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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 31, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> lawrence: there's a lot going on. the country divided right now. both sides -- i mean, if you are on the trump side and if you are a republican, we are saying we are under attack. no one has ever been able to point to me throughout this entire trial of anybody else that has been indicted and convicted. >> brian: alvin bragg said the opposite we have been doing this since 1930. >> steve: then again alvin bragg did run on going after donald trump. >> brian: do we have any proof of that. >> steve: we have a lot of video. >> ainsley: would you like me to read the statements? [laughter] >> steve: after he was elected alvin bragg's top prosecutors said this was taking too long and they quit. they actually got along to indicting him. >> lawrence: he got reinforcement from the department of justice. >> ainsley: i sued trump over 100 times for his administration's misconduct brought against the trump foundation and held him accountable. 2021 i was the chief deputy attorney general's office we sued the trump administration
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over 100 times. i know how to litigate him. 2021 he said but what i can say is you look at my record of not just white collar crime generally but specifically with donald trump and people can have confidence that i'm going to go where the facts take me. >> steve: well, of course, it all happens in deep blue new york city. you know, obviously, going in michael cohen had a lot of credibility problems. and that is why the prosecution brought in other people to support him. ultimately, apparently that is what the jury looked at. and given how essentially the judge gave the instructions to the jury, they had to consider all that stuff. and there were certain caveats but, nonetheless, you know, and the former president said the deck essentially was stacked against him and this is proof, he says. >> ainsley: look. it's new york city and our assistant lexy was working out yesterday and she was on the treadmill with all those monitors above the treadmill and she was taking a class, a
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running class. and she said the whole gym erupted into clapping and laughter when the guilty verdicts came down. and the teacher of the class even said set your treadmills to 3.2 and walk because there were 32 convictions. -- oh 3.4. i'm sorry. 3.4. >> brian: doesn't sound like a class i'm taking. >> steve: 3.4 is too much. let's go 3.2. >> lawrence: lawrence core, the celebrating of a former president being indicted when they know, when they know the way that this was carried out was partisan. and it's not just us that are saying it. it's not just republicans. it's not -- even people president, people saying that i'm not going to vote for donald trump but i feel like this is wrong. this is not the way you go after it. >> brian: there is a couple of things. one thing that the president probably going to talk about is the average donor that poured in yesterday. what about merriam adelson, sheldon adelson hero going to start a super super pac and
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started with her own $100 million for trump. how about ken ackman who came out and said he was endorsing nikki haley and then said i'm now in with trump. steve schwarzman a partner now in with trump. mitch mcconnell came out and said this case never grum have been brought. you mentioned susan collins now in support. in a way it's unifying. >> ainsley: she is not going to vote for him but she said she didn't appreciate what had happened in the courtroom. the fundraising page online completely crashed yesterday because so many people were logging on to try give donations. >> steve: indeed. so todd blanche, who is donald trump's attorney. >> lawrence: lead attorney. >> steve: obviously going to launch an appeal. and they have got really good things they want to bring up. they asked for a mistrial a couple of times. yesterday they said that michael cohen had perjured himself during the trial. todd was on last night with jesse. and jesse asked him a little bit about looked like team work at the defense table because when donald trump would listen to
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something and hear something, he would slight slide a note over and ask the team to object. and they did. and as it turns out, it was team work. they worked together. listen to this. >> he knows what he's doing. he jokingly said to us a lot. he wanted to be the litigator. he wanted to come the ones that was actually arguing because he is a smart guy and he knows what is he doing. we made every decision together. there's a lot that's happened over the past year that i think that americans should look very hard at, just the whole way this case was charged. the district attorney says that this type of case is bread and butter, that they do these cases all the time. that is not true. it's just not true. this is a case that the records of president trump's personal records, his personal checkbook from 2017, from 2017 is what he was on trial for. that does not happen all the time. that doesn't happen all the time in manhattan, that doesn't happen all the time in any jurisdiction in this country.
