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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 28, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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get anywhere else. order now at shop for a holiday delivery omt. >> i'll go first tonight on my show. charlamagne tha god kennedy cat tip tyra's 10 p.m.. >> check it out. also the gutfeld tour. we're right. we're almost sold out at red bank, new jersey, june nine with special guest joe machi. then august 10th in fort lauderdale, august 11th wonder and go to ticket info at gutfeld .com jesse oc yorba linda nixon library over the weekend speaking and signing some books. it was very, very fun. tonight jesse watters primetime at 8:00 elina haba kayleigh mcenany. >> michael shellenberger and johnny. all right. tonight i am hosting the ingraham angle because laura is in an airport. >> get me. i did. >> welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonight. j
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donald trump wants to destroy watty but the destr country. and eventually he could destroy the worl thed. >> closing arguments in the trial of the centuryng argum. >> you are a gangster. why don't you? why? these young people aren't coming home to the democrats? because democratic messaging is ful democral. mocrat >> and talk about cost of living. the biden campaigns is blowing it. >> stop it. stop it. >> the il number s are not good. >> you know, the effects of climate change are alreadyane upon us in terms of our transportation indications that turbulencupon us e is up bt 15%. turbhey're blaming turbulencioe on global warming. >> i'm down hereobal war. plus, who did america fight in the revolutionary war? africa.
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>> fox news alert. closing arguments just wrapping. up in president trump's trial. >> and if he comes out and talkins to the cameras, t we'll bring those comments to you. there's an oldalto cliche in criminal psychology. the criminal alway s returns to the scene of the crime. and after telling us repeatedluy they had nothing to do with prosecuting their rival, the bider telln campaign this mg returned to an active crime scene. ting camthe subzero manhattann courthouse where democrats have been pinninthog trump down with a political ankle monitor. >> the criminal broughtm with him his coconspirators. >> old men in black paunchy bobby de niro wearing a mask, still trying to slow the spread of populis tm and the two capitl police. so officers who played starring roles in the january 6ths hearing nab book deals, cninn gigs and even ran for congress. >> usually when criminals r return to a crime scene, they do it for the sick thrill
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. but the biden campaign just came to confesidens. . >> we're not here today because of what's going on over there. we're here today because you all are here. we're here primarily because hee of the threat that donald trump poses to the united state buy s of america and tos to our democracy. the contrast here pretty much writeshef itself as we speak. donald trump somewhere fighting for himself, maybe taking power a power nap. >> that's the biden campaign spokesman admittin ng the trial is about the democrats stopping trump after a year of insisting that biden had nothing to do with prosecuting trump. ter the biden campaign holds a press conference at the steps of the courthouse where trump'us being prosecuted. >> why? becausnferencet the they say tho where the press was to get the . y ta out >> what are they talking about? the press stands outside the oval office every day. they follow biden on air forceya one wherever he goes. >> he had to go looking fod foli them in lower manhattan, where it just so happens trump's on trialm manhatta.
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you can't campaign outside of a courthouse that your parties prosecutmpaigne, hitting your opponent in the most powerful man in the world, said an actor who plays a mob boss to intimidate the jury j before deliberations. >> watch the twiyn towers fell just over here. just over there. this part of the citey was like a ghost town. but we vowed we would not allowt terrorists to change our way of life. donaldo change trump wants to dy not only the but the country. nt >> and eventually he could destroy the world. unde or trump, this kinds kind of government will perish from the earth. ea i don't mean to scare you.rth. no, no, wait. maybe i do mean to scare you. if he gets in, i can tell you right now he will never leave. >> he will never leave. biden made an actor read ar script in lower manhattan saying his opponenad a st is woe than 911. and then the actor slipped and went off scrip thetng t
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and admitted he's trying to scare you. >> in politics, you can't admit you're trying to scare voters. it's not the movies, but watch p what happens when there is no script. >> what's your responseur to republicans who say you're running on january six because you can't run on biden'so republin record?rd i'd say that's absolutely absurd. president trump, a threat to your life has got ann immediate question as to whether any media questions a friend. >> that's what happens when team biden can't pre-selectt questions from toadies. gopreselt even more embarrassinn a carjacker set off an alarm. the kind f an a of crime brag doesn'tdoes prosecute. and it drowned out de niro not. >> these guys are the true heroes. they stood and put their lives on the lin fofor the law, lives for trump. they lied under oath. they lied under oath.
