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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 31, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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it's interesting because there really is no precedence for him to do so given the lack of criminal history and the nature of the individual. no risk of flight or danger to the community. the low level of this type of felony. it would be any other judge, i think, would laugh at the prospect of putting him in jail. i think we have a different instance here with this judge and it very well may be that donald trump is convicted -- has been convicted and sentenced on july 11th and placed in jail. loses the ability to vote for himself in the election. loses the second amendment rights and has to deal with what many americans have dealt with when they touch the criminal justice system. >> bret: we heard mark levin lay out the u.s. supreme court path that possibly due process and
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dealing with the election could somehow provide a writ for the justices to get involved. if you talk to legal experts it seems a narrow path, but is there a path? >> yeah, bret, there is certainly a path. the supreme court has stepped in in other criminal cases primarily when the death penalty is at issue and has stayed, you know, the proceedings. but it is not unprecedented. you have bush versus gore and ibm. several cases the supreme court has indicated they will put a freeze and hold on it to see if there are constitutional violations that are significant. >> dana: brett tollman, thank you. fox news alert because right now we're waiting to hear from former president trump. he is scheduled to speak at a news conference this morning at trump tower just a little -- 59 minutes from now. that is just one day after he
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was found guilty on all 34 felony counts in his new york criminal trial. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. bill hemmer is off today. hi to you, bret. >> bret: good morning. yesterday's verdict is one for the history books. history in the making as we saw it develop. the former president is now the first former president of the united states to ever be convicted in a criminal trial. the "new york post" blasting the entire proceedings denouncing trump's prosecution and conviction as a political hit job. trump campaign warning president biden and democrats to buckle up now that trump is free to hit the campaign trail seeking to win back the white house. rnc michael whatley telling us earlier americans will see through this case as another example of democrat law fare. >> people knew this was a show trial. people knew it was politically biased trial. the american support for the president is grounded in the fact that he is waking up this
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morning ready to fight for the american people just like he wakes up every morning ready to fight. >> dana: fox team coverage. shannon bream, jonathan turley, kerri urbahn and lydia hu starting us off live at trump tower. good morning. >> good morning, dana and bret. i'm standing in the lobby of trump tower. we're among many press packed in here waiting to hear the remarks from the former president on the heels of that historic guilty verdict. we expect the comments to start around 11:00 a.m. in just under an hour. already the former president has told fox news digital he plans to fight this verdict. they will appeal. he also told fox news digital this verdict is a stain on the new york judicial system. now today's remarks are a campaign event for trump so perhaps we could hear more from trump speaking to his supporters motivating them to support him in this election. that comes as we are learning just moments ago from the trump
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campaign that since 6:00 p.m. last night the trump campaign has raised $34.9 million just on the heels of this verdict. whatever trump says today here at trump tower, he is saying it while he remains under judge juan merchan's gag order. of course, we know that prohibits certain comments from him including comments about witnesses in the trial like michael cohen. that gag order will remain in place until the judge lifts or revises it. defense attorneys could request that. as of our last check this morning none of that has happened. so we'll see just how far trump will push his remarks when he speaks here in an hour's time. a $10,000 fine on trump and threatened jail time if there were further violations. we're watching for that. we'll send it back to you. >> bret: now for a look at the legal and political fallout. let's bring in our panel shannon
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bream, chief legal correspondent. law professor jonathan turley and fox news legal editor kerry urbahn. thank you for being here. you've done an amazing job in front of the courthouse and covering all of this. the wall street editorial board took a specific line. a guilty verdict for trump and its consequences for the country. district attorney alvin bragg inaugurates a knew and destabilizing era of american politics. alvin bragg from yesterday. >> i did my job. our job is to follow the facts and the law without fear or favor. that's exactly what we did here. i did my job, we did our job. many voices out there. the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury and the jury has spoken. >> bret: shannon, your thoughts on all that. >> again, if he says he did his job people will harken back to what he said when he was
