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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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♪ rise up this morning, ♪ ♪ smiled with the rising sun ♪ ♪ saying, ♪ ♪ "this is my message to you-ou-ou" ♪ ♪ singing, "don't worry ♪ ♪ about a thing" ♪ (♪) discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals questions answered and maybe some clarity. here comes "the five." [♪♪]a pe
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hello everyone, i'mwith dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro,, kevin o'leary, jesse watters and greg gutfeld. this is "the five".. [♪♪] >> dana: we are awaiting the remarks from donald trump as his fate hangs in the balance. the first day of jury deliberations in the hush money trial is over after four long hours of talking about the case. the jury will be back in court in 9:30 am tomorrow.m. t there is no verdict yet. there are 12 members of theju jury, seven men and five womeno getting their first chance tot discuss amongst themselves six weeks of evidence and testimony. and we've got the first insighti into how they are feeling. the jurors sending two notes to the judge requesting four piecen of testimony from david peckerth and michael cohen be read aloud. they also asked for the judge tn reread the jury instructionshe that were given earlier today.e and earlier donald trump going
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off on the trial got comparing himself to one of the biggest religious figures in history. >> these charges are rigged, the whole thing is rigged. the whole country is a mess between the borders and fake elections and you have a trial like this where the judges so conflicted he can't breathe. he's going to do his job. it's not for me, that i can tell you. it's a disgrace and i mean that. mother teresa could not be these charges. the people of this country see this as a rig to deal, it's a weaponized deal for the democrats to hit their political opponent. for joe biden, the worst president in the history of the united states.e >> dana: and judge jeanine wastr down there and now she's here sn let's turn it over to you andary get your thoughts. > j judge jeanine: i tell yo, dana. m to me it was a very difficult day. ficui heard a man with a ropest instructing a jury tharut -- on issues that i know as a former
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judge exactly as he was were just plain wrong, reversible error. i was stunned at what he brought up and what he said and specifically i refer number 1 tt the fact that we have been talking for weeks, monthss actually since this indictment came down, as to what is that i unknown felony that will be used to resurrect two dead expired misdemeanors? that unknown felony is d mi an election law violation according to this judge that is made up of a federal campaign violation, of a creation of a false record or of a tax law violation. the trump defense team did nottm know this so they could not speak to it, and it is a fifth amendment requirement that you know the charges against you,me that you knontw all of the particulars in the opening statement after the testimony. this was, and i knew it duringat the prosecution's summation,
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this was clearly, it was like a game between the prosecution anh the judge where the defense wase left out of and specifically there was --th they talked about there was not legitimate press one and no one had talked about that during the course of the trial. neither side presented evidencee as tnco what a normal legitimate press function was but the jury hears about it from theosec prosecution in summation. evidence whatsoever by either side. and of course we know that thern was no evidence allowed of al ca federal election campaign violation because the defensedee was not allowed to put on the head of the federal election campaign commission. but they were allowed to here that michael cohen committed a federal election campaign violation and that david pecker was in -- advise not to engage in certain conduct because it was an fec violation. so the prosecution put on evidence, the defense wants to
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put up evidence of what an fec violation is and is not allowed to do that. and then the defense of advice-- of council was not allowed.lo that's what trump wanted. he wanted to be able to say i did this on the advice of michael cohen. now all ofer a sudden we hear michael cohen is a co-conspirator who was aiding and abetting donald trump and a now you can't convict just on the word of michael cohenn without corroborating evidence. but as it relates to that and felony, which will bootstrapu do doesn't bring it to life, you don't have to agree on any one of the three, it doesn't have to be unanimous. this is a kangaroo court. you've never heard of anything other than a unanimous verdict in a criminal trial. and here's a new one, legal expenses are -- if you report them as income is a crime. reporting money as income when it's reimbursement is a crime. though the judge is a saying that itself is a crime. no one knew that. they could have argued it at the
