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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 31, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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to work to pin some offense on him. he goes on to say it is here that law enforcement becomes personal and the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with a predominant or government group or obnoxious in the way of the prosecutor himself. it aptly sums up what we've seen from the prosecutor's office over the last six weeks. >> dana: a good summary. you've done communications for politicians and this press conference by president trump, one thing i was thinking, he will take questions from the press. you have a hungry press corps out there. give you the final word as we wrap up an amazing week. >> bret: we'll see all these reporters asking questions. what we have coming up, thank you, kerri, is an amazing five months before an historic election. >> dana: time goes by fast. the most bipartisan issue is time. thank you so much. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: breaking news, former
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president trump will speak and hold a news conference very soon. we'll carry it in its entirety. you recognize the place, trump tower in manhattan. this follows the historic guilty verdict against trump in a new york courtroom yesterday. millions of trump supporters and people who celebrated his loss yesterday will hear from a man who led the country in better times, even with a pandemic. it is a juxtaposition to current president biden's high-priced economy, the border crisis, failing foreign policies, which included the deadly withdrawal from afghanistan that cost 13 american lives and billions of dollars in military assets left on the ground in the hands of the enemy. trump's legal team says the path forward is just beginning. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." we heard from both the president, former president and his defense attorney, todd blanche, that this is far from
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over. >> i think it is just a disgrace and we'll keep fighting. we will fight until the end and we'll win. our country has gone to hell and we'll fight for our constitution. this is -- >> it didn't work out. we got a bad result today. it is not over. it is not over at all. >> harris: judge merchan has scheduled trump's sentencing for july 11th. look at your screen because we put the calendar up on what it looks like. that would be four days before the republican national convention in milwaukee. and it could be postponed once trump's defense team appeals the conviction, which we're told will happen soon. trey gowdy, sunday night and america host and former federal prosecutor and senator is with me now. well, we've had a night to think about it as a nation. and my goal today is to put into
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perspective where americans are. where do you put us? >> worried about the state of our justice system. alvin bragg did exactly what he said he was going to do. he said he was going to go after a person, prosecutors, good prosecutors don't go after people, they go after crimes. so, you know, he said the right things yesterday respect for the rule of law, the verdict, jury has spoken. what he didn't say the verdict is only as good as the information that led up to the verdict. so if you have a judge that donated to the defendant's political rival. when you have evidentiary rulings that really baffle most of the lawyers that were sitting in the courtroom. i was there for four days. i have seen pro-prosecution judges. i benefited from them, harris. i've never seen a judge or a set of jury instructions that were essentially a roadmap toward a conviction. so he is convicted. he is a convicted felon. my guess knowing president trump a little bit he will say i'm a
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convicted felon but your unconvicted felon. he will fight back against the bidens. biden's own son is going on trial. i said something very unpopular. i don't want you singling out donald trump. you wouldn't do it if it was donald smith. i don't want you singling out hunter biden. most federal prosecutors wouldn't have taken that case if his name was hunter smith. we're past this point where we treat our enemies and friends the same. >> harris: there are other charges against hunter biden. >> those are consequential. >> harris: the gun charge you wouldn't have gone after him. >> but the tax charges absolutely. >> harris: he will have to fight his way out. we don't have this on our calendar right now but the calendar and map would show the dates on that are in collision with is what is going on politically for his father as well.
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it is auspicious that while one side, the democrats, may cheer on what has happened with the verdict against former president trump, there is something coming down the pike that at the very least would be a distraction for the other candidate in this presidential race. >> his own son may very well be a convicted felon. so i guess i'm just old-fashioned. i just think you ought to treat your friends and your opponents the same. i think the system ought to be -- she is blindfolded for a reason. she shouldn't care whether you are black, white, male, female, democrat, or republican. i just -- this phrase a weaponization of the justice system, i look at what happened the u.s. attorney in massachusetts who also made a false statement to investigators and nothing happened. i look at joe biden himself and how he handled classified material and what rob hur said about him versus what is happening to the president in florida. i want one system. all the other institutions
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around us are falling down. >> harris: we don't have that right now. >> how do we get it back? when voters say you know what, alvin bragg, you are running for office saying you are going after a person. i reject that even if i'm a liberal democrat and you get it when you say republican d.a. you promise to go after democrats, i reject that. >> harris: i will say this from being a journalist for 30 years, you typically only see that kind of change when the people who can make the change are affected. so unless this happens to the left and unless they are caught in a position, i don't know that we see that dynamic change. that reflex, if you will, either back or forward to something even better than what we had in a one justice system. that's part of the problem. the former president of the united states, donald trump. let's watch. >> this is a case where if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. these are bad people. these are in many cases i
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believe sick people when you look at our country, what is happening. where millions of people are flowing in from all parts of the world, not just south america, from africa, from asia, from the middle east, and they are coming in from jails and prisons, and they are coming in from mental institutions and insane asill oms, they are coming in from all over the world into our country and we have a president and a group of fascists that don't want to do anything about it because they could right now today he could stop it. but he is not. they are destroying our country. our country is in very bad shape and they are very much against me saying these things. they want to raise your taxes by four times. they want to stop you from having cars with their ridiculous mandates that make it impossible for you to afford a car. make it very possible for china to build all of our cars.