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and that's fine. that's fine if you want to indict somebody and go after somebody for conduct that happened in 2017. but i think where it becomes problematic for me as a lawyer is don't look me in the eye and say this is bread and butter, we do this all the time that we're treating president trump like we treat anybody else. that's not true. that's not true. >> lawrence: he said something yesterday during that i hadn't heard before if you all remember early on the president was upset about the legal strategy of saying we relied on counsel. he was saying hey, michael cohen set this up, he told me this was legal. i can do that he revealed yesterday and maybe this was reported, that the judge actually said that they couldn't use that as a defense. that he couldn't say he relied on michael cohen. he is his lawyer. he cut the checks. evidence was negotiating. you mean to tell me you can't use that as a defense that you relied on the counsel of your attorney when he admits that he
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was the attorney handling it all? i found that astonishing. one of the things they are going to bring up in appeal process. >> ainsley: how is this going to effect how you vote in november. there is a poll by pbs, npr and marist. they say 15% were more likely to vote for him in november after the conviction. 17 percent said less likely. but 67 percent said it made no difference to their vote. >> steve: just awash. >> brian: meanwhile if trump is found guilty in a new york trial are you likely to vote for him? among democrats 65 percent said no difference. republicans 64 percent said no difference. so, if trump is found guilty in this trial, are you likely to vote for him? independents said 15% more likely, 11% less likely, 74% -- you know, keep in mind the whole election was decided by 44,000 votes in the battleground states. he beat hillary clinton by 100,000 votes in the battleground states. when you see one or two percent. three percent.
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don't dismiss it. >> absolutely. it's the margins. let's bring in mike johnson the speaker of the house. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: we were talking about how, ever since the verdict, a lot of money has been coming into the trump campaign and i was just reading in punch bowl that the republican congressional committee you guys raised $300,000 last night which eclipses only the day you were elected speaker and you raised 175,000. so, obviously, you know, angry voters are motivated voters. >> they are, and there is good reason to be motivated, of course, this entire thing is absurd. i'm a lawyer. i was a litigator for 20 years. i was in court with president trump a few weeks ago to see this for myself. what happened there was outrageous. and you are right. the american people see it. this is a purely political exercise, not a legal one. and everybody knows that. they know intuitively it's wrong and they are outraged. i'm in ohio and michigan today,
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i will be in illinois tomorrow. by the end of this week, i will have been in 115 city and 29 states. i'm telling you guys something is happening out there. people see what is going on. they see that the democrats are so desperate because president trump is crushing joe biden in the polls they see the democrat party on the left so desperate to stop him that they will risk the destruction of our entire legal system to do it that is not hyperbole. we broke records on fundraising platforms we will continue to do it. set up a new website go to support that's how us as members of congress are going to stand with whim and defend this and make sure the right verdict is rendered november 5th. that's the american people's verdict. >> lawrence: mr. speaker, if i could get you to put your legal hat back on, not as speaker, but how does this play out? i mean you got the former president. is he going to appeal this. do you think this is going to happen before the election? most analysts say it's not. do you think that the supreme
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court has a duty to step in since this will impact, you know, the election? i know we want to act like he is just a normal guy. but he is the leading presidential candidate, the voters should know what's going to happen here. what do you see playing out in the legal system? >> well, there is a lot of developments yet to come. but i do think -- i do believe the supreme court should step, in obviously. this is totally unprecedented. and it's dangerous to our system. we have all discussed this before and you all talk about it all the time. this is diminishing the american people's faith in our system of justice itself. and to maintain a republic, you have to have that. people have to believe that justice is fair, that there is equal justice under law. they don't see that right now. and i think that the justices on the court, i know many of them personally, i think they are deeply concerned about that as we are. so, i think they will set this straight, but, it's going to take a while. you are right. the process takes a while to play out. the democrats know that, of course. and they are dragging it out. that was the whole objective. they want to try to bankrupt
