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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 28, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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there is nothing behind the biden campaign. their numbers are in the toilet. kamala harris is a terrible alternative and all an attempt to try to turn around the biden campaign. what's happening here in manhattan? we're in closing arguments for the biden trial. we've been here for six weeks. nobody has said that president trump did anything wrong. a highly conflicted judge with unconstitutional gag order and everybody sees this case for what it is. in fact, the "new york post" this morning -- with the headline for jonathan turley is trump trial comes to close, d.a.'s flimsy case is nothing to brag about. everybody knows this case is complete garbage. president trump did nothing wrong. this is all politics. if you don't think this is politics, why did the democrats wheel out a retread like robert
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de niro to try to change the subject? you can see the look on the biden campaign staffers faces. they knew it was a bad idea. they didn't want to be here. somebody as central command everything is going down the tubes for joe biden. i hand it over to carolyn leavitt. >> you heard a desperate and failing and pathetic -- >> harris: we'll pull back from that. jason miller, an important voice. the senior advisor for the trump campaign. what you saw there were dueling campaign events. you first saw robert de niro, who was mixed in with some lawmakers and then behind him were a couple of the police officers who testified in court about january 6th and were actually responding to that as officers. then robert de niro seemed to get into it with a reporter who asked about the testimonies of people at that january 6th and some of that hadn't told the truth and so on and so 4th of july. de niro dropping his usual bad
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language. sorry about that. in the meantime jason miller comes out and answers back to that. the first time that republicans have been challenged at all outside the courthouse supporting donald trump. the former president inside has had guests inside also with him. lawmakers that we've seen over the last couple of weeks. however, outside has been kind of a more steady donald trump beat for him. today is the first day the biden campaign decided they want to share some of the limelight. so they've stepped in. we heard from the white house today that at some point after the verdict probably rather immediately you will hear not the president take a stage that would be, you know, more political. who doesn't think this is about politics? i don't know where that one person is. but anyway, it won't be a stage at a campaign event. he will speak to the nation about the white house about this case. politics are looming large, looming large. you see it.
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right now let's go to the courtroom and what is happening in that historic showdown. former president trump's defense is giving its closing arguments in his new york crime call trial and then the prosecution's turn. we've been following this together for weeks now minute-by-minute coverage. reminder on the right side of your screen is from our team inside the courtroom in the overflow room giving us what's going on and check it moment by moment and everything going on and analysis live. you are in "the faulkner focus." i'm harris faulkner. arguments are hours long. they are a recap by both defense and prosecution today. a recap of their key points from the trial, what each side wants to put at the top of a jurors mind before that person begins deliberateing. 22 witnesses have taken the stand in the trial including david pecker, tabloid publisher who testified he bought and buried negative storesy about a
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lot of celebrities, not just donald trump. stormy daniels, the sex film worker at the center of the case, gave -- she is a sex film worker. the details were graphic. who didn't see that coming? i bet the prosecution did. anyway, what they didn't bank on is how unrelated they would be taken to the actual charges in question. she talked about a lot. didn't have anything to do with this case. michael cohen, the former attorney and so-called fixer, convicted liar, and in prison for it, whose credibility has been hit over and over again by the defense, robert costello, a former legal advisor to michael cohen who says michael cohen is a liar now and was then. that's a lot of lying. he is on the stand as the star witness for the prosecution. he was. the former president before the start of the arguments today. >> they should have brought this case seven years ago now in the middle of the presidential election. the rigged court case that
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should have never been brought and should have been brought in another jurisdiction. this is a very dangerous day for america and a very sad day. >> are you worried about the conviction? >> harris: so five ways this could go. look at your screen if you aren't -- jurors could find trump guilty on all counts. they could find him guilty on some counts or acquit him of all changes. it would potentially end in a hung jury or a fifth less likely outcome a bench ruling with no jury involved. that would just be the judge. the "new york post" cover with a dig at the manhattan district attorney who brought this case. after many people including the feds had already passed on trying to have this adjudicated, look at it. nothing to bragg about. just like alvin bragg, the da. who brought the case. constitutional law attorney and fox news contributor jonathan
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turley is standing by. first is eric shawn to catch us up on what already has happened in the courthouse. >> well, a lot is happening outside the courthouse as far as inside the courthouse right now, it is the case being put forward for former president trump by his defense attorney todd blanche. he is echoing exactly what his client said this morning when he arrived in court. manhattan district attorney has no case. >> everybody says it is crazy. this is not a trial that should happen. it is a very sad day. this is a dark day in america. we have a rigged court case that should have never been brought. >> in his summation blanche said trump had nothing do do with preparing the checks and thought he was properly paying michael cohen for his legal services. blanche said president trump is innocent. he did not commit any crimes.
