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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 28, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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that cohen works for him? where is the smoking gun? >> well and, again, if you focus on the fact that he's got to be a -- trump has to be -- they have to find beyond a reasonable doubt that trump was intending to violate a separate law, to cover up a separate thing. it was not the federal election code or state election code, what would it be? there's no indication that trump knew anything about that. there are a million problems with this case and how it was tried. but i see that is the key problem for the prosecution. >> charles: thank you very much. folks at home, thank you for watching. catch me tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. eastern on fox business network. "making money." neil is back tomorrow. for right now, here is "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> greg: high i'm greg gutfeld with judge jeanine curiel, ricrichard fowler. dana perino. "the five." >> make no mistake about it, i am here because of quickly joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country. he is destroying our country, this country is being destroyed rapidly, not slowly, rapidly. on the borders, energy, inflation, everything. afghanistan. everything about what he's done. he's destroying our country and he's destroying it with weaponization. this is purely his weaponization. >> greg: that was trump earlier today. the court is taking a 20 minute break and we'll see if he steps up to the mic again. prosecution still making closing arguments as the hush money trail gets ready for its climax. despite six weeks, 22 witnesses
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and tawdry testimony, america still no closer to knowing what donald trump did wrong. that trigger except pay a scummy lawyer. the ex-president's lawyer todd blanche arguing there was no intent to defraud a no conspiracy to influence a 2020 election as for the star witness, saying "michael cohen is the clout. he's the greatest liar of all time." you cannot send someone to prison based upon the words of michael cohen. the judge not happy about that last line, telling jurors to ignore the suggestion that the former president could be sent to prison if convicted. the prosecution was busy trying to clean up cohen's theft and serial lying by saying "we didn't pick michael cohen. trump did." this cnn lawyer thinks they fell way short. >> they fell way short. there was reasonable doubt all over this case. where is keith schiller? where is allen weisselberg? how did michael cohen get away
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with stealing $30,000, hold a pity party for him, made $34,000, chief of staff, he's a fixer. if the plumber comes to fix my leak, i could be home. it doesn't mean i know how he's doing it or when it's taking to be fixed. do the former president no that his records, false entrance for legal fees. michael cohen is his lawyer. the intent to cover up the election, the intent to protect his family. >> greg: what do you make of the judge flipping out on trump's lawyer about don't send trump to dale? is it on the spectrum of all the stuff that's been said? that's worthy of the outrage. >> judge jeanine: we know that judge merch on his thin skin he can't take much. you say you know the sentencing is for the court, you argue the facts. i will tell him the law and decide if there needs to be what
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the sentencing should be. that's not the least of it, today in the courtroom, i was there and the amazing part is i that the defense gave an excellent summation. was it a summation that i would've given? no. i am more kind of fire and brimstone. [laughter] >> dana: no, really? >> judge jeanine: it's usually homicide so you can be fire and brimstone. he was very methodical. he went point by point. everything that every juror on that jury would question, he went over. he first started with the fact that the d.a. hasn't at the burden of proof. they have to convince you beyond reasonable doubt before you can convict. they did three columns. over the invoice, voucher, check. the invoices were sent by cohen to accounting. the vouchers were prepared by a staffer consistent with the invoice and the checks are generated based on the invoices
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and then trump signed them, as we already know. he'd be talking to people, on the phone, he would look at them. he would skip a few. that was very simple. trump's hands, no testimony, nothing from his voice to his hands had anything to do with checks. if trump were engaging in anything fraudulent, would he send 1099 to michael cohen? would he keep those records? would he allow himself to be sabotaged by a guy and i'm telling you right now, trump knew cohen was a dirt bay. that's why he didn't take him to the white house. trump knew what he was, he used it for certain things. an nda is not illegal. catch and kill is not illegal. he wanted her pretty face on the cover of a magazine. the doorman, pecker said i'm going to write his story. if it's true there's a baby out there. of course it's not. there is catch and kill with stormy daniels because the story