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donald trump. they want to diminish his credibility. and go after his character. they wanted to keep him off the campaign trail, which they were successful in doing for many weeks. now they want to call him the convicted felon. this will be overturned, guys. there is no question about it. it's going to take some time to do it. >> brian: right. go ahead. >> ainsley: thanks, brian. in the meantime the sentencing date is july 11th after the first debate. the two candidates will debate. then there is going to be the sentencing debate. how is that going to effect the rnc? what if there is home confinement. does the convention still happen? does he zoom in on the screen? how does he campaign if he goes to prison? what does that look like? will he be in prison with secret service on election day? >> we're in unchartered waters, right? no there is no prediction against him being elected president even if he is confined somewhere. but i certainly hope that doesn't happen. you know, there is lots of discussion. we talked about it all last night there will be more discussion today about how we might adjust things in the schedule and all of that i will tell you what will happen. i predict this will increase
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turnout on our side. he will win, decisively. he will become the next president. he was already, as i said, crushing joe biden in the polls. i think as this plays out and people get more and more frustrated about it, i think it will help us and that huge enthusiasm gap that already existed between the trump and biden campaigns will be even wider. people now see donald trump as a symbol of something. is he more than just an individual. he is a sin bowl of fighting back against this government corruption, the deep state, the bureaucracy and all the rest. and we need his leadership in the white house now more than ever. >> brian: just seeing for the last five or six weeks. everything stopped, everyone was watching because the number one story in big and small towns across the country. you wonder the other three cases, the other three indictments, will they see the light of day? no one can say for sure. but, we expect didn't the supreme court to rule on immunity. you have such a rich legal background. what should we all be looking for there? i know what you are hoping for. what are some of the rulings it could have? >> look, i do believe that the
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court needs to address that clearly. we have to set a standard here. there is a really important principle of immunity for commander-in-chief. i mean, that's always been part of our legal tradition and it makes good sense. you can't have somebody sitting in the oval office worried about some rogue prosecutor somewhere, some soros funded d.a. or some lawyer that's going to come after them for their decisions that principle needs to be made concrete and needs to be expanded. i think this court will do the right thing. because they see the abuse of the system right now. and that's the greatest peril here of all at the end of the day. this transcends donald trump. it's about whether or not the people believe in our institutions, our system of justice. there's nothing larger than that in our system. >> steve: right. and we were talking to mark penn, the very famous pollster a little while ago, mr. speaker, about how this is going to bammer rang on the democrats. but, nonetheless, even though it looks like it's going to boomerang and come back to haunt them, you know, everyday, every minute they can, the campaign is going to refer to him as donald
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trump convicted felon right until o-i right up until, you know, it's overturned on appeal if it is. >> yeah. and they will still say that after the appeal i'm sure. that's what was the whole objective of this thing. i'm telling you that the people see right through it. i have been all across the country, north, south, east, west. it doesn't matter whether i'm in a whether you state or a red state. people are disgusted by. this they see exactly what is happening. old charges, a tainted judge. i mean, think of it. in the last couple of weeks, they have been apoplectic, they want justice alito to be recused from future cases and proceedings because his wife flew a flag at their house. this judge on this case in manhattan was an open biden supporter. an open, you know, activist. a political activist and no one cared about that. the double standard is clear. everybody sees it. >> ainsley: i was watching alina last night, one of the attorneys for donald trump. she said when the judge, when the verdict was read, he had to put his hand over his mouth. and she said she suspects it's to hide a smile.
