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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 28, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> they are in a break at the historic trump versus new york trial. the prosecution now is set to give closing arguments as soon as they return. former president spoke earlier this morning and it has gotten more political than ever because also this morning we saw... couldn't believe it. robert de niro has said he has joined the fighting campaign and he and his presses age and pension for cushing has joined the campaign to get biden hired again. so that was interesting. they are out until 2:00 p.m. eastern. prosecutors could complete later today. the closing arguments per jurors has expressed interest in staying late. they've told the judge that. sometime tomorrow this historic case will go to the jury. we will go to "america reports" now. >> make no mistake about it.
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i am here because of crooked joe biden. the worst president in the history of our country. he is destroying our country. this country is being destroyed rapidly. not slowly. rapidly. >> this is the time to stop him by voting him out once and for all. we don't want to wake up after the election saying again? my god. what the hell have we done. we can't have that happen again peered >> we have been here for six weeks. nobody has said trump did anything wrong. we have a highly conflicted judge with unconstitutional gag order and everybody sees this case for what it is. >> sandra: a live look now from the new york state supreme court there is nowhere manhattan where the defense just wrapped in donald trump's criminal trial. they are in a lunch paper that was a former president moments ago as he departed the
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courtroom and prosecutors will have their chair. and welcome. john, great to be with you today kicking off a new week. >> john: it will be of big week. i'm john roberts from washington and this is "america reports." the defense team spent three hours building closing arguments telling the jury right out of the gate that trump is and is in and did not commit any crimes. >> sandra: trump's attorney, we see no time attacking michael cohen's testimony by painting him as a serial liar. >> john: as the first day of closing arguments and may be the only day of closing arguments is about to get underway after the lunch break could we have an all-star lineup for expert analysis. >> sandra: looks like this will go well into the evening but constitutional law for jonathan turley right outside the courthouse peered what has struck you so far. jonathan, hello. >> that the defense has ramped up. they took only about three hours which is substantially less than what the government will be
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using over four hours. the government is going to have to respond to the attacks on michael cohen and the defense raised all of the aspects that you would expect. that fact that no one tied donald trump to making any of these entries. in fact, a key witness said that the entry as an illegal expense was due to a rather antiquated drop-down menu that was done by people in the trump corporation. but the most glaring aspect of the closing and we will see if the prosecution deals with it is the missing witness. cohen himself is thoroughly unbelievable. he's a serial perjurer and most of us believe he lied repeatedly before this jury but he kept on referring to weisselberg, the person who agreed to the retainer references and the payment system. weisselberg is not far from here. he is sitting in a rikers jail. but the prosecution did not call
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him. most of us are assuming weisselberg was not called because he wouldn't of confirmed what cohen said and we will see what they do with that. >> john: i've been talking with people who were close to president trump and represented him in the past and they thought that if weisselberg were called, he has never dropped a dime on trump and he has never rolled on him, that he might just say everything that cohen has been saying is bs on the jury shouldn't believe a word of it and really, todd blanche obviously had to lay down a lot of covering fire and a lot of different directions because he does not know the underlying crime that the prosecution will articulate in the closing arguments. but he iterated and laid out for the jury ten reasons why there is reasonable doubt culminating with number ten in which he said michael cohen, he is the human embodiment of reasonable doubt. he lied to you repeatedly, he is biased and motivated.
