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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 31, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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they can thrive. and you are seeing that, in fact, businesses are moving to virginia and people are moving to virginia. we're taking care of our veterans. what you're also seeing is that black people, you know, the democrats keep coming to us when they need help, when they are trying to get over the top. and they use us and then you don't ever see them again. and they make all of these terrible assertions that republicans are going to bomb your churches. that was one of the things that they said. they say that, you know, and biden was talking about the golden hairs that black children supposedly were when they were in the pool and such. so, you know, we have just got to change things. >> carley: lt. governor winsome sears. thank you for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> this was a rigged, disgraceful trial. the real verdict is going to be
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november 5th by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. and i think it's just a disgrace and we'll keep fighting. we will fight until the end and we will win. because our country has gone to hell. and we will fight for our constitution. this is long from over. >> steve: okay, fox news alert. that is former president donald trump and at 11:00 this morning, is he going to speak out with a press conference after being found guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in a trial that cost new york city taxpayers about 2 million bucks to hold the whole proceeding. >> lawrence: trump and his legal team are not backing down. the former president telling fox news digital, quote: we have to think about how something like this could happen in our country. november 5th will be the most important date in the history of our country. we'll be fighting hard. >> brian: a lot of big dates coming up. so judge juan merchan said trump
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set sentencing for july 11th which is just days before this thing called the republican national convention over in milwaukee. trump is facing up to four years in prison per charge could carry a maximum possible sentence of 136 years. >> ainsley: as expected president biden's campaign is trying to cash in on the moment. quote: there's only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office, at the b ballot bo. donate to our campaign today. >> steve: donald trump and his legal team are vowing to peel the guilty verdicts. >> lawrence: eric shawn outside the new york state supreme court with the next process. eric? >> eric: good morning, lawrence, steve, and everybody. the fight now will be on. former president trump vowing to appeal this verdict. his lawyers say that they have a variety of areas that they can challenge this verdict by this jury. for example, they say that they think this was unfair timing because of all the pre-trial publicity. that the former president could not get a fair trial in
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manhattan. they will also likely challenge several of judge juan merchan's rulings in which he excluded some of the witnesses during the trial and also some of his jury instructions. they also are going to challenge the fact that the judge did not recuse himself because he donated money to president biden's campaign in 2016 and his daughter works for a democratic political consulting firm. the new york state committee judicial conduct has already ruled that the judge had no conflict of interest at all; however, that's all going to be part of the appeal process. as for now, what what does the former president do? he will have to be interviewed here by the probation department. there will be a pre-sentencing report. sentencing set for july 11th, the appeal will be filed after the sentencing. part of the process of that pre-sentencing report will be some interviews. a social worker could interview the former president. counselors could do that, too. they will ask whether he is
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employed. whether he has a job. one of the issues that they also check off is if he is unemployed, is he applying for a job and can he say yes he is applying for the presidency of the united states. that part of the process until the sentencing that is set for 10:00 a.m. on july 11th back here at manhattan criminal court. back to you. >> steve: the probation department has never had an interview like that. eric, one good thing for the former president is the gag order now, you know, now that they have got a verdict, he can say whatever he wants, right? >> he will. he likely will say whatever he wants. he has a news conference we will be carrying live here on the fox news channel 11:00 a.m. eastern up at trump tower. you expect we'll get an earful from him. everything that he was gagged and couldn't say here he is going to be saying at trump tower a few hours from now. >> brian: all right, eric, thanks. that's kind of odd, steve, todd merchan told jesse i'll gag
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order. >> steve: todd blanche? >> brian: brian yeah odd sway several sentencing. >> ainsley: i heard several people say that last night he is still being gagged. >> brian: i don't know what that is. >> steve: i was reading today that the gag order no longer applies because he has been convicted. to the point, todd blanche's point, brian, it probably is you don't want to say something so inflammatory about the judge before he could convict you or the jury has convicted him could send him to jail. although that is probably doubtful. >> lawrence: one thing we have learned from the democrats and we learned this from the two impeachments they keep saying they are solemn occasions they are not to be celebrated. we saw this not just the two impeachments but the first mugshot. and then yesterday they said that they should not be celebrating this. but, strangely, we found all this video of them doing just that. watch. >> he thinks this is a tough guy
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look that will work for him presumably, he also has to lean into it, right? you can't pretend not to be a criminal while you are a criminal defendant. >> we have been holding our breath as a country for a long time waiting for the cavalry to arrive in the form of the rule of law. and it did arrive today. and it's a majestic day. >> i wanted to be able to see this moment with my own eyes. in about three weeks from today, i will have been covering donald trump for nine years. there will not have been day in the past nine years i think where i have not mentioned his name or at least thought a thought about donald trump. >> his whole dream was to be respected in manhattan, and it was in manhattan where he was brought low. i think there is something interesting and poetic about that. >> mr. steinglass, i think some you have probably saw him speak for a little bit the other day. [laughter] >> so he has done his job. >> it was very satisfying to finally see this guy get some come up ins. >> thank you so much.