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what's your reaction? >> i wouldn't doubt it. look, i told you i was there on the ground. i saw that banana republic trial going on. these are the things that you expect in third world countries not in the united states. that should never have happened. that judge should have never presided. >> brian: andrew weissman who ran the mullen probe says he has a man crush on the judge. and he thinks that he also recommends that the president get prison because of his violations and the way he talked about the judge. your thoughts? >> it's incredible. the gag order, all of it was -- in my review an unconstitutional restriction on his free speech. set nominee, the republican nominee, one of the major political parties in the country running for president. you cannot do what they did. it should not have been allowed. none of this should have gone forward. the people see right through it. >> ainsley: can i ask one more question? i have had two already. >> lawrence: go ahead. >> ainsley: i want to know from a faith perspective, speaker johnson, what can you tell our country who is disappointed in
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this ruling and worried about the future? >> look, i was with some big crowds here in four -- three different cities yesterday in ohio. and i told them all the same thing. keep the faith. look, i'm absolutely convinced reagan used to remind us why are the last best hope of man on the earth. he was quoting lincoln in that regard. we have the best system. and even though people try to corrupted it, it is worth preserving. and i genuinely believe. >> steve: you are right. >> god is going to allow us another chance. we will be able to fix this. november 5th cannot get her soon enough. i'm bull issue will on that election cycle. i think people will return us to common sense by putting us back into authority. >> brian: we will finally find out if god is a democrat or a republican. >> ainsley: that's so wrong. >> steve: i heard independent. >> i don't think he cares about the party but he does care about the principle. >> lawrence: mr. speaker, thank you so much for joining us. also a quick programming note the former president will be addressing the nation about what just happened 11:00. so make sure to tune. in.
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>> ainsley: i'm sorry i took your last question. >> brian: i have a programming note. >> ainsley: forgive me. >> lawrence: i have forgiveness in my heart. >> brian: i have a programming note. >> lawrence: do it. >> brian: carley shimkus is to do the news. >> carley: thank you. >> brian: getting more professional. >> carley: you certainly are. i will take it away. a fox news alert. three people dead, including a police officer and the suspected gunman after a shooting at a minneapolis apartment complex. police say officer jamal mitchell was ambushed while responding to reports of gunfire. he was providing medical care to someone who he thought was injured but that man shot him. officer mitchell was just 28 years old. >> hero, a son, a father, a fiance, and an officer who was so deeply committed to protecting and serving. he would run towards danger when the rest of us would run in the other direction. >> carley: four others were shot including a firefighter and another police officer who is
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now in critical condition. the bodies of the two missionaries who were killed in haiti last week have been returned to the united states. daisy and natalie lloyd were shot and killed by gang members when they and several children were ambushed at a church. their group's mission director was also killed. the couple's remains reportedly accompanied in an american airlines jet by the u.s. ambassador to haiti, u.s. security. the virginia father who was detained in turks and caicos for having ammunition in his luggage thankfully returned home yesterday. tyler renridge who spent three weeks in jail was released after pleading guilty and paying $9,000 in fines. >> good to be back here. i'm just exhausted and i'm just happy to be back. it's been a roller coaster. i'm thankful for friends, family, representatives involved in trying to help us get back.
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>> carley: i'm sure it feels great to be in richmond, virginia. the fate of three other americans charged for the very same crime still remains unclear. today is day 11 of new jersey senator bob menendez's corruption trial and a new report is revealing that menendez has enough signatures to run as an independent and defend his senate seat. the democrat is accused of accepting gold bars and cash in exchange for his political influence. is he also charged with acting as a foreign agent for egypt. menendez and his co-defendants have pled not guilty and those are your headlines, guys. >> steve: all right. listen, i live in new jersey. i don't know if he would wins a an independent. >> carley: i think that's a very interesting side bar. >> brian: as long as people don't google him and find out what is he doing during the day. >> carley: or what is hidden underneath his bed. >> brian: honey i you will vote for that guy unless he has gold bars in his closet. unless he has been on two massive corruption investigations. >> steve: yeah, but other than that.
