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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 30, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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plightness and getting along, having some kind of coming together. that is that is not something we can gain anymore in this environment. they are trying to jail the current leading candidate for the presidency of the united states of america that is not something we can accept on any level whether we are republican or democrat it is absolutely abhorrent. >> laura: here is my question tonight liz cheney, mitt romney, mitch mcconnell, all the republicans. you might not have liked trump, but do you like this? is this america to you? mollie and ben thank you so much. make sure to follow me on social media i will continue to comment on the events of the day. don't get mad, >> jesse: a manhattan jury has convicted donald trump of 34
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felony counts. this is the first time in american -- an american president has been convicted of a crime the only thing trump is gilding -- guilty of is beating hilary. the former president was expressionless as the verdict was read moments later he walked to the cameras and reacted. >> this was a disgrace. i rigged a trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. a rig to trial, a disgrace. on a very innocent man. on fighting for our country, i'm fighting for our constitution. our country is being rigged right now. we will fight until the end and we will win because our country has gone to hell. we don't have the same country anymore. we have a divided mess. we are a nation in serious decline. millions of people pouring into our country right now from prisons and from mental institutions.
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terrorists, they are taking over our country. we have a country that is in big trouble. this is a rigged decision right from day one with a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case. we will fight for our constitution. >> jesse: this is long from over trumbull be sentenced on july 11th, a week before the republican national convention. given his clean background, his age and presidential status, it's highly unlikely he will be sentenced to prison. this judge is capable of anything. he's applied in donor and donates to a group called stop republicans. he spent the last six weeks stopping the nation's strongest republican from campaigning. sometimes even talking. trump will appeal and will almost certainly win on appeal but not until after the election. not that it matters to democrats the biden campaign salivating at the opportunity to call their opponent and convicted felon. this was never about the law.
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da alvin bragg ran on fighting trump, not crime. and everybody when they walk around new york knows he did his job. >> i did my job. my job was to follow the facts in the law without fear of favourite. that's exactly what we did here. i did my job, we did our job. many voices out there, the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury and the jury has spoken. >> jesse: the number 3 guy in biden's justice department left to help him resurrect the dead case from eight years ago and twist an nda with a bimbo into 34 felonies. and a biased jury bought it. if silencing bimbo eruption's is a felony then let's talk -- let's lock them up who had their own war room riding stormy's. justice has been the theme since 2016. dossiers, hoaxes, cia and fbi
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plots. ouchi's pandemic cover-up. after the last election, trump has been surrounded with danger. his house was raided,'s family's privacy violated. the feds given the authority to use deadly force. he's been fingerprinted, mug shot, gagged, censored. white substances sent to his kids homes. now unfairly convicted of a made-up crime and soviet style show trial orchestrated by democrats in their bluest venue. hatred and fear dominate the democrat ruling class. they hate trump more than a lovely country. and fear that you will put him back in power. in that way, they hate you because power is all they love. they are willing to do anything to cling to it. they are willing to destroy the rule of law. the republic has been wounded by weak lawyers and talentless political bloodhounds.
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but remain confident that the american peoples sense of fairness and justice will prevail and that these evil men and women will be vanquished and the injustice rectified. and the stain on our democracy washed away. remained steady and calm and focused on the goal. juries don't decide our election, you do. so do what's right. we can't take this anymore. trump attorney todd blanche is here now. did your client get a fair trial? >> no. i don't think so. we've been saying for over a year that we couldn't get a fair trial in manhattan, we couldn't get a fair trial with the judge and it played out in lots of ways exactly as we expected. >> jesse: was this judge fair? did he follow the rule of law? >> are not going to criticize the judge right now.
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i think that there were a lot of decisions that he made leading up to the trial which really hurt us but we very much disagree with the part of the public record, everything from he had not recused himself to the decisions he made during the motion process and what happens in a trial is you show up for trial and all those decisions that have been made in the weeks and months leading up to trial, they matter. the evidence that can come in or not come in and we showed up at trial, that's where we really felt that we weren't getting a fair shake. >> jesse: you believe the judge should have recused. >> we filed two separate motions saying the judge should recuse himself. he didn't. we went to the first apartment to appeal it before the trial started. i expect i will be one of the things that we appeal. >> jesse: you believe this judge was biased because of his donations and because of his family financial interests in the outcome of this case.