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it is a very serious problem that we have. we just went through one of many experiences where we had a conflicted judge. highly conflicted. never been a more conflicted judge. i'm under a gag order which nobody has ever been under. no presidential candidate has ever been under a gag order before. i'm under a gag order, a nasty one, where i have had to pay thousands of dollars in penalties and fines and was threatened with jail. think of it. i'm the leading candidate -- leading biden by a lot and i'm leading the republicans to the point where that's over. so i'm the leading person for president and i am under a gag order by a man that can't put two sentences together, given by a court. they are in total conjunction with the white house and d.o.j., just so you understand.
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this is done by biden and his people. his people more importantly. i don't know if biden knows about it or anything. he is nevertheless the president so we have to use his name. and this is done by washington and nobody has ever seen anything like it. so we have a judge who is highly conflicted. you know what the confliction is. nobody wants to write about it. i'm not allowed the talk about it. if he do i said i get put in jail. so we'll play that game a little bit longer. we won't talk about it. but you are allowed to talk about it. i hope you do. there has never been anybody so conflicted as this. as far as the trial itself, it was very unfair. we weren't allowed to use our election expert under any circumstances. you saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side. they were literally crucified by this man who looks like an angel
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but he is really a devil. he looks so nice and soft. people say he seems like such a nice man. unless you saw him in action and you saw that with a certain witness that went through hell. and when we wanted to do things, he wouldn't let us do those things. but when the government wanted something, they got everything. they got everything they wanted. it is a rigged -- it was a rigged trial. we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted a judge change. we wanted a judge that wasn't conflicted, and obviously he didn't do that. nobody has ever seen anything like it. we had a d.a. who is a failed d.a. crime is rampant in new york. that is what he is really supposed to be looking at. crime is rampant in new york. yesterday in mcdonalds you had a
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man hitting them up with match et east. a machete, whoever can imagine even a machete being wielded in a store and in a place where they are eating and bragg is down watching a trial on what they call crimes, crimes. they are falsifying business records, that sounds so bad. to me it sounds very bad. it is only a misdemeanor but to me it sounds so bad. when they say falsifying business records. that's a bad thing for me. i've never had that before. i'm falsifying? you know what falsifying business -- in the first degree. falsifying business records, sounds so good but it means that legally expense, i paid a lawyer, totally legal. i paid a lawyer a legal expense and a bookkeeper without any knowledge from me correctly marked it down in the books a
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very professional woman, highly respected. she testified. marked it down in the books as a legal expense. so a legal expense, paid a lawyer, is a legal expense in the books. it is not sheetrock, construction, or any other thing. it is a legal expense. think of that. this is what the falsification of business records. i said what else are you going to call it? what else are you going to call it? i would have testified. i wanted to testify. the theory is you never testify. as soon as you testify, anybody if it were george washington don't testify. they'll get you on something you said slightly wrong and sue you for perjury. i wanted to. the judge allowed them to go into everything that i was ever involved in. which is a first. in other words, you could go into every single thing that i ever did, was he a bad boy here
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and there? my lawyer said what do you need to do. you want to testify simply on this case. i would have loved to have testified. to this day i would have liked to have testified. but you would have said something out of whack like it was a beautiful sunny day and it was actually raining out and i very much appreciate the big crowd of people outside. that's incredible what is happening. the level of support has been incredible. so the whole thing is legal expense was marked down as legal expense. think of it. this is the crime that i committed that i'm supposed to jail for 187 years for. when you have violent crime all over this city at levels that nobody has ever seen before. where you have businesses leaving. businesses are leaving because of this. heads of businesses say man, we don't want to get involved with that. i could go through the books of
