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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 28, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> sean: i said from the beginning there's no way he could get a fair trial in new york no matter the outcome it's been a miscarriage of justice the bias from the biden donating judge has been on full display allowing stormy daniels to drone on with relevant any immaterial salacious testimony and chastising the defense witness robert castillo not even allowing an expert the testify on the law in the courtroom. michael cohen the prosecution starlet witness convicted lawyer know if even admitted he wants and convicted cells trump and jail merchandise hope of the others will see this for what it is political law fare let not your heart be troubled greg who got feld next see you tomorrow.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> ♪ ♪ >> greg: to be honest i respected more but okay happy tuesday yesterday was memorial day and they posted tweets confusing it with veterans day not as bad as when they thought labor day was a holiday for pregnant men she reminded us as if i was a good day to spend with the in-laws or who in her case are the same people as she married her brother. i'm not sure but she think she did. according to a new report democrats are freaking out about joe biden's chances not about
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the election but if he'll be alive. you discussed me. it larry clinton blaming women for her loss in 2016 she tends to do that responded 1 observer. former actor robert de niro got into a confrontation outside trumps trial calling at heckler idiot he later apologized thinking that was his agent a biological male 1 the women's championship at the meet his secret to winning was telling others he was a girl. at least he's honest. spoke at an event connected to who the u.s. regards as a foreign to were organizations
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they both agreed she should cover her face the average american spends hours a day looking at things they'd like to own 1 day i look at the same thing you have a problem with it angel hernandez the worst umpire in major league baseball has retired planning to spend his retirement with a beautiful voluptuous blonde. see he has bad eyesight that's the joke. you will laugh on the way home. finally today is national hamburger day to celebrate who
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you guess worked from home. i get it can democrat women leave men alone isn't that what men want to just to do our jobs get out of the way when we are no longer needed like a airport wheelchair or an iranian helicopter and on the view recently a collection of angry female democrats pounced on the guy like he was the last free sample at cosco. >> charlemagne it's not time to sit this out. why do you need us to status. >> is not we need you to say it but i think other folks need to hear. >> the reality is i think both candidates are trash but going to vote in november i will vote in my best interest to whoever anything can preserve democracy you'll get biden his basis pretty pest off at him. >> help them out.
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>> help them out by doing what? >> greg: the only way they could have applied more pressure is if they sat on him. now it's just a natural fact it science of all people they should know you catch more flies with funny because they eat flies. anyway it made me wonder if the viewer a bunch of guys which i'm not sure they aren't where they do the same thing what if they were a show called the garage where dudes interview guides about politics what would they do if 1 of them disagreed with they harangue him like he came home smelling of cheap perfume with stripper glitter stuck to his face no they wouldn't argue for hours are all night they'd wait until he fell asleep and put his hand in warm water that's because men just want to help then be left alone the new democratic party mix of karen
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simcox driven by too much estrogen across both genders won't left this let them those who bail in favor of trump get called stupid listen to her talking about the trump rally in the bronx. >> there are some latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and want to shut the door behind them and think it's being anti- immigrant will somehow make them passes more american. pass says whatever it's a very stupid attitude to have. >> greg: the only people she should call stupider those who think she still a republican her that her husband is straight. the fact is i don't know. i don't know. i'm just raising questions. the fact is the real reason for a shift in numbers from the democratic party to trump lacks
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hispanics and working-class whites is not spelled out by the media for good reason because it's men leading the exodus it's not racist gender and a race to the exits by men fleeing the democratic party like a bikini carwash full of 6 out of tends. >> i would probably stay. [ laughter ] >> greg: the fact isn't men don't feel welcome apparently committing the cardinal sin of wanting to be men that's only a sin if you are a biological male if you are a chick who wants a dick the view would hand you a jimmy dean pork sausage some superglue and shout you go girl. disgusting. to the woke there's nothing sexier than ballerina with a 5:00 shadow. look who's most of the trump investigations look at the liberal justices coddling them. i know they look like a
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barbershop or tête by -- from damascus and looking at joe biden if they have balls back in of masons during joel's shoot closet. what coos leading the campus protest the league of unhinged checks. >> we want liberation here. >> 333 palestine! >> greg: girls girls girls there's enough hamas for everybody. usually when i see that many screaming women is because kudlow's robe fell open but it might be the angry women shouting at people for not wearing masks during covid-19 empowered by misdirected anger in newly given authority now they fork over as much as 8
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grant for therapy which has them express rage by breaking things. why not just let them drive. meanwhile the women who had the support of all women now has turned on them once again. hillary blames 2016 on female voters because they expected her to be perfect. darling nobody expected you to be perfect, only honest, hard-working and innocent of murder. now this woman so she sometimes goes to her chambers and cries after a supreme court ruling doesn't go her way. also when brick cavanaugh says he just wants to be friends. bottom line is this the democratic party becomes female the republican party becomes more mail but you need men and women together to make things work. 2 house work better as a whole if it's only men you get war crime for a graffiti, dwarf tossing often in the same bar.