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the district attorney did not meet the burden of proof period. blanche told the jury the case is not about stormy daniels or the salacious stories surrounding her but about the documents and trump had nothing to do with the alleged scheme and noted that michael cohen, repeated liar, continued to render legal services for the former president when he was paying him and told everybody he was trump's personal attorney. of course, blanche brought up that cohen is an admitted serial liar who lied under oath in the past and cannot be believed. he said quote, cohen lied to you. he lied to you. the story mr. cohen told on the witness stand is not true. then prosecutors will have the last word in his closing aexpected the they will lay out the evidence against trump and claim that michael cohen did tell the truth and claims core ob realtyed by other witnesses and the documents. as you noted a lot of activity outside pro-trump supporters here in the park and we heard
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that biden campaign supported news conference by some supporters including actor robert de niro. here is part of what de niro just said. >> i love this city. i love this city. i don't want to destroy it. donald trump wants to destroy not only the city, but the country and eventually he could destroy the world. >> as he was speaking you could hear pro-trump supporters yelling at him saying we love trump. we love our country. saying that merchan, the judge merchan should be actually thrown into jail according to one. that's a bit of the atmosphere out here. inside summations are continuing and expect them to continue through lunch. the jury likely getting this case finally tomorrow. then we will all wait to see what happens. harris, back to you. >> harris: we're perched and ready.
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great job always. thank you. jonathan turley's new opinion piece. here is why the case against trump should end in not guilty. a quote from that piece. this case should be been dismissed for lack of evidence or crime. the jury will be reminded that the burden is on the government, not the defense. end of quote there. here at the white house today in "focus" with me now great to have you, jonathan turley has stepped away for a second. talk to me, if you would, about the case for donald trump and why this all just needs to be found not guilty. >> well, i think this case really would never really amounted to much other than michael cohen. which surprised many of us. we thought bragg was holding more evidence and more witnesses, otherwise no one would go forward with this. bragg himself said there was no way he would bring a case that would call michael cohen on the
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stand. well you ended up putting on a case entirely michael cohen. he is the only witness that has addressed the elements of the crime and even he wasn't able to establish that they occurred. so what we're really looking at now is really what robert de niro said. i would love to replay it because what robert de niro said was this is all about trump destroying america. it was no reference to the actual crimes. this case was a vehicle to stop trump in his view and he says that out in front of the courthouse. it was a telling moment because i think that bragg really hopes that the jury won't look beyond the identity of the defendant. that's the reason, i think, the defense has to be very honest and very open with this jury to tell them look, we know that some of you don't like the defendant. the question is whether that is enough for you, or whether you believe that no one in new york
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should be convicted without crime or evidence. because this case has neither. >> harris: i want to hit this with you. you brought up who we did see. the one witness that you say actually did at least talk about what was happening in the case. even during that questioning, though, it wasn't made clear what the underlying crime was. the other person who didn't testify was someone who "the new york times" has written about. the star witness who never testified at trump's trial is the headline for them saying there was a third person in the room in terms of when a check or several checks would have been signed and that would be allen weisselberg. and the prosecution didn't call him to testify, although he knows the truth. he has not told it ever. he is serving time in ryker's island after pleading to perjury in an unrelated civil case involving trump. would could weisselberg have brought this case and is that
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miss for the defense, too, they could have called him. >> i don't think it is a miss for the defense for a couple of reasons. first of all, as i said in the "new york post" piece, the absence of weisselberg has to be hit by the defense in its closing argument. there is only one reason why the government would not call weisselberg and that's because he would contradict cohen. why else would you put a serial perjurer on the stand but not the guy he referenced. it was an agreement between cohen and weisselberg that defined it as a retainer and yet they didn't call that other half of the agreement. for the defense, there are reasons why they didn't call him, because weisselberg could have been just as they saw with costello, used to bring in a whole bunch of other areas that they couldn't control. also for weisselberg, this is a prosecution that has threatened him to prosecute him again. he won't be eager to cross the
