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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 31, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> former president trump wrapping up a news conference just a short while ago, we are keeping an eye on his movement from trump tower he is expected to leave at any moment and of course we will show you that when it happens we are looking at the live chat now. trump him at home that if this can happen to me, the verdict of course, if you happen to you. as he blasts the coats, skin conviction against him, he focused on the key issues of his campaigns of illegal immigration and all problems you care about even on foreign policy. and he vowed to appeal the verdict and make america great again. >> this is a case where if they can do this to mean, they can do this to anyone. it is very important, far beyond me that this cannot be allowed to happen to other presidents it should have never been allowed to happen, and the future. this is bigger than me, it is bigger than my presidency. when you look at our country and
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what is happening where millions and millions of people are flowing in from all parts of the world, not just south america but from africa and asia from the middle east and coming in from jails and prisons and they are coming in from mental institutions and insane asylums and all over the world into our country. and we have a president and a group of fascists that don't want to do anything about it because they could right now today, he could stop it. but he's not there destroying our country, so we will continue to fight and were going to make america great again very simple. when people fight us, they say they're going to fight -- it's make america great again. it's all it is -- our companies country is in serious trouble. >> kayleigh: this is
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"outnumbered." i am kayleigh mceany here with harris faulkner and emily compagno. joining us is kennedy, and fox news contributor jonathan turley. you know, jonathan turley we went for some issues that he address, but he also spent a lot of time in the case, he gave what i will call his own version of the closing argument to be in those hour-long remarks what did make of it? >> jonathan: it wasn't a bad closing argument, the fact is that much of what happened in in the courtroom became superfluous because of those instructions. some of us were hoping for a hung jury because we hope that the jury might read deemed the new york legal system which is one of the greatest ecosystems in the world and these last few weeks have left many of us shocked as to what we saw in the courtroom but that was not gonna happen after the instructions were finalized. and i wrote a column after i saw
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the instruction saying that it had the feel of a way you can shoot game enough small space. it was very small for the defense to maneuver an even smaller team for the jury to collect. i don't blame the jury at all, i think what they heard in that room, probably made it seem like too many of them this was a cinch of a conviction. they heard over and over again the prosecutors say that they were election violations committed by donald trump, that he ordered michael cohen to commit the violations he pled guilty to, that totally smashed instruction that they had given and they just sat there there was no response. so what do you think the jury's gonna rule? evidently you tell them just pick a crying amongst the three, you don't have to agree just pick one of these crimes, if you think that a secondary crime was behind all of this you are good to go but to this day most of us
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do not know what the jury decided. because we know that they unanimously voted to convict but we don't know of what? they could disagree four, four, four, on what occurred on this case, that's one of the first things they would look on for a reversal. >> kayleigh: without a doubt, i will argue the sixth amendment, when a player moment that stood out to me you have alvin bragg sing yesterday at the cornerstone of his office that president trump had his attention focused elsewhere instead of just mom to the wa watch. >> this type of white-collar prosecution is core to what we do at the manhattan district attorney's office. in the 1930s, district attorney ushered in the error of the modern independent professional prosecutor.
