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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 31, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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he thinks of the conviction. he's going to appeal. talk about the issues of people care about because lee is right. by about an 18-20% margin voters prefer trump on the economy and trump's economy over died and on the economy and bidens economy. there's also the southern border. again another issue the place to trump's advantage. trump should say this is politics what's real is our future as a country and my policies will be better. i think if he does that he will minimize even potentially eliminate the importance of this conviction to yesterday. >> neil: thank you. we will see how it folds out. a lot on this tomorrow on my morning show on saturday 10:00 am. see you then. here's the 5. [ ♪♪ ] >> hello i am jesse watters
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along with judged jeanine pirro. harold ford junior shannon green and gray got fell. 5:00 in new york city and this is the 5. [ ♪♪ ] donald trump going scorched-earth on his guilty verdict. joe biden doing a victory lap on the left successful author campaign. the president telling millions of republicans they have no right to call the trial rigged. >> the american principle that no 1 is above the law was reaffirmed. donald trump was given every opportunity to defend himself. it was a state case not a federal case, as reckless tech dangerous. it is irresponsible. for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. >> jesse: the big guy sporting a goofy grin as he ignored questions from reporters. watch this. >> can you tell us sir donald
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trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what's your response to that? do you think the conviction will have an impact on the campaign? we would love to hear your thoughts. >> should he be on the ballot? >> jesse: before biden's lecture on norms donald trump went off in the verdict for about 40 minutes. he says he's ready to fight. >> if they can do this to me they can do this to anyone. these are bad people. i'm deleting person for president and i am under a gag order by a man they cannot put 2 net sentences together. it was a rigged trial. we want to the venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted a judge change and a judge that wasn't conflicted and obviously he didn't do that. crime is rampant in new york yesterday, mcdonald's you had a
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man hitting him up with machetes , a machete. brag is down watching a trial. this is bigger than trump. this is bigger than me and my presidency. >> jesse: trump saving some of his best lines for the sleepy 1. >> crooked joe biden the worst president in the history of our country is the dumbest president, most incompetent president and he's the most dishonest president. he's a very big danger to our country. the only way they think they can win this election is by doing exactly what they are doing right now, win in the courts because they cannot win at the ballot box. >> jesse: so you have 1 president smirking like a weirdo harold ford, and then you have former president unscripted about 40 minutes, took us through the whole trial and what it meant for the country in the constitution. how would you gage both of these reactions today? >> good to be back around the table. i would say a couple of things.
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i think the partisan exuberance at any level anytime after a trial does nothing to enhance confidence in the ruling or enhance confidence in our judicial system. i tried to show yesterday we need to show some restraint. politics is a part of everything and it's even part of the judicial system at some level because some of rdas across the country are elected. some judges are elected and if they are not they are appointed. and if they are appointed they are appointed by people who had been elected to office. some of my partisan friends and some who are democrat will say the judge down in florida judge
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cannon who is a graduate of my law school university of michigan that she somehow or another is a partisan in a race can cannot the race but this trial this case and the thing may be rigged in favor of president trump. because president trump nominated appointed her when she was confirmed. i don't buy that. the judge in the case against hunter biden where the case is scheduled to start monday her name is judge noriega, appointed by president trump. she's given money to both senator cotten and i believe senator romney. do i believe she cannot be fair of course not. she took an oath and will she demonstrate she can be fair somehow or another. i saw all of this talk. i hope president trump stop saying it was rigged. i hope he appeals if he wants to appeal and it seems like he will , and if the law is on his side it will be remedied for him. and i hope it's the last time we hear president biden talk about it. i thought it was somewhat imbalanced to say he does not think it was rigged. he was trying to protect the judicial system. i would have said that more forthrightly. but i think all this language and exuberance political exuberance has to come to a stop
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we are going to lose 1 of the things that makes our country so awesome, so great. so majestic. it's called the rule of law. just become we don't like an outcome and there were outcomes i didn't like doesn't mean that we should trash the system. you should use the system and employ the system to try to remedy what you think is a wrong. if president trump who clearly believes the wrong decision was reached yesterday, he should appeal it and appeal it with all of the might and other resources he has to ensure that the right verdict is delivered at some point. and if it's not in his mind he has to accept it. because none of us are bigger than this thing called the united states of america. and the judicial system i believed is an important part of what makes this so unique. >> jesse: you can say we have a great judicial system and we do but you can also abuse the judicial system and it makes it not so great.