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prosecutors and look at another stint at ryker's. >> harris: what you are saying they probably wouldn't have cut him a sweetheart deal as you have seen with some. jonathan turley, thank you so much for getting us kicked off with what's going on from your legal perspective. all that legal experience we appreciate. we're following closing arguments minute-by-minute. the box on the right of your screen has an update to check on. and all the coverage and analysis, a former president of the united states now in closing arguments. the prosecution as you heard from jonathan turley, what will they work with? a lying star witness. we're covering it. stay close. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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>> harris: fox news alert as we are waiting inside the courtroom now are the closing arguments that began 90 minutes or so expected to go all day long. the defense goes first in the new york trial. president trump's defense delivering that now. trey gowdy, former federal congressman and former prosecutor. leo terrell fox news contributor and lee zeldin, former congressman from new york and surrogate to trump. trey, i'll start with you. the idea that michael cohen is the star witness. i want to play something and have you talk out of it. this is michael cohen's former attorney, bob costello, who testified at the trial we know. he told fox that cohen's statements changed on the payment to stormy daniels. that's what this case is supposed to be about, the payment, the hush money as it
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has been called. let's watch bob costello. >> he kept on saying i have nothing on donald trump. and then when we got into the discussion of the stormy daniels nda he said specifically, and i cross-examined him on this, this was my idea. it was his idea to take care of the nda because he had been contacted by a lawyer for stormy daniels who said she was going to claim that donald trump had sex with her. cohen said i didn't believe the allegation but nevertheless it would be embarrassing to melania, michael cohen's words. >> trey, your response. >> i was in the courthouse last week when he testified. his testimony could have been incredibly helpful to the defense. regrettably, the manner in which he testified was not. you cannot get into a fight with the judge. the jury is going to relate to
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the judge. so at best i thought his testimony was a wash. it may have actually wound up hurting the defense. i will also say this and say hello to my colleague lee zeldin, a former prosecutor. the prosecution will stand up and say michael cohen is not a great witness. he is convicted perjurer but we didn't pick him. donald trump picked the witnesses. i would have preferred a catholic nun and first grade school teacher. that's not who donald trump used as his lawyer on used to engaged in the catch and kill scheme. we didn't pick michael cohen as a witness, donald trump did. that's what the prosecution will argue this afternoon. >> harris: when i interviewed the former president at the white house, it was the day after michael cohen had been
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sentenced and that would have been in december of 2018. when i sat down with him i asked him why in the world did you hire this guy? he said he made a mistake. he never should have hired michael cohen all those years ago. so when the prosecution makes the argument he picked him, everybody has known that all the way down in the last six years, rift? and look at what we are today. yet alvin bragg picks this case and picks that guy to be the star witness. they did do the choosing. >> they really didn't have anyone else to call to be able to give this testimony in place of michael cohen. there was some conversation here about the cfo weisselberg, who the prosecution decides not to call. but weisselberg is not going to testify what cohen was testifying to. there was no other option. put it all on michael cohen to prove your entire case, somebody who is a convicted perjurer who
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contradicted himself with past statements made over the years. now you are in a situation where you are in court, giving closing arguments. defense has to be first in the new york-based trial and they still don't know what the underlying charge is to elevate this from a misdemeanor to a felony. we might for the first time hear it during the prosecution's closing argument but that's the last word of the entire case and the defense doesn't get an opportunity to rebut it. this is something that should have been known up front and here we are at this point giving closing arguments. they have relied on this one person and they should have passed on this prosecution. >> harris: could they have changed this around? i know in new york and i mentioned that, defense goes first, we're in new york. a place where you don't have the crime, where you don't know what that underlying second crime is, could the judge have made his own judgment in this and said we are going to flip-flop it. you have to know what to defend.
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prosecution, you go first so we can be clear on what the crimes are and the jury can be, too, and defense go second. could that have happened? >> i will tell you first with the judge's powers, when the prosecution rested, the judge should have just issued a directed verdict at that point. the judge still could order a directed verdict at this point flipping the order in as far as fundamental fairness the burden is on the government and in this case where you have to establish that there is an underlying charge, which they still haven't indicated what it is, in all fairness they should have been giving the defense an opportunity to respond. >> harris: i want to get back to and go forward. leo, i feel like the jurors might forget some of the testimony and i would imagine this is where the defense will go. why would president trump have not wanted anybody to know that he had even met a sex film worker named stormy daniels.
