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tv   Hannity  FOX News  May 28, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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know what he told her, don't. that would be bad news for hunter because anytime biden says don't to anybody they do. bob from georgia the empire state building was built in 410 days 8 charging stations were built into a half years how we have fallen. it's almost like it's a money scheme. stephanie from missouri glad her global warming is the turbulence for ones racism is not to blame unbelievable. has nothing happened to me that's fine. always remember him waters and this is my world. >> ♪ ♪
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>> sean: welcome to hannity as the political show trial is almost over closing arguments in the books and soon 12 jurors selected from 1 of the most anti- trumped districts in the entire country will decide the fate of donald trump pending appeal. today the prosecution asked a jurors differ caution to the wind and convict the former president of a crime they were never able to explain let alone prove in fact he wants the jury to handout 34 felony convictions based on what we have said from the beginning and novel legal theories surrounding a misdemeanor document labeling allegation well past statute of limitations of charge to a felony because of a mysterious election law violation never charged or prosecuted every -- anywhere else in america the convoluted case relies on a convicted liar admitted liar, a
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disbarred lawyer named michael cohen. we have talked in detail about the altar your motives of the judge and the lack of credibility from cohen and about a judge you should have recused himself but tonight another major story is emerging surrounding the judge as of the biden donating judge has placed basically cinderblocks on the scales of justice first attempting to silence donald trump with an unconstitutional gag order and allowed the prosecution to run wild with speculation and insinuate the court that trump was guilty of phantom election violations that weren't even charged or prosecuted. then had a kid shady cast of characters that the prosecution called to the stand to say whatever as stormy daniels and talk about ghosting dead people tell raunchy stories and did --
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jokes that were no way relevant or material to the case the also allowed michael cohen the prophet from testimony in a kit according to the defense attorneys to lie on the stand repeatedly as at the defense gave up objecting because it was almost never sustained by the judge when it came to the defense the judge sustained almost every objection he has hamstring witnesses, yelling at trump's lawyers openly rebuking a witness in front of the jury. he is a distain for all things trump was palpable beginning to end but he is adherence to the law was nowhere to be found. by every measure it's a travis tree -- travesty injustice perpetrated by the judge. there's no credible evidence in this case of any crime committed by donald trump. the prosecution star witness was
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not just a thief but also an admitted convicted liar. as his attorney put it he is the mvp of liars in closing arguments they referred to him as the greatest liar of all time lying on his taxes to his bank investigation team and to a federal judge lying to congress on multiple occasions to his family as well as the media and during the current trial he was accused of lying on the stand during multiple occasions to keep in mind a nondisclosure agreement is not a crime paying a publication working with 1 like the national enquirer on what they call catch and kill about a story that is also not a crime. of the prosecution wants jurors to believe the way those payments were labeled was incorrect and illegal and some type of federal election fraud. the payments were to trump's attorney labeled illegal for expense because that's what they
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were ultimately burden of proof is supposed to be at the prosecution and they approved nothing. also wears the evidence that donald trump -- where is the intention he violated the law where is the evidence he committed an election violation why should anybody believe michael cohen was telling the truth this time. of course the judge well he's done his best to basically tipped the scales of justice with cinderblocks constantly giving prosecution whatever they want while severely limiting the defense around every turn. it's not justice in america this is law fair being waged by abiding loving prosecutor with the help of the biden donating judge to be decided by a jury in the borough of manhattan where biden got 90% of the vote no crime or evident over crime no credibility in the case of the
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jury could vote to convict simply because donald trump is on trial with the judge who want some convicted what did i safe in the beginning of the trial. donald trump can't get a fair trial in new york city regardless of outcome he didn't get a fair trial in new york city and for the record's estate is not worth $18 million closer to a billion or more according to the biden white house this is fair and equal justice nonpolitical and the biden campaign decided to have a campaign photo up in front of the courthouse joe wasn't there as they brought a 80-year-old robert de niro to yammer in rave and potato be a tough guy like he was in good fellows. >> we make room for clowns. we have them all over the city