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he says he's the kind of witness that you want is one that will tell the truth but that's not what the jury got. how effective do you think that the defense has been in undermining cohen's credibility here? >> i think they've been very effective although it's not a particularly difficult task. you just have to have michael cohen testify and that's what happened. he said when this thing began i didn't expect him to disassemble on the stand and start clucking like a chicken. the best thing you could do with michael cohen is have them testify because he is a pathological liar. according to many people, including people on the left, it is pretty clear that he lied. he lied on critical junctures with the jury but the defense still needs to deal with the fact that this jury is looking at that defendant on the table. they have been away for a week. they've been back in the world. they've been hearing what their
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relatives and neighbors have said. it will take a lot for a manhattan jury to acquit or hang in this case. the defense tried very hard to remind them that they have a sacred duty here. i think quite frankly i would've been more direct on that point. it is not enough to hate him. you have to decide whether there is enough evidence here to convict. i don't see that evidence. i don't see that evidence on any element of the crime. one of the things we will look for from the government is whether they will finally tell the world what is the crime that they think was committed. keep in mind the judge has said there are at least three crimes in that indictment and the jury does not have to agree on them. this is the perversity of this case. you can have this jury divided 4-4-4 on what crime was being concealed with these recordkeeping violations and the judge will still consider that a unanimous verdict. that is what is so difficult about what the former president
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is facing. >> sandra: wow. this is going to be quite a few hours coming up and we will move on into tomorrow if things wrap tonight than the instructions will be given to the jury and on we go. jonathan, thank you. we will check back in with you soon. >> john: let's bring in former acting u.s. attorney general and trump surrogate matt whitaker. there was a bus are seen this morning that really erased any doubt that this was all political. when robert de niro and a few other folks including some of the capitol hill police officers who testified in the january 6th committee very negatively about donald trump showed up outside of the courthouse and dinero said in part that spread listen here. >> i love the city. i love the city. i don't want to destroy it. donald trump wants to destroy not only the city, but the country and eventually he could destroy the world. >> john: i didn't know if he was likening trump to hugo drags
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from the movie room raker or stavros blough failed, but what did you make of that? >> great cultural references and it's good to be with you. this election is not going to be decided by coastal elites that live in their penthouses and taught taught about how hard it is to get in their limo and drie downtown. this will be decided by the americans that are in the middle of joe biden's economy. whether it's rent, gas, food. the basics of life are too expensive and going up. but at the end of the day, the question is was this worth the time at that alvin bragg has spent. crime is higher in new york and across the country. is this the case that a prosecutor should bring. when i tried cases as a prosecutor, i think listing reasonable doubt or listing the ways that a jury can do their job are important.
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todd blanche laid out ten reasons for reasonable doubt and why they should not convict donald trump and it's a very compelling argument. >> sandra: good to have you on the program. here was the trump team's response to robert de niro's words outside of the courthouse. jason miller earlier. listen. >> the best they can do is roll out a washed up actor. last week president trump spoke in the bronx. over 25,000 people showed up to rally around him and the best the biting campaign would do is put out a web video with robert de niro. there is nothing behind the biting campaign. the numbers are in the toilet. >> sandra: to jason miller's point, politico was out with a piece today pointing out many democratic advisors, some clinton advisors, who are in full blown freak out mode as the headline reads over what is happening in that trial and what is happening with the biting campaign.
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>> it's very clear to me that first of all joe biden must love robert de niro because they have him in a video and then have them show up at the courthouse but it highlights the political nature of this case and the hopes of the biden team that they can squeeze out a conviction out of this new york jury. that most likely is going to lean against donald trump but you know what, at the end of the day, joe biden does not offer anything. the american people are living under this economy. they are seeing wars break out all over the world. there is no leadership from the white house from joe biden. from my perspective and i think a lot of americans, this will be a pocketbook kitchen table type election where the question is we know both of these candidates policies and quite frankly donald trump's policies are dramatically better for the american people. >> john: that's the big question this week. whether or not this jury will seek to convict the former president and as we heard from
