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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 28, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> ainsley: good morning, 8:00 a.m., tuesday, may 28, this is "fox and friends." maganomics verses bidenomics. americans say the economy is not working for them and democrats say biden need to have more empathy, more compassion or they will lose in november. >> steve: and democrats are fr freaking out. cell phones taking over america's schools. we asked an expert how to combat children's addiction to a smartphone in school. >> lawrence: one billionaire commencement speaker giving $1000 to 1000 all in a mission to giveback. >> lawrence: okay, that's fine. >> two guess, our gift to you and gift of giving. each of you is getting $1000 in cash right now.
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>> lawrence: he will join us. final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: embracing the life changes this morning. we are in a new studio, new look for period of time. we'll be back in our old studio when it is finished remodeling, we are embracing new change, new graphics and brian will be back tomorrow to embrace it. >> ainsley: i love it. it is smaller than our other studio, it is next door to the studio i started on the show. took me back. >> lawrence: nostalgia.
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>> steve: a little smaller? you kidding? >> ainsley: a lot smaller. >> lawrence: get xersz in. >> steve: new logo, new music. crew from studio m in studio b through summer and we invite you to join us on "fox and friends." >> ainsley: that is right. turning to the latest on trump's criminal trial. closing arguments set to begin today after testimony from two dozen witnesses. >> steve: president biden is ready to start talking about donald trump and the case. >> lawrence: what will he say? rich edson is live at the white house. >> president biden will speak about the trump case, biden
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intends to address the setting in a white house setting not a political one. on the campaign trail, the president had subtle criticism of trump's legal problems. politico says the team is finalizing plan for conclusion of trump's trial. white house has had no comment and waiting for a response from the biden campaign. next few months, george clooney will host biden, bill clinton and hillary clinton and this memorial day weekend president biden visited his daughter just ahead of the ninth anniversary of his son's death.
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hunter gun case is coming up. >> steve: rich edson, they are mowing or doing leaf blowing. according to politico item rich was talking about, sounds like behind the scenes, what they will start doing, if donald trump is convicted, they will refer to that status forever. what is interesting, they are aulsz also preparing for a barrage of attacks if trump is acquitted or winds up with a hung jury. if he is not convicted, they will come out and point out the legal system worked and the process should be respected. >> ainsley: we will not hear from the president until after the verdict. he could be convicted on all or one or no counts.
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if one juror thought, i don't know, prosecution could have a retrial. >> lawrence: question is, what is response from the president and white house if the former president is acquitted and brought up about collagen koelg /* koel colangelo props prosecuting this case after department of justice said no. >> steve: hung jury just takes one. if they have not proven guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, everybody could vote and one hold out saying no. >> lawrence: they have had a full week to think about it. >> ainsley: they have to judge
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this based on the facts. is he guilty? did he commit a crime? what we have heard, what is the crime? we don't know and everything donald trump has done is not criminal in nature. it is not against the law to get someone to write an nda, and write a check to someone to stay quiet. >> lawrence: it has been helping his campaign. another politico report, democrats are in full-blown freak-out mode over biden. >> ainsley: hillary vaughn joins us now live at the white house. >> this election is bidenomics against maganomics and at the center is tax cuts former president trump put in place that expire at end of the year. president biden says he will not throw those a lifeline. >> president biden: trump is saying he will give another tax
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cut expires next year, okay. let me tell you something, it will take -- if i'm elected. >> trump tax cuts expire end of 2025, maybe biden thinks that is a issue. if those run out, it will make people feel worse about economy they are not hot on. 64% of americans think the economy is getting worse. if trump tax cuts expire, it would get worse. trump says he will make them p permanent. >> we're going to throw out bidenomics, going to replace it with maganomics, like your hats, maganomics. i will give you low taxes, low inflation, low interest rates, rising wages, growing income and
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fair trade for the american worker and make energy affordable again by saying drill, baby, drill. >> even some democrats are worried biden bragging on campaign trail about the world's gr greatest economy does not sit well with voters. democrat being operatives in close touch with white house telling politico, don't be the guy on the record saying we're doomed or campaign is bad or biden is making mistakes, but biden's poor polling and mistakes of the election are creating the freak out. biden is not getting the mess an. he said consumer confidence is already turned around. he does not have a plan to shy away from saying his economic policies are working for
