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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 28, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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security council should be stepping up. iran is partnering with china. iran is partnering with russia. those are part of the key five for the u.n. security council so this will never pass. >> todd: quick answer, 10 seconds. do you think this increase from iran would be happening if trump's iran policy had been kept in place by the biden administration. >> absolutely not. absolutely not, todd. none of this would have been happening. ing on the 7th wouldn't be happening and we would be a safer nation at home. >> carley: you made the point earlier how the biden administration is criticizing israel for going into rafah and trying to kill hamas fighters while they are worried about their response to iran and sort of appeasing our number one foreign adversaries. congressman, thank you so much for joining us have a great day two major topics to talk about there. >> thank you. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day, everybody. ♪
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♪ >> lawrence: we love that open. this is #:00 a.m. on the east coast. tuesday, may the 28th and it's "fox & friends." fox news alert. a violent holiday weekend in chicago. at least 39 people shot and nine killed, including a 5-year-old girl, days after mayor brandon johnson rolled out his new summer safety plan. >> carley: plus, closing arguments, jury instructions, and possibly a verdict this week. new york vs. trump could come to a close soon. >> steve: and absolutely speechless. ♪ >> steve: yeah, that's a rod and his 19-year-old daughter surprised him at the timberwolves play off game he was shocked we have that and more social media trends coming up because "fox & friends" starts now and, remember, mornings are better with
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friends. ♪ it will all turn out ♪ and you will make it work, work to work it out. ♪ give more than i get. >> ainsley: look at those beautiful american flags. remembering those who fought for our country. who have sacrificed for our country and we are so grateful. my father called last night and said i hope you get on your knees tonight before you close your eyes and say thank you to those men and women that have paid the ultimate price for us. we thank our veterans and everyone who is fighting now and remember those who have gone before us. >> steve: as you tune in on this tuesday that kind of feels like a monday after the holiday yesterday. you will notice we are in a new space. [cheers] >> steve: essentially it's our summer share. we are in the space for the summer. >> ainsley: our summer share house. >> steve: great big "studio m" is being remodeled and getting
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updated and stuff like that. we are here. lawrence and i came in at 2:00 this morning. we dragged couch in to "studio m" welcome to studio b as in breakfast. >> lawrence: look at the knew graphics got a little yellow in there. >> carle car. >> ainsley: i love the new song. everybody behind the cameras wave. we are showing you all. >> lawrence: they all hate being on camera. >> ainsley: can we show everyone who works so hard behind the camera. ♪ >> ainsley: love you all. >> steve: john, come on. >> ainsley: come on. >> steve: chulo, wave. >> ainsley: it's great. all back together. our studio is beautiful it's large. we have upstairs and downstairs. you are right we are all in one room. chris chulo the guy always talking off camera for about 25 years. >> ainsley: if you ask him about some show that your parents watched, grandparents watched. as young as he is, he has watched them all.
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>> steve: who is the star of my mother the car. >> ainsley: jerry van dyke. there you go. steve see it we are not all back together. brian will be back toge tomorroi believe. >> ainsley: 23 people across five states are now dead including four children after several tornadoes ripped through the heartland on sunday destroying entire neighborhoods. and folks across texas, bracing for another round of extreme weather this morning with large hail and damaging winds expected. in about 20 minutes we have a live report from a hard-hit city just north of where lawrence grew up in dallas. two potentially dangerous inmates are still on the run this morning after escaping from a louisiana jail over the holiday weekend. a total of four prisoners escaping through a weak spot in the chain link fence. the two men there on your screen are still at large. if you see them, call the police. the other two were captured on sunday. these two guys.
