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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 30, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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in our family there was a passion for glass making that's passed down through the generations. we stood on some pretty broad shoulders to get to where we are at today. on ancestry i was able to actually put together our family tree. each person is a glass worker. that's why we do what we do. we can't help it. the glass blowing - that's a part of our dna. it's in my blood, it's in my history. it's my job to make sure that this shop makes it to the next generation.
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>> steve: good morning, everybody. live from studio b. it's 7:00 in new york city. welcome to the thursday, may 30th edition of "fox & friends." well, fox news alert. it is day two of jury deliberations in donald trump's trial against new york state. >> possible outcomes as the country watches and waits for what will be an historic verdict. >> it's mind boggling to me that at the end of the rainbow we still weren't certain what the menu of crimes it now turns out was going to be. >> brian: right. we're going to talk to him shortly. and joe biden snaps at a reporter asking if he would be serving his full term or handing over to power to vp harris. >> steve: good question. >> all four years or handing over? >> not hurt, are you? >> ainsley: did you fall on your head. >> lawrence: should make fun. >> ainsley: a true miracle a girl loses her leg in a train accident and then pulls herself
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off the tracks. the incredible story is coming up. >> lawrence: what will she h second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> lawrence: buckle up. fox news alert. jurors in the new york vs. trump trial will continue deliberating this morning after discussing the former president's fate for four and a half hours during day one. >> brian: lawrence, your car is ready. >> ainsley: monster truck behind it outside on the fox square. eric shawn is live outside of the new york state supreme court. acre, what's the latest? >> eric: hey, good morning, ainsley and guys. well, the jury is starting with the heart of the prosecution's case. they are asking for testimony concerning the alleged scheme to protect donald trump's presidential campaign back in 2016. and they are starting at square one. they have asked for testimony from the very first witness in this case and that was david
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pecker. pecker, the former publisher of the national inquirer testified by b. meeting with trump and michael cohen to set up the plan that protects trump's presidential campaign in motion. it was two months after trump announced that he was running for the white house. and pecker said the three met at trump tower to carry out the plan. pecker and cohen testified three weeks apart in this trial but they basically told the jury the very same thing that trump told pecker to work with cohen. their goal? keep stories that could hurt trump's presidential campaign out of the public eye. here is cohen's testimony. question: who did he say he would get in touch with? he was able to identify these type of stories? cohen said, the answer was me. mr. trump, also. and then you had pecker's testimony about three weeks earlier. i would notify michael cohen and then he would be able to have them killed in another magazine or have them not publish or somebody would have to purchase them. the jury has also asked for
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pecker testifying about him advising cohen to buy the story from karen macdougall that she had a nearly year long affair with trump so that voters would not find out about it. it appears that the jury is trying to corroborated with michael cohen told them. that's because michael cohen is considered an accomplice witness. the judge telling them that he committed another crime and under new york state law you can't rely on michael cohen alone. let alone that he is an admitted liar and perjurer, the jury can't just go by what he says, they need testimony or evidence to back that up. so today they may be hearing exactly what they want to try to get, corroboration of michael cohen that starts at 9:30 this morning. we will see how it goes. back to you. >> brian: so, eric, from what you can attain, do you believe that the judge would come up -- listen to the jury verdict, and the same day come up with his
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sentence is there going to be distance from the verdict to the sentence? if is he found guilty? >> eric: yeah. usually there is a distance between that. some jurisdictions have it immediately, that's a pretty shocking thing but in new york state, they have the verdict and then after the verdict, if the president is convicted they will set the sentencing daylight eric, the 12 jurors, alternates are in the jury room. and all they have got they have a rectangular table, bad lighting i have read and apparently a laptop where they can look at the different exhibits and stuff like that. they are also -- and so you have also got the foreman who is trying to run things. we don't know much about that person. we do know there are two lawyers in there. and that could be helpful when it comes to legal stuff. although one of them said during the jury selection process, that they had no experience with
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criminal proceeding. >> yeah. you know, you are right. we will have to see what the lawyers say. some people have raids concern about the fact that they have two lawyers. that, you know, the power dynamic would be lay people, the regular nonlawyers would try to look to the lawyers to get explanations. so, that could shift power dynamic we don't know which way. you are right in new york state, the jury room, they are in the room, they had their -- alone, they got two laptops to look at the evidence. they are not allowed to bring anything into the jury room. if they want to hear the testimony read back, they got to go back to the courtroom. it's all read back to them. they are not allowed to read it themselves. that's the way it's always worked. >> brian: all right, eric, thanks. >> ainsley: thanks, eric. >> lawrence: one of the things that shocked me yesterday is that they all have to agree on innocence or guilt. but they don't have to all agree on the counts, which is
