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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 30, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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everyone come i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from texas tonight. thank you for joining us. >> nobody knew what they charge, the d.a. did not name the crime. they don't know what the crime is. that is what the problem is. it is a disgrace. this thing ought to be ended immediately. the judge should ended. >> laura: alvin bragg and testimony from the star witnesses stormy daniels, michael cohen had no relevance to prove any elements of the crime charged. given this man as i said earlier, the emotion for direct verdict should be rented by any judge worth his or her salt. a reasonable jury could have found the crime charged committed because the evidence was not committed. but that would actually require an objective jurist he read it but trump faced badly conflicted one and one the left is obsessed with. >> judge merchan, i am now like
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i have a man crush on him. he has such a great judge commit is hard to see the jurors wouldn't have the same impression. >> laura: how sweet, isn't that sweet? from the outset, the left salivating over the prospect of the jury finding trump guilty. the ultimate fantasy is that you will be sent to record silent and maximum security self. they embarrass themselves at a return here and rely on the words of admitted liar and of course, we know michael koman is a thief. the so-called star witness even lied on the stand but the judge made a special effort to try to save b3's credibility as a witness. well, as we all suspected, judge merchan end of the trial phase the way he began it with staggering bias that favored the prosecution. how come i think of all the things that happen and the most consequential today was when he instructed the jury that they didn't need to be unanimous about the add-on crime that we
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talked about for months now that takes what was a simple administrative bookkeeping misdemeanor to have suppose a felony. what's worse the crimes that marchand left out campaign violations and falsification of business records in violation of tax laws, they weren't even charged in the indictment. he said that although you must conclude unanimously the defendant conspired to promote election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you need not be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were. okay, this is a joke and what we have been warning about since the indictment handed down 14 months ago. and the defense world, this is cold, it is a trick called umbrella charging. it is something supreme court warned of but didn't rule upon specifically back in 1991 and a case called chad versus arizona.
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justice still legally in his concurrence noted it is true as plurality points out that one can conceive of novel umbrella crimes a felony consisting of robbery or billing to file a tax return in that case where permitting 6-6 verdict seemed contrary to due process. this is precisely what is happening here in merchan's instructions a violation of the constitution, which of course undermines p16 to unanimous verdict in a state criminal craze. judge merchan made sure to tell the jury if they conclude cohen was dishonest and one key part of his testimony that we know he lied on that needn't compromise other parts of his testimony regarding trump's actions and intent. that is another dead giveaway. another dead giveaway of systemic flaws in this case, the
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prosecution's use of broad sweeping language in his closing arguments. josh stein class said trump was guilty of committing a fraud upon the american people and even a subversion of democracy. again neither are actual crimes but who cares, stands do make sounds pretty, right? then there are the biden efforts outside of the courthouse that could affect jurors deliberations. now, imagine you are a juror maybe you are taking a break scrolling on instagram in this pops up your feed. >> people start to focus a little bit more what is at stake and start to become educated on the issues and the differences between the two men i believe that americans are going to choose good over evil. >> laura: oh, no, i think trump is not guilty means i'm choosing evil. that is what dr. jill said.