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who lied under oath? no matter what you're telling me , those two traitors. excuse me? those to try to find. they lied under oath. what do you say, traitor? they're. they're traitors. you got. i don't know. i don't even know how to deal with you, my friend. i don't even know how to deal with you. >> de niro thought it was just.e going to be like one of thosere movie red carpet premieres where everybody kissesd carpere. >> but at the slightest challenge, the man couldn't keep his emotions in check. >> you do. you. you are gangsters. you want gangsters. >> you're white. no, you're thirsty. you're nobody. dry your trash. you're done. you're done. >> everything is. my god. look, i'm okay. >> the movie new yorkers see it for what it is a political prosecution.
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it's what the trump team have been saying all along. >> but the fact that they are holdinatg a rally across the sea from this very witch hunt right across the street telltrees us exactly what wel kw all knew all along, that it is aalong th political persecut. >> the biden folks have finally done it after months of saying the politics had nothing to do with this trial. they showed up and made o macampaign event out of uta lower manhattanhn trial date for president trump and the best that bidend th can do is roll ol a washed up actor, the rock, patrick mahomes, cardi b, lotso of celebrities who endorsed biden last time, refusing to run ienbiden thist back. so they recycled punchy bobby behind the scenes, politico reports that biden is hoping to seize on the trump verdict by making an address to the nation from the whit ae house ad on the campaign trail
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will begin calling trump an. convicted felon. it's almost like they know the outcome. biden's political strategy is identicalpolitica to bragg'sl strategy. both men campaigned on stoppinlg trump, and both are now doing it in court. insidet the courthouse and outside. >> and they're both using the same actore both sames, pors and despicable lawyers. >> fox news legal editor harry urban is here. >> so you weren't in ther wa courthouse. >> you were outside where the action was. >> do you as a witness to that, think that they pulled it off? >> so here's what it was we were sitting there. the energy was, i think, higher than it normally is. you know, we're sitting in the media bullpenorossn. we're looking across the street at all of these trump supporters. strethey're in a good they start blasting music. the police tell them to stop. but, you know, generally happy,o upbeat. >> and then suddenly we get ad notificationgenera. and in our email, the biden campaign is we're going to have a press conference. but too, there's a specialh th
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guest. right. so now we're thinking, oh, who's the speciae l guest? i thought maybe e. jean carroll, michael cohen. you know, it's been a conventionught of characters down there. >> and then robert de niro, punchy bobby walked ontot de the sidewalk. and i'll tell you what,tarted he started off on a pretty o let's say, frustrating noteto to the trump supporters across the street because he immediately turne trumd to all of the people who had been supporting trump and are just happily going alonl thg and sayc they're crazy, this support's crazy. trump should stop them froy arm doing this, should stopp people from supporting him, okay? >> and so they all ting him. flock to the podium and then everything you saw after that is what is what happens. >> so we had some let's go brandon chants in there saw right? >> you had a car alarm, you had some questions, which i don' n therth think the biden spokesperson was ready for. it doesn't loo k like they'dthey planned this very well to send robert de niro. i don' t know how old he is,n't kn but he's a hot mess. he has trump derangementowld syndrome into the belly of the beast. why do you thinkd
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the biden campaign thought that was a good idea after spending t the the whole year distancing themselves politically from the trial? >> becauseid they were desperat? because biden had a bad news cycle in the last few daysse thi so bad headline from politico saying that democrats are in . ll freakout modene so what i was thinking, if i'm a comms person on that campaign team, what you wanton to do is figure out what is the shiny object we can dangle over here that everyonoe will ge running to towards. and i mean, think about it. you and i are talking about this gl right? >> dangling zero ideas. but here's the thing. i think it ended up backfiringk because he's calling people crazy ended as he's comis as unhinged. and then they all flocked co the com back of his press conference because now they're very angry that he called them crazy at the very beginninther verym --g. and they're screaming the entire time, which completely defeated the purpose of what he was doing. so big day tomorrow we will get jury instructions, you believe. >> and then any day now. >> yeah. so the judge said that jury instructions would take about an hour and then it dependn -- jur s on how long the juryhe decides to deliberate.