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for now, nearly 90 years dedicated professionals in this office have built upon that fine tradition. >> we had a d.a. who was a failed d.a., crime is rampant in new york, that is what he's really supposed to be looking at. crime is rampant in new york. yesterday and mcdonald's you have a man hitting them up with machetes. machete. whoever can imagine even a machete being wielded in a store in a place where they're going rampant. and there watching the trial on what they call crimes. >> kayleigh: this a specific reason i want to play that, this morning i was at an event it was a school event with my daughter and another mother came up to me and said she was scrolling through "the new york times" story this morning and saw one about the trim verdict of course, the next story was
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about a machete wielding man and she asked me why we are not focusing on the ladder? and donald trump reference that very story and the reason i bring it up is because i wonder if he is striking something in the heart of the american people when he says you should be focus on crime in the streets and illundocumented immigrants and l those issues but you are focused on. >> harris: they are living through it. so, with that, we have the holiday bar a case that is going on right now. we have a lot going on that this former president talks about on the regular, even when he was coming in out of the courtroom we still would not hearing about the border crisis in those undocumented immigrants, that the suspect ibarra and others who case it should be adjudicated, the people who -- at the undocumented immigrants who flipped the bird to the camera's as many of them were let go after allegedly beating a
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nypd cops, the law did not go after them but there's plenty of video of it. with all of that going on in the former commander in chief willing to go there over and over i would imagine if he is like a honor for him to do what is necessary. to take the country forward. i do not know if president biden fails on a to do that because he doesn't talk about it. >> kayleigh: it's a great point and we do have that viewers need to remember trump does not have to do this. if he didn't put his name out to run another time i don't know whether it's true or not but listen to trump think he is honored to which this battle. >> it is a very sad thing that is happening in our country. and it is a thing that i am honored and no way, it is not that it is pleasant, it's very bad for family, it is very bad for friends and businesses but i am honored to be involved in it because somebody has to do it and i might as well keep going
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and be the one. but i'm very honored to be involved because we are fighting for our constitution. >> emily: without trump continues to underscore that he has a representative, a true representative of the people. we have not seen anything like that out of the current administration that we are under. they seek instead to paint him as this piece, i appreciate your analogy so much, i can't hunt in a tiny space and they have made him larger-than-life in the demonization of him i know that the mainstream media as he was speaking says his speech riddled with lies and attacks no matter what he says and what he does, he left this administration will continue to paint him as a villain a undeniable villain with no good redeeming qualities and here we have a human person that is saying this is a type of that i am honored to bear and for every american that was watching they see in him what is happening all around which is him being used as a tool to
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destabilize the era, we have been ushered into a destabilizing air where l'affaire against political opponents somehow okay were people fear for their safety every day all day and yet they see our tax dollars being squandered and stewarded towards white-collar crime that is the backbone of our society to they see to attack this innocent person because he is fighting for those as those exit poll said back a long time ago if it is like a hundred years ago in those initial exit poll says i vote for him because he fought for people like me. >> on that note it was a little bit of vintage he talked about the issue you could argue sprung him to the presidency into the 16 here is. >> our borders are open, our borders to be closed very soon. november 5th, it is going to be the most important day in the history of our country. who on earth can want open
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borders where people are allowed supporting from countries unknown from places unknown. from languages that we don't even understand. >> emily: that's what took him to the lighthouse. >> kennedy: the problem has gotten much worse, he started talking about this in 2015 and now we are in the sugar hives, live breaux sugar high in the wake of the verdict coming out yesterday and people are going to get over that that is kind of fizzled the new cycle is so chaotic and quick that gets what they going to focus on next, not being able to afford food or housing in certain communities having to compete with jobs with people who are here undocumented, not only trying to work for people who were sucking up resources and there is a very real thing that i have allowed trump from this point to craft a new coalition i actually thought his speech today was less disciplined than it should've done because this was a moment,
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we are in a new phase of the campaign this is a moment where a lot of people who run the facts are looking to him for his reaction and he has been so disciplined throughout the trial i think he could've used more of that today he was a little bit repetitive and went on longer than he should've but he touched on some really key issues that have ten people who maybe could not scan his personality four years ago, now they are very curious because not only is he fighting for them he is fighting against the machine that is putting so many people in prison and some the people in jeopardy. >> kennedy i want to play one of those moments of discipline and this is much overlooked professor, you've been in the courtroom and been able to look donald trump in the eye or at least from the overflow rooms i can't imagine what it's like to go through five weeks of this and then to hear your guilty. first week he was at his rally and there were a chance of lock her up and i want you to listen to what he said in response to the mets play. >> i was very much responsible
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for the risk today in the construction of the convention center were handsomely correct and was going to have her big evening. that was not good. remember. we had the glass ceiling. >> kayleigh: we didn't play it in full but listening to his remarks he goes on to explain i didn't lock her up because that would not be what is best for the country i focus on the issues in on you. he was magnanimous in that moment. >> jonathan: yes, it is part of the real disconnect when you hear alvin bragg refer to a thomas dooley who ran against truman who didn't try to put them in jail. with regard -- also hillary clinton during the victory left, not only do they have the email scandal but one of the most glaring problems in this trial was that the judge about the prosecutors to save the media and political organizations don't spike stories don't plant stories, as if it was a fact but of course
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it's not in that very election the clinton campaign killed plenty of stories and planted false stories in the jury was not given that information. and so this goes again to what the jury saw and what the rest of the saw but i think what we are going to see out of this which goes to what kennedy said is that you have the feeling and that the history is being made but we don't know what history obviously we have the conviction of the president and that is history that we should all feel sad for the because how feel about donald trump there is a dehumanizing aspect and people in the other side no longer view this as a human being and you saw that when i walked out of the courthouse and saw the celebration in the street. but there's another history. not since john adams as we seen the legal system used so politically this case. it is in our dna and citizens that the legal system has to stand apart. so you may see an interesting
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response from the american people that they may not like donald trump and many of them don't but they are sure not going to like what they saw in manhattan. in manhattan is not the entirety of our legal system and it's not the entire nation i think we are not going to see their reaction. >> no doubt about it. i'm president never before happened, here we are trump is ready to fight and he wants the democrats to buckle up, how the verdict will change the landscape of the 2024 race. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) mike had a heart attack a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test.