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something i have never heard of before. andrew mccarthy was on yesterday and he gave some thoughts on the judge. >> it's mind boggling to me that at the end of the rainbow, after they didn't give trump notice of what the charges were at the indictment stage, after through six weeks of trial, we still weren't certain what the menu of crimes it now turns out was going to be at the end that he was supposedly covering up or concealing. now we get here and it turns out that they don't even have to agree on the main thing? it's astonishing. >> brian: he was harping all over that, he found it really disturbing and virtually unprecedented. >> lawrence: practicing law for 20 plus years in new york and the most aggressive prosecuting office in southern new york. if andy mccarthy hasn't heard about it -- >> steve: it's like a cafeteria, each records charge also has three other options. so here's a records charge. plus, did they do any of these
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three things? so essentially you could have somebody say well, i think he did number one. somebody else could say i think number two, number three. if everybody agrees to a secondary charge, then it becomes a felony, and then that can be a guilty charge. >> ainsley: does it surprise you? he donated to biden's campaign. his wife worked for letitia james. we know about his daughter. i heard you yesterday, was it on out numbered when you said now is he going to try steve bannon, and you said is he the only judge in new york? >> brian: right. and thank you for noticing that oftentimes i give you my transcript and say if you want to use that the rest of the day. >> ainsley: just like the jury i have to take notes. i'm not allowed to see your transcript. >> steve: ainsley, judge jude is in new york. >> brian: interesting what they requested. they wanted more information regarding the phone call with trump and david pecker. decision not to fund the macdougall story they found interesting. pecker's testimony of what happened at the trump tower meeting with cohen.
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so, they are all over deliberations and how much pecker knew that maybe would be corroborated, this is all speculation with michael cohen. >> lawrence: to that point also, brian, remember part of the instructions said if you feel like donald trump did it for any other reason, even if it was for the election and say personal, there was an allegation that he did it to protect melania, if you believe that to be true, as well as the election, then there is no charge. >> steve: right, one other thing he said, the judge that is, said if you are considering the testimony of a witness, and you believe that something they said was not truthful, you don't have to believe anything anything. so clearly that was, you know that was aimed at michael cohen. >> ainsley: the judge did say something interesting, too. you find that any witness has testified falsely to any material fact, you may disregard that witness's entire testimony. >> steve: that's what we're talking about. >> ainsley: michael cohen.
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michael cohen admitted to lying, we know he has been in prison and disbarred and stole money from the trump organization. he admitted that in court. is he a serial perjurer, is he also an accomplice. if they take that information and listen to the judge's instructions on this, they could just wipe out all of his testimony. >> brian: so we have frequently asked questions that i have asked over and over again. so now we have a full screen. maybe you are asking the same questions, i will read the question and then we will have the answer. it's the way we tests all across america and right now people are taking their finals. >> ainsley: you will ask a question and we will answer it. >> brian: yes. and can you read from your notes. where will trump be during these hearings? >> steve: well, brian, great question. >> brian: thanks for putting my name in the answer. >> steve: he doesn't have to stay in the courtroom. but he has got to be in the verdict just in case the verdict comes down. >> brian: how long will jurors deliberate? >> lawrence: as long as they need to. the standard court day runs from #:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with a lunch break. the judge said the jurors could decide to extend the court day all the way up to 6:00 p.m.
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going forward there's no limit to how many days of dlixdzs can continue. >> what happens if there is a verdict? >> ainsley: well, brian, i'm glad you asked. jurors will send a note via a court officer saying there is a verdict. but they won't say what it is and everyone go back in court and they will say either guilty or not guilty for each charge. >> brian: do you want to be in the overflow room for that? or the courtroom? because overflow you get cameras real quick. that's interesting tactic. >> ainsley: get to see their faces. >> brian: what happens if there isn't a verdict? >> steve: brian, if there is no verdict, jurors send a note saying we can't agree. the judge then in consultation with both sides must decide what to do. defense lawyers might seek an immediate mistrial that could be granted but often the response is to call the jury in for some form of instruction to keep trying. in other words, you are deadlocked, try again. if the deadlock notes continue, the message may be repeated or tweaked. so to arguments for a mistrial.
