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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 28, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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failure to speak out what his fellow catholics had to put up with at st. patrick's, that speaks volumes. if prayer is at a large mosque m during an muslim holy day had been similarly disrupted and ruined, but let's say pro israel protesters or a christian protesters, i have a feeling they would have heard from the . now, remember their messaging is always political. m and now, well i'm a christian'ss hear them here in and that is "the angle" up here that is it for us thank you for watching for special edition of "the ingraham angle." we will never forgethe those who fought and died defending our country of freedoms for a family, grandchildren, prosperity. don't forget fly your flag proudly and remember, it is america now and forever. >> carley: this could being the biggest week in the new york
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criminal trial with closing arguments set to start today. the case comes to a close, even members of the media have a major warning for the left. >> this case is not a slam dunk, donald trump may not be convicted, acquitted is worst for democrats. >> todd: president biden turning to bill and hillary clinton to breathe new life into his struggling campaign. tomi lahren will react. >> carley: and new line of pride merch merchandise, reaction is flooding in. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. more coming up over the next hour. first a fox news alert. violent memorial day weekend in chicago leaving nine dead including a five-year-old girl. >> carley: this is just days after mayor brandon johnson rolled out his summer safety
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plan. madeleine rivera is live in washington with details. >> madeleine: chicago police say five-year-old girl was sitting in the car when the shooting hatched. a 24-year-old man believe to be her father were also shot. her mother is pleading for the city to take action as she mourns the loss of her daughter. >> she brought life to our life, to outsider's life, to everybody that met her. she was a real sweet kid. >> madeleine: chicago police say two dozen people were hurst and 10 killed in shootings over the wp weekend. the city is offering hundreds of jobs and activities for kids, as mayor johnson criticized
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previous administration for lack of investing in youth. he believes progressive leadership will build the city up. >> administration after administration shut down public schools, public housing, eroded public trtransportation system. we have a partnership with dfss to employ and train 100 youth peace keepers working to stay safe and to engage other young people to make sure they are safe. >> the plan will address violence by identifying root cause and chicago police will cancel officers days off this summer but say they will do so within reason. >> carley: madeleine rivera live in washington, thank you. one of the most popular boardwalks on jersey shore shutting down over memorial day because of unruly teenagers.
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wildwood, new jersey declaring state of emergency. received number of calls, extremely large number of disorderly teens asended on the boardwalk forcing police to close the boardwalk sunday morning. this scene broke out in ocean city late saturday night, a 15- year-old boy was stabbed there. he is expected to make a full recovery. >> todd: that is not what summer is supposed to be. family of johnny wactor is seeking answers after he was shot to death. >> we hope that whatever justice can be done is done. so -- >> yes, i'd like anybody out
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there to pray, i think it will take god to intervene to make sure the detectives get all they need and to convict and not just catch them, convict them. >> todd: johnny wactor was shot. investigators are searching for three suspects. >> carley: crime crisis continues. latest on former president trump new york criminal trial. closing arguments expected to begin today. >> todd: brooke singman is here with details. >> brooke: we are in final stretch of historic criminal trial that started six weeks ago, judge merchan expect closing arguments to last all day and possibly tomorrow. he will instruct jury on law before sending them to deliberate. defense will deliver closing arguments first, followed by prosecution, reverse order of statement and former president
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trump says that is unfair. why can't defense go last? big advantage, very unfair. during the trial, prosecution called 20 witnesses to the stand, michael cohen, stormy daniels, hope hicks and former tabloid publisher david pecker. defense called former michael cohen advisor robert costello and a legal analyst. trump did not take the stand in his own defense. president biden will break his silence after a verdict is reached by making an address from the white house. biden team is planning a wave of attacks against trump. the former president is facing 34 counts of falsifying business records. he's pleaded not guilty. >> todd: tributes pouring in for
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bill walton, who passed away. adam silver saying, i will remember his zest for life, smiling ear to ear and looking to share wisdom and warmth 678. i treasured our close friendship and admired time he took with every person he encountered. trailblazers saying his personality will forever be remembered and cherished and he will be deeply missed by our organization. rip city and all who experienced him. walton played for three nba teams and won two championships and a star on ledgend legender coached by wooden. walton passed away from cancer, 71 years old. what we can take away from bill walton, relationship with bob wooden, he made you iron
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wrinkles in your socks and you have bill walton, hippy dippy guy from california and they managed to coexist and became best friends and won championships together. let that be a lesson to us, people with differing views can come together. >> carley: big red larger than life personality, he will be missed. >> todd: united airlines flight catches fire before taking off from one of the busiest airports, more on that next. >> carley: and bidenomics versus maga re maga nomices. our mom panel will tell us which candidate policies work best for their families. don't go anywhere.