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americans. >> steve: hillary, we saw the guy mowing, we have the answer. hillary, it was 96 or nine months ago, white house going to try to get people to turn against donald trump by referring to extreme and magga, donald trump is embracing term maganomics while bidenomics is pretty much under water with polls. >> that is right. they are pushing bidenomics further, delivering handouts like student loan forgiveness, they must think that would have impact to try to win people over on bidenomics who may not be convinced already. >> steve: it is lawn day at the white house. >> lawrence: there is a new article out in politico talking about dems urging joe biden to
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show more empathy or he'll lose in november. i found the whole article fascinating. if you remember in 2020, they say joe biden won because he was master of empathy that could console a nation. he can only console or show empathy if he is not responsible for the damage. we have high inflation because he pumped money into the economy and folks going to the grocery store and seeing gas prices up, he hasn't been showing empathy. he is saying, look at numbers and employment, everything is going well. but david axelrod has a message for him. >> ainsley: advisor to president obama. this has been a constant problem, his desire to claim credit is huge problem. you can cite data, what counts
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is how people are perceiving the economy. one article in politico, and lawmakers are freaking out about joe biden and messaging and this article in the "wall street journal," advisers telling him to be more empathetic. you at home feel this in your p pocketbook. and steve said this coming down to money, economy for everybody. if you don't feel like you are better off now than under trump, you will probably pull the lever or scribble in for donald trump. >> steve: yeah. and it all comes down to when joe biden talks up the good numbers, it does not feel like we are doing better, it feels like we have less money and everything is more expensive. inflation is 20% higher than when joe biden took office. they are saying be more e
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empathetic, be more like hillary clinton's husband who would say, i feel your pain. and people felt like he felt their pain. ultmaltly, four years ago, joe biden ran on i'm not donald trump. now he's running on the same thing. i'm not donald trump. problem is, the message is i'm not donald trump, i'm joe biden, they don't like what joe biden did. >> ainsley: did bill clinton say that? in first term. he is elected and been in office 3-1/2 years whchl he says, i feel your pain, how does he do this. you caused thissin pa. you have been in office 3-1/2 years. >> lawrence: i'm curious wa watching the trend of independent voters who soured on doing what is best for
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pocketbook. steve, you have talked to voters who are independent, are they giving donald trump a second look because of the economy? >> steve: 100%, absolutely. during primary season, you looked at even it was about 14 months ago, ron desantis was ahead in the polling on the republican side for the primaries and then when donald trump was indicted in new york, that started to turn around. during primary season, there was piece of the pie, people who were republicans, i don't know if donald trump is the guy for me. i remember that. now as you fast-forward, it is binary choice between donald trump and joe biden. i know a lot of independence and moderate friends are going,
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look, you might not like everything about don, but you had more money in your pocket. vote for my pocketbook. >> ainsley: politico article, reason biden closest allies are questioning if he can win, immigration, high inflation, biden's age, we have watched that and falling on stage and that kind of thing and you can't understand what he says, how unpleasure kamala harris is and presence of r.f.k. jr. >> lawrence: yesterday we brought story about arizona teacher retiring -- >> ainsley: you held down the fort. >> lawrence: i tried to hold it down for the team. >> ainsley: you are so loved. >> lawrence: thank you. this professor teacher is calling it quits very early because the kids won't put the phones down. a lot of people are concerned
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about mental health effect and saying that kids don't have real ability to learn if the phone is there. >> steve: it is that simple. you look at kids before smart phones and way they were able to pay attention during class is different. they know that phone is in my backpack. the teacher goes out of the room, pick it up and look at it. every parent seems to give the kid the phone. great grew with jonathan, university professor, written a book about how smartphones are changing the way kids think and have couple observations parents should think about. how old should your kid be when you give them a smartphone. >> if you had to pick heroin or smartphone, pick smartphone, but
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the fon is more addictive. with phone addiction, 90 to 95% adidiction and then nobody pays attention. if the phone is in their pocket, you can't learn, you can't use them at lunch. lock them away in the morning in a phone locker and get them back at end of the day, only policy that gives phone-free school and might students pay attention. >> steve: he says, parents should not give their kids a phone until high school. >> ainsley: great policy, parents bend to that. he equated to think of the 1
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1980s, he said, would you have brought your tv or radio or guitar to class? that is how distractive it is. imagine if everyone had a portable tv, you have that. turn off the smart phone while at school, at kitchen table, during homework time and at night when they go to sleep. >> lawrence: ainsley, you tell me, just wait. >> ainsley: it is harder than you think. my daughter will grab my phone and say can i watch this or that and i'm guilty occasionally. >> steve: give your kids a flip phone in their backpack until high school. by the way, i actually know a kid who brought his guitar to school. >> ainsley: how long did that last? music clas? >> steve: folk singer, the magic