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>> brian: i bet. >> lawrence: two cases two trials. >> brian: it just happened. >> ainsley: i was watching him last night he was fired up, the great one. mark levin is going to join us in the next hour. >> steve: that's right. and let's see, we have 100 more minutes and a jam-packed show this morning. >> brian: wow. >> steve: beach boys along with john stamos rock the summer concert series you will only see right here on fox news. ♪ good vibration ♪ excitation ♪ good, good,
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♪ >> brian: back with a fox news alert now the biden harris campaign quickly reacted after former president trump's conviction. but, we are still waiting for official comments from the white house. meanwhile, president biden's son hunter is gearing up for to face a criminal trial on his own next week. jacqui heinrich is live at the white house. jacqui? >> jacqui: well, brian, we haven't heard anything from the president himself. the white house counsel's office said only "we respect the rule of law and we have no further comment. s about the but the biden campaign is fundraising off of this saying that trump supporters are energized by it. the biden campaign email this morning convicted felon or not trump will be the republican nominee for president, but there is one other certainty, as you read this donald trump supporters are fired up and likely setting fundraising records for his campaign. but the president's son will get his day in court next week when
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the trial begins for his federal gun case. a delaware judge threw out hunter biden's latest tempt to stop the proceedings calling it frivolous. hunter argued the government's use of congressional funds to support special counsel's investigation was unconstitutional, a bid that was also denied when his california tax fraud case earlier this year. judge noreika rejected hunter's argument he settered he is being select tialy prosecuted by a special counsel making prosecutorial decisions for political reasons and that the special counsel making those decisions is not actually independent from the attorney general, appointed by his father or the executive branch headed by his father. hunter will become the first child of a sitting president to be a criminal defendant when jury selection gets underway on monday. he faces a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison and a $750,000 fine if is he convicted on all three counts. this trial is expected to publicize embarrassing and unsavory details. the court filings reveal
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prosecutors plans to go over money that hunter allegedly spent on various women, pictures and videos of hunter smoking crack cocaine and text messages between family members, brian. >> brian: that laptop is front and center again. jacqui, thank you. look forward to see if the president says anything today. last night trump's guilty verdict the former president trump vowed to appeal. >> administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent and i think it's just a disgrace and we'll keep fighting. we'll fight until the end and we'll win. >> brian: so what about that appeal? bring in former deputy assistant attorney general tom dupree. yesterday todd blanche said he predicted one of the first things he will appeal is judge merchan's decision to deny a motion to recuse himself because of what his daughter is doing, what his wife was doing, and who he donated for. is that a good place to start on
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appeal? >> you know, i think the trump team has got a bunch of options. i suspect that will be their lead argument on appeal. that's the theme that they have been sounding from the beginning of this case that this judge had no business presiding over this trial. that said, i think there are other arguments and some that might resonate more with the appeals court. for example, they could challenge the judge's decision to admit evidence. you will remember that succeeded in harvey weinstein's challenge in new york to his criminal conviction. they could also do things like target the jury instructions. but the thing is they will have the luxury of several months to prepare their appeal and figure out what their best arguments are and put them in the right order. >> brian: what does the timing look like there? >> my guess is we are talking months. typically appeals can stretch over months sometimes even years. although it's possible to expedite appeals and i suspect if trump wanted this appeal expedited it would be. he is no under no requirement to. my best prediction here is we are talking several months at least before this appeal guess going. >> brian: here is what todd blanche said last night about the upcoming cases, plural.