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it's only women you get terrible laws which excuse the insanity i just mentioned the put them together they make sweet sweet music musics we used to call civilization and women put on us whether if you are cold. let's welcome tonight's guests. if you are not excited by this guest then you aren't black. offer of get honest or dialoguing, charlemagne the god! she comes out shooting if you serve her gluten host of kennedy saves the world podcast, kennedy like ernest hemingway writes books and shouldn't be near a shotgun fox news contributor and besseling offer kat timpf and refers to the grand canyon as a just okay canyon comedian and
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former nwa world heavyweight champion tyrus charlemagne congratulations on the new book. >> thank you you must have amazing security. and not care about money or women viewers. >> women love me because i speak the truth of the thing is i only talk in small talk because i'm a very tiny person a barely break 5 feet. >> i'm 5'6 at least. >> greg: is it out now? get honest or die lying why smalltalk sucks. >> we spend too much time making micros macros especially in the area of social media receive 3 or 4 things trending what are they even talking about what happens as we make these micros
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macro that when it comes to the actual macro things we should be discussing we either don't or don't know how to. >> we can't tell the difference. >> every thing is on the same scale i get super angry about the stupidest thing something horrible happens and i'm like whatever because i'm an idiot this is for people who just want to have a bigger discussion about things and give people permission to say i don't want to have the small soccer and also we will sit by you know that small church at her talking about a bunch of nothing feel free to tell them we don't have to do this right now before i move on did you feel is unfair they expected you to commit publicly that infill was unfair things about the the that bothers me left doesn't know how
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to push their narrative 1 thing i get the right credit for they know how to push a narrative if the narrative is black people are leaving the democratic party or summers with black voters look like they are 22% which i think is a little overstated whatever soundbites they get the push that narrative they will face a joe biden is in understand there's an inspiring candidate with no main character and idea think fox will run that all day long. i happen to be 1 of the 1 and 4 doesn't like either candidate and also i'm a part of the exhausted majority is not about democrats or republicans i'm just sick of it all. >> you got that from my man in kennedy you are a woman or so
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you claim so make a push to babies out my who ha. >> and you identify as 1 aft ask now. >> i'll be honest depends who's paying me. sue-mac i like to go back to the book we don't have to make this conversation happen. >> what you make of the idea that it's mostly men leaving the party? >> it told you this before all of her guy friends are now conservatives they identify as conservatives made people mad by being conservatives which is why didn't surprise me places like my alma mater was disgusted by how they handled the protests which weren't protests but it was no surprise the people on the right side my view were paternity boys in the south because without enough of this they are exhausted of being told
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they are oppressors misogynists are that no matter what they do in a college campus there should be an action against him that there is not civil discourse between men and women. that men only take and it's just simply not true we've gotten to a point where men are really mad at women as you see from their dialect but women are really mad at men when given a choice if you'd already be a full force with there are man and most women said bear. >> they've never been in the dang forest they went nova. [ bleeps ] around with escrow. >> if you show a barrier boobs elite you. >> trick question the man and the bear were the same person. >> the bear won't eat her because she's a woman it'll eat her because she is angry. we sell to major problem here 1 being world hunger. joint account on the fact that
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hillary is now. [ bleeps ] on women again? >> she didn't do it like you did >> i live women some say too much. >> i have been leap levon by a lot of democratic women but also by conservative women some also part of the 1 in 4 and what i saw in the interview as well on a larger scale my book in september the comes out you're either for trump or biden for most people and what's worse is a year old for trump if you're not for trump that means you're against me as a human being i think that's an dangerous because her missing on these things where will talking about this and rating each other off people don't know we exist people you don't talk to betsy online and they somehow matter
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more to you than the actual people you see every day. tyrus as a man what advice do you give to women were literally destroying their own party? nothing at all when i see it i get quiet. i generate a book about it but anybody is been a household things get to the table if you're not in front of the football screen returning like you're washing some dishes will be in for a long day at the table the general argument for men as fax slick and my good you good cool. catch you later on that. 15 seconds tops as its foreman it's 45 minutes and it's like i don't know where i want to eat. no neebish it is a sad 1 that's why we don't get involved as guys we stay out and to your point there is no more talking and discussing. rowan echo chambers nobody's
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listening nobody's like a manager serta grade argument gonna vote democrat or i'm going to vote republican i don't like either candidate i'm going to go about independent or whatever you can't do that now because as soon as you say that you not with me or against me. i didn't like the freezing of words to him as though they're saying there's other people as an actor knowing sometimes how you vote or talk about your social issues that will affect you getting jobs so fill it was hypocritical brother people i mean you're demanding he comes out in support and that i have a problem with it rather sleep well night with my beliefs and kowtow come on the show saying to bend the knee and respectfully i don't bend the need to anybody that's for the problem's come from we are done talking. >> and they assumed i was in
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voting just because of the like that never happened. i agree with what kat said when she talked about we should discuss issues are a presidential election year or people don't feel either 1 of the candidates should we be talking about issues more than individuals because when you bring up either individual's name were done talking. if we bring up issues we can have a conversation. >> the problem is with issues you cannot if you actually agree on things if you talk about issues you find commonality that is deadly to a 2 party system. >> greg: we have to move on. up next's career went south but he can't shut his mouth our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars
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to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.