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anything going on today? [cheers] >> brian: she is unbelievable she made that statement and alvin bragg's theme was 2016 election, it wasn't the russians. it was stormy daniels. >> ainsley: people here in new york. you know, this all happened in new york. very liberal city. people were cheering on the streets. and if you look at the calendar, the first debate is going to be june 27th. then right after that is the sentencing day on july 11th. then as you talked about we have the rnc convention. the question last night that i kept hearing is what will this judge say? will he be allowed to go to the convention? will he have home confinement? will he be sentenced to prison? i was listening to sean's radio show yesterday and professor william jacobson was on professor at cornell law school this is what he said. i would not be the least bit surprised if the judge sentences him to prison. assume the worst because we have received the worst. just expect it. and marco rubio said that michael cohen is a convicted liar, is he a habitual liar. i never thought i would see in
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this america. he said i hate and i hope that the appellate system will redeem him but he said remember the appellate system is still in new york. the criminal justice system can be weaponed to influence the rejection. >> lawrence: that is the real point of what is happening in new york. i don't criticize the jury because they were handed a hand from the judge as well as the prosecution. but we have to ask ourself do we want to live in a country. i mean, half -- what is it 27 of all attorney generals are republicans. do we want to segregate only you go to the state of your political liking? do you not travel state lines because you know you are going to be prosecuted there? i just don't think we want to do it. i think now what they have set the stage for is both sides are at each other's throats now. everyone is upset. you have got the republicans that are furious right now. >> brian: thanks for using that f word furious. i was worried about you for a second. >> lawrence: i was so close,
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brian. the independents, even people like susan collins who said she is not going to vote for. >> brian: mitch mcconnell. >> lawrence: this is aggrieve a. you can't do that. >> steve: we went tout a local place in new jersey. one of my friends probably watching right now. >> brian: car dealership todd? >> ainsley: the one you walk with brian the guy that does your gutters. >> steve: can't tell you the business. only one business in my town. the guy comes up to me and goes the verdict, you guys are going to have a lot to talk about tomorrow a because it's travesty about. two minutes later somebody else came up and said i'm so happy. i will tell you in the commercial who it was. one person -- i had a focus group of two. one person so angry the other person so happy. to your point about, you know, the country is splitting right down the middle. >> brian: one of the things i would like to see one time to start a statement i was listening to brian's radio show.
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it's always sean, sean, sean. just a think go down to todd blanche sat down yesterday new attorney new poll in new york emerson college. it is a 7 point lead now for joe biden. this is a state, independents are now leaning towards trump. >> steve: right. >> brian: this is a state by the way even a smaller lead if you put in certain fourth and fifth party candidates. >> this is a state hillary clinton beat him by 22. something going on. virginia is a dead heat. new hampshire a deed heat. new york is within seven. >> steve: this is the thing a lot of people are worried about. we don't know how the judge is going to sentence him. but what if donald trump loses the election and then is vindicated on appeal? the appeals court. >> brian: election interference? >> steve: that's a possibility. >> ainsley: now what do we do? look forward. we are all in campaign mode now. the american people will decide. we have heard president trump said that. donald trump on x say the democrats have succeeded in
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year's long attempt to turn america into a third world blank hole. november 50th is our last chance to save it. i talk spoke to two people who d to donald trump yesterday we talked about this before the show. they talked to him after the verdict. they said is he completely stoic. he is ready to get back to campaigning. he has accepted this lawfare at its worse. he has pledged to be -- not be distracted by. they is going to hit the campaign trail and is he asking the american people to decide on the 5th of november. >> brian: todd blanche speaks. heard him speak because we can't get inside the courtroom. doesn't do interviews until last night. here he talked about the donald trump he knew and knows. >> president trump san amazing man. he is president. is he running for president. and he is a public persona. he is also a husband, a father, a grandfather. and a friend to a lot of people. and so, when you see that happen to him -- and i was standing right next to him today, and it is heart breaking because they
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are laughing. laughing at a man, at a father, at a husband, at a grandfather and as somebody running for president and looks like will win, that's something that people should be troubled with. no matter how are going to vote for. being on trial as a defendant, i don't know what it's like, but i have been around a lot of people who were on trial, it's hard. it's hard every day. and he was resolute, strong. we were all moreup set than he was. we are all sitting there and he said all right, let's go, what do i need to tell the american people right now? and we told him, you know, whatever is on your heart. whatever you want to say. and he said i got it. i got it. and we're going to fight. wake up tomorrow and fight. next week, my team and i are going to florida, because we have another case that we have to fight in florida. and that's what we're going to do. we're going to go there and go into a scif and fight that case, too. and we're doing that because he gives us the energy and we're doing it to hopefully, you know, to help him.