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campaigning. similar language from james the a.g. saying they would go after president trump. a lot of people think that's the job alvin bragg is talking about. there were people we talked from the beginning who thought this was one of the weakest cases, that was coming from people across the legal and political spectrum. what happened and all been talking about over the weeks and months of this trial is that a judge has enormous power the way they rule on different objections and put together jury instructions and all talked endlessly about the fact the defendant was unable to defend against the underlying crime. they didn't hear what it was until the jury got the instructions. so i think there is a lot of fertile ground for them on appeal and they will mine it. >> dana: can you still brag about doing your job if you are overturned on appeal? >> in some strange way i expect the answer is yes because this trial is playing to two countries, right? we're divided. and it fulfilled the narrative
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of both sides. for trump critics this was the long-awaited guilty verdict and was justly handed down. for trump supporters, this is proof of the weaponization of the legal system. either way history was made in that room and you could feel the weight of it. i was watching in the courtroom there was a solemnity and a weight to the moment. the question is what history was made? obviously a president was convicted. but i also got the feeling that this was a rallying point, a moment that might galvanize the country. i believe it was the weaponization of the criminal system and something in our dna as americans that resists that. we aren't used to it. and i do think that this may be a turning point for many americans, many who may not like trump who feel we've gone too
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far and lost our moorings in the constitution. >> bret: bragg also brought up the 1930s and then district attorney thomas duey and he said ushering in an era of modern independent professional prosecutor to say this is what was meant to do all the way from back then to now and what his office does. what about that? >> well, i immediately thought of a famous speech given by former attorney general robert jackson december 1, 1940. he warned federal prosecutors about the power that they have and the abuse that they can wreak really if they are not careful to distance themselves from politics. and yet everything we saw about this trial screamed politics. in fact, robert jackson talked about how the prosecutor has more power over someone's life, liberty and reputation than anyone else in america and must take that very seriously. i think that was what was most troubling to me not just as a lawyer or someone talking
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politics but as an american citizen. i think where that really -- where you can really see that is the verdict form. trump should have been given a special verdict form. now as we know he is a convicted felon. the problem is he doesn't know how those misdemeanor business charges were converted to felonies because it is not on the form. if you look at the form, you just see falsification of business records 34 times. you don't know what the underlying crime is. so he doesn't even know why he is a convicted felon. it is nowhere to be found. we don't know where the jury landed on the underlying crimes we found out about on the last day. how is that fair? >> dana: incredible. i wanted to ask you this. another case yesterday in the supreme court deals with new york state and national rifle association and first amendment. you have had the left saying you must respect the manhattan district attorney. for the last two weeks they've been trashing the u.s. supreme court trying to get two of the justices to recuse themselves in
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a case for ridiculous reasons and now you have them angry about what they decided yesterday. here is sotomayor yesterday and what she said. the first amendment prohibits government officials from drilleding their power to punish or suspect speech through private intermediaries. there was unanimous decision in the supreme court yesterday to support the nra. what happened here? >> we get these press releases either from the white house, democrats saying hey, the supreme court did a right thing today on xyz question. the next week they don't like it and we emails time to make people recuse. this was a 9-0 decision that found there was a new york state official who pressured entities that her agency regulated to stop doing business with the nra. there is a potential case here, the nra can pursue this because we agree with one voice that
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government entities cannot pressure private third parties to silence a position the government may not agree with here what the nra does. it gives the nra a new lease on life. there are 9-0 decisions on the court. everybody agreed this was an issue. >> dana: thank you, panel. we would love to have you for the whole hour. we have other news. >> bret: all right. we're awaiting, dana, president biden leaving rehoboth beach, delaware. you are looking at dover air force base in dover, delaware. he could react to the trump verdict for the first time on camera. we saw a campaign release statement but as you look at air force one there, he will take air force one back to andrews and then get back to the white house today but we're watching closely to see if he stops in front of the cameras to make a statement about this.