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trial but they did not have then opportunity. so i mean those are just some of the issues. it was a sad day for me. i stand with jonathan turley like this is unheard of. >> dana: dispiriting to here it but that way greg, yourhear thoughts? >> greg: i feel like this is bad for your mental health. it's exhausting, it's self-destructive and we know in our hearts that it's unnecessary because it's political but we are forced to endure it.firs it's like impeachment three. if it weren't so tedious itwo would radicalize you. if you actually paid attention to this, he would come out pretty i think the prosecution is resting on the hate crime hoaxis defense. the logic being he may not bey guilty ooff this specific crime but he's definitely guilty of some crime somewhere out there. that was the reason for the extraneous bs that theyto introduce that had nothing to do
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with the accounting issue. the hate crime hoax defense is always based on if this hate crime isn't real, somewhere someone is doing thi reas, so r this hoax is raising awareness of a widespread problem.espr in this case trump does not have to be guilty, but you know that he's guilty of something, andf it's just the general assumption. so basically this is another hate crime hoax. i wish the jury would sit andt asank themselves what it be oka, would it be fair to you if youre entire life hangs on a creature like michael cohen? i mean think about that. you would not do that to a petty thief.not ombi the star witness combines twoth things which iins proven dishonesty and raging personal vendetta.pers you would not do that to a pettd thief, to make his fate hinge oo his mortal enemy, and yet that's what we are doing to theates president of the united states. we were told for i don't know three years that no one is above the law, but they were sayingay that because they were makingum p sure that trump was below theh
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law. they did not raise the bar forfr him, they lowered it, they lowered it and so you are prosecuting the current leading candidate with an unprecedented theory, right, that is so fol difficult to follow that nobody knows what's going on. wouldn't you want to streamline this and make it the best possible most persuasivees argument possible since this is the leading presidential candidate? >> dana: and you wonder, jesse, there is on the jury two lawyers in the foreman is a lawyer and you wonder if he or she, it's a he, had a similar reaction to what the judgesg an saying and what we've heard from our legal analysts all day.: >> jesse: i worry about that two lawyers because they are both at manhattan corporate law firms and if they are in a jury that votes to not convict donald trump, they have to go and see their boss and they have to go see their colleagues and there's a lot of social pressure,
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there's a lot of. pressure there, dana, to not bring back to your liberal law firm in manhattan a conviction. so that concerns me, but as a nonlawyer and who has never watched a single episode of law and order and opened the lsatsa prep boot k and got to page 2 ad shot it, i am about as confusedc as judge jeanine which makes me feel better because i've onlyelb watched runaway jury twice. was impressed with john cusack and has read every single johnet grisham book cover to cover. tell me if i'm an idiot. greg, don't jump in! this is a case with a crime they won't tell you and it's not eve in the das jurisdiction, but the jury can pick whatever crime they want and they can all disagree on the crime and it is still a unanimous decision?ci >> judgesi jeanine: they have to agree it's one of the three.buff >> greg: it's like a buffet. you can get a little of this, a
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little othf that and everybody n go home and trump is gagged and cohen is not and then he let's stormy daniels go out there and pretend like she was sexually assaulted and then says jury,ur y,forget you ever heard that. and then basically every time the defense objects, overruled, and then the one guy who wasosed supposed to come in and explain the law, the judge won't even let him explain the law act andh then tries to explain the law tt the jury and the jury does not even understand it and asks for the explanation again, and theng you findai out the judge not ony an obama donor, donated to the progressive turnout project andv its subsidiarye stop trump. the judge donated to a stop trump organization anddona his family is going to financially benefit from a conviction.nefi you touched on this last week, there are 24 sitting judges, this guy is not even on the list
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they are assigned randomly. it's statistically improbable that this judge, and actingk judge, was assigned the trumpe organization case, the trump hush money case, and the steve bannon case. >> judge jeanine: heas wase, selected. >> greg: it's statistically impossible. >> dana: kevin o'leary, great to have you here and get your thoughts from your perspectiveps as a new yorker looking at thisk >> i was in europe at the beginning of the case during the stormy daniels testimony. talking to sovereign wealth funds. we've gotta -- done a lot ofth damage to the american brand.d e trump and biden may be gone ande four years but the damage done to the office of the executive, a 200-year-old brand, the reasoa we can go overseas and bring billions of dollars back is they trust our system. this has rocked the bedrock of that belief. she was testifying about condomi