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steve. >> lawrence: if you talk to democrats, they will tell you they have are running on democracy. they gave the issue to donald trump. it's now not donald trump against joe biden, it's donald trump vs. the system. and if you are the democrats, you got to find something else to run on. can you no longer say you are trying to protect the way of life. >> brian: democracy, the way things have been done. that's donald trump's argument. that is the argument of the republican base now. we will see what they come up next. >> brian: joining us right now is governor doug burgum. north dakota, ran for president himself. now a dedicated surrogate for president donald trump and on everyone's short list. former president donald trump everyonens short list for vice president. governor, your reaction to the verdict and game plan for today as i said yesterday sad day for america. this morning i wake up and on optimistic. i'm optimistic alvin bragg said yesterday i did my job. he said i'm doopg my job, he was really talking, i did my job. is he talking to joe biden and
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all the people that were driving this lawfare now we goat do our job. the american people. the calls, the texts from people, people are rising up. november of 16th, when he won that election when he wasn't supposed to win the election russian interference steele dossier. this is old news. this thing yesterday is not new news it's old news. they see it and they are trying to put the guy away that his -- the guy that's actually solving my problems. because american people are waking up today. this verdict doesn't change the fact that they're facing higher food prices, higher gas prices, higher electricity prices. they can't afford a home. the border is open. they might have lost a family member. >> brian: both borders. >> they might have lost family member. lost five vietnams to overdose in fentanyl poisonings since joe biden took office. this verdict changes nothing for
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them. the same group is like we got him now. it's like the american people are like no, they are going to rise up and fight. >> lawrence: so, governor, what -- as someone that's a supporter of the former president, he has a big speech at 11:00 today, he has a tough job. because he is obviously upset about what happened, anybody would be. but he also is running for president. and american public want to hear what he is going to do to fight for them and how is he going to bring the economy back to where it was before. so how does he thread that needle today, managing the public and his grievances with the system. >> he has been doing. they has been doing it the last six weeks. here is a guy who has to sit in court four days a week but on a wednesday or saturday is he out talking to the people. when he is out there, hey, i'm going to secure the border. i'm going to end the wars. i'm going to bring inflation do you know. he talks about what the solutions are. and that's why people are there. and i think what we're seeing, i mean, i got a text last night from a retired couple who
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obviously, you know, were -- i would call them clear-thinking independents, maybe leaning slightly right. they said hey, we sent in $1,000. i'm like these people don't have $1,000 to send in. they are like they are worried about the future of america. >> ainsley: you said that you are hearing from people. or you did yesterday after the verdict. you haven't heard from in a long time people who want to get involved. we saw the campaign website for donald trump crash right after so many people are giving money. i heard lee zeldin say he secured a donation of $800,000 for donald trump. donald trump is raising a lot of money. he does have a lot of people behind him. what are your predictions for going forward? >> well, i think, again, just like a lot of things that they tried over the last seven or eight years, this is going to backfire. it's already back firing because, again, the american people can see right through this. and, again, of course, when you are in the media center of new york, this seems like the center of the universe, but if you are out there and going to a coffee shop in north dakota this
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morning and you are a farmer that got up and you drive 10 miles to go to town to have coffee at 5:00 in the morning before you go back and farm by yourself all day, if it's the big trial, you would be like guilty or innocent. this morning they are like what was the crime? what was this all about? >> brian: even the jury was asking what the crime was. >> you can't. there is not a clear like oh i think somebody was guilty or innocent. they are like what was this things? >> steve: we appreciate you coming in after you were at the courthouse yesterday to give us your analysis. but the bonus was the governor was out during the sound check with the beach boys. and i saw you taping it on your phone. i'm sure you are sending it out to your family. i saw you singing along to the kokomo, governor. >> they were in north dakota a few years ago for the largest scandinavian festival in america they fit right in. >> brian: always a connection to north dakota. unbelievable. only the new teddy roosevelt soon. >> presidential library opening