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some would say you are raking it when you abuse it. >> that's why we have appellate courts. let me first say i agree with harold that partisan exuberance is inappropriate. as daie would tonya prosecutors the came down from court they had a conviction. i would say no we don't do this. someone's life has been forever changed. someone will probably lose their civil liberties. something enormous has happened. so i agree with harold in that regard. i totally disagree with joe biden. it was a stayed case not a federal case except you sent as an emissary, number 3 from your department to prosecute a crime of local da. if people are not saying it was rigged because of the verdict, and in fact i don't claim this jury pick the jury did what they are supposed to do based upon the charges even to them. it was rigged because out of nowhere a local da told the jurors in a case that if you
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decide that there is a violation of the federal election campaign law or violation of the federal tax laws you don't have to b resurrect some dead misdemeanors and conduct not just anyone but a former president of united states states whose the number 1 opponent of joe biden who sent his main guy down to help him get that verdict through. lock. this is a new time in america. there's tens of thousands of prosecutors out there right now licking their chops saying we have crossed the rubicon. i don't like the county executive. he doesn't give me money for my budget. i don't like the governor, i'm going to indict him. i'm going to squeeze witnesses. i don't even have to charge, you know, get a judge who agrees with me. or make of a crime. let's just go in there and start. it's a bad day for america. joe biden don't talk to me about being irresponsible and dangerous. your department of justice allowed the statute of
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limitations to run for your son hunter biden so he could not get him indicted and prosecuted for the main years he got millions from russia and china and ukraine. they let the statute of limitations run. and it's only because of the judges i will not let your son get away with a gun charge but see how that goes. >> we will and we'll see soon how that goes. it starts next week. we just have brand-new video of president biden reacting to the trump verdict. watch. >> this conviction helps trump in the election? >> no. are you worried this could have been to somebody someday comes worked with some charges and tries to bring in the court after your term? >> not at all. i didn't do anything wrong. >> when trump says you're just trying to bruise him what do you say? politically. he thinks you're pulling the strings behind the scenes doing all this to help yourself. >> i didn't know i was that powerful. >> he's denying he had anything to do with it. he's also saying, you know, if
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someone was to come after me after i finished up my term wouldn't happen because i didn't do anything wrong. he has no idea if this will help trump. he never really answers anything does he? >> what i like is heathfield's the questions to click 1 of the on the people he will talk to so peter gets there and at least get them to engage. there some kind of conversation with them. to the point about worrying that her institutions are being used gala to connect people are signaling they don't feel good about our institutions. they are worried about them. r. kelly kerri urbahn pointed out today the attorney general back in 1940 robert jackson who became supreme court justice said this to his prosecutors warning them this is not supposed to be a political weapon in a speech in 1940. he said prosecutors can choose defendants and that's the most dangerous power of the prosecutor. he can pick people he thinks he should get rather than to cases that need to be prosecuted with the law books for the greatest weren't of crimes prosecutor sends a fair chance of finding at least a technical violation of some act on the part of
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almost anyone. prosecutors do have a ton of power. they have a ton of discretion. i have heard from people who feel frightened, worried about how the system will be used. they are also angry and punched for 1 of the political pieces that goes out every morning by e-mail pointed out the gop knows angry voters are motivated voters. that's the other motion you're hearing from people and they hope they can capitalize in november. >> greg gutfeld. >> jesse watters. we like to expand on anything anybody said here? >> not really. >> up next. >> the weird thing about republicans conservatives, independent, it takes a lot to piss them off. the left are different. though protest at the drop of a pussy hat. they will take over buildings. they might even sent him on fire. they will room graduations and glue themselves to famous art. they will stop traffic and rune hard-working people's days over nothing and what do we do? remind our business. we go about our lives, and
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tele-line is crossed. yesterday that line was crossed. you can feel it and the democrats know it. they served up a delicious giant hill to die on then lit to ton stack of dynamite under our asses to help us take the hill. i think they know that. democrats will repeat the phrase convicted felon so many times you will relish the days of russia russia russia but you can't let it work on you. because that was the plan. they're using convicted felon to a racetrack for years of disastrous policies. if you just say trump is a convicted felon will forget about crime immigration, inflation and they assume you will and that's insulting. of our trump's team i would come up with the most wanted poster with trump on it. most wanted by america. there's something to be said about having an echo of president. so i see this as a win because
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it fires up the republicans and unites people who normally would not be united and it will could bear and the bear is hungry and it's passed. meanwhile when you look at the democrats wears their fire? they seem exhausted and they seem scared. they should be because the pushback is coming. it's not from trump. it's from everyone else who feels assaulted by the same crew who orchestrated from 3 years of progressive failure and now they expect to be able to repeat it by removing trump from being a candidate. so after all is said and done the dems are stuck on joe. it's foolish to think that verdict a race to the reality because you try to injure the adversary's horse doesn't mean you're dead horse will start running. you look at that weird exit. of some but he flashed a light at him he would walk towards it.
