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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 29, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> when you hear from the jury, people get anxious maybe that there is a verdict. we just cannot predict what will be the next move of these jurors. they understand the gravity of the decision they are making. it could be one of them for all we know that's causing all these disruptions and requests, but for sure they are entitled to get clarity on the issues they seem to be struggling with. >> you know henry fonda was that one juror in ""12 angry men"." [laughter] that's the extent of my legal knowledge. i will spare you the henry fonda impression which i think i do quite well but i'm not going to burden you with that. andy, katie, thank you both very much. whether it's henry fonda or someone else, the jurors -- another chance to get back in the courtroom and get some questions answered and maybe some clarity. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: i'm dana perino along
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with judge jeanine pirro, kevin o'leary, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ we are awaiting new remarks from donald trump, as his fate hangs in the balance. the first day of jury deliberations in the hush money trial is over come after four long hours of talking about the case. the jury will be back in court at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. there is no verdict yet. there are 12 members of the jury, seven men and five women getting their first chance to discuss amongst themselves six weeks of evidence and testimony. we've got the first insights into how they are feeling. the jurors sending two notes to the judge: requesting four pieces of testimony from david packer and michael cohen being read aloud. they also asked for the judge to reread the jury instructions that were given earlier today,, and earlier, donald trump going off on the trial and comparing himself to one of the most famous religious figures in
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history. >> this judge -- it's rigged. the whole thing is rigged. the country is a mess between the borders and fake elections and having a trial like this where the judge is so conflicted he can't breathe. he's got to do his job. not for me, that i can tell you. it's a disgrace and i mean that. mother teresa could not be those charges. people in this country see that this is a rigged deal. it's a weaponized deal for the democrats to hit their political opponents. for joe biden, the worst president in the history of the united states. >> dana: judge jeanine was there and now she is here, so let's turn it over to you and hear your thoughts. >> jeanine: i tell you, to me, it was a difficult day today. i heard a man in the room instructing a jury that -- on issues that i know as a former
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judge exactly as he was were just plain wrong, your reversible error. i was stunned at what he brought up and what he said, specifically i refer number one to the fact that we have been talking for weeks, months since this indictment came down as to what is that unknown felony that would be used to resurrect two dead, expired misdemeanors. that unknown felony is an election law violation according to this judge that is made up of a federal campaign violation of a creation of a false record or tax law violation. the trump defense team didn't know this, so they couldn't speak to it. it's a fifth amendment requirement that you know the charges against you, the particulars of the discovery in the opening statement and through the testimony. i knew during the prosecution the prosecution summation that
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this was clearly like a game between the prosecution and the judge, where the defense was left out of it, and specifically they talked about there was no legitimate press function. no one had talked about that during the course of the trial. neither side presented evidence as to whether the legitimate press function -- but the jury hears about it from the prosecution in summation. no evidence whatsoever by either side. of course, we know that there was no evidence aloud of the federal campaign, election campaign violation because the defense was not allowed to put on smith, who was ahead of the the federal election campaign commission. we were allowed to hear that michael cohen committed federal election campaign violation and david packer was advised not to engage in certain constructs because it was a violation. the prosecution put on evidence, the defense wants to put on evidence of what this violation