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july 4th, 2026. >> brian: will would he be there live with the beach boys. thank you, governor. >> ainsley: thank you for come in. >> steve: mark levin is going to be joining us also the speaker of the house, mike johnson. so we have a very, very busy friday. >> brian: is it busy enough to toss to carley shimkus wherever she is located? >> steve: she is right over the governor's shoulder. >> carley: squeeze in time for that. thank you governor, thank you for joining us this morning. great incite. more news to get to, starting with a fox news alert. three people are dead including a police officer and a' ised gunman after a shooting at a minneapolis apartment complex. police say officer jamal mitchell was ambushed after responding to reports of gunfire. he was providing medical care to someone he thought was injured but that man shot him. officer mitchell was just 28 years old. >> he was a hero, a son, a father, a fiance and an officer who is so deeply committed to protecting and serving. he would run towards danger when the rest of us would run in the other direction.
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>> carley: four others were shot, including a firefighter and another police officer who is now in critical condition. strategy story there. the illegal immigrant accused of murdering georgia nursing student laken riley is due in court this morning for his arraignment at 11:00 jose ibarra is expected to enter pleas for 10 charges including murder, kidnapping, and aggravated assault with intent to rape. laken riley was killed in february while out for a run on the uga campus. she was only 22 years old. police in los angeles looking for a homeless man who was caught on camera throwing rocks at cars speeding down the freeway. a motorcyclist hit one of the rocks, lost control, skidded downtown road. thankfully he was able to get up and avoid getting hit by passing cars. what a dangerous situation there. multiple cars were also left with body damage and flat tires. the guy tossing those rocks ran off and has not yet been found.
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and new overnight, tampa seventh grader taking home the prize after a big tiebreaking round in the 2024 scripps national spelling bee take a look at the moment he spelled his final word in the video provided by scripps national spelling bee. >> abseil. >> >> [cheers] >> selma gets to take home the spelling bee trophy plus a $50,000 prize. congratulations to him. he is a bright seventh grade tore say the least. >> steve: the words. most of us have never heard the words. we struggle with wordle, and that's just five letters. >> i think about him. >> can we pledge to use the word posology at some point today. >> steve: have to know what it means. >> brian: get a guest that know what is it means and try to work it in.
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>> brian: brian posology. >> ainsley: i will look it up and take it up. >> lawrence: stick to the basic words. they are hard enough in the prompter. >> brian: it's possible to use posology. i think it is. did i just do it? i think i just did it. >> ainsley: kind of. possible to use posology. >> brian: i will listen to sean's radio show later to see if he uses it. trump vows to appeal his conviction but could there be a way for him to pardon himself? we will ask a legal expert. >> steve: plus senators rubio and cotton will join us ahead of the news conference you will see on the channel at 11:00 a.m. >> ainsley: we just mentioned it brian has a radio show. i mean, the beach boys and john stamos are here for the all-american summer concert series. >> brian: almost as important. >> ainsley: posology. ♪ we'll get there faster
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>> this was done by the biden
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administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent and i think it's just a disgrace and we'll keep fighting. we will fight until the end and we will win. >> ainsley: a fox news alert. this morning donald trump keeping up the fight as he vows to quickly appeal his conviction. so, moving forward. what does this process look like? former federal prosecutor and defense attorney andrew cracowski joins us now. thanks for come in. >> good morning. >> ainsley: he is vowing to appeal what does it look like and how will it take? >> the whole process is very lengthy. initial 30 day notice that has to be filed. in the long run it goes months and months blf another reply and then to the court for an argument. we are looking at 6 to 12 months minimum before there is any sort of real movement in terms of a decision. even arguments on this before the court. >> ainsley: have they filed that 30 days in the yet or will that happen today? >> the 30 days in the has not
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been filed today. it's 30 days from imposition of the sentence. there is opportunity to essentially ask for stay of all proceedings to include the sentencing proceeding even if they go forward to the sentencing proceeding to then stay any sentence until after the appeal. this case is particularly well-suited for a stay of any imposition of a sentence until after an appeal, given the number of issues that are there. so i would expect that. but you know, sometimes you have to expect the unexpected. >> ainsley: that will be after the election, right? >> that's right. i don't expect any sentence to be imposed before the election, but, it could. so, there is a whole process to that anels ains what do you mean by that i thought the sentencing was coming up july 11th? >> the sentencing will happen on july 11th, there are opportunities for the defense to ask for that sentencing proceeding to be stayed and delayed until after the appeal what any can then ask for