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jonathan turley earlier, the judge will likely instruct them that they can find him guilty of 1 of 3 crimes and they don't need to all needed to agree on it in order for that to happen. are the cards stacked against the former president here? is the diecast? >> when i heard professor turley talk about his view from inside the courtroom and i was there last week while the jury instructions were being debated, my heart sank because what professor turley was recognizing as this is not the way the american system of justice works. but our founding fathers really believed that the jury, a jury of the community, a jury of the defendants peers would be the final check on political prosecutions. the sacred honor, the sacred duty of these jurors is going to listen to the evidence, apply the law to the facts, but ultimately, don't check your reason and common sense at the door. bring that to bear, but don't
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bring outside influence. don't bring the last week of being out in the communities and what people were saying you into this jury box. you hope that they can be fair and impartial like they are charged to beat. >> john: we will find out later this week. matt, good to have you with us. we appreciated as we kick this off with closing arguments. >> sandra: let's bring in andy mccarthy. fox news contributor and former u.s. attorney outside of the courthouse. great to have you here. your thoughts, sir as this continues. >> sandra: hi sandra. i think it is so astonishing in the united states to be through one summation and we are still not even clear on what the charge is. the greater problem that comes out of that is we have all had our eyes on this campaign finance crime and when will they get to it and when will they plant their feet. i think what's going on here is it is almost pretextual. they are making up a crime
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against trump as they go along. a fraud crime. and they are trying to bring it home without having proof that he actually defrauded anyone of anything and without having proved that he did anything that was unlawful. the way i read the draft fraud instruction that i saw, you could convict for example joe biden comes out and says inflation was 9% when i became president and he keeps saying it. that is deceptive. we all know it's not true. under bragg's theory, i think he could be indicted for fraud on that. i don't see anything and the instructions that would cut against the idea that a jury could convict him of that and that is a crime they are making up on the fly. >> john: it has to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt when it comes to a criminal conviction though judge merchan seems to have allowed a little bit of wiggle room into that whole idea. todd blanche's central message of the jury was you cannot convict president trump of any
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crime beyond a reasonable doubt based on the words of michael cohen. how effective was he at impugning michael cohen today? >> that's effective but also strategically it is the argument he has to make because if you think about it, todd blanche got to talk to the jury today. he sat down at lunchtime. now they will hear the prosecutors for five hours and then tomorrow morning they come back and they get instructions from the judge. todd blanche is never going to get to speak that in the jury again. he has to leave them with one thing that rings in the rears even when they are on deliberation tomorrow. the biggest argument he could make a come of the biggest target that he has is that all roads to conviction in this case go through michael cohen. if you don't believe michael cohen, then trump can't be convicted. so i think if that is the hand you are dealt, that is the hand he had to play.
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>> sandra: maybe that's why one of the last things he said before the jury was the gloat comments. the greatest liar of all time. >> it's really important for him to be memorable because again, that is ringing in our ears now. he's not going to get to talk to them again so that is the last they are hearing from him. he has to give him something that they will remember in the deliberation room. >> john: we will see if the prosecution tries to wear the jury down later on today when court resumes and about 45 minutes. a live look now outside the new york, new york, state supreme court where prosecutors will soon get their turn in the new york versus trump trial. judge jeanine pirro has been in the courthouse and she is up next with how the closing arguments have looked to her so far. >> donald trump did nothing wrong. there is nothing wrong. this is everybody saying it. except we have a judge who is
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i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper. >> john: donald trump's defense team making their final pitch today. so what comes next? the five cohost judge jeanine pirro has been at the courthouse all day. she joins us now. judge, before we get into what the prosecution may or may not do in terms of its closing arguments, "washington post" is carrying something interesting that i guess happened as court was closing. somewhere in his closing argument, todd blanche suggested to the jury that trump could go to jail if convicted. apparently merchan blew up at him saying that was outrageous mr. blanche. someone who has been a prosecutor as long as you have, someone who has been an attorney as long as you have knows that is highly inappropriate and he will issue a curative