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jail officials had no clue about the jail break until one of the immates' family members alerted authorities. three of the four escapees facing charges in connection with a 2022 murder. the nypd releasing wild video pursuit of attempted murder suspect on the freeway ended last month. the suspect had been trying to evade officers on his bicycle after allegedly shooting his own brother. police find ago small handgun at the end of the pursuit. suspect treated for injuries and booked. the department says it is still investigating the incident. a united airlines flight catching fire just before taking off from the chicago o'hare airport. can you see black smoke coming from the end of the seattle bound flight towed to the gate after catch okay fire. passengers transported off the plane through the gate and no one was injured. the airline says it is working
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on alternative travel arrange of thes for the customers on plane. two squad member confused on the difference between it memorial day and veterans day. ilhan omar calling for americans honor those who served. omar referring to u.s. service members who died while serving the country. congresswoman cori bush making the same honoring our veterans. bush peesd follow-up quickly honoring whose who died in service. a surfer in southern california terrifying moment when a shark knocked him off of his board on sunday. >> when that thing hit me from below, i knew right away that bass a shark. there was no doubt in my mind the way it hit the board from below, it was coming for me for sure. >> ainsley: yikes. a attack left a foot long bite on the surf board. one of two sightings in san
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clement at a. that kept everyone out of the water on memorial day as a precaution. those are your headlines. >> steve: you were talking over the weekend how we were all down in florida. >> ainsley: we were on the beach and all the kids were playing in the ocean and we heard shark, shark, shark. you saw the two dorsal fins, then we thought they were dolphins then we realized some men who were fishermen those are tarpon that look a lot like they have the dorsal fin, too. scary at first. >> lawrence: one of the few reasons i don't surf. >> steve: all about wading. nobody is surfing. >> ainsley: going up to here is one thing to be way out there you are like no, no, no. >> lawrence: a fox news alert. a violent memorial day weekend in chicago leaves nine people dead, including a 5-year-old girl. >> steve: and all of this comes just days after mayor brandon johnson rolled out his new summer safety plan. is it working? doesn't look like it.
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>> ainsley: madeleine rivera is live with all the details for us. maddy? >> madeleine: just so sad. that 5-year-old girl was hit by gunfire sitting in a parked car early sunday morning. she died later in the hospital. a 24-year-old man believed to be her father was standing outside the car and was also shot. the mother is pleading the city to take action oas she urges whoever is responsible to turn themselves in. >> brought life to our life, to outsider's lives, to everybody that met her. she was just a real sweet kid. >> chicago police say rain was more than two dozen people hurt and nearly 10 people killed in shootings over the holiday weekend. unfortunately, the city sees a lot of violence on memorial day weekend. as the unofficial start of summer it's putting the summer safety plan to the question. increase of patrols downtown and local beaches. the city is offering hundreds of jobs and activities for kids as
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mayor brandon johnson criticizes the previous administration for what he calls a lack of investing in youth. he believes progressive leadership will help build the city up. >> administration after administration has shut down public schools, pluck housing, eroded our transportation system, raided our pensions. we're also piloting a new program, partnership with dffs and good city kids mad city. 100 u.n. peace keepers not only working to stay safe but they are working to engage other young people to make sure that they're safe. >> plan also intends to address violence by identifying its root causes. listen here. >> there are multiple things that lead to violence. and when you take jobs away from people, because that's what administrations have done. when you shut down schools, those are very violent acts. very traumatizing. so we are course correcting.
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>> madeleine: and chicago police will be canceling officers' days off this summer they will do so within reason. steve, ainsley and lawrence. >> steve: all right, madeleine, thank you very much. where we started where you mentioned that that 5-year-old girl was shot and madeleine said it was in a parked car early in the morning, the little girl was in a parked car at 3:30 in the morning on a chicago street and then, you know, as we have seen too many times, gangs and stuff like that, drugs such a big problem as well. and referring to this at the very end. last year they canceled all the police officers' days off to make sure they had as many cops on the beat on memorial day. this year they had officers work less mandatory overtime look what happened. nine killed, 30 wounded. is it because of the mayor's new summer program. >> lawrence: it's not helping. is he saying 100 youth peace keepers. that's not going to help the problem there the issue is not peace when it comes to the
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violent criminals on the street. you need enforcement of those people. is he also talking weighing if they are going to put a curfew into effect. most of these acts happen at night. go ahead and implement it. he also doesn't want the national guard to come in. listen, i have talked to a lot of these kids that live there, and even the good kids say they're under pressure to join the gang. so you got take the bad elements off the street there is a go fund me baby rainwear, $914. it's interesting. a city had no problem fund raising for people that were setting the city on fire back in the summer of 2020 of love. i hope they can get this go fund me to that $15,000. >> ainsley: i can't imagine what that mom is going through. she posted something and just thanking people for their prayers and support and asking people to help donated to pay for the funeral. she said her little girl was fun
