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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  May 28, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> greg: omt i will go first tonight on my show charlamagne tha god, kat timpf, tyrus. kennedy. check it out. the gutfeld tour almost sold out june 9th with special guest joe mackey august 10th in fort lauderdale, august 11th durham and go to ticket info g, jesse. >> jesse: yorba linda nixon library over the weekend signing some books very fun. tonight "jesse watters primetime" 8:00 ha alina habba, kayleigh mcenany, michael shellenberger and johnny. >> judge jeanine: tonight i'm hosting "the ingraham angle" because laura is in an airport. >> dana: hey, you skipped me. >> judge jeanine: i did. >> jesse: wow. the skip. >> greg: did you see that, bret?
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>> bret: did i see that. >> greg: what is happening? >> bret: thank you, greg. >> dana: wow, i'm never -- >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, closing arguments in president donald trump's criminal trial in new york. prosecutors trying to convince a jury the presumptive presidential nominee engaged in conspiracy and cover-up. defense attorneys organization the prosecution's star witness michael cohen is a massive liar. in fact, they said cohen is the gloat, the greatest liar of all time. and they are pressing for an across the board acquittal. both sides trying to score points with the jury before it starts deliberating the first felony case against a former american president. correspondent nate foy is outside the new york state supreme court has he has been tonight. good evening, nate. >> nate: hey, bret. as prosecutors continue making their closing arguments tonight, former president donald trump described it on truth social in one word during a brief break he
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posted boring on truth social. and this comes as prosecutors reveal more color about the underlying crime that trump is accused of. he is accused of unlawfully influencing the 201 election by suppressing negative stories about him with michael cohen and david pecker. while trump maintains this entire case should be dismissed. >> see how it goes. this is a very dangerous day for america. >> during closing arguments, former president donald trump's lawyer todd blanche highlighted the importance of michael cohen's testimony and his history of lying under oath. something donald trump jr. spoke about outside the courthouse. >> if there was an mvp. if there was a goat of liars. it is michael cohen. >> inside the courtroom, blanche called cohen the greatest liar of all time saying you, quote: you cannot send someone to prison based upon the words of michael cohen. judge juan merchan admonished blanche for saying that and reminded the jury it's his
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decision alone to decide his punishment if he is found guilty. prosecutor joshua stein glass responded to cohen's credibility concerns. michael cohen is under understandably angry only person who paid the price for engaging in a conspiracy with trump and former american media ceo david pecker. trump's team objected to that arguing that cohen's guilty plea and pecker's non-prosecution agreement don't imply trump's guilt. judge merchan overruled them. >> we have a judge who is highly conflicted. he happens to be corrupt. yes, the worst conflicts. >> trump's lawyers ended their closing argument with 10 reasons to doubt prosecutor's case. blanche said this trial is about documents. not allegations of an affair by adult film actress stormy daniels. blanche asserts there is no evidence that trump falsified business records. he also reminded the jury that former trump aide hope hicks testified that trump worried about his family and his wife melania when the daniels story resurfaced. this defies prosecutors' allegation that trump meant to
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unlawfully influence the 2016 election. the underlying crime that elevates the 34 counts trump faces to felonies. >> the jury is expected to begin deliberating tomorrow. before that judge juan merchan will give them the jury instructions. it will take a unanimous decision by the jury to either convict or acquit former president trump. bret? >> bret: nate foy, thank you. the judge overseeing former president trump's classified documents case in florida is denying prosecutors' request to bar the presumptive republican presidential nominee from making public statements that could endanger law enforcement agents participating in the prosecution. essentially stopping a possible gag order. judge aileen cannon says prosecutors on special counsel jack smith's team did not give defense lawyers adequate time to discuss that request. before it was filed. she says prosecutors can file another petition. >> donald trump was arraigned on
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a new york supreme court indictment, returned by a manhattan grand jury, on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. the evidence will show that he did so to cover up crimes relating to the 2016 election. everyone stands equal before the law. no amount of money and no amount of power changes that enduring american principle. >> alvin bragg april 4th, 2023. that was the initial rollout. so where are we now? as the jury is about ready to get this case, let's analyst. anchor of "fox news sunday" shannon bream and jonathan turley professor at the george washington university law school. thank you for both being here. i know you were inside in the overflow room and you were kind of right there listening to all of those arguments which, at times, and they continue at this hour, seems pretty long for these closings.