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>> our system of justice requires not only that a judge that is biased recuse himself, if he has the appearance of bias to recuse himself. our papers are public. we felt very strongly that there was an actual bias that this judge had and even if not an actual bias, there was certainly a perception of bias. he disagreed, he is a judge in our system, he gets to make that decision and it's something we get to appeal but we felt pretty strongly about our position. >> jesse: you believe donald trump's constitutional rights were violated? >> in many ways yes. >> jesse: how so? >> you look at the gag order that was put in place. you had a situation where president trump was on the campaign trail and is trying to compete with voices that are saying things every day that he cannot respond to without the risk of being fined which he was
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, or going to prison for violating it. that affects not only president trump, that affects every voter whether they are going to vote for president trump or against him. that affects every single voter in this country because they don't get to hear from the candidate. we very much disagree with that order, we appealed that as well. there was a lot about what happened over the past year that i sit here tonight, really there's a lot that's happened over the past year that i think that americans should work very hard at. the district attorney says that this type of case is bread-and-butter and they do these things all the time. that is not true. this is a case that the records of president trump's personal records, his personal checkbook from 2017, from 2017 is what he was on trial for. that does not happen all the time.
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it doesn't happen all the time in manhattan or doesn't happen in any jurisdiction in this country. and that's fine if you want to indict somebody and go after somebody for commented that happened in 2017. i think where it becomes problematic for me as a lawyer is don't look him in the eye and say this is bread-and-butter... that's not true. >> jesse: here was alvin bragg addressed an hour ago. >> many people said the prosecution was masterful and flawless. i want to know how you feel at this moment. >> mr stein glass, some of you saw him speak for a little bit the other day. so he has done his job. >> jesse: the sense of what people are getting is this is a question from a reporter praising the prosecution.
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then they are laughing. how does that make you feel? >> they won today and they are having their celebration i'm sure right now. i suppose they are entitled to do that. i guess the way i would say about how it makes me feel is it kind of confirms the point in many ways. the point that we've been saying, that this is not fair, this is not what this country should be doing to its political leaders passed and present and then when you see it happen and you see it celebrated and you hear laughter from the reporters at somebody who has been convicted of 34 felonies. i've said this in the trial but it's true. president trump is an amazing man. he's running for president and he has a public persona. he is also a husband, father, a grandfather and a friend to a lot of people. so when you see that happen to him, i was standing right next to him today.
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it's heartbreaking because they are laughing at a man, at a father, a husband, a grandfather and as somebody who is running for president and looks like will win, that is something that people should be troubled with. no matter who you are going to vote for. >> jesse: after this came down, you guys huddled up, there was some discussion with the former president before you went and spoke to the press. what was his demeanour like in those moments? >> i've spent almost every day with him for six weeks. he is so impressive when it comes to somebody who is being on trial, i don't know what it's like. it's hard and he was resolute, strong. we were all more upset than he was. we are all sitting there and he said let's go, what do i need to tell the american people right now. we told him whatever is on your
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hearts, whatever you want to say and he said i got it. we were all huddling into give him counsel and that's what he's been like. he is facing three more indictments. three more indictments. you are talking about amend that's been indicted four times in one year, for different jurisdictions. running for president and winning and still able to just stand there and look at his staff, his team. a lot of great men and women that are around every day. and just say i got this, let's go. that's what he was like today which was a tough day but that's what he was like every single day. there was a lot -- everybody saw him every day. that wasn't a prop. that's who he is and he went into court every day and sat there and he had questions and he helped us and was committed to his defence and fighting every single day which is what he has done for the past eight
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years. he gave me confidence today. everybody texting, my friends and colleagues, i'm doing fine. i'm doing great and we are going to fight. next week my team and i are going to florida because we have another case that we have to fight in florida that -- we are going into a skiff and fight that case to and we are doing that because he gives us the energy and we are doing it to hopefully help him. >> jesse: how involved was he in his own defence? >> what you think? very involved. he's a smart guy, he knows what he's doing. he jokingly said to us a lot that he wanted to be the litigator. you want to be the one that was actually arguing because he's a smart guy and he knows what he's doing. we made every cent -- every decision together. there were things that he was frustrated with. the judge several months ago, we wanted to be able to argue reliance of counsel, to some
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extent he was relying on his lawyer and the judge wouldn't allow us to do that. thank like that where he would really push us into why can't we do this or that. it was an honour for me to spend the last six weeks with him defending him. we got a bad result today. it's not over at all but it was great. >> jesse: were you satisfied with jury selection and was the former president involved in any way? >> very much involved. he was right there with the whole team talking about the potential jurors. was i satisfied? we put emotion in because we said we could not get a fair jury in manhattan and i'm not being disparaging to the jurors, they were great. they showed up on time every day, they were committed and paid attention. we are in a situation where we have a very limited number of people we could strike. folks had a very strong opinion of president trump and it wasn't