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>> look at joe biden the worst president of the history of our country, he's the worst president in the history of our country. the most incompetent, he's a very big danger to our country and the only way they think they
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can win this election is by doing exactly what they are doing right now, using at the te dash we're going to show them that we have in effect. >> harris: we are going to fight he says that a trump from the last hour we carried it for you on "the faulkner focus" he was calling out president biden while promising to fight after yesterday's unprecedented conviction. trump and his campaign is already using the conviction to fund raise, actually they both are. but this is interesting, let's take a look at the website now labeling the former president a political prisoner. it appears to be working with the website crashing shortly after donald trump was convicted due to what we think a wave of donations. they were also changing the pager could be a combination of both they were updating but what we do know is there was a halt and people were all over social media saying hey we want to donate and then it went back
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online. the campaign said they would raise $34.8 billion in donation after the verdict, let's take it's about money. the critical part about that to me yes the number is big and he has raised more than that before but put 580,000 different donors to me that is critical because as time goes on, we have only seen this there's going to be a ramp-up may be through the sentencing in july 11th maybe through the convention, but you have somebody who can raise a lot of money to and that is joe biden. what happens when that leave sort of goes a little bit hazy. >> you make a great point who knows that better than president biden who is winning the fund raising battle, even though joe biden is that i have a cash on hand but it would underscore how big kisses, shane of "the new york times" put this up about this number is 30 plus million dollar number they
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announce the $34 million fund-raising but for some perspective that is even more than the 26 million and a date that president biden raise after maiming, here is as a vice president they also do this for a living he said in two decades covering campaign money i have never seen anything like this the trump campaign says it raise 34 million and less than one day since the verdict come out with 29.7% of donors being at the win platform. so they do this for a living this enormous. is it a sign of energy i would also add onto that they they are finding some unlikely allies and susan collins cannot and his defense and mitch mcconnell came out in his defense these are traditional robots jumped offenders so they are finding some political toe went here. >> harris: talking about how many people go to the valleys and all of that we are all in a situation where we are watching the economy just hobble along. if you are rich right now, that's good but if you actually
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have to go and pay for your own groceries at the grocery store it is biden you. so that plays a role in kennedy i want to get back to something you said last segment. he has to do what president biden refuses to do now and donald trump is good at it. talk about it in a way that you know you feel their pain. talk about what you know you can fix because you have done it before if you are donald trump. >> kennedy: he was supposed to be to empathize and chief. he supposed to feel everybody's pain but meanwhile he goes on in those interviews where he belittles the interviewer when they bring up inflation and now is a very good time for the former president to lay out what is happening and what people are feeling because they know that better than anyone. there is nothing more motivating than trying to take care of yourself and your family and not being able to. especially when you have the people in the white house seen the economy is great and everything is perfect and we doing everything right but it's the best presidency in modern
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history but it is not working for them. and then president trump he can stick to their heads and talk about inflation and talk about immigration and he can talk about aspirational wealth that people should be able to engage in but they can't and a high taxation environment where the federal government and state prosecutors are trained on political opponents that they do not like that could be anyone at any given moment in those few points, that message, it will resonate all the way through november. speak to jonathan i want to hit you with this, this is something that the former president said t hour is very important and it is far beyond me meaning the guilty verdict against him a 34 counts, this cannot be allowed to happen to other presidents or should not be allowed to happen in the future but this is far beyond me this is bigger than donald trump it's bigger than me, this is bigger than my presidency. the nation watches what happened here in this case. what do you think they see outside of manhattan because you said it's gonna be different