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now, if i'm the jury, though, art, i want to be done with this. the fact that the prosecution drag this out unti osecutiol 8:00t tonight, they've got to be thinking, get me out of here, because they've had how long off they've had six days plus a memorial day: they'v. y ar >> right. so they're a little woozy like some of us. and also, it's beean hanging over their head. they probably want to get back to their normal lives at this point instead of listening foro geback the hur time. >> what michael cohen liedr the about three years ago. so you're predicting, carrie urban, we could get a verdict tomorrow. >> i, i would like to think we are. i don't know that that's going to happen. it depends on how long it takes. so thursday, >> jesse: th right?? >> we'll see. we'll see. all right. we'll see. thank you so much, carrie. thanu sok you. >> so closing arguments are done and we still don'tw wht know what the crime of the trial of the century is. >> even cnn says brag fell short. >> you think after listening to all of this, you think they fell short? how? they fell way short because let's start with reasonablet al doubt. there is reasonable doubt
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all over this caseas. where is keith schiller? where is allen weisselberg ? and how did michael cohen get away t with stealing $30,000? hold a pity party for him. made $4 million on this. thought he'd be chief of staff. he's a fixer. stormy daniels. let's hold a pity party for her. it's afterstd he's let everywhe >> trump legal spokesperson lina haber joins me now. lena, so you were there closing arguments. todd blanche trump's defense counsel went first and gets the prosecution. what did 5 hours, right? that's what you have to do when you haven't proven your caseo wn in trial. you plan, but you have this great big brea yve not pk and tn you come up and you say, oh, guess what? i get to go do an argumentd sag and in my entire argument, guess what? everybody, they don't get to rebut anything i say.ur so they took 4 hours to tell their story. i actually had to leave. >> i couldn't believe it. and it was insane. it i made a bathroom break. >> very, very long closure.what
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yeah, but what was w the point?? did they have a crime at the end of this? no have , no. still, they haven't named the crime. they could not give us any evidence. u it was a lot of noise. and that's what we keep seeing. jesse, there was not one bit of evidence that showed that donald trump had an intent to commit any crime.p -- and i'm still, as i sit here had as an attorney tryingas to understand how they could have possibly brought this at thirneys point, wasted this b taxpayer dollars past the statute of limitations, and thenros and had the audaci to make a jury sit there until 8:00 with a bunc h of nonsense and shiny, as she just said, because that's all they've got. >> they've got no facts. so we're hearing from inside the court, and you can confirm this every time defense raising . >> objection. overruled. overruled. judge overrules every objections from the defense and sustains every objection from the prosecution. >> yeah, i can't relate to that at all. prosion.e. evablever i mean, you've seen it and the way that the visceral reaction that thians judge had when we hd our one witness come up and he threw the press ouhat, that kind
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of anger, that kind of tds, frankly, we saw it with de niro today. today but that is what we're challenged with. we're dealing with people that aret w either going to believe a story. it was like sitting in make believe land with the prosecutio peopleve n today or l you're going to listen to the facts. >> and the facts took us a linan hour and a half to break down. there were none. and you've got a person that is a complete liar that you're relying on. it was pretty simple for us. it took them a very long tim e to try and bob weave and make up stories. >> you were there in the courtrooe anm for almost everyco single day. you laid your eyes on the jury. g to startinm for al deliberating tomorrow. i know we don't like to make predictionnd s about this. you saw them absorb the closure this evening. >> are we going to get a result? wednesday, thursday, friday. >> what are you feeling? i don't feel like first of all, we can call it a closure whe't n it was 5 hours, it wasr fi more like a long movie that wouldn't end. but righoursutt now, i think that honestly, if they do the right thing and considering that we're in new york, i think we should get a hung jury. but likeider in any hung jury,