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dragon. those were the days. >> ainsley: it is scary how addictive it is. hope they will have worked out kinks when your kids come around. i can't ask my dad, what do you think about this, what advice do you have. >> steve: so take the professor's advice, great book, check it out. wait, it is changing the way kids brains are wired is what he's saying. >> lawrence: carley is over there and will change how you are wired about the newsful >> carley: start with fox news alert, violent memorial day weekend in chicago leaves nine dead including five-year-old little girl named raine wehr. she was sitting in a car when shots rang out. a 24-year-old man believed to be her father is
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injured, but xeexpected to be okay. >>-- ammunition charged under new law that imposes minimum 12-year sentence for poesion of ammunition. >> scary and uncertain. kind of in a lull right now. it is just a roller coaster. you just have a mix of emotions. >> carley: state department issued travel warning for turks and menendez
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accused of accepting bribes gold bars and crash and acting as foreign agent for egypt. menendez and his co-defendants pleaded not guilty. first responders rescuing a dog that fell 20 feet after being chased by raccoons. >> slow, slow, slow. slower. fortu fortunately and amazingly, the dog was not hurt is reunited with his owner. he must have been so scared. >> ainsley: no broken bones,
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that is two floors. he is a-okay. k kush >> steve: thank you, carley. how dangerous smartphones are. thanks to smartphones, everybody has a camera, we have good video. >> lawrence: great job security is having the video. >> steve: 8:21, closing arguments in trump's trial, in an hour and eight minutes. >> ainsley: fox legal editor kerri urbahn is here. >> lawrence: back from vacation for the trial. ♪
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i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan.
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is a misdemeanor and mr. alvin bragg jury rigged using a
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for the economy. democrats say it's time to reshape bidenomics. we keep wondering why it is young people aren't coming home to the democrats because democratic messaging is full of. that's why the professor, brian brenberg, he's next. let your mind go. let yourself be free. let's go back. let's go back. let's go way on the way back when i'm
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shouldn't need to replace my windows. they're just not that old. but here's the thing. homebuilders put in high end kitchens and bathrooms and low end windows just aren't that good. so even if your windows are only 7 to 10 years old, they may still need to be replaced. ted, there's so many window companies out there. what's different about your company? well, besides being the full service replacement window division of andersen, we're the company people tend to call when they're particular about their home. they don't want just any old window or any old installer. so your standards for installers are pretty high, right? yeah. brian, you can have the best window or door in the world. and if it's not installed correctly, it's going to fail. so we don't hire these jack of all trades installers that do gutters and siding on the side. our window installation teams do our windows year in, year out and have done thousands of them. anytime a homeowner has to deal with multiple home improvement companies, they get stuck in the blame game. yeah, with other companies, if there's an issue, the manufacturer blames the installer. the installer blames the manufacturer with us, there's no finger pointing or
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blaming each other. we're both the installer and the manufacturer said. is it easy for a homeowner to get a price very easy. we'll come out to your house. we'll assess your current patio door or windows, and then we'll give you an exact price that's good for an entire year. ted, that's great information. thank you. before may 31st, buy one window, patio door or entry door and get the next 140% off. that's 40% off with a minimum purchase of four. plus, save an extra $200 on your entire purchase with no money down, no monthly payments, and no interest for one year. this offer ends may 31st for a free appointment with renewal by andersen. call one 800 704 4200. our ipo is coming up. how do we make sure we're ready to meet all the regulatory requirements? we need to ask markham. ever wonder where the people with all the answers get all the answers? ask markham
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accountants and advisors when you can't watch. listen, get the latest news, business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. all right. president biden >> steve: president biden getting slammed by people in his own party for not being empathetic on the economy. >> we keep wondering why these young people aren't coming home to the democrats, which -- why blacks are not coming home to the democrats? because democratic messaging is full of [bleep]. that's why. talk about cost of living and we're going to help deal with this. don't talk about [bleep] and student loans. >> steve: here with reaction big money show co-host brian brenberg. good morning. in the words of james carville right now democratic messaging