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was out in 2011. 2011. here's something that no one has talked about. stormy daniels did not testify in the grand jury. why? why did the prosecutor not put storm in the grand jury? is he aware he might be supporting perjury? was there something in there? was he worried about exculpatory evidence coming out? that's a very key issue. i don't know the issue. i don't know the answer. he issued ten reasons, every juror had to relate to this. there was no intent to unlawfully influence the election. trump's wife, he established that everything that cohen said was true, that the prosecutors are saying it's cooperators which is nonsense. contradicted by no one who was called. the prosecutor have the right to call keith schiller who should've called about the -- the prosecution of the right to call weissberg and he didn't do
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it. it's that material and relevant information. michael cohen is the greatest liar of all time. he's the embodiment of reasonable doubt. i'm not going to take up all the time but i can tell you this, one more thing. this guy is the linchpin of the case and they destroyed michael cohen. >> greg: dana, it seems like the prosecution wasn't trying to prove a crime. two theories, one. they knew this was a time waster to handicap trump campaign. or they know the verdict is in the bag. >> dana: i think those are two good things. it's baffling. we have great legal analysts on this channel and other places saying what is the crime? you have to imagine that the jury is thinking that. the best line of the day is the quote trickle gloat. greatest liar of all time. you're not going to forget it.
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it's funny and clever and smart. i believe the long summation by the prosecutor is probably driving the jury crazy. dude. shut up. we already heard all this. let's get going. i don't think long and tedious is the right way to go with the jury that's already ready to get back to work and their lives. >> greg: did you hear that, jesse? >> dana: two political points. the fairness for preside president trump. former president, yes, candidate. he has a gag order. how is it fair and we'll talk about this the next block i know. but all of a sudden today the biden campaign decides to come up and demand a conviction outside of the courthouse? what were they thinking question of will get to robert de niro later. the last thing i would mention is a lot of polls have asked and democrats have, hung their hats on this. if trump is convicted, then you will not vote for him, right?
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they're not getting the answer they want. there's not been a lot of polling with this question which is, if he's acquitted, will that change your mind? we don't know that answer yet. but i'm feeling that you probably have more than not saying yeah, that was wrong. >> greg: what say you, jesse? >> jesse: i am with dana. it's not just they are back, the jury after memorial day. they haven't been doing anything for six days. they are zonked. all they been doing is partying. so they get up this morning. there pretty zoned in. they are ready. he goes to and a half hours. this guy is going to go for and a half, five hours in closing argument question michael my god. they are dying. feeling almost as bad as i am right now. i picked up jesse jr. from school today and he is hitting the back seat and the little chair and says dad, if a ruling party in latin america... [laughter] have been losing the poles to a
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populist and had tried to put this guy in jail on trumped up charges, antony blinken would've rushed to the microphone and demanded election monitors and threatened to cut off aid." i said very astute observation, what are you getting at? he said i don't know. seems like such a grave injustice what's going on in lower manhattan. i am awaiting the u.n. general assembly voted to condemn what's happening here. i said wow. then he just spits out all of this pepperidge farm fish. couldn't believe it. but if this kid who is three can understand the concept of justice, the whole country can. right now you have a case. the democrat party is trying to charge the republican nominee and a democrat stronghold in an election in which they're losing on a crime that no one can name, that no one's ever charged because it isn't a crime.
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and using a porn star and disbarred lawyer to do it. the judge is presiding all over it, he donated to the biden campaign. they biden campaign paid his family and he sustains every single objection from the prosecution. overrules every single objection from the defense. this case is garbage. i am just as sick of it as there is jury and am praying, and i go like this when i pray, that this case is adjudicated honorably. >> greg: well put. who knew jesse was the smarter one in the family? i get the sense the prosecution's thing it doesn't really matter if trump is guilty because he is such a bad guy. just go on the bad guy argument and we're good. >> richard: i don't know about that. i set it last week and i'll see it again. i think this jury is likely to acquit the president. there is a struggle around with the actual crime is.