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and fascinated with bubbles. she loved playing with her older sister 9 years old and watching dance videos on social media. she was in a parked car at 3:30 in the morning. dad standing outside and they were both shot. he is supposed to be in good condition but obviously she lost her life. >> lawrence: last thing i would say on in this is going to be the destination of the dnc convention. >> steve: it is. >> lawrence: it will be interesting to see how crime is impacted when all the dignitaries of the democratic party are there. can they keep chicago safe snen if the answer to that is yes, then that is so disgraceful to the people of chicago. >> ainsley: there needs to be a no tolerance. he took over only been the mayor for six months. blaming his predecessor for the problems. now he has a chance to go from and really clean up the streets. that's why chicago voted for him. >> lawrence: yeah. we will see. >> ainsley: lightfoot was there before him and she lost her election to him in a run
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al-jaafari. >> steve: summer season getting off on a bad start in chicago. >> lawrence: turning to the latest on former president trump's new york criminal trial. >> ainsley: closing arguments set to begin today after more than four weeks of proceedings. and testimony from nearly two dozen witnesses. >> steve: eric shawn, we have seen him for seemingly a month down at new york state supreme court joining us on this tuesday. so, eric, today is the big day when the judge says okay, jurors, this is what you are going to do. apparently these jury instructions. did he present them to both sides because the conclusion of activities last week? >> eric: yeah. he did, steve. good morning, guys. yes, they went to the jury instructions. that's going to be a very key part of this. they make up the jury instructions later today or tomorrow when they are given the case to start deliberating. today is time for closing arguments. and we expect those to start in a couple of hours. and we'll start with former president trump's turn. trump's lawyer, todd blanche,
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expected to lay out the case here in this trial to the jurors that, in his view, there is no case. blanche will hammer away at the credibility of michael cohen. reminding the juror of cohen's long list of admitted lies over the years. cohen has not previously told the truth under oath and the fact that mr. cohen stole $60,000 from his boss. then there is the testimony of lawyer robert costello plans to remind the jury costello said cohen told him trump had nothing to do with the payment of the stormy daniels. blanche will lay out the accounting department employees. they all said they processed the checks and that the former president had nothing to do with them. didn't tell them anything. joshua stein class is expected to give the closing for the prosecution. he w will tell that cohen was telling the truth when he said trump was behind the alleged scheme to falsely classify the payments of legal expenses and also expected to tell them that the documents and the testimony of others will all corroborate
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cohen that he was telling the truth. here's some of the possible outcomes in the case. conviction on all 34 counts of felony falsification of business records. conviction on some. acquittal on others. acquittal on all the co account. judge could potentially remove the jury from this process entirely. >> there is no crime. you got to go through all this stuff and nothing done wrong. ndas are perfect. by the way legal expenses. we paid a legal expense. do you know what it's marked down in the books is a legal expense. not marked down as construction. it's not marked down as sheetrock and cinder block. it's marked down as legal expense. >> eric: going to take just one of 12 jurors prevent a conviction. president biden has basically refrained from commenting about the trial during the last seven weeks. well, he reportedly will make a
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statement whether this verdict ends in guilty or not guilty the white house going to say something or maybe they won't be able to come up with a decision. if not, the judge sends them back in and says you got to try again. we'll have to see what happens. they will get the case perhaps later today if not tomorrow morning. back to you. >> steve: never dull. hey, eric, before you go. i think it was on truth social in the last 24 hours. the former president seems upset that his lawyer, when it comes to closing arguments, his lawyer has to go first. and then the prosecution goes second. doesn't the state also go last? that's what he is upset about. that's new york law. he gave that posting. under the law the defense goes first and then the prosecution goes. is he also claiming that the election expert brad smith was not allowed to testify. that is not true. smith's testimony was restricted
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by the judge but it was trump's defense attorneys, trump's own side decided not to call smith. the president claiming something that is, again, false. >> steve: okay. >> lawrence: thanks, eric. >> ainsley: 34 different counts. if he is acquitted on all accounts, that will be good for donald trump, good for the republican party. that there can also be as he mentioned a among jury. the difference between the two a hung jury all it takes is one juror to say i can't make up my mind. i don't know if is he innocent or guilty. and then that could lead to a retrial. the prosecution could take this back. >> lawrence: ainsley, you say good for the republican party. i think also good for the country as well. people will be able to choose their candidate with no interferences from a judge. >> ainsley: good point. >> lawrence: even liberal legal annual lists admitted that they could not figure out what was being alleged in the bragg indictment. after weeks of the trial, the swattle has changed little. and i think that is going -- we can go about semantics who is