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positive. so imagine you going to trial, facing 34 felony counts and 100 people walk in the room and the judge says basically if you have a strong view of jesse watters, you can go ahead and leave. half the room leaves. half the room walks out. so that's what we were dealing with and that's not a reflection of the jury pool, it's not a reflection of the judge. that's the reality of new york city. >> jesse: that's the big problem about this. another problem was that bidens number 3 guy leaves justice, goes and works for alvin bragg and all of a sudden this case is resuscitated out of the blue. how do you process that? >> i'm not allowed to comment on that because we are still under a gag order. the timing of this most recent grand jury, meaning the 2023 grand jury that also indicted president trump kicked into action less than two months after president trump announced
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he was running for reelection. there's coincidences and coincidences. i don't think that's just something that happens. the witnesses testified in a meeting with prosecutors since the year of our lord 2019, 2018. now they are meeting again in 2023 going into the grand jury to talk about a records case that has to do with 2017. i don't have to make... about what the situation is. kind of rights itself. >> jesse: you put on a case, we couldn't see it. there were no cameras in the courtroom. could you tell us tonight, the audience, what you said in closing? >> our closing was the same thing that we've been saying in our riding to the court and saying to the world for the past year which is that you cannot convict the former president of the united states of crimes --
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suppose it crimes that happened in 2015, 2016, 2017 win you are relying on the word of somebody who has lied under oath in the past but his life mission is to destroy president trump. there is nothing wrong that by the way. to each his own, this is america. it's not enough that he has dedicated... and that really bothered me as a former prosecutor, bothers me as an attorney, as somebody who is part of the judicial system for the past 20 years. there's people that really shouldn't be witnesses and i'm not saying i didn't say it in court, or in filings. so that's what we said to the jury. they -- their verdict is their verdict and we are going to fight. >> jesse: would you have done anything differently? is there witness who you said you should have called? >> i have to think about that.
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we had a team, my team is amazing. the folks that work with us, they are brilliant and the president has a team and they are brilliant. we all did the best that we could and i wouldn't change anything that we did. i'm sure there's going to be folks that are going to show and take a different view and maybe i will two at some point. we did the best we could. >> jesse: thank you very much. it was a historic case and you are part of that. it didn't work out the way it should have but that's life and things will get better. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: fox news contributor and george washington law professor jonathan turley joins me now. is there anything you want to say to react to todd blanche? >> a lot of what todd says resonates. particularly those of us who watched from within the courtrooms. the fact is that this might have
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been an impossible task given the instructions that the court ultimately issued. there was an effective shortening of the football field for the prosecution that may have made this inevitable. i wrote a column yesterday that said that it had the field... where people are allowed to shoot game in a cage or a small space because of the judge that small space. i disagree with the judge. to this moment, i don't know what the president was convicted of in the sense that the jury verdict for him just says they were unanimous that some secondary crime was the basis of these falsified document violations. the judge said you can pick anything on the menu. there are three crimes here. a federal election violation, falsification of documents, attacks violation, go with any or all of them. we don't even know if they were unanimous on what actually
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happened. in some ways, the form crated by the court may ultimately help donald trump. there is unanimity requirement. it's not clear that the courts will accept this as unanimity because you could have had a 4-4-for jury. they could've had different ideas of what this conspiracy was all about. there are layers of her as of -- of reversible error here. i don't want to add to the anger. there's anger here and unhinged celebration. i think that people can look at this verdict and to disagree with it or support it without hating each other. we have a system that is designed to deal with these types of cases. i think this case was not based on the law. i think i was a political prosecution. i think it had layers of reversible error. many will disagree with me. we have a system for that, it's
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a good system and it goes beyond manhattan. this could well go all the way to washington. >> jesse: at does. we have a great system. the system isn't designed for political show trials. yes trunk and went on appeal and everything will be adjudicated properly. we have a great system but when the system is abused by politicians and politicized district attorneys before an election, who cares if it's thrown on appeal? you have a convicted felon now who is in the middle of an election. that's not the right system. >> i agree that it's unassailable that this was a political prosecution. even people on other networks have said this is never been brought before in a case like this. it would've never been brought against anyone than donald trump. that's -- that is what was maddening about the press conference when he says this is standard stuff. a lot of us were saying no one
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has seen a case like this into a very closing argument, no one could figure out what their theory of prosecution was. [ simultaneous talking ] >> jesse: you have testified on capitol hill. you are a published author. you are a columnist. and you can't tell us what the law was? you can't understand what the theory is? you don't know what the jury decided? thank about that. this is a former president of the united states. that's what they are bringing. >> to this day with that verdict, i don't know what they thought was the conspiracy, what was that secondary crime. that is obviously not right. was almond in the courtroom and their verdict was being red and the word guilty was stated 34 times, i was really shocked by how gleeful some people were that there is a tendency in our
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politics do not treat people as people. that this was an individual who is being convicted i think wrongly. but the level of glee was what was really incredible. when i came out of the courtroom to see the celebration outside of people joyously saying that a former president has been convicted, regardless of how you feel about this case, that's a sad moment for a country. it's not over and i think one thing to take away from blanche is the important one he's at tomorrow we're going going to get to work. and we need to because this is a target rich environment for appeal. >> jesse: thank you so much. judge jeanine pirro is here. they dehumanized it donald trump. they are treating him like a caged animal and to feel that glee, the celebration in the streets all over the country from people that don't even understand the law and are happy that the law is being abused, how does that make you feel?
