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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 30, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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if you can't speak to people or, you know, wander around or even stand up for more than 15 minutes without stumbling this is depressing. >> carley: the president was in philadelphia yesterday talking about black voter initiative. how do you feel about it? will it work. >> no, no. it's not going to work. i hate grouping. you know i can't stand grouping. we all don't vote together. we don't drive up together. we don't go in the booth together. the american people are past the color of my skin as my voting record. we are all struggling. we are all unhappy. we don't like the way it feels. and that's why you are seeing the voting trindz changing and the polls look the way they look. america as a whole has said no thank you right now. >> todd: guess who is going to be on with you tomorrow night on gutfeld. >> tyrus: carley shimkus? >> todd: "fox & friends" right now, thanks, tyrus. [laughter] ♪ ♪ briewmg.
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>> brian: now it's time for us to talk. #:00 a.m. on the east coast and thursday, may 30th. this is "fox & friends." thought hard stuff. fox news alert. jay two of jury deliberations for the new york vs. donald trump trial. the possible outcomes as we will go over thats at country watches and waits for the historic verdict. >> steve: in the meantime the current president joe biden kicked off his new black voter initiative yesterday in philly. >> that's why i'm proud to have the most diverse administration in history. talents of our country. trump is pandering and peddling lies and stereotypes. >> steve: really. senator tim scott says biden is on the pander express. that's some good writing right there. >> ainsley: texas dad going viral for his wife's advice to his daughter after he witnessed her bad break judgment. >> lawrence: we're going to have him on. "fox & friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are
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better with friends steve jors in the new york vs. donald trump trial will deliberate this morning at 9:30 after discuss thing the former president's fate four and a half hours day one yesterday. >> brian: starting at 9:30 a verdict at any moment. eric shawn outside the new york supreme court with the latest. eric, do you have the same taxi driver every day that brings tout same spot and have you said goodbye to him because you believe this will be the last day? >> well, you know, i'm glad i'm here, there was an accident right in front of me. they are getting off the fdr drive and the car in front of me slammed. in car next to us slammed. in but we are here and we are reporting this morning. today the jury will be back, brian. and they want to hear some testimony about what prosecutors say was the meeting where the alleged catch and kill scheme protect donald trump was hatched. yesterday they sent some notes to the judge, asking to hear this testimony read back.
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they want to find out more about the meeting that trump had with national inquirer publisher david pecker. michael cohen where they hammered out the agreement to buy the silence of women who could hurt his campaign according to prosecutors. the jurors asked to hear pecker and cohen's testimony about the august 2015 trump tower meeting. at that meeting it's where prosecutors say this scheme ban on april 23rd pecker told the jury this quote at that meeting donald trump and michael, they asked me what i could do. and what my magazines could do to help the campaign. i said that i would be your eyes and ears. if i hear anything negative about yourself or if i hear anything about women selling stories, i would notify michael cohen. they want to compare that to what cohen testified about that meeting. cohen said what he meaning pecker said he could keep an eight out about anything about mr. trump and he would be able to help us. trump told them the two of you should work together and anything negative that comes out, you let michael know and he
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will handle it. it seems that the jurors want to be seeing if pecker and cohen's claims align. in other words, if pecker can corroborate what cohen said. because, under new york state law the jury cannot believe cohen alone, only if what he claimed is corroborated. and the jury is also considering these three additional crimes that bump this up to a felony case. violations of federal campaign finance law. falsifying business records. or a violation of city, state, and federal tax laws. the jury also asked to hear the jury instructions yet again. that runs more than an hour and 55 pages. judge merchan trying to figure out if they want to narrow that down. on this very first day of jury deliberations, it seems well, they are starting with number one, david pecker, the first witness. starting at the very beginning. maybe we could be here a long time. don't know, have to see. brian, back to you. >> steve: eric, a real quick question. you would think given the fact that it took 90 minutes for the
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judge to review the jury instructions they would have a copy of it. but new york stated law says the jury instructions cannot be printed out and given to the jury. they got to remember it or take their own notes? >> yeah. this is like old school. like what they did in the 1890. >> lawrence: crazy. >> eric: not allowed to take anything with them. they have two laptops to look at the evidence you have to do with what you remember. that's exactly what they say. if they want to hear it again and be refreshed or reminded, they come back into the courtroom and they get read the stuff again. >> ainsley: they're allowed to take notes. i know one juror took copious notes. they are not allowed to have the testimony from the witnesses written out either. so they have to remember it. thank you, eric. >> brian: next time we want to see you without that overcoat. >> ainsley: it's raining. >> steve: great traffic. >> lawrence: wanted to destroy his suit. >> brian: i mean, just spray it with repellant and make it bead.
