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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 28, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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unauthorized. or books from you thank you for the question. i didn't even plant it. yes we are working on unauthorized histories for fox nation and a book that i can't talk about yet but it's coming next year. team on "special report," i will speak exclusively with north dakota governor, former republican presidential candidate doug burgum about the presidential race. maybe some v.p. questions? remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight and every night. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: i'm judge jeanine pirro in for laura ingraham and this is "the
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ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. ♪ >> judge jeanine: closing arguments are still underway right now and the ludicrous trump tile in lower manhattan. the defense reminding jurors that this entire case is based on the word of a guy who lied directly to them. they even star witness michael cohen as the gloat. the greatest liar of all time. the prosecution has been droning on for hours. joining me now outside the courthouse is fox news correspondent nate foy. nate, what's the latest? >> nate: hey, judge, the prosecution is five hours in to making closing arguments. court normally ends 4:30. right now 7:00. still waiting for former president trump to leave the courthouse and speak as he is expected to do. within the past few minutes the prosecution has been interpreting tweets and quotes from trump's books and interpreting what they believe he meant during those or in those excerpts.
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today the prosecution also revealed the underlying crime that trump is accused of. he is accused of unlawfully influencing the 201 election by suppressing negative stories about himself along with michael cohen and david pecker. trump described the prosecutionens close, arguments on truth social as boring and he said this about the judge earlier today. listen to this. >> we have a judge who is highly conflicted. he happens to be corrupt nobody has ever seen anything like it. they can't be the prospect of impropriety. and it's shame. judge, as you mentioned, a big part of trump's lawyers closing argument was attacking michael cohen credibility. todd blanche described cohen as the greatest liar of all time. remember cohen is the only person directly connecting trump to a scheme to pay off adult
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film actress stormy dabbles. cohen admitted to lying under oath several times. blanch said cohen lied again while testifying in this trial. in fact, he told the jury, quote: you cannot send someone to prison based upon the words of michael cohen. after that judge merchan admonished blanche. he reminded the jury it's his responsibility alone to decide trump's punishment if, in fact, is he found guilty. prosecutor joshua steinglass argued there's a quote: mountain of evidence connecting trump to the daniels payoff and he directed the business records to be falsified rather than doing it himself. within the past 30 minutes stein glass said trump wasn't eager to silence daniels until he was a political candidate. he also described former trump aid hope hicks' testimony as the quote nail in the coffin. he claims that's why she cried on the witness stand. but, remember, judge, hix testified that trump worried about his family and specifically melania when the daniels story resurfaced. now, that's important because
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during the jury instruction debates the judge indicated as part of the jury instructions, if they find that the payment would have been made for reasons other than trump's political future, namely his brand or his family that it could not be considered a campaign contribution that and is what is elevating the 34 misdemeanor counts to felonies. right now we are awaiting the end of the action today. again, we are two and a half hours past the normal time with the jury expected to get this case tomorrow i want to follow up with one question. you said that prosecution said it's a nail in the coffin when hope hicks started crying. they are interpreting hope hicks tears as being negative towards donald trump as opposed to the fact that she was trying to protect or that the president was trying to protect his wife and she had to testify for the
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prosecution. >> that's exactly right, judge. prosecutor joshua steinglass claimed that hicks broke down on the witness stand because she knew how damaging her testimony was to former president trump. but, i mentioned earlier that she was the one who said that trump was actually worried about how melania would react. and she specifically recalled trump asking her to make sure that newspapers didn't get delivered to their family residence when that story broke because he was so concerned about melania's reaction. >> i have got to tell you, nate, the idea that the prosecution would be able to assess the motive behind tears is really stunning unless they followed up with a question which i assume they didn't. be correct? >> yeah, no. yeah, that's correct, judge. and the prosecution is interpreting hicks and how she felt on the witness stand and i mentioned at the very beginning of the report they're also interpreting how trump felt and what he meant when he posted