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instruction to the jury. did you hear that judge? >> i didn't hear it to be honest with you. i'm stunned sitting here and i was in there. but that's very simple. you give a charge to the jury and you say would either this sentence may be or whatever my options may be are not your concern as i have told you from the beginning. you've decided what the facts are. i give you the law and you make a decision based on the facts and the law. so there is no need the guy is very thin-skinned, this merchan i know we did have a breakdown over it but here's what i thought was so incredibly strong this morning. todd blanche spoke in very simple language and addressed everything he possibly could in his summation to the jury. it was simple, it was not histrionic, it was not over the top. some people if you have a child abuse case or an outrageous case of fire and brimstone, this is a
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case that is very dependent on how the jury sees the role of the falsification of business records. and todd blanche started by saying look. this case is about evidence that was not proven. this case is about what you did not hear. he then went on to describe virtually every witness and he made a great deal of effort trying to show how all of the catch and kills were not catching kills. they were simply with mcdougall it was a question she wanted to be on the cover of bank's eighth grade she did not want anything killed. she wanted to write her own article. and in the end, stormy daniels story had already been out in 2011. it was very precise and he made
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it clear that there were people who were extorting money and certain witnesses got together. witnesses who were not called at this trial. gina rodriguez on behalf of stormy daniels. dylan howard on behalf of american media. and of course the issue of alan weisselberg. the issue of keith schiller. all of these people are essential witnesses as far as i'm concerned and if i was the defense in this case and i don't know what the judge's charges, but you have to get an adverse witness charge, the fact that alan weisselberg was not called as a witness and was certainly relevant. everything pointed to alan weisselberg being involved in that part of the trump organization that was involved in the book keeping, data is something that should be used against the prosecution because number one he was within their control and number two he had relevant and material evidence. and the fact that case-shiller was not called when case-shiller
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would clearly say that the conversation was about a 14-year-old harassing michael cohen and not about his phone call with donal donald trump. all of the evidence was very clearly outlined for the jury and i have to tell you he had great lines. that michael cohen is mvp of liars. you've heard of the goat, the gloat. the greatest liar of all time. >> sandra: that is such a crowd favorite. we pulled that quote. we put it up on the screen. this was todd blanche in the closing argument right near the end. he is the human embodiment of reasonable doubt. he lied to you repeatedly. he told the jury. he is biased and motivated, michael cohen is the goat, he is the greatest liar of all time. you cannot send someone to present based on the words of michael cohen. it seems this was the big bang at the end of his closing
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arguments. >> it was the big bang and the whole summation was how michael cohen was lying, how what he said made no sense, how the circumstances surrounding michael cohen's allegations were knocked down over and over again and all those little facts that don't make they had lines and terms of what we do but will make a big difference when the jury goes in and recognizes that we can't decide this based on michael cohen because we have this evidence that contradicts michael cohen. it was really an excellent summation and it was done in a modulated towns and i think he was very clear on where he was headed. >> john: that very last thing that sandra just alluded to that he has the gloat, the greatest liar of all time, you cannot send someone to present based on the words of michael cohen. that is probably what judge merchan took exception to.
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i think the judge thought that blanche should've said you cannot find someone guilty based on the words of michael cohen. merchan is ticked off and he thinks that blanche was trying to engender sympathy for his client by suggesting that the jury could for the very first time in history send a u.s. president to jail. what do you think judge? >> i happen to agree with that. i think that the idea that the centerpiece, he has always been the centerpiece of this conviction. he has so many holes right now and there are more holes as a result of the summation because he was very methodical, todd blanche in terms of talking to the jury. this was a lie, that was a lie, you can't believe this, you can't believe that. it's almost as though he shouldn't have been able to testify in the first place and what i thought was brilliant was he said you know he lied about all of this but he got on the stand and lied to you again. it's not just what he has done in the past, it's what he did in
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this courtroom after he swore to tell the truth. he took an oath, he looked at you, he said we recognize that he's under oath and under penalty of perjury and he still lied to you based on the evidence, the facts, and the circumstances. they cannot convict based upon him. they cannot. >> sandra: at the end of all of this, all that matters are the jurors. and we just have to wonder what happens in the next few hours and then on it in tomorrow with what the instructions are. give us your thoughts. >> i'm concerned about the instructions. i want those missing witness instructions and adverse witness charge. i'm curious. they gave us three options for the crime he were trying to conceal and the jury doesn't have to identify or agree on which one. this is the sickest thing i've ever heard of. how can we be and the middle of a summation and not know what the crime is that they are trying to conceal?