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is [bleep]. >> i love that clip and i agree with him to an extent. i would say it's really not about empathy at the end of the day. if somebody is kicking you in the knee you don't want their empathy, you want them to quit kicking you in the knee. that's what prices feel like right now. donald trump is winning on the economy now. not because he is empathetic but he makes sense. talk about bringing the gas price down, cutting regulation. keeping taxes lower. that makes sense to people. that guy wants to bring my prices down. the other guy doesn't know how to talk about it. >> steve: you heard carville talk it's not the messaging about the other stuff gaza, talk about the economy. we heard joe biden and heard his surrogates talking about the election will be a choice ought
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october crassy ---people don't get that message. >> it sounds like messaging written by an academic. who is at home thinking that's my issue? they are saying i had a memorial day weekend and trying to buy food. these guys by taking that message are perpetuating the sense they're out of touch and voters resent that. they want somebody who gets it and speaks sense. they don't sound like they are on a campus, in the faculty lounge. somebody who is on main street who understands what's going on on main street. >> steve: we're lucky to have you. it will be about bread and butter issues. tell me how you will get down to the price of hamburger. >> by the way, autocracy means you can't get gas at a cheap
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price. when you give freedom to people and choice you are humble and promoting democracy. so the policy actually counter acts what biden and his faculty lounge friends are trying to say. he better figure that out quick. i don't think america is buying what he is trying to sell when it comes to the economy. >> steve: it was bill clinton when he was running for president had a thing on the wall said it's the economy, stupid. that's the message. you felt like i feel your pain. he feels my pain whether or not that was really true, do something -- >> do something about it. >> steve: bill and hillary clinton will join the current president at terry mccauliffe's house in virginia in a couple of weeks. joe biden needs more. if you throw in one former president and former senator maybe i'll pony up the big
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dough. >> he will raise a ton of money. he wants to wage this election via advertisements not speaking to people. you say this guy doesn't want to talk to me but advertise at me. donald trump love him or not, he is with people actually giving them his message. to me that's the starkest contrast you could ever have on a campaign trail. >> steve: donald trump talks all the time and biden in little clips. >> i think 30 seconds is generous. three second edited together. you know what? empathy starts with somebody willing to speak with you and you can see the contrast right now. >> steve: we'll watch you later today. meanwhile transportation secretary pete buttigieg is defending the biden administration's so-called
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progress on electric vehicles. >> only seven or eight charging stations have been produced with the 7 1/2 billion investment. >> in order to do a charger it is more than just plunking a small device into -- to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper.
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>> fox weather alert. another tornado warned storm just outside of the dallas area towards tyler, texas and dallas we have a flash flood warning right now in effect. so this has been ongoing throughout the morning, tornado warned storms. doppler radar indicating twisting motion and severe thunderstorm watches in effect including the dallas ft. worth area and moving towards the eastern part of texas including tyler, texas until 12:00 p.m. local time. severe storm threat for much of the state of texas including areas in oklahoma towards louisiana. so that will be the bull's eye. if you live in dallas, waco, austin, abilene, you really need to be on alert and get the watches and warnings throughout the day today. look at this. over the last couple of days 76 tornado reports, close to 400 wind reports and 700 hail reports. it has just been a devastating weekend for a lot of these folks. we'll continue to keep you up to date.
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steve and ainsley. >> lawrence: my entire family in texas from dallas all the way to waco, just -- >> make sure they have a way to get the watches and warnings and know what to do as well. >> lawrence: fox weather. >> ainsley: the biden administration is pushing 500,000 ev charging stations to be built on our highways across america by the year 2030. legislation was signed two years ago and they have only built eight. >> steve: here is the thing. if they want us to drive electric vehicles, you have to be able to plug it in somewhere. my wife and i didn't buy an electric car but did get one of the hybrids, which at the height of gas being very expensive we essentially drive for free, which we love. when we take a trip to washington to see peter and mary, there is no place to plug the car in. so that is why the administration said buy one
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because we'll have those charging stations. how many do they have so far? >> lawrence: eight. you say you can't defend this. this is ridiculous, mayor pete did. watch. >> the federal highway administration says only seven or eight charging stations have been produced with the 7 1/2 billion investment that taxpayers made back in 2021. why isn't that happening more quickly? >> the president's goal is to have half a million chargeser up by the end of this decade. in order to do a charger, there is utility work and also really a new category of federal investment. but we've been working with each of the 50 states every one of them is getting formula dollars to do this work. engaging them in the firsthandful. by 2030, 500,000 chargers and the very firsthandful of chargers are now already physically built. that's the very very beginning stages of the construction to come.