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shannon, your thoughts on the day and who made what points? >> so i was inside for the defense case today. and i got to say they did what we assumed they would do is saying that this is all pegged on michael cohen. let's walk through his journey here. and they talked about how he lied to his wife, to his kids, to bankers, state judges, federal judges, both houses of congress. they went over it and over it again todd blanche said he lied to you during this trial. they went through things even though some of these are small he lies if it's a small deal or big deal. you have to decide if he lied to you from this stand. that's the decision you have to make. everything is tied to michael cohen linchpin. the prosecution took its turn no we have mountains of evidence that have nothing to do with michael cohen. i think all of us who have seen what they have got so far would say that's a stretch. they don't have to rely on michael cohen while also acknowledging yeah he lies sometimes. bret?
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>> bret: jonathan, we talked many times before about how this judge appears to at least have been at times listening to the objections of the prosecution and not sustaining the defense objections. did that hold to form today? >> >> it did. and at points i was in disbelief. at one point the prosecutor said, made reference to cohen committing an election violation upon the orders of trump. now, merchan previously gave an instruction that cohen's plea of guilty to that count can not be attributed to donald trump. so, the defense objected. they haven't objected much. and he overturned it. and i looked at -- i just couldn't believe that because that's exactly, in my view what the instruction is supposed to avoid. also, at points, stein glass, the prosecutor, seems to be
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becoming a witness saying things i can't find in the record. media organizations they don't do this kind of catch and kill operation. well, hillary clinton's campaign killed and planted numerous stories during the same during the same election. the judge let that go through. so, there were points, quite frankly, that my hair almost caught on fire as a criminal defense attorney. now, having said that, steinglass has done a good job. he stuck the landing at various points. other points have been almost mind-numbing as he goes through telephone call after telephone call and you would think that some of the jurors are ready to snap their own necks. i mean, it is really slow-going. >> bret: the average attention span, shannon, you know, is 17, 20 minutes max we are working on
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a long prosecution close goes into tomorrow morning. there is risk in that, i suppose. >> there is, when you lose the jury and like jonathan was saying their eyes begin to glaze over document after document after document. you have to lose and wonder how much persuasiveness you may be losing in the process. the prosecutors, unless something -- there is an unusual ruling here that goes outside the norm, they are going to be the last voice that this jury hears. the defense went first. that's how it works in new york supreme court and they are done. the prosecution has to weigh do we use brevity, use that to wrap up with a good line. you think about that line that todd blanche greatest liar of all time gloat. you left the jury with the line they are going to remember. the prosecution threatens to derail itself if people completely check out worrying about kids at home and worrying about how long it's going to take and what comes next. always a gamble. sometimes seems just like you say in politics if you are explaining, you are losing. if you go too far down these
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roads, you sometimes lose jurors think why is there overexplanation of all these things we already heard about. >> bret: jonathan, the most important thing, perhaps, is how the judge instructs the jury. what he tells them they have to do. their instructions as they head into the deliberation. let's just say it could go either way, obviously it could be a hung jury. it could be an acquittal. it could be a conviction. if it is a conviction, is there an appellate process fast enough that would deal with things prior to an election? >> well, first of all, i think that of those options, an acquittal is fast moving outside the realm of possibility. i think it's just extremely unlikely. i think the choice between a hung jury and outright conviction. i still think that this is such a weak case one has to give a nod to the hung jury. but, if there is a conviction, and that would not necessarily surprisible of us, no, i don't
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think that this could make it through you can't just leap over the new york appellate system, try to get to the supreme court. there are many in my view reversible errors here. i think they are very serious. i think merchan is not going to be able to correct all of them in these instructions. every indication is that so far is that these instructions will greatly favor the prosecution. and as shannon said, there was a huge disadvantage in this system of having the defense go first. for most of us who don't practice here, it's almost unthinkable. because it means the defense can't respond to some of these really sweeping statements. in my view, improper statements being made by the prosecutors. they also have an advantage by going long today. they may try to run this towards 8:00, which means if they drop dead date or time is 7:00. the last thing this jury will
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hear before instructions will be an hour of their closing argument. that is ideal for the prosecutors. so i think for the defense, they like to run this as late as necessary to keep the prosecution from getting the last word right before the instructions. >> bret: well, you have been at this all day and for several days and weeks. i'm not going to do trial casino and make you have a bet on this. but, i appreciate the time. thanks. >> thank you. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: president biden appears to have a new re-election strategy, using actor robert deniro to refocus attention on president trump's role in the january 6th capitol riot. that press conference happening just outside the courthouse today. that comes as a new report suggests president biden's poor polling is causing some major turmoil within the campaign and within the party. white house correspondent peter doocy has that story live from the north lawn. good evening, peter.
