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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 30, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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interfering and should not be messing with the relationship between a patient and her doctor. >> now joe biden come as you pointed out, said this campaigne is a choice between good and evil and you are pushingat i abortion. that is your only argument. look, you know the big problemhi they are having here, that isabr number 9 abortions among thetant most important issues according to the new abc poll.orti the porch and plate may not work this time around. >> laura: talk about a negative, cynical campaign come abortion, january 6th and i guess they throw weebid in forr good measure appear that is about it g. raymond, good to see you, whyr s not? that is it for us to make sure to follow me on social media. i had a little trouble gettingyo to texas yesterday. you may have heard, judge jeanine. [screaming]
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>> carley: mississippi family held at gunpoint and carjacked in the driveway of their own home. all caught on camera, as they race to get the kids out of the backseat. the family joins us to walk us through that unthinkable situation. >> ladies of the view run cover for her joe. >> you have two choices, you have my husband joe, who you know has integrity, he's strong, steady and then you see somebody who like you're saying, i'm going to use joy's words, can't put a sentence together. >> todd: did she catch her husband in philly? >> president biden: lying around -- him lying around actually. folks, imagine what we can do
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next. >> todd: huh? more of that, and brand new election forecast, not good for dems. >> carley: gloves flying after mets pitcher had a meltdown on the field. >> he through lopez out of the game. just got worse. lopez tossed his glove into the crowd. >> carley: what he said after the game has everyone talking. you are watch ing "fox and friends," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. verdict watch, jurors in former president trump's criminal trial will begin deliberations in a few hours. >> carley: brooke singman is here with what we're expecting. >> brooke: the 12 jurors return this morning and continue deliberating for a second day after leaving the courtroom yesterday with no verdict. they asked for five things
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including david pecker and michael cohen testimony about a meeting they had in 2015, during that meeting prosecutor discuss they discussed getting trump elected. they asked for jury instructions back to them again. watch. >> confusion is nobody knows what the crime is, because there is no crime. nobody knows what the crime is. the d.a. did not name the crime. they don't know what the crime is, that is what the problem is, this is a disgrace. this ought to end immediately, the judge ought to end it and safe his reputation. >> brooke: trump -- bars him from talking about anyone involved in the case including witnesses. texas senator ted cruz says this
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is political. >> constitution does not apply in new york. if we get a conviction, it will be reversed on appeal. this is all about the press conf conference, national that biden will give from the white house. this is all about november. >> brooke: trump is charged with falseifiying business records and has pleaded not guilty 6789 >> todd: here is and y andy mcc on the judge's instruction to the jury. >> it is mind-boggling, they did not give trump notice of what the charges were, through six weeks of trial, not certain what he was supposedly covering up or concealing, we get here and they
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don't have to agree on the main thing? it is astonishing. >> todd: astonishing and all grounds for appeal. former federal prosecutor will join us. do not miss that. >> carley: brand new election f forecast sweep ing wins for republicans. >> todd: biden campaign launching new black voter initiative. lucas tomlinson has all the details. good morning. >> lucas: good morning, we did not see the red wave, new election models predict itting coming this november. according to latest polls, 56% chance donald trump beats joe biden and 62% chance gop keeps majority in the house. probably a computation if all three things happen, too early
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in the morning. virginia appears to be in play for trump. president biden and 4s vp traveled to philadelphia yesterday it continue court being black voters where biden has seen his support drop. >> president biden: same guy who wanted to teargas you as you peacefully protested george floyd's murder. he says he is greatest -- including more than abraham lincoln. [booing] >> president biden: can you fath o om that? >> in joe biden, we have a fighter, leader with skill, vision, determination and compassion. joe biden gave his word that we would fight to address some of the biggest issues facing the black community and we have
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delivered. >> lucas: this exchange before biden left philadelphia. >> president biden, will you serve your full four-year term or hand over power to vice president harry? all four years or handing over? i can't hear you, can you approach? >> lucas: today the president is scheduled to fly to his other home in rohoboth beach, guys. >> carley: thank you. biggest talking point this week is power of school choice candidates who unseated wave of in incumbents. katrina pierson is here next.
