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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 30, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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34 felony counts. this is the first time an e fi american presidentrs has everprs been convicted of a crime. but the only thing trump is guiltyid convicte th of is beatg hillary and leading joe biden. >> the former president was expressionless as the verdict was read. sionless, he walked to the cameras and reacted. >> this was a disgrace. this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who is corrupt. there's a rigged trial, a disgrace. on an. ery innocent ma and it's okay. i'm fighting for our country. i'm fighting for our constitution. our country is being rigged right down. we'll keep fighting. we'll fight till the end. wee ouell win becaus our country's gone to . we don't have the same country anymorwe don'te. we have a divided mess. we're a nation in decline, a serious decline. millions and millions of people pouring into our country of peop right now from prisons and from mental institutions, terrorists. and they're taking over our countrinstit
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y. s in we have a country that's in big trouble. but this was a riggetroubld decn right from day one with a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case. never. lowed toand we will fight fortun our constitution. >> this is more dream. and this jesse is long from oveo >> trump will be sentencedov on july 11ther t, a week beforey the republican national convention. give 11th,n his clean backgrounr and presidential status. it's highlouy unlikely he'll be sentenced to prison, although this judge is capable h of anything. he's a biden donor and donates to a groupything.r an called stp republicans, and he spentek the last six weeks stopping the nation's strongest republican from campaignin he natiog and sometimes even talking. trump will appea talkingl and wy almost certainly win on appeal o but not until after the election. not that it matters to democratsr thenot that. the biden campaign salivating at the opportunity to call their opponent a convicted felon. this was never about thel r law.
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tr alvin brag ran on fighting trump, not crime. and everybody, when they walk around he new york, knows he didk know his job. >> i did my jos b. was our job is to follow the facts f and the law without fear or favor. and that's exactly what we did here. i dithat's did here.d my job.i i we did our job. many voices out there. o the only voice that matternlsd h is the voice of the jury. >> and the jury has spoken. the number three guy in biden'sy justice department left to helph bragg resurrect a dead case from eight years ago. and twis from eit an nda with a into 34 felonies and a biased jury bought it. if jury bo silencing eruptions e felony, then let's lock uplony bill carville w and stephanopoulos, who had their own war room fighting stormi'shor room r. >> and justice has been the theme since 2016. dossiers, hoaxes, cia and fbi
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plots, fauci's pandemic cover up. pland after the last election, u trump's been surrounded with dangemps beenr. his house was raided. his family's privacy violated. e the feds given the authority to use deadly forcds aute. he's been fingerprinted, mug shot, gagged, censored . ed, cens a white substance is sent to his kids homewhite s and nowo unfairly convicted of a made up crimf made-up e in a soviet stye show trial orchestrated by democrats in their bluest venue. >> hatred and fear dominate the democrat ruling class. they hate trump more than they love the country and fear that you'll put him back in power. in that way, they hate all you because power is all they love and they're willingng to do anything to cling to it. >> they're willing to destroy the ruleitre wy th of law. the republic has been wounded by weak lawyers and talentlesspi political bloodhoundtis. in con
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>> but remain confident that the american people's amere of fairness and justice will prevail and that these evil men and women will be vanquished. and the injustice rectifie dn on and the stain on our democracy washed away. remain steady and calm and focused on the goal. juries don't decide our election. you do. so do what's right. we can't take this anymore. trump attorney todd blanche is here now. diodd your client get a fair trial? >> i mean, no, i don't think'vee so. i mean, we've been saying foreny a year that we couldn't get a fair trial in manhattan. we couldn't get a fair triale with the judge. and it played ou t in lots of ways exactly as we expected. >> was this judge fair? >> did he follow the rule of law? it's a look, i'm not i'm noto ct going to criticize the judge right now. i think that there were a loictn
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of decisions that he made leading up to the trias ngl, whh really hurt us at trial that we very much disagree with. they're part of the public ver record. everything from from he him not recusing had himself to the decisions he made during the omnibus motion process. the motionduring to eliminate pl and what happens in a trial is you show up for trialthos and all those decisions that have been madsione in theao weeks and months leading up to trial, they matter. the evidence that can come in, the evidence that cannot come in. wed up up at trial, that's where we really felt that we weren't gettin werg a fair. shake. >> you believe the judge should have recused? looke the, it's we filed two separate motions saying that the judge should recusefile himself. he didn't. it's something that will. we wwe went to the first departr to appeal it before the trial started. i expect that will be onia e o of the things that we appeal. >> so you believe thislieve judge was biased because of his donationthdge was and because os family financial interests the of this case?
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>> look, our system of justice requires not only the actual that a judge that is actually biased recuse himself, but that a judge that evee himseln hase a the appearance of bias to recuse himself. and our papersthpearance are pu we felt very strongly that there was an actual bia shad an that this judge had, and even if not an actual bias, that there was certainlyf no a perception of bias. he disagreed. he's a judge ition of n our system.our sy he gets to make that decision. and it's something that we that we get tos to appeal.t >> but we certainly felt pretty strongly about our position. you believstronglye donald trums constitutional rights were violatedu be in many ways. yes. how so? welld? , if you look at, for example, the gag order that that was put in place puter and you had a situation where president trump, who'sum on the campaign trail and is trying to compet ande with voics that are saying things every day, that he cannot respondd wh to without the risk of being fined, which he was, or going
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to prison for violating it, that that affects notump, t only president trump, that affects every voter, whether they're going to vote for president trumhaertep or agt president trump. that affects every single voter in this country becaushim.ffecte they don't get to hear from the candidate. we very much disagree with thart order we have. we appeal that that as well. there was a lo we appeell.t abot happened over the past year that, you know, i sit here tonight, the verdict just came down today.ere's but really, there's a lot that's happened over the past year thaappenehe pt i think that americans should look very hard at, just that the whole way this case was charged. the district attorney says that thidistrict thas type of cs of bread and butter, that they do these cases all the time. . that is not true. i it's just not true. thiss a ca is a case that the rs of president trump's personal records, his personal checkbook from 2017, from 2017, is what fr he was on trial for.that that does not happen all the time. it doesn't dll the happen all tm
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in manhattan. that doesn't have to happen all the time in any injurisdiction in this country. and that's fine. that's fine. int somebodyod indic and go after somebody for a conducftt that happened in 2017. i t i think where it becomes problematic fothr me as a lawyee is don't look me in the eye and says, this is bread and butter. we do this all the time that we're treating president trump like we treat anybody else. >> that's not true. that's not true. here was alvin bragg just an hour ago. i asked mr. spineless. >> many people said the prosecution was masterful,ld and it's more or less just want to know how you feeli want at ts moment. >> all right. i'll let you then. >> how do you feel, mr. stein? glass? ou >> i think some of you probably saw him speak for a little bit the other day. >> so he's done his job. >> so the sense of what people are getting is this is a question from a reporter praising the prosecution a report.