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truly is, and the defense -- it was not allowed. wanted to be able to say "i did this under the advice of michael cohen." and now here he is the coconspirator that was aiding and abetting donald trump. you can't convince yourself -- a word of michael cohen without corroborating evidence. that felony which would bootstrap this and bring it to life, you don't have to agree on any one of the three. it doesn't have to be unanimous. this is a kangaroo court. you've never heard of anything other than a unanimous verdict in a criminal trial. here's a new one. legal expenses are -- if you report them as income, it's a crime. i wrote it again. reporting money as income when it's reimbursement is a crime. the judge is saying that in itself is a crime. no one knew that. they could have argued it at the trial but they didn't have the
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opportunity. those are some of the issues. it was a sad day for me. i sat with andy mccarthy and jonathan turley and trey gowdy and -- we were all like "this is unheard of." >> dana: it's despairing to hear of it that way. greg? >> greg: i felt this is bad for your mental health. it's exhausting, self-destructive, and we know in our hearts that it's unnecessary, because it's political, but we are first to endure it. if it weren't so tedious, it would radicalize you. if it radicalize you -- if you paid attention, you would come out angry. i think the prosecution is resting on the hate crime hopes defense, the logic being that he may not be guilty of this specific crime, but he's guilty of some crime somewhere out there. that was the reason for the extraneous b.s. that they introduced that had nothing to do with the accounting issue. the hate crime hoax defense is
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always based on if this hate crime isn't real, somewhere, someone is doing this, so this hoax is raising awareness of a widespread problem. in this case, trump doesn't have to be guilty, but you know he's guilty of something. it's a general assumption. this is another hate crime hoax. i wish the jury would sit and ask themselves "would it be okay, fair to you if your entire life hangs on a creature like michael cohen?" you would not do that to a petty thief. the star witness combines two things, which is proven dishonesty and raging personal vendetta. you wouldn't do that to a petty thief, to make his fate hinge on his mortal enemy, yet that's what we are doing to the president of the united states. we were told for i don't know, three years, that no one is above the law, but saying that because they were making sure trump was below the law.
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you know? they didn't raise the bar for him: they lowered it. you are prosecuting the current leading candidate with an unprecedented theory that is so difficult to follow that nobody knows what's going on. when she wants to streamline this and make it the best possible persuasive argument since at the leading candidate? no. >> dana: and jesse, you wonder since there's two lawyers on the jury and the foreman is a lawyer, you wonder if they had a similar reaction to what the judge is saying and what we have heard from our legal analysts all day. >> jesse: i worry about the lawyers, because they are both -- manhattan corporate law firms, and if they are on a jury that votes to not convict donald trump, they have to see their boss and their colleagues. there's a lot of social
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pressure, a lot of peer pressure, dana, to not bring back to your liberal law firm in manhattan, a conviction. that concerns me. as a nonlawyer who has never watched a single episode of "law and order" or open the lsat prep book, got to page 2, and shut it. [laughter] i'm about as confused as judge jeanine, which makes me feel better. i've only watched "run away jury" price. i was impressed with john cusack, read every john grisham book cover to cover. tell me if i'm an idiot. greg, don't jump in. [laughter] this is a case with a crime they won't tell you, and it's not even in the d.a.'s jurisdiction, but the jury can pick whatever crime they want, and they can disagree on the crime, and it's still a unanimous decision. >> jeanine: they have to agree it's one of the three. >> jesse: it's like a buffet. you can get a little of this, a
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little of that, and everybody can go -- trump's gag, cohen is not, and he lets stormy daniels pretend she was sexually assaulted? and then says "jury, forget you heard that, we will strike that." basically, every time the defense objects, overruled. the one guy who was supposed to explain the law, the judge won't even let him explain the law, then he tries to explain the law to the jury and the jury doesn't understand it and asks for the explanation again. then you find out the judge, not only on obama donor, donated to the progressive turnout project and its subsidiary "stop trump." the judge donated to a stop trump organization and his family will financially benefit from the conviction. you've touched on this last week. there are 24 sitting judges. this guy is not on the list.
