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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 1, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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[inaudible] you are arresting us instead. arthel: new unrest in new york city over israel's war and gobs of police arresting 34 people last night after a mob of anti- israel protesters. storm the brooklyn museum is one of several new demonstrations across the big apple this week. officials are bracing for more potential disruptions. welcome to a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am arthel neville, height bill. super great to be with you again on this saturday i am bill melugin. eric shawn is off today. here we go again. protesters backed out at columbia university once again students re: building another pro- palestinian encampments to take over happening as a school post its alumni weekend. calls for a cease-fire putting the on edge on israel day parade. mayor eric adam warren's intense security measures will be in place. >> this is the first major large
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jewish events since october 7. we are extremely conscious of the over 3000 protests that took place in our city since that day. we are going to immediately respond to any inappropriate action the ghost outside the boundaries of peacefully protesting. or adding your voice to whatever concern. befbill: cb cotton is joining us live at columbia university now at the latest. we can hear some chance to hunt duke what are you seeing? craig's hi bill, that is right for this latest encampment comes a little more than a month after students first pitch tent here at columbia university but as you know sparking a nationwide pro- palestinian movement. a bill, we are not allowed on campus. but video from inside show several tenants have been pitched on the south lawn for the student paper reports this new effort started yesterday at
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around 7:00 p.m. local time. it is been called revolt for rafah. the opiate chapter students for justice in palestine identified the protesters as quote an atomic group of palestinian students for this group's demands are the same as previous campus protesters with their calls for full divestment from israel. full financial transparency and amnesty for all discipline for student protesters. your rate remember columbia leadership tried to negotiate with some of these students back in april but columbia said it would not divest from israel. students then decided to occupy hamilton hall. nypd was then authorized to come in for a second time where they arrested more than 100 people. at the time city officials at 29% of those arrested on campus were not affiliated with the university. as protests resume here at columbia they continue and other parts of the city. protesters scaled the brooklyn art museum on friday repelled
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down the side of it put a banner was unfurled raining quote free palestine, divest from genocide." we heard these a chance directed towards officers. listen to this. >> 40000 people dead. you are arresting us instead. 40000 people dead. >> to back out here at columbia university the escalating tension this spring let university leadership to ask her nypd presence two days beyond graduation this spring, built we have reached out to columbia for details and insight on how they are handling this latest ongoing situation. back to you. 's for a guess now we see if this spreads a ghost route number 212 the other college campuses across the country. cb cotton, thank you. arthel: hamas these to release the hostages israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu accepting an invitation to address a joint meeting of
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congress the invitation comes as additional military aid to israel is hotly debated on capitol hill. let's go to lucas tomlinson alive at the white house with more on this. >> that is right we have just received this statement from israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu accepting that invitation. going to read from the statement it says quote i'm excited to represent israel before both houses of congress and to present to the truth about our trust war against those seeking our lives to the representatives of the american people the entire world. the prime minister's address to congress will be his fourth. it's a first-time head of state has spoken to a joint session of congress twice. of course a benjamin netanyahu is the longest serving prime minister in israel's history serving over 16 years. now president biden of course spoke about the proposed cease-fire yesterday here at the white house. >> it is time to begin this new stage. the hostages come home, for
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israel to be secure, for the suffering to stop. it is time for this war to end. >> and many on the right in its real ejecting to this proposed cease-fire in the u.s., qatar and egypt are pressing to accept the agreement we played q na with the peter doocy earlier today the president took a question after that statement, here is what he said. >> donald trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames her directly, or initial response to that, sir? do you think will have an impact on the campaign? we would like to hear thoughts connoisseur. >> will he be on the ballot sir? look sweet did you for the biting campaign layers and convicted felon or not trump will be the republican nominee for president but there is one other insurgency. as you read this, donald trump supporters are fired up likely setting fundraising records for