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several things on twitter and they are also going through quotes from his books right now. and attaching a meaning that is coming from them rather than from trump himself. >> judge jeanine: all right. it looks like trump is walking back into the courtroom right now. nate, thanks so much. all right. there they are. the trump family. lawlara trump. tiffany, her husband michael. that's the whole trump group. jason miller there. the attorney and -- okay. they are back into the courtroom. joining me now is mike davis, founder and president of the article iii project. he also clerked for justice gorsuch and sean duffy fox news contributor and co-host of fox business, the bottom line. sean, i was in court today. and i still have one outstanding question. no one has indicated that donald trump directed anyone to file
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the bookkeeping in a way where it would be criminal or that he even had a conversation. and, in fact, they broke it down to invoice, vouchers, checks generated. michael cohen gives the invoice. the vouchers are prepared, consistent with michael cohen's invoice. and the checks are generated based on the invoices. so where's trump orchestrating a crime? >> so where is the crime, right? we are all focused on the jury. how does the jury interpret the summations if you are the jury you are like we spent four and a half, five weeks in court with a trial against a former president? and this is all you've got? this is it? and then you are going to spend five, six hours in summation. and you're pulling at all these strings trying to confuse us. when you break it down to the law and the facts to your point, judge. they don't have it. >> judge jeanine: the amazing part in this mike davis, is that there were nine points that todd blanche laid out for the defense
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saying and every one of them was very clear that on in the end that michael cohen is the embodiment of reasonable doubt. he is the gloat, the greatest liar of all time. and what i thought was effective was when they said todd blanche said michael cohen didn't just fly congress and to judges and to his wife and the bank and everybody else. he lied to you after he swore to tell the truth. yeah, that's right. we have to remember that even if everything that bragg and colangelo alleges is true, which it's not, but let's just play along, there is no crime here. it is not a crime for a businessman to section settle a nuance is claim and put it in his private books as a legal expense. i don't know what you would call it other than a legal expense. it's also not a crime for a presidential candidate to try to, quote: scheme to effect the election. if that were a crime, every candidate in america would be
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criminals. this is a rigged, partisan corrupt process by a judge who is conflicted because his daughter is raising millions of dollars off this case, a prosecutor bragg, soros funded d.a. who campaigned on getting trump. matthew colangelo deployed from the biden justice department to bring this political case and at the end of this case there is no evidence. >> judge jeanine: i will go to you, sean, apparently, they are now identifying what that underlying crime is that gave life to expired misdemeanors and they are saying that the president unlawfully influenced an election by suppressing stories. now, i'm going to get to this question. every campaign is basically a conspiracy to win an election. you try to get good stories. in you try get your friends, you know, to publish bad stories about your opponent. you ran for office. i ran for office. talk to me. >> your comms team is calling the press pushing stores killing
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stories and pressing stories. that's what campaigns do. hillary clinton and the dossier bad fake story against donald trump. she too should be prosecuted. trey gowdy made the great point in the emails coming from the court basically saying i didn't realize this hush money scheme that went on. i thought she didn't go to wisconsin and she had a private server with classified information on it is which is why the american people didn't trust her. i thought in the closing argument and we all know this. you are not supposed to talk about the sentencing. when trump's team talked about you don't send a man to prison off of a cohen's testimony, that was brilliant. this is an he'll alley cat typ. pushing the envelope. somewhat breaking the rules. with this kind of judge you can't take that out of the mind of the jury. do you want to send a man to prison with michael cohen's testimony proof beyond a reasonable doubt a man who has lied to the jury, lied to congress, lied to america. >> judge jeanine: yeah,