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we tolerate it it's part of the culture not a person like trump. this government prepares from the earth. i don't mean to scare you maybe i do need to scare you if trump returns to the white house you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we would all take for granted and elections forget about it as i can tell you right now he will never leave. >> sean: forget about it anyways like biden whose best years are behind him as he suffers from trumped arrangement syndrome. of the greatest threat to the republic the constitutional republic is not from the guy facing real prison time because of the political show trial
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instead of far left prosecutor and bureaucrats who can determine that system of justice to a political retribution with equal justice under the law be damned welcome to joe biden's america. here with more as he had some amazing observations today as the defense lived in the small neighborhood as with whatever erie they wanted to for our allegation with pure impunity as it was turned into a canned hound how is a juror supposed to question the charges when the jury starts with a dis- erroneous assumption how can
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that be in this country sounds like cinderblocks are put on the scales of justice by the judge wants an outcome. >> it's not that i haven't seen anything like this have an even read anything like that it was otherworldly as they were giving the benefit of doubt on many occasions which was outrageous. as the prosecutor said michael cohen can made it federal election violations as the gave instruction the jury isn't supposed to attribute the plea deal is an issue that towards
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trump so the defense rejected and it was just overruled and allowed the prosecutor to repeatedly state the federal election violations by trump are a fact there is not to the dispute to that and the judge sat there as a courtroom. elected him a sign he was even listening to the argument at 1 point prosecutor said hope hicks burst into tears because she knew they destroyed any defense by donald trump how do you knew know that. as the prosecutor basically started to testify and said to catch and kill techniques are used in this and it's beyond anything that media or political groups have ever done.
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that's not in the record he was giving testimony there's no estimate for experts for that hillary clinton killed cases in that election some of the most outrageous hoaxes were perpetrated by the hillary clinton campaign within enabling the media. many of the reporters listening helped her campaign do that. that's what was so otherworldly about today. i can't imagine a jury member going into deliberations and not assuming it's an established fact that federal election law violations occurred because they bother them to say it dozens of times. >> sean: you're saying the jury has been told dozens of times the payments were campaign violations the judge let that false claim stand uncontradicted now i don't know what to infer
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from that because i agree with you that hearing that and win the defense tried to object they were overruled almost every time until the end they got a bone thrown to them once or twice probably because the judge was tired but short of that it was allowed to be stated as fact. what does that mean not just for the jury but the outcome for a potential appeal if there was a conviction? >> some of what the prosecutor said i hope the jury views as it's obviously ridiculous at 1 point prosecutor said when michael cohen went into a bank to send a financial transaction and wrote something untrue that trump must have known that. how many clients know how their attorneys have a financial transfer and bank has the overextended they were. as the judges allowed this
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erroneous assumption to be reinforced. has they stopped illegal for expert as the start of the process -- proposition and would take a long way does this mean and so lead pipe cinch for conviction as they think there's a chance of a hung jury has the designation was made by a antiquated drop-down menu as
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this 1 gate with he referred to his not being brought in with h quoted trump it was cohen quoting trump's own hoping of the jurors 2 are saying look i think were being played for chumps here. >> sean: and allegations were led to be stated in court that are proven no facts to back it up no evidence either 1 of the more spectacular parts of the prosecution's closing arguments was how much they spent rehabilitating his devastating testimony literally saying you can't blame him for sowing trump and joe merchandise or making money and millions of dollars reading books send a podcast or admitting he hates trump wants him in jail he felt like he was done dirty is a phrase used at 1 point that the security guard at
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coded language for the 1 minute 362nd call and literally allowed the whole narrative to go forward about michael cohen and i'm sitting here going it's okay for michael cohen to lie on the stand make money off donald trump and you are going to excuse that away as the prosecutor and admit to committing a crime robbing him? >> that's a bizarre thing because prosecutors rebuilt is stormy daniels and said she wasn't really out for the money she was trying to protect her family and it was an extortion really? she demanded more money from trump and it was a holdup let me remind her audience while you're talking output her letter up.
