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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 30, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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also receive neuro cues fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost brain recovery while you sleep, go to dry income or call one 840 750898. that's one 840 750898 order. >> now. >> the combat operations inside gaza could continue for up to seven months. the democrats are officially freaking out and it is showing . was not able to take a copy of the jury instructions into their deliberations only on fox news channel. all right. programming. thank you for making our fourthe episode of new special outlaws and lawman. it's out todayoutlaw only on fox nation. this is the final episode following outlaws. >> jesse james black, bart, butch cassidy, sundance. we got it all on fox let not your heart be trouble. gregg's next. >> have a great night.
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all right. all right, all right,g: oka all right. >> okay. that'll doy wil. happy wednesday, everyone. so the democraticte national committee plans to nominate joe biden virtuallyl ahead of the convention. some say this to allow biden on the ohio ballot, but others think it's to protect delegates from the center folow hir. >> malahide, because he's near death. >> earlier today, the jury in the trump hush money trial deliberating. >> the judge told jurors i juey must be unanimousey trial f they find trump guilty, leaving the prosecutiounanimoun requesto in ballots. don't su
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>> oh, don't sue me. >> scientists say canadian super pigs may soon invademightn the united states. great. like we already don't have enough here unitestates. >> yeah, right. yeah. nothing can bring better together than a joke about the views. wait, i didn't know where i was going with that. naamerican groups allege the metropolitan museum of art's first indigenous art curator fake ad her indiandian r heritage to get the job. >> but none of them want to be the one who asks her to give it back. you know, i'll just sit heret until you guys. t th the fact that that was a decente jokent.
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i don't need your pity. recent s >> a recent study ranked houston as america's dirtiest city due to its terrible air quality infrastructure q and number of pests invading homes. upon hearing this, san francisco said hold my beer . premxcept it was, i think. >> premature applause. there's a pill for that. a study revealed that having kids may shorten a man's life, especially if the kids are the menendez brothers. se wow. when the time machine for that one. oh yeah. hernand googling you kids born in the nineties. a new airline named bark airairs is designed specificallyne to prioritize dogs. the problem is they all want to flyitiz with their heads out the window. adorable but dead
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in washington, d.c. the giant grocerin dc thy chain has annoud a ban on large bags. great. now we're all i shop complains one large bag. . a japanese man who spent $14,000 transforming himself has a dog has now changed his mind. >> he hanow chand this change oe when he met his new owner and a mexican government says the armi of a mummy came ofcaf after it was mishandled by the museum's staff. staff it's the last time i go the to mexico, says one woman. >> all right. so while joe naps say on the commode, the dems are in panic mode . there's never been a better time not to be a democrat. the whole party is falling
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apart like michael cohen, piloting an iraniartn helicopten into a gaza pier. oh, wow. it was worth it then. oh, according to a new big story, politico, a pervasivervav sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the democratic party, meaning ane people have to feed and change joe biden. oe bidenone insider actually cat a freak out. as in we got to get this freak w out of the white house, politico interviewed a bunch of democrat operatives, mostdidt whom didn't want to be named. and i don't blame them. being a democratnamei right now is like being a blimp salesman aster the hindenburg, your main product said disaster, and it's leaking gas. >> so dems are now texting each other about. what a disaster they think the election's going to be. and yet, here's what these guys
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think will happen if they lose. quote this oh my god, mitt romney might become president. it's oh, my god. tomorrowt he might end.ght en of course, dems have been saying that wheneven r abo they're about to lose. democracy is always about to end. >> just like when they said global warming is just 12 years away from killing us all when we really know it's clinton and see they're warming up. and when it doesn't, they just reset the clock. but in this case, it's worse because they believed it.eeps ] >> they kept saying that the trump apocalypse is real. and over and over again, they just actually brainwash themselves. you know, they're like med student who read too many studiebrainwthey ares, micro an convinced he's jesse watercos waters. wow. ha ha ha ha ha.