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steve scotch guard? >> ainsley: the judge said this to the jurors. if you find that any witness has intentionally testified falsely as to any material fact you may disregard that witness's entire testimony. well, cohen, is he a serial purger, is he an accomplice in. this and cohen each admitted to lying and stealing money from the trump organization. >> steve: i think that's why the jurors were asking, okay, tell us exactly what mr. pecker said so that we can compare it to michael cohen to see, you know, maybe it impiewns mr. cohen. then again maybe it reiterates and maybe he was telling the truth. >> lawrence: that is a lot of speculation going on start getting these notes out where the jury stands and all that, to be honest, none of us know where they are coming from. we can only speculate what they are thinking one thing that gives me comfort is there was not an immediate decision. >> steve: that would be crazy. >> lawrence: do you know what i'm saying? they are asking questions. it looks like they are starting way from the beginning.
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so, you know, for all the talk of the jury pool we know that 80% of the folks in manhattan voted for joe biden and how that may impact because they get the members of the jury from the voter rolls. so, i'm glad that they are actually putting some effort into the process. they are asking questions. i just got to say i think it's absolutely absurd to have what is it over 30 pages of jury instruction? and they can't go back and reference it? >> steve: it's the law, yeah. >> lawrence: that's a crazy law. >> steve: old school. >> brian: some of the verdict options what the former president could be looking at. got stay in the building. doesn't have to stay in the courtroom. here we go if convicted could get home confinement. he could get probation. could get conditional discharge. time charged on conditional discharge. fines. he can get fined and appeal it. of course he is going to appeal it if he is convicted. if acquitted, potential legal action for malicious
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prosecution. fuel for campaign obviously solidifies himself as a frontrunner. get a conviction, got it. you could get a hung jury where somebody says i just can't make up my mind i'm not going to go along with others. alan dershowitz worries me last night he said he ha has heard if one person is holding up the verdict i have had it in the past grant alternate. kick out that person and grab the alternate. can you imagine that? >> ainsley: how is that fair? >> brian: listen, i'm telling you what he said. i agree with you, ainsley. this will add more fuel to the fire this case never should have been brought for reasons that make no sense. >> ainsley: donald trump has to stay there in the courthouse. he doesn't have to stay in the courtroom. he has to be close by for obvious reasons when the verdict comes. in the judge will send -- the jurors will send a note via the court officer. then the judge will summon trump, his defense team, and the prosecutors. then the jury will be brought. in and the foreman will say do you have a verdict? they say yes or no. and then the foreman will read
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is it guilty or not guilty. >> brian: all 34, right? all 34 even though they are remarkably similar. >> steve: here's the thing. we were talking about before they started the jury instructions and everything else, how important the jury instructions were going to be. because it really depended on what the judge told the 12 jurors and the alternate, that would determine essentially the glide path for figuring this out. well, andrew weissman, who san msnbc legal analyst. apparently what judge merchan presented and was reported from the courthouse, he thought it was great. and, in fact, had this observation and this revelation yesterday over on the other channel. >> judge merchan, i mean, i am like, now, you know, i have like a man crush on him. >> right? >> he is such a great judge that it's hard to see that the jurors wouldn't have the same impression. he's just -- you just keep on thinking if you looked in the dictionary for judicial temperament, that's what you
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would get. >> keep in mind who andrew weissman is. he was the chief investigator of the mueller report. fell flat on his face. this guy wakes up weaponized to go after donald trump. that's why he likes this judge. this judge who has given to left wing causes and to joe biden's campaign specifically, you know, his wife works for letitia james and daughter works for adam schiff as well as dan goldman and other prominent democrats. you would think an dry wise man might say if he loved the law i have a real problem the way he has hammered on the defense the way he has wreached it and i have a real problem with the fact that he sat on this case. >> lawrence: they are fawning over this judge and maybe this goes to the point of that it was never about a legitimate case. it was what they could weaponize during the political campaign. all the reasons that you just cited, brian, are why some analysts are saying look, they may get a conviction here. it's going to be turned over during an appeal. >> brian: not until january.