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his campaign in 24 hours after the first conviction of a former president in u.s. history leitrim campaign it says has received as you see here 52.8 million in donations about 30% of those are first-time donors according to the trump campaign. yes or the former president set all the charges against him were politically motivated. later that day to afternoon yesterday afternoon at the white house after speaking about gossett president biden hosted the super bowl champion kansas city chiefs he managed to put on the team lead much of the amusement of the team here to have to ask you, arthel, if you are there which you love to throw a football with patrick mahomes or travis kelce or someone else? arthel: you stop with patrick mahomes you know that answer. >> you already knew i'm all about mr. holmes. by the 52.8 million in 24 hours paid that is a lot of donations. that's a lot of money. exit charles said that number is expected to climb to about one
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to $50 million i can do that math is about three times larger than that all we just reported on. it will be something to watch to see if former president trump benefits from this conviction of course all the roads lead to november it will have to see it works out. arthel: we will watch, thank you lucas, thank you. >> the trump conviction may be a victory for manhattan d.a. aliment bride, for now at least now the republican controlled house judiciary committee is demanding he show up and testify about it chairman jim jordan calls the trial kangaroo court said the verdict is an example of partisan prosecutors weaponize and the justice system. brexit so far has not responded to calls to chest of after the verdict came down thursday he defended his office and he handled trump's case like any other. arthel: the mother of georgia nursing student lake and rally sobs in court yesterday as the man accused of killing lakin pleaded not guilty prosecutors say they will not seek the death
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penalty illegal immigrant from venezuela. madison is live in atlanta with more. >> arthel comment lakin at riley's family and friends were visibly distraught as they faced her accused killer in the courtroom. as mention heat pled not guilty to all charges and prosecutors will be seeking life in prison without parole according to some new court documents. he is facing 10 charges including malice murder and kidnapping. yesterday's hearing comes three months after riley's about it was found in the intramural fields are usually a campus. police said she went for a run and never return. it was a first murder on campus and over two decades. authorities say entered that u.s. illegally from venezuela in 2022 was the rest of the next day for the indictment lays out gruesome details, we want to
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warn you. he is accused of trying to rape riley, bashing her head with iraq and trying to choke her riley's death is meant the forefront of a national immigration debate. especially since he was arrested in new york in 2023. >> he could have been stopped at that time and deported back to venezuela but no, the authorities let them go. he wound up and down in georgia. she is dead as a result of a failed immigration system. >> he is due back in court in august for a status hearing the judge is shooting for a fault trial in this case but some experts say the defense plea-bargain. arthel: cannot imagine her poor mother, madison thank you. >> we continue to see increased
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terrorism and potential threats of violence to our communities related to issues involving border security at once emphasize this is not a southern border issue. this is a national security issue international drug trafficking issue. an inability to protect our country and our citizens issue. bill: police in north dakota are sounding the alarm on a rampant crime, drug use and homelessness as migrant crossings are surging at the northern border. federal officials say migrant encounters there shot up a whopping 597% from fiscal year 2021 until fiscal year 2023 for more on this spring and nelson is the chairman of the border of commerce and security council but also the founder. nelson, thank you so much for coming on today. there is so much a focus on the southern border. often times the northern border gets overlooked is way different up there there's no rio grande it's much easier to walk across the border. talk about what the northern
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border communities are dealing with on a daily basis right now. >> they are dealing with an absolute surge of immigrants that they have never had to deal with before. just the last few years you almost have 2,702,021. almost 102,232. nearly 200,000 in 2023. and now we are going to surpass us in 2024. the important thing to look at is 584 people on the terrorist watch list, almost 475 of those were from the northern border that were apprehended. i emphasize that it's not just the apprehensions we have to look at the folks we know our god it was about 20% of the people fully apprehend somebody ... a 200,000 there's another 40000 that have snea sneaked ine don't know who they are. that is the scary part that's the same thing were seen on the southern border but b because of canada's lax rules and immigration and they are
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excepting everyone to come over it is the easy way in with the a border that's almost twice as large as the southern border of the united states with half the agents. they are robbing peter to pay paul some of the agents of the northern border you have heard testified earlier this week have been sent to the southern border to supplement. that means there are closures on the ports of entry so they close sooner for their augmented times and ultimately gosh if i'm going to cross illegally and i'm going to get caught and sent back i'm going to cross where i cannot get caught and there is the least amount of apprehensions or rather a law enforcement so i can cross, get through and come to america and ultimately get lost in america. bill: let's visualize how bettis got at the northern border of the last few years will pull up this cbp graphic this is encounters over the last several years the graphs can be kind of confusing to look at every now and then. focus on the blue line at the bottom that is joe biden's first