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? let's watch hope hicks talk to that, here is what she said in court. we don't have cameras in court but we have what she said. she said i don't think he wanted anyone in his family to be hurt or embarrassed what is happening on the campaign. president trump values mrs. trump's opinion and she doesn't weigh in all the time but when she does it is meaningful to him. he was just concerned about what her perception of this would be. i know that was weighing on him. leo. >> hope hicks, harris, is a credible witness. she has no dog in the fight. so what she gave the trump defense team were alternatives to the idea that trump allegedly paid this money to hide or was a campaign violation. she was credible and that's why her testimony should be played in hard by the defense team. let me very clear about this. the defense team is focusing on witnesses or jurors, harris, that are very solidly in the
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trump camp. i can guarantee you the defense team is aware of the jurors who are in their camp. they are playing to the attorneys. they are playing to the two attorneys who are going to probably provide the insight on the information. >> harris: you know what? there is in fact a daily caller article about that and it says the panel of 12 jurors includes a young corporate law attorney and civil litigation attorney and the headline was that perhaps the bragg team should worry that having lawyers on the trump jury could lead to an acquittal. your thoughts on that, leo? >> there is no question about it. i will tell you right now most attorneys do not want attorneys in the jury box. but in this case when you don't know what the charges are, you had credibility at issue, todd blanche is playing to those two attorneys, harris, because he is hoping that they provide the insight that this trial judge did not provide.
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he is hoping that these two attorneys provide just common sense logic as far as the rule of law and what facts were played. as of right now we have three attorneys here on your show. we don't know what the federal charges are. we don't know what facts actually indicates a crime against trump, but yet those two attorneys are critical to this case. >> harris: that's face -- fascinating. you only need one. thank you for joining me. president trump's legal team giving closing argument now and the prosecution will do the same thing. we're with you all day long covering the trump trial. fnc for the cool kids. stay with us. is, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred.
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>> harris: closing arguments are underway now in former president trump's criminal trial. "politico" is reporting once the veer defect is in president biden will actually break his silence on the case and that he will do so from the white house
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rather than from a campaign stump. right when we got this hour started i was talking about how he would want to, i would imagine, avoid the appearance of a political statement. so he will do this from the white house. but it is political what's going on. so i don't know, does that come into play? charlie hurt doesn't buy any of this. watch. >> look at all of the big major issues that americans actually care about that took joe biden a long time to address. it took him a long time to address the attack in israel, the terrorist attack in israel. it has taken him forever to address the crisis at the border and i would argue he still has never actually addressed it. even before the verdict is read, he is announcing that he is going to address this issue. it is because this is the issue that joe biden is running on. i think it will fail. i think the whole thing is blowing up in his face. >> harris: donald trump's trial is wrapping up and the
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president's son, hunter biden will face two trials on gun and tax charges. the president played a visit to a key witness in hunter biden's trial. all of this as "politico" is reporting democrats are -- a quote, in full blown freak-out over biden's re-election chances. peter doocy at the white house, to witness the freak out. >> we're always looking for a freak-out, harris, despite all of that going on the biden campaign is not talking about the economy or immigration and not even in a swing state. they are talking about democracy in new york city. >> we're here primarily because of the threat donald trump poses to the united states of america and to our democracy. >> the president is now expected to address the trump verdict guilty or not guilty from the white house to show the end result is part of a normal
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judicial proceeding that should be respected. according to a report in "politico." in the meantime we're getting a better sense of how the biden campaign plans to keep attacking trump pre-verdict. they're invoking 9/11 and january 6th and they are warning that if trump gets elected he might never leave the white house again. the messenger for that, robert de niro. >> this buffoon running for president could never happen. we forgot the lessons of history other clowns until they became vicious dictators. with trump we have a second chance. no one is laughing now. >> president biden doesn't have any public events on his schedule today but the next couple times we see him we expect that to be the theme. he will keep talking, including when he is at normandy in france for the d-day anniversary saying
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he is a defender of democracy with a suggestion that donald trump is not. >> harris: he should go to israel. he should be in the middle of the action that his policies are, you know, colliding with here on the homeland with all the people who have defined genocide joe and he could have an actual perch. i want to bring back our attorneys leo terrell and lee zeldin and doug collins. i want to hit some of what's going on in the courtroom right now. this is key. so the defense attorney todd blanche is in the middle of closing arguments now and hit this pretty hard. he says that at the time michael cohen, the president's ex-attorney, was very worried about his future. michael cohen was very worried about his future, what he would be doing if trump won or lost and campaign was not happy. cohen made this decision.