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>> i like the wanted poster. not a bad idea by america. >> filled with great ideas. >> once in a while. >> just like you are filled with moose and jail. >> jesse: don't miss former president donald trump on fox and friends weekend this sunday morning starting at 6:00 am. coming up next the liberal media spiking the football in the trump travesty of justice. calling it a majestic day. [ ♪♪ ] (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals,
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>> the liberal media and democrats relishing in the top political opponent being found guilty. >> it's a majestic day and we are rightly saying the system worked like clockwork. >> this is a moment of sort of democratic reset small multi-democratic reset is country. his whole dream was to be respected in manhattan and it was in manhattan where he was wrought low. i think there's something interesting and poetic about that. >> it was very satisfying to finally see this guy get some comeuppance. >> i was at costco buying 10 boxes of keurig coffee and my watch started to buzz and i got so excited i started leaking a little bit. i feel like america won. i felt like new york won. i felt like the manhattan das office won. i felt like i won. >> the law for lovers also wasting no time in hyping the new talking point about the former president. >> he's now a convicted felon. >> people have to say to themselves am i going to vote
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for a convicted felon. >> the most some plastic way from here on in the other side has the ability to take the great brander and brand him know so simplistic term convicted felon and that's powerful. >> i want to say something you've never heard me say before but donald john trump-- is a convicted felon. >> i've got to go right to you with that. >> that was amazing spee wanted to say it so bad and then she couldn't say it. i'm more worried about joy behar in 10 boxes of keurig coffee. i would hate to be her toilet. this is to be predictive. these people are hacks. fair definition of a hack is finding joy in somebody's bad luck. even for brought them bad luck was wrong. it's like you should, a true
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democrat and i've seen other democrats say this, that is much as they hate trump this was wrong. they are saying they don't care it's wrong they hate trump. the key is not to fall under the strap and as a viewer or anybody got to channel your anger and frustration into productive work can't turn it into energy. don't waste your time looking at that stuff. you lose the battle figure out how to win the war and you can only do that if you're focused good health strong frame of mind it pays to know now none of these cranks and hacks were celebrating about something that directly benefits the average american. they are not celebrating because they got rid of no cash bail or reduced inflation or fixed a poor sport border. they were rejoicing over their own mental state. those are the bad things will continue because those bad things don't matter to them. it's its third arrangement that gets priority. it is no different when they put their mental suffering over
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trump's mean tweets ahead of a country that had low inflation and no wars. but voters are different. they need to have practical stuff. they are paying the prices. they are the problem. you are seeing people indulging in a luxury. your their hatred of trump is all that matters. kimmel doesn't care about crime, he has tons of security. "the view," they can afford large meals come as we can see. >> judge jeanine: you know, jesse, they keep saying when donald trump comes back, he's going to be hitler, even though we've got four years of his never being hitler, but he had a justice department, too, and when he first became president, people kept saying "lock her up" for the email scandals and all the other stuff, the clinton foundation, they made eric trump
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take down his charity for st. jude. donald trump never weaponized his justice department. >> jesse: donald trump's justice department was weaponized against him. they had a special counsel investigating him! that's how ridiculous it was. judge, my mom is celebrating. she texted me that she was dancing after the verdict, dancing. and then she kept all day sending me 34, 34, 34 felony counts, harold, you know exactly what i'm talking about. she is a grandmother. a grandmother! get it together, mom. oh, my god. so usually when you see a crime, judge, and you know this better than anybody, violent crime, for instance, people do become happy when there is someone that is convicted because you think, well, one, that person is going to be removed from society because then they can't commit another crime, and you feel a little bit happy for the victims family because they have a sense of justice. who is the victim here?