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with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro.
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>> a story and 5 words. >> greg: robert de niro babbles outside the trump trial. >> i love the city i don't want to destroy it, trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country and eventually the world i don't mean to scare you maybe i do is trump returns to the white house you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted. and elections, forget about it. as you want him saying he's dictator for life it's only way to preserve our freedoms and hold onto our humanity to vote for joe biden for president. you are gangsters. >> greg: that would be a complement to me tyrus if robert de niro called me a gangster.
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>> he is the expert in every theatrical film we have pretty much of that on lock. this goes back to my point was he speaking to see echo chamber and in the holding that even when bill martyr was on the argenta held onto his he's not going to relieve power as if this is in the unites states of america are military number 4, 2 , 3, 1 and 5. the same as to protect may be the same ones in handcuffs walking his ass out it's ridiculous i know maybe i was the only 1 there is already been president and lost and he was out all the stuff he had every right in my opinion to question things as i was look at it from my own perspective whenever he had a job or was someplace doing well but everyone around me saying i don't want him here always hearing things all the fixings they were doing and i
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lose the election just as a human being you're going to be like the system has been trying to kick me out the whole time this due to all the sudden got 180 million votes it's bs somebody who doesn't get promoted at work they don't just always have to be bitter it was susan in accounting and grate riding e-mails about me all thing to keep me down. payment like next be when i did it once but i wrote 1. [ bleeps ] e-mail appointed as he did thanks to any other person would do was in his situation didn't matter how he felt because my expense was like you have to go and that was it. >> a never seen that her president attempt a coup in this country. >> i saw president was just off and a game like my team loses he said bad things he made dumb statements but if he was making a coup we would have seen it. >> those statements round them
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up and causing the rush capital he said protest peacefully and it's a lousy coup if you don't of guns. >> he handle generate 6 about as bad as he could but if that's what we are holding on when we have groups busting into any government building demanding this and that they didn't have to hire a team from hollywood to tell a story truth comes out you don't need fancy camera angles this that whatever generate 6 was ugly it was stupid wasn't to that level that's what they are running on. happens sucked what about my eggs and gas prices kids getting in good schools. >> greg: you think robert de niro helped her her trump weird they he did a presser outside a court. >> i'm running out of takes on his takes the same thing he says honestly what sticks out to me about it is unhinged as it was in my opinion it was less
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unhinged than some other things we saw from our own governor of new york who goes after the voters and those who support trump and if fear is a very motivating thing for people as they know and for me whenever i hear somebody trying to make me afraid because i know what's occurring as it's a sad situation as not the most extreme part of there rather ricky keeps going after trump over and over again at a certain point in the getting the 5 he doesn't like the guy. something personal happen what's going on as you got your ear to the ground. >> when we were dancing cheek to cheek a few weeks ago and her favorite gin joints he confessed to me as he had a secret loafer
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donald trump. people don't want to let go of power people don't want to concede when they have lost it's incredibly painful especially when you make it to the summit. hillary clinton is evidenced said that couldn't let the land -- election go and she didn't even win. 1 piece of advice for joe biden win it was so close in the closing days of the 2020 election said whatever you do don't concede that that was her advice saying the worst thing i did was concede to donald trump she didn't have any power and she still can't let go of it imagine if she want but then lost her trump in 2020 she's the 1 who would be barricaded behind the resolute desk wrapped in kevlar and snotty tissues. she is the 1 incapable of letting go and they think the human ego is just like that. also he left he's gone he's not president right now but he wants
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to be again really, really badly >> greg: last word? >> i agree with robert de niro i'm 1 of the people who suffer from trumped arrangement syndrome i do think he's a threat to democracy i think he led an attempted coup of the country wanted to suspend the constitution to overthrow the results of an election at the least i don't think it's a patriotic and to say as he wanted to suspend the constitution he said that over there is also an election set a untrue social then said he didn't say it. i read project 251 of those guys who i don't know if you would necessarily they hope he does. >> i think this happens more with our presidents because now we can see everything be transparent because he is on tv every day 1 tibet and i'm not justifying the bad behavior january 61 to bed every president when he got the note when he was out they were