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he says cohen is the only one who says trump knew about the payment. quote, and you cannot, cannot believe his words. i'm quoting todd blanche. we're watching the courtroom. did the former president go by yet? thumbs-up from trump just then. we're watching this live. and they will take a quick break here or is this one going to be through lunch. for ten minutes. we'll watch the screen and sees if he says anything and take a longer lunch break. they break closer to noon and 2:00. doug, i want to come to you on that last part where attorney -- defense attorney blanche says you cannot, cannot believe michael cohen's words. your response. >> what would give you any reason to believe? that's the problem here. the old saying is he lying now or was he lying then? the truth is he is lying all the
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time. that's the problem that michael cohen has and the prosecution has bringing on a serial liar and trying to convince the jury that by looking at documents or something else that all of a sudden he becomes truthful. that's the problem the prosecution has here. the problem they have had all along. we should never have been here to process. a prosecution in search of a crime. donald trump didn't do anything here and cohen said something not only lying but he did tell the truth at one point. this is something interesting. he said i was on legal retainer doing legal work for donald trump. at that moment this trial should have been over, the judge should have sent the jury over and said it was over. nothing is left. that's what they are arguing about. it didn't happen. it shows the persecution here. >> harris: lee zeldin, i want to go back to the attorney, defense attorney blanche who is right now working for the defense and their closing arguments delivering those. at one point he does move to how
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the record -- recording ends. he is talking about that recording. blanche says cohen was talking about cash. remember cohen was surreptitiously recording his own client and cohen says hello to someone and it was cohen lying painting his version and no evidence of trump talking about a duffel bag full of $150,000. >> that's right. we don't hear any recording that actually establishes the elements to be able to prove this crime for the prosecution. there is more questions than answers. why this attorney would be recording his own client is something that would probably undermine his own credibility with this jury. >> harris: i will have to jump in. forgive me. we have breaking news here. another trump legal case. federal judge cannon rejected a special counsel jack smith's
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request for a gag order against donald trump in the classified documents case saying that prosecutors' request was wholly lacking in substance and professional courtesy. the judge in the case. this is breaking. you have a situation, lee zeldin, where trump can barely say anything. alludes to it every time he talks about the case. he said i can't go farther because of the gag order. while the liar michael cohen doesn't have a gag order and sells merchandise and lie about what's going on. in florida this is not the case. judge cannon is denying the gag order. your reaction. >> president trump should have the opportunity to be able to defend himself in the middle of this presidential campaign. one of the problems with the gag order in this case inside of new york city. now what you are hearing from what judge cannon is saying in
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denying this gag order the criticism of the prosecution of jack smith. critical of the request substantively and the lack of courtesy in not going to the defense before seeking the gag order. judge cannon is showing that there is a very limited amount of patience that she has for jack smith at this point. this is another setback for what is intended to be an election interference effort that as long as this trial is going on. if the gag order was in place president trump would be unable to defend himself. but fortunately in the middle of the presidential campaign now that we see what judge cannon just put out president trump can continue to defend himself against this terrible case by jack smith. >> harris: one more on this leo with you. the criticism of this particular judge has been this was a trump-appointed judge all along. and i'm wondering well, the one
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that you have right now has given money to democrats and we know about the storied history of his daughter who also is steeped in democratic politics. so all of that aside, why can't judges just adjudicate the case? do you buy any of this against judge cannon? >> do i buy it? let me think about it? no. you have a federal judge who has basically ruled in favor of the first amendment, freedom of speech, and the right of a defendant to speak. do you hear me, new york judge? you have a federal judge setting a standard that you cannot gag a political candidate. harris, if it wasn't for a federal judge or the supreme court the democrats already have the majority of the justice system. they just don't have the supreme court yet. so this is a warning sign and i hope this message by judge cannon denying this gag order is a message to the new york trial
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judge. he will hear it because again, he is conflicted. i will tell you right now that ruling in florida was a ruling for justice. i want to say one last thing. i apologized to you over and over again about the politics of this. you see it happening in new york today with de niro and everything. i apologize. this is not a courtroom. this is something else. it is not legal. i've been in court for 30 plus years and what is happening in new york, the democrats, they have hijacked the legal system and it is outright embarrassing to lawyers. >> harris: never apologize for telling us the truth. if some people don't want to listen to it. but i've often said and said it today out of the gates for this hour, that one person who may not see this as political, where is that person? all right. let's get back to some politics around the trial because as leo has just pointed out, this is
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the caldron it is cooked in filled with politics. could serve as a wild card in the 2024 presidential race. someone fox talked with. >> it's a sham and a disgrace that they would take a former president, who will be our president in november, and trying him like this. >> i think it's the most corruption i've seen in my lifetime. i'm flabbergasted by the blatant corruption going on and political targeting. >> a kangaroo court. if it's not thrown out, i would be shocked. >> harris: a recent poll shows 65% of voters say a trump conviction would make no difference in their decision to vote for him. cnn reporter saved this about a possible acquittal. >> i think it is likely this is the only trial we'll get before election day and this case is not a slam dunk. donald trump may very well not
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be convicted. acquitted is the worst case scenario for democrats. >> harris: so apparently it wasn't enough to have liberal networks on their side or legacy networks, they showed up at the courthouse today and brought robert de niro, who is known for reading scripts because he is an actor. you bet this is politics, doug. >> it is complete politics. that's all it has been since day one. you have a biden administration official who came back to new york to prosecute. look, i agree with leo and lee. we've all been in courtrooms. what amazed me how the political aspect is blended into a new york courtroom. when they see a judge in the first trial when you have a bank there was no fraud, nothing wrong still going with the prosecution, alvin bragg bring this case and haven't defined what they are charging him with. political aspect. people are looking at it saying wait. it doesn't make sense.