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>> todd: favorite story ever, here is what not to do when you show up for court with a suspended license. >> give me a second, i'm parking right now. >> he is driving while license suspended? >> what the judge did next. >> come on, man. >> "fox and friends" next when we continue.
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craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. >> todd: we are back with a fox weather alert. texas bracing for another round of thunderstorms after strong
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hail covered the state in ice. 200,000 people without power after storms blasted the state with hurricane-forced winds. >> carley: several homes and businesses were destroyed and a teenage boy was killed after a business collapsed. senior meteorologist janice dean has the forecast. ice was unexpected. >> janice: it was incredible, ice was five inches in diameter, unbelievable. may severe season recap when it comes to tornados, 500 reports, double the average and stretching across so many different states, this has been incredible month. power outages in texas close to 20,000 without power. warm and humid, oppressive heat.
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there is the threat today across much of texas in to oklahoma, kansas toward oklahoma and potential for hail, damaging wind and tornados. we have a couple severe thunderstorm warnings east of albuquerque moving to the texas panhandle. heavy rain in the forecast could mean flash flooding. three to five inches for next couple days across mississippi river valley. bullseye over texas and oklahoma and colorado and kansas and across east coast, high pressure giving spectacular weather over next few days. severe threat again tomorrow for texas including dallas, san antonio and houston. terrible weather in much of the country in central u.s., texas has been terrible and devastating. >> carley: storm is relentless,
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a lot of people without power and rounds of thunderstorms on the way. >> carley: six republican in incumbents lost in texas this week ousted by school choice candidates. one is for the trump campaign, katrina pierson who defeated an in incumbent. katrina pierson joins me now. congrat congratulations. you have won your own race, what are your thoughts on your win and new job in texas state house? there is no democrat running again you in november. >> that is right, good morning. it has been quite the journey having for trump and the tea party before that and now citizens have asked me to formal
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ly represent them. it is exciting, amazing and the victory over last several months have been positive for texas. >> carley: you know a lot about presidential politics and there is an election in november. every presidential election cycle, democrats try to play for texas. for good reason, as well, donald trump won the state in 2020, by six points. where is texas politically in 2024? >> it is fair to say after the 2024 primary cycle, a lot of gop in incumbents have been purged for that reason and not fighting for conservative values. we all lived through 2024. it will be top of my agenda going into austin next year and very telling. a lot of people were commplacen,
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action of last legislative session went against republican values in the state and we are going to austin, and have a great turnout for president trump. >> carley: school choice is something governor abbott has wanted and governor abbott said there are enough house votes to pas school choice in texas. a lot of viewers and parents watching, what does that mean for kids, families and students? >> it is a great win, great part of governor abbott's legacy. when we were growing up, we didn't have teachers trying to transition our gender and that
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will end, parents can choose their child's education, not all children are the same. children can receive quality education, key to success and key to eradicating poverty in families. i'm excited to help governor abbott get this done. >> carley: border patrol chief jason owens announced 52,000 special interest aliens apprehended by border patrol. those are people coming from countries that pose national security threat and require extra vetting. we don't have relationships with these countries and don't know who they are. it is difficult to vet people. 52,000 as fiscal year alone, where does that leave us? >> you know, we may not have power or authority to do that,
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we have a texas constitution here and our governor has declared invasion and legislature need to act accordingly. things like hb 20 will give texas power and authority to do detection and deterring to repel peep frel coming into this country. we fail to do that at state level last night. we can do more to help governor abbott do what we need when the federal government fail to do their job. >> carley: the san diego sector looks to be hot spot taking some pressure off texas. great to see you, congratulations, see you soon. thank you for joining us. todd, over to you. >> todd: buckle up, greatest story ever, michigan judge shocked to see defendant charged for driving with suspended license drial into his court
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hearing while driving. give me one second, i'm parking right now. >> maybe i don't understand something, this is driving while license is suspended? >> correct. >> he was just driving and doesn't have a license. >> those are the charngs. >> why would he do that, revoked and turn himself into jail by 6 p.m. today. >> todd: i don't know if god can help you on this one. judge revoked his bond. he ain't playing, he will appear in court again on june 5 and hope hopefully not behind the wheel. >> carley: love the screen grab of the judge with his hands over his face like what were you