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year in office fiscal year 20121 look at the orange lines at the top that's this year end last year. you can see how those numbers have just exploded on the northern border ever since joe biden came into office. nelson, what chris-craft say to you? >> it says we are simply not doing enough. we are simply not doing anything and holding canada accountable the same thing that we are not holding a mexico accountable to the same thing on the northerners on the southern but we need to do more with canada. we need to work with them closer to ensure this does not happen. if it tighten up the immigration system because as they continue to be as loose as they are, this will continue to search for there's no end in sight. the thing that is important to look at is the white house could stop this right now. there's no need of legislation that may be some negotiating with these particular countries there's no need of new legislation this could be done at right now the inaction of the white house or do anything is the biggest problem that's
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happening on there. we need action, we need it now we hope congress will do something about it soon. bill: the pictures flashing on our screen was up in the vermont area they may get inundated with illegal crossings they reported this month crossings the month of april alone surpass everything in fiscal year 2021 and 2022 combined they are getting hammered up there. one last question for you the state of north dakota is reporting a staggering 75% increase of drug overdoses and deaths since 2019 but that does not seemed like a coincidence when you throw in the sport a crisis. >> it is correct it. .you are looking at an absolute cartel movement the cartel does not know we boarded their border agnostic they operate in the united states, the operating canada, they operate in china, the operator mexico is an absolute movement of illicit activity that goes over the borders every day absolutely the heartland of america it's hurting the inner city of
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america. these things need to stop waiting to put pressure on these countries to do more let us help with the problem is they don't do it for they do not let us do it ultimately the white house doesn't do any more to pressure them. it's a triple play that needs to happen simply not happening we hope it's going to change in the near future. to her spot on more political pressure on canada and mexico receive the results are. nelson, thank you so much for your time. arthel: the first criminal trial of a sitting president's son is set to begin monday in delaware but hunter biden is facing three felony counts in the federal gun case or by special counsel david weiss. it's one of several legal challenges he is facing this election year. madeline is following this from washington. >> history will be made on monday the first criminal trial of a sitting president's son begins. to date hunter biden is at
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rehoboth beach, delaware enjoying time with family were heading to a courthouse in wilmington. he is facing three federal charge accused of lying about his drug use on a form to buy a gun in october 2018 a gun that he kept for 11 days. special counsel david weiss and team will out evidence which could include hunter's laptop, cmis argued its contents may been manipulated. federal prosecutors are adamant it is real and holds a proof of hunters guilt jurors are also expected to hear testimony from hunters form at romantic partners including potentially his ex-wife. ask yourself a new report today saying the first son is been caught up in years long legal battle regarding unpaid alimony detroit will reveal a highly personal unsavory details, photos and videos of the first son. all of which white house aides worry what effect the president's psyche. >> the white house may never comment on it but you can bet every single day of that trial is going to weigh heavily upon the president of the united states who is going to be
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affected by this in a profound way pick at a hearing last week hunters team appeared to hint at portion of their defense strategy. they are suggesting the owners of the store hunter bought his gun met also the form that lies of the heart of this case hunter faces a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison seven or $50000 fine if convicted on all three counts. in washington fox news. >> new report is unmasking the dark web group a were allegedlyo auction off friesland. it turns out that group has targeted americans in the pastorate that story is comingo. up. at's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. uuu, this looks romantic. [bell sounds] welcome, i'm your host, jacob. —hi. —hi.
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arthel: 's self-proclaimed nigerian scammers claiming credit for the failed attempt to sell elvis a presley's iconic graceland mansion. the "new york times" unmask the apparent mastermind of the scam in an article this week. it reads in part the writer says he was an identity thief, he had a ring of leader, no plus start this again he was identity thief a ringleader on the dark web with a network of quote worms placed throughout the united states but he said he.