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only in a blue state but in this cauldron of -- >> jonathan: it comes down to the dna of americans. there are certain things that resonate with americans regardless of where you are it is the reason why despite all of our decisions when the democrats were pushing to pack the supreme court, the needle didn't move. the public remained a postevent even though many of them did not like the conservative majority, i expect a lot of them will not like this. i don't see how a reasonable person could look at this case and not say that this is not a political prosecution. we are not used to political prosecution for the united states. it's been a long time you have to go back to john adams when you saw the santa thing hap happened. so another question what i think it is not one to play this out and discover nice american idea, what will be for key issues going into that polling place? this may jump to the top of that list. >> harris: interesting,
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hearing you talk about what could happen with the u.s. supreme court and packing the court, emily i am sure you caught up this week because we thought we would hear about the president and the extra trial but now it is being reported that we will not but we will see what happens going forward. but while the talk was going on the president promised to put war and liberals on the court. what he said is balance it out if you are the u.s. supreme court. look at that look like going forward? >> emily: they would have to be a vacancy in the first of all, and he would have been better stewarded of his time if he had done what trump had done which was start appointing judges throughout the federal circuit immediately he is silver and every point just like he failed to and, he is wasting his three years he has wasted this time because he has been busy fighting the beast to which brings me to my point that americans do not like unfair fight the most staggering number to me was not necessarily the incredible hall of the nation
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but almost 3 out of 10 donors who had not donated before. that is a huge galvanizing thing that occurred and to me is after the verdict was read when he came out of the courthouse and he said it's gonna be okay. there were a lot of americans that were feeling dejected in that moment and a lot of people who saw this trial for what it was as a political witch hunt for what it was and he came out and said it's okay. and in that moment, that is to cue from the bride to cue from your father what you say okay, it is can it be okay and now let's galvanize let's donate as he called for but now what remains to be heralded stewarding it appropriately getting out and vote we need to really harness the g.o.p. messaging movement forward of how does this mean for actually putting your ballot into the box that's what's happening in matters next. >> harris: yes entering early, making that play the democrats make every time around some states almost 50 days from
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election day you have to vote early in order to really push this forward. over for your best interest. the lex did not left's reaction to a president trump's conviction coming up next. but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and blurry vision, you need clear answers. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old.
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victory laps watch. >> are teams heard that there were cheers inside the headquarters and wilmington as the verdict was read. >> this is extraordinary and an extra ordinary moment. >> there is a poetic just justice. >> the system works like clockwork, miracle is too strong a word, but i really amazing day for celebration just because of the work like clockwork clockwork of the system. >> this is really about our democracy and a shining movement led by a really eminent and wonderful judge. >> thank god for the state of new york, donald trump's home state, the system actually works the way to post a work. ♪ ♪ >> i sort of had no words jonathan unlike the words that came up, i am stuck on majestic.
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there was nothing majestic about the travesty in the very serious gravitas of what the country went through yesterday. >> jonathan: some of these comments, basically said this has completed me. so much that i had been covering him from nine years and finally this is done but if you are waiting to be completed by this conviction that is particularly a sad moment in your life. there is a dehumanizing aspect of talking about this, i'm the criminal dispense tiny and you will never ever see me celebrate a conviction no matter who it is my kids are always joking on sentencing day when i would come back from the courts i would sit up and down and lecture them never get into a car with someone you don't know never get into a car with drugs and they would say oh it is sentencing day because i would watch the young people going to jail and it is a sick sort of fascination. people like to see people fall from great heights but these are human beings and even if you don't like trump it's a pretty sad thing to celebrate.
