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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 31, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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president biden was at her house. >> this was not about that. >> these warriors fought for our freedom and the freedom of others. freedom has never been guaranteed. >> we know you live with loss every day and not just memorial day. [taps] >> bret: one week including memorial day. monday on "special report" jury selection begins in hunter biden's federal gun case. we will bring you that please join shannon this weekend for "fox news sunday" exclusive guest house speaker mike johnson south carolina senator tim scott. if you can't catch us live set your dvr 36 p.m. in the east and 3:00 p.m. in the east. that's it for us, fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. as always, thank you for joining us. now, if you were paying
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attention, any attention to liberal comments made post verdict, you would have noticed that you were hearing not so subtle warnings of a maga uprising. >> trump and his maga followers are digging in, trying to tear down the system. >> is he perfectly willing to call out the mob, basically. and have them attack all of these people and threaten their safety. >> there is going to be violence. there is going to be trouble. this is wrong, there's going to be some problems here, maybe some violence. and this president, former president should not have done what he did. >> i don't think he has a problem with the concept of violence. >> laura: now, why would they all say this? seems like almost coordinated. after all, they won the battle, at least by convicting trump. that was their dream. so what's their motive for fanning the flames now? well, since they can't credibly argue that you are better off than you were four years ago. they need more than just lawfare
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to win in november. and even though, you know, january 6th drum beat hasn't moved the polls for biden they have decided to resurrect the threat to democracy theme. >> they are willing to forsake and trash our whole democracy, our whole justice system if they can just get to power, more power it is horribly revealing. >> laura: horribly revealing is how schiff wants to just cede america's judicial system over to biden. a man who makes america a laughingstock world stage every time he opens his mouth. makes a joke at the constitution and the presidency every day. >> can you tell us, sir, donald trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what's your response to that, sir? >> do you think the conviction will have an impact on the campaign? >> laura: it's like jeopardy is on.
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i got to go. >> laura: everyone understands here what's coming next we are going to dissect all of this tonight. they may not be able to lock you down as they did during covid, but they are setting a narrative here. now, recall that after january 6th, nancy pelosi ordered the u.s. capitol surrounded by layers of security fences. now, this went on for six months and we warned you at the time that it was a sign of something else that was going to come. the place look like a militarized zone. this was all theater. it was a message to the country that the democrats were the true guardians of america but what a farce. >> i make this sacred pledge to you the defense, protection and preservation of american democracy would remain as it has been the central cause of my presidency. >> laura: now, yesterday proved what an obvious lie that was. they are more like jail guards
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of america who use fictional threats to democracy to chip away at democratic institutions. and, of course, to see you lens not only trump, but all of you as well. all of the critics and as we saw with some of the january 6th defendants, even throw them in solitary confinement. remember when the liberals used to be against solitary confinement and force them into plea deals or sentence them to very lengthy jail terms when in other liberal cities, truly dangerous criminals get off with just slaps on the wrist. but never forget out the biden gang unleashed the doj on the people. >> these two gentlemen just showed up. i thought they were the building inspectors. just started asking me we're from the fbi and we're looking for brian grady. you know, well, here i am. honestly, i have just felt violated by the fbi. they asked me if i was there and
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we want to show you this picture. is this you and i was like no. that's not me. and i wasn't there. >> laura: now what happened to trump is merely the ological continuation of the less vicious war against us, the people justice concern about politics or how voted for. of course the fixer is always pointed back at the democrats when he they're engaged in this conduct as they raise the specter of preelection violence on the part of trump supporters. it's their supporters who have done the real damage to america. we saw what they tolerated, what they did, what they were capable of in the summer of 2020. that was really obvious to all of us. do they think we don't remember the scenes? the carnage? the night maker property damage that was done? and you know, what they still tolerate today when it comes to crime? the fact is democrats only care
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about crime when they can pin something on a republican to keep them out of office. now, because of this cynical recent history, i would not at all be surprised if the democrats somehow try to use this phantom threat of maga violence as a pretext to demand maybe universal mail-in ballots in some jurisdictions or at least expand the mail-in voting and early voting in key districts or swing states. they want to provoke you. they want to provoke americans to respond with force or violently. then, of course, if they did that, they could really crack down, maybe even declare martial law if things really got out of hand. but, as we said on the day of january 6th and after january 6th, look, don't give them an excuse to come down hard on us.