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the judge is going to give them an allen charge. he's going to tell you to go back, restudy a everything. you're the jury. they can do this. so d three days max. i mean, i'd hope so. it to me should be an acquittal. but i'm not a new york liberal. >> right? right. thank god you're not.e by t >> all right. well, maybe by the end of the week, we could get some sorthedt of verdict. thank you so much, harbor. than k you all. >> the brag trial isn't: br the only one. biden's tamperinakg with. >> after shopping for shirts at joseph bank for a reason wedo can't figure out since the president of the united states has a personalr rn shopper and tailor who suits him at the white house,d ta he ditchedyl the traveling pres pool and paid a surprise visit to the star witness of his son's gun trial. biden disappeared without warning and left the media waitinn trial.g in the dark in a parking garage while he paid halen y biden a house call. haley biden, his son beau's widow, had a drug fueled affair with his other son, hunter haley tossed hunter's illegal
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gun in the trash by the school that hunter blamed on mexicans. scrand she'll be the sta witness in hunter's felony gun trial in delaware next month, where the prosecution will ask her to corroborate hunter'l wes drug use while purchasing the pistol. the prosecution plans to enterps into evidence videos of hunter doing drugecs and incriminating and embarrassing text messages between hunterdoin and haley. joe biden shouldn't be anywhere near haley biden on the even of his son's trial just the appearance of being alone in the room with the prosecution' ance os star witness. b a week before jury selectionwit could be seen as witness tampering. what do you think, joe biden was telling the witness? and why didn't haley, who'sy technically still his daughter didnm at hisvisit hi house? >> ditching the press and sneaking into her houseer dr after dark one on one, the moste powerful man in the world.
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that's a problem. but this a bute white house hasr story. >> why did president bidene have a private meeting with a witness who plans to testify in courtvate the against his so? president biden was at her house this week. >> i think the american people should also be told the fullk. breadth of this.eadt he visited her a days before the anniversary of the passingng of his son. and she is family. sh n and e was married, obviously, to his late son. >> and i think that is something also to mention, as you're asking your question to me. >> stion ao they did not talkdi about her testimony. >> this was not about thatno. but we couldn't find any evidence of biden ever visiting haley at her home. and we've never seen haley at the whiteof house, not at the july 4th barbecues, not at the easter egg rollse.. >> never. and how does binder know they didn't talk about her never testimony. she wasn't there. and that's the point. she one was. it's like when bill clinton l talkedik to lynch aloneo he
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on the tarmac while she was investigating hillary's emails.e i'm sure biden just talked about their grandkids to former white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany joins me now.he so, kelly, on the heels of biden sending his campaign to the steps of the courthouse, prre his parties prosecuting his rival? >> he's going over and talkingun along hie in the dark to the stt witness of his son's felony gun trial. he thinks he can get aways he with that. >> hey, jesse. yeah, the optics are verthat?y . peter doocy. spot on to ask the question. ti think you. in this case, yes, it is. three days before the passingor of his son, beau biden, the ninth anniversary. so, you knowe, i understand that i will give them the benefit of the doubt on that. but i think you makethe bene interesting point, jesse, really poor optics visiting the star witness.s you send your campaign to youran rival's trial afteyou ser. apparently, according to politico, joe biden sent down an edict and he said white
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house campaign, stay away from the trump trial and then sen ala a sudden it happens. and jesse, i go back to a "new york times" the article frm april of last year with katie rogers in the "new york times" timle. she literally wrote in the pages of the "new york times" that joe biden waywrote in pagess those u according to two people familiar that hnde to see donald trump prosecuted for january sixth and he was tired of merrick garland, his attorney general, actingd te like a ponderous judge and wanted him to take decisive action. e so this notion that joe biden has nothing to do with doj, he's farhi away.thingo never mind my top three doj guys prosecuting the state leve tl case. there's a lot more to this story. and if reporters duga lo dug de, what would we find? >> well, they need to dig becausreporte the cia, according to the whistleblowers, d prosecutorsial to back off interviewing the sugatold pror brother. he's untouchable, said the cia. now, why is the sugar brother, the hunter untouchable?
