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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 28, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> dana: right now former president donald trump and his defense team are getting one final chance to convince a new york jury he is innocent. with closing arguments now underway in his historic criminal trial. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino and with you, bill hemmer. i was in a hurry to get to the news. >> bill: hope you guys had a great memorial weekend. we're back at work today and back at trial. i'm bill hemmer. got a great cast of characters to take us through the legal hurdles that we'll be jumping through between now and whenever the jury comes back with its verdict. kerri kupec-urbahn joins our coverage now and look at pictures inside court today. trey gowdy is with us as well. kerri, let's begin with you and
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reading lydia's latest email. blanche is hammering in all caps, please excuse the caps. cohen was rendering services personal attorney in 2017. there is no dispute. so apparently he is trying to deliver that message with vigor, kerri. >> because that's what he admitted on the stand. that he continued to do legal work for donald trump and his family throughout 2017 through early 2018 as he was also holding himself out as donald trump's personal attorney. this matters because those expenses were classified in that internal book as legal expenses. obv obviously paid to donald trump's personal attorney and cohen testified because he was donald trump's personal attorney he made millions of dollars in outside consulting gigs he wouldn't have made otherwise. what blanche is trying to do here is say look, there is no problem.
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this is true. cohen wants to say that it was only for services rendered the year before but the truth of the matter is he was also providing services throughout that time as well. >> dana: trey gowdy, could you listen to president trump? comments from when he walked into court about 40 minutes ago and it is about the judge and he is very frustrated because of the gag order but went this far this morning. >> this is all election interference. it is going after joe biden's political opponent because he can't do it himself. and helping out. we have a judge who is highly conflicted. he happens to be corrupt. it is the worst confliction, the worst that anybody has seen. nobody has ever seen anything like it. it can't even be the prospect of an impropriety. it's a shame.
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>> dana: we have word this morning that president biden, when the verdict is reached will give a white house address. white house official as commander-in-chief. president of the united states type address but in 12 minutes the biden/harris campaign will be near where you are giving some sort of campaign-related message and i wonder what you think about all that as the trial is underway and defense is making its case? >> well, i'm not real sure what president biden will say. i'm pretty sure he has a son who is about to stand trial. he needs to be really careful what he says about the justice system and the presumption of innocence in terms of president trump. i showed up last week being skeptical, suspicious of these allegations that the judge was sufficiently anti-defense. i watched two days worth of really pro-prosecution rulings
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and look, most judges lean one way or the other, pro-prosecution, pro-defense. i have rarely seen a judge more pro-prosecution than this one was last week. he cut the legs out from under the defense by not letting the fec expert testify. the exact same question and objection from the defense, objection from the prosecution but with different rulings. so i understand the president is frustrated. you have to move on beyond that and do a good job in closing. >> dana: can i ask you one more thing as the jury looks to the judge, as paul was saying and you have said as well, that the only friend that the jury has in the courtroom is the judge. they look to him as the leader and guide. and so when you are as a formal prosecutor and the defense goes first what goes through a prosecutors' mind. they need four to 4 1/2 hours on
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the defense side compared to -- reverse. defense says two to 2 1/2 hours, the prosecution says they need 4 1/2 hours to get through closing arguments. >> i've heard good closing and heard long closings. never heard a good long closeings. 4 1/2 hour is torture and would violate some international treaty to make people sit there for 4 1/2 hours. it is not that complicated. the facts aren't that complicated. the defense needs to appeal to a higher virtue. in the olden days wey indicated fairness with beauty. there is a judge but also 12 other judges and if i'm the defense attorney i appeal them as judges of the facts and i remind them that we picked you because you said you could be
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fair. we picked you because you had not already made up your mind. and i would turn those 12 members of the jury history is watching. justice is watching. fairness is watching. i would appeal to something higher to them. i would have started closing a little bit differently had i been defense attorney. >> bill: maria writes the jury appears to be paying attention. i would imagine that. many jurors are watching blanche, the attorney. some are looking down. i can't tell if they're taking notes or not. each of the jurors has a small monitor in front of them. when you are inside the courtroom and see the exhibits, they are far away and small print and very difficult to see. the judge has got a monitor, witness on the stand has a monitor. jurors have monitors. the reporters in the room sometimes are allowed to use binoculars to look at an exhibit. the print is so small you need it. lydia writes cohen lied to you. he lied to you.