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mean as great? yes. things are so bad. one adviser to major>> democratic party donors has been keeping a lisngs are t of two dozen reasons why joe could lose immigration inflation. biden's age. im harris. third party candidates like rfk and yeah, crackhead mcgee. this democrat keeps this list for donors becauset it's much easier to show them. >> so while they read it, i canu a drink through. >> it's beginning to feel likea carterdrink. versus reagan, exca they take carter now overwho wo biden. fair. i mean, who wouldn't? uldn'twhen you and biden calls visiting angels puts it straight to voicemail. >>to it's your turn. n putt not even putting trump on trial is helping biden's prospects tr it just makes joe look worse. americans know lawfare when they seeo la
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it. >> not even trotting out a disheveled bedwetter will change. de niro only underlined n the fact that hating trump iirsy a belief, something you can b prioritize over crime. of fo >> the price of food becauseode you're a movie star and ownf half of lower manhattan. you don't feel the pain others n have the past four years of a democrat run dystopia. >> for perhaps biden himself isn't directly behind abusing the court systems behind to stop trump when he sees it on tv. he probably thinks it's an old matlock rerun. but staging a presser, the courthouse that changed things, it showed true desperation. know this is it.s it so they're treating criminal charges like joe's diapers coul throwing them at the wall to see what sticks. i know. i agree. they should be. according to a new rasmussen poll, 54% of dems say they wantt a different candidate in novembeor. but like my classmates who confessed their love for me
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in my high school reunion, l ren it's a little late for that. >>io yeah, go to. and let's not forgetting scheduling the first debatefirs the earliest at the earliest it's ever been in an electiodetn season, perhaps to build in enough time for a switcheroo. leuild in enough tt joe collapsj and suddenly gavin newsom puts on his humanun costume and slithers in. it fitits so fit tight. a even a fake republican on the view is sounding the alarm. that time is running out like we are six months out. and i think we have to be honest. there is a chancy thin have te this guy could win if we don't start fighting harder. >> the holy,fightingr. the idios the truth. of course he was punished later when they took away our sardines. >> but hy her sardinese. roke but even a broken clock is right twice a dayk is. >> that's why i give broken clocks as gifts. >> thank you. thank you. woman is a clever, veryplotti
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terrible joke. ngso the dems had one trick, and it's backfiring. trump is a to democracy.t it's not a practical thing. like all their ideasl thin,it'su it's unproven and hysterical. >> counter that to reality spendingd hyalit. ving more on basics for living watching crime spiral illegalsne . the cities calling voters traitors for not wanting to liv fore this way isn't going to cut it. do they think trump is a ? some d do theo. k he >> do they think he'll do any worse in the white house than he did the first time? most he w don't. you know why? because he actually did pretty good, even with russiagate albatross around his neck. but what is old joe? think wh thinkk about this? hese >> no, no, no. look, these democrats, they got to worry less. they're worried too much. it'll kill you. t my doctor told me he can't let that worrying get to you. take a nap. t that's true. i did. and i go to sleep at night. knowsleeat nighter probl whatev, they're all gone in the morning. i forget all about i. o and, you know, i worked
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on election night last time. they said, joe, go to bed. go to bed. when you wake up, you'll go t. sident and what do you what doap you know? it happened sopened., you know. oh, loved it. oh, let's welcome tonight's guest. her sage advice make asnighs, men out of mice, hosts of the stage st a steal show. bill mars podcast network. jade steele, neil sharper than his jab is his wit. host of good guy bad guy espn jail sunday. her motto, give me liberty, give me soup. "new york times" best selling author and fox news contributowr . and he wants arm wrestled superman and the loser had
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to wear his underwear on the outside. "new york times" best selling author, comedian and former nwa imes sage.pion tyrus 's ave this trump is destroying the world thing. i don't think it's workingmp. u what do you think? i think it's beautiful. is be watch the fact that it's absolutely, positively disaster . >> it's not working for them. it's so cool's not w to be. and i travel all the time. airplanes, people come u p all time. >> guess what? of all different colors. and they're like, dolieve is? i never thought i would say that i would vote for him. and now look, they still whisper, right? they say it quietly, maybe not down in the beautifue nodown ino of florida where i'm about to pick up residents full time. >> thank you againkl-time. i thanks a lot. but it's fascinating to see it and. >> and again, when they talk so much about the black vote taac black vote, you know what? i think that those rumblings
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were there a couple of years agd with yo now. >> absolutely. it's legit. abd. should be afrai mhm. like, what does he have to offer them. but what does he have to offer anyone. that's why people are saying the t word sale.r you agree with 54% o4 dems that, that they need a new candidate? >> they seem very nervous. i question the sincerity of that in all fairness. i mean, it seemse sincerall of d of a popular thing where they blow the single best politician that democratss ha have is gavin newsom, and he is going to be a big problemve n down the road. but biden seems to get things right here. here's what i would know if it was sincer seems tgs righte. if you ask somebody that was a dem, would you rather somebody else? and you must ask a follow up question ask the of who. >> i guarantee they will not insert whether whether it waset whitmeher itr, gavin newsom, ora one of the squad. >> it's just something they say. don't you thinorr itk it's?nk i' >> i think it's the first e thep been. >> okay, if not this then this person. mhm. their silencersoe. l >> i feel like i don't recall the last time that happened on the democrat side. upahpened on the. >> true. they never shut up, you know.