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i think we do understand the story line. those of us watching every day, we've even lost that in this process. this case started out because there was an alleged affair between donald trump and a former porn star. he gets his lawyer, michael cohen, who does his dirty work to pay off the porn star so the story doesn't go public. that's the basis of the story line. some of that has been lost in the melee. i will continue to say this and i will say it -- kyle be a broken record. there are no cameras. a rear trial in america for the media. we don't get to watch it. analyze body language, analyzed pregnant pauses and analyze the fire and brimstone of what judge jeanine would give. it's based on legal analysis. the sidebar that people are seeing on their screens. we don't know the jury is picking up on her with they are not picking up on. these individuals, two lawyers
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barred in the state of new york, to make this determination. i think the jury is trying to get it right and i think they will. >> greg: officially given hanging out for five days with their relatives. >> judge jeanine: the judge said we could go to 4:30 or we can go through. the jury said we want to continue to hear the summation. that tells me they are ready to roll. they've had enough of this nonsense. they have been free since last tuesday. tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday. >> greg: memorial day hang hangover. ahead, america's raging windbag crashes the trump trial. trotting out robert robert robert de niro to >> spew garb.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: the biden campaign trotting out robert de niro who is still wearing a mask outside. team general holding a news conference outside the courthouse. getting shouted down as he loses his mind at the former president. >> i love this city. i don't want to destroy it. donald trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country and eventually he will destroy the world. i don't mean to scare you. no, wait. maybe i do mean to scare you. if trump returns to the white house, you can kiss these freedoms go by that we all take for granted. in elections, forget about it. we took her doing want him running the country? the only way to preserve our
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freedoms and hold on to our humanity is to vote for joe biden for president. >> we are trying to be gentlemen in this world. [bleep] >> jesse: team trump fired right back at the hollywood hater. >> the best biden can do is lorillard a washed up actor. so were a very minor marks will be shorter. >> jesse: joe biden himself will reportedly give a big speech from the white house wants the jury delivers its verdict. politico reports his campaign plans to get in on the nickname game and refer to the ex-president online as a convicted felon trump. dana, the biden campaign went to great lengths to separate themselves from this. they said we don't have anything to do with it. and then they held a press conference while the jury hasn't even deliberated.
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>> dana: i have admired their restraint. i thought it was a very good strategy. i could not believe it today when in her ear in "newsroom" they said the democrats campaign, they are going to have an announcement at 10:15. they were late. we can understand. traffic. they preview the president biden is going to give a big speech from somewhere in the white house and they went to great lengths to say that means it will be an official speech is the commander-in-chief, the president of the united states, the leader of the free world and not a campaign speech. but he sent the campaign to do a speech across the street from the jury trial. i actually think that will probably -- that they could file a lawsuit about that. i think it's against the law and against the rights of a defendant and the former president and that it's tampering with the jury. i would say. that's my opinion. i will stick to it. i also think it shows an increasing level of desperation. and if you're going to give a
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speech like that, robert de niro, you should do it from the heart. jason miller needed no notes. dinero is having to read for us script. will. we'll take in some glasses off. the favorite part is that the car alarm starts going off. i think somebody did it on purpose but it was pitch-perfect for the morning. it really was like a veep episode. >> jesse: or it was an attempted carjacking which we are familiar with. greg, what did you see today that struck you. sweetheart i love that he acts like a new yorker but trump is impaired trump doesn't walk around outside wearing a mask. you lose your new york card and your man card. went from raging volta raging wussy. i would wear a mask if i owe that much alimony and child
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support. he has never addressed crime in new york has a real new yorker. he is stuck in this emotional cage of his own making and it's sad to see him go to a courthouse and rail against a person that he believes is hitler. how did you get to this point? he got high on his own stash and that's -- was his projection of hate, emotion, despair. i have a question. no one is asking this. where'd you go from here? what's next? let's say trump loses, loses the election. are you done? i would say yes. because his hatred of trump was a luxury bleed. you could endure the democrat policies of crime, inflation. illegal immigration. they don't affect robert robert de niro. what affects him was trump's impact on him emotionally.