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kerri, this is something that blanche is not letting go of. the last six or seven emails we've gotten points out blanche is training his fire on michael cohen, who was the quote, unquote, star witness in this case for the state. >> yeah, the reason they are hammering that is because at the end of all of this it really does come down to michael cohen's word versus donald trump. of course, the defense is going to point to the numerous times over the years that michael cohen has lied to just about everyone and we were even misled sitting in the courtroom last week when he talked about the repayment plan that's a part of this case and he was negotiating with allen weisselberg and as he was doing that he was actively stealing from the trump organization and pocketing thousands of dollars. so it makes sense why they are hammering that for sure because the jury will have to contend with are we willing to imprison
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the former president of the united states and possible future one over the words of a convicted and known liar? >> bill: one more thing here before we squeeze in another commercial break and as dana mentioned we'll see some members of the biden/harris team outside. i could take a guess i could be wrong. they didn't give us any names. the trump team is firing out and saying that biden's people are not in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, nevada, arizona, georgia, they're outside the trump trial, the biden trial against president trump. another note maria writes blanche says there is no evidence that president trump knew anything about the voucher system. no evidence, not a single word. all of that is in highlights. we've got a lot more to get to. stand by and we will right after this. >> i sat through this trial. i'm not speaking now to posture for the president but just generally as an attorney, as an american who understands the law and how to apply laws to facts,
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>> bill: here is where we are. 10:15 in new york city and trump's lawyers are now making the case, todd blanche reminding the jury a moment ago the burden is always on the prosecution. that's not our duty. he says that in the context of why did they not call don junior or eric trump to the stand if they were part of this alleged conspiracy? blanche continues. it will go two, 2 1/2 hours. as the morning unwinds here. the biden/harris campaign surrogates of some sort are going to talk in a moment outside the courthouse. we'll bring you that as well. along with paul mauro and andrew
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cherkasky. we welcome karl rove to our conversation. on the political side of this, karl, the biden team has said two things already, okay? we know joe biden will speak from the white house after the trial is concluded. and now we're getting word for the first time the surrogates will speak outside the courthouse. what sort of strategy do you see there and could it be effective? >> well, i assume the strategy is to go and trash the former president and it is premature and a mistake. because i think people -- people who are up for grabs in this election who haven't settled in one camp or another will be impressed with letting the process flow out and finish before it's jumped on by politics by either side. so i think this is a mistake. on the other hand, what they may be thinking is this. let's keep this in mind. the framework that all these decisions are being made in.
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this election comes down to six states. the great lakes states where it is tight. wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan and sun belt states where trump has a durable lead outside the margin of error. they are looking at the biden campaign is looking at michigan where it is 1.1% lead in the real clear politics average for trump. pennsylvania 2.3. wisconsin 0.1. 1/ten of 1%. they may be thinking they want to influence voters in these critical states. if biden wins these three states and everything else he won last time around he wins the election by the skin of his chiny chin chin. if he loses one of these states as donald trump carries the states he carried he becomes president of the united states. they may be trying to influence one, two, 3% of the electorate. >> dana: the headline leading the entire document is democrats
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in full blown freak-out over biden. what i noted is different in this version of freak-out and bed wetting on the democratic side is a lot of the comments are on the record from democrats saying we've got big problems. do you see it feeling there is a turn there? >> i think for the last month to two there has been a turn where you see more and more democrats, not just the political types like james carville and david axelrod but increasingly members of the democratic elected officials wringing their hands. for good reason. you cannot look at joe biden in today's political environment and say this is the strongest candidate the democrats can put up and after last august both because they announcement of these charges against donald trump, which helped move him up in the polls and then the fiasco in afghanistan, joe biden lost his lead above donald trump and never been ahead of him since. remember, we are talking about a national lead for donald trump
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of 1.1 points or two points in these national polls. remember donald trump won the presidency by being about i think it was four points, nearly four points behind hillary clinton in 2016 because of the way the electoral college comes into play and democrats do better in places like new york and california and massachusetts than republicans tend 20 do in red states. for donald trump to be in the place he is today after all the democrats have done and all the money they've spent and the apparent weakness of joe biden on the stump, yeah, i'm not surprised the crescendo is growing. >> bill: perhaps when it wraps up he makes a bee line to wisconsin or michigan if the polling is accurate and correct. stand by, karl. we are getting word from our legal analysts downtown. turley makes the point again that we mentioned about 50 minutes ago, he finds this significant. we'll talk about it after a
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commercial break. the judge told the parties not to go into the law. that will be my job. turley writes that is what concerns him the most based on the jury instructions. so we'll explain all that as we continue, right? >> dana: also we're watching the biden campaign is set to speak any moment from outside the courthouse. we'll take you there live when they get there. >> there is no evidence. it is completely politically motivated and he will be found not guilty. although it is in new york and people don't always listen to the facts this if he -- if they don't like trump.