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i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> todd: fox weather alert. texas bracing for more weather this morning. from san antonio to dallas at
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risk for large hail and damaging wind. >> carley: several tornados ripped through the heartlane. 23 people across five states are dead including four children, which is the worst news you could hear. senior meteorologist janice dean has the fox weather forecast. >> janice: incredible and this weekend has been epic when it comes to severe storms. thoughts and prayers. severe storm threat from may 24 to 26th, 76 tornados, 400 reports of wind and 700 reports of hail. tornado tally, 65 confirmed torj tornados. several we are getting ratings on. most acte severe weather day, may 26th. it continues. today another risk for parts of
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texas through oklahoma. thunderstorms starting to perk up in north texas, north and west of dallas and toward oklahoma city. severe storm risk, bullseye texas to oklahoma and parts of louisiana. potential for damaging wind and isolated tornados and large hail. heavy rainfall in some same areas. it is just going to be more for central and southern plans. scattered storms across great lakes, great basins and rockies. unbelievable we have seen so much damage. it will go down in history books as one of the most severe weather outbreaks in last 20 years. >> carley: so many impacted. thank you so much. >> todd: you never want to see
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this looking out your airport window. united airlines flight catching fire, smoke coming from wing of the plane. fo forced to stop after the plane's engine caught fire. united says passengers deplaned and nobody was hurt. airline is working on travel arrangements for the 143 onboard, putting them on a plane where the wing is not on fire. >> carley: bidenomics versus maganomics. former president trump hopes singling out biden failing policies will give him the edge. sgls day one, we will throw out bidenomics and replace it with maganomics. i will give you low taxes, low inflation, low interest rates,
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rising wages and fair trade for the american worker and we will make energy affordable again by saying drill, baby, drill. >> carley: joining us our mom panel, christina, anannie and christy. you live in hawaii. have you noticed changes to quality of life under bidenomics? >> absolutely, it is bad. the mom and pop stores are closing down at an alarming rate. two to three jobs per person. loaf of bread, $13, it is insane. >> carley: and kesha, what form upper president trump is doing
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is promising change, more of the same if current guy stays in office. is that a message that resonates with you? scombl it does. i remember my life under donald trump and i'm comparing it to what it is like during these bide bidenomics. it is so debilitating and such a struggle for me as a business owner and having children and being a single parent. it has been really tough and i am so ready to vote for change, vote for donald trump to get rid of bidenomics forever. i am so tired. you get scared to pull up your bank account, you go to the grocery store and spend on gas and regular everyday things and your children need things, it becomes a struggle. i'm ready for bidenomics to be
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gone. i'm tired of him trying to p pretend like americans are not struggling. jobs are just government jobs, not private sector jobs, government is growing inflation, evering is sky high and too much for the american family and certainly too much for a single parent. >> carley: former president can run as change candidate because there were four years where he was not in office and things have changed. weigh in on this, you are a mother of four and raised kids under former president trump and now president biden, you can compare and contrast bidenomics and maganomics. where does that leave you? >> yeah, i think first thing as other women were saying, go to your checking account and you are shocked. everywhere you go, if you are looking for cash, groceries or
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two-car grocery, middle class is getting smaller under bidenomics. most insulting thing, they know there is more month at the end of the paycheck every month and we continue to hear from the current president of the united states, he is doing it right and if you don't believe that, you have misunderstood and he'll wait for you to come to his conclusion. moms and dads, even suburban women, raising four kids, we have a two of had enincome fami and know our dollar does not go far, it is frustrating to hear the far left tell you they know what ises best for you, which stove to put in your ikitchen. now we have comparison to four years of donald trump and prosperity under donald trump
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and what we have learned about what bidenomics means, it is hard to live in joe biden's america and i think a lot of people who believed what they have been told about donald trump are realizing what they know about donald trump for four years he was in office and consideration for voting red is real for suburban women who might be thinking differently come november. >> carley: christina, hawaii is a blue state, you said you are seeing an awakening. >> people are starting to wake up, they are tired of maui, for example, still no money, displaced and homeless, everybody is getting taxpayer money except us. it is sad. i hear more people, i'm going to
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vote republic. it is not working. you cannot spell triumph without trump. >> carley: this is certainly going to be about the economy, three perspectives from states across the country. thank you for joining us. did you hear about this, mike tyson suffered a medical emergency and fans wonder that this means for his fight with jake paul. dr. nesheiwat will answer those questions. >> todd: bill and hillary getting ready to throw the biden campaign a life line with a lot of money. tomi lahren reacts to that next. a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care.