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that matters more to all of those issues that i just mentioned. the polls show that 12 leads on these issues. crime, immigration, the economy. that doesn't matter to him. it's his unhinged emotional tantrum that trumps all. he's the ultimate selfish, self absorbed prick. >> judge jeanine: wow. >> jesse: do you remember his house was burglarized? there was a home invasion. it was broken into. he didn't really care. saying that you paid a lawyer legal fees, that's the kind he's upset with. >> richard: i am still getting over greg. i needed a minute. >> greg: people say that all the time. >> richard: there were two press conferences today. we watch them because that's our job here at "the five" to report the news. the trump children gave a press conference. the rnc. the trump campaign, and de niro. the average american probably saw none of those.
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all three of them wore a wash. i agree with janet probably would've been better off for the white house on the biden campaign to remain quiet. over the past six weeks, that's what they've done. last week there was a state dinner from the kenyan president kamala harris announced a plan with mastercard and the american development bank group to expand internet to 80% of africans to compete against china. biden levied $18 billion in tariffs on china. canceled $7.7 billion with debt. the lease to billion barrels of oil. >> dana: but richard. even the biden campaign had to say today that the reason they had to come here is because, they said it, we came here because that's where you are, the media. >> richard: i think that's part of the problem. >> dana: none of what you just said. >> richard: was covered by anybody and that's part of the problem. >> dana: whose fault is that?
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speed >> judge jeanine: where are the tara reade records? i think -- >> dana: i stand with tara reade. kidding. >> judge jeanine: is it my turn? donald trump wants to destroy the city, the country in the world. my question for robert de niro, what are you done for new york city? is there a building with your name on it? have you built skyscrapers? has the skyline of new york changed because of all your vision? no. you had to read everything you read to get ahead in life and now you're reading a script and a biden-arranged press conference. you're a loser and i'm not surprised you needed that. let me say this about the biden administration. they are bleeding women, minorities. they bring out this geezer. in a mask to trash trump.
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it really is amazing to me that what donald trump, when he was in office, he's going to say we are going to be at war. number one, there were no wars. number two, there is peace in the middle east. there was the abraham accords. we had the lowest price in terms of gases. we had no gas. [laughter] we had no inflation. robert de niro, you are too stupid. keep your mouth shut. i'll get in trouble for that but i don't care. >> jesse: k know you won't. ahead, the biden campaign freak out is getting worse as more democrats press the panic bu button. ♪ ♪ alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle.
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have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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help heal your painful skin— disrupt the itch & rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. ♪ ♪ >> dana: that is the song of the summer. things are going from bad to
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worse from the biden campaign. political reporting a full-blown freak out all monks democrats over the president's reelection. saying that a pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the democratic party over joe biden's reelection prospects even among officeholders and strategists who had expressed confidence over the coming battle with donald trump. former advisor james cargill's warning that democrats should be afraid. >> we kept wondering, why these young people aren't coming home to the democrats? why are blacks not coming home to the democrats? because the democratic messaging is full of [bleep] that's why. why are we forgiving student loans for people to go to harvard? which according to scott galloway, quite accurately is nothing but hedge fund that has classrooms. they've got $52 billion [bleep] surplus. why are taxpayers going to
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they'll these people out? >> dana: greg, he's got a way with words. do you think they are listening to the canary in the coal mine? >> greg: grandma clampett has a point. he represents the second half of the equation screaming at the first half. the part where dems go, don't vote for trump. the second part of the equation is, what have you got instead? so basically what he's screaming at the party and saying you are not telling people what you are going to offer. you're just saying don't vote for that guy. that's not working. you know what he has? is like a therapist who's had enough of his patient. the patient comes in for an hour and just complains. that's the democratic party. complaining, complaining, complaining that they keep doing the same thing. he's basically going, people are going to go, they don't want four more years of biden. you're saying don't vote for trump but why are you telling us
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what you're going to do? meanwhile the dems are feeling this bleakness and fear in their own lives which is directly caused by the bleakness and fear they've been predicting if trump wins. they have essentially brainwashed themselves. again, they got high on their own stash. they're just going to get more of the same. that's why they're not going to vote democrat. he is saying you've got to sell them. shouting trump, my god trump is not working. it's not working. people aren't buying that anymore. >> dana: richard, sometimes in politics -- i think this is true. let me give you a little axum -- what you call a question mark maximum of my own. they're not as bad as they seem and not as good as you think they might be. maybe they're somewhere in the middle. no doubt that when you have democrats going on the record to say what they been saying behind close doors. now it's out in the media.
