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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 29, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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for laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. closing arguments are still underway in the ludicrous trump trail. reminding the jurors this entire case is based on the word ofdi guy who lied directly to them. they even nickname star witness michael cohen as the greatest layer of old time here the prosecution has been droning ont for hours.s fo joining me now outside of the courthouse is fox news correspondent, 848.t? nate, what is the latest? >> hey, judge, the prosecutionin is five hours into making its closing argument and court ends 4:30 and right now 7:00, we ared still waiting for formerco president trump to leave the courthouse and speak as he is expected to do. in the next few minutes, the prosecution has been w hainterpreting tweets" from
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trump's books and interpreting what they believe he meantveal during those experts. the prosecution today also revealed the underlying crimeaw futhat trump is accused of. he is accused of unlawfullyou influencing the 2016 election bn suppressing negative stories about himself along withru michael cohen and david packer.e trump's said the closing arguments on true social isr boring and said this about the judge earlier today. listen to those periods big of a judge is a highly conflicted. happens to be corrupt and complexion is the worst that anybody has seen. nobody has seen a judge like him. they can't even be the prospector of impropriety. >> judge, as you mentioned a big part of trump's lawyers closing arguments is attacking michael cohen's credibility. he described the greatest layer of all time and remember cohen
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laura says the only one directly to the scheme to pay off adult film actress stormy daniels. cohen admitted to lying unde agr oath several times. lying again while testifying during this trial. told the jury, "you cannot send someone to prison based on the words of michael cohen. after that, judge merchan admonished blanche and reminded the jury it is hisis responsibility alone to decide trump's punishment if, in fact, found guilty. there is a quote mountain ofls evidence connecting to thed th daniels payoff and directed the business of business to be falsified rather than doing himself. within the past 30 minutes, trump was not eager to silencebe daniels until he was a political candidate.test he described the hick's testimony as the "nail in thenes coffin." that is why she cried on the tru witness stand but remember, hicks testified that trump worrie meld about his family and
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specific milani a win forimpo daniels story resurfaced. that is important because durinn the jury instruction debate, thr judge indicated that as part of the jury instructions if theyote find make the payment would have been made for reasons other than putin political future of nameli his brand or future, it could not be considered a campaign contribution, and that is what is elevating the 34 misdemeanor countsrigh to felonies here at t now, we are waiting for the end of the action today. again, we are to win a half hours past my normal time with that you're expected this case tomorrow. we send it back to you. >> judge jeanine: nate, i wantua to follow up with one question. you said the prosecution said it was the nail in the coffin whena hope hicks started crying? they interpreting hope hicks tears as being negative towards donald trump as opposed to the fact that she was trying tot protect or that thesh president was trying to protect his wife and she had to testify
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for the prosecution. >> that is exactly right, judge. the prosecutor josh bergstein glass claims that hicks broke down on the witness standg he because she knew how damaging her testimony was to former president trump here at about ia mentioned earlier she was the that trump was actually worried how melaniaet would react. she specifically called trump t make sure the newspapers did not get delivered to the hometo t because he was concerned aboutin melania's action. >> judge jeanine: i have to tell you, nate, the idea of the prosecution would be able to assess motive behind tears it which they followed up with the question>>, which i assume they didn't, correct? >> yeah, no, that is correct,is judge here the prosecution is interpreting hicks and how she felt on the witness stand. i mentioned at the veryti beginning of the report, they
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are also interpreting how trump felt and what he meant when he posted several things on twitter and they are alshio going throuh quotes from his books right now and attaching a meaning that is coming from them rather than from trump >> judge jeanine: it looks like trump is walking backan ino the courtroom right now. nate, thank you so much. there they are, the trump family, lara trump -- okay, we saw some of the family, tiffany, michael, her husband or that is the whole trump group, jason there, the attorney, okay. they are back into the courtroom. the joining me now is mike davis, founder and president of the article three project and also clerked for justice for search and sean duffy, fox news contributor and cobosan d fox business, the bottom linee sean, i was in court today and i had one outstanding question, no one has indicated that