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>> lawrence: not until january. this goes to the politics. i got to say when it comes to some of the stuff put in the instructions and some of the stuff that was allowed during the closing argument that he didn't allow during the the actual trial. you can't start talking about election law and say the defense can't bring a person that was the actual chair of the fec, so how are you allowi allowing thig closing? how are you mentioning this during the jury statements? there is conflict all over this case. >> ainsley: it is riddled with error. let's bring in rnc co-chair lara trump. >> good to be with you. >> ainsley: what did msnbc says he has a man crush on the judge. >> cnn, nbc, msnbc, all the same. this guy is a hero to the left. you have to take a look at all the ways he has rules against donald trump and his defense and
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for the prosecution. let's start at the beginning, let's start with the facts that miraculously and defying all stage probabilities this judge has gotten every anti-trump case possible. he got allen weisselberg, the former cfo of the trump organization, steve bannon and now donald trump. we remember he slapped an unconstitutional gag order against donald trump at every possible turn for the prosecution, and against the defense, i would love to see the contrast of overturned objections the defense vs. the prosecution in this case. we have seen time and time again how he has weighed the scales. he wouldn't even allow the defense to call a witness that would have shown what a sham and total waste of time this entire trial is. and then just to put the final nail in the coffin for donald trump. and to weigh the scales as much as humanly possible. he told the jury you don't have to be unanimous.
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choose whatever you want and we'll work it out on the other end. >> brian: right, with the second crime, right lara, with the second crime. >> and if you are a person that wants joe biden to be assisted by this case and you dislike trump, i bet you have a big man crush on juan merchan but anybody, to your points you guys just made a second ago, who cares about the law, who actually cares about the future intelling telling gri at this of america ought to look at this case and judge and feel shame and embarrassment because that's is exactly what it is. >> lawrence: so, lara, how is the former president? let's just be real here. is he facing jail time right here. >> steve: a lot. >> lawrence: a lot of time there he is not able to campaign right now. he's stuck in the courthouse. we could get a verdict soon how is the morale of him? >> is he remarkable. lawrence, you know. this you guys have seen him day in and day out on the way into
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that courtroom and leaving that courtroom talking to the press every day, saying whatever he can, of course, with this crazy gag order. i have never seen a person with the focus of donald trump. i have never seen someone who can be facing so much, who can really not just take it and still remain standing, but still be fighting. not only has he gone in that courtroom every day and had to sit there and listen to lie after lie, knowing what they ever trying to do to him, knowing this is bawl politics he least the courthouse and goes a bodega in harlem. delivers pizzas to the firefighters. holds a rally in the deep blue bronx. new york, and that's that tells you what you need to know about this man. >> never back down this just like everything else i believe will boomerang and only.
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>> brian: how detailed are the plans for the campaign judging on this scenario that are possible at some time we believe this week when a verdict comes down? >> yeah. i mean, you have to think about that. of course, this is something that has been the goal. they wanted him locked in the courtroom and not out on the campaign trail. why not lock him in his home so he can't go out and campaign as well. i think it makes it very obvious that this is truly about election interference and nothing else. at the eat the end of the day. we will turn lemons into lemonade like donald trump continues to do every single turn we will have him doing virtual rallies and campaign if that is the case play the hand we are dealt. everything stacked against him from the day he came down to the golden escalator trump tower in 2015 and decided to run for president as a republican. it continues to be stacked
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against him today. despite all of it, he always ends up on top. and this will be no different. >> steve: all right. lara, thank you very much. we know have you got a very busy day. thank you for kicking things off with "fox & friends." >> thanks, guys. >> brian: i saw his comments yesterday mother teresa was not going to get off on this case because of this jury. is he not unrealistic or playing to exceptions. >> ainsley: how mad he was. >> brian: i love the way he segued into robert deniro. i thought that was definitely noteworthy. the thing is i also know the jurors will put on the television when they get home at 4:30 and say what did trump say? and today they can go as late as 6:30, correct? >> ainsley: 6:00. i believe. >> steve: they can do just about anything it could take over an hour. >> ainsley: court date runs 9:30 to 4:30 about the lunch break. the meals are delivered. the judge said the jurors can extend the day up to #:00 p.m.