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>> judge jeanine: i've devoted three decades to the criminal justice system about -- a really breaks my heart. one of the things that struck me when i saw alvin bragg and his prosecutors and they were like you have this feel on that one. i told my prosecutors whenever you convict someone, it's a sad day for a family. a sad day for an individual. something terrible has happened. the glee that we are seeing as far as i'm concerned is un-american. this is a sad day for america. we went over a cliff. we had a judge who was handpicked in a case that was taken out of turn so that it would occur before the elections and a magic show with a porn star and a serial perjurer, no one knew what the crimes were and in the end, someone asks was the constitution violated, yes the first amendment as it related to the gag order. the fifth as it related to... the sixth amendment as it
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related to whether or not those charges had to be unanimous as it related to the unknown crimes all of this is reversible. this is a case riddled with error. more important i think america needs to understand we have convicted up former president of the united states of america on a crime that people don't even know what it means. in an environment where 85 percent of the people are anti- trump. this is something that we have to step back and say we are too good for this. and there's no question about it, i know this trial and case, i know the law. we went on appeal. their hunger for power and their hunger to be in control, to destroy a man who is the strongest man i've ever met to put some halfway in the white house. i don't mean to call him that, that's not fair either. the truth is they had to do this because donald trump was winning with women, minorities, the underserved.
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he is the guy that america is relying on right now to stand up and say i can be strong for all of you. >> you heard him say... just moments after donald trump announced he was running for reelection. you were in the courtroom for a few days and you know donald trump, you've known him personally. what experience is that like if you're running for president, you are a billionaire and you are in a cage for six weeks. you can't move, you can barely talk from the heart as he likes to do. how do you think he processed in this whole thing? >> judge jeanine: what most people don't understand about the men they are trying to build a nice, demand the jury convicted based upon what the judge told him was the thing to do is that he is the strongest manual ever meet. this is a man who under duress is energized. this is a man who goes into a cage to take a stick and put it in the eye of the tiger. that is donald trump.
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if anything, it's energizing him and it will energize his base. and america, we have to stand up and say we are not a third world country. we are not a place where we indict our enemies in order to interfere with an election. and then called the indictment a conviction election interference. this is a country that is too good for all of this and hopefully america will recognize that on november 4th. >> jesse: we are too good for this. about early, you can vote early now. you can vote for six weeks before the election. >> judge jeanine: early but not often. >> jesse: thank you, judge i will see you tomorrow on the five. ohio senator jd vance joins me now. you were there to suit -- to show your support for the president i think last week. how are you understanding this as a guy in ohio now and water all the people in ohio feeling?
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>> i've never heard constituents so frustrated and angry at what they've seen. not in the 2020 election, not the fake impeachment scams. is has activated republicans and you see alvin bragg and a lot of these other pro prosecutors they have a spring in their step today. they have to realize that that -- that what they have done has backfired terribly. i'm hearing from constituents all over the state, they are frustrated and angry and they are saying how can we help, what can we do they feel so powerless which i understand because it's happening in new york, so far away from the state of ohio. the answer is get involved just see, go to donald jay, support the president, volunteer for him, did and please for the love of god vote for him in november because the thing that we've learned is that these far left people, they don't respect anything but power. that is the only language they speak and is only way for us to
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fight back is successfully to elected donald trump in november >> jesse: if he's elected, is there a strategy to rectify the injustice? i don't know what that would look like but there has to be something done to the system in order to hold people accountable so we don't have to go through a cycle of political violence like we are seeing right now in the courts. >> absolutely jesse. experts say that this case won't stand up on appeal. if the case won't stand up on appeal, why was it brought in the first place? i was a judge whose families have gotten rich off of democratic party fundraising allowed to preside over this in the first place. republicans, we cannot just sit on our hands and complain about it as important as all of that stuff is. we have to be willing to fight back. we need to be subpoenaing...