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any business person in this city and i could find things that in theory, i guess, let's indict him and destroy his life. but i'm out there and i don't mind being out there because i am doing something for this country and i am doing something for our constitution. it is very important. far beyond me. this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents. it should never be allowed to happen in the future. but this is far beyond me. this is bigger than trump and bigger than me and bigger than my presidency. and the people understand it because i just see a poll came out, the daily mail. the first one came out done last night right after the verdict where i'm up six points. six points from what we already were. we were leading fairly substantially. we're up six points in the daily mail poll. maybe other polls come out and say something differently. but a lot of people have predicted it. the public understands what is
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going on. this is a scam. this is a rigged trial. it shouldn't have been in that venue. we shouldn't have had that judge. he should have allowed us to have an election expert. we had the best expert most respected expert, head of the federal elections commission. he was all set to testify. he was waiting for two days. and when it was his turn, bragg's people protested and the judge knocked him out said you can't testify. he actually said you can't testify for anything having to do with the trial. you can say what the federal elections is. well, that doesn't help. everybody knows that. but you can't testify. so essentially he wasn't able to testify. other people weren't able to testify. but with these people, they were able to use people salacious, by the way, nothing ever happened. there was no anything. nothing ever happened and they
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know it. but they were as salacious as they could be and had nothing to do with the case. it had to do with politics. do you notice the timing? the timing was perfect. this case was dead. it was dropped by every agency, every governmental board. it was dropped by the highly respected southern district. they said no, there is no case here. it was dropped by federal election and that's what this is about. a federal election, not a state election. you aren't allowed to look at it. they took the state and the city and went into a federal election. they are not allowed. the people from federal election southern district and washington dropped the case. everybody dropped the case. there was no case. ci vance dropped the case. when bragg first came in he said it was a ridiculous case. who would have a certain person like this ever testify? he said this is essentially one of the worst people i've ever
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seen ever to testify. he said the craziest case i've ever seen, this is bragg. then when i announced i was running for president a long time later, they decided to revive this case. and they got a judge, judge merchan, who was responsible for another case that was also brought, destroyed the life of a very good man, by the way. destroyed the life of a very good man who went to prison once, and then they just put him in prison again because they said he lied. he didn't lie. i looked at the statements he made. he didn't remember something and they put him in jail. again, they've destroyed him. with me for many years, an honorable person and honest man. if you look at what he did supposedly, it never happened. there has never been anything
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like this over the education of his grandchildren. over -- he didn't report that he had a car, or two cars on his income. i don't know. i wonder how many people here have cars? i wonder how many people say i have a car that's worth x dollars. how do you figure it. you do have to report it. but i would say probably almost nobody does. nobody even thinks about it. they put this man -- they destroyed this man. but they put him in jail again because they didn't want him to testify. they didn't want him to testify. that's why he went to jail. they put him in jail twice. he is 77 years old. normally i would say that's an old guy. i don't feel 77. nobody ever says that about me. i would like them to say gee, we have to have a little sorrow for this man because they just don't say that about me. maybe i'm better off that way. i think i'm probably better off that way. but they put him in jail twice
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and you have to see -- and he was threatened by the judge. this man was told you will get 15 years in jail if you don't give up trump. and he was told that. you are going to get 15 years in jail. and he made a plea deal because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life. he was told that viciously. we are living in a fascist state. he was told that viciously. so you can go to jail for four months, five months, or you can get 15 years in jail. so do a plea. almost who wouldn't do that plea? everyone does those pleas. it is a horrible thing. there is a whole group of lawyers that fight that. it is so unfair. so unfair. but they destroyed his life. so many other things. you look at southern district didn't want to bring the case.