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what crime they violated question wreck what is the felony that resurrected these dead misdemeanors? it is unheard of. i tell you that's not just as a prosecutor but as a judge. this is unfair. you have to assume that merchan is not going to give the best charge to the jury in the case but at the same time, the practical methodical beat down of all the facts by todd blanche may be good enough for them to say you know what, this guy's a piece of garbage. we can't send someone to prison if that's what they think the option is or a former president no less. and you know what i like? the judge that you can come back today for the people summation but we will take it into tomorrow if it is passed for 30. and the jury came back and said no. we want to go right through with this one. that tells me they are ready and they are not into this let's take a week off. i think they are ready to do their job and i have a good
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feeling from that. >> john: as carrie was mentioning last week, if you are going to take a u.s. president, a former u.s. president to trial for the very first time, it better be something that is crystal clear. it has to be we caught him taking $1 billion for selling nuclear weapons to some country. not for something as murky as this. judge, great to see you as always. thank you. >> and i have to tell you one thing. no one tied donald trump to that book company. no one. >> sandra: great to have you. we will let you get back end. the judge of the new york criminal trial of donald trump so far keeping his jury instructions secret. trey gowdy will tell us how it could affect the outcome of this trial if those instructions are biased. >> john: plus growing fallout after a deadly air strike after israeli forces pushed deeper into rafah seeking hamas
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terrorists. trey yingst has an update for us. >> is really forces right now are pushing deeper into gaza's southernmost city following deadly air strikes over the weekend. we will have more after the break. nd energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪
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with home values high, now's the time to turn the equity in your home into the cash you need. >> sandra: as we track closing arguments, the new york criminal trial of former president donald trump the defense team is concerned that the judges jury instructions which will likely be given tomorrow could be biased in favor of the prosecution. trey gowdy is live outside the new york state supreme court. it was one of trump's lawyers alina habba over the weekend who suggested that these jury instructions will likely or unlikely be appropriate for this case. where are your expectations? >> i was in the courtroom for two days last week and i have seen pro-prosecution judge before. i've even benefited from a few
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of them. i've never seen a judge of more pro-prosecution then a one i watched last week. here's the challenge for the defense. the jury identifies with the judge. it's almost like stockholm syndrome. that's who's been taking care of us for weeks and weeks so it doesn't do a whole lot of good to attack the judge heard what you have to do is attack the prosecution and the prosecution case. speaking of jury instructions, how in the world. this is what i would argue. how in the world can you find somebody committed a fraud in furtherance of a crime when you don't know what that other crime is? you don't know the elements of it, you don't know the name of that, you don't know the evidentiary burden of proof of it. that's what i think would resonate with the jury but certainly not attacking the judge. >> john: you are and a unique position to answer this because you've been a prosecutor and a politician and the stench of politics a lot of people think swirls around this case as was
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evidenced this morning when robert de niro took to the microphones out in front of the courthouse and said this. >> i love this city. i love this city. i don't want to destroy it. donald trump wants to destroy. not only the city, but the country and eventually he could destroy the world. >> john: he didn't say anything about the court case or whether or not he was guilty or innocent of the charges. here's what jason miller from the trump campaign sent in response. >> the best they can do is roll out a washed up actor. last week president trump spoke in the bronx. over 25,000 people showed up to rally around him and the best the biting campaign could do was put out a web video with robert de niro. there is nothing behind abiding campaign. the numbers are in the toilet. >> john: earlier today, you were marked what robert de niro did this morning should be considered to be an unkind
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contribution to the trump campaign. that was quite a show that a lot of people would use a certain adjective to describe. >> i promised my mom i wouldn't use any bad words on television. i listen to every word of robert de niro's press conference and my friend paul moreau used the word unhinged. but i don't think that is it fair to unhinged people. i would've said it was deranged but that's not fair to people who are in a soon as i was for being deranged. it was the most incredible as and not believable series of statements that donald trump is never going to leave office. he may or may not be considered a great actor. i thought he was okay but not great. i can't find a single person who cares who he thinks ought to be the next president of united states. >> sandra: i mentioned alina habba over the weekend to having zero confidence in the fact that the person -- zero confidence in
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the judge is what she said and also she is concerned about the jury instructions being biased. she also said this about the jurors. not being sequestered. listen. speak out these are not sequestered jurors. they should have been sequestered because in my opinion these jurors are handling something that is completely unprecedented and unwarranted in america. and for them to be out and about on a holiday weekend with friends and families who have opinions who are watching the news, tvs on the back on at the pool party, i have serious concerns. >> how concerned are you about that tray? >> sequestration usually benefits the prosecution which is why defense attorneys don't like it. i've tried to weld north of a hundred cases. it is remarkable what happens when 12 ordinary citizens get inside a jury room. i think there is a real desire to be fair and to be just.