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out there i wanted to get a sense of the atmosphere. there seems to be a lot more activity and even it's wild down there. could you describe the atmosphere? >> it's getting a little rowdyer than it has been. you have a number of trump supporters. looking at them now. a man with a giant red cowboy make america great again hat three or four times the size of his head. signs, things like that. i just think this is going to continue to increase as we go through closing arguments today and the verdict. now that there will be a presser as well, biden/harris presser, that's definitely going to make things more interesting. >> bill: remember madeleine westerhout who worked down from trump in the west wing and apparently adored the guy and said as much on the stand. she was fired because apparently
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she was caught gossiping about the family at a social event one evening and regretted and later went on to write a book. so blanche says quote, westerhout testified that trump would sometimes look at the checks he was signing but not always, quote, you can't convict president trump because sometimes president trump looked at invoices. that is a stretch and that is reasonable doubt, he argues, end quote. the lawyers on the stand here with us on set. what do you think of that argument? >> he is trying to hit every piece he possibly can and hitting very hard the idea that paying your lawyer and then listing it as a legal expense isn't improper. so that kind of talks about the heart of the issue. now he is going into more of the intent of donald trump and how he would have engaged distancing him from the overall schemes that were happening. i use the word scheme liberally here. the overall payment plans and
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the way that the invoices were handled. so he is both saying it was perfectly legitimate and acceptable but also that donald trump was kind of at a distance as to what was going on. i think he is playing both sides of it. that's fine. defense can look for the reasonable doubt in any one of the elements and that's not a problem. >> dana: paul. >> let's draw back a little bit and take it in a macro sense. he started out by saying we don't have a crime, all right? he got that out of the way. there is no crime here. now he is going into the fact that whatever did occur, whatever this series of events is that the prosecution has put on the table, not only is it not a crime but donald trump wasn't directly linked to it anyway, okay? whether you think it is a crime or not, okay? so that's why he is poking holes in that link structure. at the end of the day we all know that the main piece of that link structure will come down to michael cohen, right? that's why he has already ex
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pent blood and treasure on michael cohen being the weak link. i think what we'll hear is stuff about why michael cohen would be willing to do this. remember, they didn't charge michael cohen. one of the charges that is on the table is the conspiracy charge. cohen would be the co-conspirator. they didn't charge him. why did he flip? he came into court to get trump under his own motivation. you can demonstrate to the jury that he has a financial interest in this. all the stuff -- we broke the story here about talking about i'll run for congress and i have all this other stuff going on and wearing the t-shirt. get all of that stuff in and show cohen is here for his own purposes. no crime, no link. >> bill: blank said hope hicks testified that cohen went rogue and frustrated the campaign staff. we've been down that road. >> cohen is out for himself. you want to jury to see that. that's happening in that room.