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they are assigned randomly pick it's statistically improbable that this judge, and acting judge, was assigned the trump organization case, this trump hush money case, and the steve bannon case. >> jeanine: he was selected. >> jesse: it's statistically impossible. >> dana: kevin o'leary. it's great to have you here. your thoughts from your perspective as a new yorker looking at this. >> kevin: i was in europe at the beginning of this case during the stormy daniels testimony, when she was testifying. talking to sovereign wealth funds. we've done a lot of damage to the american brand. trump and biden could be gone in four years but the damage done here to the office of the executive, the 200-year-old brand with reason we can go overseas and bring -- to the states, they trust our system. this has rocked the bedrock of that belief. she was testifying about condom
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brands, sex. they were asking "what is this?" "wasn't this the president of the united states?" i think what we should do and think about as a country, forget about whatever this is that's really going on here. what is it doing to the brand of the united states of america? in just a few months, these guys are gone, but the executive -- when a president leaves the office of the white house, the president of the united states, you had better murder somebody if you are going to be brought into trial. you don't do condom brand, porno stars -- this is hurting what every entrepreneur doesn't america. for me, we dragged our brand through the toilet. i hope everybody understands it. anytime you want to talk about this case, it has to be so partisan. forget about that. think about america, the mother egg we want to protect.
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is this what we want to do to former presidents? forget about trump. any former president. we have to raise the bar in bringing these cases because -- and porn stars? what does she have to do with campaign law? nobody understood that overseas in london. where's the conddalm -- it is an unusual -- it's an unusual time, let's talk at the deal instead. "let's talk about the porn star." not great for me trying to bring back money for data centers. >> dana: much more to come. donald trump is still in court. he may speak at any moment and of course we will bring that to you live. coming up next, even the media thinks this was a bad idea. the biden campaigns robert de niro trump trial stunt is backfiring.
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>> than they have a protest of robert de niro yesterday, broken down fool. he got -- a big dose of it yesterday. >> donald trump popping off on the biden campaign's robert de niro stumps which bombed harder than his last five movies. the actor was outside the trump courthouse letting his undiagnosed trump derangement syndrome get the best of him. even the liberal media was embarrassed. >> this was a bad idea. the entire thing was not a great idea. >> stepping away. i don't think it helps. i think in a weird way it sometimes backfires.
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"the liberal hollywood elites." well-intentioned. i think staying away from the courthouse would have been the best thing. >> taken aback by the raging tool, and tried to get the biden camp to backtrack. >> american citizens are not supposed to politicize a court proceeding. i feel the same way about the campaign. is there any concern about the campaign getting too close to these court proceedings and could it backfire? looking back, was it a good decision? >> there is no concern. this campaign is not speaking about the substantive trial in any way, shape, or form. what we're talking about when we talked about yesterday and will continue to talk about is the unique threat donald trump poses to our democracy. >> jesse: o'leary, did the robert de niro stunt backfire? >> i spent a fair amount of time in los angeles with hollywood types. of always had two entertainers to think this through.
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when you are an entertainer and a great one -- because i love his movies -- you don't want to get into this kind of narrative because you are going to make unhappy 50% of the people that go to your movies. 50% will say "i didn't hire you to tell me who to vote for: i hired you to be a great actor." and he is a great actor. i think he hurt himself, his brand, and he's deftly -- i was listening thinking "you know it biden do?" judge will tell me that this is technically impossible, but need to get credit for it. when and if trump gets convicted of any of these charges, should pardon him that second, clean the record and say "i want to compete on the merits of our policies. let's start debating." that would lift him out of the garbage he's involved in with this kind of de niro stuff. i know you can't do that because it's new york state, but can he find some way to take credit for it by getting a higher power of
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new york to pardon him? this has hurt our brand. upset it five times, but what's the right thing for biden to do to clean up the fact that half the country think this is a politically motivated persecution? >> jeanine: i don't think the president is that big a man. >> kevin: don't you think that would help? >> absolutely, but maybe it would infuriate his base, the progressives that would go bonkers. plus, no question he is behind this, given the fact that number three of the department of justice jumped down three steps to prosecute a local d.a.'s case. i think the fingerprints are all over this, plus he is upset about what will happen to his son hunter. i doubt he's in a forgiving mood. i wish we lived in a country where that could happen. >> kevin: it should. >> jeanine: but it's not going to, unfortunately. since i started, a couple of things. if you are bleeding young voters and minorities, you don't bring out de niro.