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>> we'll talk about the rather astonishing fact that right before the hunter biden trial, joe biden decided a little witness tampering is a good way to start that trial. >> dana: there is another historic trial about to get underway. jury selection is hunter biden's gun case begins monday. that's next. there is also this. >> this conviction will backfire on the democrats. i think every time that president trump has been indicted, that his approval ratings actually increase, his popularity increases. >> bret: 2024 race entering unchart evidence waters after former president trump is convicted. but he warns the real verdict will come on november 5th, election day. >> dana: microphones are in place at trump tower as we're less than an hour away from hearing from donald trump himself. we'll bring you the former president's remarks as soon as they start. >> the real verdict will be
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>> bret: president biden boarding air force one at dover air force base getting out of the motorcade did not come to the cameras to make a statement about this trial. you see him boarding. he will take air force one from dover air force base to andrews on his way back. they are yelling questions but he does not stop. it's about a 20-minute flight there. yesterday the campaign put out a statement saying in other words there is still only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office, at the ballot box, felon or not. he is on his way to washington,
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d.c. also on that flight just boarded on the back side hunter biden, the president's son. speaking of which, as one historic trial ends, another one is about to begin. jury selection in hunter biden's delaware trial is set for monday. the first son is accused of lying about his drug use while buying a gun back in 2018. he will be the first child of a sitting president to be a criminal defendant. let's go live now to david spunt with the latest on this. good morning, david. >> hunter's life will change monday when jury selection does kick off in his federal trial. three felony charges. we know some of the evidence that will be presented. special counsel david weiss will introduce part of his laptop. the lawyers fought vigorously to exclude it. this is the same laptop in october of 2020, 50 former
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intelligence officials said it had the possible classic earmarks of possible russian disinformation. it wasn't disinformation. david weiss in a brief special said the defendant's laptop is real and introduced as a trial exhibit and it contains significant evidence of the defendant's guilt. the evidence on his laptop is corroborated by independent sources. hunter was in court a week ago today a final hearing. he is charged with three counts of lying on the gun form claiming he was not a drug user. abbe lowell said hunter did not check no to being a drug user. it needs to be examined if other people tampered with the form. it appears hunter biden signed the form. special counsel is confident hunter biden is the one who checked the box. they can't mention hunter's indictment in a tax case in
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california or can't mention his child support case in arkansas or discharge from the navy. the judge you see there was the same judge who tore up the plea deal last summer that would have helped hunter biden avoid prison time. also possible we'll be watching this weekend, even today for a plea deal. both sides are ready to go on monday it seems. this will likely take probably two weeks, bret, for this trial. >> bret: we'll be watching it. thank you. >> bret: i feel like today was a victory at least a minor victory for the rule of law and also for democratic politics. >> mr. steinglass, i think, some of you probably saw him speak for a little bit the other day. so he has done his job, as has this team. >> dana: as democrats relish in
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a new york' guilty verdict of trump. both the biden and trump campaigns are capitalizing on trump's felony conviction. trump says the american people will decide the real verdict election day. they raised millions of dollars after the verdict yesterday. i mentioned to michael whatley the rnc chair maybe alvin bragg did something for him yesterday he was working on doing. trying to unite the entire republican party to get behind president trump. the eye-popping number was the biggest small dollar donation day ever. >> a massive number. to your point about unity strong statements from people like susan collins in maine, there are a lot of people on the center right, not just hard core maga folks, who believe this is a legal travesty and a fire has been lit under, of course, trump supporters but really the republican party generally. i think democrats understandably are celebrating.
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a lot of them have fantasized about a moment like this. guilty verdicts in the courtroom with donald trump sitting there. how this plays out, though, in terms of public opinion in the coming weeks and months i'm not confident and skeptical of anyone who offers like rock solid i know what is going to happen. i'm not so sure. it could help trump or hurt trump. we could say a change in the trajectory briefly or reversion or steady as she goes as it has been for months. we'll have to wait and see. >> bret: richard, going back to 34.8 million from 6:00 p.m. to midnight for fundraising and the campaign senior advisors say 29.7% of yesterday's donors were brand-new donors. do you think democrats are worried about what this is going to do as far as firing up even not just the base but other people that maybe think this is the wrong answer? >> a couple of points here, one
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i agree with guy there is no telling what it can mean. anybody saying they can predict it. time will be the only predictor here. i take umbrage saying democrats are celebrating. i have to tell you it was a sad day for the american people yesterday that we have come to this point in our country where this is what's happening. whether or not you agree with trump's innocence or guilt, a jury of 12 manhattan citizens, residents, remember in 2016 when trump voted he voted in manhattan. a group of peers said he was guilty of 34 counts. that's problematic and sad day for america period. >> dana: let me say one thing. one of the reasons rfk junior has appeal for some people looking for an option not trump or biden. he was on jesse watters prime time last night. watch. >> you know what i would say to people in the democratic is even
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if you won this way, you know, what will it do to our country if half the people in this country have the anger and the rage and feel like the person, their champion that is a candidate they want to vote for has been taken off the table? >> dana: any thoughts on that, guy? >> dana, i was talking about this with yourself and bill on the show the other day before the verdict came down. i think it is very concerning because i think the legal situation around this trial is a joke. i think most americans view it that way. and i understand some people disagree but looking forward, if trump now loses a close election and a lot of people attribute this and the drumbeat of convicted felon for five months to that you will have a ton of people losing even more faith in our system. si if trump wins despite being
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convicted felon he will have a ton of people on the other side worrying how can my fellow citizens do this? how can they elect a man who has been convicted? it was really bad for the country across the board and there will be a large swath of people who have -- have their faith shaken in the system further regardless of what happens and depending on the outcome. >> bret: last thing quickly. senior house gop aide to "politico" saying people just think it is all b.s. folks will listen to the polling but i think trump has a million warts. they are already baked in. january 6th was 100 times this. no one needs another character flaw to oppose him. when it comes to who will make you better off, this changes none of that. >> to some extent they're right. at the end of the day the top issues for the american people are the economy, housing, gun violence, issues that aren't impacted by this legal proceeding whatsoever.