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going to close this way. but the crime has still not been presented before the court. so how are they going to be able to get a conviction. and if that's allowed to stand, could see a new way of doing business in new york city. never -- have you seen people on both sides, they never have seen anything like this. how are you able to bring a case, not state the crime, make it all the way to the jury? now the judge does have an opportunity today. is he going to finally hear those motions to dismiss this outright. let's see what he does. maybe he surprises us. i don't think so. >> steve: for the jury, it all comes down to did the prosecution prove yard that donald trump did all that stuff? you mentioned the cover of the "new york post" in the cover of the "new york post" says nothing to bragg about. been sitting on that headline for a while. it's jonathan turley. is he talking all about why given everything that we have heard, the verdict should be not guilty. >> ainsley: what will biden -- we know what he will say if he is found guilty of any of these
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counts. what he does finally speak about it, what will he say if donald trump it acquitted? >> steve: you know what? we know exactly what according to politico, apparently what he is going to say is the message will depend on the outcome but the point will be made that the legal system worked and the process should be respected. >> ainsley: okay. >> steve: to whatever the outcome. that's what the president will say if it's that way. but if is he convicted then according to politico, it sounds like every time they mention donald trump they will say convicted felon donald trump. >> lawrence: this is what they want. >> steve: like a brand name. that's all. starting right now 3 hours and 10 minutes from right now. trending stories from our brand new studio b on this tuesday morning. >> carley: hello. i will be reading them for you guys. tom brady again this summer going with his family, the nfl legend posting a new memorial day video with his kids to instagram.
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brady revealing the standard he will hold himself to in the fox nfl broadcast booth this season. >> for me did i put everything into it. did i give the fans everything that they tuned in for? and that's really how i will end up gauging myself and i will have to look at myself at the end of every sunday night doing did i do a good enough job? did i live up to the belief that fox had in me? >> carley: brady makes his broadcast debut on september 8th for the browns, cowboys, lawrence, the brownsz cowboys season opener and something tells me he is going to do just fine. >> lawrence: i'm excited about that especially since he has been favorable of dak prescott and helping him a little bit. now is he stepping into this announcing role. i think he is going to be able to let us see the game in a new light. i'm pro-this, i'm pro. this. >> ainsley: he will be great.
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>> steve: greg olsen whose spot is he taking. they have done some in the studio stuff and things like that. carley, you showed what he was doing during the summer. we saw a little of him wake boarding where he is on that wake board controlled electronically. at one point -- there he is with his kids. at one point he fell into the water. it was kind of crazy. the message there was, look, i'm not superman, i make mistakes just like everybody else, and it makes him -- there is he wake boarding. like that. >> ainsley: who is filming this? like he has a camera crew. >> carley: that water looks amazing. >> ainsley: makes me remember i have got to do this with my daughter. inspiring me. >> carley: he may make mistakes, steve but way fewer than most people. >> steve: he is the goat. >> carley: when he comes to fox we won't roast him. he got that out of his system. it's a welcoming environment here. got another story about a sports legend. baseball legend alex rodriguez left speechless this is so cute
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after his daughter surprised him on sunday. ella before a rod's oldest walked up to him during sunday's minnesota timberwolves game. he didn't expect her to be there because she just finished up her freshman year of college at the university of michigan. no dad likes a surprise more than a dad who is being surprised by his daughter. how cool is that? >> ainsley: that is sweet. >> steve: i was wondering why he was all dressed up. was he working or broadcasting the game? he is dressed up on the front row. he is trying to buy the team. is he trying to buy the timberwolves. is he looking like a rod and there is his daughter. >> ainsley: think about is this his oldest daughter, i believe and first child to go college she is back now. >> carley: stars just like us trying to buy the whole team that's one reason why you suit
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up. >> steve: now, carley my favorite story of the weekend. >> carley: do you remember the viral four seasons baby? of course you do. her adorable face was everywhere. she and her family finally made their much anticipated trip to the luxury resort in orlando. listen to this. >> i have a question for everybody, who wants to go to the four seasons, orlando? ♪ >> carley: that is the perfect video. parents joined us on "fox & friends" last week to talk about that viral moment. it was such a fun interview. watch this. >> honestly, no words. it's exciting. it's nerve-racking. this whole process and everything going on is something new at every corner. >> hands in the air, original video over 7 million likes. millions and millions of views
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across all the social media platforms. >> lawrence: that baby is starting her life out right. >> carley: she has good taste. baby kate. >> steve: we might end up seeing the baby more. a bellhop place as sheet of paper to a desk that says to indicate and her family where to next? >> ainsley: setting the bar pretty high. >> carley: can you imagine being 1 years old and be the four seasons spokes baby. >> steve: it's awesome. >> carle >> ainsley: where were we at 1 years old. can i take a picture of the motel we stayed. in i love the hotel was all there waving. >> steve: she got a tiara, too. >> ainsley: she is adorable. >> steve: we are stepping aside a fox weather alert. terrible weekend weatherize. we have a live report coming up. ♪
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>> steve: coming up 6:30 in the east. back with a fox weather alert. 23 people across five states are now dead, including four children after a number of tornadoes ripped through the heartland destroying entire neighborhoods. and cities across texas bracing for another round of extreme weather this morning. fox weather correspondent max gorden is in a vehicle right now north of dallas.