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brandsng and sex and they were asking me what is this? like wasn't this the presidentdt of the united states? so i think what we should do, and think about it as a country, forget about these -- this -- whatever this is that's really going on here, what is it doing to theof brand of the united states of america, because ingus just a few months, these guys are gone, but the executive, when a president leaves the office of the white house, thees president of the united states,m you better murder somebody if bo you are going to be brought into trial. you don't do condom brand porno stars. this is hurting what every entrepreneur does in america ane for me, we dragged our brand into the toilet on this one.i i hope everybody understands itm anytime you want to talk aboutso this case, forget about it, think about america, the mother
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egg that we want to protect. is this what we want to do to former precedence?forg any former president. we have to raise the bar inav bringing these cases because born stars, i've never understood what she has to do with campaign law.? nobody understood that overseas. in where'e's the condom brand and e law on cook campaign financing? i did not get it either. i said look, it's an unusual time, let's talk about -- instead. they said no, was talk about tha poor and star.for not great for me trying to brink back money for data centers. >> dana: much more to come,st donald trump is still in court, he may come out and speak at any moment and we will bring that to you alive but coming up next,s even the media think this was a bad idea. the biden campaign's robert de t niro trump trial stunt is backfiring. [♪♪]
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[♪♪] >> you are a gangster. >> excuse me. >> and then they have a protest yesterday, a broken down pooles standing out therete and he he t a big dose of it.f it >> judge jeanine: donald trumpu popping off on the biden campaign's de niro stunt whichtp bombed harder than roberts last five movies.s ou the actor was outside the trump courthouse letting his undiagnosed trump derangement best of him andiber even the liberal media was embarrassed. >> this was a bad idea, this entire thing was not a great idea. >> let's step away from celebrities. i don't think it helps. i think it almost in a weird wad sometimes backfires, they are
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well-intentioned and robert de niro is well-intentioned but i think staying away from the courthouse would've been the best thing. >> jesse: taken aback by thed tr raging tool and tried to get tha biden camp to backtrack. >> american citizens are not supposed to politicize a court proceeding. i feel the same way about thet campaign, is there any concern about the campaign getting arn a little bit too close to thoseee court proceedings and could that backfire? any concerns, was it a good decision? >> no, there's no concern. this campaign is not speakingsu about the substance of the trial in any way. what we are talking about and a what we will continue to talk about is the unique threat that donald trump proposes to our democracy. >> jesse: all right o'leary did the de niro stunt backfire? >> you know, i spent a fairnt b amount of time in los angelesr with hollywood types and i've w always said to entertainerits tw think this through.a
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when you aren't entertainer, and you are a great one, you don't want to get into this kind of narrative because you are going to make unhappy 50% of the people that go to your movies. fifty% are going to say i did not hire you to tell me who to vote for, i hired you to be a great actor. and he's a great actor. i think he hurt himself, hurt his brand, and he's definitely got -- i was listening to that thinking to myself you know what biden should do, and judge ie wi know you will tell mete technically this is impossible, but maybe he can do it and get credit for it, when and if trump gets convicted of any of these charges, he should pardon himonh that second and clean the record and say i am a man that wants to compete on the merits of our policies, let's start debating. that would lift him out of the garbage he's involved in with this kind of de niro stuff. i know you can't do that becaush it's new york but can he find f some way to take credit for ityk
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by getting a higher power in nem york to pardon this? this has hurt our brand, i've said it five times, but what's the right thing for biden to do to clean up the fact that half the country thinks this is a politically motivated persecution? >> judge jeanine: i don't think ththe presidenis it islit a man to do that. >> don't you think that wouldat help? >> judge jeanine: it would absolutely help but maybe it would infuriate his base. plus there's no question he's behind given the fact that the number 3 of the department oftmn justice jumped down three steps to prosecute a local das case. so i think the fingerprints alle over this plus he's upset aboutp what's goingse to happen to his son hunter so i doubt he's in a forgiving mood but i have to tell you, i mean i wish we lived in a country where that could happen. i >> it should happen. >> judge jeanine: it's notoing going to happen unfortunatelyun but since i started, jesse, a couple things. if you are bleeding young voter
