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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 31, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing]
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blames you directly what your response to that, sir? do you think the conviction will have an impact on the campaign? we would love to hear your thoughts, sir. >> should he be on the ballot, sir? >> john: that was a smile, what do you think i am thinking grin. i am john roberts in washington as we codes in our number two. >> sandra: that was a moment that happened moments ago. great to be with you, i'm sandra smith in new york and this is "america reports." those jurors, two days of deliberations and a guilty verdict. donald trump is the first former president to be convicted of a felony but it is far from over a. >> we will be appealing this scam. we will be appealing on many different things he would not allow us to have witnesses, he would not allow us to talk or do anything periods view on former president trump's legal team pledging to appeal the verdict and sentencing could be stayed
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during appeal so that could push any punishment beyond election day. let's bring in jonathan turley and janine shapiro on this. already thinking about it they have until i think the second week of june to file it. judge, how do you think this proceeds in the days, weeks, and potentially months ahead? >> the sentencing will occur on july 11th and of course the defense has the opportunity to say in front of judge juan mershon to have a postconviction motion that the evidence is contrary that the verdict is contrary to and we know that. once the sentencing occurs they can appeal to the appellate court to try to stay that sentencing until the appeal has been added or perfected. the division handles it first of course and will take probably six months to a year and probably the court of appeals.
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although mark levin is talking about possibly taking it to the supreme court and basically constitutional basis that is kind of like what happened in the gore versus bush case. the normal process will be sentenced on the 11th, there is a wide panel of sentencing options he has. four is the max on the class e felony counts. to simply suspending a sentence or simply saying the sentence there will be no punishment in terms of jail time but simple probation or maybe even a conditional discharge. >> sandra: i think it's important also thank you both for being here to replay dustin biden from a moment ago what he set off the very top as we were anticipating his remarks, listen. speak of the american principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed. donald trump was given every opportunity to defend himself, it was a state case not a
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federal case, and it was heard by a jury of 12 citizens. 12 americans. 12 people like you. like millions of americans who served on juries. this jury is chosen the same way every jury in america is chosen. >> sandra: heat chose to lead with that. any color you can give us from inside the courtroom? what you saw. >> he emphasized that the state not a federal case but it's hard to tell because the feds had decided there was not a basis for civil fine coming from federal election commission. and yet you had state prosecutor vaguely suggesting a federal election violation. we still do not know what he was convicted of with any specificity. we know they were unanimous that there was a secondary crime that
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was the motivation for the dead to misdemeanor or misdemeanors being committed. but the judge said you can pick from the menu. there are three here and you don't have to be unanimous so you literally could have had a 4-4-4 jury and they could have disagreed as what was intended, what occurred here. inside the courtroom, it was -- you could feel the weight of history there. it was very solemn at the end. in one of the things that i thought when i was looking around is that the question is what is the history being made here? part of it is not good. i've always said this case was illegitimate. i don't see the law here, i don't see the crime, i think this is a political prosecution. even analysts on other networks have said it would not be brought against anyone but trump it has never been brought against anyone like this. there's also this question of the weaponization of the criminal justice system. we are not used to that. and we have not seen it in this country really since the adams
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administration. the use of the courts in this type of predatory way. it is going to be interesting to see how americans react to that. it is in our dna that we have this resistance to the use of the courts. this may be a moment where we make mistakes in the court system. we have a court system that corrects them so we have have to have faith but sometimes mistakes can produce reform so the question is will this galvanize the country to say enough, we have gone too far in our? >> john: in terms of this issue of weaponization the former president spoke to that earlier today at trump tower here is what he said. >> i don't mind being out there because i am doing something for this country and i am doing something for our constitution. it's very important, far beyond me and this cannot be allowed to happen other presidents. this is bigger than trump it's bigger than me and bigger than my presidency. >> john: judge we talked to