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why are they celebrating anything? there is no victim. why are they happy? who are they happy for? if anything, donald trump is the victim of this case -- permission to make an analogy. >> greg: permission granted. [laughter] >> jesse: it's like someone taking a huge bong hit hit. holding it in, because you have told it in, right, harold? >> harold: i've never -- >> jesse: blowing it in someone's face and then you demand they get drug tested. what happens with the drug test? they are positive, cannabis, and then you are celebrating they are positive. you blew smoke in their face! what do you think is going to happen? >> greg: you hotbox tin. to be you hotboxed trump. the democrats have been saying for ten years this is a rigged system, we have a racist criminal justice system, that racist d.a.s, racist judges, and racist police are purposefully going after black men and women and prosecuting
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them and incarcerating them. so they admit, they admit that the system can be rigged widespread against millions of african americans, but they say they can't rigged the system against one man? they just did. >> judge jeanine: no doubt about it. what do you think of rachel maddow saying that this is a moment of democratic reset? what do you think she is talking about? >> harold: i don't know. >> jesse: he is still high. >> harold: just for the record, i have never done a drug in my life. >> judge jeanine: me either. >> greg: you are a drug. >> jesse: let me sniff you, harold. >> harold: i am a basketball fan. the greatest coach to ever coach college basketball is john wooden, late coach of ucla, is that you can never let praise or criticism get too big. you get caught up in either one. i think when people are down, my friends are down, or having hardship, some people run away from it, i run to my friends. i certainly don't pounce on people, even if they are my enemy or my adversary or someone
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who i have been at odds with. if they are down, my faith tells me to lift them up. my whole notion of what partisan exuberance, there is no place for it. i'm not going to blame someone or judge someone from a rather, for doing it, but it does not serve the body politic for that to happen. and whether it is "the view," whether it is people on the other side who are talking about things, i agree with you also, i am not one that believes that the criminal justice system is rigged because of examples of people being discriminated against. we should fix that, just like every police officer is not a bad -- 99% of police officers are great people who every day risk their lives to create a safety in our neighborhoods and community. we have to find better ways to support them and train them. i'm not a believer in this rigged thing. >> jesse: they abused the lot right in front of our own eyes, harold? >> harold: who is they? >> jesse: the prosecutors and the judge down in
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lower manhattan. >> judge jeanine: how can a local d.a. prosecute a federal crime? and i will go to you with that. >> shannon: i will say whenever stuff starts in washington there's always a conversation, remember whatever he gets used by you is going to be used against you at some point. think back to 2013 when harry reid said we are blowing out the filibuster for all of these judges so we can put through the obama nominees. 2017 when republicans were in charge, they blew the supreme court. you think -- just be ready because others are going to use it against you. >> judge jeanine: great point, shannon. >> shannon: i try. >> greg: do you really try? >> shannon: i do -- >> harold: it has to stop at some point. >> jesse: or arrest michelle obama. fine, harold! what's fair is fair. >> judge jeanine: ahead, donald trump vowing to appeal the scam verdict, but will alvin bragg throw him in prison first? ♪ ♪ - it's apparent. not me. - yeah. nice going lou!