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>> good evening, bret. the white house is not confirming reports tonight that whether trump is found guilty or not guilty, president biden will speak about the verdict from here to urge americans to respect the judicial process. >> i do not speak on trials. >> the recent polling trajectory leading to a freakout according to a politico article according to democratic insider. donors ask me on hourly basis. calling it so much easier to show them while they read it can i pour a drink. the dnc is racing to keep biden on the ballot in ohio where the deadline comes before the convention. dnc chair jamie harrison says through a virtual roll call we will make sure they don't chip away at democracy through partisan tricks. biden officials have not been winning persuadable voters on the economy or immigration. they are trying to make the election more about january 6th. >> we're here primarily because of the threat that donald trump poses to the united states of
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america and to our democracy. >> in a hastily arranged press conference near trump's manhattan trial, with speakers drowned out by a car alarm. one biden supporter took things even further, robert deniro. >> donald trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country and destroy the world. >> next week hunter biden is on trial on gun charges. one witness, his ex-girlfriend, beau's widow halle got a surprise visit at home this weekend from the president. >> halle biden is a key government witness who allegedly disposed of a gun that hunter is accused of buying illegally president biden was at her house this week. >> i think the american people should also be told the full breadth of this. he visited her days before the anniversary of the passing of his son. and she is family. >> the white house is definitively saying the two of them did not talk about upcoming testimony. white house officials will not
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tell us how president biden plans to monitor this trial in delaware that starts next week. the white house has previously said that president biden will not pardon hunter biden if is he convicted. brett? >> bret: peter doocy live on the north lawn. peter, thanks. coming up large and powerful storms unleash havoc across texas. we will take you there live. later a progressive congresswoman say voters will make president biden pay over his israel policy. ♪
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>> bret: the trump campaign is issuing a stern response over biden's surrogates stumping outside the courthouse at his criminal trial. we just showed you that a bit ago, including robert deniro, here is correspondent mark meredith. so the biden folks have finally done it. >> tonight the trump campaign is slamming democrats' decision to campaign outside the former president's criminal trial labeling it desperate. >> their numbers are in the toilet, kamala harris is a terrible alternative. all an attempt to try to turn around the biden campaign. >> republicans including arkansas senator tom cotton reportedly on trump's v.p. short list say it's no surprise the biden campaign wants to shake things up. >> the american people are tired of sky high inflation, the chaos
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of an open border, and uncle sam wearing a kick me sign on his back. >> former u.n. ambassador nikki haley, a trump critic turned supporter spent the holiday weekend in israel accusing the biden administration not doing enough to support the jewish state. >> what america needs to understand is if israel is fighting our enemies, how can we not help them? the sure way to not help israel is to withhold weapons. >> the israel issue has already hurt biden among progressives, biden supporters tell fox it's way past time to consider changing the ticket. >> we're well past that conversation. you know, president biden is going to be the nominee. >> next month biden will hold a fundraiser in virginia with former president clinton and secretary clinton. trump recently scored the support of one of the country's richest man stephen schwarzman the ceo of blackstone he is backing trump because the dramatic rise of anti-semitism has led me to focus the upcoming
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elections with greater ureg genesee. >> meantime robert f. kennedy jr. is inching closer to qualifying for next week's debate. he will need 15% in four national polls and beyond enough ballots to have a pathway to the presidency. today's campaign says it turned in 135, signatures to get the name on the new york state ballot. they are working at this piece by fees. >> bret: piece. >> bret: a lot of signatures. bond yields spike ahead of key inflation data. the dow dropping 217. the s&p 500 finished ahead 1. the nasdaq gained 99 to a record record close topping 17,000 for the first time. ♪ >> bret: fox weather alert now as hundreds of thousands of people in the dallas-fort worth metroplex are recovering after powerful thunderstorms barreled across that region producing baseball sized hail and hurricane force wind gusts. the storms come after at least 25 people were killed across