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but the thing is. okay so think this they had this virtual like this virtualoh nomination, they had to do that early because they were worrie d about in the nomination somebody else in a r and a dnctn being nominated. >> yes. don't you think that's truat's i think that is interesting. you know, i actually love that kind of stuff. i don't want this to happe stuft n because, you know, i support the right. but i got to tell you, i like bitcoin and i mean, only bring it intn like liko i kind of lik the things that are digital and things that go for. budo like the idea of of pushing some technology for but this is an interesting one and the real story and why that'srestin coming out i think i think is actually going to blow some people's mind when that finally gets revealedfinae do you think joe biden passed away secretly three years ago? no, but myu thin mother-in-law s fact she knows that he passed away. it's an actor. this whole thing's going on inside him. monica. shout out to you, honest man. she's at home watching now. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. uhnica sherobabl , kat, where were surprised o or shocked by elise's point on the view? >> i was. no, i..
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>> i don't get not being more worried, really. ied re i think that it seems reallyal ca, 54%. st 40 >> maybe it's because i can't see anyone else, but i think but kind of what it is goes to say just point, which is for some of thesf int foe people wh a trump supporter is, i think is just likeis a elusive creatuk in their mind because waym they talk about him, certainly no one in their real life would want to be open with them. maybe i'm thinking of voting for him or this they think that everybody who supports trump is just like the people who are at january likle sixthao right now. >> they don't understand that there are a lot of peopleyn who may not even necessarily support him that are going to vote for him. of p actually nothem tha ve forc group of people. and because they don't want to ask these questions and actually figure out why, they're not going to find out why arg to out whyy and it actut matter who they ran at this point is i think it would be the same playbookcausprobabl. trump can't win, trump can't win, trump can win. it does even matter who the candidate is becauseho t they're saying not this guy is basically what they're
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runnin are rg on.intere >> yeah, you know, it's interesting. it's like trump issttrum what yn imagine and biden is what you. >> right. it's like nobody to irepublicans. you don't have to imagine joe biden, you could just say just. to the guy. but trump, the democrats really want trump to talk because real he's really focused and he's angry and he's defiantd . >> so they need to create these, like, kind of amorphous, dystopiaate thesn. what if she's going to defend democracy? because ifs goin you listen to , you go like, you know what? >> i you know, i don't to likeeo him. he seems to make sense. well, he is going to destroye ss democracy. greg saw it last time whenha he got in. di time fi. verybody first thing he did is he made everybody wear white uniforms. the army. ack unif and then he wore like this black uniform and he had, like, this red light saber and heconge kept choking congressmen. it wasss trying to take over. >> but luckily there was a couple of rebels that blew the whole thing. otherwise we'd still be stuck
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in that horrible. w e stucyeah, it is made up just s the movie i just said. yeah , this. there is no substitute, greg. mm-hmm. they only need him for six and a half more months. yeah, they just need him to crosss they n the finish lin. their entire campaign is trumpu' is anti-trump, so you don't need to go speak and kissampaig babies when your entire campaign is the opposite of whatever hee said. and he's a felon. that's it. once he they get the election, they believe they have 81. we always talk about numbers they had a big turnout to stop trump. and i think a lot of that hat dk to do with the pandemic. but they're not banking that they're not banking anything else. they. in elsbiden couldn't be more invot in this courtroom if he if we put his blubberingmore i outside the building. but he doesn't call the shots they sen it de niro in. a great actor who's respected by people who just watch movies. and he goes out there and he gives that speech becausmoviese biden can't do so they got de niro. what they didn't anticipate was