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there is the bedwetting going on. do you think president biden has the political skills at this point in his career to turn things around now that we are past memorial day? >> richard: i think he does. part of turning things around, who are the voters we are talking to? the key voters of the president needs to win? i would give this advice to the trump campaign as well. one of the key demographics that will win this election will be black men. how do black men show up in the selection question without the reason why this over the weekend, harris sat down with matt carter on youtube, the reason why you saw donald trump in the bronx. where i disagree with james cargill is this idea of black men were black folks coming home to the democratic party. we've seen is african american she vote for the democratic party discussed that party serves their interests. neither party -- it's not about friends. it's about mutual interest. for many black voters the reason
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why they are looking at the party's way they are is because they don't want to hear lies or platitudes or promises. both parties are guilty of doing that. they want real tangible things. they want access to capital. they want good schools for their kids. they want safe homes and communities. and they want to improve public education. they want strength in the economy. they want social security to be sound and they want a decrease in the health of -- cost of health care. whatever campaign is talking about those things and delivering those things for the black community and black men specifically as the party that will get them and get their vote. they are not a monolith. that's going to be part of the element. to say that they are going to be home with one party i think is wrong. >> dana: jesse watters, how do you see it? >> jesse: biden is in trouble. he has a problem with his base. trump doesn't have a base problem here he's got a strong one. they pumped tens of millions of dollars into these battlegrounds and they've not move the needle at all. his approval rating has been stuck since the seed of union.
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his poll numbers in the battlegrounds have been stuck for the last three months. what are they, sitting around waiting for a verdict in this trial question what you think if trump is found guilty, richard, that all of a sudden disaffected black men, hispanic men and young americans are going to be like oh, wait a second. i'm going to give joe biden a second look. >> richard: that's not what i said at all. >> jesse: that's all there strategy is. he's not shown any ability to use the bully pulpit to move anything in his own direction. if you think about going into the summer, it's dangerous. he got nervous so he had to leapfrog into a debate in june. that could go haywire. then you have trump in the summer in good weather. he's going to be killing it. he's going to be at nascar, baseball games, golfing. he's going to be doing things. he's going to be at the ufc fight in july. tyson. joe biden again has put his convention in august, that's a sleepy month, no one is going to
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a pay attention. his son is on trial for gun charges in june and then his son is on charges for tax violations in september. things are not going his way. i think their strategy, whatever it is, it's not "it's the economy, stupid." >> dana: our former colleague in the late bob beckel worked on the mondale campaign and he would regale us with stories of his campaign life. one of the things he said was in '84 as they headed into summer, they started to see the writing on the wall and they knew things were not going well. people wanted ronald reagan to have another four years. i read an article that made me think that. you think the biden campaign kind of nose and also sees the writing on the wall? or do they believe their own supply? are they using their own supply? >> judge jeanine: this is what i think. first of all, the democrats who
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are coming out and telling us how great it is our an example of what the larger democrat party is. that is they are gaslighting us. behind the scenes you've got all these democrats. carville in front of us saying this guy's a loser. you have van jones say he's a loser and axelrod same same thing. but the democrats, the senators and the congresspeople, oh, no things are wonderful but behind the scenes there having a panic attack. at the same time, the democrat party isn't freaked out enough to give them another option. the democrat party isn't afraid of getting joe biden off the ticket. i don't know why. it could be kamala. could be they are afraid to get rid of kamala because they know it's going to happen they do get rid of her. maybe they've got something lineup for the convention. i don't know. but the truth is even if biden is reelected, they are going to
