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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 31, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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really entertained here they thought that they could continue this level of politeness and giving along, having some kind f coming together centrism as they call it. that simply is not something we can entertain anymore in this currentot environment. they are trying to jail the current leading candidate for the presidency of the united states of america. thatwe is not something we can accepttt on any level with a republican or democrat. it is absolutely abhorrent. >> laura: here is my question tonight, liz cheney, met romney, mitch mcconnell, all the republicans mike you might not have liked trump, but do you like this? is this america to you? mollie and ben, thank you. that is all for us tonight. just follow me on social media and >> this is not what this country should be doing to political
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leaders, past and present. wake up tomorrow and fight. >> it's just a disgrace, we'll fight to the end and win. our country has gone to hell. >> todd: former president trump not backing down, he gets ready to address supporters on the historic guilty verdict handed down. >> carley: trump critics couldn't wait to celebrate. >> incredible verdict on this day in may. >> it is majestic day. >> thank you. thank you so much. anything going on today? >> carley: couldn't wait to deliver that line, i'm sure. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. brooke singman spoke exclusively with donald trump after the verdict. she is live with that and next
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steps toward election day. >> brooke: good morning. i spoke with president trump after the guilty verdict. he says his eyes are set on november. think about how something like this could have happened to our country. november 5 is most important day in history of our country. we will fight hard. july 11 is the sentences, just four days before the rnc convention. he faces four years in prison per charge, maximum sentence of 136 years. his attorney blanche says it is far from over. >> we made every decision together. you are talking about a man indicted four times in four years. running for president and winning, we will wake up tomorrow and fight, it is not
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over. >> brooke: michael cohen did not mince words speaking about the former president. >> you cannot listen to your client when you are trying to create a defense as important as this one is. very first president of the united states, former president, to ever be charged with a crime, let alone convicted on 34 counts. it was definitively the st stupidest lawyer of all time, worse than some of the other ones in his orbit. >> brooke: support is pouring in from republican lawmakers across the country. >> this is what you see in co communist countries. the only chance they have to win this election is keep donald trump in a courtroom tied up in this case, that case and the other case.
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how can i get involved or fund raise? they understand when alvin bragg looked in the camera tonight and said, i did my job. you know who he was talking to? joe biden. not the american people. >> what we saw was travesty of justice, this was politics, political smear job, an attack job. this is what you see in banana republics. >> brooke: biden campaign is cashing in on this moment, only one way to keep donald trump out of the office, at the ballot box. former president trump will speak at trump tower at 11:00 a.m. >> todd: brooke, thank you. bring in mark smith. mark, legally speaking, not politically, legally, what impact does this have on donald
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j trump going forward as a citizen and as a candidate. >> well, right now because of this conviction under federal law, donald trump has lost his right to keep and bear arms, not allow to possess firearms. he is not allowed to vote as a convicted felon. july 11, we will find out what this anti-trump judge who is bent is making it hard for donald trump, see what conditions are placed on donald trump. will they put donald trump in prison or make him be locked down in mar-a-lago with an ankle bracelet? we don't know. this is beginning of constraints on donald trump because of this court case in new york. >> carley: one thing i read i thought was notable. donald trump will likely be required to regularly meet with
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a probation officer. think how demeaning that would be for a former president. we are expecting the supreme co court to rule on presidential immunity, how would that impact this verdict? >> it will not impact this verdict. question before the supreme koufrt now involves federal cases with activity while he was president of the united states. this charge occurred before he was president. it is different from that. politically it will make a big deal. end of the day, as a trial lawyer that handled cases in new york supreme court in the past, this is not historical moment, this is embarrassing moment because of what went down here. i'm embarrassed for rule of law in new york, which is non
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nonexistent and the constitution was ignored here. every benefit of the doubt went to the government and not donald trump. i'm saddened with the rule of law involving this case. >> todd: trump's case is not over, they will appeal. take us step by step through how the appeals process will play out and the hundreds of grounds for reversible error, which are going to be most successful for trump? >> the easiest way to overturn a verdict is with flawed jury instruction because if you give jury flawed instructions, they are not following the law. easiest, clearest case of reversible error, fact the judge did not require the jury to come to a unanimous decision on the
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predicate crime, the crime being covered up by issues with bookkeeping records. jury instructions are fatally flawed. the reality is, it will take six or more months before appellate panel will hear oral argument and in the meantime, todd, what i've been harping on, there is no crime victim. reason that is important, next step for donald trump in this process is to sit down and meet with a probation officer to talk about whether he has remorse, what went on here and they are supposed to talk to the crime victims of the crime and here there is no crime victim. there is no one to talk to which goes further to show absurdity of this situation. you indicted and convicted the former president of the united states and have no crime victim in the criminal justice system,
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another absurdity and that will add to the appeal, even though not legally relevant something appellate court pay attention to. >> carley: in new york, there is sentencing on july el11 and the trump's lawyers can appeal. thank you for your insight, have a great day. happening today, kansas city chiefs celebrating their super bowl win at white house as biden administration tip toes around the harrison butker controversy. >> todd: and breaking news on president's trump's conviction, looking ahead to the next steps and november 11. keep it right here on "fox and friends first". ." .