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the former acting whitaker that this is the beginning of a slippery slope you've convicted trump of crime what if biden gets defeated in november? does a prosecutor somewhere who is on the republican side go after biden? >> you don't even have to wait for that, jon perry do you have tens of thousands of prosecutors in this country who now know they have the green light to go after whomever they want to in terms of political prosecutions. you know, jonathan is talking about the dna we have as americans. instinctively this was a gut punch to all of us. we do not do this to candidates who are running for president and i don't want to hear you are not above the law or below the law i mean we all argue that in normal cases. the other man is a former president running for president being prosecuted literally by a progressive d.a. at first look said no, i am not going to handle this. the fed saying we are not going
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to handle this and then they violate all these constitutional requirements of a unanimous verdict and a unanimous jury, we don't even know -- just talking about the federal campaign alleging campaign violation, there is a federal tax violation as one of the three columns upon which they resurrected these dead misdemeanors. i mean we don't have to wait for biden to be defeated or elected. they are right now saying hey, i can make a name for myself are going after the guy running for d.a. going after the guy running for county executive. governor, this is wrong. it's wrong and i believe americans on november 5th will say no more. we cannot tolerate this is a country. we are not a third world country. >> sandra: and yet biden just said this on anybody who suggests this was rigged. listen. >> it's reckless. it's dangerous. it's a responsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because
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they don't like the verdict. our justice system has endured 250 years and literally is the cornerstone of america. the justice system should be respected. we don't want anyone to tear it down it's as simple as that. >> sandra: final thought? >> there is irony with special counsel saying i'm not indicting the president because he is an elderly man with a failing memory. >> trump brought that up what about me. >> there is that irony. this was an abuse. i think people who are fair-minded is this is popular justice of manhattan but it's not the justice we look for in our legal system. speech i think judge had one final thought, john.
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>> americans, we are better than this and we will prove it on november 5th, hopefully. >> sandra: i think we bought ourselves some more time here. [laughter] >> john: we did no question about that. let's get you to speak to this idea, judge of biden saying don't criticize or say anything about this verdict and the wheels of justice should roll. i could see the supreme court from here a small piece of it but a member the crowds out in front of the supreme court after the dobbs decision came down and what reverberated in legislatures across the country and all the way down pennsylvania avenue to the white house where people said that is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong we have to do something to turn that back and biden says you must respect the will of the people. >> yes in other words keep your mouth shut and we know with this administration is capable of doing if you don't. and it was not the verdict, it's not only the verdict people said was rigged.
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they knew it was rigged. jonathan, we were talking about this in terms of the statements allegations and opening statements in charge of the jury. we did not need to wait for the verdict to say it was rigged. everything leading up was that case. but sure, any kind of protests we want to shut down and that was set a sad commentary. >> sandra: it was great to have you here onset. >> we will miss each other. >> i know i have to tell you she is a load of fun. >> sandra: i swear we have the best legal teams in the business. >> john: like the last day of can't. see you next summer. >> we are coming back. >> sandra: thank you so much. correspondent bryan llenas guess where he is? live outside trump tower getting reaction from americans from people on the ground in new york city. brian, what are people saying? >> sandra look there are about a couple hundred protesters out there from both sides while the former president was making his
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comments in trump tower behind me. for president is speaking when he spoke to both sides you realize those who are willing to come out here not surprisingly for the most intensive trump supporter's and the most intense anti-trump supporter's. when we spoke to trump supporter's they told us this was a shame. and one woman name was alexis she is 27 years old saying she did not vote in the last election and did not support trump but now she says she does because she is motivated by what she says is a sham and rigged a trial. she says she is most motivated by the fact the former president was still continuing to run despite all these roadblocks as she put it being thrown in front of him. now with the latest guilty verdict and we also spoke to biden i would say a liberal person who is here was a biden supporter but is also a professional protester and says she has been protesting with rise and resist for seven years
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and she says basically she is afraid there could be more people that potentially could support trump because of this verdict but ultimately she believes this case needed to happen. the poll showing two-thirds of folks out here thing would it make a difference? the biggest question the jury is still out on independent and swing voters. on top of all of that we know the former president we were able to turn that over to hear some of the sound. >> i didn't like trump in the beginning but then i saw what he did for the country and i was like you know what? it's way better than what we are doing now. >> this motivates you anymore this guilty verdict? >> yes it motivated me much more and i'm hoping a lot of people will see it. >> you know what?