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>> there is no glee in this. i am not quite sure why there has been harness and amplified throughout the country on the left, you contrast that with the cover of the post today. "the new york post" because that's the people who live here in their cover said "n justice" >> kennedy: it is injustice and especially for the people we have talked about and the people who are celebrating, they are the ones who are saying the rule of law. the rule of law applies to everyone and finally what's one of the every other hush money payment that has ever been paid in every other presidential campaign in the history of this country because you know they are there but this one is just a little sloppy with the people that he hires? and so now there are people hoping for jail? what about you know we talk about using the media to spike stories but what about using an entire social media network to put an entire social media organization in timeout like twitter did back then but
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"the new york post" to squash the hunter biden laptop story, what about that level of collusion to the rule of law, is applying to all the other areas of life where people have applied cya to ascend to power? >> i just wanted to know if we were seeing president trump walk out of the trump tower right now, he is getting away from getting into the car and to the point of kennedy, my head just goes to the journalism of yesteryear, i had a journalist in the white house, to meet them at amazing journalist and yes they still exist they are incredible generalists out there and he said i wish we could get back to old school journalism as i watch the clip, some of those were commentators so i don't want to despise or elevate them to generalists, but i wish i could see the events of the day play out through the prism of photojournalism because i think it would have been more fair to the american people what evenhanded and fair to the former president. >> harris: i want justice to
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be that way, when you read the u.s. constitution the first thing they say is establish justice before i get such defense and to -- it's established justice first. that is what i want to be. i don't think it's a old still go back i think we need to go forward and teach new generations about the value of that in the republic if we can keep it as dr. ben franklin said at the time. we'll go from here? i think donald trump gave us some ideas of where he is going to go if he sticks with it and that is focusing on the american people. you and i were talking off camera that means the rest of us have the responsibility to make sure we are ready to vote early or vote on the day. we need to start that plan now. >> emily: another historic trial is set to begin on monday, the first finale trial of a sitting president's trial, hunter biden. the mounting evidence in the legal team unconventional defense. we will begin at that coming up next.
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>> president biden a set to make remarks at any moment now on the middle east, from the white house. we will also be waiting to hear a few comments on the conviction of former president donald trump. it will be the first remarks from the sitting president since the conviction and we will bring you that life when it begins. meantime, jury selection for hunter biden's federal trial will start on monday unless there is a last-minute plea deal, it is the first finally trial of a sitting president's trial, federal prosecutors are likely to review details of his addiction that could impact his father's presidential reelection bid david doing just now with more on that david? >> his life will change on monday when jury selection kicks
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off in his federal trial. today we spotted hip boarding air force one in delaware on his way to washington, d.c. we know that some of the evidence presented will surround his laptop. special counsel are going to introduce parts of the laptop as evidence which the lawyers fought vigorously to exclude, we don't know yet which parts remember this is the same laptop that 51 former intelligence officials in 2020 doubted as having the classic ill marks of potential russian information. but it wasn't they said that the defendants laptop is real and will be introduced as a trial exhibit and contain significant evidence of the defense guilt. moreover the evidence is corroborated by independent sources and hunter was in court last week for a final hearing before jury selection starting with three finally counts on a federal platform in 2018 when claiming he was at a drug user. his attorney to refute this theory last week saying that he
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did not say no to being a drug user and he said he needs to be examined whether other people may have filled out the form. special counsel confident that hunter was the one who checked no in the box, they ruled the special counsel could not mention his indictment and impending text is in california this trial judges the same one who tore off the pleader last summer really would have had hunter biden plead guilty to two misdemeanors to avoid prison on docent on the charges it's always possible in a plead out that could be cut but as of now, it seems unlikely that those votes -- but things could happen really close to the court beginning so we will be watching for it. >> emily: thank you so much. jonathan, a whole nother trial with a whole lot of historical implications and consequences potentially also. >> jonathan: i want to stop at the first because none of them are good, it's another first and it's nothing to celebrate. he needs to plead guilty.