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>> i think it is likely this is only trial we'll get before election day and this is not a slam dunk. donald trump may very well not be convicted. acquitted is worst for democrats, donald trump gets to say joe biden prosecutors came after me, doj came after me and did not convict me. i'ms innocent. >> carley: warning from democratss from cnn. >> outkick host tomi lahren joins us. sounds like all the trump prosecution were intended to help democrats win the election. knock me over with a fort worther, tomi. >> tomi: this is disturbing you
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h haves cost play legal analysts on cnn disasppointed they will only get one trial before the election and what is going to happen to democrats if they can't put donald trump behind bars, then what are they going to do? run on their policies and joe biden? trigger warning democrats, put donald trump in a corner and that is where he does best, fighting. you called him a reality star clown that would destroy america. in 2020, he know didn't have much to fight for. now in 2024, that is when he performs best. if justice is served, don will be acquitted. >> carley: quinnipiac says 62%s
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guilty verdict would make no difference in their vote and 15% say guilty verdict would make them more likely to vote for donald trump. if he loses the trial, he could win in the political arena. we have seen the trump bumps before and could see it again. >> tomi: exactly my point. democrats miscalculated, they thought donald trump was like joe biden and he would be sleepy and putting him in a courtroom would tire him. it has seemingly given him more energy and when he's not sitting in that icebox, he is campaigning in the bronx and going to libertarian events and nascar events.
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he has more energy than anybody i've seen and joe biden does not have that. you can't indict trump into making joe biden's policies look appealing. >> todd: how do democrats c compensate for what tomi said? turn to bill and hillary clinton. hosting a biden fundraiser next month in d.c. with the d.c. elite. beltway fundraiser playing into what we think about when we think about the biden administration being helpful to d.c. eleites in the beltway, no real issues right now. >> tomi: joe biden has been
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great at fundraisering. if your lifeline is bill and hillary clinton. hillary clinton is a two-time loser, lost to donald trump in 2016. if she is your celebrity to win over hearts and minds shows sad state of joe biden's campaign. he is great raising money, that does not do much when your country and policies are failing. joe biden does not have energy or policies, you can't be an old failure, it does not work, math is not mathing as the young kids say. >> todd: election day in texas and one of the most watched races is runoff in 35th district, former deputy sheriff steven wright is facing
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rodriguez held by progressive democrat craig cezar. >> you were a sheriff in california, not in texas. why did you make the move from central valley to texas? >> well, my tax dollars go further in texas than in california. i think we lost our last republican governor in 2011 and since then california policy degraded the economy. d deficit going from $100 billion bill they can't raise enough money to essentially pay the b bills. it is degrading what is going on in california. >> todd: you are going up against michael rodriguez today,
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the goal is to win that and go up against greg kekezar. he supports green new deal and repar reparations. to be clear, he won 73% of the vote last election on this platform. how do you overcome that and defeat him in november? >> it will be difficult bringing on people, problem we have over here, we are seeing what austin is reeling from because of his policy on the city council defunding police and hom
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homelessness has blossomed. they are handcuff ing austin pd from address ing the homeless. they are not enforcing laws and don't have services. there are mental crisis and they do not have services these people need and they do network na nationwide and tend to travel when law enforcement is inhibited from doing their function and have services where they can get free items. >> todd: runoff is today, the race to defeetz your opponent is in november. city of denver literally writing the book on how to become a
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taxpayer funded migrant sanctuary. that is a literal text. >> carley: not from an n.g.o., the city itself. big charges made behind home plate after an umpire announced retirement. keep it here on "fox and friends fi first".