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the jury instructions are going to lean pro prosecution. the ruling means pro prosecution but i really think that the jury is going to make an effort to get it right. you mentioned michael cohen. you don't have to think about the perjury conviction. you don't have to think back about stealing money. he admits that he is currently biased against donald trump. if i am back in that jury room, do i want to hinge a verdict on someone who is currently biased, currently wants to see the object of the prosecution go to prison. he was selling shirts with the trumpet behind bars. is that what you are going to base your verdict on? respectfully to the president's lawyer, i think a jury's usually get it right. despite all the noise around them. >> sandra: trey gowdy on that for a spirit outside of the courthouse where we expect things to be back underway shortly.
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thank you. >> john: thanks. it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that a strike on a refugee camp in rafah was a tragic mistake. as they face growing pressure on the war with hamas. trey yingst is live in tel aviv with the very latest on all of this. how is israel responding to this renewed pressure? >> good afternoon. we are learning more about those is really strikes over the weekend that left dozens of palestinian civilians dead. an investigation is underway conducted by the israelis to determine what exactly took place and we are getting new details provided this morning by as an israeli official who claimed that the initial blast was actually caused by two small munitions that led to a fire that ultimately led to the deaths of the civilians. this does not exactly match what some of the initial aftermath video that shows dead civilians whose bodies were torn apart. one eyewitness reacted to what
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she saw. >> the bodies of innocent children were torn to pieces. it is not fair for this to happen to us. even our food was mixed with blood. nothing survived the aggression. >> the united states is weighing in on the strikes calling on israel to use restraint with the biden administration's national security council saying in a statement "the devastating images of following and idf strike and ruffle last night that killed dozens of innocent palestinians are heartbreaking." daniel hagar he said this about the ongoing investigation into the strikes explosion and fire. speak out this incident is being investigated leave the general mechanism. an independent and professional body that is investigating the circumstances of those killed in the area of the strike. this investigation will be
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swift, comprehensive, and transparent. >> israeli troops have pushed deeper into gaza's southernmost city of rafah. they are expanding the operation there. >> john: trey yingst with the update for us in tel aviv. thank you. >> sandra: continuing coverage of donald trump's coverage trial as arguments are set to resume soon. the latest from the courthouse. we will have that from you next. >> john: we are waiting today's white house briefing as a new report says president biden will directly address trumps trial once the verdict is handed down. but is that a good idea question eric mollie hemingway here to answer that question coming up next. that's how it felt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit
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spewing closing arguments for the prosecution and
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former president donald trump's criminal kraut trial set to resume soon as a resort from poo says president biden plans on directly addressing the case once there's a verdict but could it hurt his reelection chances. let's bring in mollie hemingway. clearly, molly, biden is betting on and probably hoping for a guilty verdict here so he can say trump is a felon although we will see what happens in the appellate court but if trump is acquitted, what does he do? >> that's the plan. democrats have lawsuits going in many different places with the hope that you can get a quick and easy conviction and that will affect the election. but they thought even the trials would be helping them in the election and it has not worked out that way. i wonder if president biden isn't addressing this partly as a reflection of that. you take donald trump. he has three buckets of support. the people who love donald trump in everything he did, you have the people who just objectively speaking trump did a better job as president than biden did. you have this third bucket which
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are people who may not even like donald trump that much but they are so horrified by the law fair and using courts to go after a political opponent. this could be a conviction and a jailing and they are so horrified by that that it is partly why president biden is having problems with his reelection. maybe he is trying to address that issue. >> sandra: thank you for joining a spirit i want to put your piece in political up on the screen here. biden stayed silent on trumps trial which you pointed out. the verdict will change that you say. biden has stayed silent on trumps trial. the piece reads that the verdict will change that. biden plans to address it in a white house setting. not a campaign one to show that it's not political. if they convict trump, they will argue that the result shows trump is ill-suited for office and it demonstrates the extremes to which the former president would go to win again. what has changed? why now is he going to give t this? why would he respond to the