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and then they're laughing. todd they're laughing. how does that make you feel?hey listen, they wanwot to know they won the day and they're having their their their celebration, i'm sure,. right now. and i suppose they're entitled to do that. i enti guess the way i would sy about how it makes me feel is it kind of confirms the point in many ways, right. that we've been this saying that this is not fair. this is noisr,t what what this country should be doing to its political leaders past and present. and then when you see it happen and when you see it celebrated and you hear laughter from the reporters at somebody who'ts just been convicted of 34 felonies, you know, and i'veco i said this in the trial, but it's true. president trump is an amazing mae trl bu n. he is president. he's running for president. and he has a public person's ru he's also a husband and father, a grandfathe hr and a friend toa lot of people. and so when you se loe that happen s to him and i was standing right next to him todatanexty
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and it's it's heartbreaking because it's you're laughingy, laughing at a man and an, father and a husband and a grandfather. and as somebody who's running for president and and looks like will wilooks lin, it's thas something that people should be trouble d with, no matter who you're going to vote for. >> after this came down, you guys huddled up your team and there was some discussionrmp with the former president before you went and spoke to the press. what was his demeanoreyo r likespen in those moments? >> look, i've spent every almost every day with him for six weeks. he's so impressive when it comes to somebody who's who's being on trial as a defendant. i don't know what it's like, but i've been around a lot of people who are on trial. it's hard. it's hard every day. and he was resolute, strong. we were all more upset than he was. we're all we're all sitting there. and he said, all right, let's go. what do i need to tell h let's . what what do i nee d to tell the american people right now? and we told them, you know, youw
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whatever, whatever's on your heart, whatever you want to say. and he said, i got it. i got it. s so we were all huddling in to give him counsel, and the man needed no counsel. and and that's what he's been like, by the way. he's facing three more indictments. three more indictments. right. so you're talking about a man that's been indicted four times in onetime yea year in 44 diffet jurisdictions, four different jurisdictions running for president and winning and still able to justl able stand therefs and look at his staff, his team. a lot of great tea, great men ad women that are around him every day, his lawyers d ev and just say, you know what, i got this. let's go. you know, and that's what he was like todayat's wha l, for sh was a tough day. but that's what he was like ever he y single day. every him an, there was a everybody saw him every day. you know that wasn't that wasn't a prop, right? s who he is. day and he went into court every day and he sat there and he and he had questions and he helped us. and he was committed to his defense and fightinghe helped uy single day, which is what he has done for the past
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eight years. and so he gave me confidence today. you know, everybody texted me, my friends and colleagues, how are you doing? how are you doing? es, m i'm doing fine. you know, i am i'm doing great. and we're going to fight. wake up tomorrow and fight nextw week. my team and i are going to florida because week myd ee o have another case that we have to fight in florida. and that's what we're going to do when i go there, in florigoing i'm going to go into a scif and we're going to fight that case, too. and that'sin ennd we're doing that because he gives us the the energy and we're doing it to to hopefully, you know, to help him. >> how involved was donald trump in his own defense? >> i mean, what do you think? i mean, very involved. >> and he's a he's he's a smart guy. he knows what he's doing. he jokingly said to us a lot someone he wanted to be the litigator. you know, he wanted to be the one that was actually arguing becausewant tos a smart guy and he knows w what he's doing. we made every decision togethert . we did. and there were things that he was frustrated with. you know, the judgogr. were thi e several months ago, there was a we wanted to be able to argue reliance of counsel that we did
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,to some extent, presidential, was relying on his lawyer. and the judge didn't allowin us to do that and things like that, where he would really push us an thad and say, well, e can't we do this? why can't we do that? it was it was a an honor for me to spend the last six weeks with him defending him. it didn't work out. i mean, we got a bad result today. deot a bad resulit's -- it's nol >> you know, it's not over at all. but it was it was great. t waswere you satisfied with juy selection and was the former president involved in that in any way? >> i mean, verd they much invol. he was right there with with with the whole team talking about the potential jurors. look, was i satisfied we put a motionrors in because we saidl could not get a fair jury in manhattan. and that'st not a i'm notbeing being disparaging to the jurors. i mean, they were great. they showed up on timediaging te day. they were committed. they paid attention. every werebut we're in a situation whe we are we do a very limited o number of people we could strike. people we e folks,lk overwhelming number of folks had a very strong opinion of presidents ha trump and it
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wasn't positive. and so imaginetive. you going imagine you just going to trial, facing 34 felony counts and 100 people walk in the room and thk ine judge s, basically, if you have a strong view of jesse waters, you caneae go ahead and leave. >> half the room leave s. half the room just walks out. okay. so that's what we were dealing with. and look, that's not a reflection of the of the jury pool. that's not even a reflectiont ri th the j of the judge. >> that's just the reality of new york city. and that's the venuelity ow yor >> and that's the big problem about this. another big problem was that biden's numbet this.m was y at justice leaves. justice goes and works for alvin bragg, and all of a sudden this case is resuscitateo ,voted out of the blue. >> how do you process that? well, i'm not really allowedcomn to comment on that because we're still under a gag order. but i will say w that the timins of of this most recentan grand jury meeting, the 2023 grand jury that ultimately decideind president trump kicked into action less thanider two months after president trump announced he's running for reelection.