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that's the key. >> bill: we have trey gowdy with us. we want to get your impressions now, trey, back at the courthouse. >> yeah. my point about michael cohen, yeah, he stole money and a liar. the most devastating part, at least what i would harp on if i was the defense attorney, is he hates donald trump. he literally wants to see not just a conviction. he wants to see him in prison. let me tell you what the prosecution is going to do when they stand up. they say you know what? most of what you heard about michael cohen is true. you wonder why donald trump hired him. the reason he was a witness is donald trump made him a witness. he hired him as his lawyer. he was his personal lawyer, that's who he relied upon on these catch and kill. so the prosecution is not going to defend michael cohen, they will say i would have preferred to call a catholic nun or a first grade school teacher but that's not who donald trump was dealing with. he was dealing with michael cohen. so if you are mad that he was
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called as a witness, blame the defendant. don't blame us. >> dana: trey, can you also talk to this idea that the judge put forward where he told both the defense and prosecution you are not allowed to talk about the law. he said i myself will do that when i give jury instructions. do you see a problem with that? >> i see 1,000 problems with it. it is utterly dumb founding. the job of the jury is to apply the facts to the law. so how in the world can you give closing argument if you cannot make reference to the law? i have never in my life -- now what you have to say is the judge is going to give you the law. if i say anything different from what the judge says, follow the judge. i said that a million times. but you have to be able to argue the law because the job of the jury is to apply the facts as they find them to the law as the judge gives it to them.
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if you can't discuss the law, how in the world can you give a closing argument? it is dumb founding. >> bill: stand by one moment. the group of folks walking toward the microphones there with the biden/harris call them surrogates, right? we believe one is the actor robert de niro. he does not hold back. there could be a lot of beeps and bleeps. >> dana: he showed up with a facemask and then took it off. >> we aren't here today because of what's going on over there. we are here because you all are here and we're glad that you are all here this morning. we are here primarily because of the threat donald trump poses to the united states of america and to our democracy. we of course grateful to have two brave officers who defended our democracy in our capitol against the violent mob that trump incited on january 6, 2021, here with us and of course we are happy to have robert de
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niro, a native new yorker who can spot b.s. a mile away and isn't afraid to call it out. the contrast here pretty much writes itself as we speak donald trump is somewhere fighting for himself, maybe taking a power nap and we've seen him for weeks and months now we've seen the ram blinks of an under hinged power hungry self-centered man here at mar-a-lago on truth social and where he may be. this isn't new for donald trump and how he spent four years in the white house. how he spent every moment since he lost the 2020 election. in one month americans will have an opportunity to witness in prime time the clear contrast between donald trump through the chaos agent raging a self-obsessed campaign of revenge and retribution to go up against joe biden the leader who fights for americans every single day. as the president said when he challenged trump to debate, president has a list of things he would like to talk to trump about.
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if trump does show up in atlanta on june 27th. talk about why donald trump the architect of the repeal of roe v. wade and why he wants to go further in a second term. why he thinks the extreme state level abortion bans are playing out brilliantly across the country. wants to talk about trump's embrace of political violence and the threat he poses to our democracy. he wants to talk about trump's economic plan and how they would make trump and rich friends richer. that's what this campaign will be focused on and talking over the course of the next month. we want to make sure trump has the answer for all the above and extremism on the debate stage. we launched a new ad that underscores trumps unhinged and dangerous lust for power and not let our foot off the gas. you will hear and see a lot from our campaign as we bring the
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election to the voters. trump poises a unique and growing threat to fundamental rights and freedoms. democracy and economy. the threat is crystal clear today and remain crystal clear tomorrow and crystal clear on the debate stage in atlanta on june 27th. now we pause and turn it over to robert de niro. >> thank you. this is really even these people over here are kind of -- it's kind of crazy. it's really crazy. this thing, donald trump has created this. he should be telling them not to do this but he is just -- he wants to -- he wants to sew total chaos, which he is succeeding in some areas and places to do. anyway, beside all that, this is
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my neighborhood, downtown new york city. i grew up here and feel at home in these streets. i feel comfortable. the twin towers fell underover here, just over there. this part of the city was like a ghost town but we vowed we would not allow terrorists to change our way of life. and we started the tribeca festival to bring people back. i love this city. i love this city. i don't want to destroy it. donald trump wants to destroy not only the city, but the country and eventually he could destroy the world. but we vowed we would not allow terr terrorists. i owe this city a lot. that's why it is so weird that donald trump is just across the street.