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imposition of the sentence is after the sentence completed. >> ainsley: law professor at cornell jacobson says he wouldn't be a bit surprised if the judge sentences him to prison. what would that look like. >> what a terrible injustice would be. the nightmare scenario we all have to look at is when you think of a stolen election and you think of all of the warfare that's going to come from the democrats now that he has been convicted of this. what happens because there are very legitimate grounds. we have to go back to the basics on this. what he has been convicted of is something that i think the jury got wrong. the first element, the idea that he put legal expenses in his books, that's what he is convicted of, that another person out there wouldn't have done that if they are not criminal. so people are really evaluating this and thinking about the election. they have to think how mad are they at president trump for putting this lawful payment as a legal expense as opposed to we don't know what else that should
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have been. that's the crime. that's it. >> ainsley: all right. thank you so much. great to see you. fox news alert. biden already campaigning off trump's guilty verdict but as hunter heads to his own trial. he can't avoid the harsh reality of the president's justice system for long. former clinton adviser mark penn on what it means in the race for the white house. ♪ today, at america's beverage companies,... ...our bottles might still look the same... ...but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you... we're getting bottles back...
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♪ >> steve: a fox news alert on this friday morning. this morning, both donald trump and the biden team agree on only one thing that matters, and that is the november election. well, recent polls showing trump's verdict makes no difference to a lot of voters. our next guest is a democrat who is warning his party this verdict could actually help donald trump. >> steve: democratic pollster and former clinton adviser mark penn joins us now from d.c. mark, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: on this friday morning, waking up after this conviction, a lot of the republicans are absolutely
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essentially infuriated and now they are -- the one thing that actually -- nothing is going to stop them between now and november. >> well, i think that's what this verdict has done. it's like a lightning bolt, you know, into american politics in the sense that it's more likely awaken the republican electorate than do anything for the democratic electorate which already didn't like donald trump. i mean for the 40% that didn't like trump and energized against him, i don't think it does much for the republican electorate i think you see a wave of money and support all closing in because, look, does it make sense to convict someone of 37 felonies over a personal incident that happened in 2006 that was supposed to control the election in 2016? it obviously doesn't make sense. >> steve: yeah, it certainly does ignite the republican base. but it's curious that you say it doesn't really unite the
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democrats because, as you say, they don't like him to start with. what about the independents? >> i think the independents don't like the circus of the trials. i think the independents are concerned about inflation, immigration, crime, abortion, some climate change. they care about the issues. they are going to vote on what makes their lives better or worse. and they are -- and while the bases are energized by this kind of stuff, i think that really the centered is going to vote on the issues. >> steve: all right. the biden team posted to x, formerly twitter, there is only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box. donate to our campaign today. that is one thing they are united on. they are both raising money through the roof. both sides. >> well, look, i think the ballot is the place to let the voters decide, not the jurors not the criminal justice system. i have always been against
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criminalization in politics. if i were the biden camp, i wouldn't say a word about this. i would let donald trump fight the justice system. the more the biden camp politicized it, the more it boomerangs. >> steve: in fact, it was ian sam's, who is one of the special counsels to the president yesterday said we respect the rule of law and we will have nothing else to say about it. however, mark, on monday, the hunter biden trial starts in delaware. what's your observation about that? how is that going to impact voters? >> well, as much as hunter biden goes around saying he is innocent, is he one of the most disliked people in america. with almost a 3-1 negative rating. look, i don't think this trial is going to have a big impact on politics. i think it probably will effect the president personally more than anything else. they have carefully crafted this trial to be a gun charge which president biden obviously had nothing to do with. so, consequently i think it's another side show here and americans will just continue to
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get dispirited that everything is about putting everybody in jail instead of making their lives better. >> steve: yep. exit question. i know the election is not for a couple -- 100 and and a half days. if the election were held today, mark, who would win? >> well, i know if the election were held yesterday, trump would definitely have had and he was winning across all the swing states and the biden camp had just kind of challenged him into a debate. i think to try to be a game changer. how this is going to change things, i don't think it's going to change things, but we have never actually been here before. we don't know what this week or two will look like, donald trump will get to play victim and try to fight back strongly. no question before this verdict he was ahead on all counts on job approval, on personal favorable on the key issues. will this derail his campaign or take him down? so far, none of these legal things have. looks unlikely that it will.