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donald trump directed anyone to file the bookkeeping in a way where it would be criminal orwn even had a conversation. in fact, they broke it down to invoice, vouchers, checks generated here at michael cohen gives the invoice anred,d the vouchers are prepared consistent with mic michael cohen wins inve spirit and the checks are generated based on the invoices. so where is trump worth constraining a crime? >> where is the crime? we are focused on the jury and these summations, if you are thr jury, we are like he spent four and have half five weeks ind th court with a trial against a former president and this is all you've got? this is it? you will spend five, six hours in summation.reak you pull all the strings trying to compute those, but when youro break it down to the law and the facts, judge, they don't have it.ik >> judge jeanine: the amazings,i part of this, mike davis, is
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that there were nine points that todd blanche laid out fong ar te defense seining and every one of them was clear that in the end michael cohen is the embodiment of reasonable doubt. is theve glowed of the greatest layer of all times.y what isa thought was effective s when they said, todd blanche said, "michael cohen did not just slide into congress, and just lied to the judges, his wife, the bank and everyone else but you lied to you when hethat swore to tell the truth. rem >> that is right. we have to remember even if everything that brad and cole [boos] theno radco angelo, just play along, there was no crime here. it is not a crime for am an businessman to settle a nuisance claim and put in his privateit o book as a legal expense. i don't know what you call it other than illegal spins and it is also not a crime for presidential candidate to try to
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"scheme to effects of the election." t were a crime, every canada in america would be criminals. this is coa rigged, partisan, corrupt process by a judge whof was conflicted because his daughter is raising millions of ase,dollars off of this case het the prosecutor alvin bragg thomas george soros d.a. and michael cohen angelo from the justice department to bring thi political case and there is noto evidence. >> judge jeanine: mike, i will go to you, sean. apparently they are now identifying what t the underlyig crime that gave to expired misdemeanors and they are saying the president unlawfullyt influenced an election by suppressing stories. i'm going to get to this question, every campaign is basically a conspiracy to win an election. you tries.d to get stories and b your friends to publish bad stories about your opponent. you ran for office and i ran for
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office, talk to me. >> calling the press nonstopilli pushing stores and trying to kill bad stories and that ishat what campaigns actually do and by the way hillary clinton in the dossier was trying to push a full story against donald trump. shpoine too should be prosecute trey gowdy made a point in emails basically saying i didn't realize this hush money scheme and i thought it was wisconsinrr and she had a private server with classified information ondn it which is wife -- the point, in the closing argument, you anu i both know this, you're not supposed to talk about the sentencing and when trump's team talked about you don't send a man to prison off of cohen's testimony, that was brilliant this is an alley cat type fight. brass knuckles and somewhat breaking the rules, but with this kind of budget, you can'tmh take it to the jury and do you want to send it him into prison with michael cohen's testimony,i proof beyond a reasonable doubt a man who has lied to the jury,d
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congress, anged america. >> judge jeanine: as a former judge myself and michael, youse know the judge has to instruct the jury that sentencing is uprt to him or her. but just so you know them apparently, the court will kee knop going until 8:00 tonight. we don't knocaw what is happenig after that. i can imagine the judge told these people to bring theirst t toothbrush. they should have beend ha sequestered by tuesday night. that is what i would have done with my juriesis here at but the prosecution is saying that donald trump directed the business records to be written in a way where they could cover up wharsont was goit on. but not one person talked about donald trump. even michael cohen when getting involved in th e bookkeeping, even michael cohen didn't. so now, they are making up the story all along. they are not giving donald trump t to defend himself based upon objections that were made during the course of the defenses argument. >> yeah, when cnn jake tapper is
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even admitting that the prosecution has failed to provea reasonable doubt, you know it ir a bad day for the prosecution if this were a fair trial and a fair court. >> judge jeanined : you know, sean, you and i both know this is a judge in the event -- ands let's just remind the viewers what the options are here of a verdict. what are the options?ui >> you have an acquittal, an acquittal on some of the charges a h and convictions on the a hung jury or a conviction. by the way, i've said this before and i will say it again, the judge tried to give it to donald trump by sending the jury home for a week and talking -- so>> judge jeanine: that is something we all agree. >> no, it's not bu- t i think u want your jurors to fight for you. and you don't want to think about the vacation of barbecues, bringing them back on tuesday, the jurors focus for truth and>> justice.>> j >> judge jeanine: let's hope so, let's hope so. the lastthe ion, question, mich.