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de niro said last year "i would like to punch this guy," he's the gangster, and then he's calling the trump people gangsters. to the guy that brought him out for the biden administration, michael taylor saying "not talking but the substance of the trial --" they did it right outside the trial. who were they kidding? they are so hungry to attack donald trump. this guy is a loser. he had great movies, but right now, he's a loser and is past his prime periods before he loses his cool. one thing to read off a script, but he couldn't handle the crowd. >> greg: it's a big letdown. i know he's not his roles, but come on, dude. golden girls had more testosterone than him. he is a butthole with eyes. the worst part is he is blind. here's the problem with this de niro stunt. they trotted out the poster child for trump's arraignment but he doesn't just need a doctor: he needs a telephone. where seryee lewis when you need him?
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i know he's dead, but somebody needs -- where is jerry lewis when you need him? i know he's dead but somebody needs to put rubber pumpkin in his pants, stage an intervention before he douses himself in -- and starts himself on fire. he had one bullet in the chamber and shot himself in the face. he felt this irrational, personal hatred was more important than the issues that america faces, all the things we talked about: track, crime, immigration, china. he did not take jack about it before this and he will not take jack about it after, because this is a luxury hobby for people like him. he owns most of lower manhattan, so he is well off, aloof. he could do this and crime could rage all around him. >> jesse: the show joe watches every morning, "morning joe," not happy with the strategy. speed when i was thinking about that. we know that present biden watches every morning. when you've lost them -- >> dana: i was thinking about
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that. wing of the present watches every morning. when you've lost them, he will think of something else. the biden campaign have been understated, but this is one of the first big events. they will get attention for it, but it seemed a little off. i think mike tyler is a good hire for the biden campaign. i think he speaks well, and i think he's been given direction like "this is where the campaign is going." i wish they could share with us a bit more of the data they have that says this messaging works for them. it's not in any of the polls, mainstream polls. it's not like anything coming from jane scarborough or david axelrod. they are saying "this is not working. trump destroying the world, that's not working." for some reason, the campaign keeps on that track. i would love to know, just show
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me a little bit of evidence that it makes sense. i think the point about the brand is really important. one of the things to remember is that joe biden's team made it clear that as soon as this verdict is given that president biden is going to get an official address from the white house, and it's definitely not going to be a pardon because of what he wants to say more than anything else is that donald trump "my opponent, is a convicted felon," and they will hammer it and probably continue to loosen the polls unless they can figure out some other way to turn it around. >> jesse: what if he's convicted of a misdemeanor, judge? what you call that? >> jeanine: a misdemeanent. [laughter] >> jesse: i love it. >> jeanine: it's not a felony. if he is convicted of a lesser crime. >> that's the first time i've heard it. >> so much stuff watching "the
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five." >> yes. [laughter] i had come of the liberal continues. in a panic and trying to win black voters who are flocking to donald trump. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures.
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take a look at the list. going down to individual names. you have a lot of big players, very big players that would solve their problem, or actually would have given us the win. we already have the win. this would have been over a long
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time ago. a lot of key witnesses were not called. look at the list, look at the players. you know gordon talking about. you can take five or six of t them. why did they call all those witnesses? it's a shame, and in particular, one witness who is suffering gravely because of what's happening, because of the viciousness of these stunts, the vicious people, what they've done to that person. you know who i'm talking about. didn't call anybody as a witness, of all these people that they could have called to solve the problem. the confusion is nobody knows what the crime is because there is no crime. nobody knows what the crime is. the d.a. didn't name the crime. they don't know what the crime is. that's one of the problems. it's a disgrace pick this thing ought to be ended immediately. the judge -- to save his
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reputation. thank you very much. >> jeanine: all right. there's donald trump calling this a witch hunt and a weaponization of the judicial system. he apparently, dana, was very upset about the fact that certain witnesses were not called. he said -- the people and what they've done to that person is outrageous. he is talking about the former cfo, who is under the prosecution's control, material evidence, who would have said that trump never talks to him about the vouchers, the invoice, or the drafting of the check. >> dana: that's one of the big questions. if you are on the jury, you ask why didn't we hear from them. correct me if i'm wrong, but the judge asked the prosecution and defense if they want to have them and they both said no. maybe, translators had a reason for saying that. >> the defense has an obligation to call anyone.