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is he an asset? where the money come from that he was giving to hunter for the last couple of years? is that money considered a campaign contribution? but -- but but , kelly, go back for a second. if you're the president of the united states, you know your son'sa i on trial. the >> jury selection begins next week. how about a phon states ie cally to c to hailey to commemorate, you know, your to commemorate beau? >> just so you don't look like m you're tamperingu don'. instead, he goes to her house,hs ditches the press, that is that takes you some. >> you know what? >> yeah, it's. it's poor, poor decision making. very bad optics. while your rivals on trial ia as you deploy your campaign to the scene. i think, you know, the trump campaign should do the reverse. send the trump campaign to theao reve biden trial, show thel sh american people the disparity there. >> dowhe do you think there areg to be reporters teaming around the hunter biden trial? of course, there won't be. send the trump campaign. let's show the american people. there's another personr pers you should be looking at,
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another person who needs to be asked questionon shoul s. >> all right. i think jason miller just booked his flights to delaware for nextjaso. m >> side. so much. not a bad idea.h an thanks, jesse.happy me happy memorial day. who did america fight in the revolutionary war? all right. you might have gotten me there . . this program is brought to youe. by sensodyne. a number one dentist recommended brand for sensitived teeth. es t >> everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. teeth. they waneeth smile. new sensodyne clinical away, new sensodyne clinical away, providesoduct. teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. protection. y, grab i think it's a great pr. >> it's going to help a lotust of patienthus. >> hey, grab more delectable. >> hey, grab more delectable. you know that likable cat treat d likable. delectable? yes. ♪ delusly dck-abl. >> hmm. must be delicious. delectable. likable. >> deliciously delectable.
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exceptionally stink free and smell as good as humanly possible. the election is five months off and over the weekend, biden ditched the press in a dark delaware parking lot and appeared to fall asleepn evn during an event on memorial day. >> resting his eyes fol dar a a prolonged period of time. >> i'm sure he was just meditating. >> today, biden stormeds back onto the campaign trailjuso kidding.
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he had no events oven rthe we weeken >> trump was at a race in north carolina in new usa. >> if you're a man of the people and if you're a man, you can't hide from those who disagree. trump showed up to the libertarian convention in d.c.ut to but the welcome wasn't welck. as the tre i'm committing to you tonight that i will put a libertarian in my cabinet and also libertarians in senior posts. maybe you don't want to win.t wt keep getting your 3% every four years. >> you risk disagreements when you leave your bubble. but that's what campaigning for
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president is l about.t as >> you want to be president for all americans and you're willing to listeton to everyoneh it's a reason why trump's beating biden. tthe latest national poll has t trump up two, and the democrats ded. etting the be >> this from politico. dems in full blown freakout over biden. why the economy stupid. >> biden's favorability hasn't budgedt since the state of the union because he won't own the pain. his policiesce caused. >> the rage in cajun says democrats have lost the plot. >> we keep wondering why these young people aren't coming home to the democrats, which are why blacks are not coming home to the democrats because democratic messaging is foolish. >> that's why. a and talk about cost of and we're going to help deal with this and don't talk about garcia and student loansa
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. >> carville is just saying out loud what other democrats are whispering behind closed >> jesse. the wall street journal says democrats are frustrated that joe biden, the empathize or in chief is complete, unable to empathize. quote, president biden is facing calls from anxiousem democrats to express more empathy over inflatiod facd and prices as voters continue to reject the president's positives rhetoric on the economy. >> biden has heard from democratic members of congress who have urged him to express more compassiodemocratn on the . this is how josh bozek dynamic compassion these days lying and telling you to pay up. >> no president has had the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation was 9% when i came to office. but there's real pain. i mean, grocery prices are up 30%, more than 30% since the beginning of the pandemic. and peoplethe begi are spendingo food and groceries than they have at any time, really, a