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>> we're going to fight -- wake up tomorrow and fight. next week my team and i are going to florida because we have another case that we have to fight in florida. >> steve: right. >> that's what we're going to do go in there and go into a scif and fight that case, too. we are doing that because he gives us the energy and we're doing it to hopefully, you know, to help him. >> brian: is he going to continue to fight. obviously, there is no fracture there at all between them. mutual respect so far judging by his comments. let's look at the sentences, tom. you know this judge. you know how he profiles and how he treated the defense as opposed to prosecution. you know what the president has been saying about him. he will decide the sentence. what do you expect. >> brian, my next guest he is not going to sentence former president trump to prison time. i don't see incarceration in the cards here. my best bet is that the judge goes with a sentence of probation, possibly accompanied by answer too. if he wanted to impose some sort of incarceration-based sentence, maybe he would consider home confinement or something along those lines but the idea of
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sending former president trump to prison in my mind at least, i don't see that as a likely scenario at all. >> brian: someone speculated too, tom, that he could say weekends. go prison on weekends. is that possible? >> right. look, it's possible, yes. again, i don't really see it happening. and frankly, i think some of this will also be determined by, a, what sort of sentence the d.a. seeks and, b, what sort of sentence the probation officer recommends. when judges make sentencing decisions they consider input from a variety of sources. look, it's very possible that the probation officer will suggest something very, very different than what the d.a. is likely to suggest. >> brian: did the jury do a good job here by the instructions they were given? >> you know, that is one of the great mysteries peculiar aspect of this very peculiar case as you know under new york law jury instructions don't get sent into the jury to deliberate. we saw this jury clearly had some difficulty grappling with the law it was supposed to apply, when they were sent to deliberate one of the first
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things they did was come back and ask the judge to read those darn jury instructions again. these jury instructions lasted an hour. it's very difficult for even a talented lawyer to understand them. let alone a jury filled with lay persons. >> brian: like yourself. real quick, the immunity case to the supreme court could come down any day rapid fire. let's just go through them. what do you think? >> i think that the supreme court is going to pay close attention to what happened here in new york because i think it illustrates the consequences of allowing for broad or narrow immunity. it shows what happens when you prosecute a former president. >> brian: the hyper space how you see it? >> absolutely, hyper, hyper, hyper space. that case ain't moving anywhere soon anywhere. >> brian: january 6th case? >> that case will get going again once the supreme court rules. i think the supreme court is going to give the district court some more work to do before that case can get started again. i don't see that case going to trial before the election. >> brian: lastly, on the document case, aileen cannon says no, there will be no gag order. that does not look like anything before the fall.
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and if it gets close to election day, what's the cut off day that they would start a case? >> i can't imagine any case going any point in the late fall, meaning september or later. to my mind, that's got to be the cut off here. i mean, there is a presidential campaign that's got to be run. >> brian: tom dupree, thank you. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: come on on one nation examine this saturday night. hugh houthi and kellyanne conway. more from charlamagne tha god, chris rufo what went on columbia and sit-ins and protests should have been predicted from people who looked at that faculty. they will be joining us live. please join us then 9:00 on saturday. meanwhile on this show, the trump team says supporters have been flooding their website with donations as the team continues to make in roads with undecided and minority voters. jack brewer on that, next. ♪
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♪ >> lawrence: fox news alert. former president trump not backing down as he gets ready to address his supporters at 11:00 a.m. this morning after last night's unprecedented guilty verdict. todd piro is live outside trump tower where the president is set to speak later today. todd? >> todd: hey, lawrence, good morning to you. like you said the president going to speak right behind me here at 11:00 a.m. eastern following yesterday's verdict that found him guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records. a trial, lawrence, that cost the taxpayers of this very city upwards of $2 million. but, as we have pointed out all morning long, trump and his lawyers are not backing down. and are focusing on their next steps. the former president telling fox news digital, quote: we have to think about how something like this could have happened to our country. november 5th will be the most important day in the history of
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our country. we'll be fighting hard. the president later added this. >> this was done by the biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent and i think it's just a disgrace and we'll keep fighting. we will fight until the end and we will win because our country has gone to hell and we will fight for our constitution. this is long from over. >> todd: judge merchan set trump's sentencing date for jule start of the republican national convention in milwaukee. former president facing up to four years in prison per charge. but, clearly, the fight for trump is far from over. we expect to learn a lot more about his plan of attack coming up less than four hours from right now right behind me here at trump tower. lawrence, back to you. >> lawrence: going to be watching it, todd, thank you. trump donors fired up this morning. the campaign website now back up and running after a rush of donations caused a crash moments
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after the verdict. so moving forward, will this only motivate more voters towards trump? brewer group ceo jack brewer joins us now. jack, thanks so much for joining us, brother. i want to play this sound from r.f.k. because i think he goes to the heart of the matter. sure, this is wrong. but, will it backfire on the democrats? this is what he had to say, watch. >> conviction is going to backfire on the democrats. i think every time that president trump has been indicted that his -- his approval ratings actually increase, his popularity increases. i think the democrats feel like they have the dnc feels like it has a candidate that cannot win fair and square in the polls. and so they have to win in the courts. they have to win by clearing the deck and getting their other opponents out of the race. >> lawrence: what say you, jack? >> i couldn't agree more. i mean, everyone is energized.