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yeah, that is despicable. alvin bragg, merchan the entire biden team are deliberately creating a major constitutional crisis with this case. they knew it from the beginning. biden himself could have ended this law fare before it began by saying, "look, i don't like donald trump, but i want to beat him fair and square in a real campaign with real debates, not via prosecutors and d.a.'s with political ambitions." now, think about that here that actually would have been the political and legal smart thing for biden to do and also institutionally brilliant for him to have said is a sitting president, but look he doesn't care and we know that. i don't even know if he knows where he is. his illegal salvador's would rather destroy the country then share power and save the constitution and legitimacy of the constitution. but the question is, do we have one juror from this manhattan
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pool who still cares enough to be brave here? for four years, we have been lectured by biden and his media cronies on the need to preserve democracy. we have heard it and heard it again. but this week we saw what their division of democracy really is. it means the president can use the doj as a weapon and encourage states to do the same in order, of course, to stop his political opponents. it also means a political opponent himself will not get a fair trial. he doesn't deserve it. he subject to gag orders handed down by a compromise judge here their vision of democracy also means the rest of the world sees our judicial system as a rigged and political farce. the type of fraudulent political show trial that we accuse russia and china of putting on. but in november, the voters have a chance, they have a chance to stand up for their vision of democracy where the government
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actually does what the voters want, not merely prop itself up by bringing in phony charges against anyone who gets in their way. joining me now outside of the courthouse is andy mccarthy, former assistant u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. also with me sol wisenberg, former deputy counsel and fox news contributors. andy, you have been writing brilliantly on this since day one a. want to circle back to something i mention in those "angle," merchan said the jury doesn't need to be unanimous on that add-on crime that makes this a felony. tell us about what your reaction is to that part of this instruction. >> i really thought, laura, after everything that happened that i had done being astonished by this case, but the idea that the jury doesn't have to agree on what in essence is the most important component of the case, the element that turns this as
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you pointed out, this bookkeeping misdemeanor into a felony and not just that, the element that allows alvin bragg by his interpretation of the statute of limitations to get out from under the two-year statute that applies to misdemeanors and get into felony land so he can take advantage of the six-year statute and have this case, it is mind-boggling to me that at the end of the rainbow after they didn't give trump notice of what the charges were at the indictment stage after six weeks of trial, we still weren't certain what the menu of crimes as it turns out would be at the end that he supposedly was covering up or concealing here and now we get here and it turns out they don't even have to agree on the main thing? it is astonishing. >> laura: i share your outrage about this, andy. sol lets speak to the jury
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instructions themselves in totality. there were 55 pages long. it took the judge an hour and 4e jury. now, that seems pretty overwhelming, but does it mean anything? >> i don't think it is that unusual. i practice, as you know federal white-collar crime and i have practice on both sides and jury instructions can be long and boring. the key to me is the jury instructions as andy and you have pointed out, terrible on some points to begin with. there is not even a definition of willful there. but you also consider the ridiculousness of the false records allegations. the very thing that turn this into a felony the full's record statute, it is only a felony if you have an intent to commit another crime or to cover up another crime. what is the other crime?
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it turns out one of them is misdemeanor falsification of billing records. it is totally circular here at but i also think it is critical to point out, there are so many errors here. one of the most blatant was in his argument today and i have a quote on this, he said it is an established fact that michael cohen violated federal election law on direct orders of donald trump. that is a direct violation of cautionary instruction that the judge gave the jury, but when the defense objective coming he overruled the objection. so there is so much, so much wrong with everything about this case. >> laura: andy, to that point that sol just made my how significant was at that judge merchan did not allow the former fec commissioner, chairman of the fec to testify
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as to what would be a federal election violation in this case given the fact that that was one of the menu of options the jury can consider, that it was in fec violation and election interference? >> it is really astounding, laura, given that first of all, what smith would have explained is categorically nondisclosure agreements are not campaign expenditures on the federal law and that is under the interpretation of the justice department and the fec as you just mentioned. which it is important to point this out, when congress greeted the fec, they made the fec and the justice department the exclusive agencies that had jurisdiction to enforce these laws. so rag has no business enforcing these laws to begin with. he's making up his own campaign finance laws and because the judge closed off of the stand the one guy in the zip code who knows anything about federal
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campaign finance law, the jury got expert testimony from michael cohen and david packer. that is exactly what they are going to go on. one last point about this, there is nothing factually in the record about the election laws coming into the case until the fec started asking questions in 2018, which is long after all the payments to cohen and long after the nondisclosure agreements were negotiated. so, it is not possible that they could convict him beyond a reasonable doubt when there is no evidence in the record that trump was even thinking about the federal election laws let alone willfully plotting to violate them. >> laura: okay, sol, very quickly some jurors want to reread part of the testimony of david pecker and michael cohen appeared and it looks like on the issue of perhaps establishing intent on the part
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of the defendant, president trump. can we read into that anything about a possible outcome? >> welcome i think it is a good sign, i think for team trump that they are asking these questions and going over the testimony. to me, in the case, there are some disagreement going on and that is a good thing for president trump. >> laura: andy aaron sol, great to see you and great to have you on tonight. thank you so much pure proof biden is panicking about securing the black vote. it is next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> laura: for decades, democrats have taking minority voters for granted. we have all seen appear in platitudes about racism and of course liberal policies just continually erode black and hispanic wealth. welcome of the bad narrative, thankfully is finally catching up with them. >> you see a clear decline in support and at this point joe biden is giving 70% of the bow and four years ago 81% pure look at that doubling support for donald trump from 10% up to 21%. it is a huge alarm and it is spiraling.