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>> carley: still reeling from migrant crisis of its own, city of denver offering how to advice for other cities to become tax funded migrant sf sanctuaries, well. >> todd: cheryl, we say this is one make sure this is not babylon bee, this is insane. >> cheryl: scity of denver mayo doubling down on free services, free trtransportation, free medical and free legal advice
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and more guide to welcoming to newcomers to your city. part of denver's approach, we welcome as newcomers. there are recommendations and strat knowledgeies for succes successfully integrating newcomers into the city, enhance spanish speaking staff, get donations and offer housing as assistanceful >> carley: denver spent 4.5 million shipping migrants to other cities. cheryl, bass pro shop saying something about inflation, what is message there? >> cheryl: the ceo is admitting
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inflation is real and company stores will adjust. morris saying inflation is big, my dad was big on delivering value to customers. it is not worth any more on your shelf than your competitors, we work hard and focus on affordability. inflation is above the 2% target rate. parents are irtired. >> it is bad, mom and pop stores are closing down at an,a larming rate. two to three jobs to make ends meet. it is insane. >> bidenomics is debilitating struggle. >> cheryl: bass pro shop is offering payment plan to
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customers. >> todd: walmart promoting pride merchandise. >> cheryl: tarrget scaled back ahead of june, pride month, walmart released this new adto celebrate. >> pride week is not a slogan, it is sense of community. i'm grateful to walmart for giving this opportunity to spread happiness. >> i think it is all really exciting to be a part of. >> cheryl: tarrget is selling pride merchandise in select stores after some items last year led to babackissue la. we'll see if walmart has
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success. tar target product mix caused an issue. >> carley: thank you. don't miss sherel on mornings with maria every weekday. thank you. boxing ledgend mike tyson is recovering after suffering from an ulcer flare-up. this is just two months before he is set to fight jake paul. dr. janette nesheiwat joins me now. he felt nauseous and dizzy due to an ulcer flare-up, what do you think about that? >> this is scary. an ulcer can be dangerous and deadly, it can start to bleed. othericismoms with ulcers
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include pain, heartburn and sometimes nausea or vomiting. i am glad they got him help he needed. peptic ulcers must be treated, it usually caused by h pylori, or too much alcohol or spicy food or stress. >> carley: big fight in two months, ulcer mixed with fighting concern you? >> if they can get the ulcer under control, he should be okay to fight, whole preppaaration i stressful. i'm sure his doctors are helping the ulcer to heal withant asid and antibiotics and probably did
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a scope. two months is time to heal and i thinklet fight will go on. >> carley: new study from swedish university warns tattoos may raise risk of lymphoma, shocking headline, what do you think about this? >> you know, carley, ooem not surprised, when you put a foreign item into your body, the body does not like it. i ink is in the busy and that ink causes inflammation in your body and activates your immune system and white blood cells. your immune system gets activated and cells hutate and become damaged and result in
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lympu ly lymphoma. if you have weak immune system, hiv positive, you may be at higher risk. it is important to note 80% of lymph oma patients recovers with appropriate treatment. >> carley: todd, over to you. >> todd: the witch is dead, one of the most controversial umpires in baseball is out of here. angel hernandez has spent three decades calls balls and strikes. the league and hernandez were coming to an agreement over weekend after negotiating a financial settlement. he sued but the suit was
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dismissed. fans taken with relief over his partner. la, joining in on the fun, saying they tried to give angel free lasic surgery. you have never upset me to point i need to do this. when i get angry, i give the eyes. that is person to change his or her behavior in response. angels tos people out of the game. he is out. >> carley: thank you for that analysis. biden administration reportedly pressing two biggest european allies not to confront iran about nuclear program. congressman cory mills is here next. >> todd: first steve doocy will
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look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." good morning. >> steve: what is in todd's coffee cup? >> todd: i hate angel hernandez. he hates yankees. >> steve: good morning to you. it is a big tuesday, it feels like a monday, it definitely is tuesday after memorial day. our top story, donald trump trial picks back up today with closing arguments and we could have a verdict this week. shannon bream will join us live this morning. plus we are learning actor johnny wactor was fatally shot while protecting his female co-worker. we are talking to his co-star who remembers him as a protector on and off the screen and arizona teacher leaving teaching fed up with student's constant
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phone use. an expert says we did not let kids bring television sets, why put up with this now. a billionaire commencement speaker gives $1000 checks to every graduate, only catch, they have to give half the money away. he will join us. and urban meyesr will join us o this tuesday. our brand new summer home, you will see at the top of the hour. carl carley and the guy with the eye back in two. of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre.