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obviously that is something as a former judge myself and michael, you know the judge has got to instruct the jury that sentencing is up to him or to her. just so you know, apparently court is going to keep going until 8:00 p.m. tonight. we don't know what is happening after that. i can't imagine the judge told these people to bring their toothbrush. they should have been sequestered last tuesday night. that's what i would have done with my juries. in any event, the prosecution is saying that donald trump directed the business records to be written in a way where they could cover up what was going on. but not one person talked about donald trump connect even michael cohen getting involved in the bookkeeping. even michael cohen didn't. so, now they are making up this story as they go along. and they are not giving donald trump the right to defend himself based upon objections that were made during the course of the defense's argument. >> yeah. when cnn's jake tapper is even admitting that the prosecution
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has failed to prove its case yard, you know it's a bad day for the prosecution if this were a fair trial in a fair court. >> judge jeanine: you know, sean, you and i both know that this is a judge, in the event and -- and let's just remind our viewers of what the options are here of a verdict. what are the options? >> well, you have an acquittal. an acquittal on some of the charges and convictions on the others. you have a hung jury or you have a conviction. and by the way, i said this before and i'm going to say it again. the judge tried to give to donald trump by sending the jury home. >> judge jeanine: that was something we all agree -- >> -- you want your jurors to fight for you. you don't want them to think about vacation and barbecues and bringing them back on tuesday you will have those jurors focused to fight for truth and justice. >> judge jeanine: you think? >> i do. >> judge jeanine: let's hope so. the last question, michael, if the judge tomorrow is charge
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jury in the you and i have reason to believe not beneficial to the defense given the leeway they are giving the prosecution in their summation, you know, the jury is going to go in, the last thing they will have heard is the judge's instructions, you and i both know that there are missing witnesses here. weisselberg is missing. he is the one who made decisions about the checks. and keith shirl schiller. the is he a missing witness. the produce chose not to call these people. why not. >> that's a good question this is partisan rigged corrupt process. i would not be surprised if the jury finds president trump guilty even if there is no crime and no evidence. this may have to be resolved by the american people on november 5th, 2024 because it's not going to get resolved on appeal before then. >> judge jeanine: no. the appeal will not be resolved before the election. sean and mike, thank you so much for being with me tonight. and joe bide joe biden visit tos
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daughter-in-law. happens to be hunter's ex. normally that would not be a big deal but it comes just days before she plans to testify in his son's gun trial. fox senior national correspondent kevin corke is here with all the details. kevin? >> kevin: good evening, judge. the president making that surprise nighttime visit to the delaware home of hallie biden on sunday and here's why actually that's newsworthy or as some have suggested incredibly problematic. it's because of president's visit, judge, comes just days before hallie biden is due to serve as one of the most important witnesses at hunter biden's federal trial for alleged gun crimes. now, hallie, you may recall, was married to the president's son beau. who died in 2015 of brain cancer. that was before she had a relationship with his younger brother hunter. she was apparently dating hunter at the time of his alleged crime. and is one of a dozen expected
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witnesses to obviously testify. now, mr. biden, for his part, apparently stopped by her house at 8:00 sunday night for a brief, private talk. again, just 8 days before she is scheduled to begin -- be a part of the trial that's scheduled to begin on june the 3rd. but, if you think this was odd, strange even, well, the white house wants you to know it was no such thing. spokesman andrew bates said the president didn't discuss the trial with hallie biden during the visit. noting, quote: he visited her because of the approaching ninth anniversary of beau's passing. now, prosecutors allege that hunter lied about his drug use on a gun form that he used to make a purchase of a firearm and that he obviously was illegally in motion of at least one weapon, which allegedly hallie then disposed of in a public dumpster back in 2018 the plot