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outcome of this trial from the white house? >> i think because this trial has not gone quite as they had hoped. first of all, this was the weakest of all the trials that they had planned. people thought this was one that should not have been brought. they are very novel. the manner in which the judge is handed the trial is very unfair to the defense and everything about it is a joke. the star witness is a notorious liar and people are being asked to convict someone over this. this has not gone well with all of the other trials also not going well and they might not take place before the election. people had this pretend like this one was going better but even that has not seemed to take a dent into president trump's numbers. they are trying to get ahead of some of this but also people will probably be horrified if there is a conviction and they will probably blame democrats since it is their campaign strategy to use law fair to go after the political opponents. >> john: i don't want to play what he said this morning but
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this thing that happened with robert de niro getting out of the car wearing a mask and then he comes up to the microphones and he says this is my town. i grew up here. trump doesn't belong in new york city. he wants to destroy the city come he wants to destroy the country, he wants to destroy the world. i'm thinking he has been acting and a lot of movies but may be watching many james bond movies to say something like that. this did not seem to come off the way that the biden campaign had intended. speak of the biden campaign announced they were doing this big press conference in front of the courthouse and you had robert de niro out there ranting and raving and coming off un unwell. it does not seem like it went well but it also is a look into some of the hatred that motivates some of this action against donald trump and other republicans and again, that might not go very well among americans. >> john: trey gowdy said he thought it was an unkind contribution to the trump campaign. dinero may have swayed more voters to trump side than
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against him. >> sandra: great to have you on as we look live at the courthouse. we expect to see the former president walking back through those doors any moment now as this is set to resume at 2:00 eastern time. we will be watching for that and the closing arguments by the prosecution. >> john: cleanup and recovery underway as a small town in texas is the death of seven people killed by a massive tornado. robert ray is live on the gr ground. how is it question mike it looks terrible. >> it's not good. with the deaths and all the destruction on top of that we had a hurricane-force winds and hail come through here this morning. more storms on the way and we are listening to the stories of survival and we will have that on the other side of the break.
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>> sandra: a powerful storm ripping across the lone star state days after a tornado killed at least seven people north of dallas. robert ray is live in valley view, texas, with the latest on recovery efforts that appeared any idea when power will be restored to thousands without electricity from this morning storms? >> great question. hundreds of thousands of people in the dark right now. as if it wasn't bad enough with
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the tornadoes that came through and killed over 20 people across multiple states. the power companies working feverishly to try to restore her as much as they can from here all the way down into dallas which is about 60 miles to the south. in the meantime, we are on mat in valley view, you look at these images from this area. this small town is devastated. seven people have lost their lives. unfortunately two of them being young children three years old and five years old. to my left and you're right, sucked out of their home and found in a retaining pond along with others that were found here. other children made it out okay. others were injured. multiple fatalities in this area and hundreds of thousands of people out of power. more storms on the way this evening and we have experienced a hurricane-force winds above 7g with hail. could it get any worse? i'm not sure. we need a break here in a big way.
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back to you. >> sandra: robert ray. just praying for all those people affected by this. thank you for your reporting. we will check back in soon. >> john: it is so heartbreaking. minutes from now closing arguments will resume and former president donald trump's criminal trial. the latest from the courtroom with our all-star team of legal and political voices. shannon bream, mark eiglarsh, leo terrell, and kelly irvine all have. stay wites,therh us each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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