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donald >> todd: check this out, a stormchaser rescuing parents and two young kids in texas after massive twister completely destroys their home. >> get in. get in the car. get in the car. >> help. >> open the door, get in. >> come on, guys. get in the other side. come on. >> carley: so scary, the
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stormchaser drove the family to the hospital, where they were tr treated for bruises and broken bones. that twister is uncling hoo. over to senior meteorologist janice dean for the weather forecast. who a moment. get in the car, yeah. >> janice: we have more severe weather today in the same areas hard hit over last couple of weeks. we had a tornado report just south of midland, texas, wind and hail in the same areas hit hard. several severe thunderstorm warnings in central texas south of waco and potential for heavy rain and flooding in some areas, lightning associated with the storms. until 7 a.m. in austin and houston until 11 a.m. local time. will see potential for strong
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winds, could see large hail, heavy rainfall causing flash flooding. rivers and streams are fall. any more rain is going to exacerbate the situation. we are concerned for texas, louisiana, arkansas and across mississippi river valley. severe risk again today in same areas. texas, louisiana, arkansas, up toward the colorado rockies area. this setup, we've seen all month long, may wrapping up with 488 tornado reports, almost double we expect in may. year to date tornado warnings, st third right now. close to 2000 warned storms this season. been crazy. >> carley: thank you. happy friday, have a great weekend. to fox news alert.
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new poll shows former president donald trump beating president biden among independent voters by 12 points. this as reaction pours in over the former president trump guilty verdict. >> kind of blows my mind, can you say banana republic. >> failure of our justice system and complete joe biden/kamala harris hit job. >> i find it absolutely insane. it scares me we would go after anybody, democrat, republican, independent, any person running for office, we would go after them to silence them, i don't want america like that. >> carley: for more reaction, lydia, brenna, and skye, good morning to you. brenna, you said you didn't vote for trump in either election. how do you feel about this verdict? >> yeah, so for me, it is a very
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scary time in american history. we have never seen anything like this before, there have been other politicians that have had accusations against them, never an overwhelm ing effort to take down a presidential candidate. for me, almost a threat toure on freedom and that is a scary place to be. >> carley: skyeyou are registered democrat, you consider yourself independent. question for people on the fence between trump and biden, do they take into account crime and border or take into account donald trump is a convicted felon more? >> for me, democracy is on the line and i spend my time professionally talking to voters, public officials, business community about how to work together and when this verdict comes out and you see
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two opposite sides of the spectrum, how can we get along? how can you have a conversation and move forward as a country and democracy when both sides think they are completely right. no conversation can be had and i'm scared for our democracy. >> carley: what does that mean for your vote come november? >> i don't know, to be honest. that is scary place to be and i've been in politics for over a decade in government affairs. i don't know what that moons for me in november. >> carley: lydia, a poll came out npr poll, i believe, if donald trump is found guilty in the hush money trial in new york, are you more likely to vote for him? 15% of people said yes, 17% said less likely and 67% of people
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said it does not make a difference either way. what do you think political implications are here? >> wow, we are reaping these benefits here. we are just, i can't understand what we're watching in front of us. our republic is eroding beneath us. as someone born in mexico and come to love this country and switched parties, how are we letting this nation go and we are not fighting. get off the couch and sg door knock and volunteer and help these candidates. this is incredible to let trump go through this and watch our democracy fail us. >> carley: briana, hunter biden's gun trial starts next week. you could think that would make president biden think more
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carefully to how he responds. how do you think people are processing this? do you think they are eating it up or tuning it out? >> i think a little bit of both. for many americans, we're looking at the quality of our lives. people can barely afford cost of living, groceries, gas. for these trials and overwhelming amount of noise, people are paying attention, i also think people are scared about the quality of our lives and our how it will impact how we put food on the table, how our kids are getting educated, can we afford rent or to buy a house, things like that. >> carley: have a great day. new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez made sure she was in her bronx