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if the judge tomorrow is charged as a jury in a way that you and i have reason to believe it isne not going tofi be beneficial to the defense,y given the will lee wait in the prosecution in theie summation, the jury is going tot go in and the last thing they will have heard is the judge'swn instructions and you and i w they were missing witnesses here. he is the one that made decisions about the checks and case-shiller is a missingth witness.e the prosecution chose not to call these people, why not?l >> what is a good question. this is a partisan, rig, corrup process. i would not be surprised at all if this jury finds president trump guilty even thoughand there is no crime ano evidencey. this may have to be resolved byh the american people onefor november 5th, 2024 because ite will not get resolved todayd before that. >> judge jeanine: it will not ta be resold before the election. john and mike, thank you for
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being with me tonight. joe biden making a surprise nighttime visit to see his daughter-in-law who also happens to be hunter and normally that would not be a big deal, butstif just days before she plans ton r testify in his son's gun trial here at fox senior national correspondent, kevin corke, is here with all the details, kevin. >> evening, judge, making the surprise nighttime is it to thea delaware home on sunday. s thatug is why that is newsworths or some suggested incredibly it is because the president's visit, judge, comes days before hallie biden to serve as one of the most important witnesses at hunter biden's federal trial for alleged gun crimes. now, you may recall she was i married to the president's son, beau, who died in 2015 of brain cancer. that was before she had a ntlyrelationship with a youngerl brother, hunter.
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she was apparently dating hunter at the time of alleged crime and onestie of a dozen expected witr testify. and apparently stopped by the house at 8:00 sunday night for a brief i'm a private talk, again, eight days before she isar scheduled to begin part of a trial to begin on june 3rd. but if you think this was odd, strange, even, the white house wants you to know it was no such thing. spokesman andrew bates said the president didn't discuss thehe trial with hallie biden during the visit noting, "he visited her because of the approaching l ninth anniversary of bo's passing." prosecutors allege hunter lied about his drug abuse on a done form that used to purchase a firearm and in illegal thpossession of an firearm which allegedly, hallie biden disposed
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of in a public dumpster in 2018. the plot thickens, judge. >> judge jeanine: i'm sure he was they were to talnintk aboute ninth anniversary but that is me. bidkevin my thank you so much. the biden campaign trots out uber trump hater robert de niro outside of the courthouse today. the wild video you have got to see next. ♪ ♪ we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around
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and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: court is still ongoing. the judge showed us gave the prosecution until 8:00 p.m. tonight to finish closing arguments. we will bring you updates on the side of the screen, and we will bring you president trump when he comes out. >> i don't mean to scare you, no, wait, maybe i do mean to scare you. if trump returns to the white house, you can kiss these freedoms but by that we all take for granted. in elections, forget about it. that is over, that is done. we want him running this country? i'm not leaving. >> judge jeanine: is robert de niro whines about so posuppose a loss of democracy. the irony is lost in front of him standing in front of a courthouse with the former president and a relentless crusade to imprison his political opponent. unless you just think this is robert de niro acting on his own
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committee was introduced by the biden campaigns communication director. >> we are not here today because of what is going on over there and we are here because you all are here. we are here primarily with the threatened donald trump poses to the united states of america. of course, we are happy to have robert de niro. >> judge jeanine: joining me now is charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor. netbrain, founder and ceo of "american majority." you know what, charlie, the biden campaign is running out of ideas. they are losing women and minorities, blacks and trade out an old actor to read a script. >> i think that is a perfect summation. this is the most desperate move i have ever seen from a major parties political campaign. i think they have run out and i would say they are losing on all of the ideas. so they have to go through with