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judge jeanine was on yesterday and she said generally she would send it back one time. but, we have seen movies where they send it back two times or three times. just go in there and come back with an answer. >> lawrence: a decision. >> ainsley: we all have read this cute little article in politico today talking about what is happening behind scenes and what reporters are going through. they said it was so cold in that courtroom that they did ask the judge to crank up the heat. and/or the air higher whatever it is. and the judge said well, if i tell the building staff to do that they could crank it up 30 degrees i would rather be cold than sweating. trump's lawyer susan how do you pronounce her last name? necheles. she wore -- a thick winter coat during the proceedings. reporters won knee length down jacket. it's like 80 degrees here. >> brian: it's an icebox. >> steve: the judge is wearing a big robe. >> ainsley: coffee isn't permitted in the main courtroom. so they're chugging their coffee like a frat boy and they are all
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saying chug, chug, chug outside. and people are eating and charges their laptops in the bathrooms. >> brian: everything is 1972 in there, right? they say if the president does get probation or gets jail time they would put him into the probation screen him. they say it's even worse in those rooms if he goes and gets evaluated. >> ainsley: trump has to stay in the building. they are giving him and his lawyers and the secret service the courtroom across the hall. >> brian: yeah. he will be around. he will be able to get right back into there as soon as that verdict is read or concluded. meanwhile, president biden is set to go back to his beach house in delaware today. is he working hard after he and the vice president made campaign stops in philly on wednesday trying to gain support from minority voters, specifically black voters. >> steve: jacqui heinrich was in philly yesterday. and today she is back at her post outside the white house. jacqui, how did the president do and did he insult any reporters? >> did he, actually. i will get to that in just a second, steve.
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but to your broader question, guys. part of the remedy to sliding support among black voters is the biden campaign apparently telling them that trump is racist or at least that his campaign and his agenda are. a campaign email from the biden team ahead of yesterday's black voter outreach program said, quote: trump is running on an antiblack agenda, talking down to black voters. the trump campaign has made it very clear they believe all they need to engage black voters is free fast food. team biden went on to announce a week of events at barber shops, hair salons and blank churches across several swing states to get the word out about what biden has done to build black wealth, framing himself as someone who has delivered on promises made. it was also one of the first time we heard a new refrain if trump is elected he could stack the supreme court with more conservative justices and take more of your rights away. the pitch they seem to be settling on here is about character.
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>> this election is not about age. it's about character. this election is about character. so every two choices. you have my husband joe, who you all know who has integrity, he is strong, he is steady, he is a leader. is he smart. he is energetic, or you have chaos. >> but biden did shoot back with a little bit of attitude when a reporter asked him if he planned to stay in office for a full second term. >> president biden, will you be serving your full four year term or handing over power to vice president harris? [inaudible] >> all four years or handing over? >> you're not hurt, are you? >> i can't hear you, can you approach? >> did you fall and hit your head or something? >> jacqui: he obviously didn't like that question. the president is not at the white house today. he is spending the weekend in
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rehoboth but he will make a short trip back to the white house tomorrow to welcome the kansas city chiefs, guys. >> steve: that's his come back. what's the matter with you? did you hit your head. >> brian: never talks to reporters. >> ainsley: search asking will he make it through four years or hand it over? >> steve: over question came up in the briefing room jacqui, you mentioned the kansas city chiefs are going to be in attendance. what's the dealer with taylor swift is she going to come and support her boyfriend? >> brian: she should not come. >> steve: just asking. >> brian: jacqui, she should not come. >> jacqui: big mystery. i don't know. i don't see strongs of swifties out the white house. maybe that's why they are keeping it a secret, guys. >> brian: it would be about -- i think it would be about her if she showed up. it should be about the chiefs and their kicker. i'm sure he will get a warm embrace from the president. >> steve: given the fact if she just showed up at joe biden's white house, she wouldn't have to say i support joe biden. i endorse joe biden. just her being on the campus
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says. >> ainsley: didn't she support them though in the last election? >> steve: in 2020. >> ainsley: she had those cookies that said biden. >> brian: one guy wants to start dating madonna who might be be available. she is very selfish. absolutely. but not taylor swift, she seems this is your time. you only got a couple years left. let's be honest. why is lawrence on that show i would like to be on the show and can i sing and dance. >> ainsley: interested in madonna. >> lawrence: maybe. >> brian: she is available unfortunate i think it's interesting to see joe and jill. jill seems to want it a lot more than joe. did you see how passionate she was during "the view." how crazed she was that my joe is the right guy. do you hear me? donald trump is evil. >> ainsley: she called him energetic and another interview called him steady.