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keep calm carry on. resolute, defiant buoy forward looking. >> i'm doing something for this country and i'm doing something for our constitution. it's very important. far beyond me. and this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents, this is bigger than trump. this is bigger than me. this is bigger than my presidency. we are going to make america great again. we are going to. remember, november 5th is the most important day in the history of our country. >> now, remember our motto. we unveiled it last night. don't get mad, get motivated. joining me now is alina habba. legal spokesperson for president donald trump. alina, it's great to have you on. our own peter doocy spoke with biden late today about the verdict. watch this. >> are you worried that this could happen to you some day somebody comes up with some charges and tries to bring you into court after your term? >> not at all. i didn't do anything wrong. >> and when trump says you're
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just trying to bruise him. what do you say? politically, politically? he thinks you are pulling the strings behind the scenes doing all this healthcare stuff. >> alina, you heard that, your reaction tonight? >> i think his grin says it all. he couldn't be happier unless he had an ice cream on the beach which i hear is he doing this weekend while the country is falling apart. laura, look. i think that it's very clear what happened here. you know it, i know it. we're lawyers and for the nonlawyers out there, this was a farce from the beginning. the indictment itself didn't make sense. it was flawed. it should never have been brought. there were no facts, nobody has ever been tried for anything like that and then if you look at what actually happened with evidentiary issues in this trial, not allowing us to bring in an expert. not allowing us to bring in tax documents for a crime that they say was based on money, which was done, what, booked correctly by an accountant and trump while president trump was at the white
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house at a resolute desk guy can't walk. is that correct. he probably doesn't. there are definitely puppets. those puppets are coming from the biden administration and probably from prior administrations they are out to get trump because they can't beat him. if you look at the crowds of people if you look at the polls. >> laura: alina, are you saying that you believe former obama administration officials are also somehow involved at least in the background here? >> i find it a little bit odd that he never left washington and then when he did he goes to beaches as well. i find it odd that him and the clintons are flying on air force one with president biden. i also find it odd that we have a president that can't speak or walk but here we are. this is this america. and we cannot survive another four years of it. >> laura: alina, michael cohen had a message for president
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trump today on msnbc. >> the truth is you're in trouble, a home confinement scenario would be just fine the way i see it. i find judge merchan sole moneyian. i find him even keeled. he made the right decision. >> laura: your response. >> a man i beat in court he thought the judges were corrupt. he thought president trump had unlawfully detained him. we beat him twice and we will beat him again. is he completely a hypocrite. he has no credibility. now that this trial is over. i can say what a joke. you know, what a joke. you are literally making money off of president trump. it's enough. and frankly if this is what the d.a.'s and a.g.s of america are relying on people and individuals like this, again, we are in trouble. and it's pa they they can, and frankly, i will be honest with you, laura. i don't think they could do it without the biden administration because their cases are so weak.