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so when people are going to vote they aren't going to vote yes or no because of a convicted felon but on kitchen table issues. where guy makes a point our system was shaken yesterday, 50% of the country love this, 50% didn't. a little bit of posturing there. we don't know the exact numbers on that but it speaks to where we are as a country and why i think anybody making these arguments that this judge is corrupt and this judge is connected to joe biden, those arguments to me seem to be morally bankrupt. you don't have enough evidence to say that indeed this judge was corrupt. this was our justice system working its way out whether you like the jury verdict or not. this is what our system does and is. that's why there is an appeals process, which we know the trump team will mine to find out how they can get out of this. before -- i think it's important we pump the brakes on accusing joe biden of getting the president indicted when there is no evidence of that. >> the judge did donate to him. >> it was $35. i have a $35 trump tie in my
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closet. >> dana: if you are a judge you are making a point. we don't donate as journalists. >> the whole system is corrupt. that's wrong to say that. >> dana: we'll hear you, guy, on your radio show. >> good to see you. >> i think right now it is time to stop playing defense and play offense. saying it from the beginning. i try to drop impeachment articles against joe biden for his abuse of power, we need to do our job and we need to be able to step up and get accountability. >> bret: cory mills there. republicans vowing to fight bank after their nominee for the white house is convicted an 34 felony counts. we'll hear from former president trump in just a few minutes. first we'll talk with senator josh hawley, why he says the trial was one of the most dangerous abuses of our political process plus summer
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>> bret: looking live at trump tower again we're closing in at 11:00 a.m. eastern time on a news conference from the former president. he is expected to make a statement and then take questions from reporters there gathered there, our own bryan llenas there as well. we'll take all of that live here on fox. >> dana: donald trump's conviction and new york criminal trial is reverberating on capitol hill. lawmakers are reacting sharply along party lines. no surprise. hillary vaughn will get us caught up and she is on the hill from fox business.
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>> some democrats are dancing in response to former president trump's guilty verdict. congressman bowman posted this on his tiktok. celebrating trump's conviction. other democrats are also taking a victory lap as well. >> this is why we should have faith in our system because it was an impartial jury of 12. donald trump and his acolytes and supporters may not like it, but that is what makes this country special. >> there is a little poetic justice that has come back to haunt him. >> do you think he should go to jail? brett >> to me its irrelevant. >> it is not irrelevant if the leading candidate is in jail and taken off the campaign trail. republicans say it's what it has been all about. >> democrats are so desperate
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because president trump is crushing joe biden in the poll they see the democrat party and left so desperate to stop him they will risk the destruction of our legal system to do it. >> the judge will do sentencing on july 1, '14 days before the republican national convention in milwaukee. folks, if you thought the democrats were playing politics, you got it right here. >> other presidential candidates calling this a joke, not justice, rfk junior said it will backfire. >> it will backfire on the democrats. i think the democrats and dnc feels like it has a candidate that can't win fair and square in the polls so they have to win in the courts. they have to win by clearing the deck and getting their other opponents out of the race. >> if they are able to clear the deck and ultimately put trump in prison behind bars it won't deter some republicans from voting for him. darrell issa says he will vote for trump in november even if he is in jail, dana.