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the real verdict is november 5th. that's when he will be back in the white house. >> i'm wondering if you're at all concerned about this backfiring in any way. come november 5th. >> the truth is i don't think we can think about backfiring. we have to pursue justice. >> [chanting] >> of course the trump campaign we see no time raising $35 million plus from 485,000 donors and the hours after the verdict they hope this will continue to build momentum for the former president, sandra. >> sandra: that is and was a lot of activity. i am sure there will be more. thank you for bringing it to us. >> of course. >> sandra: a did not take long for the presidential campaign to slam president trump and fund raise off of the guilty verdict. how will the conviction impact
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the 2024 race? >> john: plus jury selection monday in hunter biden's gun case could that end in a conviction as well. done my mark shannon bream is coming up next i do a lot of hiking and kayaking. i needed something to help me gain clarity. so i was in the pharmacy and i saw a display of prevagen and i asked the pharmacist about it. i started taking prevagen and i noticed that i had more cognitive clarity. memory is better. it's been about two years now and it's working for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. we always thought there was something regal about scraps here. so we got a dna test from embark. 91% golden retriever. 9% cavalier king charles spaniel. a king. [ british accent ] oh, yes, lord scrapington. he's taking a walk to explore the shire.
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reading verdicts and half of them were cheering half of them would be willing to. i think that represents how a lot of people feel. people are very emotional and very angry or elated so i think it's just a prism giving us a look of how the country feels as a whole. i think a lot of people are divided over this i think is a lawyer there are a number of strong grounds for appeal and i think it's a good chance it gets overturned on conviction. it won't matter to the selection because that will be months or years from now. >> john: a lot of people think this trial is about keeping trump off of the road trying to inhibit his ability campaign. there was some thought that the case itself was designed to declare the presidency again. here is with the former president had to say about that this morning. >> the only way they think they can win this election is by doing exactly what they are doing right now. win in the courts because they can't win at the ballot box. so we are going to show them that we are going to fight.
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>> john: it's interesting the biden-harris campaign said we have to win this in november, but the president or the formerr president at least a saying look we will fight this all the way to november and based on what we have seen in terms of fund-raising, he has a big head of steam coming out from yesterday. >> he does and remember a year ago after this first indictment he was asked if you would drop out of the race if indicted and he said no i think will help my numbers and that's been true in fund-raising in polling enforcing his g.o.p. rivals who come to his events all through the primary season then knocking each one of them out this has been good for him politically, we will see if it comes to november 5th, that's the real verdict as he said the real ballot box where people decide what happens, but in the meantime he can claim he had a lot of political victories because of this legal action against him. he has serious legal issues and many more on the horizon but he is hoping to ride that out with a victory in november which would quell some of that but it's not all going away whether
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he wins or not. >> shannon i thought it was interesting watching coverage in the minutes following this verdict yesterday afternoon. i was flipping channels around another network one of the first guests they had on to comment on the verdict was bob woodward. who made it very clear to everyone as we all know has spent a lot of time with the former president. i thought it interesting after we heard from president biden speaking at the white house reminding everyone that this case was heard by a jury of 12 citizens, 12 americans, 12 people like you, okay? this is how our legal system works at bob woodward's immediate response was this. >> maybe the country is not as divided as we think it is. that this jury was able to quite quickly reach a consensus and the consensus is that donald trump is a felony. and that changes politics. that changes the whole
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understanding of trump and the presidential election going on. >> sandra: that they made decisions based on politics? big i don't know if a manhattan jury represents america. this went 85% roughly in president biden so i think most americans would say that's not exactly representative of the rest of the country but a jury makes any decision based on politics but in some way is a political statement so i think that is the last thing they want and the biden-harris ticket they have tried to become careful about this because they don't want to give the appearance that this is political because that has been president trump's argument all along. >> john: as we mentioned a moment ago massive fund-raising hall after the verdict is what the chairman michael watley said about "more than 485,000 donors have hundred and $34.8 million since the verdict in the new york show trial was announced last night.
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american people sent mine president trump in the face of this unprecedented weaponization of the judicial system and we are laser focused on investing these resources to get out the vote, protect the ballot, and reelect president donald j. trump. even on this website in terms of the fund-raising splash page it has a picture of him and it says political prisoner. he is obviously appealing to his base and any other person who is willing to listen he is playing the part of a political prisoner here and if they want to change the system, they have to give money to him. >> listen, this is no doubt a legal loss from yesterday and his legal team but they are trying to leverage this into political wins punch bowl one of the morning political wrap-up emails many of us get and read it takes a pulse of what's going on say angry voters are motivated voters. people are very angry who align with president trump or these arguments about courts being weaponized, those are the ones that are going to show what. we know the turnout is everything for both sides of these tickets.