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they need that coordination. they need the soros backing to get it done. >> alina, do you think the system no longer works because of these types of jury charges? that the judge handed down that was quite broad, quite lengthy. to read to the jury. they took enough of what michael cohen said as gospel continue to father intent upon your climate with the novel application used in this way anymore in any jurisdiction in the united states. >> yes, i do. i think we are broken right now. our journal system is not supposed to be intervened by political ambitions. when you have a judge a trump hating judge, frankly who happens to get steve bannon's case. happens to get allen weisselberg, gets it again, puts him back in jail and gets donald trump's case. i think we got a problem. it's supposed to to be random, laura. there is no way, i have practiced law in new york for 15
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years. there is absolutely no way that this happened. i have cases three years old i have never been in front of a judge. it's supposed to be random. president trump it doesn't work that way. they are out to get him. guess what you? are only making him stronger. >> laura: alina, why haven't you all yet filed a motion to vacate that gag order after a verdict has come in gag orders typically are just lyfted they are now using what former president trump said today as another gentrification for going back to judge merchan for another penalty for violating the gag order. but why haven't you guys filed that motion yet? >> they have filed motions in the appellate decision division. they were under seal obviously and there are motions that we can't discuss there are obviously still gag orders. the reality is they have exhausted all avenues but there are so many. and for the american people, i just want to say please do not think we do not hear all of the commentary, all of the cases. i get tons of email of support
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of telling us look at this case, look at that isca. there is no stone we will not turn and we will literally go after every avenue to make sure the president gets back to the white house. because that is the only place he is going. >> laura: alina, thank you so much. great to see you tonight. >> it's reckless. it's dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged, just because they don't like the verdict. the justices should be respected and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. >> laura: did that happen after roe v. wade was overturned? i seem to remember people taking on kavanaugh and hanging out in his neighborhood. was that a problem? >> well, the message is clear. if you question the legitimacy of a trial, then you are a threat to america. but i don't think the people are buying this. we see the so-called defenders of democracy have officially dropped their shields and picked up the weapons of lawfare. the conviction of president trump might mark one of the darkest periods in american history but the fight to
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preserve the country we love, that's ongoing. joining me now missouri senator josh hawley. reminds me of what they said question the outcome or have concerns orer rig glarts. conducted. they had to be followed or surveilled. it seems very reminiscent of that. >> yeah. it now, laura, we have entered the phase where joe biden says in order to save democracy, he has to cancel democracy. in order to preserve the right of the people to govern, he has got to throw his opponent in jail to make sure the people don't have a choice in november. this is something we have never seen before in american history. our election process is supposed to end with an election not with throwing your opponent in jail. no american president has ever done this before. i mean joe biden has tried to make this a third world country. i will say, this laura, these same democrats, i thought, 24
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hours ago, were mounting a full on assault on justice samuel alito and the supreme court calling for recusal. calling into question the court's decisions why? because they didn't like a flag justice alito flew now all of a sudden this verdict is sang toe sang? give me a break. it's a total rigged job and they know it. >> remember the justice department was dragging its feet when there was real intimidation campaign that was waged against justice kavanaugh. they never got over the fact that he was confirmed and got life tenure. they are still trying to drag these guys through the mud at every turn. yet suddenly we are the great defenders of institutions? they are the biggest norm busters out there and they don't give a rip. >> the only institutions that the democrats are interested in are the ones that they can control and get to do their bidding, which is why they are attacking the supreme court when an assassin showed up at justice
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kavanaugh's house, they could hardly shrug their shoulders. when chuck schumer went to the steps of the supreme court and named justices by name and threatened them. you're not going to know what hit you is what he said. >> laura: right, thank you. >> he called out kavanaugh and be gorsuch. all of this is sacrosanct. let's not have any confusion. these people, the biden people and the democrats are trying to tear down the rule of law. they are trying to bull dozen every norm in country so they can remain in power. that's all they care about is power. which is why the only answer to this is to win in november. rain shower lawyer as everyone was focused on this understandably, we learned yesterday that the president had okayed u.s. arms being used inside russia, which, of course, was, you know, stunning to all of us who are actually fouseing on what is happening in this ukraine war. your thoughts on that tonight? these people seem to want war with russia. >> oh, war, war, war.