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i shocked about there is no arguing that de niro is great actor, hands down everyone's favorite movie, top five. everyhe's at least two. >> okay. but what i was shocked and oddda is that he is the worst improv actor i've ever seen in my entire life. this is thy ene i agree. he's i mean, it's amazing. >> like when i need somebody mydon't need to check my reference. it's here ree. i i don't need to go. yeah, like i can't stand. gutfeld he's holding me back every time i turn around. >> it's about my size. i have a brain >>o it. tyrus where was the point? where was the point? was it narrow? he had i he he never said where you couldn't vote. trump or at least some because [ blnever let actors write their own ever check this is what happened. >> he couldn't even respond to a heckler.
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everybody can you can get aned actor to do what you need do get a wayne brady. >> you go out there and improvg. t totally do like feed off and maybe sing a song that's in becoming a democrat because he's just so talented but angry man in the horn started honking, by the way. >> he was simply. ca jusk i just real quic be really mean, listen, i tried. i think i need to i don't want i don't think slow down for me.o i don't want to give a left a lisa too much credit because how often we've been able to say she's right. >> she worked in the trump white house her entire career is becausp whe the trumpf white house and she was behind everybody there and then white n sudden he loses the election and what does she do? she jumps to cnn and now to the view. she's an viewis opportunist andr it. >> you're one and done for not 1 . all right now, lisa is a poor man's amorosa. up next, the latest report from new york's kangaroo court. that was good. he's a lawyer. >> if you'll be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld, go to slash gutfeld
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and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> the west was a chaotic brew of progress and explosive violence. jesse james black, bart and butch cassidy became icons to a nation for heroes. your career, as long as some chose to live outside the law, others always be ready to put their lives on the line, to bring them to justice. you should know pretty clearly the remains once this is out laws lawman. >> on fox nation, i lookese are >> on fox nation, i lookese are back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran i understand the veteran mentalit these are people who have served. they've been in leadership they've been in leadership positionlp they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. necessary. and they come to uno out. say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking forteran a handout. they're looking for our little hand up. my team at new day usagets thatg
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on your wing, grandpa! that you came to my house to donate today. >> a story in five words. five words. trump a jury deliberations. go on. you know, i was watching this today and i felt exhausted and it was only day because i feel like this like it's a terrible workout for america. it's like we're being forced to do something that we don't want to domething . >> do you how do you feel about this? the outcome isn't near is in question . and as the prosecution itself. i'm not going to tell you and this was the supreme court was deliberatemes delibe and judge b just waited. this was only three weeks ago. but there's an open debateutd s she was saying that she didn't
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know that the president should get immunity because he hascces access to the best lawyers. it was a very interesting commento best. n it's very interesting. consider the best lawyers in one room and they were insiarguing they couldn't agre e because what it insinuates is she's saying if you have the advice of lawyeres and that's what you followed, you therefore are okay. he tried to protect his familyec . he followed the advice of his lawyers, which his lawyer testified to. lawys lawy tes. ore of anyway, it just seems likeus a big it's a little confusing for me, and i don't think it's right. noing fo't i think everything you said,g evenyo though you said it in eight times the speed, but it was way clear. it was very clear. it's very clear. it's very clear. bojusty, even i just got a call from ben shapiro. he says, slow downd he. wow. , no, but you'ret driv absolutely right. and this is what drives me crazy. tyru me crs, is that this is unnecessary. >> and it's like, you know, weer we say you're never you're not above the law. >> well, they're sayin the law g you t that trump is below the law. >> you got that from me.