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the burden of proof is on the prosecution. >> dana: the opportunity to bring him and they didn't. >> jeanine: but they don't have to. the burden of proof is on the prosecution. >> dana: i'm just saying. >> jeanine: there should have been an adverse witness charge that "this guy was in the control of the prosecution at rikers island," and you could assume that had the prosecution called him, he would've said something not beneficial to the prosecution. >> jesse: that's why they didn't call him or keith schiller, the security guy who apparently took the phone call, and i was the big phone call that cole winn said "this is what i told them, i handled it for donald trump." they have c come on answered "n, talked about the 14-year-old kid who was prank calling you, wanted me to call the secret service about it." we have another overwhelming piece of evidence that donald trump was not doing this for politics, but for his business. you know better than anybody, kevin. if you are running a media conglomerate, running a hotel chain, running these companies
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all over the world, countries, europe, asia, anything that's bad news for you personally is bad for the brand. you are a billionaire and have this coming out in the middle of nowhere? forget about protecting your family. that's the obvious concern. secondary concern is the business. you can have some porn star extorting it. $130,000 is nothing for donald trump. you pay that make it go away. that's common sense. >> kevin: the trump brand is very important, even prior to being president. obviously, these trump brands around the world in real estate are royalty based businesses. i love that because you don't need a lot of capital to get cash flow. i admire what he's done from a business perspective. i bet if it's true that the selection will be decided by these voters, if i pulled 10,000 independent voters right now, say could wave a magic wand, i
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bet after all these six weeks, whatever it's been, even if you watch the synopsis every night on the news somewhere, whatever outlet you watch, you are still 99% confused on what the hell is going on. even if you spent all day listening to this which some people did, you are still confused. i just wonder in that group of jurors if a few of them are just looking at each other saying "i don't know, this is a mess, i don't understand what the judge is telling me to do." that's why they are asking to read it over again. i don't know it's going to happen here, but i just look at it and say to myself "wow, this is bad for the american brand. that's what i keep going at. it is. even if he gets acquitted, it's bad for the american brand. i don't think people at this table think that's going to happen. it's more leaning towards maybe
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a hung jury. >> i hope so. >> they would bring it back a week later. >> greg, one of the notes that came out today was they wanted the testimony regarding this meeting at trump tower along with cole winn meeting at trump tower. at that meeting, and i have this in my notes that trump apparently never mentioned his family like he did with hicks. i'm a space might be reading it wrong, but i'm not real comfortable with that. >> it's the first time i'm hearing it. always goes back to them. no one knows what the crime is, but it's the trial. that's the crime. what's interesting about this is it pains trump in an incredibly appealing way. he's up against the wall. meanwhile, joe biden needs a wall to stand up on. this guy is best when he's angry, focused, direct.
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when you compare the way he is, that kind of energy to what is in the white house now, it's persuasive. you look at the sky and go "i get it, that guy's pissed off, and heat -- this guy speaks in these amorphous fantasies about a threat to democracy. he can't solve anything. he doesn't know what's going on. this guys fighting for his life. it's a pretty stark choice for americans if they are paying attention to this, but maybe most of them are saying "this is all b.s." >> jeanine: a lot of people are, but we will see. more of "the five" after this. ♪ missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions.