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we need to understand what are the connections between big democratic monday and this sham prosecution. did george soros talked to alvin bragg... we need to get to the bottom of it and when we find wrongdoing, we need to be willing to actually punish it. that is the only language that i think these people are going to understand is that if they do this, if they turn the american system of justice into banana republic garbage, they will suffer consequences for it. if they don't, it's not going to stop with donald trump. banana republic's never stop with the guy at the top. it's going to go after a ton of other republican officials and conservatives unless we fight back. >> jesse: full throated investigation and full accountability. thank you so much. >> jesse: jason miller is here now. i heard you guys broke the internet today with donations. >> we did everybody is going,
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there were so many hits to the website within about two or three minutes and crashed out. it's back up and running. no one's going to stop us or slow us down. i just came from trump tower with president trump, there's nobody who is more defiant who is going to be out there fighting all the way through. they think they got away with one today, the real verdict will be at november 5th. >> jesse: what was the former president saying to you guys? >> he's ready to get out there and start fighting again. he's doing a press conference. he is back on the campaign trail this entire thing was political from the get go. six weeks they're trying to keep him off the campaign trail. the biden campaign knew this was political. they try to make a press conference out of it. trying to keep president trump away from michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania. the american people see right through it. that's why the numbers have been going up continually. i think people realize that this is tyranny.
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it's not what's supposed to happen in america. if there is an election you let them go out in the election. you don't try to lock up your opponent. this is america, we're not supposed to be a third world country. that's what we've turned into. >> jesse: the polling is awash if donald trump is convicted, does that change the way you feel about him, will it affect your vote? how do you guys see this affecting the polling. >> if you look at the previous indictments that the president has had,'s numbers have gone up everything on time. the fact that we broke the internet tonight with all the donations and contributions. doesn't matter if it's five dollars, ten dollars, it's not even just a donations. people signing up to volunteer. coming off the sidelines sending messages. people have never been active with the president before. people saying i want in, i want to help president trump, it makes me sick to my stomach. >> jesse: if every time there's a raid or an indictment or a mug shot, trump's numbers
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go up, why did the democrats keep on trying to destroy him in the courtroom? would not make no sense? >> have you seen joe biden? they are stuck with him. that's the problem. they can to talk away inflation or the crisis at the border. they can to talk away all the killing in ukraine or israel up your call they can do is try to go after president trump with law fair. the american people are pretty smart, they see right through this. >> we note joe biden is going to call your boss a convicted felon what is donald trump going to say back to that? >> i would say where's hunter. but then second, in june 27th in the debate, you are going to have to -- have to answer for how you ruined this country. >> jesse: jason miller broke the internet. good luck. let's bring an white house correspondent peter do see. we heard that the president was going to say something tonight and he backtracked. what happened?
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>> good question jesse. the white house give us... president biden remains with his family. somebody with access to the e-mail list sent out a text, fundraising texted to every number that they had and part of it said despite a jury finding donald trump guilty today, there is still only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office, at the ballot box. they go on it bit -- if you've been waiting for the first time to make your first donation, we are here to tell you today is the day. we have been led to believe that the white house may quickly start branding the former president as convicted felon donald trump if this happened. that has not happened. the white house special counsel is telling us they respect the rule of law. and a campaign official is telling us donald trump is always mistakenly believed he would never face consequences for breaking the law for his own personal gain. today's verdict does not change
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the fact that the american people face a simple reality. there's only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box, a convicted felon or not. trump be the republican nominee for president. president biden not talking, which we thought he was going to win this verdict came down, that means that donald trump can come out and say joe biden is doing this to bruce a political opponent and president biden is not giving a rebuttal. at least not yet. we looked at the schedule for tomorrow and we don't know when he would. i'm sure it will happen at some point but when all the eyeballs are on this exact story and this event, nothing from the president. >> jesse: he's always moved a little slowly joe biden has. maybe give you an opportunity to catch him one of these days. good luck out there. >> thanks jesse. >> jesse: tulsa gabbard joins us now. you heard him say the white house, the campaigns fundraising
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off of democrats convicting their arrival. or. >> so much for the rule of law jesse. i think this is adding insult to injury to the seriousness of what the biden harris administration elite are doing to destroy our country and our democracy, to undermine the rule of law. my hope is that the people who are watching this our understanding that this is a very serious wake-up call. the consequences of this extend far beyond this case, this verdict. even donald trump. president biden is guilty of turning our country into a banana republic. what does that mean for you and me and every american, that means we have to now think twice before challenging or opposing or criticizing the political party that is in power without being concerned about how they may now use the levers of the department of justice and law
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enforcement to then come after us. that's the serious issue that's at stake here and the only way that we save our democracy and reverse the damage that's already been done is when every single one of us as americans, democrats, republicans, independence, libertarians, we take it upon ourselves to choose freedom... and punish president biden and his administration, those who are abusing their power on november 5th and vote for donald trump. >> jesse: it's been a pattern about punishment. if you try to open a salon during the pandemic, they arrested you. if you tried to say something during the pandemic, they censored you. now republicans aren't safe in new york. a lot of new yorkers aren't safe in new york but now the republican nominee for president who lives here, used to, still has a place here, isn't safe in the city he was born in from political persecution. you say there needs to be accountability, what will that
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look like if donald trump wins reelection? >> the accountability first of all is making sure that they recognize and we send the strong message to anyone who dares to do what joe biden and the democratic leader doing, is that we the people are not going to stand for it. president trump gets elected in this election, we send the strong message to the american people in there needs to be a wholesale cleaning of house within these institutions to root out the corruption and the deep state those who care more about their power than they actually do about our constitution and our freedom. at the beauty of our democratic republic our founders were so wise in placing the power in our hands to send a strong message, to punish those who abuse their power and send them packing. it's on us to take action to do that. >> jesse: they're willing to destroy the rule of law and cling to power. why? what is it about power and the
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democrats that is so life-and-death? >> it's all they care about. this is yet another example of how they care for themselves, their position, their title, name, attention. all of these trinkets and the façade of trappings that come with their position as power. they are so terrified to lose head that they recognize that a free people in a free society in a free country with the freedom to think for ourselves and cast our votes for who we want to be our president commander and chief, we are the greatest threat to their power. donald trump is the greatest threat to their power which is why they are willing to do anything and everything in order to try to stop him and even more importantly to take away our freedom. that is what is at stake here and why we cannot allow this to happen. >> jesse: thank he was always.