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the reason is it's more about control, laura. this president is all about what will help him stay in power. what will give him more control. i happen to think at this point if he can provoke a wider war, it's almost to his political benefit he may calculate. this is terrible. by the way, they are not telling us the truth about ukraine. they are not tell us the truth about where our weapons are going. they are not telling us the truth about where our soldiers are. i predict to you soon we are going to find out that u.s. shoulders are soldiers, u.s. soldiers are advising like vietnam. constant escalation and constant lies. exactly right. all about power. >> laura: yeah that. was very disturbing news. we learned yesterday. people focus on the other issues as well. this is important but they are going to try to sneak a lot else through. senator, thank you. all right, the prospect of trump's prison sentence, yes, that has liberals drooling. y to wipe it up, next. ♪g li
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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. ♪ ♪ >> laura: these people are salivating. you've seen them. the pose specht of trump at refresh my recollection, wow. how about have him fitted with an ankle bracelet norm you predicted less than a year and could be served at rikers island
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jail. >> when trump had committed his tenth violation 10 violation of gag order 10 findings of contempt he said if you do it again i am going to have to put you in jail. alvin bragg is going to ask for a sentence of incarceration. i think judge merchan will very seriously weigh that. >> he could show some remorse. he has shown no remorse at all. >> have you got to do a little bit of time and then you have to say to the judge, you know, i did. this i'm sorry. >> show remorse. >> show reamortizes. >> lock him up. >> laura: when they have ever been sorry for anything, all the lies these people have told consistently. look, these people are sick at some point. if joe biden had been charged with conspiracy, like to evade, what taxes back in 2019 or with a violation of the foreign agency registration act. you know, all this china stuff, i don't know, maybe in son-in-law jurisdiction in oklahoma or mississippi, imagine what the gals at "the view" would be saying today. election interference, whoopi,
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joining me now north dakota governor doug burgum. governor, they want all the road blocks, governor, to trump's incarceration removed. some on the left are even demanding that he should lose his secret service protection. your reaction tonight? >> well, laura, you know this better than anyone, this has been an 8-year-old progression from the day that donald trump beat hillary clinton, there's been an effort one after another escalating to try to stop him good news it doesn't matter. yesterday was a sad day for america. today i'm optimistic look at the response from people outside of the bubble of d.c. and they can see right through it. they can see that president trump is out there working on the issues that matter to them. because, if you went to bed last night worrying about this and you woke up today and you still can't pay your bills for food, for grocery if you are worried about open borders, if your city has been run amok. if you are worried about wars
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overseas, there is one guy who just four years ago in his office took care of all of those things and now joe biden is trying to lock up the guy that was the person that solved your problem. so, americans understand what's going on. they understand this is a politicization. this is lawfare. they get that and that's why you are going to see, i think president trump is going to get a bump coming out of this. >> laura: now, a lot of people and the activist base are so fed up with the republican party that they say, look, unless you're filing lawsuits or unless you're trying to bring criminal cases in red districts against democrats, we don't want to hear from you. what about that idea of fighting fire with fire here, governor? >> well, at some point, we have got to get focus back on the real issues. not only is this trial election interference but think of it, laura, you know this better than anyone, you know, outside of that courthouse, there was two blocks of media that was there. and of course, you know, i have been down to the southern border with north dakota national guard, more than biden, more
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than harris. where is the media covering the mass invasion of our country. >> laura: they don't care. they are cheering it. >> when you think about the fact that now we have had 330,000 americans have died of either overdoses or fentanyl poisons under joe biden. >> laura: they don't care. that's collateral damage, governor. it's collateral damage. the democrats do not care that we have let 12 million people here illegally. if anything they want them to vote. governor we are up against it tonight. we will have you back next week because there is a lot more to talk about. >> thank you, laura. >> laura: as long as trump is in court in new york, the empire state, how does he have a prayer of reversal? well, cnn's ellie hoenig admits that the law was contorted here and that an appeal may work. he said he is certain to contest the inventive charges constructed by the d.a. he will doesn't go as far to say the appeals court is likely to overturn the conviction but is he going to have a desent shot at reversal. joining me now sol wisenberg,
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fox news contributor, former deputy independent counsel and former law clerk and ambassador to mexico. chris, let's start with you here. possible federal move as well? >> sure, well, new york like many states has a three-tiered justice system that the trial court conviction was -- or the jury verdict was just held. then there is an intermediate court of appeals. you have an appeal right to that court. then you have a state supreme court in new york called the court of appeals that takes cases on a discretionary basis. and then can you go to the u.s. supreme court if you have federal issues. but, laura, i think right now we got to be talking not about the just the eventual appeal. that's going to drag on well beyond the elections. i think the question now is how does trump get out of judge merchan's courtroom and how does the -- how are the compelling