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calling everybody can be fixed this are we sure given the fact that biden's biggest claim to fame was he got to be barack obama's vice president i voted for obama twice and ill be the third time i voted for trump was the greatness of obama that helped him over others no obama it's all biden it's been embarrassing so people are saying are we going to get back to up for sport was getting her taxes right or wandering full is letting the worst part of the democratic party get stuff passed him. >> neither we deserve better, the american people deserve better. >> greg: i'm not running the r8 we have to move on. >> there would be no women in your cabinet. >> i will have you know i have lots of women in my cabinet. well
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>> ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> greg: democrats get bludgeoned by a liberal curmudgeon. as he dressed doctors fellow democrats in her video the day roll it at agatha. >> we keep wondering why these young people aren't coming home to the democrats. because democratic messaging is full of. [ bleeps ] that's why. we talk about the cost of living and how to deal with this. don't talk about recovering student loans. >> that nice liberal old lady is making some since. such a gentle lesbian.
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>> like a gollum with boobies. >> greg: why are they listening to him? >> why? because he's bashing their message that's all they got the messaging they're running on now it falls on deaf ears when people can't afford things yet them go on cnn and say inflation was 9% when i took office. it's negative authority and now and in none of that is true he's supposed to be an empathetic person not coming off as empathetic at all and you don't get any play as a democrat when you sit around saying joe biden is great nobody is going to clip that and show it to the world that you are 1 of the few democrats that say the messaging is working and it's not going to lose then people pay attention and not the people who can actually affect the messaging they still have it up the keister they put all their eggs
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on the trial in that basket as they have a reverse effect as if he gets found guilty the numbers going up. >> you are absolutely right and they said over and over they been telling america how bad donald trump is and not enough time saying they feel what president biden has done right. what if they done where is the vice president being you would know if you didn't spend your time on msnbc and cnn and social media feeds pumping out trump trump trump trump. that's not an effective strategy if you ask me. >> greg: kat what's the solution for the democrats when you're frustrated. he's married to a republican maybe that's why you sensible. >> greg: part of the problem with social media what are the
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most extreme voices get the most attention and looking at it a lot popular left-wing account on social media of the average american aliens leftist it kinda works in both ways with the democrats they eat their own alive there's 1 issue where they are offered not speaking about the right way that can make that person then that person ashamed and they shouldn't listen to that anymore we are role in this reading news issues as part of our daily lives as people look around them and maybe issues important to them they don't your people talking about it at all. >> is like a therapist to the democrats democrats are like a patient and he's tired of the constant whining without actually doing the work therapist will tell you to do is a graham father trying to smart
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new i was getting trouble for client publicans on their. [ bleeps ] and it speaking and changing 1 thing democrats do will they know how to play with the lead republicans can't get a lead build be up 25 and then be down 2 we can't play with a lead we do dump. [ bleeps ] like let's have a red wave that we go after roe v. wade you couldn't have waited we don't play well with leads so we need to have more that on this side where policing your own is always better because i'm talking trash about republicans were paying attention but the problem is is that he is a democrat i can sit down and debate because the democrat unit for stuff is different because my voting is based off my tax bracket so that goes downhill i will be a democrat but i'm trying to go up.
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the point is when he speaks to that he's speaking to the older part of the democratic party the progressives are different the only guy they were willing to listen to his bernie sanders but he became obsolete so the running that he's the greatest progressive president of all time because he doesn't know a what the. [ bleeps ] he saying because old joe is mr free strikes were some law and order to basically any republican in unearthing the bothers me is sent to a harrises got no opportunities should be the time she should speak on every tv show that i'm ready to go and next but they are like we don't need to take risks because we have 81 million last will republicans had 72 out worked out so they think they can keep the lead adjusting remember how bad he is. >> i don't think they have a lead. >> oling you mean people don't answer the phones any more when i see pulling it sounds good but
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until the day of the vote is people stay stuff until they are ballooned of 8 face you don't vote by yourself drunken say the wildest. [ bleeps ] 's got those criminal charges shouldn't seem like it's close effect we don't know going to happen in november the biden harris ticket is that a winnable ticket think it's a fair question to ask her leave a team >> greg: upcoming up a corporate rap that sounded like crap
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weathertech knows that trucks like yours can take a beating.