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>> according to the prosecutor's she was the innocent victim pulled into the vortex of donald trump and i think jurors must have been laughing under their breath and then when it came to cohen would assume the jurors would be insulted here's the letter you are referring to write and it's clear this was a holdup operation when cohen came up they pretrade him like he was pushing some cart down the street to support his family saying he did this to support his family he had no money he lives in a multimillion condo in the trump building making over $2 million he selling merchandise and some of these jurors who live in the real world and have jobs might be a little bit insulted like just give us a break you can't pretrade this guy is desperately
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trying to feed his family from his penthouse condo. >> sean: a long day for you jonathan thanks for joining us. here with reaction from the trump campaign is a twain 24 national press secretary at the courtroom today was get your take on the events today follow what the professor said there. >> it was a dumpster fire for the biden campaign they wake -- will go to headline that they are a full-blown freak out over his failing in desperate campaign and a couple hours later they showed up to the criminal courthouse in manhattan the joe biden spokesperson held a press conference all but conceding the entire case comes from the top it comes from crooked joe biden using alvin as far left prosecutor because no other prosecutor in america in their right mind would proceed with the case other than alvin bragg who has trumped
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arrangements in german who was the star guest outside the courthouse? robert de niro and out of touch elitist actor from hollywood because those are the only people left to support joe heiden -- joe biden and he went on a tirade you know what he didn't mention the real problem is americans are facing the fact they are petrified about the weapon eyes government that joe biden is leading the fact inflation is robbing them of thousands of dollars every single month as it's allowed to leave her nose and terrorists into our great country as the campaign was was outside and inside the courtroom the george soros funded prosecution photo imploded it took them 4 hours to do they've been doing legal gymnastics as save they spent 6
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weeks of their life listening from george soros team joe biden's team, the judge was overseen at all. >> sean: as we're talking about in detail all the information coming out there they the jury was told dozens of times payments for campaign violations the judge let that false claim without any evidence go uncontradicted in the case wants your take on that. >> it's unbelievable to witness the sheer bias of the judge and every time our defense team proposes an objection he overrules it has all the patients in the road for the part prosecution and as the professor pointed out he denied a key witness in the case who would have proved there was no federal campaign violation
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that's why they didn't bring the case up in the first place why joe biden's justice department even passed on the case as did his predecessor in the da office they all passed on this case because there is no crime. the judge knows that and he is a highly conflicted judge for reasons trump can to talk about because he imposed an unconstitutional gag order on the president because he doesn't want him to expose the truth about the corruption. >> sean: that's why he didn't step in and stop this uncontradicted false narrative going forward in closing arguments today outrageous young anything of ever heard or seen in my life. thank you now with more on today's closing arguments foxbusiness correspondent lydia with us in the trial today is watching you earlier what a day you had your. >> a long day not just for us
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covering the trial but for the jurors. i heard the point made by a prior guest about the length of the trial six-week a testimony so to think about that from the perspective of jurors setting your own life aside for 6 weeks to hear about the case then finally today starting your day at 9:30 in the morning with closing arguments from the defense and ending 8:00 pm tonight closing arguments from the prosecution wrapping up you do have to wonder is the jury hearing all this information particularly from the prosecution and they're winding long painstaking closing argument and is the jury concluding well they are saying a lot so it must be important or is it the reverse they are saying a lot and i really wish this would be over we'll see what happens tomorrow with that for all involved.
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>> sean: any feel for the jury in the courtroom as i didn't have the opportunity to lay that on that as in the main courtroom the same day stormy daniel gave the stand as it captivated the attention that is the purpose of putting her on the standby prosecution she has nothing to do with falsified documents which we should remind everybody that's what the case is about she had a salacious story dick tell an agency interested. >> all the salacious material none of it relevant none of it material to but the jury gets prejudiced by such we appreciate it more in closing arguments and trumps new york case we
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checkmate the legal panel later on laura trump is in the courtroom all day will get her take straight ahead. our founder, johnny morris and his dad knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops. voted america's best outdoor retailer. save even more and support conservation when you join the club.
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people couldn't see my potential. so i had to show them. i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper.