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doug berger miss here now. we just heard from jd vance say that something has been ignited within the american populace. people have now added and they are asking what can i do, how can i help, how can i get engaged. are you feeling that? >> absolutely. my phone has blown up from people i haven't heard from in a long time. they understand when melvyn bragg looked in the camera and said i did my job, you know who he was talking to? joe biden. he was working for joe biden. then everybody is as he pointed out. i want to know for americans, i'm sure putin was giggling and laughing. i'm sure... our enemies around the world would love to see nothing more than the weakness of joe biden
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for another four years because they have prospered while americans have suffered when joe biden has been in office. for those people that are out there today, they couldn't pay for their groceries or their gas or their rent or their electricity bill is often, this verdict changes nothing for them they know they were better off under president trump. the liberals can figure out why would people keep supporting donald trump even if he's convicted. people know that new york does a lot of things that the rest of the country wouldn't do. this is an example of one of those things. the common sense of the working people of america is rising up right now because this is going to be the last straw for some. >> jesse: you are in north dakota, there's a lot of places in the country like that. a lot of people that love you and understand common sense and the way that america is supposed to work. they don't understand what manhattan is like. they don't understand how wicked it could be and how diabolical these people can be and how
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corrupted is. what is the rest of the country feeling when they see a travesty unfold in what many people believe is the greatest city on earth. >> i think there's a piece of it that they get because -- about 100 people in the room, we're going to pick 12. if those 12 votive for president today it would've been 12 or biden and zero for president trump. i think people get that it's impossible for president trump to get a fair trial in new york. i asked the question today as a business guy, we talk about a business filing case. even if the alleged thing... somehow they magically turned it into felonies. we got this business filing issue.
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there have been millions of billet -- business filing. he had somebody down in the... >> they bombed out the economy into thousand eight, the white-collar guys on wall street blew it up. did anybody really go to jail? did anybody get prosecuted? not really. but this is the case that is absolutely nuts. >> everybody that is a ceo that has done business in new york... does somebody mislabelling check that went out the door because i might end up on trial for six weeks. it would never happen except if you are donald trump. so this is the soviet style thing show me the person and i will show you the crime. >> jesse: are you worried about the country? do you think we can come back from this? how these have -- how deep does
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this go? >> the average american understands if they can do this to donald trump who has probably paid more taxes and done more for the city than anybody who has ever lived there, what will they do or the forgotten man or woman out there and those people are frustrated and angry and they are ready to make a difference on november 5th. >> jesse: i agree. thank he was always. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: you were there almost every day, this was the final day, your thoughts. >> it's a very sad day for the country and it's much bigger than donald trump. we saw an incredible abuse of the justice system take place right before our eyes. and free and fair nation, certain things matter. one, that people know what they are being accused of and that's fundamental in our constitution. fifth and sixth amendments. witnesses are allowed to testify
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... and three, statute of limitations matter. all of that went out the window in this trial of the former president of the united states. it's a bad day for justice. >> jesse: as the verdict was reed you were there and overflow or in the courtroom, what was the atmosphere like? >> we thought we were leaving for the day at 4:30 because that's what the judge had told us. people are packing up, i'm watching donald trump on the monitor with his counsel. they are chatting and smiling. same for the prosecution though they weren't as relaxed. suddenly we get a note saying that the jury asked for 30 minutes, they have a verdict, they need to fill out the form and everything changed. stressful, a lot of intense breathing around me from the press. everyone grabbing their laptops, not knowing what's going to happen and then we got the verdict. >> jesse: how did the press react to the guilty's?