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thinking? are we being punked by that one? >> todd: sometimes people don't put two and two together. family ambushed by armed carjackers in their driveway with kids in the backseat. [screaming] >> carley: oh, my goodness. the woman in the video is here live to tell us her story, don't go anywhere. i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission
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life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. even a term policy. for cash, or a combination of cash and coverage, with no future premiums. someone needs to tell them, that they're sitting on a goldmine, and you have no idea! hey, guys! you're sitting on a goldmine! come on, guys! do you hear that? i don't hear anything anymore. find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> todd: jury deliberation resume this morning for trump's new york trial. verdict could be handed down today after jurors requested to re-examine key testimony. including david pecker testimony regarding phone conversation with donald trump. pecker's decision about not finalize karen mcdougal life
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rights. key 2015 meeting when he hatched conspiracy with trump and michael cohen to help get trump elected. a former federal prosecutor joins us now. read the tea leaves for us. why would the jury want to revisit that specific testimony? >> todd, this is good for prose prosecution. the state called david pecker as first witness. start strong and end strong. he implicates donald trump with catch to kill scheme. fact jurors are asking for read back lead me to believe they are convinced of donald trump's guilt and trying to convince
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hold outs. >> todd: why did they want jury instructions reread to them? >> most states allow jury instructions to go into the deliberation room with them and new york does not. we heard judge merchan read instruction yesterday, most important, we know business record have to be false, they have to be to cover up another crime and judge merchan laid out a few possibilities, election fraud, campaign violation and tax fraud. we know there are two lawyers on the panel and those lawyers are likely leading the deliberation and they want to hold the prosecution to burden. >> todd: there could be conviction on some counts, acquittal on others, acquittal
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on some counts or a hung jury. where does it rang on your list of reversible error on appeal. looking at this as former lawyer, seems everything this judge has done can be and should be reversed on appeal. >> it is an appellate issue, i don't think it is reversible error. former president is unhappy, if they were separately charged counts, the jury would have to be unanimous. if you look at new york law, it requires business records are false and fur furtherance of anr crime. if the jury agrees, that should be enough. it does create an appellate
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issue. i don't think the former president will be sentenced to prison, even if convicted. this is one additional issue in trump's appellate team can turn to when they appeal a conviction, if any. >> todd: other one being main one being we did not know what we had to defend against until the summation. and updaetz for d did dy. sgls there will be many and this is why, if you are a prosecutor and i've prosecuted many, you don't want your witnesses before the grand jury, you are creating potential impeachment evidence that can be used at trial.
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this case is unique. we know diddy will look at 10 or more years in federal prison and possibility victims go sideways, might not show up, they may be scared or have a financial motive not to testify because they are paid off. prosecutors want to testify under oath before grand jury before they return that indictment. that way the case will be bullet proof at trial. >> todd: neama, thank you. >> carley: frightening scene unfolding in mississippi. family carjacked by gunmen trying to steal their car with young grandchildren babies inside that vehicle. [shot fired] [screaming]
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>> carley: heather allen and her son forced it duck behind the car before rushing to get their family members out. >> heather, a terrifying moment happened in broad daylight, we just watched surveillance, can you explain what is happening here? >> all right, those two guys with the guns, start walking up in our yard calling hey, hey, get out. you see me throw my hands up, me and my other son go down in
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front of the car. the other gunman telling my daughter to get out. he gets in and pons a gun to my o oldest son's face. i told him to run and go into the house, go, go, go, and i go for the grandbabies in the b bac backseat. they are in between my daughter and going back and forth, give me keys, they are in the car. and then it dawned on me, i had my keys around my neck and i took them off and threw to them to get them out of my yard. >> >> carley: how old are your grandchildren? >> three and four. >> are they okay? how are your sons? one pointed a gun in his face.
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>> we are all mentally messed up from all this, shaken up. traumatized to the max. ptsd. yeah, look, i mean, we have to get out of here, it is not safe, especially now with all the news and stuff. our picture is getting out here, i'm afraid they will retaliate. >> carley: i know what you mean. i understand that fear. thinking i got to get as far from jackson, mississippi, if they get arrested nothing bad happens to me and my family. i understand that. where is the investigation now? police have identified both of them, released a picture of one, have any arrests been made?