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five states during a severe weather outbreak over the memorial day weekend. fox weather correspondent robert ray is in valley view, texas tonight with the latest. good evening, robert. >> good evening, bret. indeed, 25 people across seven states have lost their lives over the course of the past several days. memorial day was not what people expected here, especially in texas. look at these visuals, if you can. valley view about 60 miles to the northwest of dallas. and they are catastrophic. seven people lost their lives. here, including a 3 a and a 5-year-old child. now we have been talking to survivors on the ground here for days and this morning i spoke to one gentleman randy lahaina who lane, he andhis wife hunk errede darkness and they could feel their home being lifted off the foundation and brought back down. when all of that fury ended,
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they walked outside into their neighborhood to hear the screams and also to try and help neighbors. let's listen to his account. >> when we found her said i can't feel my legs. when we started moving stuff we noticed a 2 by 2 was stuck. and bleeding on one side of her head. but we knew that we had to get her out of there because she was telling us she was having trouble breathing as well. so they got her out. and got her to safety. got her to the ambulance. >> unbelievably graphic descriptions and we hear this all around. i could tell you those neighborhoods that are destroyed in this town of about 1,000 people, well there is no cell phone service whatsoever, bret. that's why i'm standing here behind me on interstate 35 a gas station where the tornado began, where literally over 100 people took shelter in there. dozens injured. again, it has just been catastrophic. that woman that randy lane was describing, she is in the
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hospital, her outcome moving forward unsure. we know she is going to live, but the injuries are not good. and her daughter, who was 4 years old, found nearby in a ditch, miraculously okay. those hurricane force winds that came in here this morning over 75 miles per hour caused extreme damage yet again and we have more storms on the way in the coming days. bret? >> bret: robert ray in texas. robert, thanks. up next, after a big weekend in israel and gaza with the war there, there some major criticism for one progressive congresswoman over her explosive comments about president biden's handling of that war. we'll bring you that, next. ♪
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higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪ ♪ >> bret: breaking tonight, the white house is condemning the loss of life of dozens of displaced palestinian civilians as a result of an israeli airstrike in rafah. but not planning.
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policy changes. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said a, quote: tragic mishap was made in carrying out that airstrike. meantime, that u.s.-built temporary pier being used to deliver additional humanitarian aid into gaza was damaged by rough seas and has temporarily suspended operations. it will be removed for repairs. the pier began operations last week. the setback is the latest which has already seen three u.s. service member injuries. four of its vessels beached and aid not getting to civilians. meantime there is backlash offer rashida tlaib's attendance and comments at anti-israel event where she criticized president biden's support of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu congressional correspondent aishah hasnie has the story from
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ceo. >> you are enablers president biden. >> squad leader rashida tlaib twisting the knife into president biden over the weekend accusing him of standing on the wrong side of the israel-hamas war. >> he shield the murderous war criminal netanyahu in the israeli government. >> tlaib's words and her presence at the people's conference for palestine in detroit causing quite the stir because the event also hosted palestinian activists are a sam are a feety. >> are a feety arrested by israeli forces in 1991 for running an underground publishing house for the group called popular front for the liberation of palestine a group designated by the terrorist organization by the u.s.s. republican lawler is calling for tlaib to be removed from congress as house republicans keep highlighting the democrat's divide over israel.