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democrats have some advantages on the way to get people early and they get them locked in. but republicans are trying to say now they will use this to motivate voters. you know people tell us they hate negative ads and yet they work. the data shows that. the same thing here motivate stomach anger motivates people show up. >> shannon you have a huge show coming up considering we got this verdict and sunday is coming around quickly you have guests lined up. >> we do we have legal eagles because i can't bear to part ways with all my extra time with jonathan turley will be that with us and john dupree but we have the house speaker with us, house democrat was a biden surrogate to talk about the polls and all kinds of things and also senator tim scott, is he going to join the ticket from the trump will ask. >> john: big lineup coming up sunday. good to see what you will see you sunday morning. the super bowl champion kansas city chiefs are about to appear the white house and some folks are not happy. the kicker harrison butker is
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getting eight invitation after the speech he gave. charlie hurt weighs in. >> sandra: can't wait plus the weight loss miracle drug ozempic are now expanding to, wait for it, the economy? dr. nicole saphier is here on that. using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming inner-springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets at
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and headache may occur. ♪ [announcer] with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> john: president biden is urging hamas to accept the new road map for a cease-fire and hostage release. israel is extending this proposal as they extend into rafah, she has the details and we haven't heard much about particular conditions involved, not just about negotiation. >> that's right, john we are talking about six weeks of negotiation which will be the first phase of this three-phase cease-fire. biden also stressed the point saying this will be a crucial moment to watch because they have said they are looking for a cease-fire. this will be a society decisive
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moment as to whether or not they take it something he urged them to do. >> the cease-fire will continue as long as negotiations continue. united states cutter would work to ensure negotiations keep going. all agreements until all the agreements are reached. phase two is able to begin. >> again phase one would be carried out over the six weeks during negotiations. israeli forces would reportedly leave gaza and more aid trucks would enter the strip in exchange for that some of the hostages would be released. then phase two remaining hostages would be released and this temporary cease-fire would continue but phase three that's when the reconstruction would begin of sites just like these scenes of mass destruction which is also one of the bodies of the deceased hostages would need to be returned. meanwhile today while those talks are underway israeli military is confirming its
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continuing to push further into that southern city of roff on president biden says after eight months of war hamas is no longer able to carry out any similar attack to what we saw on octobes he understands there are likely people within the israeli government and within the country that may not agree with this plan but urged there needs to be an end sometime soon. john? >> john: we will see where this goes if anywhere alex, thank you. sandra? >> sandra: remember the up or on the left wing media after the college commencement address there may be commotion if he attends the white house celebration for super bowl champs. jacqui heinrich has more from the white house. will taylor swift be there is a big question on many minds. >> it sure is. we still don't have an answer to that. i have to tell you but i will say we don't see crowds outside it's a pretty clear indication that probably the answer is no.