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and there are coincidencp annoue stories and then there's coincidences. and i don't think that that's justthere's coinincidenc somethn the witnesses in this caseg testified about meetingtors with prosecutors since year of our lord sine year, 2019, 2018,o they're meeting again in 2023, gointingg into the grand jury to talk about a records case that's that that has to do with 2017. i mean, i don't have to make much an argument there about what the situation is as it kind of writes itself. >> yeah, you put on a case, wen couldn't see it. there were no cameras in the courtroo inm. could you tell us tonight, the audience, what you said in closing? >> well, look, our closing was was the same thing that we've been saying in our writing to the court and saying to the world fodr the past year, which is that that you cannot convictd the former president of the united states of crime srim
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suppose the crimes that happened in 2015, 2016,sups 2017. when you're relying on the word of somebod7 wiy who it's not only that he is a you know, someone who has lied under oath in the past, but is his life mission is to destroy president trump. there is nothing wrong with that, by the way. the y.n, thisw is america. but it's not enough that he is dedicated destroying president trump. there was a witness at trial and that really bothered me. as a former prosecutor. it bothers me as a as anformer y attorney, as a as a as somebody who's part of the judicial thstem for the passt 20 years. there's people that really shouldn't be witnesses at trial. and i've said i'm not saying they didn't say in court and not saying that and sa iy, you know, in filings. and so that that's what we said to the jury. and, you know, they convicted today and their verdict is their verdict. >> and we're going to we're going to fight. would you have don are goie anything don differently? is there a witness you said, oh, maybe i should have calledhf that witness. >> maybe i should have done this.
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i don't know. >> i about tha about that. we had a team. you know, my team is amazing. you know team,, the folks that t with us were brilliant and then the president has a team and they're brilliant, and we all did the besta team the that. and i wouldn't change anything that we did. of course, i'm surng that e thet going to be folks that are a a on your show that take a different viewnd and maybe i will, too, at some point. but no, we did the best we could. t t we call right. >> well, todd, thank you very much. it was a historic case and youid were a part of that. it didn't work out the way itn' should have, outt but that's lie and things will get better. thank you. than k you. jesse >> thank you very much.: all right. thank you. fox news contributor and george washington law professor jonathan turley joins me nowto. >> is there anything you want to say to react to todd blanchue ? >> no, i a lot of what i, todd said resonates particularly with some of us who watched the trial from in the courtrooms. the factd from is that this migh have been an impossible task giveatn the instructions that te
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court ultimately issued. ued.i mean, there was an effecte shortening of the football field for the prosecutionield that may have made this inevitable. i wrote a column yesterdayfor td in the hill that said that it had the feel of a canned hunt where people are allowedgame i to shoot game in a cage or o a small space because the judget created that small space. i disagreeheha with the judge. to this moment, i don't know what the president was e thatehi of in the sens that the jury verdict form just says they were unanimous as that some secondary crime was the basiwas of these falsified document violations. so the judge said you can just pick anything on the menu. you know, there are three crimes here, a federal election violation, falsification of documents, a tax violation, go with any or all of them . so we don't even know ifey they were unanimous on what
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actually happened. in s craome ways, the formha created by the court may ultimately help donald trump. thermae is a unanimity u requirement, and it's not clear that the courtnass will accept this as unanimity, bed have hadcoulun a four, four, four jury. you could have a jury that had vastly different ideas of what this uncharged conspiracy wast. all about. but there are layers of reversible error here.want and i don't want to add to the anger. there's anger hereo ad and thers unhinged celebration. i think that people can look at this verdict and disagree with it or support i t without hating each other. we have a system that's e t isdesigned to deal with thee types of cases. i think thises case was not base on the law. i think it was a political prosecution. i think it had layersecut of reversiblion.ofe error. many will disagree with me. we have a system designed fore that. it's a good system and it goes beyond it' manhattan. could
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>> it does w. t this could well go all the way to washington. it does. does. professor. we have a great system, but the system hav isn't designed forri. political show trials. >> yes, trump can win on appealc and everything will be adjudicated properly. yeat operly.s, we have a great systen >> but when the system is abused by politics s, wins and politicized district attorneys before an election. >> who cares if it's thrown on appeal? >> you get a convicted felon. now who's in the middlon nowe on election? >> that's not the right systeme. . >> yeah, i look, i agree that i think it's unassailable that this was a political prosecutio wasn. even people on other networks have said this would this has never been broughts in a case like this. it would never have been brought against anyone other than donal neved trump. that's what was maddening about bragg's press conference nferen when he said, oh, thisce is juss standard stuff. a lot of us were guffawingstan.