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judge jeanine last night said something interesting. you get so close to the judge. the judge is involved. >> steve: he is the boss. >> ainsley: he is the boss. you respect him. you give him the instructions. he takes your lunch order or orders the lunch for you. >> steve: let's see. there have been predictions about different times. i wouldn't be surprised if it happened pretty much toward the end of business. >> brian: today? >> steve: tomorrow. friday. because they want the weekend off. and by then they will have made up their minds. >> brian: do they want friday off? >> ainsley: a lot of information to go through. >> steve: absolutely. that's why it's puzzling they would ask for excerpts even though they have the laptop. we told you how joe biden yesterday, along with kamala harris in a rare joint appearance. going to kick off the black voters for biden event in the filly event. there they are at girard college a majority blackboarding schools for kids between first and 12th
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grade. and for the most part, i think this was kind of a relaunch. they are going the wrong direction when it comes to telling everybody in appearance and anybody peering in what he has done for them during his presidency. watch a little of this. >> memorial day, i proudly stood with a black man, the highest order of the first black secretary of defense. second black chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. black women heads of military units. overseeing the most diverse, strongest fighting force in the history of the world. [cheers] and, folks, the threat that trump poses is greater in his second term than his first. it's the same guy who wanted to tear gas you. as you peacefully protested george floyd's murder. today donald trump is pandering and peddling lies and
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stereotypes for your vote so he can win for himself, not for you. >> lawrence: a couple things here: he is referring to the summer of 2020 almost $2 billion of damage. virtually almost major city on fire. that's why tear gas was going all over the place. it's not like you have people not being anarchists in all the major cities. brian ask bryan llenas he covered a lot of it in new york city. >> lawrence: that's the after the bronx rally. take a look at the some of the pictures there. it was virtually empty there it wasn't this massive event. the third thing is, you are standing in a boarding school where everyone can't afford this type of stuff. you are against school choice. so why not have an education message. say something positive to influence the voters instead of something much different there. >> brian: he made up a lot of
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stuff, again, he think it's important to bring up every single time that delaware was a slave state that didn't fight for the confederacy. okay. fantastic. thanks for the uplifting moments. meanwhile, he says that he basically was raised and got start at delaware state university historically black college. no proof he was ever there. kind of had to walk back that he said he got arrested standing up for a black family standing on somebody's porch. told howard stern that no record of that says is he a civil rights activist. i never went to selma or anything. he says i was basically raised in a black church. there is no proof of any of that any pastor or priest or whatever come forward and go, yeah, little joe biden used to come in at 16 and ask me can you raise me because i guess my dad is selling cars and can't be home on time. i don't know what the deal was. >> steve: brian, the good news, is he did not refer to uncle bose the cannibal this time making progress. >> ainsley: talk about how the duration works gawcket lives for
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the community. removing lead pipes and polution. high speed internet and protection of obamacare. and then senator tim scott from south carolina, he posted on x he said next stop on the pander express. >> brian: is he desperate. 8-figure investment in getting student groups out in the message of the biden administration to young black men and women. >> steve: think about that, if he is under water with students, particularly with gaza and stuff like that, pay those groups to be on board with him. >> lawrence: i think you have to compare the message that was delivered in the bronx to what was delivered there. and it was a pro-go out there, go after it. you can do it. i'm going to support you, compared to. >> brian: america is a racist place. >> lawrence: you can't make it because -- by the way, when he was at the black church and all this stuff he allegedly was, did he tell them that he was standing next to all the segregationists and all the
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people that supported -- didn't support busing and all that? and if you don't believe me, just ask his vice president who said the same thing on the debate stage. so, he wants to rewrite history. >> brian: everywhere. >> ainsley: now turning to more headlines for you, new overnight pipeline and hazardous materials investigators from the ntsb have arrived in youngstown, ohio to investigate tuesday's deadly gas explosion at a downtown high rise. the blast, which was captured on camera, blew the facade off the 13 story structure and sent debris flying into the street. a 27-year-old man who worked at the chase bank on the ground floor was killed. seven others were hurt that explosion, including six bank employees, check out incredible images out of iceland. volcano in the southwest part of the country erupting for the fifth time since december. lava flows are approaching barriers, protecting a small coastal town and a popular we did owe thermal spa has been