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and, max, i just saw behind you are in the middle of a storm. >> max: yeah. we're actually in the middle of a severe thunderstorm warning right now. we are seeing lightning, flashing all around us. claps of thunder. hail falling on us. the vehicle was rocking earlier because of the strong winds. about 60 mile-per-hour gusts. right now though our vehicle is parked in the middle of a neighborhood that was destroyed by an ef-3 tornadoes back on saturday night. very strong winds, obviously associated with that tornado. and you can see the destruction right out in front of me there. 7 people were killed in north texas. 100 injured. horrible situation here. now, in nearby valley view, texas, that's just a few miles away from us, dramatic video shows as motorists traveling along i-35 had to run for cover into a shell gas station that gas station took a direct hit from the tornado. the walls collapsing. the walls in the parking lot pulverized with flying debris.
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the dozens of people sheltering inside did survive between friday and monday there were around 65 confirmed tornadoes that touched down around 15 states. and the death toll, unfortunately has been climbing. 23 people confirmed dead across the u.s. because of these tornadoes and severe storms. along with the seven dead in north texas, two people died after e f-3 tornado hit northeastern oklahoma. 8 storm related deaths reported in arkansas. five people died in kentucky due to the storms and one person is confirmed dead in alabama. now, power outages, that's been a big issue with these severe storms. hundreds of thousands of customers have been without power. power is slowly being restored in a lot of places. really the issue here in the dallas area today is obviously this severe weather. it's going to complicate clean-up efforts and right now we have a ground stop at dfw. a lot of complications with this severe weather as it continues to roll through in the heartland, guys? >> steve: max gordon live in sanger, texas.
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be careful janice dean knows where it is. she joins us now. explain what the little dots are. i don't think i have seen that many dots on your maps. >> janice: those are severe thunderstorm warnings right now. scattered thunderstorms popping up in parts of oklahoma as well as northwest of the dallas area. a lot of lightning with these as we saw. max gordon reporting, you know, inside his vehicle. and the potential for heavy rain and flooding. not only that, later on today, we could see the potential of tornadoes across texas, mainly texas in towards oklahoma and louisiana. but here's one of the severe thunderstorm warnings. northwest of the dallas area. we could see hail close to 2 inches in diameter. this is a considerable risk, with severe thunderstorm watches in effect for parts of oklahoma and texas. this latest watch until 11:00 a.m., including the dallas-fort worth area. as you mentioned, we will have big travel delays today as people are trying to get home for the memorial day weekend.