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but the visit could be a little awkward if the chiefs kicker harrison attends as he is supposed to according to reports of following that university commencement speech that was so controversial that the nfl issued a statement saying his views were not shared by the organization. he was vocally critical of president biden's abortion views and called pride month a "deadly sin" took some swipes against the initiatives and said that women find more joy in motherhood then cruise but not just butker made headlines, wishing rice was accused of driving 119 miles an hour and offensive tackles or some guard work were arrested on marijuana charges this month and just yesterday defensive lineman isaiah bugs turned himself in a jail on misdemeanor and old cruelty charges but the white house says the whole team is invited and that is that. not likely to be in attendance
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according to reports is taylor swift to his dating cap travis kelce the team's tight end which may, the disappointment disappointment to some steppers here at 1600 pennsylvania. >> that's a good question. i think the swifties behind these double doors are hoping that taylor swift makes an appearance but i don't have anything for you. i don't know i can't speak to her schedule but i do know there's a lot of interest in this building on this campus. >> swift played a concert last night in spain she is heading to france tomorrow for another one. expectations are pretty low for a swift appearance and i should correct myself i sent benedictine university and its benedictine college, sandra. >> sandra: jacqui heinrich life of the white house. will be on taylor watch i guess. anything could happen thanks, jackie. john? >> john: okay let's bring in charlie hurt "washington times" opinion editor and fox news
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contributor. harrison butler was very critical of this president accusing him of making the sign of the cross at an abortion rally. you wonder is he welcome at the white house? listen to this exchange with karine jean-pierre. >> is the chiefs kicker harrison butker welcome at the white house? >> what i say is we invite the entire team and we do that always. i don't have anything beyond that. >> his recent comments is he specifically welcome? >> we invited the team. it is an invitation that goes to the team. so it's up to the team who comes and who does not come. >> john: what are your thoughts as he welcome? >> it's kind of hard to say especially when you consider how this white house tends to go after people pretty harshly but you know, if he wants to go i hope he does go and i hope it is a civilized civil sort of exchange. the views he has expressed obviously not shared by the nfl according to them are in the
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wide main stream of a lot of the nfl's viewers and a lot of americans. when i listen to his remarks over the stereo a couple of weeks ago i was kind of surprised. i was expecting it to be something really bad but of course he did not attack people. did not attack women who wanted to pursue careers. he simply celebrated and said people were women who want to stay home and raise their children, that's a wonderful choice. a wonderful and fulfilling choice. that is obviously a choice shared by millions of american women who very happily do that. but i do think it's also kind of interesting the degree to which this white house tends to tilt at political windmills and with college campuses, we've seen with the whole hamas israel situation. and i think that leads to to me it seems it smells a little of desperation. and i think it is desperation
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but they end up getting in this controversy is trying to satisfy people in a political sense and it ends up hurting them. so if he comes i hope that they extend a civilized olive branch and everyone works out nicely. whether or not taylor swift shows up. >> john: you know, my 13-year-old daughter came to my wife and i this morning and said you know what i think i'm not a swiftie anymore. like what happened? >> wow. >> john: to benedictine college commencement was on m may 11th. clearly butker is sticking by his guns listened when he said at may 24th. >> many people expressed a shocking level of hate. the more i have talked about what i value most which is my catholic faith, the more polarizing i've become. it is a decision i have constantly made and one i do not regret at all. >> john: what do his teammates think, travis kelce and
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patrick mahomes. listen here. >> i've known him seven years and i judge him by the character he shows every single day and that is a good person. there are some things he says i don't necessarily agree with but i understand the person that he is. >> john: that's a very some way of handling it, you know? i don't agree with a lot of what he says but i respect him and i think is a civil person, and yet people around the country are calling him all manner of things. as he pointed out he got a shocking level of hate in response to that initial speech. >> you know, john, kind of like what i said a minute ago, i was surprised when i listened to what he actually said how sort of basic and widely shared a lot of what he said was saying is among in particular catholics but lots of different faiths. and not just christian faith, by the way. it's much more broad than that. but it does give you the sense in this environment where everyone is trying to politicize
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everything, everything becomes really controversial and it's really not. >> john: i'll tell you it seems to get worse and worse every day. the incivility with which we treat our fellow americans. charlie always great to talk to you. wait to see you. sandra? >> sandra: good to see charlie as well. giving ukraine more leeway with provided weapons. how they are responding next. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize
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and rushes is limited to? >> sandra it involves the use of american weapons by the ukrainians in and around the car keep area only about 12 miles from the russian border. it does not involve the longer range attack from the range. this is the first time the president has lifted his own restriction of the ukrainian military can strike targets inside russia to protect ukraine's second largest city from the ongoing russian assault. first reported by politico this is but seeing u.s. officials by a policy shift not a broad shift in policy that would open up the use of u.s. weapons inside russia at large. it is specific to this area. at a two week nato area antony blinken talked about attempts to sow discord with misinformation and hinted u.s. policy will continue to add just
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to help ukraine stop russia's military advances. speak of the stakes cannot be higher in this moment. going forward we will continue to do what we have been doing which is as necessary adapt and adjust. >> russia has launched relentless attacks using cruise missiles, drones, and ballistics missiles since may 10th ukrainian officials warned that russia is on the move and without more help from the u.s. and nato were cities could fall. this city is 12 miles from the russian border which until the now has been a sanctuary for bases behind the russian border. meantime the defense intelligence agency released photographic evidence it says confirms the use by a bye russia of ballistic missiles reduced in north korea. photos of debris from ballistic missiles fired at ukrainian targets including a january 2nd attack on our key were from north korean short-range
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missiles buried ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy prays president biden's decision is a step border but with so many restrictions remaining on the use of u.s. weapons to fight russian forces elsewhere some military analysts say it may be too too also late. tender? >> sandra: jennifer griffin on all of that from the pentagon thank you thank you. >> john: now this is weight loss drugs surge in popularity one analyst says well americans are losing weight on them they also could beef up our gdp. nicole saphier is up next on how that might work. the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment.