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as a defense attorney that is exactly what i would tell him because if he pleads he may not -- he may not escape jail time but this is a lead pipe for conviction and it might not be -- so, the best thing for him is to plead guilty and avoid what is coming out of the gate which is going to be really bad. >> emily: to the professor's point i spent a lot of time in penitentiaries including minimum security ones and the guys that are there for years and years and years and years did not take a plea. they were there because a jury of their peers get really mad at the thought of other people cheating the system and doing certain things and getting away with it and not taking responsibility and there is a levy of sentencing that can occur there. >> kennedy: i have a question for you, federal convictions they say there's a very, very high conviction wait when you are charged with federal crimes but what is the likelihood that he takes a plea deal and other people within a federal system
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who don't like the president? is this there for them and is it a full per protest? potentially and this includes the plea deal set -- that's partly what deleveraging the sentencing hold that's why so many people take the plea because the federal sentencing mandate in the minimum standards are draconian. you are interested particularly in the laptop. >> people were put into what a joke preferring -- that is real. twitter jail. you think you would have been occasions and prosecutors wrote wednesday that the defense laptop is real, but you know what they wrote back defense counsel has numerous reasons to believe the data has been altered and compromise. to which prosecutors say they have people to collaborate the messages they've seen no evidence of alteration the hunters attorney is going with altered laptop. >> yes. >> harris: really quick here, what i do find fascinating is that they begin to use a laptop supposedly, so how will they
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actually tell the public then why they were lied to and why it is not a lie now it was such a theme in the trunk trial here in new york about michael cohen was he lying then or now or was the last laptop miraculously not real but real and has it been a high misplace or whatever but i do find it kind of like a farce in a way and we need to clean this up so people have some type of confidence in the system. >> it's not just a laptop they're able to subpoena the cloud and the information that he has stored on the cloud which is independent of what physical device he may or may not drop out. >> you know i don't know how to work the crowd. >> ha >> that's why they would extinguish all of that commentary conversation allowing them to sweep it under the rug. >> emily: more "outnumbered" coming up next stay with us.
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there was a double standard and his catholic values. join sandra and i at the top of the hour for "america reports" we will see you then. >> harris: we have breaking news the biden campaign has just responded to former president's trump warning speech that he gave outside of trump tower. here's a quote from it, actually don't we have all of it i want you to hear the whole thing. america just wish witness a confused man ramble about his own personal grievances and lie about the american justice system leaving everyone watching with one obvious conclusion this man cannot be president of the united states unhinged by his 2020 election laws and spiraling from the criminal convictions, he is consumed by his own thirst for revenge and retribution he thinks the election is about him but it's not it's about the american people lowering their costs and protecting their freedoms and defending their democracy and that's why joe biden and kamala harris are fighting for that's what they're doing.
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donald trump is sowing chaos attack and the rule of law and fighting for the only thing in the world he gives a [bleep] about. that's his word donald trump. this is the 2024 communications director michael tyler outside the courthouse. before the verdict had come then i believe closing arguments are so going on. look, what you make of this question about the campaign obviously will do the heaven listing are responding to the case. >> it reminded me outside the courthouse of robert de niro who came out and gave that tirade saying get off my lawn. and yelling at a courthouse they can't hear him. and we all stood there in disbelief. all i could think of is from the bronx, that wasted talent. what was what dinero was saying was we have to stop them now and doing it from the courthouse really sort of brought home this isn't about the criminal code this is about finding a means to
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stop donald trump and look you may not have a horse in this race, but we all have the interest in the criminal justice system and whatever you say about donald trump, this fulfilled his narrative of a politicalization of the legal system. >> kennedy: it's like a drug resistant bacteria whatever they keep going at trump and makes them stronger and stronger and they're not doing it right. >> emily: they are clearly confused about him potentially speaking after the verdict of what you found is that they have to put -- at the bottom they say biden might not do this and that's what the story said they don't know what to do they're going to let biden tried to take the high road and then the communications director the campaign will throw punches but we will see they are all over the map. >> harris: i want to go back to something you said why so important he says disciplined in our message and moving forward
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with the american people. in the foreground. >> emily: because of the star-studded contrast from the statement read which reads in the usual parking time, swearing very outdated very outdated talking points it is such a stark contrast from what americans are seeing and feeling and what's donald trump is doing. >> harris: republicans are staying focused on this whole thing we know that congressman jim jordan wants to move in and come to the hawaii effects? >> it will be interesting to see i think he should move on to talk about the sensitive issues and if you want to talk about the high road -- >> harris: more "outnumbered" in just a moment they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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a rafah and in the hostage negotiations which all comes of course on the brink of what was a historic week. the guilty verdict of former president trump all eyes on president biden we know he routinely likes to stop when a question is shouted at him and respond. undoubtedly the question the price will be shouting at him is for a response to the verdict of his political opponents periods campaign has made remarks come unclear if president biden will answer that question and of course we just saw president trump leave trump tower. he gave a wave after that about an hour long press conference he had the substantive issues and even hit foreign policy as we are on the brink of course of the report and current president speaking on foreign policy himself. that's it, it has been quite a week, we'll be back with you next week set your dvrs for noon but for now on to "america reports." >> this is a scam this is a rig to trial, this is far beyond me this


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