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severe storm threat, much of texas, the state of texas in towards oklahoma and louisiana. we could see the potential of hail, damaging winds and tornadoes, that includes dallas and austin just on the cusp of san antonio can, the heavy rain could cause the potential for flooding. this has been an incredible springtime in terms of severe weather. today being no exception. but, texas, you're on alert for much of today and into the overnight. fox for all of your latest details. we will keep you up to date through the morning show, obviously. >> steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. >> janice: you got it. >> ainsley: individuals in the democratic party looking at joe biden and looking at the economy and how people are feeling about the economy is, your dollar going as far under biden vs. trump. and so they are telling him -- his advisers and anxious democrats are expressing that he needs to show more empathy and compassion for the american people when he talks about the economy. don't talk about how great it is and what have you done necessarily, just be elm
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pathetic and talk about how this is my goal, and we have done better and better, but we're not there yet. and if you want to see what joe biden has said in the past about the economy here's a little taste. >> it's real. but the fact is that if you take a look at what people have, they have the money to spend. >> we are hel get families out f debt. >> i believe continued progress on inflation will benefit both the american people and the global economy. >> this is a president who has been very clear about making sure that he is building the economy that leaves no one behind. >> lawrence: the administration is big on the graphs they will tell you g.d.p. is up, unemployment is down. look at the stock markets. but as david axelrod obama guy. not chief architects of his campaign. doesn't really acknowledge the empathy and what people are struggling when it documents inflation as well as day-to-day
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costs. this is what axelrod said. this has been a constant, constant problem. his desire to claim i have the is a huge obstacle to connect him with voters. can you cite data until the cows come home. what counts is how people are perceiving the economy. look, dude, when people are going to the grocery store and when people want to buy a car or get a new house, they see a different reality. they are not looking at your graphs. this is the second time he said something like this. it doesn't look like the administration is listening though, steve. >> steve: no, lawrence, it just seems when we hear kjp or the president or the president's people out saying the numbers are great, we just don't feel like it because -- and i saw this gratification last night on "special report" sport. since joe biden took office inflation is up about 20%. okay. we are getting inflation under control. no, you are up 20% higher. ultimately i think what david axelrod is doing is he is
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essentially channeling bill clinton because bill clinton, when he was running, it was all about the economy. they had that thing on the war room in the clinton campaign. it's the economy, stupid. so many people don't feel -- don't feel like joe biden feels their pain. they have got change that otherwise, he just seems out of touch. >> ainsley: he seems out of touch when he is up there bragging about the economy. you just went to the grocery store you just tried buy a car. or you are seeing interest rate go up on credit card. you want to buy a house but you can't because your interest rate under trump was 2%, 3%. now it's up to 7%. >> steve: let's see what they do. >> ainsley: 35 minutes after the top of the hour. caitlin clark taking women's basketball by storm. now she is getting heat for her race. former nfl sideline reporter michele tafoya says theun m is just plain wrong. >>shar
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[ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. >> lawrence: so caitlin clark
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has taken women's basketball by storm more eyes to the sport than ever before. she is now getting heat for her race. and even wnba coast becca hamlin is piling on. >> she has done something no man or woman black or white has ever done. give. >> geraldo: flowers. what it has done is highlighted how blank and brown greatness has not been celebrated or valued as much. >> former nfl sideline reporter michele tafoya joins us now. i'm a big fan of coach she used to coach at the spurs. i love what she does. i think she should have stopped at the initial comment when she said but, it's almost like she discounted everything she said before. did i get that wrong? >> well it, sure sounds that way. look, when someone new and amazing comes to a sport, like tiger woods, like simone biles, like serena williams, like shohei ohtani and messi in miami
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with soccer. when someone new and amazing comes to a sport they tend to get attention. caitlin clark is now getting that attention. 64% of wnba, lawrence, are black or african-american. >> lawrence: of course. >> 20% are white. caitlin clark happens to be white. here what else caitlin clark happens to be. >> lawrence: good. >> phenomenal. she is a player that you can't take your eyes off of because the minute she crosses the mid court line, you know a shot could go up and could go in. she plays like steph curry a mightily celebrated black man that's what makes her so engaging. this league has tomorrow brace her. i know there are a lot of people grinding for a long time in this league. remember, too lawrence, when the wnba was formed in 1997, it was built around three players. cheryl swoops, lisa leslie both
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black and latina. i think these players have been getting their praise and their due for a long time. >> lawrence: so the league is expanding. there is three new sports leagues this year. 23 new women sports teams this year. you got increases out of the wazoo. so, i mean, i guess we should kind of speak honestly. any time there is someone new, i mean she has been good for the sport. >> yes. >> black folks we dominate sports. it's a reality. you look at the nfl, nba. when you have as to your point venus or serena and tiger woods. there is an entire movie about white men can't jump. so when you seeing this player that you have never seen who is a white girl, you typically don't see that, there is interest in that no matter the race of it. but, because they are an outlier, people want to see it. >> absolutely. and i can certainly understand how it gets tiresome. imagine being a golfer for years and years on the pga and tiger
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woods shows up and steals the show. every time a reporter comes up to you, they are not going to ask you about your game they are going to ask you about tiger. this is what is happening in the wnba with kaitlin. she absorbing all of this attention because, like becky hamlin said she has done something no man or woman has done in basketball with her scoring record. and she is bringing that interest. they should embrace her. they should ride the coat tails and say our game is getting a lift. let's make sure we capitalize. >> lawrence: they should definitely embrace her. they're also getting pay raise as a result of more viewership. >> absolutely. >> lawrence: before we go we got to talk about your friend someone that you knew legendary nba hall of famer bill walton died yesterday at age 71 a after a long battle with cancer. tell us about your friend. >> well, you know what? i wish i had known him better. but, we did get the chance to work together on the nba when i was at espn and abc.