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nobody wanted to bring the case. and then you know who didn't want to bring the case most of all is bragg. bragg didn't want to bring it. then he brought it and they tried to make it a different case. they didn't say legal expense equal legal expense. again, if i wrote down and paid -- by the way, this was a highly qualified lawyer. i can't use his name because of the gag order. but he is a sleaze bag, everybody knows that. took me a while to find out. but he was effective. he did work. but he wasn't a fixer, he was a lawyer. they like to use the word fixer. he was a lawyer. at the time he was a fully accredited lawyer. now he got into trouble not because of me. he got into trouble because he made outside deals and had something to do with taxi cabs and medallions and borrowed money. that's why he went. then he pled to three -- three
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election violations. as soon as i saw that i said i wonder why he did that. he pled and took a deal. he took a deal because he wanted to get off. in other words, i will take a plea deal and i want to get off and he wanted to make a deal with the southern district and they wrote the worst report i think i've ever seen on any human being other than the report that was written on james comey by the inspector general. a very great inspector general actually. wrote a report that was so bad. this one was possibly worse. the southern district. the judge didn't let us use it. he said it's hearsay. he wouldn't let us use it. this is about the man. but he got in trouble for a very simple reason, because he was involved with borrowing a lot of money and he did something with the banks. i don't know if it was defrauded the banks. something happened. you guys know what it is. then in addition to that, you
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gave up on three things where he wasn't guilty. they were going to testify, the head of the fec, brad smith, the election expert. number one rated in the country was going to testify. he took a plea on three things. he added them in because it gave them more bargaining power with respect to me. the three things he pled on having to do with the election and having to do essentially a little bit with me, they weren't crimes. they weren't crimes. nor is paying money under an nda. so we have an nda, non-disclosure agreement. totally honorable and good and accepted. everybody has them. every company has a non-disclosure agreement. but the press called it slush fund and all sorts of other things. hush money, hush money. it's not hush money. it is called a non-disclosure
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agreement and most of the people in this room have a non-disclosure agreement with their company. it is a disgrace. so it is not hush money, it is a non-disclosure agreement, totally legal. totally common. everyone has it. and what happened is he signed a non-disclosure agreement with this person, i guess other people but it is totally honest. you are allowed to make the payment. you can make it any way you want. it's a non-disclosure agreement. and he signed that. and there was nothing wrong with signing it. and this should have been a non-case. everybody said it was a non-case, including bragg, bragg said until i ran for office. and then they saw the polls, i was leading the republicans and democrats and leading everybody. and all of a sudden they brought it back. it is a very sad thing that is happening in our country and it
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is a thing that i'm honored -- in a way i'm honored. it is not pleasant. it is very bad for family, friends and businesses, but i am honored to be involved in it and somebody has to do it. i might as well keep going and be the one. we're fighting for our constitution. the money that was paid was paid legally. there was nothing illegal. in fact, the lawyer in creating the nda. because at that time he was a fully accredited lawyer, he wasn't a fixer. i never thought of him as a fixer. the media called him a fixer or the prosecutor called him a fixer. he was a lawyer. and he was fairly good. later on i didn't like what he did. i didn't like that when i became president he went around and made deals with companies. when i heard that, he was gone. he was gone.
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and he had payments coming to him and a lot of this involved things that are very simple. there was nothing wrong. this was standard stuff. all standard stuff. everything involved was standard. there was no crime here. i just watched a couple of the reports. you watch jonathan turley, andy mccarthy, gregg jarrett. you look at all of these people, mark levin, all very talented people, great people. many more. many more. and they don't know me essentially. they don't know me. they are legal scholars and experts. but i look at them. i watched turley this morning saying there is no crime here. everybody says there is no crime here except for this d.a. that has the city out of control with crime. it is absolutely out of control. so we have an nda that was signed, we have legal expenses,
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and here is the thing on legal expenses. you have 100 where they say they do a charge, i just recorded this out, falsification of business records in the first degree. it sounds so bad. i said wow, even my own lawyers, i get very upset with them because they don't say what it is. they say well falsification of legal records is only a felony. that's a lot. they say a misdemeanor. but they try and bring it up to a felony if there are two crimes. they have all these different things. the other thing is they missed the statute of limitations by a lot because this was very old. they could have brought this seven years ago instead of bringing it right in the middle of the election. they missed the statute of limitations, they did everything. let me give you the good news. the good news is last night we
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just got a report this morning in the history of politics, i believe, maybe i'm wrong. somebody will find that i'm wrong maybe, i don't think so. they raised with small money donors, meaning like 21, 53, $38, a record $39 million in a 10-hour period. [cheers and applause] i like those people. because so far i guess it's backfiring. i don't know. i would rather not have it happen. i want to win this thing legitimately not because they were stupid and did things they shouldn't be doing. they shouldn't have brought this case. they were saying it this morning. this is a case that should not have been brought. i watched andy mccarthy say it
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is a case that should not have been brought. that was this morning. but they all say that. every legal scholar has said it. these are great people, they really understand the law. the other thing a poll came out. the first poll. maybe others will be bad. but the poll just came out a little while ago the daily mail. does anybody read the daily mail? they have a good poll. i like it today. the daily mail just came out with a poll and it has trump up six points in the last 12 hours. six points since this happened. who thought this could happen. [applause] because the people of our country know it's a hoax. they know it's a hoax. they get it. they are really smart and it's really something. so we'll be appealing this scam. we'll be appealing it on many
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different things. he wouldn't allow us to have witnesses or have us talk or allow us to do anything. the judge was a tyrant. and you got to see that with bob costello, a fine man. i've never seen anything like it. neither has anybody in that courthouse where he demanded the courthouse be cleared. the good news is, most of the people in the courthouse were the media. anybody that was in the media, if you are fair, you'll say wow, that was anger. that was -- he was crazed. and the reason that bob costello acted a little bit upset, which i think he has a right to, was that every question he was being asked was being objected to by the other side and sustained by the judge. sustained, sustained, sustained. i think he did it many times. i don't know what the number was. many times. even i was sitting there saying. these were basic questions.