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>> dana: thank you for that reaction this morning. >> the american people are waking up today. this verdict doesn't change the fact they face higher food and gas and electricty prices. >> this is not helpful. we've got to figure this out. >> bret: republicans finding common ground in blasting former president trump's conviction on falsifying business record gop questioning the legitimacy of the trial and how it was conducted. republican senator josh hawley of missouri, senator, good morning. thank you for being here. your thoughts where it goes, next steps and the fallout from it. >> well, i would just say, bret, listen, congratulations to the liberals in new york and d.c. and l.a. you have got your "new york times" headline that you have wanted for years, trump guilty. you also probably just elected
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him. reelected him to be the next president of the united states. this is a total travesty. we should not mince any words here. this is an extremely dangerous day for our country, bret. here is why. our election process is supposed to end in an election, not in a trial. not in one of the political candidates being thrown in jail. what you see here is a breach of american norms in our legal system we've never seen before. the election process hijacked by a trial, by a conviction that is 100% political. bret, this is extremely dangerous for our country. and i think voters will have something to say about it in november. >> bret: you know, there is a lot of unity on the republican side expressing what you just did. a lot of lawmakers coming out. but you had larry hogan, former governor of maryland, now running for u.s. senate, put out a statement regardless of the result i urge all americans to respect the verdict and the legal process at this dangerously divided moment in our history all leaders must not
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pour fuel on the fire with more toxic partisanship but reaffirm what made the nation great, the rule of law. trump campaign advisor said you just ended your campaign on x about larry hogan. you are trying to get the senate and majority in the senate. that's a prospect in larry hogan in maryland. what do you think about that? >> i won't give advice to other people in terms of how they run their campaign but it's important we tell the truth. the truth is that this trial is a total sham and everybody who has seen it and any legal observers have known from the beginning. these are charges never been brought before by anybody else in american history. charges that have no basis in the law, forget -- what bragg tried to do here. boot strapping state law requirements and linking them to federal campaign election donation requirements and
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reporting requirements is absurd. it is totally absurd. and the proof of that is nobody has ever been charged with this before. then you had the star witness for the prosecution who is a convicted perjurer and lied again on the stand and admitted he did. that wasn't what i said earlier in my testimony. you look at biden's campaign out there celebrating this. they did campaign events at the trial. this is an attempt to use our legal system to hijack our election system. we need to be honest about that and never happened before in this country. this is a dangerous moment for america. >> bret: one more question about another topic. the whole effort to try to get justice alito to recuse himself based on the flag flap that has been covered. now there was an effort to get the chief justice john roberts to come up to capitol hill to talk about all of this and here is a letter he sent to senate democrats. apart from ceremonial events only on rare occasions in our nation's history has a sitting
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chief justice met with legislators in a public setting such as a committee hearing with members of both major political parties present. is this the right answer and obviously alito has said he is not recusing himself. >> it's totally the right answer. it is absurd to have the chairman of the judiciary committee and other top democrats threatening the supreme court. trying to undermine its independence. they are trying to end its independence. let's not forget chuck schumer stood on the steps of the supreme court and named justices and said you are not going to know what has hit you, alito and gorsuch, if you keep ruling this way. that's the democrat party today right there. they want to pack and threaten the court and try to create fake controversies. i don't care what flags justice alito was flying for heavens sake. it is absurd and trying to -- once again republicans have got to tell the truth here and stand
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tall for the rule of law. you don't like the court and rulings, fine, criticize them all you want but try to destroy the independence of the court and threaten them politically and otherwise, boy, that's wrong. >> bret: we appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> this is bread and butter. we do this all the time. we're treating president trump like we treat anybody else. that's not true. that's not true. >> dana: trump attorney todd blanche speaking out as we wait to hear directly from former president trump at trump tower and did you see this? it was great. the beach boys bringing good vibrations to the all american summer concert series right here in fox square. ♪
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>> bret: west virginia senator joe manchin announced today he is officially switched his party affiliation from democrat to independent. he says in part, quote, our national politics are broken and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground. to stay true to myself and remain committed to put country
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before party i have decided to register as an independent with no party affiliation and continue to fight for america's sensible majority. >> dana: you know him well. do you think that's in reaction, the trump trial verdict, the straw that broke the camel's back here? >> bret: i haven't talked to him. it is interesting timing definitely. he could have done that a long time ago, dana. you wonder why this morning. >> dana: he could have done it a long time ago and run for office again. >> bret: he said he is not running for re-election. he is not running for governor again his old job in west virginia. so we'll have to hear from senator manchin about his motives. >> dana: he said he didn't leave the party as the party left him. you hear that from a lot of democrats and republicans have said the same thing. manchin as an independent. we'll see what's next. >> bret: you bet. >> were you surprised by the verdict? >> no. the facts are the facts. at the end of the day, the facts
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are what prevailed here. >> dana: the prosecution's star witness michael cohen taking a victory lap last night. former president trump new york conviction is not the end of his legal battles. he still faces sentencing and appeals as well as a looming supreme court decision on immunity and three other criminal cases. let's bring in uc berkeley law professor john yu. i haven't heard your feelings about the verdict yet. >> it may be that the facts as the prosecution believed them were true but it doesn't matter what the facts were because there are serious legal errors here. remember how complicated the case is. you have a misdemeanor about bookkeeping that somehow transformed into a felony because it was used to cover up or enable some kind of other violation that the prosecution didn't really prove and didn't even tell trump until the jury instructions. i think that alone is grounds
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for reversal. the worst thing is the damage that this is going to do to the political and constitutional system. the weaker the kind of case that you can bring against a president now, the more that this invites further prosecutions of presidents and presidents are now going to have to worry about their legal liabilities and getting prosecuted by people years later when they are in the middle of making some of the most difficult decisions on behalf of the country. >> dana: so wait a second. let's just say president obama or president bush not presidents for a long time. a local prosecutor could reach back and charge them with something now? >> oh, yes, i think it is even worse than that. i think it is almost now that this precedent has been set, republican d.a.s are going to have to go after democratic presidents in order to try to repair this violation of norms because otherwise this has succeeded. you have a partisan elected d.a.