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evacuated. here's a look at the incredible images from the start of yesterday's eruption that sent lava shooting 165 feet into the air. a michigan judge stunned when a man charged with yifing with suspended license joins a courtroom zoom call while he was behind the wheel listen. >> just give me one second. i'm parking right now. >> >> so maybe i don't understand something. you are driving on a license suspended? >> that is correct, your honor. >> and he was just driving. and he doesn't have a license. >> uh. >> those are the charges, your honor, yes. >> i don't even know why he would do that. so defendant's bond is revoked in this matter. the defendant is to turn himself into the washington county jail by 6:00 p.m. today. >> ainsley: oh, i don't have a license. i forgot. that suspect will appear in
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court today on june 5th. hopefully he won't be driving. he will be virtual from, i guess, jail now unless he gets out. >> steve: he was in jail two days. note to self-if you have a suspended license don't zoom into a judge driving. >> lawrence: dad hey, maybe i'm not understanding something he understands very clear. >> ainsley: not only that i'm just parking my car i will be right there. >> ainsley: he was late on ton of it. >> brian: a chicago migrant arrested 10 times finally held behind bars only after assaulting a cop. >> steve: chad wolf calls out sanctuary cities for criminal migrants back on the street. he joins us next on "fox & friends." ♪
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>> ainsley: we are back with the late east in scott peterson's bid for a new trial. the convicted killer once again appeared before a judge via zoom yesterday. his attorneys with the los angeles innocence project arguing for d.n.a. testing to help prove their client did not kill his pregnant wife more than two decades ago saying that the case, quote, cries out for further investigation. peterson was handed a life sentence after being convicted of killing his wife, lacy peterson and their unborn child on christmas eve back in 2002.
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and he served the last 20 years behind bars. peterson largely losing his bid yesterday to have items of evidence retested to help clear his innocence after the judge rejected the definition's request for the new d.n.a. testing on most of the items in question. but, the defense will be allowed to conduct testing on a piece of duct tape found on lacy's body at the time. the judge has scheduled a new hearing for july 1st and peterson is expected back in court shortly after that on jul. >> we will keep you posted. steve? >> steve: thank you very much, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> steve: raising national security concerns. a border patrol chief saying that the government has apprehended more than 52,000 so-called special interest aliens in just 8 months with nearly 90% of those in the san diego seq. for. why are they heading there? this as cbp sources tell fox news there have been 184,000
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known got-aways in that same time frame, bringing the grand total to more than 1.85 million under the biden administration. let's call in former acting dhs secretary chad wolf, he joins us right now. chad, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: what is so troubling about 52,000 special interest aliens and 184,000 known got-aways? so many people are coming in the country we have no idea who they are. >> well, that's exactly right, these are your national security threat. we talk a lot about different fashion banalities and population group coming across this border in south texas, arizona and california. when you talk about special interest aliens you talk about individuals travel patterns very similar to known terrorists. and the fact that so many are entering the southern border -- crossing the southern border illegally and then you look at the got-aways which obviously don't come in contact with a law enforcement officer. and then on top of that you look at why they are all going to the
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san diego sector. there is something at play here. there is an organized system, that's going on with the cartels and others. and so i think it's something that obviously dhs and our national security apparatus needs to take a hard look at. >> steve: wondering whether or not they are testing the system. how far can we get away and what can we get away with? meanwhile, chad, i want to talk to you a little bit about this. we have seen here in new york city a lot of crime. retail crime and stuff like that involving the migrants. in chicago, they have just arrested a migrant for the 10th time. and this time it's for an aggravated battery of a police officer. and there you can see some of the things that have happened. if you are in the country illegally, you have got that piece of paper from the federal government says okay, notice to appear, see you in seven years. you would think you would have to at least follow the rules of the road, but apparently not until you hurt a cop. >> well, you certainly should,
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and if you don't follow those rules of the road, you should be removed, right? so what we have seen over the last year and a half are sanctuary cities actually campaign about the crisis. we heard new york city and chicago and elsewhere, but, yet, they still have policies on the books. they still have progressive prosecutors who won't prosecute and so i think this is very troubling. but, even if ice would have been called for this individual, he would not have been removed. he was not an enforcement priority under president biden and secretary mayorkas. i think that is also really really troubling. we saw this pattern, unfortunately with very tragic consequences with lincoln riley, again an individual come across illegally committed crimes but not being prosecuted and held in jail. and so i think this is all very concerning. we need let ice do their job. we need let them remove individuals that are committing crimes. >> steve: ultimately, if you don't respect our laws and you start to beat people up, especially cops, you're out. it's that simple, isn't it?