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♪ ♪ >> we are going to be appealing this scam. we are going to be appealing it on many different things. he wouldn't allow us to have witnesses. he wouldn't allow us to talk. he wouldn't allow us to do anything. the judge was a tyrant. >> harold: donald trump vowing to appeal his guilty verdict, sentencing is set for july 11th, 4 days before the rnc convention come in time is of the essence. manhattan d.a. alvin bragg is not ruling out trying to send the former president to prison and some folks in the media seem to think jail is indeed in the cards. >> this is the most serious falsifying business records case in the history of the state of new york. i think serious risk of jail sentence, not serving. >> you think they will ask for jail? >> the pearl clutching amongst republicans about the idea he would go to jail from the people
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who were cheering donald trump's "lock her up" chant in 2016 is a little rich beard >> six months at rikers and then the rest, five years, four and a half years of probation, that is under new york law. >> six months at this table. harold: judge, notwithstanding all of the exuberance from someone on the other side there, what do you believe are the three most important arguments, powerful arguments the president's team can make on appeal? >> judge jeanine: the fundamental problem, i'm going to keep it real short. number one, a nonunanimous verdict on an element of the crime, and there is no question that column a, b, and c was an element of the climb that catapulted the dead misdemeanors and resurrected them to felonies. okay? >> harold: say that in english, i know what you're saying, but you are really saying they didn't agree on the
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second crime? >> judge jeanine: what i'm saying here is the judge said, if he violated the federal election law, the federal tax law, or falsifying business records in the second degree, then if you find any of those -- >> harold: those three. >> judge jeanine: any of those three, that's an element necessary to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, but the judge said number one, you don't have to be unanimous, number two, we don't even know which one it was, and number three, and by the way, all criminal verdicts have to be unanimous -- number three, a local d.a., a local county judge has no jurisdiction over a felony cr crime. so they were acting as federal prosecutors in a local case. that's number one peered >> harold: what's your number two? the jurisdiction, those are two separate ones, i think you are going down a list, so what is your third one? >> judge jeanine: and the third -- the third column? federal election. federal taxes. >> harold: no, third element
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of the appeal that is powerful? >> judge jeanine: oh, the third element of the appeal as they blocked the testimony of brad smith. they allowed michael cohen and david pecker two, number one, cohen was allowed to say i pled guilty to a federal election campaign violation, and david pecker was allowed to say i entered a nonprice agreement wih the department of justice or the fec, and then when they brought in oklahoma they tried to bring in an fec guy, brad smith, and the judge basically said no, and then the third or fourth is, wait a minute, you should have an adverse witness charge because of columns, the voucher, the invoice, and the check. nobody put donald trump on any of those important bookkeeping records. allen weisselberg was the guy who made the decision. the prosecution didn't call him. that's a missing witness that the jury should have said you can presume he would have said something negative to the prosecution. that's why they didn't call him.
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>> harold: i think your first two are stronger. what did you think about the jail, what they are talking about in terms of the sentencing? what do you think is going to happen? >> jesse: i think he is the only person the democrats ever want to put in prison. everybody else they let out. it's ridiculous. he is 70 something, he's a former president, he's got no track record. these are nonviolent misdemeanors rank and steined into a felony. if this judge tries this, it's going to be a revolution in this country, no doubt about that. but if biden is still down like he is on july 11th, i wouldn't put it past bragg in this judge to get together and try to put him in jail, maybe house arrest. wouldn't that just move this right of the supreme court, judge? couldn't you do an emergency appeal straight to scotus? >> judge jeanine: here's the issue. you have to be able to show there is a due process violation and interference with the election and get a common law writ and try to bring it up and hope they will take it. look, we're still waiting for immunity from them. but normally they will say let