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this. it is strange to listen to robert de niro. obviously, this is a guy that will take in a row anybody gives him never turn anything anything he's been called about. is talking about how donald trump is a terrorists. and at the problem is everyone knows what it's like to live as donald trump as president and they were much better off than the current guy. as you point out, the current guy is the one who has turned the justice system into clinical cultural to betray donald trump. so joe biden doesn't have to face him in an election. >> judge jeanine: you know, ned ryun, good idea? >> no, terrible idea. total and completely political nonpractice with the biden campaign today. first of all, they tied themselves to this political witch hunt of a trial to the chief political opponent you would be no they have been coordinating this law fair, but they have dropped the masquerade and publicly tied themselves to it. judgment it felt like jury
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tampering. you are telling me none of those jurors will go home and find out the biden campaign held a press or outside of the courthouse and basically, we hope you do the right thing in this trial? and always that deranged, demented dwarf dinero going out on the hinge grant. it felt like biden wrote it because it was incoherent but it reeks of desperation. listen to the press conference. they were talking about lies, trump and democracy come abortion here they can't run on foreign policy, that is a disaster and that they cannot run on the economy total disaster, southern border dumpster fire. you sense the panic rising because they thought this law fair would take out trump and all of a sudden he's thriving in fund-raising and thriving in the polls. >> judge jeanine: no question about it. you know, charlie the amazing thing, he says it's the end of my city and the end of the country in the end of the world. people remember what it was like living under president donald trump. an incredibly high percentage said they had a better life. >> yeah.
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and sitting here watching this incredible situation where you have the president who obviously ends up being harassed and court during the campaign, but he takes the opportunity to go visit construction workers in manhattan and conduct that amazing, amazing rally last week in the bronx where he gave one of the finest political speeches i had ever heard about hopeful speech about the city of new york and about what these people have done to america and how, you know, if a new yorker can't fix this, nobody can. >> judge jeanine: all right, charlie, ned, hold on i want to bring in laura ingraham host of "the ingraham angle," hello, laura, here you are on an airport or point somewhere. >> eight hours in friendly skies united airlines. it wasn't so friendly today but that's okay. i'm so sorry not to be on tonight, literally there is no
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way to get to a studio on time given what happened that airline had mechanical problems here at about i followed everything that was happening today and continue to happen in manhattan. judge, you have a bird's-eye view here at what is going on in our country with the weaponization of the judicial system hacked off with the spectacle of complete confirmation of what you and i have been saying all along. that this was political from the outset. obviously my heard you talk about robert de niro you were to but we know this. they are so stupid that they confirmed it for everybody to date, and will be confirmed again in joe biden speaks after the verdict is in. we know this. we know this. there was no crime that was committed. a jury that is fairly inst instructed. it doesn't look like this one will be. jury fairly instructor would ever be able to have a
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unanimous verdict for this penal statute with business falsification of records. they have no predicate crime, no follow-up crime here this is a complete travesty from the beginning to the end. and that i was mad about -- but i'm mad about this becausedoesne spirit of the country deserves a real leader with a fair and equal justice system. >> judge jeanine: you know, laura, there are charges to a jury and standard jury charges. i wanted to hope that those jury charges would be relatively standard, but when i hear about what the prosecution is being allowed to get away with in their summation, it makes it clear to me that there is no way there can be a fair charge to the jury. there has to be adverse witness charges says, keith schiller, they were not allowed and now they are talking about what's his name, michael cohen's conviction.