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and minorities, you don't bring out de niro. de niro is the one who said last year i like to punch this guy,hh you know, as if he's a gangster' and then he's calling the trump people gangsters. and for this guy, to say on not talking about the substance oftc the trial, they did it right outside the trial. who are they kidding? it's just they are so hungry to attack donald trump, and this guy is just a loser. he had some great movies i agreb but right now he's a loser and s he's pass his prime. >> jesse: he loses at school,thn it's one thing to read off a script, but then he could not handle the crowd. >> greg: it's a big letdown. i know that he's not his roles but come on dude, golden girls have more testosterone than him. he's a butthole with eyes and the worst part is he's here's thert problem with this e niro stunt. they trotted out's t the poster child for trumped arrangement but he does not just need a dr,a he needs a telethon. i mean where is jerry lewis when
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you need him? i know he's dead but somebody needs to stage an interventionso before he douses himself in brylcreem and sets himself on fire. he's beyond help. he had one bullet in the chamber and he shot himself in the facel he felt that this irrationalnal, personal hatred was more important than the issues that america faces, all the things we talk about, crime, immigration, china, the debt, and he has not said jack about this before and he won't after because this is a luxury hobby for people likeluxu he owns half f of lower manhatti so he'm.s aloof, he's well-off,t can do this and crime good rage all around him and it won't matter, but it matters to us. >> jesse: and the show that joe watches every morning, morning joe, obviously not happ with the strategy, sending a message that not a good idea going >> dana: we know thatw th president biden watches every morning and when you've lost donnie and they are saying whatu
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a bad idea, he's probably goingh to blame somebody else but ie lo think the biden campaign, theykf are in a real fix. they've been understated but this is one of their first big events. they are going to get attention for it but it just seemed a little off. the other thing, you think mike tyler is a very good hire forid the biden campaign. i think he speaks well and i think that he's been givengive direction, like this is wheres h the campaign is going. i'm curious, i wish they would share more of the data they have that says that this messaging works for them because it's nott in any s of the polls, mainstrem polls, it's not in anything coming from carrville or people who really want joe biden toscar win, they are all saying this is not working, a whole -- trump w will destroy the world, that's not working. you guys need to talk about -- but for some reason the campaiga keeps on that track so i would love to know, just show me avide
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little bit of evidence that it makes sense. i think the point about thed is brand is important and one of the things to remember is that joe biden's team made a very clear that as soon as the verdict is given, president biden is going to give an official address from the white house andresd it is not, definiy not going to be a pardon because what he wants to say more than anything else is that donald trump, my opponent, is a convicted felon, and they will say that and hammer it and they will probably continue to lose in the polls unless they canut s figure out some other way to turn it around. >> jesse: what if he's convicted of a misdemeanor. >> is that a felony under that situation? >>ve judge jeanine: if he's convicted of a lesser crime, a misdemeanor, he's a misdemeanor it. >> jesse: that's the firstmuch time i've heard of it.[lau
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but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. >> judge jeanine: fox news alert, former president donald trump speaking after day one of jury deliberation. let's watch. >> in the biden witchhunt. take a look at wear the people come from. it's a biden witchhunt, is weaponization, so it seems that there are a lot of witnesses, a lot of people they could have called that they did not call. obviously because they would have been patent witnesses for them. particularly because of the gag order i won't go down into individual names but a lot of big players that would have
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solved their problem or would have given us the win. we already have the win. if we had a fair judge this case would've been over a long time ago. a lot of key witnesses were not there, look at your list, look at the players, and you know who i'm talking about. take five or six of them. why did they not call those witnesses? they would have been on our side. it's a shame and in particular one witness who is now suffering gravely because of what's happened because of the viciousness of these thugs, vicious people, what they've done to that person. and you know who i'm talking about. they did not call anybody as a witness and all of these people they could have called to solve the problem. the other thing, the confusion is, nobody knows what the crime is because there is no crime. nobody knows what the crime is. the da did not name the crime.