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house speaker mike johnson today boasting about boxing in senate leader chuck schumer into welcoming netanyahu to capitol hill despite some opposition from the left. >> he got public pressure and agreed to cosign the letter. i expect that prime minister netanyahu will come soon. >> the house could also soon introduce a bipartisan bill that would sanction the icc for going after netanyahu. it's expected to gain some democratic support while facing the ire of progressives ratcheting up the heat on the white house. >> we still need to keep the pressure on. it is unconscionable what is happening. and brett, fox did reach tout tlaib's office to get a comment about her preference at that conference in detroit over the weekend. her office has not responded. bret. aishah, thank you. pope francis issuing a vulgar and derogatory term about gay men to reaffirm the catholic
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church's ban on gay priests. the comments were delivered behind closed doors to italian bishops on may 20th. the vatican spokesperson says the pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms. >> northern ukraine is bringing kyiv to what could be biggest task since russia's full scale invasion began in february of 2022. as ukraine receives more and more western aid, russian president vladimir putin is warning of potentially dire consequences if those western weapons are used on russian soil. here is correspondent alex hogan. >> mounting pressure to lift restriction that ban ukraine from using western weapons to strike russian soil. nato's chief says it's self-defense. >> the right of self-defense includes also striking targets
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outside ukraine legitimate military targets inside russia. >> the ukraine and sweden are on board. today the leaders of france and germany announce they had now support ukraine in neutralizing russian military sites from which ukraine is tacked. the u.s. state department says it does not agree citing concerns of escalation. >> we don't encourage or enable strikes outside of ukraine's borders. >> still, there is no urgency amid reports that moscow is amassing troops on ukraine's northern border. the move move is possibly in preparation for a new offensive near kharkiv where forces are already desperately trying to maintain their ground. 3we8 jump today pledged 30 f-16 fightered jets for kyiv within the next four years. the netherlands committed parts of air defense system and spain says it will send additional air defense missiles. but russian president vladimir putin is now warning nato nations if ukraine uses western supplied long range weapons in russia, it's their land at risk. >> they are primarily countries
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with small territories and dense populations. and they should take this into account before they speak about strikes into russian territory. continues european. he called on president biden to attend a peace summit which is scheduled in switzerland next month. bret? >> bret: alex, thank you. up next, the panel on the biden campaign blitz against former president trump as closing arguments get underway in the former president's criminal trial in new york. first, beyond our borders tonight. at least seven people are dead in the philippines after a typhoon hit the country friday then lingered over the islands for several days. the storm caused flooding, toppled trees and forced closures at several sea ports, stranding thousands there. six people in hong kong are in police custody, including a former organizer of the city's decades long annual vigil that
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commemorated china's tiananmen square crackdown for allegedly publishing seditious social media posts. the group is the first publicly known arrest under the city's new national security law a measure that has deepened worries about the erosion of hong kong's freedoms. and this is a live look at rome. one of the big stories there tonight, italy celebrates the return of about 6 antiquities from the u.s. they include ancient bronze statues, gold coins, mow isaacs and man you scripts valued more than $65 million. for decades, italy has been efforting the recovery of these antiquities that the country claims were looted or stolen. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight, we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ return to sender ♪ address unknown ♪ no such number ♪
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>> election interference, it's going after joe biden's political opponent because he can't do it himself. donald trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country and eventually he could
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destroy the world. >> it politicizes the trial. this was so over the top as to simply be useless, and what a stupid mistake on the part of the biden campaign. >> bret: well, some of the sights and sounds today as this prosecution close continues at this hour. they are continuing and likely going to continue until the close today and maybe continue tomorrow morning before the judge gives instructions to the jury. meantime there is already a lot of analysis about what happens politically if there is an acquits, a hung jury or conviction. take a listen. >> an acquittal or hung jury, that, actually, i think will have, you know,like phiing effect for former president trump in the sense that him being able to discredit all of the cases against him by saying see, this is all just politics. >> it's very likely this is the only trial that we are going to get before election day. and this case is not a slam dunk, which means that donald trump may very well not be.