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ooi know. >> i got that from scott. i don't know. because you said the first thhe fir time you said it on the five,e you did credit me. and i rememberedu m the closest i've been to the five five. canzone oh, yeah.te all >> right.y next time i shall footnote all my commentarry from y about. >> yeah. what do you think? that's why i had that speech written about you earlier. mea look, man, this. this trial, i think it's awesome. the jury keeps writing a notedg to the judge, and it was two today, and he got and sent him home because they keep sendin ag note. >> what crime are we voting on? yeah. so they keep sending him home,t and then they send him this. then the second note came. it wassemet a lot shorter than the first one. w t f judge. and he goes up until that wonderful benediction we just got. i had no idea what the the crime was. even the president doesn't knowa and he knows a lot of people and not evennds a of people cam
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tell them what they've heard about what law he broke. yeahosople. >> to use his own stuff against. a lot of people it's just an ugly>> an ug scene. kat i don't i like i'm not even like i if this weref this more interesting, it would radicalize m e. >> but it's too tedious to radicalize me. it just me sses me . >> yeah. and i. it should be interesting, i guess, but. but it's not. >> and i really failed to understand. like, look, if i thought that there was some case here, then i would have no problem saying that. i really just don'ldavt it. and a lot of the arguments that we see from lf th about whh trump should go away for this have to do with whay they likeer trump. >> i mean, even de niro was like, he hates new york city. it's likobde niro'e war. >> it's not illegal to hate new york city. first of all, not guiltyw yo. yeah, it's got nothing to do got with the trial. even storm noty in the trialabou testifying about how the was. h
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why is that part of this? is t go to jail for for being bad at , then a lot of people in this country are very concernedat sex. >> but to be fair, ifo be f you're going to beai judge and how you are at, a star is kindn of an expert. t so you got to kind of,hi you know, but yeah, they're the only they've proven that he' s he's he was a bad husband. and if that's the case, this would be an empty show tonight. >> oh, god. craig, i think that misses the not portraying him. i think that that's the clear play that biden shouldde have made a long time ago. and trump, on a personal level, really believes in loyalty that would ag timeelieving put d spot. if joe biden rhoden was the white knight. and there's no scenarin rodewitn biden lets trump go to jail. every president pardons the other president because they need that sam departine passport. think i just think it's silly. and biden could have got it's hav. o save his own >> your son's my father. if i had a big problem or not. prr, the power to get meme out of it, he would have. mm. that almost reminds meof tha, t, of, you know, last year, i guess when all the trump charges were t reminds mebeing mentioned. ch and then, hey, this is a chance
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for ron desantis to say, listen, we're goinance o sag against each other here, but this is this is the wrong thing. let me stand up for him. and he was silent, whichong thin i think the sanders at that point lost a lot of people, and that's water under peop. but the >> however, the whole thing to me is just embarrassing. like it's embarrassing. it's embarrassing that we're just now beginningg that to abot some of the charges. like if i'm in other countries, i am laughing at us again. this is just the 10,000th reason over the last three half years to laugh at us. but i'm also scared. is that my life? to say that just because the principle of how it's happening. right. and then when you hear that they're getting the jailytg cell prepared and everything. to me, i'm almost preparing for this to happen. and then for there to be wha who knows what kind of chaos in thif s, because you cannot pk anything past them. and withep the way this trial is being run, you almost have to assume the absolute worst. >> yeah. and then who's going to want to run? who's going to want to run.reg:c office from a from a republican or conservative or independent? ifan or inde is what you get. >> but you can't put a guy in jail who's never beennvicte