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>> brian: ha! sounds like my valentine's day's card from dawn. >> steve: one on his team. >> brian: no question. >> steve: who can stay to the talking points. we have known for over a year because we heard from the campaign, the plan is going to be while the republicans duke it out in the primaries and donald trump does stuff, we will just show how we are so calm while there is chaos at the other side. >> brian: she wants it more than him. >> lawrence: are we witnessing the fear campaign like it is so bad -- and i predicted this, too. after the bronx rally, they were so afraid of the massive turnout there. now everything is fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. and i just wish somebody besides fox will pushback and say what are you talking about? like what donald trump. >> ainsley: he says when he talks about donald trump being racist? >> lawrence: i just think it's lazy. i think it's juvenile. can you come up with anything say how i hate his policy on this. they are making such a general -- it's kind of like de niro who said is he going to destroy the world. this is not an action movie.
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>> steve: both sides doing it. going to motivate their base. a lot of people are not motivated yet. >> brian: i was surprised joy behar did not pushback. she always asks questions. let's talk sports for a second and crime and punishment. scottie scheffler's attorney getting into a heated exchange with reporters after kentucky prosecutors dropped all criminal charges against the world's number one golfer. >> ainsley: garrett tenney is live with all the details. gator gator that heated exchange when reporters asked scottie scheffler's attorney about new body camera leaked showing golfer in the back of the squad car being questioned by an officer and explaining his versions of what had just happened. when officer brian gillis tried to stop him from pulling up into the entrance of the valhalla golf club early that morning. here's part of that. >> first of all, did i not know that he was a police officer. i thought he was one of the security guards was that mistaken. and as i was pulling by him he -- >> stop right there why does it matter if he is a security guard
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or a police officer if somebody is telling you to stop. >> yes. you are right. i should have wanted to. did i get a little bit impatient because i'm quite late for my tee time. >> in court the prosecutors say evidence supports sheriffly said all along this was all a big misunderstanding. after court, his attorney went a bit further and said the pro-golfer was a victim in this case. he is being interrogated most stressful situation. the officer is asking him questions and trying to get him to agree with him. okay? that's why you don't talk to the police. because they're going to try to put words in your mouth. gator gator that did not sit well with officer brian gillis who arrested scheffler and disciplined for not having his body camera on when this whole ordeal unfolded. he said it was unfortunate and hearing him claim a false arrest was made. and for him to challenge my
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honesty and integrity. i would be surprised and disappointed if mr. scheffler actually had any part in making those statements. for his part, scottie scheffler says he is ready to move on, put all of this behind him. he holds no ill will towards officer gillis. scott j scheffler has had a remarkable season, a lot more that he wants to focus on there. >> brian: hard to belief he was age to play that whole tournament and play pretty well. >> ainsley: glad it all worked out. >> steve: the officer does have to buy a new pair of $80 pants. >> brian: she is not wearing pants carley shimkus. >> carley: oh my gosh, brian. we are doing trending stories if that were true that would certainly be one. we start with incredible survival story out of new jersey. this woman saved her own life after being hit by a train and losing half her leg in a freak accident. police say lisa fitzgerald pulled herself ton platform and used her shirt as a tourniquet. she lost her leg just two weeks
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before her 30th birthday. get this, her family threw her a glamutation party for her. she is never stopped smiling she is happy to be alive. if you would like to help fund lisa's recovery go to her page lisa's journey to recovery on go fund me. jerry seinfeld admits in a interview he misses the way men used to be. >> it was jfk. it was muhammed ali. it was sean cannery, howard cosell, that's a real man. i want to be like that some day. >> i miss a dominant mass could masculinity. yeah, i get the toxic thing, i guess. [laughter] but still i like a real man. >> carley: seinfeld going on to give a shoutout to hugh grant. two actors co-stars on netflix movie unfrosted. one texas dad is going viral for
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his words of wisdom to his heart broken daughter following a breakup. he said to her deal with the pain and hurt with the knowledge this person just gave you back the most valuable thing in the world. your time. i have had lots of relationships. then i met your mom. so when you were dealing with today, -- so what you are dealing with today is necessary for you to one day be able to discern when a person is really right for you. i love you so much. this will pass. that post has over 18 million views. and he is right. you got to kiss the frogs, guys, before you get to the prince. >> steve: yeah. you know, the dad was very -- he was very explicit in talking about i had many relationships before i met your mom. but and i appreciate having all of them because then i can appreciate what she is to me. >> carley: going viral on social media. >> ainsley: i remember in college someone sent me something really sweet if you are a woman or a man and you are waiting on your spouse or, you know, foreign date, maybe god is