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have the same problem with crime. they're going to have the same problem trying to buy a house. the same problem with the border and all of the millions of people, tens of millions coming through while they continue to pay high prices and while we are in the middle of a couple of wars. they don't have a message. you know what? i've got to tell you. biden is good at one thing. he has implemented the progressive agenda and that's why we are in this mess. maybe that's why they're willing to stick it out with him. >> dana: one of the main democratic strategists out there said a similar thing. i bet democrats, if you ask them, what is biden and harris' message in one sentence of the campaign, i don't think they could do it. he couldn't do it. he pays attention every day. as we do. and we do. coming out, the sanctuary su suites, illegal immigrants jacking up the price of hotel rooms and a big liberal city.
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it's an outrage. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment. i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed.
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i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vet■s last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that's probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now
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♪ ♪ [laughter] >> judge jeanine: i didn't take it. joe biden's water crisis is ruining that summer trip to the big apple. illegal immigrants are jacking up the cost of a hotel room in new york city and that's if you can even get one. "the new york times" reporting a book with the average hotel room rate in the city's three and $1 a night, a record. a major reason? one of every five hotels is now a shelter, contribute into of tourist lodging. okay, jesse. new york city is -- hotels are more expensive. of course it's about supply and demand but at the same time, the only people who are benefiting
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are the illegals and the hotels, they get income even if the illegals aren't living there because they agree to rent out so many rooms. it's passive income. and then all the transportation to the hotels and all the surrounding businesses. the only person who gets shipped is the taxpayer. do you think that's a fair statement? >> jesse: you took the words right out of my mouth including the word shipped. it's not just thinking about bringing an illegal aliens. we are bringing in 10 million new customers. so when you have a customer, what do they do, they buy things, they consume. you are bringing in 10 million consumers. what does that do, it drives up inflation? because they are low skilled workers, it drives down wages because you're paying them very, very small amounts of money. he has opened the border and driven up inflation, down wages, then transferred all the wealth to the hotel ceos.
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it's insane! it's a massive wealth redistribution scheme. >> judge jeanine: like harvard getting all the money from the student loans. >> jesse: and then we bail out the student borrowers. >> judge jeanine: everything is a scam. what should happen to the illegals? how long they should be able to stay in these hotels? >> richard: a couple things, jesse i think there's a lot of folks in those hotels who want to work they don't have >> jesse: that hasn't stopped them before, richard. c7 that's a problem with the immigration system. >> judge jeanine: that's not the problem with integration. they come in illegally. then why are you here? >> richard: companies are not enforcing the laws. here's what we know. as of this month mexico is topping three times as many migrants as they did in the year previous. >> judge jeanine: what are we
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doing? i don't want to know what mexico is doing. >> richard: i will get to you. according to border and custom officials, border crossings are down 40% since december. we are seeing border crossings going down. we are seeing mexico enforce more which is all part of the right direction. until we get modernized loss to fix the problem. i still love you, judge jeanine. >> judge jeanine: i don't need your love, baby. what loss do we need to bring up to date? is innately legal to cross the border? >> dana: you start with that one and then you can do a lot of the other ones. to have a process for legal immigration it makes sense and brings in people who want to be here, who go through background checks. one of the things that's happened is we know, we have numbers of who has come but we don't know exactly who's here. 30,000 chinese have come through the border in one sector in san diego.