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federal interests in having a candidate for president of the united states break free of the constraints of judge merchan? i mean, there should be -- it seems to me a basis for a federal claim that a state cannot hold a damage democrat for if the of the united states basically hostage fascinating question and i know we have all talked about this. you have had so much experience in litigation in your career as well. the court does not like to touch, quote. >> this is extraordinary and historic. does that then give impetus to the court to step in where they might not have wanted to and in another event? it would be incredible long shot
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if they did. have to be something like you mentioned where merchan does something in the conditions of release while the appeal is pending that significantly inteefers with the election campaign. then have you got a potential constitutional issue. but in addition to not liking political questions, laura. they do not like to interfere in criminal process trial at the level before it -- >> laura: the problem is merchan is the one interfering with the process. >> let's say july 11th they say he can't campaign outside of the state of new york without explicit permission from his probation officer working in concert with someone maybe in florida? what if he says that? that's likely what he is going to say. >> that would give them a hook. i still think it would be a long shot. but that would give them a hook
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because there you are posing a real conflict between the right of somebody to run a candidate to run its party effectively for president in a state judicial system but, still it, would be a long shot. >> laura: chris, do you think it's a long shot or 50/50 real quick? >> of course it's a long shot. this is extraordinary unprecedented case in american history. this is not your normal criminal appeal. i mean, what sol is saying is right in the run of the mind case. but, i think the supreme court of the united states right now they are grappling with a presidential immunity case. they are very familiar with these issues. again, they are the supreme court of the united states. everything else is -- the courts of the state of new york. the supreme court of the united states is uniquely qualified to recognize the compelling federal interest here. concerned about the idea of trump just spends the next six weeks waiting for this sentencing. >> laura: thank you. >> before judge merchan while everybody is divide ling their thumbs. sitting there in judge merchan's
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court with a kick me sign on his back. >> laura: sol and chris, thank you both very much. it's time that d.a. alvin bragg go under the microscope and my next guest is going to do that and more. house committee chair jim jordan joins us. ♪
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it's kubota orange days, shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at >> laura: they are not even trying to hide how political this is. >> i want to thank this phenomenal prosecution team embodying the finest traditions of this office, professionalism, integrity, dedication and service. they are model public servants. >> laura: see that little shrimpy guy on the right? well, did he say public servants? see that shrimpy guy there that
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the matthew colangelo former top doj official. public servant they are serving joe biden and his goons. curious thing how he would leave a top job at the doj or very senior in the federal government to go back to the new york d.a.'s office? usually go the other way. what's up here? joining us now a man who wants some answers, jim jordan, demanding that the pair of them, bragg and colangelo testify before the house weaponization subcommittee on june 13th. they want to give trump deadlines, congressman, you are giving them one, what question do you want to ask them? >> yeah. well, time to keep our foot on the gas because we know how political this whole thing is. all these cases how political they are. matthew colangelo he worked first, he started at the justice department, laura, he worked for letitia james. he works in new york comes to the justice department number three position in the biden justice department then goes back to new york to work for alvin bragg and the chief
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prosecutor in the trump case. what kind of information, what went on between you and the justice department and/or the white house while you were here or when you were back in new york and then with alvin bragg, never forget that alvin bragg said once he got the job. he campaigned on going after trump. but once he got the job, he realized what a ridiculous case this was and he said, quote: i cannot envision a world where i would indict president trump and call michael cohen as a prosecution witness. but that's exactly what alvin bragg ended up doing. but he didn't do that until after president trump announced he was running for president, which i think just underscores how political this thing is. so we would like to ask alvin bragg what prompted to you change your mind? was it simply the political pressure and we would like to ask mr. colangelo about his interactions with the justice department and/or the white house. >> laura: do you have any information to indicate that colangelo was stupid enough to be in constant contact or intermittent contact with his
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old friends at doj as this was all going down? >> we don't, but, look, we think -- in light of how bad this is, in light of jack smith, remember this, too, jack smith doesn't get appointed special counsel in these federal cases until three days after president trump announces is he running for office. and fani willis doesn't bring her charges until after president trump announces he is running for president. so, we think they are all political. we think they are all in coordination, all run by the democrat party, all involved in the democrat party i should say. so we got lots of questions we would like to ask. i think the american people deserve some answers and, frankly, our constitutional duty is to do oversight. we're going to do that consistent with the constitution. we're going to do it as aggressive as we can. >> laura: alina habba was saying earlier on the cases that she believes the obama people, some of the top people in the obama administration might have some involvement in how this lawfare has been conducted.