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it makes sense with working folks who are skeptical of the criminal justice system they can look at donald trump in a different way. i've been there too and this is terrible what they are doing to him and imagine what they could be doing to me. >> harris: we talked about this earlier about how much difference it will make to have two attorneys on that jury and as we watch the former president, donald trump, walk back into the courtroom. it was a very short break. they usually are before lunch time. they will get back started with arguments in a moment. stand by as the news is breaking right now. they are back in the courtroom. we don't know where they are in closing arguments because, of course, there is no embargo document to receive to know are they close to the end or any of that. watching it stem to stern. stay close.
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>> harris: housekeeping now. the judge is back on the bench and we're waiting for the jury now to come in and be seated. defense attorney todd blanche is estimating he will need another half hour for his closing argument. it has been more than two hours. during the break, that 10-minute quick break where we showed the former president walking back in before commercial the jury informed the judge they're
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willing to go late today. kerri urbahn today. 30 more minutes. is this how you thought the lengths would go in defense closing arguments, first of all? >> i did. not just because the judge said that he expected closing arguments to go all day. looks like defense took the first half of the day. prosecution the last half of the day. the end of a long day as they go deliberations probably tomorrow. >> harris: when you hear that the jury then decides and comes out and tells the judge we're willing to go on longer, they were not sequestered. they got to go home for a week. they're back in it. no doubt they want to bring this to a close for themselves so they are willing to go through all of this and rather than having it bleed, i would think, into a second day. >> that's right. i think that's definitely part of it. we were all gaming out last week what day, which hour, will we
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have memorial day weekend, will we not? i'm sure the jurors are thinking the same thing and at this point they are probably happy to do a long day to get the show on the road. >> harris: we know the president of the united states wants to from the white house for the first time break his silence and talk about this case as soon as the verdict comes, which ramps things up i would imagine more politically for democrats even though he says he is using that perch to not appear political. "wall street journal" editorial board argues alvin bragg, a quote from that, has not proved his case and reality is hush money isn't illegal. d dis-- the jury rigged felonies using an alleged second crime that doesn't look like a crime. conviction or not by a manhattan jury this is a case that never should have been brought. >> one of the most troubling
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aspects seems like the prosecution is trying to do. it remains murky. we'll find out this afternoon what we've been here for for the last number of weeks is the intent to defraud element. these allegedly false business entries, records, although of course trump's team is saying that well, expenses paid to a lawyer could be classified as legal expenses, in order to make that a crime you have to prove an intent to defraud. the million dollar question, harris, is defraud who? it was an internal ledger book. if the prosecution is attempting to make the argument that donald trump and michael cohen were conspiring to make this as murky as possible in their internal book in order to defraud the voting public by not knowing about this stormy daniels payment, well -- >> harris: can i interrupt? i don't mean any disrespect to you or the viewers. this is seconds ago. before the break the defense attorney blanche pointed out
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more witnesses we didn't hear from. stormy daniel's agent and dylan howard. you mentioned the word conspiracy. i wanted to get that in for 30 seconds to go for you. >> allen weisselberg wasn't called. he was dealing with michael cohen. he knows everything here. it is remarkable the prosecution didn't call allen. we've been talking about him a lot. back to the intent to defraud element. the amount of politicians who make big campaign promises, i will lower your taxes. what happens? they don't do it. under this rationale could someone say we'll bring criminal charges against the next person who runs for office because he didn't solve the energy crisis. he promised to but he has defrauded us now. that's at the heart of this case. it is quite something. >> harris: lowers the bar on what adjudication cases should look like. thank you very much. thank you for watching our coverage here on "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" after the
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