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in the past 30 years. i mean, that's a real day to day pain that peoplday-toe ko deal. it really is. real.'s but the fact is that if you take a look at what the mean people have, they have no money to spend. >> joe biden was never never a talented politician. his whole career has been simple mindednes as, out of touch. he was told he has compassion. i've never seen it. i think the media manufactured it. and as you know what the media t and asgiveth, the media taket. maybe that's why more than half of likely democrat voters say they want a presidential switcheroo by the convention. value tainment founder patrick bendavid joins foun >> the old switcheroo, you feeling that theory? you know, first of all, happy memorial day to all the the servicemen around the country. but i want to tell you this. listen, in business and in life, itn arounde countr comes r
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things. whoever out works out improves out, strategized is in outlast wins. let's take a look at this. betweeand l straten biden and tt trump out working, he getset one day a week to campaign wednesdays. his opponent hasy seven days, right? one on seven. just like a quarterback attem that gets 70 attempts. joe biden,pt a quarterback only gets ten attempts. the guy with thrown ten attempts gets ten touchdowns. the other guy cannot get a0 atts single touchdown. so we got out works out o improving because if you noticei 2020, president trump seemed a little bit upset. his campaign was seemed it's n. it's not fair. it's not fair. 2024 it's optimism, unification, greatest country in the world. we've got to mak 2024e a comeback. mak messaging has improved, uplifting. you want to be around the gue y he seems optimistic, even though they're doing all this stuff to him. seemmistic eg out, improveong. out, strategize. this guy's got the audacity to go to new york in aoc's county campaign to shake handse0 with people five, ten, 15, show 25,000 people show up,upl you're wanting to tell me you have the audacity to come
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to my city, new york, even though havcome the campaign manr biden today that showed up, i don't know if you saw him or nothat shot. very famous campaign manager vito corleone showed up today and he had to analyze this to see if he can kind of change it up. a.k.a robert denire o. and last but not least, outlast. it's his biggest strength. good luck outlasting him when it comes to campaigning. there is no watlastingy presiden can do that. >> you're right. he's out hustling. i'm in all four of thosese: ou factors. but joe's got the establishment. he's gott hust but the cia tellg the prosecutors to back off his son, sugar brother. he's got alvin bragg doing his dirty work. he's got jack smith, he's got letitia james and fannie and the crew down in atlanta. and he's got the media who joeto can't do anything wrong can lie. >> and they say, it's fine, you can fall wron asleep at ad he memorial day event. and they say, oh, no, that's atfake news. is that going to be enough to help him go across t the finish line again? >> i think he's going to need hs manipulation and gamesmanshi gp
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and trying to find a different way to win, because when you look at the polls right noes . couple embarrassing polls for biden. rightw,new york in 2020, you w3 points, 61 to 38.ght no ninet now, new york is only got a nine point lead. this a cnn poll, by the way, you look at blacks votingthey in 2020, they won 22%, a 9% i is what trump had with the black vote , some 91% pretty much went to the other side. ans got 22% now and climbing. he's winning the business owners. he's winning the workers. he's winning the black vote. he's winning the young vote.le o he's winning the people in the middle. libertarian vote. you go to their convention, it starts off booing. you don't give up and it ends, with cheering. i mean, this is how you go into these types of momentsof to belg able to win. he's doing it. the only thing i the only thing i always say, stay paranoid. you want him to run. you want biden to be the candidate. you don't want him to bring anybody else but only the paranoid survive. they're not going to lose this this easily. >> only the paranoid survive.
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i haven't heard that one. but that's a good and i'll have to write that down surv, biden's only up nine in new york. and guess who just qualified to get on the ballot? rfk jr here in newfi yored tk, it's going to play a major factor. pat, pat, david, thanks as always, for. joining jesse watters primetime, more primetime ahead. >> happy memories just come easier on the water. our founder, johnny morris, our founder, johnny morris, and his dad knew this firsthand. >> they created a boat was more affordable tracke proudl the world's number one best selling, fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury, proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers for as little as $5 a day. and make lifelong memories of your own basseven pro shops ) voted america's best outdoor retailer save even more and support conservation when you join the club.