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he doesn't belong in my city. i don't know where he belongs. but he certainly doesn't belong here. we new yorkers used to tolerate him when he was just another grubby real estate hustler as big shot pretending to be a spokesman, a spokesperson for himself. he was calling it as himself for himself to fool the press and to inflating his net worth. a clown. but this city is pretty accommodating. we make room for clowns. we have them all over the city. people who do crazy things in the street. we tolerate it and it is part of the culture, but not a person like trump who will eventually run the country. that does not work and we all
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know that. anyway, we make room for clowns. to each his own. no one took him really seriously. they take him seriously now, of course. but around the country, people who didn't know him as we did started to support him. they bought into his bullshit. trump bought their votes with outrageous lies and empty promises. he got the most religious evangelicals to applaud a sinner who bragged about sexual assault and who just a couple of blocks from here a jury found him liable for sexual abuse. somehow he even got self-styled patriots to support a man who called for terminating the constitution and on january 6th rallied an angry mob to threaten
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democracy leaving death and destruction in its wake. that's why i needed to be involved and wanted to be involved in the new biden/harris ad because it shows the violence of trump and use violence to anyone who stands in the way of his greed. it is a coward's violence? you think trump every threw a punch? he hid in the white house bunker with protestors outside, no way. he doesn't get blood on his hands, no he doesn't. he directs the mob to do his dirty work for him by making a suggestion, an inference, and his gang follows his obvious order. no surprise the murder rate and
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other violent crimes peaked under trump and falling under biden and now he is promising to use our own military to attack u.s. citizens. that's the tyrant. that's the tyrant he is telling us he will be. and believe me, he means it. when trump ran in 2016, it was like a joke, this baffe own running for president. it could never happen. we got the lessons of history that showed us other clowns until they became vicious dictators. with trump we have a second chance and no one is laughing now. this is the time to stop him by voting him out once and for all. we don't want to wake up after the election saying what, again? my god, what the hell have we
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done? we can't have that happen again. yesterday was memorial day. it is a good time to reflect on how americans fought and died so that we may enjoy the freedoms guaranteed to us by a democratic government. a government that has president lincoln said of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth. under trump this kind of government will perish from the earth. i don't mean to scare you, no, no, wait, maybe i do mean to scare you. if trump returns to the white house, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted. elections, forget about it. that's over, that's done. if he gets in, i can tell you right now he will never leave. he will never leave. you know that. he will never leave.
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what does that mean? is that the country we want to live in? do we want him running this country and saying i'm not leaving, i'm dictator for life? i hope this new ad campaign reaches outside the bubble to remind supporters of what a danger he is to our lives. this is not a threat, this is a reality. that's why i have joined the biden/harris campaign. the only way to hold onto our freedoms and humanity is vote for joe biden for president. really. we don't have a choice. on january 6th while republican lawmakers tried to keep the loser trump, the loser trump, in the white house and trump inspired insurrectionists law
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enforcement put their lives on the line to defend this country, our democracy. they are the true heroes. these guys are the true heroes. they stood and put their lives on the line for these low lifes, for trump. they lied under oath. who lied under oath? what are you telling me? excuse me? >> those people behind you lied under oath. >> what are you saying? they are traitors. i don't even know how to deal with you, my friend. i don't even know how to deal with you. they stood there. they didn't have to. there were other ones in there who probably were with them a little bit and found a way to get around. not these guys. they stood there and fought for
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us, for you. for you. no, they fought for you, buddy. you are able to stand right here now. >> bill: only on the streets in new york city. if you had robert de niro on your bingo card, you are a winner today. don't know what this says about the biden/harris team but we'll in all likelihood get into that later. the trump team is all prepared to react to this as well. so we'll cover that when it begins and mark meredith meanwhile picks things up from washington. one of the things dana and i were talking about last hour with tom cotton and others is about this headline in "politico" about a democratic freak-out about the election and where joe biden stands now. what are you hearing about that? what are you picking up? >> bill, i think it's notable what we're seeing happening right this morning. talk about a change in strategy from the biden/harris campaign.