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acquit is the worst case scenario for democrats because it's the only trial you have. >> bret: only trial you have before the election. in new york, this is in new york, the siena college poll. 47-38. in the state of new york. new poll out. let's bring in our panel. fox news senior political analyst juan williams. guy benson political editor at town and katie pavlich news editor at town okay. guy, it's more and more surreal as you go through this. first obviously criminal trial of a former american president. now you have an actor outside with a press conference in robert deniro. you know, you have had a parade of trump supporters, including the house speaker and other lawmakers. some of them wearing the same outfits. i mean, it has been surreal and now we are at the stage with the jury is going to get this case. >> on the deniro appearance, who,whose idea is this.
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very serious matter. it would be improper for us to get involved. and then on the second to last day of the trial, they show up for a press conference with their spokesperson outside the courtroom bring with them in tow a hollywood actor wearing a covid mask outdoors? this is absolutely bizarre. and the back drop to this, bret, is today this town was abuse ovabuse over a political -- abu. hang on we got this. we got deniro. it is baffling. >> bret: meantime, katy, the judge in this case, judge merchan, continues to let the prosecution in the words of our own trey gowdy in the courtroom have a wide strike zone as far
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as letting them go places that clearly a lot of people thought maybe they shouldn't go as far as the prosecution. in other words, allowing the guilty plea from cohen on a federal aelection charges and allowing all of that to come in as if it has an impact on this case specifically. it continues at this hour. it happened again. no objection to problem. >> judge is giving the prosecutors a wide range of issues they did bring into their arguments while very severely limiting the defense. it's quite opposite. the judge is helping the prosecution in that sense. and the prosecutor's goal to convict the former president of something that is not a crime, which is why you are hearing them over and over again bringing in is he labor relation details. relying on michael cohen who they admit even in court is a liar. they are not trying to convict him on the actual charges of business fraud. they are trying to convict him
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on these things that are not crimes. and that goes to the argument that this is a corrupt trial. brought against the former president for political reasons in combination with all the other lawfare that they have thrown against him you add in this bizarre, as guy said, press conference today at the last minute from the biden campaign trying, again, to get something to stick when it comes to donald trump. it's not working. and biden, according to polling out today in an average is behind in a number of swing states by 4 points in places like nevada, arizona, and georgia and ahead by two in places like michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. >> bret: do you think the thought process a breakthrough to get oxygen to the biden camp even if it takes an actor like robert deniro? >> katie: that may have been the idea back firing like trying to convict trump on crimes that actually aren't crimes at all. >> bret: what about these polls, big politico report say democrats and the campaign are
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in red alert status? we shoat that polls that single digits in the state of new york. we have seen minnesota down to 3 points separating them. is this red alert at this point? even as this could lead to a conviction this week? >> i don't know about red alert. i think there is high anxiety, if that's what you mean. i think people are very anxious about the election, because i don't think there is any democratic pollster that i have been in touch with who doesn't say anything but this is going to be very close election. so the question then becomes, do you stand at this moment? now the recent polls all generally there is some compensations as you just heard, but generally swing states trump has a small lead. and what that means is that then you are looking at 270 electoral votes and it becomes harder for imagining how biden could get there. but democrats do think that when you look at people who voted in 2020, those same polls indicate that biden still is the winner. the people who are making the difference, pushing up the trump
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numbers, are people who are well, let's say low proclivity voters. they don't necessarily aren't the kind who will sure to turn out. there are certainly the kind who pay attention late in the game, so you are looking at september, october, before they really focus on this election. and that's what the biden camp is hoping for, that they will focus and see a choice between trump and biden. but i just to circle back to where we started with the deniro stuff, i thought it was kind of like the circus came to town. i mean it's like -- you have heard real housewives of new york. this is real celebrities of new york clashing in tabloid wars. i don't see -- you know, it's hard to imagine how this benefits the biden campaign. >> bret: yeah. we're going to talk more about this. more about the messaging and a little bit about overseas developments after this. ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth
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♪ democratic messaging is full of [bleep]. talk about cost of living and we are going to help deal with this and don't talk about [bleep] gaza and student loans. >> this fixation on getting credit for his accomplishments i think goes around it the wrong way. biden needs to go on the tack. >> poll after poll even democrats don't understand what has been accomplished. >> bret: okay. that's basically what we are talking about. we're back with the panel