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it is ambulance, police sirens and any alarm you can think of. this can be deadly to joe biden's campaign. >> laura: that was actually one of my favorites segments of the week, and alarm spiraling. i think we should end up referring to the biden campaign as uncool and the gang. there all falling flat, but will come it is all they know how to do. >> let's talk about p16 maga lies. diversity, equality, inclusion, literally and not getting of course i will be if i let donald trump take a place of anger, resentment command hate. >> laura: says the man whose party is literally trying to send trump to jail just to avoid debating to all voters. >> he is full of [bleep] , that is why. and talk about cost-of-living. and we will help deal with this. don't talk about [bleep]
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, student loans appearance by joining beat georgia voter michaelah montgomery, the founder of conservative culture and ajay brewer business owner. a.j., i know you were once a democrat and you heard the argument that biden is making, trump is trying to did the mike divide america. is that resignation with black voters? you know, fortunately mike unfortunately it resonates with a few folks but here lately, laura, it is a breath of fresh air speaking to some of my friends and some of those that come into the cafe every day about how they are tired of the same, old argument, the divisive politics judging us by skin tone and who we sleep with. we want to be judged by our merit what we bring to the table. i think most are tired of it and you see >> now michaelah, we know what is happening to the value of a buck as my mother
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says it doesn't go as far as it used to and certainly not as far in 2019, but biden decides he will go back to january 6th to try to make the case for 20242 minority voters. it is perplexing. i want you to listen. >> let me ask you, what do you think he would have done on january 6th if black americans -- started to think about this, what would happen if black americans would have stormed the capital. >> laura: does that work, michaelah, with african american voters who see what's happening and crime and the border and obviously the economy? >> it is no secret that black people as a collective note january 6 would have been handled differently if it was storming the capital. the fact that joe biden could have knowledge we would have been treated differently in the justice process after june 6th if it was us who stormed the
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capital, really highlights a deeper issue than what happen at the capital. if the president of the united states no black people are treated differently in the justice system, why are you not talking more what you are going to do to fix that rather than a isolated incident that you think everybody would agree with you in terms of solvency. >> laura: the bottom line is when you look back to 2019 and where consumer confidence was in the un united states, it was pry high. ajay, that meant they felt a little bit more confidence and they could make ends meet once in a while long vacation and feel whether they'll make good about whether kids going to school. it wasn't perfect but things were pretty much on the upswing. are you better all four years ago? what do you say to president trump about expanding his base and trying to move into urban america to say, look, listen to what i have to say and i will bring back that feeling
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of things beginning to get better again. >> well, you know, that is my messaging and what i speak to my customer base. it is more about what we can do for ourselves. it is more how we can create jobs and how we can invest in our own government out of the way and stopping her parents more importantly. if they will be parents, do the right thing. but it seems like they do the wrong thing. as a good friend of mine, laura, what is it that you support biden with? we went over five things and i blindly tested him on those subjects. they were all trump aligned policies. let's say conservative aligned policies check this out, when i asked him, why biden, why him? his response was i think he cares more about of the spirit so i think they appeal to our emotions at the end. they don't give us opportunity at the end and they don't get out of our way, laura and it's
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getting old. here is the unfortunate part, the unfortunate part is a conservative person who is black, most of us are concerned and afraid to speak up here of the mob will attack you. if you go to the brewers you will see what happens when i spoke up on some issues. >> laura: they tried to cancel you. you ended up in the hospital, didn't you, ajay? >> look, you gave me an opportunity my beautiful gorgeous wife, she donated a kitten to me and we opened brower's cafe and have been rocking and rolling a person. we are doing good now, yes, ma'am. >> laura: good. i love that store you cited, you're not walking away or limping away but you will fight to stay in business. good for you. michaelah, one thing i remember is one thing that happened in chicago and what happened in new york when illegal immigrants were being moved into historically black neighborhoods. and sometimes in schools temporarily and other times
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nearby fields where tenants were set up and i remember the comments from black citizens saying, "wait a second, what is going on here? we are struggling here and you are bringing this mess into the country." that seemed to be a tipping point especially for young, black americans, that moment. >> yeah, i think collectively black people are tired of being put second. we are tired of being treated as second-class citizens. we have been living in these neighborhoods for generations. now you can bus and these folks are just got here and you are now willing to provide them with resources that we have been begging for for the past couple of decades. they are getting school, getting help buying houses, getting health care and resources to help them get a job here these are all things that can help people in those communities actually get out of those communities. yet these resources were not offered to those people. they were offered to folks who got away with committing a crime