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and i never saw anybody treated that way by a judge. i've been treated very badly by two other judges also. all the same thing. it all comes out of the white house, crooked joe biden. the worst president in the history of our country. the worst president in the history of our country. the most incompetent, the dumbest president we've ever had. he is the dumbest president. most incompetent president and the most dishonest president we've ever had. so many -- he is a manchurian candidate. you look at the way he treats china, russia, so many others. i ended the russian pipeline. it was dead. he comes in and approves it. he gets 3 1/2 million, meaning 3 1/2 million is paid to the family, his family, from the mayor of moscow's wife. and i said where did that come from? nobody wants to talk about it. but he is a very danger to our
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country. the only way they think they can win this election is by doing exactly what they're doing now, win it in the courts because they can't win it at the ballot box. we are going to show them that -- we're going to fight. it is actually, i don't know, it is something where i'm wired in such a way that a lot of people would have gone away a long time ago. they would have gone away after impeachment hoax number one. a total hoax. great support from the republican party, though. then you had impeachment hoax number two. and then they formed the committee, how about they formed the committee of thugs, the j-six committee of thugs and they took their records and they destroyed all of the records after the committee was abandoned because those records were great for us. now can you imagine if republicans did that? everybody would have been in jail by now. you think of it.
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i call it the unselect. committee of thugs. they meet, 100% democrat and two past republicans that are no longer republicans that are no longer in business anymore, thank you. but it was all democrats and two wayward republicans. liz cheney and crying adam kinzinger. he cries every time he goes on television. the most emotional human being i've ever seen. these two people were our representatives. they had all the stuff they're leaking. when it came time to look at the records, like what the police said and the capitol guard said that i supplied -- think of it, that i recommended as many soldiers or national guard as you want, 10,000, if you had 500 you wouldn't have had a problem. there wouldn't have been a
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j-six. nancy pelosi and the group didn't want it. they have testimony to all of that. that i did not attack the secret service agent in the front of a car. these are strong people. and i supposedly went to the driver and i grabbed him around the neck and he rebuffed me and then i went to the other guy who i think is a black belt if karate and he slightly younger than me and maybe 35 years, 40 years, 50 years, and i grabbed him around the neck and said he is a black belt in karate. they know how to get somebody from around their neck. they would have gone like this and that would be the end of that. i had a friend that said you shouldn't dispute that. that makes you look like the toughest cookie they've ever seen. you should have let that go on. the fact is it never happened. it was all made up. that was proven to be made up. it proved to be a false story. and they deleted and destroyed
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all of that information, every ounce of it. we're dealing with a corrupt government. we have a corrupt country. our elections are corrupt, the borders are open, our borders will be closed very soon november 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of our country. now when i say that because my people are always saying do this, do this. we're fighting for america. donald i hope everybody watching right now, donald j. because it makes a difference. they have a lot of money on the other side. i don't know where they get it. for some reason they get money. but they are not on the side of our country. in many ways, i think they hate our country. who on earth can want open borders where people are allowed to pour in from countries unknown, from places unknown, from languages that we don't
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even -- that we haven't even heard of. we have people sitting in schools with languages where very few people have even heard of these languages. it is not like spanish or french or russian. languages unknown. we have people coming from corners of the globe and many of them are not good people. many terrorists, record levels of terrorism, record levels of terrorists have come into our country. record. they've never seen anything like it. there was a report that in 2019 -- i don't believe this, by the way. media gave it and it was good for me, believe it or not. they said in 2019 there were no terrorists recorded that came into our country. i don't believe that. i don't think it's possible but 2019 was a trump year. i don't believe that could be possible. but they said no terrorists came into our country. let's say it was close. let's say it was close.