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and bill was a legend. and unique, and they didn't make many like bill. and i think it's fitting that he passed away the day after the final pac-12 events were played. the pac-12 was his conference. it was then the pac 10. he thrived under john wooden with ucla all those championships. he was one of the super stars of the pac 10. and the pac 10 ended and bill died the next day. and it is kind of an amazing turn of events. but he had many, many layers, controversial. he was animated as much as he was serious. he would be rude but he could be a gentleman. my lasting memory of bill is being driven home from an nba game we were covering back to the hotel and bill would not just drop me off. he said i got to walk you to the door to make sure -- he was being a gentleman, being protective and that shed a whole new light on bill for me. 71, gone too soon but left an
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amazing legend behind. >> lawrence: amazing man. incredible basketball player. michelle, thanks so much for coming on the program this morning. >> great to see you, lawrence. >> lawrence: yes, ma'am. so scammers are getting starter. using ai to target -- impersonating well-known companies like best boy. kurt the cyberguy on how to avoid getting suck erred. that's next. ♪ ♪ stumbling out of bars ♪ i follow you through the dark ♪ you're the medicine in my rain ♪ the tattoo in someone's lane ♪ and maybe you know it's obvious ♪ i'm a sucker for you ♪ say the word ♪
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♪ >> carley: is primary run off election day in the lone star state. and polls are about to open in east texas. governor greg abbott and attorney general ken paxton are looking to settle political scores in the state's house races. abbott has endorsed candidates running against republicans who voted against his school voucher program. and paxton is backing candidates who oppose those who voted to impeach him. and democracy in action in
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nevada where young voters got practice voting in on ice cream primary. >> exercising your vote to vote on ice cream. >> it's a good practice for when i'm an adult. >> carley: how cute is that kids under 18 chose between four flavors and they all got free scoops. those are your headlines, steve, over to you. >> steve: that is great. perfect. thank you very much. according to new ftc report, retail giant best boy buy compay most to try to get your money. 52,000 incidents, mostly with scammers pretending to be from the company's geek squad. and they stole over 15 million bucks. here to react kurt the cyberguy. kurt, i have seen those kind of emails. and, in fact, the top companies impersonated by scammers, best buy, amazon, paypal and microsoft, we have graphic does that effect. it just goes to show you that some of the most popular things
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online, the scammers have figured out a way to take your money with them. >> hey, good morning, steve. some of the most trusted brands. things you might think might be falling into your inbox or email as we start our week here on a tuesday getting back to work. you are checking your email and you want to look out for scams like these. because there are plenty. this is the number one most complained about from victims to the ftc. best buy and geek squad. the geek squad one is really crafty. they will go in and make it seem like hey, we have got some wrong with your computer. if you click here we will fix it right await a minute okay that, sounds good. click. so bottom line, don't click anything you didn't ask for. i think you will stay safe from those scams. >> steve: something really troubling. we have been talking about artificial intelligence. a.i. used by the scammers so they have this bogus website. right? they use ai to populate it at the top of your google search or
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your search engine search. you know, i think a lot of people think kurt, if you use google, whatever it takes you to, that's legit. but apparently that's not true. >> i could go on to google and be searching for your cookbook, for example, and up will be those you have all seen it the ads just above what you really want. what you really part is below the part that disuns say sponsored on it and that's the true result. it's the little ads at the top that scammers are really gaming google and gaming americans with this where they are going and buying links there. they seem legitimate. may look like, for example, a quicken support help line. and the problem is that if you look really really closely, the url, the web address it's going to is some bizarre name that's just the letters are out of whack like a dyslexic version of quick it. >> steve: go to
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disciple the website address in your browser. use company's official apps and routinely run antivirus. all that stuff sutter the >> subscribers detailed ways to avoid this coming to your inbox. >> steve: it will be in my inbox. good morning, america. ♪ ♪ really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence.
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