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no one's ever seen a case like o this. into the very closinen ag, norgn one could figure out what their theory of prosecutiot,en >> well, think about it, professor. you are an esteemed constitutional law professor. you've testified on capitol hill. you're a published author. you're a columnist . u >> and you can't tell us what the law was. you can' theot understand what the theory is. you don't know what the jury decide d. think about that. and this is a formerat president of the unite.a former. >> it's true. that's what they're bringing. no, it's true to this day with that verdict. i don' wt know what they though was the conspiracy. thwhat was that secondary crimei that's obviously notousl right. >> and, you know, when this when when i was in the n tht wasdand the verdic being read and the word guilty was statedy wa 34 times, i was w gleefulocked by ho some people were. you know that there's a tendency in our politicst
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to not treat people as people. you knowtrea, that this was anwh individual who's been convicted, i think, wrongly. waonvicted but the level of gles what was really incredible.ou when i came out of the cou courtroom to see the celebration outsidrt eyously of people joyously saying that a former president has been convicted.s case regardless of how you feel about this case, that's a sad moment asad mo for a country. but it's not over. r and i thinank the one thing to take away from blanche is, i think, the important one. he said, tomorrow we'ree goingtr to get to work. and they need to because this is a target rich environmentow o for appeal. all right, professor, thank you so mucenvironm h. >> judge jeanine pirro is here. he's right. >> they dehumanized donald trump. yeah, they're treatingo is him a a caged animal. gl and to feelndfeel that glee, the celebration in the streets all over the country froee them that don't even understand the law and are happy that the law's being abused. y >> how does that make you feel? well, look, i devoted
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three decades to the criminal justice system. it reallney is. it breaks my heart. kraggf the things that struc me when i saw alvin bragg and his prosecutors and they were like, you knoosecutor weret how does he feel? and that one. i told my prosecutors, wheneve.r you convict someone, that's a sad day for a family. it's a sad day for anas h individual. something terrible has happeneae . and the glee that we're seeing, as far as i'm concerned, is un-american thawein. da and this is a sad day forwe wen america. we went overt over a cliff. j weud had a judge who was hand-picked in a caseur that was taken out of turn so that it would occur before the election. and a magic show with a stara o and a serial perjurer. no one know what the crimes were. and in the endhat th, someone as is this, you know, was the constitution violated? yes. thnstitutithe first amendment at related to the gag order, the fifth amendment, as it related to whether or not tht re..rump even had any idea what the charges were. the sixth amendment, as it related to whether or not thossm
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those charges had to beou unanimous, as it related to the unknowed tn crimes. all of this is reversible. this is a case riddleds with error. but more important, i think nt i ha needs to understand we have convicted a former president of the united states o ormef america on a crimet even that people don't even know what it means in a in a environment where 85% of the people are anti.g th this is something that we have to step back and say weatve are too good for this and we're ruling out appeal. there's no question about it. i know this. i know this trial, i know this case. i know this tr the law. we went on appeal. but they have to lose their power, their hunger for ad power and their hunger to be in control, to destroy a man who is the strongest man i've i do met, to put some halfwit in the white house. and i don't mean to call them that. that's not fair either. o cabut the truth is they had to this because donald trump was with women, with minorities, with the underservedinning. s th
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and he is the guy that america a is relying on right nomericaw. >> stand up and say, i can be strong for all of you. now, you jus t heard tom bland him say they empaneled this grand jury to resuscitate thisjt just moments after donald m trump announced trumpd he was rg for reelection. you were in the courtroom for a fewere in aw days. >> and you know donald trump, you've known him personally. whe >> what experience is that like if you're running for president, you're a billionaire and you're in a cage for six weeks, you can't move. >> you can barely talk from the heart as he likes to do. >> how do you thine likek he tht whole thing? >> i think what most people don't understanhid: wh about the man that they're trying to villainize, the man coat the jury convicted baseattd upon what the judge told them was the thing to do is that he is thise strongest man the you will ever meet. this is a maongestn who under de is energized. this is a man who goesrgized. ii a cage to take a stick and put it in the eye of the tiger i.
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that's donald trump. and if anything, it's energizing him and it will energize his base. and in america, we have tod sa stand up and say we are not a third world country. we are not a place t where wedit indict our enemies in order to interfere with an electionle and then call the indictment and conviction electiodictmentn interference. you know, this is a country that's too good for all this . and hopefully america will recognize that on november 4th. ll recogat on no are too good ft vote early vote earlooy. you can vote early now. f you can vote for six weeks before the election. yes, earlyor weeks, but not oft, right? not often. not often. >> judge. so much, i'll see you tomorrow on the five. yes. ohio senator j.d. vance joins me now. , you were there ohio, showed up to show your support for the president, i think it was lasto suit week. >>u how are you understanding this as a guy in ohio now? and what are all the people in ohio feeling? d cons
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>> look, jesse, i've neverti heard constituents so've se frustrated and so angry at what they've seen, noent the 20200 election, not the fake impeachment scams. this, i think,el the fa is activating the republicans. and, you know, you see alvin bragg and a lot of these other criminal prosecutors, they have a spring in their step today. thr pro prey i think they're goingat to realize that what they have done has backfired terribly. i'e one thing i will say, jesse, and i'm hearing from constituents all over the statn of ohio, they're frustrated, they're angry, and they're sayingrefrustr, how can we help? what can we do? they feel so powerless, whic doh i certainly understand, because this sham prosecution is happening in new york, soe far away from the state of ohio. the answer is gestof ohio.t inv, jesse. go to donald j. trump dot com suppor t volun the president, volunteer for him, donate for him. and pleasete for the love of god,nove vote for him in november. because jesse the thinmb thig that we've learned is that these far left people, anyt don't respectt thes anythig but power. that is the only language they speakhing buts th. r
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and the only way for us to fight back successfully is to elect donald s succes trump in november when donald trump is elected. >> if he's is there a strategy to rectifyi' the injustice? i don't know what that would look like, but there hast to be something done to the systemth in order to holde people accountable so we don't have tdo to go through a cycle of political violence likere s we're seeing right now in the courtsw in. olutel >>y absolutely. jesse, you hear so many experts ,frankly, from across the aisle say that this case won't stand up on appeal t. well, if the case won't stand up on appeal, why was ital ever, why brought in the first place? why was a judge whose family has gotten rich ofi waose famif of democratic party fundraising allowed to preside over thisis thing in the first place? and republicans, jesse, we cannot jusnace.t sit on our hant we can't just complain about it. as important as all of thaands v stuff is, wee have to be willit to fight back. we need to be subpoenain g judge merchan and his daughter. we need to understand what are
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the connections be between big democratic money and this sham prosecution? did george soros ever talk to alvin brag about using his power to go after donald trump? we need to get to the bottom ofa it. and when we find wrongdoing, we need to be willing to actuallyn, punish it. that is the only, again, the only language that i think thesate people are goingderstand to understand is that if they do this, if they turn i the american system of justice into banana republic garbage, l they're going to suffer consequences for it. and if they don't, jesse, it's notsufferces for to stop t trump. banana republic republics neverr stop with the guy at the top. it's going to go after a ton of republican officials and conservatives unless we fight back and stotives unghtp . full throated investigation and full accountability, absolute t necessary. j.d. vance, thank you so much. thanks, jesse.: jaso >> trump senior adviser jason miller is here nown s her >> i heard you guys brokeu guys the internet today with donations the. >> we did. donald trump dot com. everybody is going there were sod ev going many hits to the we