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>> not to my recollection. this guy was spot sted in a sto video, i believe. the red masked dude, no idea about him. police are not telling me nothing. it is jackson, mississippi, state act. i did get my car back yesterday after going back and forth between the impound lots and the crime lab. it was -- >> carley: one crazy thing about this, this happens to you and your family so jarring, terrifying situation, and you had a tracker on your car and police found it in 40 minutes. >> yep, right. >> carley: what is the crime situation like in jackson overall?
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>> it is terrible. i heard it is number one, i heard worse than memphis, tennessee. >> carley: so sorry this happened to you and your family. we are glad you are all safe and hopefully now you can focus on your recovery. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> carley: you're welcome. now to another concerning story. imagine your one-year-old baby testing positive for cocaine after going to day care. >> todd: that happened to one family, patterns are here to tell us about their possible lawsuit, it is unreal. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease.
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control allowing feds to pick board of directors and pay a u.s. company to monitor source code. the government said no. an official responding saying it was determined the solution would be insufficient to address the national security risk presented. sp spokesman says -- even though they employ large number of foreign nationals and dev development centers around the world. lawsuit from tiktok will head to appeals court. >> carley: is pete buttigieg doing a good job? >> cheryl: new york magazine out with a critical piece about pete buttigieg job performance.
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trains are derailing, plane parts falling from the sky, under his watch southwest airline holiday debacle, flights cancelled and faa full ground stop happened the next year, east palestine and all the boeing issues. in the article, they reference a bloomberg columnist who said secretary of being on television is doing his job well. doing great job of television. >> carley: you can't blame pete buttigieg for boeing screw up. >> todd: be clear, new york magazine ain't breitbart. >> cheryl: they point out in the article, boeing has had no oversight, the airline industry
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is in the airplane manufacturing industry policing itself. that needs to change. >> todd: speaking of boeing. >> cheryl: back to boeing, deadline is today, interesting for the plane maker to up ddate safety plan. it will be a long road to get boeing back to where they need to be making safe airplanes. two weeks ago doj said boeing vio violated the settlement related to two deadly max crashes. bo again, under purview of the faa and transportation department, a lot of problems and it could be pete buttigieg's only term. >> todd: i will join you in 15
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minutes, thank you. wisconsin family planning to sue child care provider kindercare because police say their baby tested positive for cocaine after attending day care. the family are here with their attorney. most importance question, how is your son doing? >> he's not the same at all. >> todd: how so? >> he's restless. he used to be a good sleeper, i catch him tossing and turning and sitting there. he doesn't eat as much, he throws tantrums. i can't console him, i don't know what is wrong and i'm his
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mom, everything i used to do, sometimes i can't make him happy. >> todd: i'm so sorry, that is most heartbreaking thing we've heard on this show. when you first see bruises and then learn my little boy tested positive for cocaine and he's not even one. >> right. i'm sorry. everything goes through my mind. every emotion you can think of, i've been feeling. it is not real to me. cocaine, that is absurd. >> todd: beyond absurd. walk us through allegations you are making in your complaint. >> one of the most obvious is
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negligent supervision. this facility had 23 violations, many of which include supervision of children. there is allegations of kids being tossed by employees. i think clearly premises liability, exposure to cocaine and you have assault and battery, host of different claims, infliction of emotional distress and the list goes on. i deal with a lot of very high-profile controversial cases, this really caused me to pause because it is unbelievable. no rationale or explanation that daycare center could provide on how this could happen. >> todd: we received a statement saying nothing is more important
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than safety of children in our care, we work hard to create healthy spaces, drugs, alcohol and tobacco are prohibited and our teachers and staff must have a background check. the teacher involved is no longer kinder care employee. what is your response to that statement? >> to me, it's i didn't hear random drug test to get employed. background check, i understand and i get it, they should be in place. where is the drug test? >> todd: understood, you are pushing for cameras in day cares, i think that is something that needs to be there, these
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are babies. thank you for shedding light on this, we're praying for you, best of luck. >> todd: tyrus is here next, don't go anywhere. ld and he'd come five days a week if we let him. shape is great, the color's nice, that's a swell lid for you, baby! finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded, really struck a chord with my grandfather. i've never seen this before. look at it - where has this come from? all the stories that's he's been able to hand me throughout the years, for me to hand him that information.. you don't get that moment every day.