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it's such a scam. >> even the legacy media is on to it. the federa to itl highway administration says only seven or eight charging stations have beeederal h n produced for the seven and a half billion investment that taxpayers made back in 2021. >> why isn't that happening more quickly? so why i the goal is to have haf a million chargers up by the end of this decade. >> now >> goa, in order to do a charger, it's more than just plunking a small device intoe the ground. there's utility work. and this is also reallgrounds to category of federal investment. but we've been working with eacvestmenth of the 50 sta. every one of them is getting formula dollars to do this wor0k . engaging in the first handful again by 2030, 500,000 chargers and the very first handfulirst of chargers are now already being physically built. >>handfu charg if global warminf imminent threat, wouldn't we be mass producing chargingound t stations around the clock? >> at this rathee, it'll take them a hundred years to meet biden's goals goal of 500,000 p.
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100 years. last year in new york, the mayor celebrated when they opened one charging station. we sent jonny and it turned out it wasn't even open yet. >> today we sent o a producere a back to the garage for a welfare check. ge aelfaretwo chargers out of or and most of the others weren't even being use mosd. >> we asked people in the neighborhood if they're excited about theid we r new charging station. >> do you drive in an electric car? i do not know. what's stopping you from buyingo one of probably not having the need for a carpp. i don't have a car right now here, because the parking problem, the charge parkine timt and going on road trips makes it a little bit more difficultin . it's going to add a lot more time to my trip if i have to but a lot ie in line for 2 hs to just charge my car for an hour, car for an hour to just sm get somewhere. the city in general has enough carsew. general and you know abe charging station. i live not too far from here. i have no ideat to why. >> the charging station. he's not alone. itno one that we spoke to had ay stat that this little charging
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station even existed. >> evs are expensive. >> i saw a ton of them in california over the weekend, but there's not many on the road in the rest of the country. it's hard to believe theset ofo people when they blame everything on global warming. th my gradation, racism, disease. it's all the climate's fault. this week, they added turnbull lence to the list the effects of climate change are already>>e upon us in terms of our transportation. we've seene change that in the w of everything from heat waves that shouldn't statist actually even be possible, threatening to melt the cables poss systems in the pacific northwest to hurricane seasons becomingnorthwes more ad more extreme and indications that turbulence is up by about 15%. >> michael shellenberger is a m substack columnist. michael, have you seen any evidenceic andseen linking globg to turbulence?
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>> it's good to be with you, jesse. i mean, there' bwith yous a thes a single study that everybody is now citin stug. the media are all now writing stories about, i think because pete, better judgmeng tha wrt o. but there was a revision to that study. there's none. sion tit's not statistically significant. it was a model. and i think the bigger pointstan is that, like first of all, the one guy who they said died from turbulence, he had a hear te attack. so we can't really attribute it. i only hit his head when i first heard about it. >> and there's been no otherurbc deaths since 2009 from turbulence. >> so, i mean, this is junk sciencse. i mean, you know, it's just absurd. the idea that turbulence is this major threat to humancei life is just shows how crazye da the debate has become. >> michael, what about the fact that now the mainstream meditea is giving pete a little jazz about these lives? i meanting him a, 7 billion andy have eight, mike eight. why isn't it like operation warp speed if we're all going t to die in ten years, get these things plug in and go in ? >> well, yeah, that and of it,is funny part
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of course, is that yeah, now they're going to do a 100,000 pe a r year between 2025 and 2030. i mean, that was the implication of that. definitely that's not going to happen. you know, we didn't subsidiztera our ways to having our way to having an electric grid or to having ga s stations. that was not something that the government did. that was something that was done by th was e private sector.e >> there is some amount of investment in r&d that ian support, but this idea that somehow the government should be responsible for building develop a half a million respo refueling stations or electric rechargingld stations i think is obviously an overreach. and we need we cannot have asenb more sensible energy policy. >> i think in a couple of years we're going to walk aroundlecy and look at these ev charging stations like we look at like arouhey. toda >> i tell my son i'm like, that's a payphone. th a payphd to put a quarter in there and we just stop building them. mike shellenbergerqu, thanks g as always. >> go check out his substack always a goot d read. johnny hits the beach. >> who did america fight in world war two?