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somehow, the action interpreted against donald trump. they are talking what david pecker did and attri attributedo trump. the whole thing is off of the charts. >> the whole idea that the jury can be told and it looks like again, this is the way that it will go. you don't have to have a crime falsified for the follow on crime. can be a crime generally understood to be a fraud on america and i love this quote, "that he hoodwinked america in 2016" pure last time i checked the penal code, the word hoodwinked was not in there. this entire process, it lays bare the fraud upon the judicial system that alvin bragg, matthew cmichael colangelo, judge merchn and the entire prosecution team which i include the judge and perpetrated on this country. and we are supposed to, we are supposed to sit back and isn't
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this great? no, the wheels of justice are running over the american people right now. it is a complete fraud to. >> judge jeanine: it is a fraud. apparently, they are alleging unlawfully influencing an election by suppressing stories. you and i both know that nda is not illegal, catch and kill is not illegal. and they have shown how catch and kill to begin with and yet, how the prosecution up there identifying a crime that was not in the indictment, not in the bill particulars and not in the opening statement. all of a sudden, they can say what they want after the defense. speak with the best of all, i think, when the prosecution is arguing that you don't really have to believe michael cohen. you don't have to believe everything that cohen's says because there is other evidence. what other evidence? a photo of keith schiller's
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evidence that donald trump intended to have records falsified in a conspiracy to overturn or interfere with the election? they only election interference going on right now is the election interference of lower manhattan in that courtroom. judge merchan is part of it, the prosecution is part of it, and as we saw today with the biden hench and then sending the good fellas down there, the biden administration is involved all along. that is what america is facing right now. in a court of law in lower manhattan with some of the greatest cases have been argued, some of the most incredibly talented prosecutors have argued cases, this is a total black mark on the entire lower manhattan courthouse and the district attorney's office of new york. >> judge jeanine: you know what, alvin bragg is an embarrassment to the greats like hogan and morgan and it is a sad commentary when you see him coming into the jury room,
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coming into the courtroom to show himself in front of the jury like this is so important while violent crime is being ignored. laura, thank you so much and thank you charlie and ed to. >> thank you for filling and tonight, judge. it is unfortunate to travel today in the united states. but thank you so much, and best of luck to the rest of the show. >> judge jeanine: thank you, take care, laura, take care, guys. next, an update on the saddest attempt to delegitimize the supreme court over a flag. ♪ ♪ di in memory issues and a breakthrough solution. i'm trying to get a thought across and i can't find the right way to say it. i noticed as i've got into my 50s i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetful, a little more brain fog. introducing neuroq, the breakthrough brain supplement that can help your memory, focus and concentration to improve the quality of your life every day. neuroq delivers multi
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: it is hard to believe, but this freak out over which flag supreme court justice alito flies in his homes is still ongoing. the most recent is the appeal to heaven flag, which was
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commissioned by george washington and flew on military ships a here at the top itsan francisco city hall a coue of years ago. and even made an appearance on a u.s. postage stamp. and but there was another flag that started it all, and we are getting new details about it. the upside down american flag flown at the alito house a couple of days in january 2021 pure "the new york times"dbre thought this was a 6th groundbreaking and linked it to january 6th calling it a "stop the steel symbol." but in fact "the washington post" said the flag back in 2021 and didn'tokes report on it because according to a spokesperson, "the flag raising appeared to be the work of martha and alito residence at justice and connected to a dispute with her neighbors andro that it was not clear in the argument was rootehe "d in politics." why did "the new york times" feel a need to make the story?