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thickens, judge? >> judge jeanine: yeah, i'm sure he was there to talk about the ninth anniversary but that's me. kevin, thanks so much. >> the biden campaign tracks out uber trump hater trump den neario outside the courthouse today. the wild video you have got to ♪ this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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bring you president trump when he comes out. >> i don't mean to scare you -- no, no, wait. maybe i do mean to scare you. if trump returns to the white house, can you kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted. and elections, forget about them. that's over. that's done. >> do we want him running this country and saying i'm not leaving. [horn beeping] >> i'm not leaving i'm dictator for life? >> judge jeanine: it seems the irony is lost on him that he is standing in front of a courthouse where the current president is engaged in the relentless crusade to imprison his political opponent. and les you think this was just robert deniro acting on his own, he was introduced by the biden campaign's communication director. >> we're not here today because
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of what is going on over there. we're here today because y'all are here. we are here primarily because of the threat that donald trump poses to the united states of america. of course, we are happy to have robert deniro. >> judge jeanine: joining me now is charlie hurt "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor and ned ryun, founder and ceo of american majority. you know what, charlie, the biden campaign is running out of ideas, they are losing women and minorities and blacks and they trot out an old actor to read a script? >> perfect summation most desperate move i have seen from a major party's political campaign. i think they have run out -- obviously they are losing on all of the ideas. so they have to go for this. and it was really strange to listen to robert deniro, obviously this is a guy who will
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take absolutely any role anybody gives him. he has never turned down his agent calls him about. he goes and does this. and talking about how donald trump is a terrorist. and the problem is everybody remembers what it was like to live with donald trump as president. and they were much better off than under the current guy and as you point out, the current guy is the one who turned our justice system into a political cudgel to jail donald trump so he doesn't have to face him in an election. >> judge jeanine: ned ryun, good idea? >> no, a terrible idea. i think was total and complete political malpractice what the biden campaign did today. first of all they publicly tied themselves to this political witch-hunt of a trial to the chief political opponent. and we know they have been coordinating this lawfare but now they have just dropped the masquerade and publicly tied themselves to it. it also, judge,felt like jury tampering. you are telling me none of those 12 jurors will go home and find
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out the biden campaign held a presser outside of the courthouse and basically saying we hope you do the right thing in this trial? and chef's kiss to it all demented dwarf de niro going off on rant felt like biden wrote it because it was so incoherent. wreaks of desperation. talking about lies of trump and democracy, january 6th hoax and abortion. these all they have to run on. they can't run on foreign policy it's disaster. can't run on economy and inflation. southern border dumpster fire. they thought lawfare take out trump all of a sudden rising in fundraising and the polls. >> judge jeanine: it's the end of my city, it's the end of the country and end of the world. penal remember what it was like living under president donald trump and i don't know, it's incredibly high percentage who said they had a better life. >> yeah. and we're sitting here watching this incredible situation where
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you have the president who is obviously, as ned points out being harassed and kept in court during the campaign. but he takes the opportunity to go visit construction workers in manhattan and conduct that amazing amazing rally in the bronchesz. and hopeful speech about the city of new york and what these people have done to newark and how if a new yorker can't fix this nobody can. >> judge jeanine: charlie and ned, hold on i want to bring in laura ingraham host of "the ingraham angle." she joins me now on the phone. hello, law, i hear you are at airport or on plane. >> laura: yeah, 8 hours. friendly skies of united airlines. it wasn't so friendly today but that's all right. everybody was nice and patient is sorry not to be on tonight. no way to get to a studio on time given what happened with the airline and mechanical