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but, you know, going to have to see what the voters say. >> steve: as we say in tv stay tuned. mark penn, thank you very much for joining us, sir. >> thank you. >> steve: all right. 20 minutes before the top of the hour, carley joins us with news. >> carley: i certainly do steve. turning to your headlines, supreme court chief justice john roberts has declined an invitation to meet with democratic senators to discuss the upside down american flag that hung outside justice samuel alito's virginia home in 2021. this comes a day after alito said he would not recuse himself from the presidential immunity case or cases related to januar. an appeal to heaven flag was like this one was also flown last summer outside of alito's vacation home. alito who insists his wife put up the flag said quote i had nothing whatsoever to do with the flying of that flag. i was not even aware of the upside down flag until it was called to my attention. the kansas city chiefs are headed to the white house this morning to celebrate their super
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bowl win. the celebration comes just a few weeks after kicker harrison butker's viral commencement speech where he criticized the president for being pro-choice. no word yet on if butker will be in attendance. but, a little slice of extra intrigue there, steve. >> steve: no kidding. what about taylor swift she might show up. >> carley: that would really shake things up as she says. >> steve: indeed. thanks, carley. michael cohen celebrating yesterday's verdict in the trump trial. listen to this. >> accountability. it's exactly what america needs right now. >> steve: do you know what america needs right now senator ttom cotton. he has some thoughts on mr. cohen. stick around. stick around. ♪ g ca and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition
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>> 34 counts, one after the other after the other after the other of guilty. it's accountability. it's exactly what america needs right now. we need for accountability to be had by all those that break the law because as we like to continuously state no one is above the law. and today's verdict it demonstrates that. >> brian: what a legal genius. disgraced extrump attorney michael cohen who admitted to lying under oath several times
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celebrating and by the way stealing from the trump organization celebrating his former boss' conviction. senator tom cotton joins us now. your reaction to the verdict and what michael cohen's assessment was. >> brian, yesterday was sad day for america. you had a partisan witch-hunt in new york with the prosecutor who had campaigned on getting trump for any charge who literally was a biden donor, he rigged every ruling against president trump. the democrats rushed this case to trial because he knew it was the only trial that would happen before the election. but i think president trump put it well. the real verdict is going to come on november 5th from the american people and they are going to base that verdict on run away inflation and our wide open border that has had 15 million illegals cross it or the war a and chaos joe biden
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has helped unleash around the world. those are the reasons why joe biden and the democrats rushed this case to trial because they know they know spi president bin is a weak failed leader and they can hope to only interfere president trump. merge people see through it. >> brian: law degree as well as fighting the infantry, sitting city and former congressman. you have great experience. there is two big dates coming up. there is going to be the end of june debate and then you got the july 11th sentencing. first off, will you be helping the former president get ready for his debate with joe biden? >> he will with i will help president trump and the campaign in any way they ask, if any way i can, just like i will help productions win the congress. the way we help solve the american people's problems and repair the damage joe biden has inflicted on the country is elect donald trump to a second
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term and elect republicans to the conditioning. regarding the date it's another example of the election interference you are seeing from the democrats in this case. they rush this partisan witch-hunt to trial because they knew none of the other cases against president trump equal flawed would get to trial before the election and now they are going to have a sentencing hearing four days before we begin the republican national convention and president trump accepts the nomination. once again, this partisan judge who is literally a joe biden donor is rigging the process to try to help elect joe biden. but, again, the american people see straight through it. >> brian: senator, you get a call, the george floyd riots are raging how would you handle it you? said send in the troops. by the way the current president says it was peaceful the george floyd riots, i don't know what country he was in at the time. and you wrote this op-ed. did you have any idea the ripple effects it caused because now nellie bolts got this brand new book out and it's a best seller. she was at the "new york times" along with bari weiss at the
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"new york times." both left. when she was told to condemn the editors that allowed you to write this horrible op-ed about using your thing called your opinion. and here's an excerpt from that book. i was going to tweet the tweet we all had to tweet that day. that was really the final moment for me and the moment within the paper that to them was picking a side. and we all had to raise our voices together and try to get the editors fired. i wasn't willing to do it. i lost friends immediately. anyone who didn't post that was seen as very suspicious from that day on ward. and that's nellie bolts, someone who is not a republican but talked about that. what is your reaction to your editorial and the ripple effects? >> brian another example of the stalinist ache particulars uses in america like the trial in new york. i knew "new york times" readers would respond negatively to my op-ed. that's one of the reasons i published it there.