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>> everyone was furiously typing. they were stressed more than anything else. we had just been yelled at by the court officer to make sure no outbursts, no anything. don't speak, don't move. that was basically what we were told. nobody wanted to make the officers mad. then there were a couple of technology issues where at key moments it would freeze and we wouldn't be able to see anything so people were panicked. then everyone rushed out to go do hits. what is remarkable to me is that i think the prosecution what they were successful at was conflating dirty with the legal. that's really what they were doing for weeks and if anybody knows better, it would be a former top doj official. we know that he was driving this entire thing and. he's been after trump for years and that's what they did. prosecutors are not supposed to just be better than that. they have to be better than that because that's how people trust
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the system and trust the law. i think people look at this, the situation that just happened behind us and they say if this can happen to the former leader of the free world who has numerous resources at his disposal than what chance what i have especially in a system like new york's. >> jesse: we all feel vulnerable after what happened today. this form or biden prosecutor drove this thing and the judge allowed it. and assisted it. that is absolutely corrupt. speaking of which, michael cohen was just on one of the networks that competes with us and i say compete in quotes. here he is. >> thirty-four counts. one after the other after the other after the other of guilty. it's accountability. it's exactly what america needs right now. we need for accountability to be had by all those that break the law because as we like to
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continuously state, no one is above the law. today's verdict demonstrates that. >> jesse: he broke the law. i guess he helped trump break the law. and then he got caught on the stand admitting he stole 60 grand from trump. what is he talking about? >> now i'm sure he has new merchant for his website that he will continue to have since his livelihood is contingent upon his hatred and obsession of donald trump. the man is obsessed with him in a very bizarre way. another thing i was thinking about was how could anybody, any defendant, donald trump or anyone in the state of new york get past a jury instruction since you mention the judge that allows a juror to basically choose their own adventure when it comes to crimes. i think that was a turning point for me yesterday when i was thinking up until yesterday
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mourning i thought it's probably going to be a hung jury but then we were all informed donald trump was informed the juries were informed, all the press were informed, that, in fact, jurors had their pick. they could pick a number of crimes that were the alleged underlying crimes despite the fact that there hadn't been evidence presented, testimony fleshed out or any of that. how could anyone overcome that with at the very end of the trial, the vent -- the defence couldn't even respond to that. >> jesse: they definitely had their helping this afternoon. thank you so much. now you are free, you don't ever have to freeze in the courtroom ever again. former u.s. attorney brett tolman joins me now. your reaction to this travesty. >> he's finally free to campaign. look at the silver lining he's not under a gag order, he can do what he needs to do to run.
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if i'm looking at this case and i've spent many times in front of a jury, i really blame the judge. prosecutors can be as bad as alvin bragg. we see it all the time. i blame the judge in this case. a judge that ignore the rules of evidence and allowed in highly prejudicial evidence that 99 percent of the judges out there wouldn't. then proceeded to shut down the defence. you know it's pretty bad? when the judge takes a tone of disdain when interacting with the defence. but a different tone when talking to the prosecution in front of the jury. i've never seen anything like that. thank it certainly mirrors what later would happen in the jury instructions but this is the case that screams at directed verdict and i think every single judge out there besides this judge would've directed the verdict. they didn't meet their burden and would've taken it away from a jury who seemed to flail and really caved to the pressure of
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being on the jury rather then analysing the law or the facts. >> this judge kicked to the entire courtroom out so he could yell at a defence witness for rolling his eyes. talk about sensitive. then let a porn star carry-on and sell merge to the jury from the stand and talk about may be trump raped me. absolute insanity. you've heard jd vance say that if trump or is reelected, there needs to be a full investigation of this case. the judgement, whether he had any connection to the biden administration, we know there was a connection with the lawyer doing the prosecution, whether george soros was involved in any -- in any way and how crooked this whole trial was. do support that? and what else is there to do? >> i support full investigation of what happened here. we still don't know what went on behind the scenes. but i support something else.
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i support the gloves coming off, and conservatives are in office punching back and punching hard. they are not going to stop even though a bully doesn't stop coming at you until you hit him hard enough in the nose. prosecute some of these political people that are committing crimes on the other side of the aisle and they will start to think twice about using this kind of tactic in the future. >> jesse: we will see if republicans follow that advice. you never know. thank you. presidential candidate rfk junior joins me now. what you think happened down there in lower manhattan today? >> i think that it is going to backfire. this conviction is going to backfire. the democrats, i think every time that president trump has been indicted, that his approval ratings actually increase,'s popularity increases.