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but now record levels of terrorists. record levels. the highest level we've ever seen of terrorists are pouring into our country. you have china with just in the last few months 29,000 people came in. i looked at them in a line and they look like perfect soldiers. almost all male from 19 to 25. it looks like a recruiting exercise. they have beautiful tents, they have propane stoves. they have cell phones. the best you can buy. i said what's going on? looks like they're building and army right in our country. i don't think that would happen, right? we're losing our country. and i really think that this is an event, what took place yesterday with this judge, we have conflicted but a crooked judge. you will understand that. i say that knowing that it is very dangerous for me to say
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that. i don't mind. because i am willing to do whatever i have to do to save our country and to save our constitution. i don't mind. [applause] so -- so -- thank you. so we will continue the fight. we are going to make america great again, very simple. when people fight maga, they say we'll fight. i will watch biden, we'll stop maga. it is make america great again. that's all it is. maga. make america great again. our country is in serious trouble. we are $36 trillion -- we were energy independent for the first time ever and now we're begging venezuela for oil. one statistic you have to hear, venezuela was crime ridden, the
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cities, crime ridden. two years ago, three years ago. they just reported a 72% drop in crime in the last year because all of their criminals, most of them, the rest are coming in now, the ones that didn't come in, in venezuela their prisons have been emptied into the united states. their criminals and drug dealers have been taken out of the cities and brought into the united states. and that's true with many other countries. the congo has just released a lot of people from jail. congo, africa, just released a lot of people, a lot of people from their prisons and jails and brought them into the united states of america. this is what's happening to our country. and it is not sustainable by anyone. little things like our kids can't have a little league game
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anymore because you have tents and migrants living on the field. migrants taking over luxury hotels. yet our great veterans are living on the streets like dogs. they are living on the streets. but migrants are living in luxury hotels in cities all over our country run by democrats. so it's my honor to be doing this. it really is. it is a very unpleasant thing to be honest but a great, great honor. we'll do what i have to do. i'm going to do it. that's why i mentioned the number of $39 million and up six points. we went up a lot over the last month because everybody saw it was a rigged trial. but we are going to make america great again. we'll make it better than ever before. november 5th, remember,
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november 5th is the most important day in the history of our country. thank you very much, everybody. [cheers and applause] >> harris: so the president talked for about 40 minutes. we were expecting the former commander-in-chief, donald trump, to take questions. this had been billed as a news conference and that reporters would be at least available. there would be the former president for their questions. so we didn't see that. he did range a lot in topic. he spent a lot of time on the case against him. he did mention the gag order that he is still under and he was careful at times, very careful to mention that and why he was saying things the way that he was and there were some names references to people but without their names. that sort of thing. but for the most part you saw him lay out that case. and i want to bring in now bret baier. what was fascinating about this
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lengthy time. new york supporters got to see him on the sidewalk but first lengthy time we got to hear from the former president since the guilty verdict yesterday. what did you make of it. >> bret: good morning. when he first walked out you are probably going to hear that line a lot. his first line where he said if it can happen to me, it can happen to you. and focusing then on the key issues that he thinks that this campaign will circle around. illegal immigration, inflation, the economy, energy issues, a push for electric vehicles, problems around the world saying he wants to fix that and that's the most important thing. as you said, he went into detail about that case and how he believed it was rigged and the scam calling it an unconstitutional gag order, saying the judge at one point calling him a tyrant and making decisions that put his finger on the scale. he pledged that his team will appeal on a number of different fronts and believes that is going to have success.