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within about two or 3 minutes it crashed out. aboutbut it's not. it's back up and running. no one's going to stop us. no one's going to slow us down . . >> jesse had just came from trump tower with president trump. ther t towere is nobody who is more defiant and who's going to be out there fighting all the way through and have a message for these crooked democrats who think they got away.hink tt away with one toda. >> the real verdict is going to be november 5th at trump tower. esse: what was the former president saying to you guys just now? he's readywh f presiden to get out there and start fighting again. he's doing a press conference tomorrow at 11 a.m.. he is not giving up.s he is back on the campaignbae cp traiail. and i tell you, this entireg thing was political from the get go. s polilsix weeks.ying they're trying to keep him off the campaign trail. the biden campaignm of knew this was political. they sent down that washed up loser robert de niro and tried to mak e a press conference out of it, trying to keep president trump off the campaign trail, away from t michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, all the states. but thruroe american people sees right through it. they see right through it. that's why his poll numbers have been goin g up continually. and i think people realize, hait a minute, this is tyrannyin
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. this is not what's supposed to happen in america. if there's an election, you go to letppn americif thes an elect in the election. you don't go and try to lock up your opponen tot. this is america. this is we're not supposed to be a third world country. that'sre what we've turned into under joe biden. >> the polling, when you look at it, is a wash. >> well, if donald trump is eut himed, does that chang the way you feel about him? is it going to affect your vote? yours a felony conviction in new york city affecting the polling? well, if you look at theu previous indictments of thlook e president has had his numbers have gone up every single time. the fact that we brokerse gonept the internet tonight with all the donations and contributions and by the way, ith e doesn't matter if it's $5, $10, and it's not even just the donations people signing up to volunteer. the people are coming off the sidelines sending sendi us messages. people have never been active with the president before. people i haven'tnges.r beeniv hm in years, if not a decade, saying i want i want to help president trump.r >> this makes me sick toes my stomach. wellident , if every time there's tim a raid or an indictment ors a ra a mugshot, trump's numbers
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go up. why did the democrat the dems ki trying to destroy him in the courtroom? >> wouldn' tht that make no sense? have you seen joe biden? yeah. they're stuck. they're stucoe bk with joe bide. that's their problem. they can't go and talk about inflation. canthey go and talk away. the crisis at the border. they can't talk away. all the killing in ukraine awa r in israel. all they can do is try to go after president trump your calis t. etty >> but the american people are pretty smart. they see right through this. well they se, we know joe bideng to call your boss a convictes d felon. wh >> what is donald trump going to say back to that? wellat is ng, first, i'd say, ws hunter? that'd be the first point with the second. you know what, joe? june 27th in the debate. you're going to have to answer for how you've run this country. >> so bring it on, joe.e all right. bring it on. thank you very much, jason millerto u co brokeuntry.esse: ja the internet. good luck. thank you. let's brine internet.g in white. house correspondent peter doocy. all right, peter, so we heard that the president was going to say something tonight and then somet he backtracked. what happened? good question, jesse.
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the white house gave us a lead at 953 this morning and theyt b never looked at it. president biden remains in rehoboth beach with hish family, but somebody in wilmington with access to the email lisacet sent out t, a text, a fundraising text to every number that they had. and part of it said, despiteit a jury finding donald trump guilty today, there is still only one way to keep isy trump out of the ovaloffice office at the ballot box. and then they go on. if you've been waiting, ballo forhe the perfect time to make your first donation to joe biden's reelection campaign, ou we're here to tell you today is the day we had been led t too believe over the last couple of days that the white house may quickly start brandinge may the former president as convicted felon, donald trump. thpresid felon this happened, bs not happened. the white house special counsel is telling us they respect the rule of law. no further comment. angn offic official in wilmington is telling us donald trump has always mistakenlyalways believed he wod never face consequences for breaking the law for his own personal conr breaki gain. doesn but today's verdict does not
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change the fact that the otfact tamerican peoplhae face e reality. there is still only one way to keep donald trump outere's oe oval office at the ballot box. convicted felon or not, trump will be thballote rep republican nominee for president, but by president bideuben not talking,e which we thought he was going to when this verdict came downen . that means that donald trump can come out and sayd trc joe biden is doing this to bruise a political opponent . and president biden is not not lg a rebuttal, at least no s yet.oo we looked at the schedule for tomorrow. we don't know when he would. sore i'm sure it'll happen at some point. t but whsy anthe eyeball are on this exact story and this event, nothing from the president, right? >> he's always moved : he's a slowl y. joe biden has maybe give you an opportunity to catch him one ofl these days. peter doocy, good luck out therk out the. >> thanks, jesse. fox news contributor gabbardhea joins me now. so you just heard peter doocy say the whithisae house,
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the campaign's fundraising off of democrats convicting their rivals fundraising. tulsi, so, so much for the rule. of law. jesse i think this is addingi insult to injury to ththe seriousness of what the biden-harris administration, the democratwhan elite, are doing to destroy our country, to destroy our democracadministy to underme the rule of law. and my hope is that the people who are watching this, the american people who are watching this, are understanding that this wak- is a very serious wake up call,p that the consequences of thif td extend far beyond this case, this verdict. even donalfar beyod trump, president biden is guilty of turning our country into a banana republic. what does that mean for you and me and every mea american? that means we have to now think twice before challenging t or opposing or criticizing the political party. that's in power without being concerned about how they may now the levers of the o department of justice and law enforcement to then come after o
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us. that's the serious issue that's at stake herusse. and the only way that we save dc our democracy and stop and reversrae the damage that's already been done is when every single one of us w, as american, democrats, republicans, independents, libertarians, we take it upon ourselves, we to choose freedom to save our countrt upy, save our democracy, and punish president biden and his dom...and puadministration and who are abusing their power on november 5th and vote for donald trump. you're right. it's been a pattern about punishment. >> if you tried to open a saloay ,the pandemic, they arrested you. if you tried to say something during the pandemic, they censored you. >> and now the republicans aren't safe in new york. i mean, a lot of new yorkers aren't safe in new york. repuno newt safe new yorw the re for president who lives here used to still has a place here, isn't safe in the city he wasn m born in from political persecution. polil persecy there needs to bei accountability. what will that look like if
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donaldlity, what trump wins reec >> well, the accountability, first of all, is making sureou that they recognize and that we send a strong message to anyonea who dares to do what joe biden, the democrat elite, are doingat is that we, the people are not going to stand for it. >> president trump gets elected in this election. we send thised i strong messageo to the american people and there needs to be a wholesalo th e of house within these institutions to root out the corruption and the deep state and those who cared r than more about their power than they actually do about our constitution t our and our freedom. this is the beauty of our democratic republic. our foundersat the bea were so h in placing the power in our hands to send thisr in strongun message to punish those who abuse their power and send themo ab packing. th s ao it's on us to take actin to do that. and this november,aty th they're willing to destroy the rule of law to cling to power. whandy?