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♪ >> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. a u.n. security council will hold an emergency meeting today after an israeli airstrike in rafah targeting two hamas officials also reportedly killed dozens of civilians. prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressing those civilian deaths saying quote despite our upmost effort not to harm innocent civilians last night there was a terrible mistake we will investigate and obtain a conclusion. spain, norway will officially recognize the palestinian state today. the countries say they hope their decision will influence other european nations to do the same. my goodness. the white house also responding to the rafah strike telling
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israel, quote: we understand the strike killed two senior hamas terrorists who are responsible for attacks against israeli civilians but as we have been clear, israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians. >> todd: florida congressman cory mills sits then on the house and foreign affairs committee. your response to the strike and reaction from the white house? >> look. this is a problem when you have these types of wars where it is a continuous, you know, fight door-to-door, house-to-house, village-to-village. we saw the same thing in iraq and afghanistan. we saw under the obama administration when they actually had conducted drone strikes against aqap in the gulf of aden where many civilians and collateral damage was rendered and called the peninsula to explode as a terrorist safe haven. this is something that netanyahu has taken responsibility for. he is looking into. but, also, we must note that there was two senior hamas leaders that was killed that
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actually stop some of the planning went on that actually killed 1200 people on october 7th. they must continue to do their job and conduct it but they also make sure they ensure they minimize the amount of collateral damage as well. >> carley: there is a major report from the "wall street journal" the biden administration is pressuring britain and france not to censure iran for advancing its nuclear program. apparently the biden administration is worried that a censure would increase aggressive behavior by iran. this is coming as the u.n. atomic energy agency reported iran could have weapons grade uranium in a matter of days. what do you make of this biden administration's strategy? >> well, here is biden telling israel our ally exactly how they should be doing things and yet showing appeasement to iran. >> this is the same administration under biden that delisted the houthi rebels as terrorist designation. this is the same administration who has stopped enforcing the
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oil exportation to china which is actually the reason that they have this financing to be able to go ahead and advance their nuclear program. now they are trying to interfere with the iaeas capabilities to be able to ensure that iran doesn't become a nuclear capability not only abstaining from the vote but encouraging others to not to actually enforce it. again, these are the same people who got us into the jcpoa the same failed administration who allowed them to go ahead and ship mid range ballistic missiles to yemen to attack our allies saudi coast. they are weakening when our adversaries who are the great sponsor of terror? iran. >> carley: if iran is just days away from becoming a nuclear power, days away from weapons grade uranium, what happens next? >> this is the actual chance where we should be stepping up our efforts. this is where the iaea should be going in.
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this is where the united nations security council should be stepping up. iran is partnering with china. iran is partnering with russia. those are part of the key five for the u.n. security council so this will never pass. >> todd: quick answer, 10 seconds. do you think this increase from iran would be happening if trump's iran policy had been kept in place by the biden administration. >> absolutely not. absolutely not, todd. none of this would have been happening. ing on the 7th wouldn't be happening and we would be a safer nation at home. >> carley: you made the point earlier how the biden administration is criticizing israel for going into rafah and trying to kill hamas fighters while they are worried about their response to iran and sort of appeasing our number one foreign adversaries. congressman, thank you so much for joining us have a great day two major topics to talk about there. >> thank you. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day, everybody. ♪


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