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didn't really get into what he thinks of the guilty verdict will do for his election chances but he did go into things that he felt were wrong about the judge's decisions. specifically about not -- limiting the scope of the testimony from a potential witness, brad smith, the fec expert. he said he wanted to testify. he has said that before but he didn't obviously. he said the reason was because the judge had widened the scope of what they could cover and that his lawyers advised him not to testify. he didn't testify. he kind of talked about the fallout from this. only one poll he cited the daily mail poll but record fundraising overnight. $38.4 billion. i thought it was interesting he was appealing to people saying listen, i'm honored to be in
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this position. it is not great. it doesn't feel great, but he said he is honored to fight this fight for you, for the country, and for the constitution. obviously his critics come after him about january 6th and you heard him deal with that as far as the january 6th committee. he said i'm willing to do whatever i have to do to save our country and save our constitution. november 5th will be the most important day for our country and that will be the ultimate determination. harris, i think what you saw in this is an encapsulation of how he will deal with this on the campaign trail going forward. this is something, but what matters to people at home is something different. >> harris: let's talk about the campaign trail for just a second. there were a couple of things coming up on the calendar and i will ask my team to pop up the calendar if they could quickly so people can see this. july 11th is an important day. there are some important days in between then and now and of
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course june 27th the first debate between trump and president biden, of course, will be critical. but four days before a republican national convention and the press will be on. i have trey gowdy with me now. he is on set with me, bret. so the team can put him in play as well. but when you look at this, the next important date will be when he can argue can you move this? because four days later is the republican national convention. what does this do potentially for fundraising between now and then, maybe boost it, bret? but at some point there is always a cooling off when big things happen, good and bad. you and i have been in the business long enough to know that. there is that huge reaction right after an event and then there is sort of this haze of not forgetfulness but it begins to wear away a little bit. but up until the pinnacle before that republican national convention, a lot of cash haul and then if he is hampered at
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all by the sentencing day. your thoughts. >> bret: i just think that the fundraising will continue. i think it is definitely going to fire up his base. you have seen that and will continue to see that. i'm not sure that we fully understand or comprehend what it means for independent and swing voters, suburban women, for the title of convicted felon and how much the biden campaign really goes after that. it could, as many people have talked about, backfire if they go down that road and fire people up and say it was a political operation. but i think that the distance between the sentencing and the convention is fascinating. what this judge decides to do, trey would know better than me but if there is some way that he is somehow put into jail or put on probation it would likely happen after the appeals process has run its course, which means after the election.
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but just the sentencing being that close to the time he takes the nomination is just a fascinating juxtaposition. >> harris: let's ask trey to weigh in on that. >> there is never good time to have a sentencing hearing. that has been my experience in life. you don't ever want to appear in front of a judge. you can make the argument that the cloud in custodial sentence, the threat of going to prison is what will motivate trump voters and supporters even more. if i'm president trump, i continue to say look, i'm willing to go to jail to save this country. i highlighted bret made note of it and said i am willing to go to jail to save this country. i want to move the sentencing hearing because i want the threat of jail hanging over the convention, hanging over the election because i want people knowing that i have been victimized by this system in your stead. >> harris: that's interesting. and bret, what does that do politically for president biden,
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who by the way we thought we might hear from biden coming up because he is doing some travel today and we may. he didn't talk as he was boarding one of the aircraft to take him to where he was going, but there is a potential. where does this put him and what happened to the promise that "politico" was reporting about, bret, that, you know, the white house would have the president go out and talk there at the white house, it would be, you know, a big national response to the verdict and -- and then all of that went away. reuters reporting no, that won't happen. >> bret: that died away quickly and they realized the boomerang effect could be the bad thing. a statement from the biden/harris campaign that was pointed but came to the same point which is that the ultimate way is for the american voters to decide whether donald trump should be in the oval office or not. you mentioned "politico." they had biden aides saying last
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night there are three reasons they should have hands off. one, no need to spike the football when it is already dominating coverage on every network . polling suggests the race will turn on other issues. seizing on the conviction may not be a good thing and three they can always readjust if the conviction turns into more of an anchor for former president trump. i think you will see from the biden campaign kind of this distance and let's see how it falls out. if there is a shift in the polling you will probably see both sides adjust. >> harris: interesting. you mentioned the daily mail poll that the president referenced for a moment. a quick flash poll in the last 12 hours. but our polling here at fox news -- i will ask our team to pop this up, has shown there really is some im moveability right now for voters. this really didn't make a difference and we've been talking to them leading up to now and continue the