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today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper. >> sean: both defense and prosecution have delivered closing arguments what kind of impact do they have in the jury as we have gregg jarrett and harvard law professor good to see you both starting with you is 1 thing i found interesting is the judge allowing this false claim by the prosecution to be brought in again and again and again uncontradicted in the
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judge allowing the prosecution to read unrelated quotes from that book why would they allow that in with the stuff overruled the prosecution just accuse donald trump of threatening witnesses the objection was overruled even on that at some point you have to say cinderblocks and i guess bricks on the scales of justice in the case by the judge. >> 1 in a long list of reversible errors by the judge and in the history of american law never has a defendant been tried on an unidentified charge no ethical prosecutor would ever do that no fair or competent judge would ever allow it because every defendant has a right to be informed of the accusations against them it's
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guaranteed and the sixth amendment but even now nobody, leased it all the jury knows for sure and it's 1 of the many reversible errors committed by the judge i think the fix was in from the outset the case was a rig by and scrupulous da and bias to judge and together they worked to engineer an absurd legal erie that would never withstand illegal for they know it but their goal is to get a wrongful conviction to delegitimize trump's candidacy they contorted the law manipulate the justice system the create an illusion of wrongdoing and the end it would justify any means. sadly it's now up to the jury to correct a manifest injustice and nobody knows how it will go. >> sean: and how would they possibly know when they weren't given an opportunity to hear about the law from anybody other
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than the judge who obviously is a real bias against trump and if that wasn't apparent up until now it certainly was apparent today the biden donor judge wants your reaction? >> no question he wants to have it both ways he says the question of whether or not it was a violation of campaign contributions which there wasn't is a question of fact then he denies the right to approve that fact and it puts the burden of proof on the defense is under new york law the prosecution does not have the burden of proof when it comes to closing arguments defense goes first what is the defense supposed to do? the constitution doesn't have to assert anything it is no burden of going forward or proof when you tell the defense to go first the implication to the jury is
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the defense must disprove the case without even knowing what it is then, yeah, these gaping holes in the prosecution of the case. a prosecutor misled the jury by saying the testimony is corroborated they were 2 points in his testimony which are crucial. number 1 the meeting in which he and this other guy concocted this plot no corroboration with that and seconded that the phone call where there is a complain about the 14-year-old kid harassing co- when there is a witness to that and i hope the judge would give the missing witness instruction there wasn't enough from the defense in my view but the judge should have said the burden is on the prosecution they must prove that at 1 or both of those meetings there was a plot and there's no
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cooperative corroboration to the it's all dependent on the testimony from cohen there were 2 who could testify but the prosecution didn't call them and you should infer from the fact the prosecution could've called them but didn't. if they had called them the testimony would have been unfavorable to the prosecution if the judge fails to give that instruction its reversible error 1 of 10 or 15. i haven't seen as much reversible error in a case as i have seen here but they don't care they want the conviction before the election as they appealed those and this is so unfair and it's a stain on the american system as as it's an open issue as a democrat i am
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appalled at the way the law has been manipulated and distorted in order to get trump. >> sean: quick exit question for both of you i mean the prosecution spent hours trying to rehabilitate michael cohen trying to make excuses for his stealing and excuses for his lying. to the extent they did that it tells me that they knew there was great damage to their star witness. they called him he was their star witness and they knew there was great damage there. well did they rehabilitate them enough to convince the jury to believe a single word he said? >> i don't even they think they rehabilitated michael cohen there's no fixing a self-proclaimed fixer. at the kind of person nobody
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should ever believe and then they said in a magic puro wet forget about michael cohen because there is a mountain of other evidence which incriminate's trump if that's true why did you call michael cohen. defense dismantled the prosecution imaginary crimes piece by piece beginning with business records which were accurate not false if jurors are convinced his house of cards collapses. >> it's just a lie over telling the jury that you can convict without michael cohen you cannot without michael cohen there's no evidence that donald trump directed the listing of these payments as legal expense only michael cohen would know that. there's evidence is so listed but that doesn't corroborate him so prosecution misled the jury by telling them you can convict
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without michael cohen. you cannot you must believe his account of those 2 meetings in order to convict and i hope the judge so instructs the jury. >> sean: you're dreaming why would the judge start being fair at the last minute. impossible professor i would bet everything i have. >> i agree. >> sean: i agree with you that's what he should do but he won't. up next democrats in full panic mode over his dwindling support we've got also some reaction as laura trump was in the courtroom all day today she will join us.