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ever since this trial began they put out press releases but for the most part they said they wanted to keep politics out of this. now here we are just as closing arguments begin a total 180 from the biden/harris campaign. fascinating. robert de niro is looking the play a bigger role in the campaign and talked about it in the news conference. he voiced a 30 second campaign ad that launched last week and the campaign is saying it's their opening salvo of what they will play between now and the first debate less than a month out. you asked about this "politico" article getting a lot of comments today because of the headline that says that democrats are freaking out over biden. if i can i will read. fear has settled in the highest levels of the democratic party over the president's re-election process who previously expressed confidence about the coming battle with donald trump. you have to wonder why they would decide today of all days to hold this news conference there, organized by the
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biden/harris campaign. not something de niro decided he would go do by himself. he has long ties with the democratic party. president obama gave him the medal of freedom in 2016. he is likely going to be around quite a bit on the campaign trail. the headline here is what a difference they are doing here in this final stretch of this trial. >> bill: thanks mark meredith reporting out of d.c. >> dana: that's news spaghetti against the wall. >> bill: we wait for the trump team. i don't know who surrogates will be. when they appear we'll bring it to you. >> dana: see if we can get the car alarm fixed, we'll do that as well. be right back. toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> dana: we're back with a fox news alert. the trump trial continues. robert de niro gave comments. he said president trump, if he returned to office, would destroy new york, the country, and the world. and then he said but i don't mean to scare you. so we have that. closing arguments are underway. >> bill: this trial here is longer than the last movie he was in, right? >> dana: feels like it. >> bill: killers of the flower moon. i think you sit down and watch that thing for eight hours. i've been working through it for three weeks. can't get to the end. byron york joins our coverage and byron, why don't we begin
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this segment with you. perhaps on the politics of what we're watching right now and maybe some of the comments you gave our producers earlier, the penalties sought are way out of line with the offenses alleged. now not knowing what a jury will say, do or return how do we frame that, byron? >> first of all, on the politics, i mean, one of the stories of the trial up until today had been there really wasn't a big circus atmosphere outside and it wasn't this huge thing. now president biden, the democratic party and robert de niro have changed that and there is this huge change in biden's strategy. clearly he was being quiet. we got a leak a couple days ago to the effect biden would make a statement when there was a verdict. but he would do it in a white house setting so people wouldn't think it was political. good luck with that.
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and now you have his team jumping right into this. they couldn't wait for the verdict. that is a striking change in strategy. what you said about the charges, clearly what we have here is a misdemeanor charge with the intent to commit another misdemeanor that might be based on a civil violation of federal election law. so it is a pretty flimsy thing. >> bill: your words were flimsy, unfair, politically motivated. we'll see if they agree. >> dana: karl rove, do you want to comment on the politics of this and the seeming decision by the biden campaign that they better join the party and get up here? the trump team will respond in a moment. we'll give it to you live from the same microphone when they get ready.
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>> stupid mistake by the biden campaign. they wanted to get while all the cameras were there wanted to get their moment in the sun. it was a big mistake. it politicizes the trial. better to have waited. what was said. with all respect to de niro, a wonderful actor. the people up for grabs in this election, donald trump wants to destroy new york, destroy america and destroy the world? and if you reelect him he will never leave office and make himself a tyrant for life? are those the kind of credible statements that will cause people who don't like biden and don't like trump trying to figure out who to vote for will they say you told me he wanted to destroy our country, of course he did. the people who believe that are already in the biden camp. that's not who they should be trying to reach out to. he came close in a moment of talking about january 6th and talking about the two officers, but that might have had an impact but this was so over the top as to simply be useless. what a stupid mistake on the
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part of the biden campaign. more reason why democratic leaders are probably going to be concerned that he is the nominee, likely nominee of their part. >> bill: you wonder if this is a reaction to south bronx or that libertarian convention on saturday that was met with mixed reviews? we'll see. back to the law now. kerry urbahn with us. blanche is arguing about the catch and kill scheme that involved david pecker going back to 2015 at ami. when he said he never heard catch and kill until recently it's meaningful. blanche talking now. when he admitted half the stories "national enquirer" buys they don't publish, that's meaningful. half the stories. i missed that testimony from a few weeks ago. he is bringing it back now today, kerri. >> i think there are a few reasons he is making that point. one, catching and kill schemes are not illegal. two, it was a common practice for mr. pecker.