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the state courts exhaust their appeal. we will see. >> harold: what do you think of the appeal and the strength of the arguments? >> shannon: i agree with a lot of that. remember harvey weinstein who most people find reprehensible, had part of his conviction thrown out by a new york court here who said they are all of these people and other crimes that were allowed to come in as testimony. i think that the trump team could mine some of that and say listen, there was all of this other stuff that was allowed in. harvey weinstein is getting another shot at this. i think that is one of the strongest things that they have. i would also say, i had other thoughts to write down but jesse stole my pen and then i noticed after he stole it, the joke is on him because it ran out of ink. >> jesse: it did. >> judge jeanine: it is all karma appeared >> harold: exclamation point, what are your thoughts on the sentencing or the elements of this appeal? >> my worry about the appeal is the court is still in new york. it is still a new york liberal judges, and if you think they are going to play fair after all of this, i don't think the dems came this far not to complete all of the steps. i assume the worst. i don't think they're going to
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stop, handed over. i look at it a little differently in terms of what comes next because the dems have created an environment through lawfare where we believe they are capable of anything. so everything is going to be looked at with a large measure of suspicion. we are going to presume everything is rigged. sorry. but we had for years watching this happen. so with trump, who is 77, suddenly drops dead from a cardiac arrest on the golf course, and it is real, do you think anybody is going to believe that after everything we have been through? they better hope that trump stays healthy and is well protected because if anything happens to him, you are just going to assume that democrats are behind it and if trump way ahead and still loses, oh, boy, i think it would be great if they locked him up because i would love to see him do a presser in the yard with dudes pumping iron right next to him. if he was in super max, you would still see him more often than biden. >> harold: ten seconds, what
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is the sentence? >> greg: the sentence is going to be probation and i want to be his probation officer appeared >> harold: shannon, what will be the sentence? >> shannon: if he got probation he would have to let them know every time he traveled out of state which he does all the time. >> harold: jesse? >> jesse: i'm not making predictions, i got the red wave wrong. >> harold: i think 60 days home arrest and two-year probation, what do you think of a judge? >> judge jeanine: if they want to be very vicious about it they can give a congressional disk carton on my discharge, condition of which he has to wash windows or go to the park and clean it up, he will they will do anything. >> shannon: he would have fun with that, though. >> judge jeanine: voters. before he would. >> harold: ahead, the other major court drama about to shake up the 2024 race come hunter biden's gun trial. ♪ ♪ tor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining.
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♪ ♪ >> shannon: be careful what you wish for, that's on. there's another historic tribal sending a shock wave through the 2024 campaign. jury selection set to begin this monday for hunter biden's gun case, making it the first criminal case, criminal trial of a sitting president's son. hunter is facing three felony counts, all related to his alleged illegal purchase of a firearm back in october of 2018 while in the throws of a drug addiction. judge, you don't think this might actually happen, you think may be a deal comes together this weekend? because the last thing fell apart. >> judge jeanine: i think they cannot afford, at this point, to have a trial go forward with all of the negative press, so i think they're going to work out a plea deal, say this guy does not have any priors and whatever, great guy, wonderful kid, and they are going to work out a deal. i think the irony here is the son of the most anti-second amendment president we have had is using the second amendment to get rid of the gun
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charges based on his constitutional right to have a gun. but if it goes to trial, he is dead to write convicted, both on the lying on the form as well as the gun possession. >> shannon: i want to read some thing from the doj filing in the case, the defendant's laptop is real. it will be introduced as a trial exhibit and it can take significant evidence of the defendant's guilt. moreover, the evidence on his laptop is corroborated by independent sources including admissions in his book, harold. >> harold: i agree with the judge on this. i would not be surprised if there was an agreement reached over the weekend. i think, for many, those who are around hunter and his family, i think the laptop is more whether they are able to prove, i think there is some issue, a chain of custody issue, an application with the form, so all of that stuff would come out. i think the laptop and some of the contents would be the most embarrassing.