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shaping them and making them into the right person and god's time they will send him or her to you. >> brian: i'm going to pick up with the seinfeld story i 100 percent agree i also thought unfrosted even though people don't like it i liked it. if you are a seinfeld fan, watch it, you will appreciate it. if not you will not get it. >> steve: it's about cereal. >> brian: exactly. a lot of hysterical references. it's a really good movie i think. >> lawrence: check it out. >> steve: owning a home already cost a fortune. now it could cost even more thanks to joe biden's green agenda. >> ainsley: charles payne helps us crunch the numbers. >> brian: is he masculine. there you go. ♪ go on and chase the money and run ♪ go on chase the money and run ♪
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♪ >> we are back with our headlines starting with this frightening scene unfolding in jackson, mississippi as the family is carjacked by a gunman in broad daylight in the driveway of their house me and my son we go down in front of the car, the other gunman is on the other side of that car, telling my daughter to get out. he pulled and yanks my daughter out. he gets in and he points a gun
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to my old hest son's face. >> the thankfully they were able to get the kids out of the backseat. the young grandchildren were inside the car at the time. thankfully no one was injured. the family is now planning to relocate. and police say they caught a florida dad driving 128 miles per hour with his two kids in the car. he was in a 60 mile-per-hour zone after deputies pulled him over they say they found two small bags of fentanyl in his wallet. adding a possession charge. the father was arrested and has since been released after posting a $6,500 bond. and those are your headlines, steve over to you. >> steve: what a story the kids have to tell about dad. thank you very much. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> steve: nearly 339,000 acres how much agricultural land has been purchased by the people in china. now a brand new farm bill on capitol hill is looking to look restrict foreign adversaries like beijing buying up america's
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heartland what does charles payne think? why are they buying all the land? >> charles: wouldn't you want american land? by the way, anybody out there looking for american investment, american land, american farm land, there really is nothing better than it. obviously, it's one of these things that is worrisome. i mean, at this very moment, we are in a cold war with china. we are in a cold war with china. that odds are at some point become a hot war with china. two things we don't want. we don't want them any having any access to our food supply and no the not land near key military facilities. a lot of them big nuclear bases in the heartland. listen, i was stationed in my not north dakota, two two nuclear to say i don't trust them is an understatement. you read articles in this people opposed saying well canada has a lot of land 31%.
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den knack a lot of land. not in a cold war with china. stupid comparison. something needs to be done to nip this in the bud. i don't think i could buy farm land in china near military installation. >> steve: 100 percent. receive if the farm bill addresses. capitol hill, you never know. meanwhile as it turns out. we know that it is very expensive to buy a house new homes more inexpensive. graphic. under this administration's plan it's going to add $7,200 to the price of a brand new house bringing the average cost last year to about half a million dollars. just simply to make things more energy efficient it's a great idea but is it affordable? charles charles no. housing affordability is the lowest in history. i'm going to tell you right now progressives don't like
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ownership. the ultimate goal is for you to not to own a home. that's the real ultimate goal. they love everyone to congregate among major cities and live on top of each other in apartments and share things. they have pushed for a sharing society which by the way was gaining traction before covid and i don't want to get in elevator 10,000 other people and touch a button when i don't know what the hell the last person touched. give you a stat. how crazy it is. zoning laws, construction fees, single family homes in 2019. it's up 35% since then. just i mean and then, of course, all kinds of regulatory issues. there is no such thing as affordable homes now. this will put the dream of home ownership out of everyone's reach unless you have a lot of money. >> steve: then again joe biden will be able to when he is out on the campaign trail say to the people interested in the environment, hey, look what i did charles charles more people interesting in owning a home
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than worrying about 1 degree hotter 100 years from now. don't blow smoke because, listen, people are frustrated about this kind of stuff. >> steve: all right. as we look at you right there. charles, i wants you to get into the way back machine we are now exactly 10 years from when you started your program making money here's the people are member episode with that guy 10 years ago. >> hi, i'm charles payne and welcome to making money, right here right now i'm going to help you make money by investing in the stock market. investing and building wealth is not a stent, it's a journey. we plan to be with you every step of the way. >> steve: you have been. the show is such a success. congratulations. >> thank you so much. it has been so amazing. when i started that show 52% of americans own stock. now it's 62%. i'm taking credit for all of that. [laughter] >> steve: all right. watch his show. making money. he will make you money weekdays
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at 2:00 over on fox business. all right, charles. >> thanks a lot. >> steve: all right. a fox news alert. it is day two of the jury complications in the trump trial. jonathan turley joins us as the country watches and waits for the verdict. ♪ oh sometimes i get a good feeling ♪ yeah. ♪ i get a feeling that i never, never, never, never had before, nold d, no. ♪them this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. i couldn't get my hair done. then psoriatic arthritis.