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district in time for the verdict. >> something happening in new york, where he was born -- [indiscernible] -- >> todd: surprised she was able to find it. aoc saying this is just a week. is anti-trump message working for democrats? cla claudia tenetworkney is here n next. ney is here next. ney is here next. ney is he. . up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> carley: fox news alert, three people dead, including a police officer and suspected gunman after shooting at a minneapolis apartment complex. the officer was providing medical care to someone he thought was injured and the man shot him. he was 28 years old. >> he was a hero, son, father,
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fiance, so deeply committed to protecting and servings, he would run toward danger when we would run in the other direction. >> carley: four others were shot, including a firefighter and another police officer. who is in critical condition. >> todd: donald trump will address supporters this morning after being found guilty on all 34 counts in his trial. he will be sentenced on july 11th. >> carley: after this verdict came down, alvin bragg held a pres conference and here is what he said. >> i did my job. our job is to follow the factings and law without fear of favor. i did my job. we did our job. many voices out there. the only voice that matters is
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the voice of the jury and the jury has spoken. >> carley: that is his reaction, another reaction from michael cohen said to see judge merchan on the stand is to see poetry, he is judicial perfection. what is your reaction? >> oh, boy, i watched alvin bragg a presser last night and thought, man, this man should win the academy award for delivering that bs with such a straight face and judge merchan ran such a kangaroo court, i would be surprised if he didn't grow a pouch. this morning i've turned into ticked off. i have been practicing law a lot of years and seen bad juries, bias judges and power-hungry prosecutors happy to relieve
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themselves from the constitution. we don't normally see all three converge in a single courtroom in a single proceeding, but we did in this instance. we cannot let this coordinated corruption stand. not just affecting donald trump or any defendant that would be in that situation. this corruption is affecting our entire country and we cannot sit back and let it stand. to >> todd: not just new york, three more criminal files, 40 felony charges, four felony charges in d.c. interference case, georgia election case and civil fraud case, 454 million. you are ticked off this morning and many republicans are feeling angry and ticked off. many want revenge. my question to you, as a lawyer,
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should republicans take the high r road or fight legal fire with legal fire and go after democrats with similar legal hollow cases? >> both, todd, we can take the high road and punch back and that needs to happen. i'm pretty content this verdict will be turned right side up with the appellate process, not enough to sit and wait for that to happen. donald trump will be in the white house by the time this gets overturned and it will ge offerturned. we need to do more one citizen at a time. one reason i'm scared this morning is because corruption started at the top. they have a blueprin, if they
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can do it to donald trump, they will do it to you, carley, my family, your family, all of us and we have to punch back any legal way we can. that can include taking the high road, of course. >> carley: if it happens to me, i want you as my lawyer, you are b brilliant. none of the other three criminal cases have scheduled dates, likely to happen after the november election. jonna, thank you, have a great day. >> todd: chose jonna, me, smart call. bring in claudia tenney, daughter of new york state supreme court justice. what did this verdict do to rule of law in our nation? >> todd, this is a disgrace to the new york justice system, disgrace to watch this attempts to find a verdict not to find
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justice youunder our laws and upside down mission of this prosecutor and judge was to get a verdict at all cost, opposite what our justice system is about. this is political attempt to interfere in elections. i'm chair and founder of integrity election caucus. they know donald trump is leading in the polls and people are starting to see this and realize there is no justice in our justice system as long as we have prosecutors like alvin bragg who will violate the rules. trump has to get out of new york state. it is corrupt. this judge should be removed, alvin bragg should have been removed by kathy hochul, she has power to do that. remember the bodega operator
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wrongfully charged defending himself against a would-be murderer, he had to flee the state. take people out of the system trying to undermine our system of justice. now political group of judges and court of appeals, we have to hope under appeal process, president trump can be vin diindicated. if you don't like president trump this is about undermining our system of justice. i've in western new york and i've heard democrats and people who do not like president trump are saying this is a travesty and i was with a lot of lawyers that don't like trump and are saying this is wrong. >> todd: senator j.d. vance.