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arrested or convicted of a crime. this this would thid be his fid offense. and he's, what, 78? yeah, i think there' hsanothe good chance we can get another 70 good years out of them. yeah. i'm saying, like, if he haou likd these, you know, like, this is crazy. >> all right. up next, he teaches the youth for all to be polite, smart and useful. >> what does it take to? get your best night sleep. start with sheets so soft, they transport to you. >> at bowling branch, we use the rarest cotton on earth and a transformative weave that unlocks new levels of softness wash after wash. so this sheet starts out soft and gets even better with time. 96% of customers agree. bolan brand sheets get softer with every wash. love feel the difference and sleep better at nighbeourt with thanat branch. >> wo nee lovew su being outsi0 but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy sec. now, thanks to our new sun set a retractable awning we can
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swim meets, but nearly 18 for old title as much as i can was an air. all right, now i'm a remove my deck stance. >> i know how to do this. what's your name? e my is kicking around. how are you doing today? good. how about you? i'm doing pretty good. r asking. fot you? my pleasure. cool. that's real simple. right in my faceure. the whole time. to titimee my hand, though. why? we both mutually agreed to let the handshake go smoot let theh of what for? could have swirling arms a little bit. seem a little nervous at first, but he caught himself and was answered. >> good. good. oh, great. one. now that's what i call an education. among the valuesh n abou values instill is our honor, discipline, commitment, courage, accountability and consistency c and not a twerking drag queenont in sight. >> perhaps because they're all over at kudlow's apartment that tyrus is this positive
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negative. >> are you unsure? >> where are the drag queensg in kudlow's apartment? what happened there? to be honest with you, whenever, whenever. and kudlow wheneve gutfeld are e hey, we're going to i immediately just fall asleep go >> i can hear them by he's the only personon who's evr asked. >> yeah. yeah. well, you know, he he wasell, h a gladiator and a lot of fightine a gladiag and a sim but now you put us all down a rabbit hole we can't get out of because greg has been waiting for that. i'm sure you havg is e a 17 part answer. the entire board of his notes bott someone. one day this is all. kudlow it's up for you and kudlow n's uo, i. these are basic things that parents should be teachingo that our neighborhood should be teaching. so when you go to schoolodgsd to learn how to shake a hand, it worries me a little bit. plus ittle bi, i feel like that's kid of an issue like shaking hands and changing tires. aking ha
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>> you can teach that in anteac afternoon, know about it, but it's no one's being taughthn that. but doing more of that like i,hg i when i see little handshake thing, for me it's so important but that takes lik e my ties don't to my contacts. i know, but these kids aren't doing it. t i met a guy yesterday.d i was trying to buy some tile and he came up and saicad d i am like, what? >> you have to be careful. we want to push these beliefhigt hey, this is what we think it is to be a man. then you get another nonprofit a along what we think being a man is wearing a skirt and cursing and then a are teaching. so you have to be careful.e th these are things that should be learned at homeings b, our communities. but what if it's not being taught? again, i'm not throwing shadain i'm just raising my eyebrow. because when it comes to kids, so are way too lax comess and e way too weak. >> say, oh, it's so sweet. they're teaching them to change tire sg thge s. n what else is going on with your curriculum? what are you doing to build these young men? becausin t are yoe all that stuff is small. >> it'll take the wind out of our guys. yeah, i'm a little surprised. a little surprised. >> i look with times to say that we need more, but. oh>> ni know, i know a little be
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about this guy. he's like, he actually is doing more. he has a mento he isr named royt pittman he looks up to that's been doing it for years. he he's in there. he's notit i being paid. >> it actually is a nonprofit, at least from what we've been told so far. he's trying to hel young mp meno >> and it's a big deal.a how you meet somebody is a really big deal. ly big dyou you don't get that t impression back. you go up, you say your name first. it's a big deal. i likeg deal that he did it. >> yeah. i also like harold.y >> harold ford his kids, they come they like, cal you bl you your surname. hello, mr. gutfeld. how are you? son of my kids. yeahu., it's like that. >> like sticks with you. you know, evenu even someone lie who's not allowed near children ,it's not because of greg. it's my son who use greg as a toy for a while and apologize. tire, you were just so cute and you fit in his pocket and ie gave you back. we apologize to your wife. let it go.o yo justur like that.kudlow kudlow's off the hook? yes. yeah, just like that , actually greg will say he's sitting on a hook somewhere waiting for me to get on cat wing on a. >> what are your thoughts?