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conversation through our fox news polling. what it shows is the term these days is baked in. i don't know if that's right. what it is calculated per voter based on what's best in their own interest. the bad inflation and so stubborn. there it is. more likely to vote for trump, 15%. less likely to vote for trump 17%. and this is if he were found guilty. no difference, 67%. that has held over the last few weeks. bret, before we let you go i want to get your thoughts on that. you and i are both talking to voters, out in the world holding town halls. is that consistent with conversations that you've been having with voters from every voting ilk? >> bret: it is. there is a lot of sense does this mean a lot to me, no. there is a warning, though, a cautionary tale here, others have said voters when they are polled are not really good at
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being put in an alternate reality and predicting how they would feel. in other words, he had a quote that said a lot of people don't predict what they will have for dinner yet. but because you are asked what would you feel if this was a guilty, now it's here and now you have heard this. now you are feeling what it is to have the former president, the first to be criminally prosecuted and to face potential jail time, and now he is guilty. what does that mean for you now? so these polls in the next days and weeks are the ones that we will watch closely. i agree with you, people care about the issues that they care about. how they feel around the kitchen table. how they will pay their bills. inflation. illegal immigration and how it is affecting things. and i don't think that's going to change from now until november 5th. >> harris: for me it's usually at the grocery store with the kids and we're gathered around the high-priced food items and then i was recently at home in
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arizona and energy was a conversation. when will we be energy independent again so everything isn't so high? it is fascinating. people are more drilled in than we think. that will be a good thing for the country. we all have to vote. bret baier, thank you, appreciate your time today and reacting to all this news with me. thank you. all right. trey gowdy is with me in studio. you know, trey, i want to get through some housekeeping notes right now and a drumbeat i'm hearing from people i talk with who watched that verdict come down as why did this happen? >> it happened -- you can go back several months. pre-trial rulings have an impact on the verdict. the verdict is a natural and probable consequence of everything that happens to that point. one example. robert costello, i said he was kind of a net loss, i thought for the defense. president trump made reference to his testimony. i have never in my 20 years in a
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courtroom seen a jury say you cannot explain an answer. i've seen plenty of judges say you have to say yes or no and then you can explain. with costello this judge would not allow him to explain his answers. so you have an email up there the answer is yes, i said that. can i explain the context? and the judge says no, you cannot. i have never in two decades seen that happen before. one other political point if you will allow me. i think who president trump picks as a running mate may matter more than this conviction. i think if he picks -- i am biased. if he picks someone like tim scott who may appeal to suburban women who may have some reluctance as it relates to the former president, i think that potentially moves the needle even more than a felony conviction. i never thought i would say that. i think it's true. >> harris: all right. i will just hang on your words as we say goodbye to each other today, trey gowdy.
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thank you so much. you give me the next thing to ask about. leo terrell and attorney jason chaffetz, now look, full disclosure we know that trey gowdy and tim scott have been friends for decades, did i get that right? yes. how important is a running mate for the president? i want to look forward now. leo. >> well, i tell you, harris, i think the running mate is going to be very important and in my opinion without mentioning names i think it will be a woman. i think it is going to be someone that will relate to what trey said, suburban women and i think it will be very effective. can i make one point, harris? news flash, president trump has been indicted four times. he has had his mug shot taken. he has been impeached twice. and he is leading in the polls. i only bring up those historical facts because i think this conviction of yesterday, i don't think it will change anything.
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you made a reference, when you go to the store, you will still feel the pain of the high prices. i think americans will feel that every day. >> harris: jason chaffetz, former chairman of oversight on the hill. i'm curious from a running perspective, you have run for office before. how is this more difficult, how does it get easier for the president? i mean depending on a sentence he may not be able to go around the country the way he had hoped. >> i still think people see through this. they see through the facade. it is important for, i think, the republican side and the democratic side to understand how elections are won. it is not good enough to be right on all the issues, it is not good enough to just have the sympathy and the frustration. the ground game matters and i'm just saying candidly. democrats are far, far ahead of republicans on getting out the
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vote. you can complain about early voting. every time i hear a republican talk about the election they say november 5th. if you are a democrat you know the election starts in september. that's the fundamental difference. if you don't get out the vote, it doesn't matter. so you can be right on everything. you can be emotionally in the right spot but if your people don't vote. if donald trump doesn't get the hunting community, for instance, to get out and vote he will lose. and as much as i think that joe biden is pathetic in everything he does and that kamala harris is an all bat tropical storm around his neck he will get people out to vote. that's what democrats work on 365 days a year every single year. they never give up on it. republicans are just now thinking about it. >> harris: the democrat machine is focused that way. some states voting as far as 50 days out from the election. gentlemen, thank you very much. "outnumbered" is next.
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