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they don't know what the crime is, that's what the problem is. it's a disgrace. this ought to be ended immediately, the judge ought to end it and save his reputation. thank you very much. >> judge jeanine: okay, all right, so there's donald trump calling this a witchhunt and a weaponization of the judicial system. he apparently was very upset about the fact that certain witnesses were not called. he said they are vicious people and what they have done to that person is outrageous. he's talking about former cfo who is under the prosecutions control, who would have said that trump never talked to him about the invoice, the vouchers or the drafting of the checked. >> it's one of the big questions, where is he. if you were on the jury you would say why did we not hear from them. but correct me if i'm wrong, the judge asked post -- both the
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prosecution and defense if they wanted to have weisselberg and they both said no so may be trump's lawyers had a reason for saying that. >> judge jeanine: the defense has no obligation to call anyone, the burden of proof is on the prosecution,. >> dana: but they had the opportunity but they did not. >> judge jeanine: but they didn't have to. the brute -- burden of proof. there should have been an adverse witness charge that this guy was in the control of the prosecution rikers island and you could assume that had the prosecution called him he would have said something not beneficial. >> jesse: and that's why they did not call him are the security guy who apparently took the phone call from cohen, and that was the big phone call, where cohen said he handled it for donald trump. they talked about the 14-year-old kid prank calling you. this whole case is a joke. we have another overwhelming piece of evidence that donald trump was doing this not for
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politics but because of his business. if you think about it, you know better than anybody kevin, if you are running a media conglomerate, you are running a hotel chain and you are running these companies all over the world, muslim countries, europe and asia, everything that's bad news for you personally is bad for the brand. and you are a billionaire and you have this coming out in the middle of nowhere? forget about protecting your family, that's the obvious concern. secondary concern is the business. you can't have some poor and start extorting you. 130 grand is nothing for donald trump. you pay that, it's a nuisance, make it go away. that's commonsense. >> the trump brand is important, even prior to him being president. obviously all of these trump brands all around the world are royalty based businesses and i particularly love that because you don't need a lot of capital though i admire what he's done from the business perspective. i bet you if it's true that this
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election will be decided by independent voters, if i pulled 10,000 independent voters right now, let's say i could wave a magic wand, i bet you after all of these six weeks or whatever it's been, even if you watch the synopsis every night on the news somewhere, whatever outlet you watch, you are still 99% totally confused on what the hell is going on. even if you spent all day listening to this, what some people did, you are still confused and so i just wonder in that group of jurors if a few of them are just looking at each other saying i don't know. this is a mask. i don't even understand what the judges telling me to do, that's why i'm asking you to read it over to me again, because they can't take a printed -- print out. i don't know what's going to happen here but i look at it and say to myself this is bad for the american brand. that's what i keep going at. it really is. it's just, even if he gets
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acquitted it's bad for the american brand. i don't think people at this table think that will happen, leaning towards maybe a hung jury. you say judge if that happens he will bring it back a week later. >> judge jeanine: no question. but greg, one of the notes that came out today was they wanted the testimony regarding the pecker meeting at trump tower along with cohen meeting at trump tower. it was at that meeting, and i have this in my notes, that trump apparently never mentioned his family like he did with hope hicks. i may be reading it wrong but i'm not real comfortable with that. >> greg: it always goes back to pecker. no one knows what the crime is, but it's the trial, that is the crime. what is interesting about this is it paints trump in an incredibly appealing way. he's up against the wall
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meanwhile joe biden needs a wall to stand up on. this guy is like, he's best when he's angry and focused and direct. this is like when you compare the way he is in that kind of energy to when he's in the white house, it's persuasive. i mean you look at this guy and you go like i get it, that guy is angry and he's clear. meanwhile this guy speaks in these morph is fantasies about a threat to democracy. he can't solve anything. he doesn't know what's going on and this guy is fighting for his life. i mean it's a pretty stark choice for americans if they are paying attention to this, but maybe most of them are tuned out because they know this is bs. >> judge jeanine: a lot of people are but we will see. more of "the five" after this. [♪♪]