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problems. i followed everything that was happening today and continues to happen in manhattan, judge, and i know you have the bird's eye view. what is going on in our country with the weaponization of the judicial system spectacle of complete confirmation of what you and i have been saying all along, this was political from the outset. obviously i heard you talking about deniro. we knew this. but they are so stupid they just confirmed it for everybody today and will be confirmed again when joe biden speaks after the verdict is in. >> judge jeanine: right. >> laura: we know this. there was no crime that was committed. a jury that is fairly instructed and doesn't look like this one will be a jury that was fairly instructed would never be able to have a unanimous verdict for this penal statute that was
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falsification of records. they had no predicate crime. they had no follow-on crime. this is a complete travesty from beginning to end. and i thought it was mad about the flight delays but i'm really mad about this because the country doesn't deserve. this the country deserves a real leader with a fair and equal justice system. judge. >> judge jeanine: laura, there are charges to a jury that i mean there are standard jury charges and i wanted to hope that those jury charges would be relatively standard but when i hear about what the prosecution is being allowed to get away with in their summation it makes it clear to me that there is no way they can be -- there can be a fair charge to the jury. there has got to be adverse witness charges and missing witnesses weisselberg, keith schiller, they weren't allowed and now they are talking about, you know, what's his name michael cohen's conviction and somehow that should be interpreted against donald trump. they are talking about what david pecker did and the
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non-prosecution agreements and that's got to be attributable to trump. it's the whole thing is off the charts. >> well, the idea that the jury can be told and it looks like, again, this is the way it's going to go. that you don't have to have a crime specified for the follow-on crime. it can be a crime generally understood to be a fraud upon america or as i love this quote. that he hoodwinked america in 2016. last time i checked in the new york penal code the word hood winked wasn't in there. all right? this entire process lays bear the fraud upon the judicial system that alvin bragg, matthew colangelo, judge merchan and the entire entire prosecution team i include the judge in has perpetrated on this country sntd this great the wheels of justice are turning? no, the wheels of justice aren't
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turning. the wheels of justice are running over the american people right now. and complete fraud. >> judge jeanine: it is a fraud. apparently alleging the unlawfully influencing an election by suppressing stories. you and i both know that an nda is not illegal. catch and kill is not illegal. they showed how these cases were not catch and kill to begin with and yet, you know, now the prosecution is up there identifying a crime that wasn't in the indictment. not in the bill of particulars, not in their opening statement all of the sudden they can say what they want after the defense sums up. >> laura: the best of all, i think, is when the prosecution is arguing that you don't really have to believe michael cohen you don't have to believe everything that cohen says because there is all this other evidence. what evidence? a photo with keith schiller? that was evidence that donald trump intended to have records falsified in a conspiracy to
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interfeesh with an election. only interference going on right now is election interference in lower manhattan in that courtroom. judge merchan is part of it. the prosecution is part of it. and as we saw today, with the biden henchmen sending goodfellas down there. it's the biden administration has been involved all along. that what is what america is facing right now in a court of law in lower manhattan where some of the greatest cases have been argued and some of the most incredit i can bably talented prosecutors have -- total black mark on the entire lower manhattan courthouse in the district attorney's office in new york. >> judge jeanine: you know what? alvin bragg is an embarrassment to the greats like hogan and morgan that and it really is a sad commentary when you see him coming into the jury room or coming into the courtroom and trying to show himself in front of the jury like this is so
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important while violent crime is being ignored. laura, thank you so much. and thank you to charlie and ned. >> laura: thank you for filling in tonight, judge on a big news night. it's unfortunate to travel today in the united states. but thank you so much and best of luck for the rest of the show. we will be listening. >> judge jeanine: thank you. take care, laura, take care, guys. big update on the latest sad attempt to delegitimize the supreme court over a flag. ♪
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot.