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politico dems in full blown freakout over biden. there is still a path to win. this they don't look like a campaign embarking on that path. long time strategist ritchie torres a new york democrat known for ardent support of israel similarly nobody. the greatest political challenge challenge starts with i not israel it's inflation. if you look at the job performance from our event poll, again, under water on the economy majorly on inflation. majorly on border security. and the israel-hamas war. we're back with the panel. guy, so you can read through the lines of these stories and say this is real. >> yeah. and the soundbites that we just played there involve people on the left complaining about messaging and perception as we keep coming back to with this president and administration they don't have a messaging problem. they have a reality problem. they can complain and whine that
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people don't really have enough gratitude for all their olympicments tment accomplishmey would be getting more credit. the problem is people attribute the pain that they have been experiencing for years to the president who has been in power for the last three and a half years and you can have the best messenger in the world, biden, granted, is not that neither is the vice president. you can have a much better messenger and still have the substance issue. >> bret: katy? >> katie: while donald trump is ahead in the polling on the issues that effect everybody and inattacks on all americans and issues americans care about the most. joe biden is still trying to cobble together his base politically. seeing politico headline saying major problem in the party regrets not replacing joe biden early on. now they are in this position the administration is throwing things against the wall and hoping to get credit. the president over the weekend saying we are going to tap in
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and sell oil from the northeastern reserve to try mitigate gas prices ahead of the summer vacation season right ahead of the elections. have you seen him do a number of student loan bailouts or reallocation of debt to the middle class to try to get some kind of political win. is he running out of time when it documents getting some kind of legislative deal on capitol hill and his record is one that caused inflation through the inflation reduction act, which solely fell on democrats. so they are having a hard time selling accomplishments, this actually did damage to the people they are trying to -- >> bret: i is inflation. ritchie torres. axios, white house assess going israel violated red line with rafah strike. biden administration still assessing whether an israeli strike that killed 45 displaced palestinians at tent camp in rafah on sunday is a violation of president biden's red line according to two u.s. officials telling axios here is john kirby on what they're looking at. >> we have to understand what happened here. there is going to be
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investigation they already said it was a tragic mistake. they are looking into it. they have been able to investigate themselves and hold people accoun accountable in th. we will see what they do here. it adds politically to that issue. >> juan: stop for a second on this polling things and say what happened in the last month? why is it that biden's numbers seem frozen the last month and frozen behind trump? what happened in the last month? israel? israel has been right there and clearly joe biden and his administration, strong supporters of israel but very little control over benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister who seems to have his own agenda in terms of accomplishing a peace deal that would bring an end to this conflict. >> bret: or eradicating hamas. >> juan: it's not happening. the second thing has been the college campus protest. i think that you're going to start to see though at this juncture and i think we saw it today, robert deniro was accompanied by some cops from the capitol hill january 6th
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event. i think you are going to see a focus more on reduction in crime numbers taking place. and saying to people we got the best economy in the world. and i think that once the mexican election is past, you are going to see more of an effort to speak out about what is going on on the border from the biden administration taking talking about the slower influx of immigrants during this spring. again, this is what you're going to see in terms of messaging to say we have got the best economy in the world. it's time for you to -- for people to celebrate. >> bret: the border might be a tough sell for what wasn't done at the beginning. we will see how they frame it. panel, thanks. >> katie: thanks, bret. ♪ ♪ >> bret: time for tuesday exras. if had you five minutes to evacuate your home due to an emergency, what would you make sure was with you as you left? i would make sure my family and my dog cocoa was with me. the rest of it is just stuff. up next, any news on
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unauthorized. or books from you thank you for the question. i didn't even plant it. yes we are working on unauthorized histories for fox nation and a book that i can't talk about yet but it's coming next year. team on "special report," i will speak exclusively with north dakota governor, former republican presidential candidate doug burgum about the presidential race. maybe some v.p. questions? remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight and every night. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: i'm judge jeanine pirro in for laura ingraham and thi