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his ring. on the dead, the unsuspecting and the elderly produce much of those in florida and california using birth certificates and other documents to discover personal information that aided in their schemes for it here's what an attorney for elvis' granddaughter to say about it. >> it surprises me too see some attempt to move forward with something on this magnitude. the documents that appeared so completely fraudulent on its face it. >> bill daley is here former fbi best its outlook walk to the step-by-step. first of all how to these cyber thieves at work? how could they get so far she almost pulling off the graceland scam? >> arthel it seems to be a very sophisticated and complicated scheme they are perpetrating. it goes away back in fact when lisa marie presley passed away in california some documents submitted to the probate court
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indicating it was $83.8 million lien on the property based on a loan she had allegedly taken out. this seems to have been going on for a while. it's carried out the other fraudulent documents including e including purportedly the signature of lisa marie presley and notaries have their stamps and documents. we do not know how this found their way into the public record whether they were e-mailed and put in there or submitted through some other mechanism. it goes to show you these internet scammers, these fraudsters can be quite sophisticated. they don't have to be here in your own backyard they can be aanyplace in the world. arthel: appeared targeting the elderly especially in california and florida, how can they protect themselves? can you tell our viewers what not to do? >> sure. first of all one thing we should be aware of is unfortunately become a fairly regular
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occurrence the government entity through large corporations are having their records hacked. records going to the dark web whewhy would like into a star ws walk-through gallery and that's of the dark web is like. they're trading this information using it to perpetrate those crimes individuals like all of us should look into several things. put a fraud alert on your audit report additional credit lines under your name. something else and there are many things we can do the other top .1 when it comes to property is to make sure you contact your local county or municipality. where is how the deeds for your property or properties making sure those are contained they cannot be changed without you being in forms make sure there's a mechanism in place to protect from anyone going through and trying to carry out one of these crimes.
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>> quickly can you call some place to put the fraud alert on your card not everyone can do that online can you make a call and speak to some of the credit card company? >> you can call the agencies you can sometimes have the facility if you're been compromised to get a free fraud alert for a period of time. there's a number of ways their private companies that w can do yourself as well. >> a couple more things to get through here. spike cyber fraud and theft. tracking 2001 to 2020. tremendous increase. what can be done to stunted this rise and who needs to do it? >> part of it is the sector to protect ourselves from these fraudsters are these people out there looking to carry out these acts they're actively doing it.
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they are researching and controlling the dark web looking for this information but looking for these groups to take this information and use it against us. again going back to what was said before it falls on her own lapse or individual lapse of take that responsibility for protecting finances and property making sure even though we have all these potential perpetrators out there or better protecting ourselves. as shown by the graphic is increasing dramatically. because a lot more information is out there. it's available online they've hacked their way into county principal records. births, deaths, medical records all kinds of things they can used to social engineer or information about you and what you own. and youhe should be on our toess out there to an errant few it's
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itself into a large number of people. the case of identity theft should be easier to prove you are the victim? certain documents a person should keep in the they become a victim of identity theft? >> can take place on the line people can assume your identity. your mother's maiden name all of those things over the years seen tried and true a those in things that identify you. you having personal information about yourself from your passport in your original social security card and other documents. perhaps if it has to do with mortgages you have your mortgage documents. he of the deed to your property you have things to hold safegsafeguarded in a secure pl. you should fee be to demonstratu are who you say you are. arthel: we have a coworker i'm
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not going to say who but has a relative having deal with this have the darndest time to prove i am who i say i am not the fake person over there. how can we avoid this? >> i know also from experiences i know it's is arduous you need to go through all these reporting agencies and show you are not the person who took out the loan you are not the person assisted with that record it takes a long time it requires a diligence sometimes they need to hire others who know the system put forward and clear their record. sometime is unfortunate when it happens, and happens to us and we have our hands are tied. we are at the bequest of the agencies. there is a way to deal with that there's a way to go through the process very slowly. you can clear your record it's very, very time-consuming.
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spieth have yes it is free thank you, bill, for those great tips bill daley, thank you. >> good to be with you. bill: boeing once again is forced to call off its first space launch with nasa astronauts just minutes before the start line or shut it was set to lift off today. for more on this jonathan is joining us live from kennedy space center with the latest. so why did they have to cancel? >> it was a your problem engineers. automatically shut down the countdown clock minutes before launch. involve the system that controls the hardware hold it to the launch pad and release it's the moment the engines ignites there are three redundant computers and monitor this. in case one or two systems fail. one assistant performing a consa
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crucial role. it entered at final four minutes one of the computer is one of the three computers was a slow to respond during a status check that trick hopeful. astronauts at busch wilmore and sunny williams were in good spirits as a ground crews help them exit the spare craft. they write a in quarantine and astronaut recorders to wait official word on their next launch attempt. nasa looks to expand its options for shuttling astronauts to and from the international space station, officials are keen on the success of the boeing star liner spacecraft as well as the united launch alliance or rocket carrying it into space. >> the nation needs two ways to get the space at least. we are at the finish line,. >> as we speak, engineers or troubleshooting that problem. trying to determine whether it
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is something they can correct in time for their next launch opportunity which would be at 12:03 p.m. eastern time tomorrow or, if it is a more serious problem they may need to push that launch to one of the later windows this coming week either wednesday the fifth or thursday the sixth. bill: is a hassle but at least the computer did its job and had safety has its as its priority t jonathan, thank you. arthel: that is good news. bill, this is one of the reasons i like working with you if you did not make fun of me because you know you heard me call you eric. [laughter] 's before i can be eric, it's all good no worries. [laughter] arthel: its habit. it's been a long time we were together. doesn't mean i don't like working with you too. thank you. we'll have more news coming up. stay tuned.