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what is it about power and the democrats that's so life and death. >> it's all they care about. hosse, this is this is yet another example of how they care for themselvesw e fo,i their position, their title, fame, attention, whatever. all of thesetir title,me, atte e trinkets and the facade and the trappings that come with their o position as power and they're so terrified to lose it that they recognize that a free people in a free society and a free country, the freedom to think for ourselvesountryh our votes for who we want to be our present commander in chief n ,we are the greatest threat to their power. donalde th trump is the greatest threat to their power, which is why they are willinr whicg to anything and everything in order to try to storderpy tot and even more importantly, to take away our freedomak. that's really what's at stake here and why we cannot wd why we cannot allow this to happen. >> no, we can't and we won'tha.n tulsi gabbard, thank you as always.
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thanks, jesse. north dakota governor and former presidential candidate doug burgum is here now. >> we just heard from j.d.d from vance say that something's been ignited within the american populace that people have nocanw had it and they're asking, what can i do? how can i help? t , hohow can i get engaged? >> are you feeling that? well, absolutely. and my phone's blowing up from the same thing that jason said. i my phone's blowing up from people i haven't heard from a long time. like saying, how can i get involved i? how can i fundraise? what can i do? because i think they understand when melvyand whenn bragg looked camera tonight and said, i did he job, you knowid i, he was talking to joe biden. he wasn't talking to the to? american people. he was working for joe biden. so he says that. and then then of course, everybody's giggling, as you pointed out, they're giggling, they're laughing. i to know for americans also, you know, who else is giggling and laughing? i'm sure putin was. i'm sure the ayatollahs were. i'm sure she was. because guess what?love t our enemies around the world would love to see nothing more thag moren the weakness ofe
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biden for another four years because they have prospered. well, the american has suffered when joe biden's been in office. so this is thi s for those people that are out there that you know today that, you know, they couldn't having paying for their groceries, paying for their gas, paying their rent, their electricity billeries ors this verdict changes nothing for them. they're still in the same piecnr of hardship they were before, and they know they were better off under president trump. ump.and liberals can't figure o why would people keep supporting, you know, donaldsupr trump even if he's convicted? well, people know that new york does. new york doe know th news lot os that the rest of the country wouldn't do. dn't do.this iand this is an exe of those things. and so when you know, the common sense of the working people of america is rising up right now because this is goingr to be the last straw for some of them. >> let's talk about that. you're s so you're in north dakota. there's a lot of places in the country like that. a lot of peoplthere's ofe like love you, that understand to won sense and the wayth america is supposed to work. they don't understand what manhattan's like. they don't understand how wicked it could be and ld bw
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how diabolical these people can be and how corrupt it >> what is the rest of thecoun country feeling when they setrye a travesty unfold in, you know what many people believe is the greatest city on earth? well, i think there's a piece of it that they get because where they they put 100 peoplerm in the room and we're going to pick 12. and then if thos goine 12 voted for president today, it would have been 12 for biden and zerop for president trump. right. i mean, i think people get that it's impossiblerenttrump. g president trump to get a fair trial in new york. and i askeetl ind the question y to i mean, just as a business guy, because i'm a business guy, not a lawyer, let the lawyers type that thing, but they talk. this is a business filing caseai . that's what this is about from seven years ago, which even if the alleged thin e allegeg was actually true, it should have been a misdemeanor with a two year statute limitations. but somehow they magically turn it into 34 felonies and then they say, okay, well, we've got this business, you know, this business filing issue. issu.
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okay, well, there have been millions of business filings. wherns ofe are all the other ces in new york that have been on trial for six week, who had somebody down in the accounting department who filled out an ap form accounts payable? >> i mean, this this i mean, governor they say they bombed out the economy in 2008. ble white collar guys on wal>>l street blew it up.. >> blew it up.y really did anybody really go to jail? >> did anybody really get prosecuted? not really. but this is a case that is absolutely nuts. yes. because if you do business in new york, why everybody that's the ceot is a c ever done business in new york probably should go back and go, wow, did seven years ago, somebody mislabeled a check that went out the door because i might ilo end up on trial for six weeks. i mean, it would never happen except if you're donald trump.ur so this is like the soviete style thindog. on wi show me the person and i'll show you the crime. are you worried about the countrw yoy? do you think the country can come back from this? how deep does this go? i'm it's a super sad day for mep that this happened in our country because i thinsk it's it
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is really the average american understands they go, dd wow, if they can do this to donald trump, who's probably foaxes and done more for this city than just about anybody who's ever lived there, if they wouldr thay wh n on him and do that, what would they do for the, you know, the forgotten man or woman outan there? and those people those people are frustrated, angry, and they're readthosy. >> they're ready to make a difference on november 5th. i can feel it, too. i agree. s. >> i think so, too. doug burgum, thanks, as always. thank you,se jesse. fox news legal editor kerry urban joins me now. all right, kerry, you were: yo there almost every day. this is the finau wel day. >> your thoughts? i think it's a very sad day for the country and it's much bigger than donald trump. tht we saw an incredible abuse of the justice system take place right before our eyes. you know, jesse,e e pl in free and and fair nation, certain things matter. one,on,one, that people know what they're being accused of and. that's fundamental in our constitution. fifth and sixth amendments. number two witnesseswitnes are allowed to testify who will
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bring truth and will bring context. and three, statute of limitations matter. li thal of that went outf the windowt we in this trial ofe former president of the united states. and it's it's a bad day for justic the forident ofe. he >> as the verdict was read v,edu you were there in overflow orori in the courtroom. what was the atmosphere liketh? >> well, we thought we were leaving for the day at 430 because that's what the judge had told us. so people are packing upthat's i i'm watching donald trump on the monitor with his'm counsel.e you know, they're relaxed, they're chatting, they're smiling. cd smilinsame for the prosecut, although they weren't as relaxed. and then suddenly we get a note saying that the jury asked for 30 minutes. they hav jure a verdict.ou they need to fill out the form. and then everything changed. ngedi was stressful. there was a lot of intense me fromg around the press. everyone's grabbing their laptops, not knowing what's going to happen rabbing . n we >> and then we got that verdict. and how did the press react to the guilt esse: hoy?