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>> it should be that simple. it should be that simple. you should be allowing ice to remove individuals that, again, don't have a legal right to be here and that commit additional crimes. but, under this administration, if they are not an enforcement priority, which is to say if they haven't committed a really really serious crime, they don't remove these individuals. >> steve: it's just crazy. chad, thank you very much for joining us today. >> thank you. >> steve: we did reach out to the chicago cops, haven't heard back. meanwhile, as we move on, cities finally waking up recognizing harm reduction policies and handing out to addicts isn't reducing harm. we will talk to a recover addict calling out democrats for enabling the problem. that man is coming up next. ♪
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clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. >> janice: texas in the bullseye again for more wicked weather as we head through the workweek.
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a cluster of thunderstorms border of oklahoma and texas. a lot of lightning. large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes. here is the severe storm threat for much of texas, parts of louisiana. a.o.c., kansas, parts of colorado. then tomorrow sort of the same areas, right that have been hit hard with not only large hail but we have seen incredible damage from tornadoes, heavy rain in the forecast is going to cause flash flooding because we have had a ton of rain over the last several weeks. this is not going to help the situation for the mississippi river valley, parts of texas, louisiana, up towards arkansas. two to three inches, some isolated higher totals. here is your forecast today. again, that bullseye over the central u.s. we do have some thunderstorms moving across the midwest, also the gulf coast and even cold enough for snow across the northern rockies. we will continue to monitor all of the above. fox for all of your latest details and now i'm going to say hi to my friend carley.
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>> carley: hello, janice, today is the deadline for boeing to submit its updated safety plan to the federal government. the faa administrator saying, quote: it's going to be a long road to get boeing back to where they need to be making safe airplanes. two weeks ago the doj said boeing violated terms of a 2021 settlement related to two deadly mac jet crashes. boeing could be exposed to criminal prosecution as a result. over 200 passengers on a spirit airlines flight to fort lauderdale on sunday got the scare of their lives when they were told to put their life vests on. 10 minutes after takeoff. the pilot explained they had to return to jamaica because of a possible mechanical issue and for everyone to prepare for a water landing. and, of course, some folks stopped to take out their cell phones. wow, fortunately the plane landed safely and no one was
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hurt. a flight that none of those 200 passengers, lawrence, are soon going to forget. >> lawrence: no, spirit. >> carley: thank god everyone is okay. >> lawrence: cities and states who once free pipes safe injection sites now reversing course. cracking down on programs that provide drug paraphernalia. our next guest says those programs are a waste of money and only putting -- only putting a band aid on a much bigger problem. philadelphia business owner and recovered addict himself frank rodriguez joins us now. so, frank, what's wrong with giving out these clean materials? >> so, first of all, thank you for having me. >> lawrence: yes. >> and, you know, it's absolutely doing nothing. it's a waste of taxpayers' money. furthermore, we have to realize that the state of mind that the addicts are in that are receiving these type of services
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are at the very bottom and it's almost like somebody threatening to commit suicide and you hand them a loaded gun. they do it. they pass out, you know, these clean needles and clean pipes under the guise of saying okay, we're going to help you to use a little bit more clean the drugs that are around right now don't allow for that you might stop somebody from contracting hepatitis or hiv. you are not stop their leg or arm rotting off down the road. >> it's not going to happen. >> lawrence: we look at the number in 2015 over 33,000 overdose deaths. got to 2019, over 50,000. and then 81,000 in 2023. part of the problem is that d.a. is saying half of the drugs that are out there, i know people may be experimenting, but half of the drugs are laced with fentanyl. and that's deadly.
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right? >> absolutely. so there is no such thing as being -- you mentioned the word experiment. you know, we all have that as humans we all have that in our nature to want to experiment, especially when we are young. and that desire will never go away. but the risk has risen so high that there's no such thing as, you know, just waking up in the morning, getting in trouble by your parents. you are not waking up at all. your parents are making funeral arrangements and visiting you the next time in the city morgue. that's the reality of it. everything is synthetic. it's, you know, it's literal lay chemical warfare amongst our residents. there is no such thing as just normal heroin, everything is synthetic. and a lot of drugs, they are not even made for humans, which causes, you know, the ulcers, you walk down the block and you smell rotting flesh, that's the stench that fills your nose. it's horrible.