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-- alexandria ocasio-cortez celebrating trump's convention at a town hall in the bronx. watch. >> it does say something this happened in new york, where he was born, where he's operated, [indiscernible] -- legal justice sy system. [indiscernible] -- >> todd: congresswoman, only job of a d.a. is to keep people safe, the only job one has. is anyone safer in aoc and alvin bragg's new york city? >> absolutely not. this -- aoc is not a very good
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legislature, she is not a legal scholar and does not understand what the law is. we have got to continue to fight back in new york or lose our state. this is not going to stop. this is a calculated political move by democrats. they had to find, i'm amazed they were able to thread this small needle to get it to a jury, to find the jury they needed to undermine president trump's rights under the sixth amendment, to know what he is charged with. guess why it is calculated? president trump can't pardon himself, how are we bringing federal charges in a state court? they are trying to create a
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scenario where he is trapped, this is not what the system of justice is about. innocent until proven guilty. >> todd: thank you for your time, you laid it out perfectly. brand new inflation report out today and watching closely and cheryl is here next. >> carley: joe concha will react to the media's victory lap over trump's guilty verdict. "new york times" there. keep it here on "fox and friends." >> thank you. thank you so much. anything going on today? [cheering] (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪) (♪)
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for veterans and military families has empowered more than 200,000 veterans to serve their communities and their careers. from professional certifications, to job training, to help navigating programs and services, we give veterans access to support from anywhere in the world. >> carley: a fox business alert. key inflation report this morning expected to show very slow progress. >> todd: cheryl casone from fox bps with details. >> cheryl: most anticipated report of the week, the fed's favorite gauge of inflation as they determine whether to cut, raise or stay neutral on interest rates. you will see index has been stubbon. expectation for read of 2.7%.
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core number coming in 2.8%. last reading on consumer prices gain of 3.4%. markets pricing 50% chance of rate cut come november. >> carley: verdict came down not what donald trump wanted, could be political silver lining to this. >> cheryl: donors are pledging millions for the former president. casino billionaire, hotel giant robert biggalow sending more. rush to donate from small donors crashed. displaying 500 error stating something went wrong. t team trump posted that the page
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went down. that society is back up and running. >> todd: the trump trial was not cheap for you, the new york city taxpayer. >> cheryl: i love paying for everything i'm paying for here. being new york city taxpayer, thanks for the reminder. 50,000 per day for safety. money for overtime for court staff and security, and the former president talked about this yesterday. security to keep lower manhattan safe. >> carley: maybe they could have saved money if they did not crank the air conditioning up so high. also that. >> todd: front page of "new york
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ti times", one article celebrating all 34 guilty charges and mainstream media taking victory lap over the former president's conviction. watch. >> were you surprised by the verdict? >> no. i was not, i told you all along the facts speak for themselves. >> incredible verdict on this day in may, former president of the united states convicted as charged. >> we've been holding our breath for a long time for rule of law and it did arrive today and it is majestic day. >> carley: joe concha joins us now. mcconnie trib ugz to this conversation? >> joe: this conviction just secured donald trump being our 47th ptz on november 5. i had to dodge champagne corks
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coming here. they are doing end zone dance over a crime they can't define or explain and it will backfire. "new york times," "washington post," cnbc, they have no idea what they have unleashed. impeachment is a big deal, bill clinton, 1999, left office with highest approval rating in history. donald trump 2019, his poll be num numbers went up after impeachment. it is same deal here. a lot of people, not talking republicans and partisans that back trump. the judge, timing of trial, jury instructions, this is apparent to anyone sane.
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susan collins said trump was railroaded, r.f.k. jr. said this will backfire. bo boomerang effect. >> todd: bill clinton and who else is celebrating, so bitter, i call her human lemon. hillary. watch. >> joe: good pivot. >> thank you, thank you so much, anything going on today? [cheering] >> todd: all right she mentioned she wants people to buy a cup in her honor and donate and put tea in that cup. is that tea as bitter as she is? riding the bitter train. >> joe: public therapy tour for hillary clinton continue and her lawyer claimed on social media
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trump won 2016 election by committing crimes. if voters in pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin knew about stormy daniels that would have changed entire election. of course it wouldn't. maybe hillary clinton could campaign in wisconsin which she never did or maybe be likeable person and that would make a difference and not an alleged affair with a porn star. this is pathetic. >> carley: hillary clinton, democrats up in armings over trump supporters lock her up chant. they are trying to lock donald trump up. >> joe: cheryl's report earlier, big donors coming for trump, this is the effect. >> carley: thank you so much. >> joe: fun weekend. >> carley: check in with steve doocy see what is coming up on
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"fox and friends." hi, steve. >> steve: coming up on "fox and friends," let's see, 11 minutes and 42 seconds from now. the latest on donald trump felony convictions as we await remarks from the former president. speaker of the house johnson want voters to remember all times break campaigned going after donald trump. remember that? we have tape from way back machine. he calls out democrats he says will stop at nothing to crush their political opponent and asking him what this historic ruling, the speaker, means for the country and donald trump vows to continue fighting, mark levin will join us and he suggest heading straight to the supreme court. and summer concert series on fox square. beach boys are doing a sound
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check, singing cocomoand john stom stamos will join them live on the drums. busy three hours kickoff in nine minutes from now on the channel you watch for morning news. beach boys, john stamos and all the news coming up. nd after”. then, there's the 'after the after' — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®.