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. we are live on fox square and the rain has moved on which i'm very excited about. we have more severe weather to talk about for the central u.s. take a look at the tornado tally which is incredible across the country. look at this. 488 tornado reports. that's almost double what the average we get in may. and we have some severe weather
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happening right now in parts of texas and oklahoma. areas that have been hit hard all month long. those are severe thunderstorm warnings and a lot of lightning associated with these storms. there is the forecast today. we're going to watch the central u.s. including you, texas, oklahoma, in towards kansas and colorado. and that storm system is going to kind of linger because we have another day of severe weather and the flash flooding potential for all of these areas where we are going to see heavy rainfall. all of that and hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. fox have a way to get those watches and warnings. and brian kilmeade, i'm going to toss over to you my friend. >> brian: let's talk courts. a fox news alert. 12 hours. 12 new new york city jurors will continue debating trump's fate as the country awaits highly anticipated verdict. law professor at george washington university. jonathan turley is live outside the courthouse has he has always been last six weeks in lower manhattan. first off, jonathan, what do you read from the two requests from
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the jury, the two notes from the jury, one on clarifications on the rules. the one on reading back david pecker's testimony? >> well, this really makes reading tea leaves look like an established science. you know, we are all speculating. i was a little surprised to hear on another network that this was good news for the prosecution. i don't see how you could say that. the most likely scenario that i had in the courtroom was this may all be about michael cohen. it would be a natural thing for the jury to go in there and just say what are we going to do about cohen? are we going to give his testimony any weight? because he is 99% of this case. and when that was raised it's possible that someone said look if he lied on any material fact should ignore him on all facts. another juror may saying i don't remember we had to do that. that would explain the request for the instructions again. but it would also explain these particular transcript segments,
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because what the judge said is michael cohen has to be considered an accomplice. and as an accomplice, you have to take even more concern over his testimony. he needs to be corroborated. and if that came up, they say where is the corroboration? it so happens that these are the portions of the transcript that the prosecutors highlighted out of the trump tower that they said corroborated michael cohen. i frankly don't think that's true. so that's one scenario. but what is clear is there is obviously a disagreement. you don't get a read back on an instruction if there is not a disagreement. so obviously they had a disagreement. that doesn't mean it's a deadlock. it means that they said let's just hear it again. so we can cut to the chase on this. >> brian: what does your gut tell you this is heading going into this weekend? it's thursday already. they work wednesday. we are looking at friday. they are supposed to work again. what does your gut tell you about today? >> the judge would like them to
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go to 6:00 today. it's possible, i always say i didn't think there would be a verdict yesterday. i would be more anticipating a verdict on friday. but it's possible today. it's a long day. and so, i still believe that the choice between a hung jury and a partial conviction on some counts. i do think a hung jury has to be high up there if not the more likely scenario but we all don't know. the thing that you're looking for, obviously, is the note on a deadlock. but, keep in mind, that if the jury comes out on a deadlock, which would be great news for the defense, it's not the end. what will happen is that the judge will then give what we say in the federal system is an allen charge or modified allen charge. it's basically a two-by-four to the head of the jury. it says, look, a lot of people spent a lot of time on this. you need to go back, do your job, listen to each other, reach a conclusion in the interest of
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everyone. as a defense attorney, i have got to tell you i hate an allen charge. you are counting on usually no more than a couple holdouts having a tough time in there the allen charge puts them really on defense. and it often flips them. so, that's what we're going to be looking for if that's the case they go back and deliberate. >> brian: unbelievable. if you have a judge and you are haranguing the jury to come up with a decision that makes people see partisanship. real quick if is he convicted on any of these counts while he waits for sentencing, could they send him home to mar-a-lago or new jersey, bedminster until sentencing and when would that sentencing be? >> it's within the discretion of the judge. he could be on home confinement here in new york, which would obviously upset a great number of people for the leading candidate for the presidency. i'm hoping that judge merchan will show a modicum of recognition that this is a unique case and not do that.