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>> lawrence: frank, i have got about 15 seconds. as someone who has recovered, if you could give someone advice today, one thing for them to turn their life around, what would you tell them? >> you're loved, you are worth it. it's possible. it's never going to be easy but 100 percent it's going to be worth it. >> lawrence: frank, thanks so much for sharing your message this morning. >> thank you for having me, brother. have a blessed day. >> lawrence: you too. so harvard announcing they are done taking policy positions. but, when it documents speaking out on trump, apparently they are still fair game. one harvard grad says it's an obvious attempt to push out conservative voices. is he live, next. ♪
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>> brian: in the wake of the anti-israeli backlash on campus. hard university announcing it will no longer comment on public policy or even issue statements of support to groups. the recommendation from a faculty reports that warns, quote, in issuing official statements of empathy the university runs the risk of appearing to care more about some places and events than other places. our next guest says obviously stems from the complete failure to address anti-semitism on campus. chavecasten balm joins us now.
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how bad has been university harvard. >> i can't articulate how bad it's been for jewish students across the campus. physical assault business school. globalize intifada in the classroom. a staff member challenged economy bait. >> brian: classmate? >> this was a staff member. it's inexcusable and unfathomable it would occur and response from harvard has been nothing. >> brian: have you felt it october 7th and the aftermath. >> of course. harvard right oily or wrongly routinely restrict and prohibit free speech it made it very bizarre when it came to the palestine solidarity community inviting a known anti-smythe jews eat the organs of palestinians this is somebody anti-semitic harvard said he has a first anti-semitic right.
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that's illegal. so of course there was anti-semitism for him. swastikas being carved out at harvard but no one really paid any attention to it. >> brian: did they come out and speak out for george floyd after that incident in a protest? did they speak out for that? >> exactly. this is why this whole institutional neutrality is such a farce. harvard has made it its business to opine on issues that do not effect the daily lives of students in any way. after george floyd not only did they condemn it we are going to rid ourselves of institutional white supremacy and racism. after october 7th they were slow to condemn it and to this day they haven't condemned the 34 student groups at harvard, celebrated it blaming jews for the largest massacre of jews since the holocaust. >> brian: do you think they got blow back from harvard that said straighten out your act? >> 100 percent. the only way harvard changes they have shown they are unable or one willing to do it. only way it changes outside pressure is the donors, alumni, is congress telling them their behavior is unacceptable. >> brian: i you to hear this.
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give you hope. alumni spoke out. democratic senator from pennsylvania. he said this at the commencement. >> and for me personally i could not believe it's fundamentally right for knee wear this today. [applause] >> calling out saying embarrassed harvard how they acted. senator fetterman like ritchie torres are the loan voices on the left champions for the state of israel and not just the united states but for the jewish people. the fact that he as a harvard graduate recognizes that the university has fundamentally shifted. it's unrecognizable from when he was there really underscores what jewish students from for months now we are treated qualitatively differently than any other minority group. >> >> brian: town of israel your brother is fighting in the id.
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if. this matter more than just your religious beliefs. this your life and you are an american and you are embarrassed by what the university has done? >> absolutely. that's why having the support of senator fetterman and having those graduates and outside foforces is so important. >> brian: do you know what i hear now silence from senator schumer the most powerful jewish senator in the history of our country. not a word. he wants to focus on energy drinks. shabbos, thank you so much glad you went through it you are calling out harvard for what they j just announced. appreciate it? >> thank you. >> brian: coming up straight ahead, rather than actually going to a tease going to carley. >> carley: coming up straight ahead and straight ahead is now, brian. >> brian: thank you. >> carley: let lines to get to almost 80% of americans view fast food as a luxury. according to that you survey. increase in prices have 62% of americans eating less fast food. three restaurants seen as high end, chick-fil-a, starbucks and
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chipotle. mcdonald's doing eight before damage control after a photo of a big mac meal cost 18 bucks in connecticut when viral. the price on the social media price was, quote an exception. the chain's u.s. president is also denying reports claiming prices have doubled since 2019 saying we feel a responsibility to make sure the real facts are available. the company says all menu items cost an average of 40% more everybody the past five years to account for increased food and labor costs. amazon customers in the u.s. can now order food delivery straight from the amazon app. through grub hub. customers need to search grub hub in the product search bar to place an order. grub hub plus membership is included in the prime subscription. back over to you. >> brian: for the record you are straight ahead. >> carley: that's right. >> brian: in studio. >> carley: from my vantage point you are straight ahead as well.
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>> brian: fox news alert. day two of trump distributions in the trump trial. jonathan turley joins us as the country watches and waits for a verdict that could decide the next election. don't movie. ♪
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