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i said it yesterday, justice sonia sotomayor wrote the majority opinion in a case that protects the nra because the rights were violated, their first amendment rights were violated by the new york department of financial services. so i think judges can be fair in these things, and i think as much as president biden may be anti-second amendment, may not be anti-second amendment, or even hunter, people are afforded the protections of the law, but i agree with the judge, i think they're going to find an agreement before the weekend. >> shannon: you think it is in part they don't not want the lap to come out? >> jesse: they're not going to present evidence in the laptop at trial that ties joe biden to anything. and i disagree. i think this is going to trial appeared >> judge jeanine: from your lips to god's ears. >> jesse: going to trial because they tried to cut a deal six months ago and it blew up in their face and now the justice department was embarrassed. and they had come in order to
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regain some level of credibility, i don't think they can all of a sudden try to patch together a deal at the last second, in the face of this trial, in the face of the last deal it fell apart, it would just be too bad. now weiss is the guy, special prosecutor, his whole career is on the line. he's probably getting calls from delaware and he's getting heat from justice to hold firm. because this would just blow up the justice department if they cut a deal last second. they are going to be presenting evidence of him smoking crack on camera. like on the day of the gun purchase. and they are going to be bringing in exes. three ex-girlfriends. one is the widow of the other son, and joe biden paid her a visit earlier in the week. they say it was about an anniversary, but you know, when has the president ever gone to her house for anything? so i don't know what he told her. it looks like witness tampering to me. but i think the message is clear. she better stay the right thing. >> shannon: i got you a new pen. >> jesse: thank you very much
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peered >> shannon: you are welcome. greg? >> greg: listen to how we are talking about this. we are not all bent out of shape over it, you know what i mean? this is the difference. where not just going, we've got to put him in prison! we are just not like that. that laptop has enough stuff to put the whole family away. the big guy himself. hunter, his brother, they are like the corleone family with head injuries. in joe's favor, if he ever gets busted for a crime, we know he is unfit to stand trial so he is safe. >> shannon: all right. "fan mail friday" is up next. ♪ ♪ happy memories just come easier on the water. our founder, johnny morris and his dad knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: all right! "fan mail friday." first question from karen m. what's the best advice you can give in exactly three words? jesse? >> jesse: wake up early. >> greg: nice! judge? >> judge jeanine: be true to yourself. >> greg: that's four! [laughter] maybe it should be learned to count. [laughter] what's your name again, harold? >> harold: love, forgive,
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love. >> shannon: oh! >> harold: you have to. otherwise you are miserable. >> greg: were you just coming onto me? >> jesse: i think he was. >> greg: shannon? >> shannon: no doesn't count. i don't mean in that way. >> judge jeanine: what are you talking -- >> jesse: oh! no means yes! >> judge jeanine: don't send that out. >> shannon: no! >> jesse: finally some woman admits. >> greg: my three words: don't do coke. >> shannon: okay. >> greg: do we have time? >> judge jeanine: yeah, hit it. >> greg: oh, we have "one more thing." "one more thing." ♪ ♪
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okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
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balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) ♪ ♪ >> jesse: it's time now for "one more thing." feeding frenzy. >> greg: oh boy.
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>> jesse: take up more time run it back. >> greg: no. >> jesse: oreo came out with oreo sour patch kids. you a are going to go first. cream filled with sugar inclusions sandwiched between two sour patch kids flavored base cake. did you ever know they were a base cake? >> shannon: i thought it was cookie part. >> jesse: so anxious to get to his promotion. look at him. he can't even relax. >> shannon: you got twist them first. >> jesse: "jesse watters primetime" 8:00 eric trump, kevin mccarthy. clay travis. johnny bell saraio. >> greg: you put johnny. >> judge jeanine: with kevin mccarthy? >> harold: johnny deserves that. >> jesse: he got a promotion. >> greg: not a single woman that bunch. >> jesse: mccarthy identifies as a woman. >> shannon: wow. >> greg: tonight guy benson, cat
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todd piro tyrus. it's a banger. let's do this, everybody loves a long tongue. so check out this adorable, look at that tongue, huh? >> judge jeanine: that's disgusting. he gets all the ladies. ant eater and his name, get this is gonzo at the pout defiance zoo in washington. don't get any ideas, shannon. [laughter] super long 16-inch tongue. [laughter] 16 inches. >> judge jeanine: oh my god. >> shannon: he might enjoy the sour patch oreos. >> judge jeanine: remember the days when you were a kid and anything could be a toy? check out baby gore ril he la named bruno going round and
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round and round and round and round. counterclockwise. i'm on hannity tonight. so there. >> harold: the power of technology empowering new yorkers life. born without a hand. company developed a robotic hand for him which now allows him to live his life like every 5-year-old. congrats to this young man that's what technology can do when it does right. >> shannon: we will use technology to put on "fox news sunday." here are our guests this weekend speaker of the house mike johnson: and democratic congressman. >> greg: where is johnny belisario. >> shannon: johnny is co-hosting "fox news sunday" with me. >> jesse: that's it for us have. great weekend, everybody. >> bret: do you think johnny will come on my show? >> jesse: fan. >> bret: thank you have. a good


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