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♪ >> carley: the ka kansas city chiefs are heading back to the white house this morning to celebrate this year's big super bowl victory. >> todd: president biden hosting the team just a few weeks after kicker harrison butker ripped the administration in a fiery commencement speech. madeleine rivera n washington with more. hey, maddy. >> madeleine: the super bowl's visit to the white house is typically a light-hearted affair but this year's event has raised a lot more questions certainly among the white house press corps who questioned whether harrison butker would still be invited to the white house after he criticized president biden for his stance on abortion. here is part of his commencement speech at benedictine college in kansas earlier this month. >> bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his catholic faith but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally. >> madeleine: in his address
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butker encouraged women to be homemakers a comment garner add lot of backlash. stilled white house says the invitation stands for the entire team and the kansas city chief also make the final decision on who goes. >> you said everyone on the team is obviously invited. is the chief's kicker harrison butker welcome at this white house? >> what i can say is we invite the entire team and we do that always. i don't have anything beyond that. >> given his recent comments, is he specifically welcome at this point. >> we invite the team. we invite the team. it's up to the team who comes and who doesn't come. >> madeleine: when asked last week if butker will be heading to the white house chief's head coach andy reid said he anticipated the kicker would go. the white house will welcome the chiefs later this afternoon. carley and todd. >> carley: should be very interesting. madeleine, thank you. now to the breaking news on the historic guilty verdict handed down to former president trump by a manhattan jury. >> todd: independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. saying this conviction could help trump.
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>> this conviction is going to backfire on the democrats. i think every time that president trump has been indicted, that his approval ratings actually increase. his popularity increases. i think the democrats feel like they have the dnc feels like it has a candidate that cannot win fair and square in the polls. and so they have to win in the courts. they have to win by clearing the deck and getting their other opponents out of the race. >> todd: winsome sears is the lt. governor of virginia and she joins us now. lt. governor, thanks for being here. do you agree with r.f.k. jr.? what are you expecting the polls to show when they come out next week following this verdict? >> well, i tell you right now when the polls in 2016 came out after president trump's election, 65% of democrats said that they did not believe that the elections were free and
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fair. and then in 2020, well, when biden won, what happened was on% 70% ofdemocrats felt that now te polls weren't right and the elections weren't free and fair. and what you are finding in our country is that nobody is happy. nobody's happy. and i don't think that this case the verdict is doing any good because our country is in distress. you have one half of the country jumping for joy, and you have another half of the company in absolute agony and distress. we have got to figure this out. and, you know, the president is going to appeal, this i'm sure. where was the case against hillary for wiping her server? where is the case against president biden trying to discover what his involvement was in hunter biden's business with china and with russia? you know, if the country feels
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that the fingers are on the scales for one party, this is not helpful. we have got to figure this out. >> carley: well, speaking of polls, lt. governor, there was one that focused on virginia voters, a state that president biden won by 10 points in 2020. it shows that biden and donald trump are tied 42-42 right now. so, this verdict that came down yesterday is undeniably going to fire up donald trump's base, but what do you think it will do to the moderate voter, the voter who isn't exactly sure if they are going for donald trump or president biden? does trump risk losing those voters? many of them live in the state of virginia. >> well, i think you're seeing a lot of movement in virginia because of what we have been doing here in virginia in terms of our children educated and bringing jobs to virginia and not overly burdening our
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employers so that, you know, they can thrive. and you are seeing that, in fact, businesses are moving to virginia and people are moving to virginia. we're taking care of our veterans. what you're also seeing is that black people, you know, the democrats keep coming to us when they need help, when they are trying to get over the top. and they use us and then you don't ever see them again. and they make all of these terrible assertions that republicans are going to bomb your churches. that was one of the things that they said. they say that, you know, and biden was talking about the golden hairs that black children supposedly were when they were in the pool and such. so, you know, we have just got to change things. >> carley: lt. governor winsome sears. thank you for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> this was a rigged, disgraceful trial. the real verdict igo


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