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call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. >> judge jeanine: hard to believe freak out which flag supreme court justice alito flies at his homes is still ongoing. the most recent is the appeal to heaven flag which was commissioned by george washington and flew on military ships. and the top san francisco city
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hall a couple years ago. it even made an appearance on a u.s. postage stamp. but there was another flag to started it all and we're getting new details about it. the upside down american flag flown at the alito house for a couple days in january of 2021. the "new york times" thought this was groundbreaking. link it to january 6th calling it a stop the steal symbol. but, in fact, "the washington post" knew about the flag back in 2021 and didn't report on it because according to a spokesperson, quote: the flag raising appeared to be the work of martha ann alito rather than the justice and connected to a dispute with her neighbors. and that it was not clear then that the argument was even rooted in politics. so why did the "new york times" feel the need to make this story? the answer is obvious. >> he definitively needs to
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recuse himself from any matter pending before the united states supreme court that has to do with the january 6th violent insurrection. he should have no part of it. >> i think the question is how many maga battle flags does the supreme court justice have to fly until the rest of the court takes it seriously. >> should he recuse? >> absolutely. >> judge jeanine: joining me now is chris landau former scalia and thomas law clerk and chris bedford, conservative columnist. all right, chris landau, i will start with you. what are the rules as they relate to supreme court justices recusing themselves? >> well, listen, judge, you don't want a justice recusing himself or herself unnecessarily. if the judge has a personal interest in the cases, financial usually or a close family member, then it's required. but, you know, these are prepets
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tore russ allegations that really have nothing to do with this flag or with recusal. this is all just part of an attack on the court because it's the one institution that our ruling party does not control. >> judge jeanine: you know, according to jen sacky, flying patriotic flags divides us, very difficult to imagine that justice alito is working within the bounds governs the supreme court. how can someone sworn to administer justice for all americans fly the flag of the far right movement that seeks to divide us? >> judge jeanine: chris bedford it's the same talking points over and over again from the left wing media attempt to politicize and try to push off to the side just traditional acts of patriotism like flying the revolutionary appeal to heaven flag. now, this is part of a routine
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now in season democrat strategy. remember it was spring 2022 when the alito memo was leaked that ended up being the dobbs decision to politico. and it was the next spring democrats want to apply pressure to see if they can change their vote. two delegitimize whatever actual rulings they end up making. three, maybe some changes to ethics where they can force an unevil level of reciewls. force conservatives to recuse themselves but not democrats. create court packing this is annual now and concerted strategy. >> judge jeanine: all right, chris and chris, thanks so much for joining us tonight. and coming up, the unseen folly of deniro's biden buffoonery. and what are the president and
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kamala up to in the meantime? raymond arroyo has it all in "seen and unseen," next. ♪
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lambasted trump and announced a new ad which he voiced for the biden campaign as car alarms blared deniro not only made his campaign pitch but he challenged trump supporters presented. watch. >> i hope this new ad campaign reaches outside the bubble to remind supporters of what a danger he is to our lives. excuse me? >> they lied under oath? >> that's right. >> what are you saying. >> they are traitors. >> i don't even know how to deal with you, my friend. >> raymond: judge, when i first saw this i thought it was outtakes from dirty grandpa or killers of the electoral monsoon. it was a tragic display from one
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of our once great actors. he is destroying his reputation and the question is why do it for biden at this stage in the campaign? >> well, you know, the amazing part of it is the guy is convinced deniro is convinced that he speaks for new york city. i love new york city. hey, deniro what have you done for new york city? i mean, you know, you are an l.a. guy plus, you know, i don't think this guy has a brain. the fact that he had to read from a script as to what he was going to say. by the way did you notice when he first got out of the car, raymond, he had a mask on i'm like aye yai yai. look, judgethat, covid could bea return visit. any citizen can speak out. we defend anyone to speak out publicly. but, when you trade your fame as an actor and become a campaign surrogate and then you challenge voters and insult them, you're going to hear from them boy did deniro hear from those new yorkers, watch.