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do you agree with her? >> i don't know. what i do know is two days ago there was a story saying the biden justice department peter strzok and lisa page. upset that their text messages got public. they are in -- they are going to get some money and then a day later we get president trump convicted up in -- found guilty on this ridiculous trial up in new york. if that doesn't demonstrate the double standard. remember, strzok and page had been after president trump clear back in 16 when they spied on his campaign. so direct answer to that question what do i know there is two standards. >> laura: congressman, thank you. why team biden should really be worried about what happened yesterday, yeah, they should be worried. i'm going to explain it, next at 6:00. knot
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>> laura: holy moly just in moments ago post verdict last 24 hours trump has raised a staggering $52.8 million. joining me now former arkansas governor mike huckabee and matt towery political analyst and pollster. governor, for some perspective here, in 24 hours, trump raised more than biden did all last month.
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did they awake a sleeping giant here? >> they really did. and that's what i have been saying for the past 24 hours. they got what they wanted but they are not going to want what they got. it has been a big backfire like the exploding cigar. like wiley coy could i covi coyd runner. people in this country. >> supreme a general sense of fairness what a chance to vote for candidate they like best. i would agree with the governor this was dumb in the end for them to do. it's all they got. what should we expect and when should we expect the next round of polls come out. what should would he be looking for? >> well, they will start coming out fairly soon. it depends on how the poll is conducted, you know, they can possibly show biden getting a
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bump out of this. i would say he has to get a really big bump against trump for this to stay because he is going to go right back to where he was two or three weeks before, two or three weeks from now. it's also possible that trump could get a bump. the governor is right. there is phenomenal enthusiasm -- well, not really enthusiasm, it's irritation and they are all keeping it to themselves because no one wants to take to the streets because they don't want to go jail. so what do they do? they write a check. they say they are going to support the president. they are going to vote early. one other thing, laura, you and i talked about this over the last year. i have said i thought they would convict trump i didn't think fairly. i also think they will try to put him in jail. if they put him in jail, donald trump is guaranteed being elected the next president. guaranteed. >> laura: game, set, match. governor, let's say. >> absolutely, absolutely. >> laura: if this doesn't move the needle for biden in the polls not much at least, what do the democrats do next? what's their next move here? >> well, i think they take joe biden to the train station. i think that's what they do.
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where else do they take him? i mean, this is their desperate move. and it ain't working. so, in the pure parlance of the yellowstone series, he gets a ride to ride the train. >> laura: matt, this is quite something, right? you are willing to shred our norms that you don't put a former president on trial. you are willing to kill the reputation of a judicial system, constitutional -- shed it all. just because you don't want to have a real debate and a real campaign against trump? why are they so worried, matt? >> well, i mean, there is obvious reasons why they are so worried. he has been deteriorating both in the polls and also in his appearance. i will say, this republicans have got to explain why this quote, unquote, crooked trial. you can't just say it because right now you have the liberal fact-checkers in the media saying this has all been debunk. i have read it today. all of that has been debunk.
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get out there and spell out these reasons, but i do think the debate coming between the two candidates will spell it all. if biden doesn't perform well in that debate they pull his ticket and take him to the train station as the governor said. >> laura: okay. everyone is going to the train station. better than flying given my recent experience. governor and matt, thank you so much. the left is in total jubilation over this conviction. but the president misplaces the kansas city chiefs? that's can't be. he is with it, right? raymond tells us, next. ♪ fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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[music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting.
