, 4:00 am because i was usually when the sprinkles would come on in the park, seal the water on the beds. [ laughter ] now my problem is i rarely get to sleep in by jenny put an alarm on her phone for seven days a week and it only needs to be there for five. so last saturday the one chance probably in six-month agates he went till 9:00 am, an alarm goes off at 6:10 am on a saturday. >> dana: did you get up and seize the day ? >> biases the day did you mean tab the cake at livmac yes. final question, if you could live anywhere in the world and still do 'the five', he is envisioning another pandemic, where would you live with twomak
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tuskegee i knew you would come to me first. anywhere in the world and still do 'the five', anywhere in the world... how about of this capri. >> harold: and right with the judge. [ laughter ] >> jesse: after hearing about harold's pantry pantry i'm going to harold's. [ laughter ] at. >> dana: i love the energy here in new york, new jersey on the weekends. if we all move in how to leave the country out of order madrid. >> i cannot contend with the foreign stuff because the only form trouble of don is at the epps clock. i have no culture whatsoever, so going to ohio to hang out with jenny's family. >> judge jeanine: that is so cool. >> i like space, is not enough space around here. one more fan mail question is up next owned this special addition of 'the five'. [ ♪♪ ]
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welcome to fox nation. a place where we look to the future and toast to our past. this is fox nation, where all of america's stories are told. >> sign up and start streaming today. go is in my junior and not matter what the price. >> i've counted up the car. let'sts get to the last question of our memorial day special. herewhat's t it is. what's the one thing you look forward to doing each summer that you can't dthe-yeo the rest of the year? >> harold,thing in sit outside w thing in the morning, have a cup of coffee. my kidn,s come down and we read the first 30 minutes of the day, and then we get rolling.g. ll sum >> jesse. just swimming in the pool all summer lon i loveg with the family. >> i love that judge. i love going outside reallye dogs early and looking at the plants
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and all the dogs are running around and just picking the plants, making sure they have enough waterh water. and just enjoying nature before it gets too hot. >> but yeah, baseball games when my son, me and lincoln go to a lot of baseball game ji we heckle violently, harold, to the point that we disrupt the quality of play. y of >> and it's always memorable. although my son ha play.s no ida how much his life could change based on the amount of money cos. baseba these game it's actually a dicey proposition. but yeah, baseball at lincoln and i lovell you had a greaties point making lots of great memories that will lasert forever. >> that which makes summer so much fun. well, that's it for us ois ill see n this memorial day. we will see you back here tomorrow. have a great night, everyoneery >> and we can't be makings traffic jams in one maxwell house right now. a copy could we say intens


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