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i know i'm energized now. president trump just joined 19 million americans who have felonies, right? we got 2.3 million americans in prison. so most families across america have been impacted by the criminal justice system. and i think that's why president trump is starting to appeal so much with voters across america because you're getting a first-hand look at what can happen inside of a courtroom with so many families ripped apart around the united states of america at the hands of judges and juries that are in a way corrupt and not just. and so i think it speaks right to so many families across america. >> lawrence: you know, i'm just fascinated by the democrats because they are supposed to be the criminal justice reformers. they are the ones supposed to be letting people out. yet, they spent so much time on the former president. is he going to be speaking today at 11:00. he has to give a message to the american people. he has to calm people. but he also has to fight.
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so, what do you want to hear from former president trump? >> i want to hear a spiritual message, lawrence. you know, there is so many great men, particularly those that wrote the bible that were writing from prison and jail. this is the time where you can speak to the man that's forgotten, the woman that's forgotten. you can talk into those families. i hope he addresses the impact that the criminal justice system has had on families across our nation that's created a fatherless crisis that we talk about so much, lawrence. there is so many things that he can do right now that are positive. i think god is going to turn this into a victorious situation for him and his family and hopefully he even has a renewing of his mind and just starts to declare the goodness of god. i think that's what president trump should do right now. we are praying for him as a community. and i know the american people right now, if you don't support donald trump, you at least realize what persecution looks
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like. and you realize what our government and with some local governments are capable of. i think this is a wake-up call for this nation. but, at the same time, it can be a unifying one as well. >> lawrence: such a good point, too. whether you support him or not, at least acknowledge that this is not right. jack brewer, thanks, brother. >> thank you, god bless you lawrence. >> lawrence: you got it, brother. so trump vowing to appeal but key end up having to pardon himself? we will ask jonathan turley, next. ♪
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♪ >> ainsley: a fox news alert. the big question this morning after last night's verdict if donald trump is sentenced to jail what will that mean for his white house run? >> steve: no kidding. a fox news contributor and law professor jonathan turley joins us right now. jonathan, good morning to you. >> thank you. >> steve: so sentencing is going to be 7/11, the 11th day of july. it seems like conventional wisdom he would not wind up with jail time but that's still an option. what if the judge throws the book at him? >> well, after how this judge ruled, i wouldn't be surprised by anything. but that would be a whole new level of abuse in this case. it would be, in my view, unthinkable, and i'm a criminal
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defense attorney. i would be floored if a manhattan judge sentenced an elderly first offender nonviolent case to jail. it would just be absurd. but there's a lot of absurd moments in this trial. i think the most appropriate thing would be a conditional discharge, which basically says, you know, go out there but don't commit another crime. is he going to be under probation. so he is going to have to do a probation interview. that itself is going to create some logistics because normally a defendant, once you are in that probationary process leading to the sentencing, you need to get approval for every trip out of town. well how are you going to do that with a guy running for president? i'm still hoping that merchan shows a modicum of restraint here and says this is -- the leading presidential candidate. let's create a system here that's work being. he is likely to face fines, that's at a minimum.
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i would bet against jail. there is other options. you know, you could have home confinement. you could have weekend confinement. you could even have community service. but, at some point, merchan would make his court a mockery if he goes in some of those directions. >> lawrence: so, jonathan, i have been watching your analysis the entire time. great analysis by the way. and you have been critical every step of the way of whether it was the way they prosecuted the case. the judge's behavior, but then you still say i have faith in the system. this is the system that can work. why do you still have confidence in the system after you have -- i mean every step of the way have shown where it's kind of been unfair, straight up unfair to donald trump? >> i can understand why people are angry. >> lawrence: yeah. >> these are the moments where your faith is tested. and it requires a leap of faith. this country is a nation committed to the rule of law. we have made mistakes. this isn't the first mistake.