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here it is. i feel lik ie part of the reason why i guess i find this refreshing is you don't hear about it. >>efreshin that and also there's such a coarsening of culture where things are going in one direction and this feels like he's just kind of holding itd. a little bit. >> i'm going to make a very bold statement. and as i think it's good to help kids. thank you. thank you, everybody. i well, i do think honestly, at least looking for solutions is great. trying to help is great as opposed to what politics says, which is politics is looking to see who we can blame for a problem and then usincan blamd thg to try to gair yourself. there's a politics as well. they don't they want to exploit problems rather than solve them? unfortunately. so tryinrather than sog do some. >> yes, trying to do something is good. >> they us tryine that on the fe two, if you are trying to havee something is good, but make sure you make sure you credit
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me. i will. anu can try to use 9 to 5. i just trademarked. yeah. all right. it's coming up. they think it's a win to say they're too thint i rked it.. i like it it. i'm your only competitor. you a i'm ready for a rematch. in g game on.toga i've been practicing with thein i've been practicing with thein cell? ? i've been practicing with thein cell? >> going over the hoop. hmm. oh, foul. oh, foul. what are you gonna teled. l me oh, foul. what are you gonna teled. again? foul. foul. foul. okay good. good. i'm not going to get servedome. is like, get off state, save money and be protected from mayhem like me. >> love you, mom. wait. your father gets home. hello. i am former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night.
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yes.dy you prefer someone who actually brags. then the humbl whoe. like when people say they post on social media, usually lik sot i'm so humbled to announce that i like won this award likeo that's the opposite of what that word means, bro. >> yeah, they usthe woe anxietya thing, which is like, don't steal my culture. >> you know like, my anxiety is real. yo, sage, what i do the opposite. i vise signal. i tell people alignal.l the awfl things that i do. so they're always surprised when i do something, do somethindo sdg? ldre yeah. when you are teaching children to shake hands, whento new peope who have given you good lines. >> yes. yes, definitelou gooy. >> uh, what's the question? there was none. say, there's>> greg: a yeah. >> how tall are you? i that's. r? >> i'm well. with or without hair. oh. life511. >> and then you got to make it. you know, when i come on thishsi show, i wear my highest heels. >> now, when you. whe when you. when you're working at then yo a podcast center of bill maher, do you have to do you talk about how much you woro muck?
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>> does he talk about how muchwk he works? i, i don't sees? bill. >> if i do, then he's probably high. soly aigh. he oh, no, he alwayse very minute you go for as to high, it's different. >> no. so you're makingou're m me thi. yeah. which is also scary because. because i remember having a stressful day yesterday and telling a friend and wass an like. and then this. and then this and then this. and then i was on fod then r zooms and that, and she was like, oh, great. yeah. like, oh, i just i'm like, that annoying person. i think it is annoying. even though i was just gperson it is ifh it you're just talking in front of your venting because it was y, she like,da a is that, is that bad? >> it's the person. >> i think it's like dickinson who like is whining about it, not complain, but whining. >> there's a fine line like, i didn't whine. oh, i had to do 300. >> and it always has to be high, high status. >> i had to do three show,
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but everybody's busy. right. and so for the most part, shut up. keep it to yourself, sage. but do you ever complain about the number of people andkh have to beat up?ad >> all right, ifo you beabeattp six people, you find a way to tell a story because, you know, i missed a namedrop earlieikr. want to do something on the dinner parties? can i just tell you guys really fast to tell super fast in 2013 and a small role in a movie and it was stallonreal iwill tel roe and they had a conversation i just eavesdropped on. ther ae. t standing ther but stallone there was an academy show the night before and stallone told deniroowed th i don't agree that they did the politics and i don't care what the politics are. it should not be part of the whaty bob and deniro agreede with them and said he doesn't even follow politicsniai. s. so i don't disagree, but i don't follow it. that wasn't that long agthat wou and i just wanted to share that with you because what a difference it diff time has mad. yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. [ lag yehts. p. >> but was that, was that a humblebrag namedrop? yeah, i thinmitted ik i admitte. yeah, for sure. he gave my signals he gave mee h the option to ignore.