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and now looking for asylum in a community in which we are persecuted for the smallest of crimes. so when you really look at how another group of people are being treated in our neighborhood. you are looking at our neighborhoods but not to help us. we are fed up with that. second-class said isham was done away with years ago, yet, for whatever reason, the current administration to treat us as such. >> laura: michaelah, ajay, all american citizens are feeling like strangers in their own land right now. it is affecting everyone at every level in every background. we appreciate both of you and your perspectives here tonight. thank you. how far will the left go to avoid talking about that little issue, such a small issue called the economy. my "angle" explains next. ♪ ♪ whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known
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>> laura: they're flagging campaign, that's the focus o >> laura : they are flagging campaign, that is the focus ofgh tonight "angle." nothing they do is breaking through. biden numbers are inatio the tot on economy, inflation, but they? say they trust trump over bumbling incumbent. their focus on abortion is not gotten attraction and the thing about their drumbeat about january 6. it turns out no one except maybe robert de niro and his ilk tru believes democracy is on the line or that trump is a dictator. and since the trump trials aremr boomer ringing back on them.s an all the democrats can do is try what failed again with a slightly tweak narrative. that brings us to the left phone flag gate story after "new york times" posted a second hit piece attackingfly justice alito for which flag play outside of his home.
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like the historic appeal to heaven flag. >> samuel alito has identified himself with the same people who raided the capital on jan january 6th and the sue senate,e have gavels and there should be subpoenas going out here there should be active investigations going out. >> you cannot a fast and loose with political symbols.>> >> laura: they are coal, to c underlined the legitimacy of the court they no longer can control and to try to force alito to recuse himself from all the january 6 cases. now, they have never accepted, we all know, that the court can legitimately be mores conservative. accepted it. this black nonsense come i wason thinking about it today, it is n battles going aly l the way back to thomas, and back to brett kavanaugh appear they hopp to use this flag nonsense toin whip up quite
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demoralized active base in anm, election year. onidese problem, it is perhaps e stupidest thing ever. now, let's give a short historyh lesson for the leftists who hate nyamerica so much that theyrica apparently don't read any books. >> the united states of america, your flag is symbolic of a living country and the government of, by and for thennr people. there were many other foreigners of the stars and stripes, the flag used by the continental navy. >> it is such a controversial flag that it was featured in the opening credits of the h ard-winning hbo series john adams. now the flag with its appeal with the motto as a backdrop is an important piece of americandg history. and it was really important thet founding of the country. our desire to bero free from british control, that is what it represents. the national review said thed, flag was designed in 1975 by coloneersol joseph read,
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washington's personal secretary at the time and specifically commissioned by washington himself. and it remains the official maritime like at the commonwealth of massachusetts. it even flew high above san francisco's civi pc center plaza for decades until this past saturday, hoops! "the new york times," of course, claim alito's flag flying was d he is now an associated with a push for more christian mindedg government. now, this whole thing started a couple of weeks ago when "the times" hit alito flying upside down america in his home back in january 2021, yeah,t" b going back that far. it was a piece "the washington post," by the way, chose to not publish at the time because at the time commito was such a stupid nonstory. and now, well i'm a are getting new background on the context
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involvedta here. illalito said his wife chose toy the flag after being revoked bys angry neighbor. wom and biden supporting unmarried couple living in the 30s, by the way with the mother, classy, claimed they were not the ones that started anything despite the woman admitting to s having put up iga eff trump and calling mrs. alito the c while matt, the c word, classic. esin a letter to congress d to recuseticeefuse himself knowing he asked his wife to take the flag down after he noticed that although for several days she refused. he reiterated that he didn't know there was a political statement here and that the flag flying arose from thatot neighborhood spat.lags now, alito himself said he is not fond of flying flags, but his wife is. l
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now, from these facts, it is absolutely ludicrous, even to the little itty bitty pea brain of a liberal to conclude that alito should feel compelled to recuse himself from january 6 or trump related cases. but i will show the biden team literally has nothing else to run on because it is an electior year. they certainly cannot risk, they can't risk a debate beinge focused on the issues that voters are actually worried about like the economy, like the border here in and they are soni desperate to get back to this py insurrection that they brandon beck on january 6 that they are trotting outtand capitol police officers who wero there on january 6 to stand outside the courthouse in 1.2 campaign for biden in nevada, yeah. don't think for a second thate the key press apparatchiks out there and t the biden campaign r coordinating the stories.