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the answer is obvious. >> he definitively needs to it e recuse himself from any matter pending before the united states supreme court that has to do with the january 6th violent insurrection. the he should have no part of it. >> i think the question is howke many mag maga flags until they e this seriously? g meisge jeanine: joinin now former philia and chris bedford, conservative columnisth all right, chris landro i will start with you, what are the roles as they relate to supreme court recusing themselves?ssar justice or accusing himself or recusing himself unnecessarily if a judge has a personal interest in the case, financially usefully or close family member you are then it is
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required. but you know p, these areal preposterous allegations that really have nothing to do withlu this flag or with recusal. this is all part of an attack og the court because it is the one institution that are rulingen party does not control. >> judge jeanine: you know, according topatr jen psaki, flyg patriotic flags divide so spirit take a look at this, chris. >> it is very difficult to imagine justice alito is workini in the balance of impartiality and partisanship that governs the supreme court.usti how can someone sworn to justice for all americans fly the flags at the tha far right movement tt seeks to divide us?eani >> judge jeanine: chris bedford, the same talking points over and over again for the left-wing media. >> it is the sunday night we have seen in europe for years which finally came here which politicize us and push himself to tyingo the side traditional s of patriotism like flying
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aventhe revolutionary up appealo heaven flag.y. this is a seasonal democrat strategy. but remember spring 2022 when alito memo leaked and think the dog's decision to politico. n it was the next spring "the new york times," instead of going after clarence thomas and elvis spring. the reason for that is four fold appear at the beginning of the supreme court decision making period making these calls andde issuing these things, democrats want to, one can apply pressure to change their vote and to code delegitimize whatever runs they end up making beer they wat to three, changes to ethics to e uneven level of recusal and force them to recuse themselvesc and then create political conditions for court packing. this is an annual nowg us conservative strategy. >> judge jeanine: all right, chris and chris, thank you for joinineeg us tonight. and coming up the unseen folly of robert de niro's foolery.anti
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and what are the president and kamala harris up to in the meantime? raymond arroyo has it next in "seen and unseen." ♪ ♪ i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase,
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refill the story behind the headlines. for that, we turn to fox news contributor, raymond arroyo in our l.a. robert de niro had a rough time with the counterprotesters today. >> judge them as you covered earlier, the academ academy award, award winnerad lambasted trump and then he the announced a new ad he voice fors the biden campaign. as car alarms blared, de niro not only made his campaign pitch, butum he challenged trump supporter, watch. >> ire hope this new ad campaign reaches outside ofre the bubbleo remind supporters of what a danger he is to our lives. excuse me?sayi they lied under oath? what do you say? they are traders. i don't even know how to deal y ouwith you, my friend. >> judge when i first saw this i thought it was outtakes from dirty grandpa, that old de niro
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movie or monsoon. look, it was a tragic display from our once great actors. he is destroying his reputationt and the question is, why do it e for biden at this stage in the campaign? >> judge jeanine: the amazing part of it, the guy is convinced, de niro is convinced he speaks for new york city.i me i love new york city. hey, de niro mo what have you done for a new york city? you are an l.a. guy and plus come i don't think this guy has a brain. the fact that he had to ringou n read from a script what he wasuo going to say. did you notice when he first got out of the car, raiment, he had> a mask on. >> i did see that. look, judge, that covid could. get you every moment. it could make a return visit. every citizen can speak out and we defend anyone to speak out but when you trade your fame as an actor and become a campaign surrogate and then challenge voters and insult them, you will
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hear from them and boy, did de niro hear from those new yorkers, watch. >> the democrats can make you are gangsters! [bleep]>> you!yo [screaming][ble >> you are a nobody! >> isn't that a lovely way toig win over voters. judge my official campaigne le yelling f you. maybe he will play in the many biden miniseries, "though war with grandpa." he knows about that topic. in any case, he should have reah cardi b recorded bead in charlotte the main. leave politics to the voters.nie >> the amazing part, he says to the people out there, f you! o and he says, you are gangsters, but he is the one always playing a gangster. and then if he could, he woulds