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>> you know, everyone wastypi furiously typing. >> i think people were stressed more than anything else about gettinng e thang it out. and plus, we had just beene yelled at by the court officer to make sure that hecou said, you know, no outburst, basically no anything, don't no outburse. bas that was basically what we were told. so nobody wantedicwe wer to make the officers mad. and then there were a couplechny of technology issues where, you know, at key moments it woul issues d freeze and we woue be able to see anything. so people were panicked, but then everyonhingeople rushet to go do hits. >> but, you know, jesse, i justk what's remarkable to me is that i think the prosecutiothatn what they were successful at was conflating dirty with illegal, you know dirty w,o really what they were doing for weeks. and if anybody knows betteand it would be a former top doj official. and wermer top doj know that heg this entire this entire thing he's been afte r trump for did years. and, you know, that's what they did and prosecute voters are not they're not supposed to just be better than that. they have to be betterthatthey l that because that's how people
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trust the system and trust the law. tthand think people look at thi, the situation that just happened behind us and they say if this could happen to the former leader of the freppen te world who has numerous resources at his disposal, thess what chance would i have? >> especially in a system like new york's, we all feelvulner a little vulnerable after what happened today. >> and you're right, thihat happ sdrove biden, former biden prosecutor, drove this thing and the judge carriethd the judge allowd it and assisted it. and that is absolutely corrupt. speaking of which, michael cohen, just on one of theof networks that competes with us and say compete in quotes, here he is. >> so 30 four counts, one after the other, after the other after the other of guilty. it's accountability. it's exactly what america needs right now. we need for accountability webra need to be had by all those that break the law becauseo as we like to continuously
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toate, no one is above the law. and today's verdictt de is demonstratemons that, okay, he broke the law. s >> i guess he helpedp brea stanp break the law and then he got caught on the stand admitting he stole 60 grandat i from trump. >> what is he talking about? s right. right. well, now i'm sure he has sur new merch for his website hav that he'll continue to happily sell, right. since his livelihood is contingent upon his hatred and obsessioe n of donald trump.the that became very clear. the man is obsessed with him in a ver obs iy bizarre way, fr. but, you know, you know, another thing i was thinkingano about was that how could anybody, you know, any defendant, donald trump ore of anyone in the state of new york get past a jury instructionu met since you mentioned the judge that allowios a juror to basically choose their own adventure when it comes to crimeyheir ownns like a smort and i think that was a turning point even for me yesterda y when i was sitting thereth thinking, you know, up until
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yesterday morning, i thought mourg be a hungoinl ye jury. but then when we were all informed, donald trump was informedalal, the jurors were informed, all of the press were informed that actually, in fact ,jurors had their pick.n they could pick a numberfa of crimes that were the allegece underlying crimes, despite the fact that there hadn'tre ben really evidence presented, testimony fleshed out or any of tha presentt. and so how could anyone, you know, overcome that with at the very end of the trial? and the defense couldn't event respond to that knowingt. what was coming. >> it was a crime. all you can ease: t buffet. kerry and they definitely had their helping this afternoon. thank you so much. and now you're free. you don't ever have to freeze i in that courtroom ever again. formere co u.s. attorney bradoi tolman joins me now. >> all rightns m. your reaction to this travesty ? >> well, you know, he's finally right? campaign look at the silver lining. he can get out there. he's not under a gag order. lo linina gahe can do what he nn to run.
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>> if i'm looking at this case n and i spent many times in front of a jury, you had front a i rey blame the judge. prosecutors can be as bad as alvin bragg. weju see it all the time. but i blame the judge in this case, a judge the that ignored the rules of evidence and allowed in highly prejudicial evidence that 99%t of the judges out there wouldn't, and then proceeded ofh to shut down the defense. jesse, you know, it's really bad when the judgedefence.prette of disdain when interacting with the defenseting wit, but af different tone when talking to the prosecutioner in front of the jury. i've never seen anything like that. i'ng l k it's it certainly mirrors what later would happen in the jury instructions. but this is the case b that screams a directed verdict. and i think every single judge ouant besides this judge would have directed the verdict. they didn't they didn' rdict.t meet f their burden and would have taken it away from a jury who who seemed to flail anded t really caved to the pressure of beinge on the jury ratherura
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than analyzing the law or the facts. >> i mean, thithanalysing the sh the entire courtroom out so we could yell at a defense witnests for rolling his eyes, talkbout s about sensitive, and then let a staenr, a disbarred lawyer, carry on and sell merch to the jury from the stand and talk about, oh, maybe trump raped me. >> i mean, absolute insanity. you heard j.d. vance, i don't know, about 15 minutes ago say that if trump is reelected, there needs to be a full investigation of this case.. the judge, whether he had any adnnection to, the biden administration. we know there was a biden waninistration connectioministri with the lawyer, colangelo doing the prosecution, whetherer was involved in any way, and just how crooked this wholne show trial was. do you support that and what els e is there to do? >> jesse, i support full wha investigation of what happened here. we here. don't know what went wn on behind the scenes, but i suppor
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t something else.ort th i support the gloves coming off. conservativee s that areard. in office punching back and punching hard. now, they're not going to stop. you know, a bully. a bully doesn't stopn bully comi at you until you hit them hard enough in the nose. prosecutnough in the ne some ofr political people that have committed crimes on the other side of th e and they'llstart start to think twice about using this kind of tactic in the futurcee. >> all right. we'll see if republicans follow that advicese: we w. you never know. tollman thank you. thanks, jesse. >> presidential candidate thi rfk jr. joins me now. >> what do you think happened down there in lower manhattan thery? i think, jesse, that it is going to backfire this. conviction is going to backfire on the democrats. the demoi think every time that president trump has been indicted that his his approval ratings actually increase as his popularitreasy increases
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i think there is ala large numbe of americansrica who are going to see this as the politicization of and the weaponizatios liticizen of e enforcement agencies. and i think it's going to hurt. it's bad for our democracy. i think that democrats feelocras like they have the dnc feels, like it's like it has a candidate it cannot win. fair c square in the polls. and so they have to win in theya courts, have to win by clearing the deck and getting des of ther opponent race. i'm not a fan of president trump's, but i want win. want i want to beat him t in a campaign on a level playing field. i want to talk about his. issues ,about locking downab the economy,out shutting down 3 million businesses that are running upn busi a $34 trillione anout engagingng us forever wars and doing favors forr wa wall street. i i don't want to beat him in a courtroom. i think the america it's notthis good for our country. and i think it's really going