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>> sandra: while ozempic and drugs like ozempic are helping millions of americans is weight going to help grow the economy? one analyst says that drugs could help by more americans in the labor force growing gdp by an extra one percentage point. that would be big, let's bring in dr. nicole saphier board certified radiologist and director of imaging at memorial sloan-kettering cancer center. it's great to see you. everyone is talking about ozempic and people losing weight on ozempic. what it can do for you. first off, i mean, what are your thoughts on this weight loss trend to begin with?
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>> first of all, sandra, i think everyone at this point knows at least one person who is on one of these medications. when we say ozempic it's really an umbrella term for these semiglue tide or glp-1 not just a ozempic we have wegovy, mun charo and a couple others. what is it look like wash my great glycemic control it's obviously having people use weight, it improves blood flow to our organs. kidneys, blood, brain, all of these are good for the body and because of that we are seeing very high positive health benefits buried in fact we are starting to see some studies coming out showing it decreases the risk of cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes. the new study just came out in "the new england journal of medicine" showing that patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease is a 24% less likely chance of having a more severe kidney event. is so when you already have $450 billion being spent every year in the united states on chronic heart disease, chronic
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vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease all of a sudden this medication can potentially be risk those diseases seems pretty enticing. >> sandra: so the headlines are everywhere. as we quoted than one headline with goldman sachs analyst more americans take ozempic the faster the u.s. economy grows, citing reasons would you just said if they can get the obesity problem under control you see those health care costs come down and this on kidney health and the other benefits of the drug, it w a ozempic here is ans an is a big dumb ozempic user karen evans all over social media as we can imagine she is on youtube sharing tips for taking ozempic including for managing nausea. >> i would suggest taking it right before you are going to have a couple days off work.
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the reason i would recommend that is just because it could make you nauseous. a lot of people experience that. >> sandra: what side effects are we hearing about? >> first of all, sandra, can we please get away from getting health advice from tiktok and other social media? that terrifies me. i used to think google is bad. so yes, the side effects are real. they are, and about 25% may be even more of people who take these medications experience some side effects. most common being g.i. upset, nausea, constipation, others there are some severe adverse reactions as well. some pancreatitis, cystitis, kidney disease, there has also been some studies that show about less than 1% increase risk of thyroid cancers with a black box warning. i think anybody out there should be on these medications? absolutely not. i think they should be reserved for patients who are really struggling to lose weight. not just for the person who wants to lose 10 pounds and they don't want to go to the gym or
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eat healthier to do it. i think there are some benefits to these medications but i also think there are severe risks. we have to really weigh that. >> sandra: interesting. we know there are some people can't even get it if they truly needed for medical reasons because it is in short supply because of the weight loss aspects of it. now people are talking about how do you get off it if you want to get off it? "wall street journal" tackling that one some saying the binge eating comes back with a vengeance and the food cravings so a lot to look at there. >> another addition to big pharma to be honest. >> sandra: always great to have you on great to have you. >> thank you for having me. >> john: great advice there. the national spelling bee coming down to a tie breaker something we've only seen one other time before. what was the day newmont of the competition you know, d-e-
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>> john: we love the action. took a rare tiebreaker to crown a new spelling bee chan. look at this video from scripps national competition. >> i'm sale, pathology. you are the 2024 scripps national spelling bee champ. congratulations. >> didn't need that. the 12-year-old breezed through 29 words in 90 seconds to take the top spot. that's some good spelling. >> i'm amazed and impressed. 12 years old. congratulations. >> wsn a have a great weekend everyone. we'll see again monday. never miss america reports. thanks for joining us. i'm john roberts. >> martha: the story starts with jillian in for martha.


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