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but, manhattan is not the entirety of our legal system. and this island is not the entirety of this country. this will be corrected a in the time of the election? no justice is slow. there are layers of reversible error here. listing them we would run out of time but it will take time. work through the state system and then the federal system. i think it's unlikely that the supreme court would intervene because just just rejected an expedited schedule for smith, the special counsel. so, so i think they would likely just say go through that system. >> ainsley: what legal precedent does this set for our country? >> it's not good. but, obviously, in my view. you know, sitting in that courtroom you really did have a sense of the weight of history. it was dead silent. the pressure was, you could see it on everyone's face, even the
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reporters, the only one that didn't seem to register it was donald trump some descrefts that look of i'm going to jail. he had that look of "i'm going to dinner." i was amazed because i have sat next to defendants in court and he -- it did not look like that ekg moved at all. there was a sense of history being made what was that history. obviously we made history in convicting the first time a president. there is also history for a lot of people criminal justice system since we haven't seen since john adam. it may have transformative effect. sometimes great legal reforms and positive things come from mistakes and abuses. one positive thing here could be that it would galvanize the country to say regardless of how you feel about donald trump,
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this is wrong. it's wrong on the law. it's wrong to use the criminal justice system in this way. i got a feeling that you saw that. now, coming out of the courthouse you don't see that because it was a circus. you know, you know, i have written on what i call the age of rage. it always still shock niece see it because rage is addictive and containing just. you saw that outside the courthouse. most americans, i think, are going to be more circumspect. >> ainsley: tell the story of what happened you heard the news and all the reporters are racing -- >> yeah, 300 people get up to run out to the cameras and one officer says now please walk and don't run. i said that may be the most ignored piece of advice. >> brian: right. >> because thought end of the day back to deliberations today. i'm sorry, there is a note here. we have a verdict. >> it was crazy when the judge came and said we are done for the day and then came back and said oops, we have a verdict. >> ainsley: did you a great job. you were there all day.
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>> brian: one down, three to go. [laughter] >> steve: thank you, sir. >> thanks. >> ainsley: we have some serious weather today. check in with our senior meteorologist janice dean for the fox weather forecast. >> janice: beautiful day for the beach boys. talk about severe weather because it's happening in texas. we have a couple of severe thunderstorm warnings. this was last night, by the way, overnight. texas, parts of oklahoma, we had hail, close 3 inches in colorado. this was a big system that moved through. and houston, you are on alert, severe thunderstorm warnings for your area. heavy rain in the forecast, that could cause flash flooding. i am really concerned because this area has been hit hard really for the last couple of weeks. severe thunderstorm watch meaning the conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms and the flood alerts as well. we will keep you up to date on that fox are you guys excited about the beach boys? [cheers] >> janice: oh my gosh, our summer concert series is happening. the weather by the way here in new york city is perfect. all right, mclemores what have you got for me on the grill? >> hi miss janice we always love
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you so much. we are cooking up this morning for the mclemore boys breakfast fatties find the book at barnes & or all of their stores across the country. this is what a fatty is all about. >> our breakfast -- couldn't do it without our wonder bread shirts. pork sausage, eggs, hash browns, ham, bacon, cheese, all smoked into a little goodness and we got a little english muffin sandwich. we will be starting off the crowd here who is excited for beach boys and john stamos? woo! guys, we got all the food. we will be here every week. love you guys. thank you all for having us. ♪ all summer long ♪ all summer long ♪ been with me ♪ i can't see enough for me, cosentyx works on both. of and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain,
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oh no. running low? with chewy, always keep their bowl full. save 35% on your first autoship order. get the food they love. delivered again and again. (♪) [thud] >> fox news alert. former president trump not backing down, he gets ready to address supporters at 11 a.m. eastern. >> carley: todd piro is live outside trump tower where president trump will speak in three hours from now. hi, todd. >> todd: expecting and


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