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democrats know full well theye o will lose this if it is a regula.r campaign. if the frame of this race is what was better, 3.5 years unde biden or four years under b15, we lose that every day of the week and twice on sunday, said y long time democrat strategist to "politico." while matt, look atht the way political frame press conferencl yesterday saying more than any other day of the trial fueled by the biden campaign's involvement, the courthouse inba its immediate vicinity on tuesday became the center of litigation for something besides the hush money trial for the november election. confirming what was said all along, this is all political. this is always political!with only now they are stupid enough to confirm it with dumbope robert de niro outside of the courthouse. d fortunately, the american people don't seem to be buyink hug it. >> youethe think trump did someg
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in thehe hush money case? i'm interested whether the numbers would change during the course of the trial. simply put, john, they have notv the percentage of americans who think the charges are very serious, in fact, dropped from 40% to a little bit more than 35% during the course of this trial. clea: yeah, people are busy or cleaning out their sock drawer appeared people are a lot smarter than usual then the democrats think they are, and that is "the angle." up next to him of the biden campaign stand outside of thepln trump trial didn't quite go as planned. we have details next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> laura: how do you know that scenting your political operation lesson over the hill h celeb to the courthousave was a bad idea y? >> i have to ask you why you decided to speak there and to>> have the campaign show up at the courthouse.t to i don't know. it doesn't feel right to me atmp all.ait is there any concern about thepc campaign getting a little bit too close to these court proceedings, and could that backfire? was it a good decision? al >> there is no concern.e the campaign iars not talkingue about the substance of thep campaign in any way, shape or form here are the unique threat
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that donald trump poses to our >> laura: i've never even heard of that guy before right now, stephen miller former senior advisor and founder of america first legal. stephen,d i guess that is bides communication director who is not a household name but i guess that was his idea of being creative iomisn the moment. and they promised to continue to be creative when it comes to these trump trials. what is that supposed to mean? >> that press conference organized by the biden campaignt on the heels, my data of the biden administration c announcig biden himself would react to the verdict and a clear message dto the jury, by the way the moment in which all doubt anyone could have had was removed. all of these communist welfare campaigns are democratic party persecutions to take outn's joe joe biden's political opponents. they dispense with a charade ann
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dispense with the games and said, we want this jury to taken out joe biden's political opponent here and so that is a moment that will live in infamy for a long time. it is a reflection point. i will say even though donald trump is the one on trial commit is joe biden and the democrat communist prosecutors who are facing the judgment of history and who will incur thekh wrath of the american voter. >> laura tha: well i think the fact that biden has already said he will speak the night the verdict comes out i'm a friend i of mine said they know that it'k going to be guilty. biden wouldn't come out and. speak unless they were pretty confident they had a guilty verdict. i was in the courtroom and youpr iscan't really gauge the jury bt it is fun to try. i would be surprised if there is not one juror that is brave but compthen again, it is a manhattn jury and a compromise judge andh a compromised corruptimis
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prosecutor. so i can see why people can be pessimistic here.n >> weltol i'm i think that the biden campaign'smark decision tr announce he was making remarks was specifically a pressure campaign on the jury to say you joe biden is watching you pure the white house is watching you. your friends and neighbors are watching you. there was one more example of joe biden directly interfering in our judicial process to try to legally assassinate his political rifle into put him behind bars for life!on and i would just hope and pray s that not just one but more than one juror who will stand up for the american tradition, the american constitution and thestc american law and do what is right by god, right by justice and right by this republic. as you covered it so well, laura, we are in a shocking situation with a biden donor, judge has told jurors they need not unanimously agree and notd even a majority agree on what
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this alleged a felony that trump is and they barred the defense from bringing expert witnessesan saying trump could not possibly violate campaign finance law under any definition.ey >> laura: or attacks attorney or a tax because they threw that in the kettle of fish that coult guilty of tax evasion and pump that crime up to a felony. this is a dark day for the new york justice system, but stephen, they wanted thisre w constitutional crisis. and if there is a guilty verdict, there will be a constitutional crisis. president trump is standing firm. stephen, thank you. coming up jill biden said that joe's age not an issue.ll has she actually seen her i husband lately? you will in moments. raymond arroyo has it next. ♪ ♪