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[♪♪] >> greg: president biden inn philly launching an effort to reach out to african voters. joe has good reason to be worried, recent polls show trump winning 20% of black voters. >> black americans voted, kamala harris is vise president becauss of you, that's not hyperbole. because you voted, donald trumpu is defeated former president.fom with your vote in 2024 we will make donald trump a loser again. [ cheering and applause ] >> trump continues to live byue saying black unemployment was at a record low.ow fact is record low unemployment happened on my watch and we wiln keep it going. >> greg: the democrats alwayste operated on this wishfulinki thinking and arrogance. they hopthe blocks are happy wha
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they are and they assume they are too complacent to look elsewhere. e a booty call that's always there at 1:00 am come election season. but what do you say to anybody in an abusive relationship?sn it doesn't hav'te to be this waw there's a whole world out there. why not listen to the republicans, hear them out, there's a whole world out there beyond this plantation style of thinking that the democrat party has. > dana: i wrote down booty call and i was going to use tha" as well so thank you. >> greg: i did a movie in the eighties gold booty call. >> dana: i remember. one ofof t the things they said today is that we won't takeor voters for granted g.we i think it's interesting thaty o this only comes after severalhae polls show that they have a big problem. i think back to -- there's a new york times writer, he's a great guy. i think he does great work and he does something called the run up on the new york times and he went and talked to a lot ofte
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black voters and i remember in this one he separated and had a conversation with the black men that were gathered there and then the black it was a very different conversation. when they were altogether,y we e wasn't that i'm going to votetr for trump, it was that i'm definitely not going to vote for biden, i may stay home or look elsewhere. biden is tryinn isg to make up r lost time here.ting i think it's interesting that 57% of hispanics report feeling inflation stress, 53% of blacklk families are saying that, and that is definitely weighing the biden campaign down and i don't know if kamala harris will be able to fix that. >> greg: kevin, you and i arelo a lot alike, successful businessmen. [ laughter ] >> greg: you understand that a person, let's say is never less powerful when they only have onf option and you are at your mosto powerful when you have double the options. so shouldn't blocks be willing to listen to republicans,pu because that forces theblces democrats to take blacks more
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seriously? if you only have one party dictating to you, the party is in control, but if you have another party out there, then you have control. y now the black caucus voter and the independent black motor must be very skeptical about politiciansal making promises. i think since the sixties they've been courted by allsi kinds of presidentncs and want o be presidents and it seams to m , and i'm sure they would agree, within 90 days after the election is decided, they are forgotten. so they shouldfo brge very skepl and i'm sure they are back but i don't know what is different this time.ow w and that to me, if i were a black motor, would say show mee what's different this time because i don't feel really great about what happens to us a as a caucus, as a cohort, afterd all of these promises are mademo and we've elected somebody. that is where i think this thing
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is still >> greg: you know, jesse your 1 percent african-american, is that right?af >> jesseri: 0.1 percent.a >> greg: still the most african-american at this table.o >> jesse: i would agree although you look... [ laughter ] >> greg: it was biden speaking to that point? som >> jesse: gets stirred something in me, greg. 0.1% lacks for biden-harris. let's go! so in the primary what you you generally want to do is make sure your base is locked in andl in the general you pivot and try to speak to all americans.befo it's the summer before the election and biden is doing base rebuilding. trump's base is good, especially with the nikki haleyen endorsement. i'd like tdo o see more of an endorsement, maybe we will get there but trump is not even playing for the middle, trump is reaching into biden space and going after black hispanics and young people.k not just linguistically, he's
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doing events in the bronx. i would be scared if i were biden and also let's think abou the history of biden's relationship with african-americans. president clintoithn, a differe, kind of upbringing, but the way he spoke and carried himself appealed to black americans. barack obama, obviously appealed to black americans. what's joe's relationship? he was a senator in delaware? delaware? it's of fiefdom. he pal around with segregationists? i guess the first blackid president tap themen as vp so tt gave him streak read andm visibility in that community. but since then what? he hasn't delivered absolutely anything at all. the only reason he really got the nomination in 2020 was because of a deal he cut to deliver those votes in exchange for promising to name a black supreme court justice. a black female supreme court justice. a he did the same thing withe co harris. all of the appeal to black america has been a dei move.