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i think there's a large number of americans who are going to see this as the politicized -- the weapons i >> i think the democrats feel like they have -- feels like it has a candidate that cannot win fair and square in the polls. and so they have to win in the courts. the have to win by clearing the deck and getting their other opponents out of the race. i'm not a fan of president trump's but i want to win, i want to beat him in a campaign on a level playing field. i want to talk about his issues about walking -- locking down the economy, shutting down 3.3 million businesses, running up debt, about engaging in wars and doing favours for wall street. i don't want to beat him in a courtroom. i think it's not good for our country and i think it's really
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going to backfire on the democrats. >> jesse: maybe you have a little bit more honour than the sitting president your uncle was the head of the doj and then eventually was ensnared in similar viciously and very dangerous circles. do you see any similarities with what is going on now today? >> my father was the attorney general. 's first week in office, he called out all the division heads of the bureau chiefs and the chief department of justice and he said rule number 1, we never -- politics is out the window. whenever prosecute based on politics. whenever asked whether someone is democrat or republican the reason he did that is because he understood how important it is for our country and the american people to have faith and the judicial system is neutral and all of us need to respected.
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if we start believing that it's politicized, it's terrible for our country. that's one of the reasons prosecutors, even when there's a case against the former president like there was with president nixon and many others, that they usually air on the side of caution of not bringing it. we risk making ourselves look like a third world country, like a banana republic nobody actually runs the election if somebody's going to run against you kind you get rid of them one way or another. this is part of our history and when the king was running it, he would choose his prime minister and his parliament members. people who run against them, he would lock them up. this was a sensitivity that we had from the beginning that we need to be very careful about separation of powers. >> jesse: the media lets them.
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if we had a fair press in the united states, they wouldn't even be tempted to pull these stunts. they wouldn't be trying to incarcerate their rivals and indict people for threatening their power. it's the media that's letting them get away with it because they are just not held accountable in the court of public opinion. >> there is tribalism in the media and a lot of them have forgotten what journalism is. a lot of them have forgotten about what integrity is. we see this across-the-board. i would say in the democratic party, even if you won this way, what is it going to do to our country if half the people in this country have the anger and the rage and feel like they -- the candidate that they wanted to vote for has been taken off the table. when i was growing up the
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democratic party was the party of getting everybody to vote. making sure nobody got disenfranchised. the modern democratic party is trying to get rid of as many possibilities for voters as possible and it's not a good thing. >> jesse: the party's changing, the country is changing and it's happening in a while fashion. thank you so much. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: former illinois governor joins me now. so you are pardoned by donald trump. you were also involved with some shenanigans that cost you your freedom. looking back now, how do you see this case? >> i see this as déjà vu all over again. they failed to convict me at a first trial, tried me a second time, used unlawful jury instructions and they learn from that now they are doing it at the major-league level what they did and doing it to the leading candidate of the opposition party being done by the party in power.
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my party, the democratic party. is a very sad day for america on many levels. i'm grateful to president trump for commuting my sentence. my heart sinks when i think about what he has to go through and his family has to go through. this is serious business and these democrats, my fellow democrats who run the show now are coordinating these prosecutions against trump from the democratic national committee in washington dc with assistance from the white house and biden. it's obvious to me because i looked at myself. in my case, these were bush appointed republicans who did it semi. they are destroying the rule of law, our constitution which will eventually lead to the loss of our freedom. nothing is sacred with these people. it's politics at all costs and forget about the law and forget about injustice and forget about destroying somebody through prosecution, persecution and the politics of personal destruction. it's now place the government of the people...
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the stakes are high. i'm urging my fellow democrats to vote for trump so we save our democracy. if trump doesn't win, we are going to become russia and the soviet union and a banana republic. >> jesse: you also see democrats celebrating, out dancing, having drinks, throwing a party. they have always wanted a felony conviction. they got it tonight do you think democrats are looking at this and saying i don't know my party has gone too far. >> i think most are doing exactly what you are saying which is disgraceful. i think in fairness to them, they believed the baloney that's being fed to them. is one group of constituencies that's going to rise up because they recognize it. i'm talking about the black community effort to long has been on the wrong side of weapon eyes prosecutors targeting them. they see this for what it is. the one place i could find some love and support and some comfort was in the black churches and the black community
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because they understood you can't believe what the man does because they know how sometimes the man lies and cheats and a misuse and abuse the law to get people. my prediction is on november thl verdict and trump will when largely because the black vote is going to lead the democratic party in support of him. >> jesse: that's what they continue to indicate. thank you so much. good to see you. >> thank you. >> jesse: so i was not as angry as i thought i was going to be when this came down. i was cool, i was calm, i was steady and that's how you should be. don't get angry, get even. on november 5th. we have to save the country. that's all for tonight. the sean hannity is up next. thank you for watching. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: welcome to "hannity",
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