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>> okae opy. re so because i ignore everybody. well you can address jail orbehd the topic at hand. that's how loose this show is. wellthat's h show is, i got cong this. yeah, and i checked the author several times. it was not cat outing me pretending to be busy at work like i play my xbox a lot for getting myself ready for tv. it's not easy building homes for peasant villagersts and in minecraft. >> it take mine crafs all inclu, you know, making sure every little color a representative that takes hours . >> so i don't associate at work to engage. i always identifie id humbler the the oh my wife is so complicated like oh i had to i you know i had to do the interview this morning on de niro and i had to you ro wasknow i, had to then it wa conflicting for me because, you know, i like his music and i'm friendths with him like this. you're just like everyone
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in this building, including the janitor, had to talk about deg niro today, bro. like it's not. they try to make their life soak important, but they're not. they're sad or miserable. kill me. doesn't home. so he'll come up to you and start in the elevator. and he wantse wantin to talk? yeah. he wants to be your buddy. yeah. i think that's whya bu they chad the elevators here for kill me because you can't leave. you have to stay on till it's your floor. you can't hit a button and get ou a t. yeah. kill me, will. in waters to you. call me button. yes. he sitt and was and waitits fo us to get in the elevator. and then. hey, how's it going? tant and you? even if you don't say anything. oh, that's cool. gyess what's going away in my house. and i would tell you about the time he and jim brown saved kittens in a fire housn an ke. you're like, oh, yeah, and you're on the 21st floor. it's a lon andg day. >> it is. all right. we must move on. dressing like a dog was the pit. so calling it quits? yeah. the west. a chaotic brew of progressive and explosive violence
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every angle. hend we're just getting
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started. life as a colley wasn't that jolly? that's actually a ma caln the wy also this japanese dude. he made international headlines in 2022 by spending 14 grand to be a realistic collie. but now he's changed his mindt'
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because it's too difficult to waltoo k like a dog. and now he thinks he might try to imitate a panda or a bear instead. what are your thoughts on him? >> i mean, he couldn't follow through jail. he had an opportunity to be the rosa parks, the male to dogt transition. >> what the did you just saioy >> he could have been the leader or the leader. sure, surele i got to say, i'm e little caught off guard. tyrus has probably seen this a few times where somebody goe y for a gimmick or a costume. every time i've had a fantasy costumeof this guy's in myself, well, no, it was to eavesdrop so to rob a bank. i mean, t but it was about some crazy fantasy. this is to ao good of a costume. i think it's weird. okay, well, you know what it is? it's the uncanny valle.y of the costume. yes, right. got to call. that's like when a robot is almost to humans age that, like, you get freaked out by it . >> does this man have problems where i don't understand
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the why behind. >> and you know what we need kristi noem. yeah. sorry. that's not okay that's that's not okay. i think actually some practical >> as man so want to try to be these other animals. mm-hmm. i would say this time tryg as walking as the animal before you buy the $14,000. >> sure, that's true. like used to it.also m it must be very hard to usp to o lift your leg. >> that was probably one of the problems. yeah. greg, you want to get into t the anatomy of him taking a and a dog food? listen, if you're unfortunately, if you're disturbed, creepy man as a man, and then you become a dog. desser still a disturbed creepy dog. and you can tell by the video js the dogs will be like that. >> and they'd be like, oh, my. yeah. is that reactions not going d to change? watch the video. the first dogs like, oogs h, wh?
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>> why? so if he had just transitioned ,a woman threw a dress on and changed his pronouns he'd be ap] hero, but they would be the dog doing the same thing. >> why? what a creepy man's a creepy man. doesn't matter how you dress does it up houses, handshake. yeah, yeah, yeah. contacts. yeah. what i ake, i ctactt is. yeah. no, i'm good. i didn't go to that class. oh, yeah. >> he just wanted a sniff. people know he wanted to date a dog. you didn't read this guy's whole stor>> youy? >> i never read the story, cyrus. oh. amat do you thin grek i? >> am brit humor..y okay, don't go away. we'll be rightwel back back. heartburn makes you queasy. >> get fast relief with new tums. plus, upset stomach and nausea, support and love, food think o back tums. >> i try to put my arm around >> i try to put my arm around any vet that i canf the ve
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