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the staff reacted negatively. what we didn't know they also tried to silence and cancel anyone at the "new york times" who didn't engage in the same kind of attacks on me. it really is like what you see with president trump in new york with this judge, for instance, imposing a gag order on him in the middle of a presidential campaign so he can't go out and campaign. you see the same thing in the "new york times." if you didn't affirmatively go out and condemn my op-ed, they tried to cancel you and get you fired. those are the kind of stalinist tactics the democratic party and joe biden has u used in weaponizing the legal system not just against president trump but against republicans and conservatives of all stripes. >> brian: nellie bowls she now tends to go more towards the middle, bari weiss more towards the middle look at bill maher more towards the middle because of the way the left has acted and yuri berliner fired. little did you know when you wrote that editorial the ripple
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effects. senator, thanks so much. i appreciate it. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: all right. meanwhile, let's go over to carley shimkus with other breaking news are can a car starting in mississippi, brian where the bond is set to $1.7 million for the teen suspect in this wild carjacking video where a mother and her child and grandchildren were were forced to run for their lives. [shouting] >> carley: police say the suspect was taken into custody on wednesday after his parents saw the viral video and turned him in. officials are still looking for the second suspect. and check this out. a storm chaser rescues a mom and dad and their two young children in texas after a massive twister completely destroyed their home. watcher. >> get in! get in the car! get in the car. >> please, god, help. >> >> open the door, get in. come
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on, guys. get in the other side. other side. other side. >> come on. >> carley: that gives you chills that storm chaser drove the family to the hospital where they were treated for some injuries. and those your headlines. now let's go outside with janice dean who is with some very special people, hi, janice. >> janice: mike love is here, co-founder of the beach boys and his son brian. hello my friends. >> hello. >> janice: i'm so excited to see and hear you guys play today. thank you for being here. >> we are excited to be at "fox & friends." >> janice: listen, i think a lot of americans would like something to drink today. >> i think you're right. >> janice: tell me about this brilliant idea. >> this is a family affair, club cocoa mow spirits. started by my wife jacqueline and son brian who was born in 1988 when kokomo went to number one. >> kokomo second best thing to happen that year. >> janice: it's brilliant.
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>> it takes a while to do it perfectly the kokomo mow hilt mow hit toe is made out of rum. >> what other flavors do we have. >> a bunch of good stuff. all these rtds. >> rtds. >> janice: ready to drink. >> 10% alcohol. this is not a seltzer. full blend craft cocktail using rum we distill at our distillery in san diego. >> janice: oh my gosh. >> how many gold medals. >> two gold medal medals we launched in 2022. these just won probably the most amazing awards we could ever hope for. double gold 97 points on the artist mall white. 95 points on the barrel finish and the peach and vanilla see a little cloudiness in it we steep the white rum and vanilla beans.
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>> janice: i love cloudy. >> no artificial color or additives. no added sugar. >> those meta metal medals are a platinum al ghum flavor not just harmony. >> janice: how can they find out more. >> go to kokomo find us at select retailers in san diego, northern california, arizona and nevada. >> janice: you know what? we have barbecue to go with this. the plaque lamores are here. i'm going to take this one and this one. over to you mclemores. >> thank you, janice, so excited to listening to the beach boys this morning. the mclemore boys have brought in some breakfast fatties this morning all from the cookbook. >> breakfast fatty, pork, ham, hash browns, eggs, all wrapped together to smoke with some bacon and actually doing a cookbook signed with barnes & noble coming up. barnes & get the cookbook. guys we have a beach setting. look at this right here.
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