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are you sure? bring it on! but with weathertech's heavy—duty impactliner you can safeguard the bed while throwing almost anything at it. the underside features an innovative solution. shock absorbing rings disperse the impact of hauling, dropping, or dragging your cargo. wow, no damage! protect your truck from costly dents and scrapes with the rugged impactliner from weathertech. for even more protection add these premium american made products. order today at >> it coming to a television near you time for orange theatre >> greg: a company from down under delivers a rap blunder. now australian tech company held an event in la to celebrate the launch of new products with a rap song roll that. singh makes got the globe we
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redesign everything from the floor up customize your work space and make your own now you making magic up in the zone ♪ ♪ what about me cao from enterprise seen some doubts. security and i'd like to have some certainty. you got some shiny things we can you meet the demands of a global machine get pretty high stakes we need more than a cute little post to share. >> in answer but permission safe and secure if that's what you're wishing. now we around the rise let's go! >> greg: what did you make of that? >> i didn't give to. [ bleeps ] about that after the first 2 bars it seemed like somebody they would do a presidential campaign. >> the problem is that everybody thinks they can wrap like oh this segment we should wrap and
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then we do it and it's terrible. >> it reminds me of a performance who put on for my parents to convince us to have a sleepover she goes to performances for sleepovers. >> yeah, but also i think they probably had tryouts for this rate because i want to say congrats to whoever didn't get in because now you don't need to have your faith here is no coming back from that he did make the squad what. >> oversee they know it's going to get out nothing ever doesn't get out in from australia. >> is why lip sinkers always when they stay in their zone they goeth what sounds good and moves her mouth they're pretty proud of this they put this together come on greg stepping negative every time a special needs group comes out and wants to do something everybody wants
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to make fun of them you know how much courage to go out there when you know you have no talent you can color coordinate anything i didn't say was good but at least i saw them in the hallway at be like you are so. [ bleeps ] brave because i wouldn't go out there you want me to sing opera i can't sing opera. >> tyrus were giving up precipitation trophies what are you a democratically. >> in this situation when it comes to bed entertainment i love it i follow nothing but that on social media i watch battle movies and rap battles. >> you know about jojo great. >> she complete we change straight no i don't. >> greg: is it really that bad we seen worse. >> looking at it from the employees as the ceo there is no bonuses as still growing there
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and they spend $150,000 on this garbage when the employers unlike that's where my bonus went. >> why doesn't somebody cell that? >> next to the slap your clam shirt taking a break come up in a second we have another segment . serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior, infections and lowered ability to fight them, liver problems, and inflammatory bowel disease, have occurred. tell your doctor if these happen or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. (♪) start to get yourself back, with bimzelx. ask your dermatologist about bimzelx today.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> announcer: five more words. >> gary: science say will some damage more than 600 ships from 2020 since they were bored. >> read my new book and it's for people who are tired of lying to themselves and i read the audiobook and do my own stunts. >> gary: encase the wheels cannot read, they can listen to your audio and if you're in whale watching, just bring the book out. you are very pro whale. >> i'm a big dude.
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they are not bored but they want revenge. specific killer whale family knocking over these boats and they ran over one of their own whales no more boats so banging on boats because the fishermen were hooking and shooting at them as a game on and we will saying your boat so they are not bored. >> gary: are you proud of me for not making one view joke? >> the shows not over. don't answer that. >> gary: thoughts, prayers. >> will both. i relate to the whales. when i'm bored, it is not good. my husband says you're like a border collie of working dog. collies if they don't have work on the farm they tear up [bleep] in the house and the whales
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should have activities. >> gary: whales have hobbies. >> the do an interesting behavior we see there hobbies are trying to bug boats. the nomad and trying to destroy them but try to find the special spot for the penises to infiltrate the boat network. >> gary: whales are trying to have anal sex with boats? while you said anal sex. the therapist who see me, they get therapist. it's an endless cycle.
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>> trace: we are out of time. studio audience and "fox news @ night" is next and i love you america. >> trace: good evening i am trace gallagher and 11:00 pm o


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