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>> ainsley: let's do the math. build eight in two years. four per year. at this rate, we'll have 32 built at the end of the decade. so far only eight. that means they are 492,000 shy of their goal. >> steve: the message is buy an electric car, you won't have any place to plug it in on the streets. >> lawrence: so ridiculous. over 1,000 college graduates gifted with $1 thousand in the name of giving back. >> we want to give you two gifts. the first is our gift to you. the second is the gift of giving. each of you is getting $1 thousand cash right now. >> lawrence: that speaker joins us live next. >> ainsley: let's check in with bill hemmer and dana perino what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> dana: i thought lawrence was going to tell us he would give us $1 thousand each. >> steve: you get abu i can and
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so do you. >> bill: we like the new look. sunshine in the morning. they took a week off and now well rested appeared ready they're ready to move forward with this judge. day 21 trump's trial we'll see and hear from them shortly. >> dana: james carville has a way with words. these words are not what the white house wants to hear at all. >> bill: deadly storms ripping apart lives and communities. >> dana: the killings in chicago are back. how will the new progressive mayor deal with it? we'll see you in a few minutes.
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>> we want to give you two gifts. the first is our gift to you, the second is the gift of giving. these trying times have heightened the need for sharing, caring and giving. our community needs you and your generosity more than ever. each of you is getting $1 thousand cash right now. [cheers and applause] >> ainsley: it's the gift that keeps on giving. our next guest bringing more than words of wisdom to his commencement speech handing every dartmouth graduate $1 thousand. 500 to keep and 500 to give to
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charity. >> steve: that speaker, rob hale junior joins us now. >> steve: you specified you only get the money if you show up for commencement. i think 300 people didn't. they aren't getting the cash. what are you going to do with that cash and anybody beg for the money who didn't show up? >> we got a dozen or so beggars, if you will. that's not the right word. but people who were concerned that for a variety of different reasons they didn't get a chance to make the commencement. my opinion is in life you have to show up. there are 300,000 extra dollars and we put them into a financial aid package in dartmouth. it will help the school. it is important, i guys know
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this. you have to show up to be awarded. >> lawrence: why the big gesture? what placed that on your heart to give to them? >> honestly we did it four years ago in the middle of the covid pandemic. the graduates as you know had four years ago really didn't get to go to school. they didn't get to be in class or a chance to be social. so my wife and i we were honored to be asked to give the commencement address at quincy college. let's celebrate the kids. we thought more deeply we are very fortunate and some of the best times in our life come from the joy of giving so we thought let's celebrate the kids and let's help them understand the joy of sharing and now it has become a lot of fun for us and maybe a tradition. >> ainsley: this is america where we celebrate people's success. becoming a billionaire did not come without hard work. you and your wife have donated 270 million toward cancer research, educational institutions and other
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charities. much more you haven't told people you've been giving. you did it at quincey college, roxbury, community college and yu maas boston. the idea of giving with success, connect it. >> it is the american way. i think many people -- the american dream, as you know, is to be given an opportunity and we have been given that opportunity and hopefully we've made lots with it. the truth is, all of those successes are a byproduct of the american community. we want to share with that community. so it connects closely that america gives you a chance, and then the american community needs your help. they are linked. >> steve: the honor system. you give them $1 thousand. how do you know they give the 500 away and have you heard how anybody is giving it away? >> yes. there are skeptics who say that to me. you know they are keeping $1 thousand. i said i hope they don't.
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i have seen different institutions where i've gotten feedback. a week ago, ten days ago thursday when we did this. last week a teammate of mine lives in a small town called bridge water, massachusetts. the bridgewater brigade gives holiday gifts to those less fortunate during the holiday season. on that facebook page the director said you've heard of that commencement speaker who gave $1 thousand. one of the students was one of our bridgewater citizens. the day after the speech, she brought $5 hundred to them and the lady said we bring great gifts. >> ainsley: we interview that student. >> lawrence: i hope other people do the same. >> ainsley: god bless you, rob, you are a good man. >> bill: here we go now. big day in courtwain


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