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>> gentleman in this world, you are gangsters. you are gangsters. [bleep] [shouting] >> you are a nobody. your movies are [bleep]. you are trash. >> raymond: is that a lovely way to win over voters, judge. official campaign event yelling f you at them. maybe he is auditioning to play the lead in the upcoming biden the war with grandpa. he knows enough about that topic. whatever the case, deniro should have read the cardi b., the rock, and charlamagne memo. leave politics to the voters and be quiet. >> judge jeanine: he basically says to the people out there f you. and, you know, and he also says, you know, you are gangsters. but the truth is he is the one who is always playing a gangster and then he starts -- if he could have, he would have fought him you are a punk. anyway, raymond, you see this as
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folly on the part of the biden campaign? >> raymond: i do. look, they are turning to a hold star to be their spokesman at a time when insider told me this industry is detect disconnected from the american people, judge. as evidenced this memorial day weekend was the worst box office in three decades. both new releases garfield and a number called mad max saga sagged at the box office, why? garfield was just not funny and furios opening up a mad max story without mad max. audiences don't want to see female. like going to the gi joe movie and barbie stays in malibu dream house. biden thinks these are the people going to somehow deliver him re-election? i think not. >> judge jeanine: crazy part of this is i think i said this earlier while they are bleeding women and minorities the democrats, and bleeding black, they bring out this old geezer
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and they think he is going to be able to, you know, convince people, yeah, joe biden is the man. >> what do i know? >> raymond: he is so angry. that's the wacky thing. my goodness. he is unhinged. he is almost as unhinged as biden is at some of these events. he also is, you know, prone to yell at union workers and yell at workers who challenge him. we saw the same thing from his "avatar" robert deniro here. it didn't play well and it won't, judge. >> judge jeanine: and it won't. believe me i was down at the courthouse today. it doesn't. raymond, thanks so much for being with us tonight. and, it is almost 8:00 p.m. and the prosecution is still giving their closing arguments. harris faulkner reacts, next. ♪
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>> judge jeanine: jury has been listening for hours and good news the judge gave the prosecution until 8:00 pm, minutes from now to rap up. joined me now is host of the faulkner focus and cohost of outnumbered i knew special vietnam steps of my father available right now. alright harris, it seems the prosecution has gone on almost the triple amount of time and it appears the judge is more
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receptive to the prosecution going beyond the testimony given today. >> you are so kind with your words i just going to say it. i was on at 11:00 am and an hour and a half into the defense closing arguments and we knew we were not that far away because the defense attorney said we will wrap us up in about 30 minutes. this thing has gone on forever and they had much broader ground to run it. it is epic but now we know what the crime is because the prosecution says the stormy daniels payoff, how the closing arguments went from the prosecutor just moments ago. he said the violation comes from that payoff came from koe into making excessive campaign contributions by paying her and
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getting reimbursed and, of course, cohen's real motivation was to protect trump's family and we know that is true because hope hicks testified to that and bob costello did. no rational argument that cohen's payment to stormy daniels would've been made were it not for the election is what the prosecution is saying. >> judge jeanine: the crazy part about all of this is the fact that no one is testifying donald trump was anywhere near the invoices or the checks or the vouchers here no one so how is there crime? >> the way the prosecution has put a bow on this in the last hour is to say you don't have to prove that trump did anything but just has to have the intent to defraud and had the intent to violate the federal election campaign act and the intent to
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do that. that doesn't make any sense or work for the rest of us because every time you think someone else thinks they've done something that you got them. >> judge jeanine: that's a basis for an appeal but i want to read this that the new york times reporting biting campaign social media team has said early discussions about whether to brand trump as a convicted felon and it's post- and also i understand they may have just wrapped up and how much is biden relying on a trump conviction to prop up the faltering campaign? >> 100 percent which is why for the first time they put out on the day of the closing arguments began an notice that the united states president will speak on the verdict not from a political stop but from the white house and they want to elevate this to the point where it doesn't smell so much like politics and looks like a presidential move to talk
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about another president who has been convicted. we don't know what that jury will decide but there are two people that will see things potentially differently because they are attorneys i think 100 percent biden is all in on being able to use that label convict and probably went on appeal anyway but that will likely come after november so it will help democrats either way because of a happens after november, they won't care. >> judge jeanine: finding out court will resume tomorrow at 10:00 am were the jury will be charged and harassed, thank you for being with us and make sure to check out vietnam footsteps of my father available right now on fox nation and it's great. that's it for us tonight and thanks for watching. jesse watters takes it from here >> jesse: welcom


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