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he is under the control and constant supervision of the secret service. there's no need to have have home confinement or restrictions. is he going to be appealing anyway. i hope judge merchan shows restraint but i'm also hoping we won't get to that point. >> brian: appreciate your analysis especially into day two of jury complications. thank you, jonathan turley, i don't know when you sleep but appreciate it? >> thanks, brian. >> brian: most action packed. monster jam at m metlife this saturday the trucks tear up the track are on fox square tearing up our square and our turf. i'm paying for that ♪ ride in a big old truck ♪ ♪
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jorge lopez throwing a tamper after being rejected from yesterday's blow out loss to the dodgers. >> he threw lopez out of the game. and has just gotten worse. >> whoa. >> lopez responds by tossing his glove up over the netting and into the crowd. >> that's where the mets are at. >> carley: that's not good. lopez saying the methods were, quote the worst team in the whole mlb he said that on his way out. it's a team he is no longer a part of because the organization designated him for assignment almost immediately after the game, removing him from the roster. those your headlines. guys, outside to you. >> steve: that's right. thankfully, carley, the rain has stopped. this saturday is the most action-packed motorsports event on four wheels with super charged engines, world class drivers and the most recognizable trucks to tear up a big track.
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>> yep, that is true it. is a monster jam at metlife in new jersey. >> lawrence: joining us now jcb driver tristan england all the way from paris, texas. >> that's right. >> lawrence: tell us about the big event. >> this is awesome. second time competing in metlife but first time for my truck and spells our sparkle smash. we just debuted this truck out at world finals in l.a. now here at east rutherford. going to get wild. i hope everybody is ready it's going to get wild. >> steve: how are you going to feel with f. sparkle beat you. >> won't feel bad we are trailer mates. for whatever work comes out of weekend thrashing on trucks, whatever it is the crew got to do it together. it's going to be a good time regardless. >> ainsley: this is all if the family. >> it is. >> ainsley: what made you take an interest in this. >> my father. we did dirt track racing growing up together the circle track. he got us involved in monster
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truck. it was called the big kahuna still running around the country entertaining fans all over. >> how do you win? >> how do you win? very hard stay consistent and luckily we have a lot of titles behind our back to back us up because we won a lot. >> brian: you build these. >> yes, absolutely. i have built a bunch of them. built some with my dad. i helped build the ones we have right here. >> brian: have you told the giants and jets you are going to ruin their field? >> no, i have not. they will figure it out. >> ainsley: monster jam on tv when you are actually in front of it i didn't realize they were this big. >> yes. just to talk about it, 2:30 on saturday is one of my favorite parts of the event the pit party. you can see these trucks up close and personal and even meet the drivers like me. >> steve: how do you get up in your truck? >> brian: that's a little high for me. >> ainsley: dave, can you come here? look how -- come here, dave, how do you get up -- you just climb through the window? >> it's just like a regular car the driver side is how i get in.
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but these steps aren't just for show. this is actually how i get in and out of my monster jam truck. take a look at caleb's truck the sparkle smash you get in from the bottom of the truck. >> brian: can you show that, dave? >> ainsley: how do you do it? can you show us? >> lawrence: should i try? >> look at the group tape right here you can see this is a full length bar this is where our tranny sits right here. left foot, right foot, and call in like a junction gel gym i tell the kids. my son is about to be 5. his name is crash. so he is a third generation. [laughter] >> third generation. i hope he follows in my footsteps like i did my dad. >> lawrence: that's what i'm talking about. >> ainsley: is he taking an interest? >> oh, yeah, as soon as i get home first thing we do play with the spin master trucks you get at walmart or target. i have a blast 24/7. >> ainsley: your wife too? >> she does. >> ainsley: what does she drive what's her name? >> no she drives the spin master trucks. if we play at the house. >> steve: hope you win. if you would like to see it
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check out monster for tickets. special. >> ainsley: ains world championship. >> world championship last year. >> steve: stepping aside back in a minute. >> lawrence: more "fox & friends." ♪ if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue.
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