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>> laura: it is friday and that means its time for friday follies. for that we go to fox news contributor raymond arroyo in our la bureau. i want to get your reaction to something the beautiful women at the view said. they were lost in this kind of state of euphoria over the trump
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connection. >> what your reaction? >> i got so excited i started leaking. i want the judge to give him 6 months. >> you are convicted of felonies you've got to do a little bit of time. this is what you all would have to do. >> i said this morning speaking with someone from the manhattan district attorney's office. he believes they will recommend a 1 year term in prison and that is because when you spend a year in prison in new york or under you serve in rikers island. >> this is more of the ideological fantasia we stop playing out when trump was in office. remember kathy griffin with a decapitated head or the rapper shooting company videos, but whatever it isn't let me make a 1 point. i doubt the verdict is the only reason joy behar is leaking but i will leave it to the urologist to figure that out. i'm more stand that cloudy costing didn't call for the
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death penalty. but have you ever seen such jubilation? congressman bowman was literally dancing after the verdict. look at this guy. can you believe it? >> they have remember when they are was try to pretend this is a sombre moment for america? this is a sombre proceeding and we are respecting all the norms. i've never seen cactuses malicious. but what you expect? >> it looks like martha graham. >> joe biden wasn't he asked about being responsible for the prosecution of trump when he was kind of that we are brand. >> that smile was so weird. when i saw that i thought i seen that smile before. but where. but then i thought it reminded me of something more iconic. not the grinch. something else. the passion of the christ. that's where i've seen that smile before. are you with me? it's a dead ringer. very close.
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>> laura: only you would come up with that split screen. >> look. biden may have been smiling but he managed to botch not 1 but both of the public events today. these were the unseen middle east comments. >> president joe biden: just checking this afternoon. indefinite war in pursuit of an unidentified notion of total victory, will not bring israel and will not break down, will only bog down-- >> laura: speaking of being bogged down he always touches his face. remember he looked at his watch when the remains were being brought back. >> the 13 shoulders showed up. we are checking her watch. >> waiting for the speech to end. after smile gate he hosted the kansas city chiefs at the white house to commemorate their super
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bowl win and naturally he began with a fumble. he welcomed governor laura kelly of kansas. only the chiefs are from missouri. >> president joe biden: i want to come all the chiefs fans here today. governor kelly thank you for being here. >> governor mike parsons is the governor of missouri. it is kansas city missouri where the team is located. >> that's staffing. >> laura: was travis kelce there? >> he was there as was harrison butker. he was there as well. in fact before we get to that they do you see the moment where they put the helmet on him or offered it to him? and then the whole team proceeds to laugh at him as he goes to the microphone. and the microphone didn't work.
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poor biden looked like a crash to me with a helmet on. it wasn't a good luck. >> laura: you know report hat sign of any sort when you're president. that's the rule. remember the helmet in the tank. it's like when you have a brain injury and they put the protective gear on. that's what it looks like. but i noticed kicker harrison butker was there. he was critical of biden's abortion position during that commencement that threw him into the headlines and he by the way this past weekend refused to apologize or back down for those comments. this got almost no coverage. >> the more i've talked about what i value most which is my catholic faith, the more polarizing of become. it's a decision i've consciously made and when i do not regret at all. it is not people but jesus christ who i am trying to please. >> that's pretty cool. i mean the fact today there so few people in situations like this where there is enormous public pressure cultural pressure put on you you make a
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lot more money if you go the other way. he's like you know something characters things that are more important than that and i'm going to stand. >> whether you agree with him or not he has got's. >> when you're under that kind of pressure from the media when you've got team members and nfl leaning on you and by standing firm he actually change the narrative and get out and the nfl ended up moving behind him and backing him. this is the only way to proceed. you can given just because a few people on twitter are a little upset. get over it kids. eternal values last forever. good on harrison butker. >> laura: great to see you. have a wonderful weekend. that's it for us. follow me on twitter and x. okay and all the social media channels. it's america now and forever. it still is. don't get mad. get motivated. look at that fundraising call from trump. waters is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonight.


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