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three, mr. pecker testified on the stand that positive stories about donald trump did very well. 80% of people wanted donald trump to be president who read the "national enquirer." the reason that matters is because it was a mutually beneficial relationship. pecker wanted to help trump out, yes, but also helping pecker out. good stories about trump and the lack of bad ones only helped business. this was a money-making opportunity for him and that's the reason i think blanche continues to discuss this throughout his closing argument >> dana: we know you have other things to get to. let's get to paul mauro. >> it came across on shrill, unhinged. unseamly. nothing i would want to be a face i'm putting forward as part of the campaign. it's reaction to some of the trump print that trump has been getting about the outreach he has been doing but the fact that
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trump has had a daily press conference outside the court. he has turned this thing to his advantage. i find it really ironic robert de niro, who lives in the town talking about trump will destroy this town and wants to destroy this town. meanwhile, the city has never looked worse to me. the crime rate is not down. don't listen to him. we're up 30% in all seven majors and the guy who is supposed to be fixing that, alvin bragg, is in that building wasting his time on this b.s. trial. so de niro, pay attention. you have the facts wrong. >> bill: trey gowdy downtown. it could be a long one. we're looking at 5:30, 6:00 maybe they come back to finish their closing arguments tomorrow. what do you see right now as blanche tries to frame this argument that trump had nothing to do with this, he is completely innocent, and this was not against the law? >> it's a challenge for defense
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attorneys. you don't want to say look, we have an alibi, we weren't at the shooting, but if we were it was self-defense. you have to have consistent defenses. that's the challenge for any defense attorney is to have a certain consistency. the most consistent thing is to say the government did not do its job. you did not meet your burden on each essential element. in other words, there was no falsification. we paid a lawyer. that's called legal expenses. i wouldn't get too caught up in trump's defense saying he didn't have relations with stormy daniels. i don't know if he will convince people of that. i do want to disagree for one second with paul mauro. he is my friend. i listened to robert de niro and paul used the word unhinged. i think that is actually unfair to people who are actually unhinged. what i heard from robert de niro was deranged, it was disjointed, it was awful.
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it was an in kind contribution for the trump campaign. >> bill: jason miller is at the micro phone for the trump team now. let's drop in there. >> why the change? why is joe biden now making this a campaign event after months of weaponizing the legal system against president trump? because joe biden's numbers are in the tank. the headline for today in "politico" said dems in freak-out over joe biden. joe biden is losing nationally, is losing in every battleground state and president trump's numbers continue to rise. the best that biden can do is roll out a washed up actor and my remarks will be shorter than an irishman. the best they can do is roll out a washed up actor? last week president trump spoke in the bronx to over 25,000 people show up to rally around him. the best the biden campaign
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could do was put out a web video with robert de niro. there is nothing behind the biden campaign. their numbers are in the toilet. kamala harris is a terrible alternative and all an attempt to try to turn around the biden campaign. what's happening here in manhattan? we're in closing arguments for the biden trial. we've been here for six weeks. nobody has said that president trump did anything wrong. a highly conflicted judge with unconstitutional gag order and everybody sees this case for what it is. in fact, the "new york post" this morning -- with the headline for jonathan turley is trump trial comes to close, d.a.'s flimsy case is nothing to brag about. everybody knows this case is complete garbage. president trump did nothing wrong. this is all politics. if you don't think this is politics, why did the democrats wheel out a retread like rober


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