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leading questions and trying to get them to agree with him. and that's why you don't talk to the police. because they are going to try to put words in your mouth. and that's exactly what they did. he wants to move on. he is still the best golfer in the world there is a lot to be said for that. >> new body cam footage showing what happened in the moments after scheffler was arrested. >> first of all did i not know he was a police officer. i thought he was a security guards that was mistaken. as i was pulling by, he -- >> stopped right there by why does it matter if you are a security guard or a police officer. >> did i stop. i did get a little bit impatient. >> it does matter because security guards are not deputized. he shows hopes to put this whole situation behind him. >> first lady joe biden joining "the view" to respond to her husband's critics. watch. >> this election is about character. >> yeah.
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>> so you are have two choices. you have my husband joe, who you all know, who has integrity, he's strong, is he steady. or you have chaos. you are going to see how smart he is and the experience he has. and then you will see somebody who, like you are saying, i'm going to use joy's words can't put a sentence together. those polls are going to turn i'm confident of it. i believe americans are going to choose good over evil. >> carley: fox news contributor tyrus joins us now. tyrus, good morning. there are several things in that clip from the first lady that could be addressed. but, starting where she ended with this election being a choice between good and evil. that is a line that worked in 2020. but now people have perspective and they can look at the current president's past three and a half years and the term of former president trump's four years and see if good and evil really is what it is in our
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definition of it. so do you think that line of questioning will work again? >> >> no. it really didn't work back then. unless you are talking about a villain in a fantasy movie, good vs. evil, if that's the best thing can you say about your incumbent, president, i'm a little -- that's a little weak. and also you're gone that see how smart he is. we have to wait and see? i mean, it's just -- who is writing these speeches? who is coming up with the flying off the handle? why would she even let it come out of her mouth that trump can't put sentences together. we clearly know that's not true. like they just say things and the individual who is having a problem getting a sentence out is not former president trump. it's the current president joe biden. so, it's just -- you almost have to giggle at this point a little bit when you hear fear-mongering
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and desperation but you are not hearing any substance to back it up. >> todd: to that pointed, tyrus, to quote my favorite movie wedding crashers you are projecting jill, because here is your husband, watch. >> lying around and and us him -- him lying around, actually. folks, imagine what we can do next four more years pause. >> four more years. >> america is a nation that can be defined in a single word, put -- put excuse me, put himalaya. >> my dad used to say joey, a paycheck is more about -- a job is about more than a paycheck. >> todd: exactly what you just said, tyrus. why are jill and the democrats attacking what is trump's greatest strength communication when joe's inability to literally form sentences is on the world stage and is clearly his greatest vulnerability.
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it makes no sense, tyrus. >> tyrus: literally the word that my kids would describe president biden speak something called cringe. it is cringe. your body moves. you adjust while he speaks. you are like -- and when he is trying to get it out. it's painful to watch at times and it's not even a thing like i'm not even making fun of him. it's painful to watch. it's sad to see him struggle when is he sup he is supposed ta world leader and people care about getting progressive stuff and serve country. this is frustrating to see it. again, jill, like we are all seeing the elephant has been in the room for a long time at this point. we are not seeing the elephant peanuts anymore. we have come to except this from our president. that's the real issue. this is unacceptable. any other job in the world, he would have been asked to step down within minutes. you couldn't be a walmart greert
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if you can't speak to people or, you know, wander around or even stand up for more than 15 minutes without stumbling this is depressing. >> carley: the president was in philadelphia yesterday talking about black voter initiative. how do you feel about it? will it work. >> no, no. it's not going to work. i hate grouping. you know i can't stand grouping. we all don't vote together. we don't drive up together. we don't go in the booth together. the american people are past the color of my skin as my voting record. we are all struggling. we are all unhappy. we don't like the way it feels. and that's why you are seeing the voting trindz changing and the polls look the way they look. america as a whole has said no thank you right now. >> todd: guess who is going to be on with you tomorrow night on gutfeld. >> tyrus: carley shimkus? >> todd: "fox & friends" right now, thanks, tyrus. [laughter] ♪ ♪


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