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i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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>> laura: it is time for "seen and unseen" where we rebuild thheree stories behind e
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headlines. for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo in our l.a. bureau. joe biden is out thenning hererb husband's vigor today.s to everybody wants to seeweek joe biden's commencement from over the weekend here to watch. >> congratulations, you earnedin every bit that you will get today. as president lincoln said, you can clap for that. [applause] >> the fall, that fall he decided -- look, i shouldn't get into this probably.u >>sa now, laura, despite what yu saw there, dr. jill andvi "the view" girls today talks about joe biden. >> he seems right on top of it. the man is competent, alert, and doing the job. it is not about his age. the other one is doddering ifny anything.ti >> this election is not abouont age. they are basically the same.ct
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this election is about char character. trait tbout the character of honesty, laura. the american people can see this, they see donald trump giving aonal pr impromptu press conference and walking into bodegas and bideh n cannot givea commencement. >> laura: no, the best is when she said it is a choice between good versus she said, that is what the election is good versus evil, and try to gel his opponent. let's talk about that. histh m >> i'm also going to deepen that reflection, too, laura. the visions of the president have moved dr. jill to change her conversation altogether.onvo she claims the election is about character and integrity, but just a few months ago, remembera what illt was all about? bigger and zest. >> i see joe every day. i see him out, you know,is traveling around the country. i see his bigger and his energy.
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i see his passion every single day. his age is an asset. >> laura, i wish he would have told her husband in the philadelphia today. biden was in the words of joy behar, and could not remember anything.ll c >> we change that -- right now,g lying around, him lying around .ieually donald trump is peddling lies s d stand stereotypes for your o he can win. he has the same guy that wanted to tear gas you >> we will buil a $60 million -- t>> apparently it is not always sunny in philadelphia. >> laura: no, the best is when he snapped at that reporter asking whether he would finishch and other four years. check it out.wi >> president biden mobile yollu serve your full four term or hand your your presidency over
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to harris? all four years are handing over? i can't hear you, can you approach? >> laura -- >> laura: he has such disdain for anyone, anyone who dares ask a question. >> welcome of the philadelphiavt event, laura, it was a a nightmare. remember aports you reportedea earlier, this was the big church black america. if your are goine going to invio musical guests, you would figure john legend would show up, somebody to resonate with the community. then out came elmo. does big bird oh the biden's money? where he public television outdoing campaign endorsements?o i'm just asking if this guy is on the payroll. >> laura: the puppets here and p
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he says puppeteers run the campcampaign and a puppet mak sense. raymonitchd my love the bait and switch they did for the black audience. listen carefully to this intro,o r everyone here >> today i haver distinct honor hear a lunch of black voters for harris/biden. t a witness? >> the harris/biden campaign. [laughter] all she does is laugh your door, the media obsessively coveringi the trial, and deploy harris to win over black voters using abortion. the campaign justleas released the sit down with shanother abortion provider.he she is turning it into the opert of abortion aries. >> i can tell you in every state that i work in, there is a chilling effect, a chilling
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effect. the government should not be interfering and should not be messing with the relationship between a patient and her doctor. >> now joe biden come as you pointed out, said this campaigne is a choice between good and evil and you are pushingat i abortion. that is your only argument. look, you know the big problemhi they are having here, that isabr number 9 abortions among thetant most important issues according to the new abc poll.orti the porch and plate may not work this time around. >> laura: talk about a negative, cynical campaign come abortion, january 6th and i guess they throw weebid in forr good measure appear that is about it g. raymond, good to see you, whyr s not? that is it for us to make sure to follow me on social media. i had a little trouble gettingyo to texas yesterday. you may have heard, judge jeanine.
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