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but that does not solve the inflation issue, which is crushing african-americans. >> greg: isn't it frustrating>>i that the republicans aren't taking advantage of this opportunity? it takes something like trump to do it, but i get it, republicane always get rejected and marked in the media up for trying, but this seems like a great opportunity and i wish that both , you know, the black voters and the republicans could actually meld into a beautiful nto relationship.fu >> judge jeanine: you know, it is a great opportunity and iing think donald trump is setting the tone for other candidates. i mean when i ran for office isv was a republican conservative independent and i went intobl black churches and i was welcomed into black churches. i mean you just have to let people know that your concerns are their concerns or there's te are yours or whatever. but black americans are like al other americans. to them the number 1 issue is
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the economy. and donald trumpssue when it cos to inflation and the economy is up plus 14 points. v and it's very sad that can willg harris, although she's been added to the ticket, or she's vice president, she hasn't been able to change anything.e an they are losing black voters. and, you know, it's not because of one repeatedly wpee see that the minority voters are being subjugated to the illegals who are being brought in, and they know that and it's a democrat party that is doing that. so i mean, you know, joe bidenle has to learn that some of hist progressive policies arehe hurtg the people that he expects to follow him, because you ain't black if you don't vote for joe biden. >> greg: and i guess maybe the u democrats are realizing that taking the box, whether it is kamala harris or kj p is so transparent now. everybody sees it coming and they don't trust you. ahead, hollywood legend dennis quaid calls trump and a whole but in a positive way.uaid
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[♪♪] >> is blue hollywood turning red? actor dennis great giving an interesting answer on why he's voting for former president donald trump. watch this. >> i think i'm going to vote for him. >> are you ready for the blowback? >> he makes sense. people might call him [ bleep ]
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but he's my [ bleep ]. >> you've got love that. what do you think? >> judge jeanine: i love it. the truth is you can't question donald trump's love for this country and love for america. and to the fact that, you know, he's doing things to help this country when he was president we weren't involved in any wars, inflation wasn't what it is now, gas prices, food prices, all that stuff. democrats can't -- can't stand that, it makes them crazy, but the truth is that americans will vote for trump based upon the fact they had a better life when trump was president. and if you don't like his tweets, too bad but when it comes to your pocketbook, and a lot of women look at this, they are happier with trump. >> jesse, to celebrity endorsements even matter? >> jesse: well if i was to endorse someone, watch their numbers rocket. [ laughter ] >> jesse: i mean the rock just on endorsed joe biden. patrick mahomes says you know what i'm not going to make an
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indoors meant this year. a lot of celebrities aren't wanting to get involved with joe biden because joe biden is boring and does not act. if you are a republican, if you are a democrat, at least you respect action. a president who has strength, who sees problems and tries to solve them. an old man doddering around and blaming everybody and then just sending out crazy actors to intimidate juries, hollywood does not like that. even if hollywood is on board with de niro, they don't like the games that are being played. >> i'm worried about family values when you use the a-hole. >> are you worried? i know what you mean but i feel like we are pass that. i mean if you look at some of the language that everyone is using, but i also think that when you see some people of fame who are leaving hollywood back dennis quaid lives in nashville now, several others have left, they live in -- leaving
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california because it's so terrible, basically giving pushback to the hollywood permission structure. i'm not saying it's going to have a major effect but it certainly can't hurt donald trump. >> what do you think? >> greg: it's a great complement. i hope somewhere i'm somebody's [ bleep ]. i hope i'm your [ bleep ]. >> jesse: you are the shows [ bleep ] >> greg: thank you. >> to achieve [ bleep ] status, i mean that's really something. that's really something. >> judge jeanine: you could trademark. >> dana: you are on your way. >> greg: broke a record. >> all right. "one more thing" is up next, stay tuned. [♪♪] and they see in my bag like a bunch of groceries. >> all this cheese and grits just come to me.
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