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arthel: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has accepted a bipartisan invitation to address a joint meeting of congress. the date set yet. meantime members of his cabinet are shooting down president bin's proposed cease-fire deal. egypt and qatar support biden's cease-fire deal let's go to stephanie bennett. she is mutton with all the details for us. >> yes of course this all comes a one day after president joe biden announced the details of the three phase of proposal and hopes to end this war in the first place and also release the hostages. new this evening's security minister announced they will resign the government is accepted they have not agreed to a cease-fire before the destruction of hamas. that's a flawed a deal and
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agreement to such a deal would be the ultimate defeat. writing of the proposal would include ac's weak cease-fire to allow for negotiations hamas has said that he is positively the proposal. the office of israel said its main goals are and have been for the ending of the war the elimination of hamas and the freeing of all hostages. ultimately this war will not and as long as hamas retains power. >> it know there are those in israel who will not agree with this plan and will call for the war to continue indefinitely. they want to make it clear they went to keep us up or they want to keep fighting for years. the hostages are not a priority to them. well, urge the leadership in israel to stand behind the steel. >> israel's opposition leaders called on men netanyahu to take the cease-fire ignore is invited significant or said egyptian
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real scheduled to be up tomorrow and cairo to discuss the reopening of the rafah crossing israel gaza site and aid workers have set too dangerous. the ultimate rotting as the sunset tonight white smoke could be seen over gaza skyline. united feet most of the civilians right now and rafah for they say they can't reach about 27000 of them of the roughly one are still in. arthel: stephanie bennett. 's report north korean trash it is it raining down on north korea since hundreds of balloons over the border. stoke divisions in south korea hardline policy on north korea that report finds remnants of north korean grid missiles havn
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found throughout ukraine. accusations of north korea is arming a rush of it for more on thionthe substring of gates dont institute senior fellow gordon, thank you so much for your time today. we knew it last september kim jong un and vladimir putin met. starting to give russia missiles, artillery shells, we can pull up dia photos one more time. they are finding missiles in ukraine korean factory release missiles are made the right side of your screen is his car keep in ukraine were a missile impacted, gordon why isn't the u.s. doing more about this? cooks a parallel issue china has been supporting a russia with many forms of support but especially lethal assistance. they've been doing this from the conflict. by demonstration has public
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announcement but is not done anything. both with regard to chinese and north korean support for the russian war effort the there isn a lot of talk, but very little action for until there is action china and north korea will continue to support russia. bill: what kind of action would you like to see? what can the u.s. do to exert political pressure here? cooks the united states and go after chinese and russian banks. that is been very effective in the past with regard to other areas of disagreement with china and north korea. last month about a dozen hong kong and china companies those are meaningless. but we went after the banks and shut them down, shut down their dollar accounts which would put them out of business that would affect our china views this conflict it wouldn't do something like that to make a statement. make the chinese north koreans of the business of supporting
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russia. so what what is it say to you the russians evidently need the north korean missiles? precious must be a powerhouse military. why would they did north korea to help? cooks a need north korea's help in the interim before they ramp up their production of shells and other things. right now russia's industrial base has been eroded. it will continue to be eroded especially if ukraine goes after it as it has started to do. in the interim they do need on an emergency basis these north korean shells. satellite images have shown for months you have a hundreds of trains going to russia from north korea carrying this commitment and clearly it unites its watches it. what's a stock but these balloons north korea sending across the border with south korea for their filled with trash and human excrement as well. fwhether one or balloons leading to different parts of the country you see different photos to the south korean say this is incredibly petty even for the
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conflict they have w at the nor. what dhec do you think is going on with this? what is the idea behind this? excluding excrement and those balloons make no sense to me. it shows suit w you when that re does something that is counterproductive this is not winning friends and either portion of the south korean electric is that the progressives or the conservatives. something is really wrong. we note r know right now the ecy and the agriculture are doing very poorly more poorly than usual means kim jong un is getting a little bit desperate. when he do something desperate we don't know exactly what is going on because the regime is opaque. when kim jong un does something really desperate we know something is terribly wrong inside the ruling group. cooks a desperate north korea can be very dangerous as we well know. gordon chang thank you very much for your time today. arthel: the atlantic hurricane