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effort to keep trump a new york courtroom their hopes are growing worse by the day and according to a shocking report from politico many democrats are in full freak out mode over joe biden's chances in november again some frustration with joe and the democratic party take a look. >> we keep wondering why these young people aren't coming home to the democrats. why blacks are coming home to the democrats because democratic messaging is full of. [ bleeps ] that's why. and talk about the cost of living in helping to deal with this. don't talk about canceling student loans. >> sean: my friend got it right and eyebrows are being raised after he visited his daughter-in-law house ahead of her expected testimony and the hunter biting gun crime trial
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said to begin june 3rd couple days away. as the did asked the white house press secretary about the visit and of course he had no answers as per usual take a look. >> why did president biden have a private meeting with witness who plans to testify in court against his son. >> he visited her as the anniversary is approaching he visited her days before the anniversary of the passing of his son and she is family she was married to his late son. >> they didn't talk about her testimony? >> that wasn't about that it was literally the ninth anniversary of the passing of his son that his upcoming indies. >> sean: the dated hunter part weird anyways former candidate vivek ramaswamy so democrats are in full-blown freak out over biden, minority voters bolting
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for biden could be a disaster for democrats. and democratic messaging below shift stopping during the economy and also suggested they steal trump's medical records he might have secondary syphilis. do note was a doctor but i guess that's him. putting that aside i am convinced and tell me if i'm wrong regardless of the outcome of the trial i don't think it has any impact on the election. thoughts? >> i think it's win-win for donald trump they've seen for the fars that is the trail in manhattan 1 of the weakest cases ever brought and it's a shameful stain on our history that most americans across the political spectrum understand that's the good news. the bad news is the reason they set debate june 27th the earliest debate in history and as far as i know it's happened before either party's nominating convention is i think it's the
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final trial balloon for joe biden it's a way for him to jump for the final hoop before he earns the nomination other side diabolical 1 step ahead on this as they frequently are where if joe biden underperforms there that's when i think they will restart the race possibly with a new nominee we are doing well no doubt about it as complacency is not an option and we have to do the best job we can about saying who we are what we stand for and show up in nontraditional locations like the bronx or the libertarian party convention to demonstrate leadership in leading the entire country. >> sean: i said joe biden is 1 major fall away from losing the nomination as he continues to deteriorate rapidly in an accelerated fashion i really have begun to believe you may very well be rate could be his final test and i don't know if there's enough enough red bull to keep him awake or jack them
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up enough to get through that debate without a teleprompter like he had at the state of the union. >> red bull or worse. and in 2016 he had those reporters and debate moderators shoring hillary the questions beforehand 1 thing donald trump is done better than joe biden's show up in front of american audiences even in the last few weeks that with areas not filled with people who agree with and that's the best preparation you can have and as u.s. president this is a public you want a leader who can engage in alternative viewpoints rather than hide in their white house basement so regardless of what joe biden does he's going to underperform and that debate. >> you think any outcome in this case matters in terms of voters in their ultimate decision? >> either outcome would favor president trump and here's why
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once the outcome is behind us they will see the not guilty case that it was a sham trail at trial where he made a commitment to voters say he would go after donald trump you name the mannose show you the crime that was his mentality that's what he did in the case raised convicted nobody in the u.s. could actually tell you what was the crime donald trump committed and if he's being sentenced on the basis they will see the injustice of that as well it's backfired as it should have and thankfully we will be able to end the weaponization of justice when trump wins his next term. >> sean: people forget clinton's approval rating went above 70% after he was impeached american people don't have it tolerance for politics at this level and worse than it's ever been by far. and when we come back sara carter asking new yorkers what they think will happen in the trump trail the answers may
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surprise you also laura was in the courtroom all day we get her perspective straight ahead.