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>> greg: president biden in philly launching a new effort to
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reach out to african americans, called black voters for biden/harris. good reason to be worried. trump in recent polls winning 20% or more of black voters. here's what the president pitched. >> >> president biden: because black americans voted, common -- kamala -- because of you, that's not hyperbole. you voted. donald trump was defeated, the former president. your vote come in 2024 we will make donald trump a loser again. [cheers and applause] trump continues to live by saying black unemployment was at a record low in his watch. the fact is under my watch, and we will keep it going. >> greg: democrat voting always operated on wishful thinking and arrogant. they hope blacks are happy where they are and assume they are too complacent to look elsewhere. like a booty call that's always there at 1:00 a.m., election season. what do you say to anybody in an
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abusive relationship? it doesn't have to be this way. there's a whole world out there! why not listen to the republicans? hear them out. there is a whole world out there beyond this plantation style thinking of the democra democratic party. >> dana: i wrote down "who do you call?" >> greg: i did a movie in the 80s called "booty calls." >> dana: i remember. one of the things they said today is "we are going to take voters for granted. we have to work for your vote." which is interesting. this only comes after several polls show they have a big problem. i think back to -- there's a "new york times" writer who -- >> greg: great guy. >> dana: he is. he does great work. he does something called the run up on "the new york times." he talked to a lot of black voters. i remember in one, he separated and had a conversation with black men gathered and black women. it was a very different conversation. when they were altogether, there
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wasn't "i'm going to vote for trump." it was "i'm not voting for biden and i might just stay home or maybe i will look elsewhere." biden is trying today to make up for lost time. i think it's interesting that 57% of hispanics feel inflation stress, 53% of black families are saying that. that's definitely weighing the biden campaign down and they don't know if kamala harris will be able to fix that. >> greg: kevin, you and i are a lot alike: very successful businessman. [laughter] you understand that a person, let's say -- is never the less powerful when they only have one option. you are most powerful when you have double the options. shouldn't blacks be willing to listen to republicans, because that forces the democrats to take blacks more seriously? if you only have one party dictating to you, the parties in control, but if you have another party out there, you have control. >> kevin: i think right now,
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the black caucus voter and independent black voters must be very skeptical about politicians making promises. i think since the '60s, they've been courted by all kinds of presidents that want to be president, but what happens, it seems to me and i'm sure they would agree with this -- within 90 days after the election is decided, they are forgotten. they should be very skeptical, and i'm sure they are, but i don't know what's different this time. that to me, if i were a black voter, i would say "show me what's different this time, because i don't feel great about what happens to us as a caucus, as a cohort after all these promises are made and we have elected somebody." that's where i think this thing is still broken. >> greg: jesse, you are 1% african american. >> jesse: a 01%.
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>> greg: that still makes you most african american of the stable. >> jesse: we all know you look... [laughter] >> greg: speaking to that .1%? >> jesse: it stirred something in me. .1% black for biden/harris, let's go! in the primary you generally want to make sure that your base is locked-in and in the general you pivot and try to speak to all americans. it's the summer before the election and biden is doing face maintenance. he's doing base rebuilding. trump's base is good especially with the nikki haley endorsement. i would like to see more of an endorsement and we will get there. trump is not even just playing for the middle: trump is reaching into biden's base and going after black, hispanics, young people. not just link was tickly: he's doing events in the bronx. i would be scared if i were biden. let's think about the history of biden's relationship with african american spirit
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president clinton from arkansas, different upbringing, the way he spoke and carried himself appealed to black americans. barack obama obviously appealed to black americans. what's joe's relationship? he was a senator in delaware? delaware? he pal around with segregationists. i guess the first black president tapped him as vp so they gave him street cred with that community, but since then he has not delivered anything at all. the only reason he got the nomination in 2020 is because of a deal he cut to deliver those votes in exchange for promising the name of black supreme court justice, a black female supreme court justice. he did the same thing with harris. the appeal to black america has been a dei movement. >> isn't frustrating that
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republicans aren't taking advantage of this opportunity? i get it, republicans always get rejected and mocked in the media for trying, but this seems like a great opportunity. i wish black voters and republicans could meld into a beautiful relationship. >> jeanine: it's a great opportunity. i think donald trump is setting the tone for other candidates. when i ran for office, i was a republican conservative independent and i went into black churches. i was welcomed into black churches. you just have to let people know that your concerns are there concerns, theirs are yours or whatever. black americans are like all other americans: to them, the number one issues the economy. donald trump when it comes to inflation and economy is up plus 14 points. it's very sad that kamala harris, although she has been added to the ticket, or she
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is vice president, she has not been able to change anything. they are losing black voters. it's not because of one issue. we know repeatedly, we see that the minority voters are being subjugated to the illegals who were being brought in. they know that and it's the democrat party that's doing t that. joe biden has learned that some of the progressive policies are hurting the people that he expects to follow him because "you and black if you don't vote" for joe biden -- you ain't black if you don't vote for joe biden close was. >> greg: up taking the box whether it's kamala harris or k kjp, it's so transparent. ahead, hollywood legend dennis quaid calls trump -- but in a positive way.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: 's liberal hollywood turning red? actor dennis quaid getting a very interesting answer to piers morgan on why he is voting for former president donald trump. >> i think i'm going to vote for him. >> are you ready for the blowback? >> people might call it belief but he's my believe.