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30,000. what's going on there? did you think they leave china willingly. or do they get some help from the government? actually i don't know. i am not xenophobic about chinese nationals. i understand they would want freedom. who wouldn't want to live in america versus china? i get that. but it's casting a pall on things like reasonable conversations about should there be work permits for people who come here illegally but there are a lot of people. i'm married to one. he's married to one, they came here as legal way. it's not fair to those who are trying to do it legally. the other thing is the challenges for biden, these prices are in everybody's face every day, if you want to go on vacation, you want to come to new york. now it's going to cost you x times more than that. the other thing is for people in new york which is one of the reason the bronx rally was such a success for president trump.
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schools are impacted, government services are impacted. the reason why my trip down it a thought avenue was a disaster is because there's not enough places for our own citizens to be inside. >> judge jeanine: greg, would you like to wrap this up? >> greg: sure. i will put a bow on it. it sucks. i work here and i live here and i'm paying for those hotel rooms. i am paying a lot. you're paying a lot. you moved. >> jesse: that i work here so i'm still paying out the nose. >> greg: the government is taking our money, giving into the hotels, greasing the palms. a lot of these hotels were in trouble so they grabbed the money. the hotels that didn't do it, some of them are closing, some of the ones we use because they refused to take the money and they were getting pressure from their national hotels to take the money and they didn't. the tax faces leaving. tourists are being abused. tourists should come over, get in line to be mugged and get it over with. take a picture with your monger.
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this whole idea, give them the money, they spend it. that's an opportunity cost we are supposed to spend that mo money. not them. you could argue that a mugger -- he is spending your money somewhere else. it is the craziest argument on the planet. here's what we do. we evict them from the hotels. $300 a night hotel is not a human right. if you evict them, many are going -- >> judge jeanine: thank you. more of "the five" is coming out.
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>> richard: transportation secretary pete buttigieg getting confronted over the biden administration electric vehicle push. >> the federal highway administration says only 7 or 8 charging stations have been produced with the 7.5 billion investment that taxpayers made back in 2021. why isn't that happening more quickly. >> the president's goal is to have half a million chargers up by the end of this decade. it's more than plunk ago small devise into the ground. >> richard: dana, government goes work slow. is this slow? >> dana: if james carville had a third point to add he would tell
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joe biden to stop talking about gaza, student loans and electric vehicles. it's not working. >> richard: greg? >> greg: how much money are we in debt $34 trillion? debt? just think about the billions and perhaps trillions spent on climate programs. products, lies, and now we are about to pay the piper and we can't. start thinking about the state that you want to sell to china. [laughter] >> dana: it's true. >> jesse: i'm going to go with alaska on that one. >> greg: they are not going to buy alaska. >> jesse: i take that back we are going south dakota. [laughter] >> richard: they kill puppies there. jean hide your dogs? hide those dogs. >> jesse: going to china. >> richard: judge? >> judge jeanine: the guy can't run anything. he takes the bicycle ride. he gets off the truck and gets on and rides to work. what a jerk. >> richard: running us to a break. one more thing is up next. ♪
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>> greg: omt i will go first tonight on my show charlamagne tha god, kat timpf, tyrus. kennedy. check it out. the gutfeld tour almost sold out june 9th with special guest joe mackey august 10th in fort lauderdale, august 11th durham and go to ticket info g, jesse. >> jesse: yorba linda nixon library over the weekend signing some books very fun. tonight "jesse watters primetime" 8:00 ha alina habba, kayleigh mcenany, michael shellenberger and johnny. >> judge jeanine: tonight i'm hosting "the ingraham angle" because laura is in an airport. >> dana: hey, you skipped me. >> judge jeanine: i did. >> jesse: wow. the skip. >> greg: did you see that,


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