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season officially starts today. white this year is expected to be a very busy one. we will find out coming up next. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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arthel: it is june official day of the atlantic hurricane season. noaa has issued its most aggressive forecast ever for the season ahead. "fox weather" corresponded brandy campbell got a firsthand look at the agencies hurricane hunters. how they collected data from those storms but no way expecting the season to be above normal with up to 25 names. you hear the name a lot. let's take a look into their operation. some of you hate mick may have wrote out a storm could you imagine being mid air inside of one? or some day today in flight to flight they could vary from that worst rickety old roller coaster you've ever been onto just like going on a slightly bumpy dirt
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road reflects christopher it wouwould've pilots the aircraft this one named kermit is one of two operated by noaa the air force reserve chief aerial reconnaissance at the national hurricane center multiple hurricane hunter aircraft into storms to get data to better forecast storm intensity and track. >> iis a flight research laboratory we have three radar systems on board, one in the nose, warning that eminem looking fairing on the bottom and one sticking off the back of a coccyx like at about 10,000 feet typical mission or last eight hours or more with about 15 crewmembers for. >> 's station is what we will launch instruments out of the aircraft. typically an operator like myself will sit here. as we are flying through the storm we are launching drop of weather balloon and reversible drop these out of the aircraft for they have a parachute that deploys them as they are floating down there collecting temperature pressure, humidity, wind speed and wind direction data from a data center built onto the national hurricane center put into forecast models.
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we made our wi way to the workspaces he flight station remarks pilots and flight engineer sits between the rich geforce was at the 45000 feet going above and around storms releasing drops to collect details of the atmosphere is that what would hurricane season be like without these aircraft? pilate would send data from the flights increase forecast bite 10 -- 20%. when you make the decisions where the going to back at your home, if you need to go buy supplies and stock up it's a large margin is important to make those decisions without these aircraft's we beat much more uncertain of what the storms are going to do but continue to work on new ways to get better data. >> if newton drops that are able to stay aloft a little bit longer, collect a little bit more data progress we are actively working to test and develop a variety of different drones would be able to collect information and some of the boundary layers that are unsafe for manned aircraft to actually flight. >> a hurricane hunters tell me is going to be business as usual
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for them this season, they are ready for what is to come. and miami i am brandy campbell back to you provokes fastening, brandy campbell thank you. bill: really cool stuff their historic boat is set for tomorrow. many aren't wondering who mexico will elect as its new president when it could mean with our relationship with one of america's greatest trade partners, the border as well. a closer look at coming up right after the break.
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super welcome back potentially revolutionary election such as take place tomorrow and mexico over that's when voters will choose a new president the polls suggest they are likely to elect a woman for the first time. william reports it. [inaudible] ahead by 20 points of the polls back to buy the widely popular left-wing party, 61-year-old claudia is likely his son date to become mexico's next president over rival. key issues, poverty, corruption, inequality and crime. a protégé of current president manuel lopez, asked don't expect major changes in the u.s./mexican relationship the assembly will take stronger action against the cartels and
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illegal immigration. >> mexico, probably more than any other country can either undermine or strengthen the u.s. and border immigration policy. >> as mayor of mexico city should claim to reduce the homicide rate by 50% by increasing police pay and more cooperation from the military. muclet's have a very powerful tl at your hands from a political perspective if you continue to bet on the armed forces but on the other side they operate essentially outside our civilian and legal oversights. >> secular jew raised by scientist parents pursued engineering over ballet spending four years at uc barkley studying climate change. we are convinced decrease in the catastrophic impact of climate change requires eight new development. like mexico's current president, opposes a privatizing state owned companies but supports reassuring american manufacturing from china to
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improve mexico's standard of living. mexico is not just america's largest trading partner and number one tourist destination. closer relations could help the u.s. address border security and the fentanyl crisis. in los angeles, fox news. speed that okay, bill and i are back again tomorrow at noon eastern.comp hope you can join us then. ♪ ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) (♪) (♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with new tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪♪)
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morning show on saturday 10:00 am. see you then. here's the 5. [ ♪ ] >> hello everybody i'm jesse watters along with judge jeanina
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