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to backfire on the democrats. >> i think maybe you have a little bit more honor than the sittinu haveg president, ths for sure. >> your uncle was the head of the dojent your and then evey was ensnared in similar vicious elite and very dangerous. >> your father and your uncle. do you see any similarities tody with what is going on now today? >> well, my father was the attorney general. you know, his first week in office. he called up all the and 1961, he called in all the division. has the bureau chiefs of the and department of justice. >> and he said rule number one, whenever politics is out the window, we never prosecute based upon politics. we neverenever ped on whether sy is democrat or republican. the reason he did that was because he understood how important it is for our countrusundersy and thed th american people to have faith that the judicial systemans is neutral, that all of us need to respect, that if we
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start believing that it's politicized, it's terrible for our country. s terrib and that's one of the reasons prosecutors, even when there is a case against the former president, like there was with president nixon , many, many others that they usually air on the side of caution of not bringing it because it's we risk making ourselves look like a third, world country, like a banana republic, wher e nobody really actually runs the election. if there's somebody who's going to run against you, you get ride of them one way or another. and, you know, and this was part s pa of our history in england when you know that when the king was running it, he choose his prime minister and then ministe and his parliament. members and people who ran against, he would lock them up. so this was a sensitivity we had from the beginning that we need to be very carefult about separation of powers. sel, ginger, you know, they're getting away with it is because the media lets themea
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if we had a fair press in the united states they even p be tempted to pull these stunts. >> they wouldn't be trying to incarcerateull thesstunts oui and indict people for threateninvag power. the >> it's the media that's letting them get awa that'y witj because they're just not held accountable in the of public opinion. >> yeah, i agree with that, jose. i think there's tribalisma in the media and a lot of themhe have forgotten what journalism is. a lo t of them have forgotten about what integrity is. and we t this across the board. but, you know, what i would say to peoply e is in the democratic party is even if you want this way, you know, what is it going to do to our country if half the people in this country have the anger and the rage and feel like that they're the person, they're their champion, and that the candidate that they wanted to vote for has been taken offoi the table. when i was growing up, the democratic party was
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the party of getting everybodyne to vote of of making sure nobody got disenfranchized g the modern democratic party diytrying to get rid of as manot possibilities for voters as possible. and it's not a good thins for v it's change. the parties change. the country is changing ths in a wild, wild fashion. rfk jr, thank you so muc h. esse >> thank you, jesse. former illinoi>>s governor rod blagojevich joins me now. tr so you were pardoned by donald trump. >> you were also involvedum with some shenaniganyou weremest you your freedom. looking back, how do you see cas this case? >> well, i see this as deje?a vu all over again. i didn't break a single law across the line or take a penny. they failed to convict. better first trial. tried me a second time, used unlawful jury instructionsa secd to criminalize things that were legal. and they learned from that. thg the majorre doinctions and league level what they did to a democrat governor at the triple-a level and doing itn to the leading candidate, the opposition party being done by the party in power. my party, the democrat party.
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the u know, it's a very sad day for america on many levels. on a personal level, i'm grateful to presidenels.t fd commuting my sentence. and i my heart sinksenump, whenu i think about what he has to go through, what his family has to go through. but my heart is brokens too h fs our country because this is serious business and these democrats, my fellow democrats who run the show nows who ru are coordinating these prosecutions against trump from the democraticl national committee in washington, d.c., with assistance from the white house an e in wasd it's so obvious to me because i've lived it myself. looky case, these were appointed republicans who did it to me, and now the democrats are doing it to. trump but what they're doing is they're destroying the rule of law. our constitution are whichto t will eventually lead to our to the loss of our freedom. oug is sacredd f with these people. nothing is sacred. pe. heolitics at all costswi the and forget about the law and forget about injustice and forgett about destroying somebody through prosecution, persecution and, the politicspoi of personal destruction. it is now replace the government of the people forti of persion.lace the people.
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and the stakes are high. and i'm watching my fellowfor tr to fight for our country. vote for trump. donald j. umtrump sa >> so we save our democracy. because if trump doesn't windem we're going to become russia and the soviet union and a banana republic. >> yeah, but you know, you also see democrats celebrating. they're out dancing, having drinks, throwing a partycrata pt is what they've always wanted. they've always wanted a felony conviction. they got it tonighy. wanted t. think >> do you really thinkde democrats are looking at this and saying, oh, i don't know. my party hasmocring at gone too far? >> no, i think most partisan democrats are exactly what you're saying, which is really disgraceful. it's unfortunate, but i thin s ich isk in fairness to them, they just believe the baloney that's being fed to them. elieved y but i think there's op of democratic constituencies that's going to rise up becausfe they it and i'm talking about the black community that for too lone bl g in has beenbeen o on the wrong side of weaponized prosecutorg sides targeting thes they see this for what it is. i don't want what i wenteeplac my difficulties the one place i could find some love and support and some comfortd fd was in the black churches, in the black community because
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beck comerstood you can't just believe what a man does because they know how. misutimes a man lies and cheats and they misuse and abuse the law to get people they're seeing through thi laws. and my prediction is on november the fifth, that's a real verdict. and trump will win largely in some respects because pae black is going to lead the democrat party and support him. >> yeah, that's what the pollsri continue to indicate. >> thank you so much, rod blagojevich. good to sentinue tthank you soe. thank you so i was not as angryt as i thought i was going to be when this cameho was down. cool i was cool, i was calm, i was steadys . and that's how you should be. don't get angry. get even.don't ge on november 5. >> we've got to save the country. that's all for tonight. the sean hannity is up next.hing thanks for watching. and welcome to hannity. we start tonight with a fox news alert.


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