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>> kevin: you've got to love that. [laughter] >> jeanine: i love it. the truth is you cannot question donald trump's love for the country and for america and the fact that he is doing things to help this country. when he was president, we weren't involved in any wars. inflation was not what it is now. gas prices, food prices, all that stuff. democrats can't stand that. it makes them crazy. the fact is that americans will vote for trump based upon the fact that they had a better life when trump was president. if you don't like his tweets, too bad, but when it comes to your pocketbook -- and a lot of women look at this -- they are happier with trump. >> kevin: do celebrity endorsements matter? who cares? >> jesse: if i was to endorse someone, watch their numbers racket. [laughter] the rock just unendorsed joe biden. patrick mullen said "i'm not making an endorsement this
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year" -- patrick mahomes said "i'm not making an endorsement this year." a lot of celebrity's don't want to get involved with joe biden. joe biden is boring and doesn't act. if you are a republican, a democrat, at least you respect action. a president who has strength, sees problems and tries to solve them. an old man tottering around and blaming everybody and then just sending out crazy actors to intimidate juries. hollywood doesn't like that. even if hollywood is on board with de niro, they don't like the games being played. >> kevin: i'm worried about family values when you use the a-hole. >> dana: are you worried really? i know what you mean but i feel like we are way past that. [laughter] if you look at some of the language that everyone is using. i also think that when you see some people of fame who are leaving hollywood -- dennis quaid lives in nashville now -- several others have left either in las vegas now or leaving california because it's
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so terrible. basically giving a little bit of a push back to the hollywood permission structure. i'm not saying it's going to have a major effect, but certainly can't hurt donald trump. >> kevin: what do you think? >> greg: great complement. i hope somewhere i am somebody's asshole. i hope i'm your asshole. >> jesse: you are the show's asshole. >> kevin: to achieve asshole status, you are really achieving something. >> dana: you are on your way. [laughter] >> greg: we might have broken a record. [laughter] >> kevin: "one more thing" is up next. stay tuned.
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♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." perino on politics this week. politics with harold ford jr. >> jesse: you know you need it. you know you need it you got to go to the fox shop. here did you go guys, golf
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balls, pro-v 1s they don't slice. i promise. beautiful decanter and we got some cocktail glasses all of that and more mouse pads, polo shirts go get it fox news dot shop and tonight "jesse watters primetime" an investigation. joe biden dei elmo. a special report. >> dana: what? greg. >> greg: tonight we have great selection of ass holes. sage steele, kat timpf, tyrus, tune in. 10:00 p.m. >> dana: okay. judge? >> judge jeanine: i'm on hannity tonight. >> dana: okay, kevin? >> kevin: virginia woman $50,000 richer used fortune cookie to put it in. >> dana: it can work. >> kevin: way too much sugar in these cookies. don't eat these cookies. >> bret: still looking for fortune cookies. thank you, mr. wonderful. thank you.


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