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>> sean: now that closing argument so wrapped up in the sham trial time to hear what the people think our very own sara carter was in new york city where she asked residents for their final thoughts on the case let's see what they had to say. >> as an american however you handled this trial? >> of a trump 100% what they are doing to him is outrageous. >> today is a big day trump trial is wrapped up what he is think is going to happen? how do you feel? >> i'm in a different place. my husband thinks it he's going
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to get convicted i think it's a nothing burger. >> do you think this trial? >> it's just a target. they know he has a chance to make america great again and they are using that against him that's what it is. >> looking for a guilty verdict. do you thank you happens? >> maybe. >> ultimately he'll be able to run even if convicted i think it's more of a show and i try to stay away from the noise. >> sean: sara carter for a liberal city interesting comments. >> you see the shift as people are sick and tired as their tiger death president from being targeted and that's the majority of people even those
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independents or would consider themselves democrats. they see that as a weaponization of the court system and a law fair and they feel president trump is being targeted because of who he is not what he's done and i think what's really more interesting is when you ask people you want him prosecuted as they don't have an answer they cannot claim what is being charged with is assessing about the judges the way the biden administration is handled this now with more reaction we have the rnc cochair laura trump in the courtroom all day today kind of surreal from an outsider's point of view getting notes all day long what is your take sitting there all day? >> i was there all day with my husband tiffany her husband
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michael we were there obviously to show support for my father-in-law because it's crazy we are at this place where we live in the united states of america and what i can tell you after enduring 6 hours of arguments from the prosecution alone the only thing it actually proves that michael cohen is not only a liar in a perjurer but also still tens of thousands of dollars from donald trump and his company. aside from that they didn't prove anything directly related to donald trump and claimants about election interference. it's a pretty funny to see when it involves donald trump what about hillary clinton and their ploy in 2016 with falsifying the steal dossier to start the russia collusion and hoax. what about the 51 former intelligence officials who in 2020 signed document saying the
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hunter biden laptop was not a real item and in fact it was. think of the influence that had on elections the truth is it's about election interference this case. it's supposed to interfere in this election we are in right now because joe biden's approval rating is the lowest of any incumbent in history he cannot win with the numbers he has right now and you saw the panic on the democratic side as who they rolled out today a crazed robert de niro out of the courthouse spewing nonsensical things as it's a serious case with serious implications not just for my father-in-law and for the people sitting there in the courtroom but for the future of america it's disgraceful we are at this place but there was 1 thing we kept looking at today in the courtroom rate about the judged own in downtown manhattan as in god we trust and at this
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point we have to trust in god and that the right thing happens in the case and to the right thing happens for the future of the country come november 5th as try as they might interfere in this election the american people are smarter than that and not letting that get by them. >> sean: amen last 30 seconds any read on the jury? >> i looked at the jury all day i have to believe there are some people on the jury who heard the same closing arguments i did that heard the evidence presented in the same way i did and they understand what's at stake you cannot convict someone when they haven't proven a crime the burden of proof was on prosecution they didn't meet the burden and i believe there is at least 1 if not more in the jury who will see it the same way. >> sean: the worst person in the courtroom was by far a prejudiced judge. thank you my final thoughts on
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this if you want to call it a trial, straight ahead. oh, why leaffilter? it's well designed, efficient, i appreciate that. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. what more could you ask for? call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit
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>> sean: i said from the beginning there's no way he could get a fair trial in new york no matter the outcome it's been a miscarriage of justice the bias from the biden donating judge has been on full display allowing stormy daniels to drone on with relevant any immaterial salacious testimony and chastising the defense witness robert castillo not even allowing an expert the testify on the law in the courtroom. michael cohen the prosecution starlet witness convicted lawyer know if even admitted he wants and convicted cells trump and jail merchandise hope of the others will see this for what it is political law fare let not your heart be troubled greg who got feld next see you tomorrow