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have said, "you are a punk!" ray you see this folly as a part of the biden campaign. >> i do, they are turning to hollywood start to be a spokesman at a time insider told me this industry is disconnected from the american people, judge. as evidence, this memorial day weekend was the worst box office in three decades. both new releases, garfield and "mad max ardica," not funny andx offering up mad max story without mad max. the audiences don't want to see female lead in the franchise. like going to a "barbie" movie where g.i. joe is the lead andna barbie stays in a malibu dreamu. house. 18 thanks these are the people that are going to somehow deliver him a reelection? i think not. >> judge jeanine: the crazy part of the semi said this earlier bleeding women,
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believing minorities, democratsi bleeding blacks, they bring out this old geezer and they thinkd he will be able to convince people, yeah, joe biden is the man. but what do i know.hing >> he so angry, that is a wacky thing. my goodness, he is almost unhinged as biden at some ofye these events. he is also prone to yelling at union workers and workers who challenge we solve the same thing from his avatar robert de niro here. he didn't play well and it. won't, judge. >> judge jeanine: believe me, i was done at the courthouse and it doesn't. agreement, thank you for being with us tonight and it wass. almost 8:00 p.m. and the prosecution still giving closing arguments. harris faulkner reacts next. ♪ ♪
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the jury has been listening for more than five hours into the prosecution droning on and on about a crime that is yet to bea provens . good news for the jurors that, the judge gave the prosecution until 8:00 p.m. minutes from no to wrap up. joining me now is harris faulkner rap hosted a bulk not and cohost about number. she also has a new special vietnam percepts of my father cl available right now exclusively in fox nation.etna it seems that the prosecution has gone on for almost triple the amount of time that the o defendant's summation has and i appears that that the judge is more receptive to the
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prosecution going beyond that the testimony that was given >> you are so kind with your o words. i amkind going to stay up. i was on at 11:00 a.m. and we were an houroing and a half int defense closing arguments and w knew we went that far away becausnse the defense attorney a said we are going to wrap this up in about 30 minutes. this thing has gone on forever in you been talking about and as i've been watching this hour. they have much broader ground t run in. >> it is an unfairness of that' epic. now we know what the crime is because the prosecution says at the store daniels payoff, this is how the closing arguments went from the prosecutor moment ago. he said the violation comes up from the payoff had he said it came from co- when making excessive campaign contribution by paying her and getting n reimbursed. cohen's real motivation
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according to the defense it wasf to protect it from we know it's true because-- testify two that. and bob castella tes did. no rational argument that cohen 's payment to stormy at daniels would have been madeio what run not for the election i what the prosecution's sayings. >> the crazy part about all thi isprosin the fact that no one, has testified that donald trump was anywhere near the invoices or that checks aimed at the disbursements over the vouchers a. no one. ere no oif so how is there a cr? >> so the way that the prosecution has put a bow on it in the last hour is to say that u don't have to prove whether prosecution does not have to prove that trump did anything. he had to have the intent to defraud. he had to have at the intended violate. the federal election campaign act. he had the intent to.
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that does not make any sense it. it does not work for the rest ot us because if it does that mean every time you think that somebody else thinks of that they've done something, you've got. >> that's a basis for appeal. on one or read this new york times is reporting that the i wa biting campaign social media team has said early discussionsc about whether to branded trump as a convicted felon and its discwhetpost-. also i understand that they may have just wrapped up and how much much does vitamin relying on a trump conviction to prop ue the falterman campaignly? >> 100 percent. which is why for the first time and all of this, they put out the data are closing arguments began today, notice that the united states president to spea the verdict not from a politica stum prep, but from the white h. they want to elevate it to the point where it does not smell s much like politics and it looks like a presidential move to tal
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about another president who's been convicted. we don't know what that jury will decide. there are two .people that will see things potentially ople differently because their attorneys. we don't i y think a hundred percent bid is all in on being able to use that label convicted as you sai they will probably win on appea anyway if they get the conviction but that willd pr co like after november. it will help democrats either y way because if it happens aft november, they won't careithe. >> i am just finding out now that court will resume tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. when the jury wil be chargedto and harris i want thank you for being with us tonight. rememberchar to check out vietn put r besteps of my father whic available right now i'm fox nation fox nation. it's great.y favailight i see that. that'san it for us tonight am judge jeanine pirro and viloria. thanks for watching. jesse watters takes it from here . >> still no arrest in the mu


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