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in a city in manhattan opposed to donald trump. the guy campaigned on prosecuting trump and he is now succeeded in trying to harm president trump in running for office. if republicans don't retaliate in the same way the democrats will keep doing it to every candidate. there is nothing to stop them. >> dana: will it help repair things. i will throw it out to everybody. if governor hochul maybe at the request of president biden were to pardon president trump at this moment? would it matter? >> i think the best thing to happen would be the court of appeals to immediately intervene and say the law was wrong here. >> dana: how soon could that happen when you say immediate? >> well, i think todd blanche and his fellow attorneys could on behalf of president trump seek some kind of emergency review from the court of appeals, ask for expedited review. they could get this issue all the way to the supreme court.
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at the bottom of it what the d.a. did here is try to enforce federal election law claiming that trump somehow made an illegal campaign contribution to himself and didn't report it. state d.a.s, city d.a.s are not allowed to prosecute federal law. supreme court has made it clear several times. trump could get this up to the u.s. supreme court and ultimately win. >> dana: we'll see about that, john. thank you for joining us and for all your commentary and analysis during that trial. we appreciate it. >> thanks, dana. >> we are just minutes away from former president trump addressing his new york conviction at trump tower. we'll take you there live to all of those flags as soon as it happens.
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>> harris: top of the hour as "the faulkner focus" begins we'll be anticipating former president donald trump to speak at any moment. justice and politics collided
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and at the center, a conviction of trump. it is far from over. his team will appeal the verdict, trump says the real verdict will be on election day. democrats and biden campaign may believe a convicted trump will be easier to beat. we'll see about that. trey gowdy, leo terrell, jason chaffetz. iowa senator joni ernst moments from now. >> bret: thanks, harris. looking live at that news conference in trump tower. we'll take you there in just a few minutes. this as the rnc puts out a specific statement about record-shattering fundraising numbers. 485 thousand donors contributed 34.8 million since the verdict came down. the president will likely talk about in front of those flags. let's bring in kerri urbahn as we get ready to hear from the former president and the next
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steps what the legal battle looks like. >> we talked about this just an hour ago, but i think the thing i've been thinking through the most in these weeks i've been sitting in that overflow room in the courthouse is the power of the prosecutor. i would just like to read an excerpt from robert jackson's speech. the attorney general in the 190s and delivered it to the u.s. attorneys describing the capacity for abuse. this is what he said. if the prosecutor is obliged to choose his cases it follows he can choose his defendants. there is the most dangerous power of the prosecutor that he will pick people that he thinks he should get rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted. with the law books filled with a great assortment of crimes a prosecutor stands a fair chance of finding at least a technical violation of some act on the part of almost anyone. in such a case, it is not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for the man who has committed it. it is a question of picking the man and then searching the law
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books or putting investigators to work to pin some offense on him. he goes on to say it is here that law enforcement becomes personal and the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with a predominant or government group or obnoxious in the way of the prosecutor himself. it aptly sums up what we've seen from the prosecutor's office over the last six weeks. >> dana: a good summary. you've done communications for politicians and this press conference by president trump, one thing i was thinking, he will take questions from the press. you have a hungry press corps out there. give you the final word as we wrap up an amazing week. >> bret: we'll see all these reporters asking questions. what we have coming up, thank you, kerri, is an amazing five months before an historic election. >> dana: time goes by fast. the most bipartisan issue is time. thank you so much. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: breakin


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