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>> memorial day was monday, where we honor those who lost counr lives serving our country . >> but it seems like squadbue members omar and bush don't know what the holiday means. >> looks like they thought it was veteranss . ov >> they had to remove the tweets in embarrassment. but we can't delete the answers. >> johnny got on the beach. why are you off from workou off on monday? somethiner worg about freedom. >> it's america. people like being off. >> it's memorial day. what is memorial day? >> it's a day that we celebrate all of our veterans. it's not veteran'selebratell da. >> we remember them. the people that we lost on memorial day.o ge >> there you go. try to get me there. i'm a genius. who did america fight in the. revolutionary war? all right. you might have me there. >> got you. no, i don't want to. i don't know.
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>> which one was that? >> france great britain. africa. >> fake news. who won the civil wa r. you are asking me questions that i promise. i don't know any answers. m. >> freedom fighters. the north like, won the civil wa e r. >> the good people. tell me about the civil war.ut what was it all about? civil war. you know, was some conflict between each other. i can't tell you exactly what it was to fight for civil rights. >> obviously. and no >> oh, my god. i hate you right now. i'm not answering any anre these question. i hate you, ron burgundy. i hate o you. >> who did? america fight in world war two? >> i don't know. it was like austria. >> oh, finland, nazi germany, the french. >> it was italy. . e italians
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>> no way. those italians. i love the italians. e the china. russia. t russia. >> what? are you kidding me? who won world war three? ar iii world war three. >> i will tell you at the time, i'll keep you suspense.n susp >> who bombed pearl harbor? north koreen bombea. japan. to say, oh, she's pretty. and stop the crash, stupid. i get in trouble for saying is beautiful in there. he who won the cold war? france and englandwar?. i guess everyone lost. antarctica. why do they call it the cold ant war? >> because there was no plan. they went in colarctica.t thd. didn't they, like, trap them? >> no. actual bombings is just the threat. ot actual bombmust have been rey cold. >> it must have been freezin>>
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i call it the ice box. i would call it the actually. what event started the war on terror? terror? you would think that. >> the war on terror. oh, my god. 911. you got me stumped. >> are they stupid? i mean, i don't get it. >> dou watch? >> jesse watters on fox news? yeah, i do. every night, actually. >> ettonnewsit's playing while g dinner. what do you want to tell jesse? this is wattervery nig s. this is my world. jesse. happy memorialdinner weekend, b. i hope i didn't look too stupid . >> national television. even big >> our movement got even bigger. right back. oyments >> it's as i was saying in theem navy, that the toughest job itothe navy is a navy wife, and if you've made a the deployments and you've been the wife at home or you've been the wife at home or you've been the spouse you understand what i'm talking about.
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>> the book get it together, personal responsibility, familey work ethic, addiction, victimology, great crowd hadndsf to cap it. thousands of books sol b sold and really just an interesting perspective into the nixon presidencyreally j. my god, that is a presidency that's worth exploring for the entire country. >> thanks, everybody, to show upfoentireeveryb. >> text message to teresa from staten island. >> this former brooklyn gal hasn't heard the expression mook in years. >> that guy who called dinero makes my hero a mook. >> we're bringing mook back.that john seffner, florida. masks can't protect you from trench to trump derangement syndrome. i know paw paw wha what happened to him? mike from new orleans. relax. joe and haley just talked just about the weather. >> ver abouty good.
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marty from columbia, south carolina. you know what? biden told haley? don't. well, that would be bad newshunr for hunter, because at any timeb biden says no to anybody, om geo they do. bob from georgia, the empire state buildingrgia was built ins days. eight charging stations weree built in two and a half years. >> oh,to a how we've fallen. it's almost like it's a money scheme. it is. stephanie from missouri wolf, i'm glad i heard global warming gl. he cause of turbulence i thought it was racism. for once, racism is notfo to blame. unbelievable. i'm sure the bathroom out in the first class cabin. >> racist. not that that happened to me on my flight at all. everything was fine. that's it for us tonight. always remember i'm waters. and this my world.


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