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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  June 1, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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performance for an ac/dc show. pretty reckless front man said the back flew into her clung to her she had no idea until fancy pointed it out and started screaming the singer went to the hospital and has to go through two weeks of her rabies shots. the irony here she was opening for ac/dc. >> was it wasn't ozzy osbourne there we need him? lexi was the batch brick looks very good point. >> that is a nightmare. guy's that does it for us. good times today. we'll see you back here tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big weekend show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now.
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♪ ♪ ♪. mark: little america i am mark levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. i want to talk about mr. bobble head. not ladies and gentlemen joe biden got up in front of a microphone, like this and read the lines as best as he could. he started out by attacking donald trump is a dangerous man to attack our justice system will be will be an appellate process the jury decided of course the problem is that it was a jury there should never been a jury there should never been a case the prosecutor is a source prosecuted the case should have been dismissed the problem is you have a judge that is a biden judge. you have two individuals, two dishonest individuals who lack complete integrity. who are influencing a federal
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national election. joe biden is fine with that. i'm glad to know joe biden is fine with that because apparently joe biden believes that is a precedent what took place in the new york coach. he's very happy with it. of the process play out. okay, let's let the process play out so where are we with the merchan brag decision it's them directions to the jury gave an inevitable result where are we? where we are is, if you make an effort to influence an election as a candidate to prevent something negative from coming out in order to present a false positive picture you've created a criminal event what's the law? it doesn't matter. what is the intent? it does not matter. we have intent in the case of joe biden, what you're talking about? god willing if donald trump is a next president of the united states i am going to urge him.
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i am going to lobby him to tell his attorney general of the united states let's stop playing games. to indict biden and indict antony blinken. because according to bragg merchan, biden and their immediate and serious they committed a crime. in this case we do not have to re-create it through some phony link to a federal statute to revive a state statute. we do not need to get into all of that stuff. federal campaign laws, does not on it which part of the law even though we have one because that is the precedent comes out of the new york case biden just supported. what am i talking about? i have in front of me a letter october 19, 2020. public statement hunter biden e-mail thei provided laptop youe aware of this 51 former intelligence spooks from all
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levels of the cia, national security council and all the rest of it. signed a letter the purpose of which was to influence the election in the letter they say for a bunch of reasons we write to say the arrival on the political scene laptop belong vice president son hunter related to his time serving on the board of ukrainian gaps company marissa has a classic earmarks of christian information operation they go on and on to make their case. not only that he leaked it to the media. who prepared that letter? the letter is a lie. the letter is a lie. the lap top it is a case right w against hunter biden. it is a wonder% legit the laptop was dismissed as a non- issue as russian disinformation two weeks
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before the election. two weeks before the election in fact in the final debate joe biden pointed in the media citing the experts this was a russian disinformation when it's brought up by donald trump. the fact it was used it was organized the fact it was a negative story squelched to influence the election there is no debate. i do not need a pouring star to tell me that. not in a 400 time or to tell me that. only that pretty gives itself that i do not deplete the rules of evidence of a do not have to destroy due process it is a fact, it is simple, it is open and shut game over. biden and blinand blinken need . if donald trump is president. i will tell you why they leaked this letter to a specific reporter at the "washington post," how do we it was this
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testified to that effect the perjury by the four mute deputy cia director to obama. who signed the letter. so what happened exactly? it's one of the stories that took place when out. here is october 19, 2821 of the favorite outlets for the biden regime and it says more than 50 former senior intelligence officials signed onto a letter outlining their belief the recent disclosure of e-mails to joe biden's son is a classic earmarks of a russian information operation. the outcome was the outcome they wanted, right joe? yes i think so bobble head. what else do we know? colonel opiniinternal opinion pe april 2023 house judiciary intelligence committee's release portions of the deposition transcript exposing than the
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from the 51 former spies determing hunters a laptop" all the classic earmarks of russian information operation unquote. the admission came from mike morel forming deputy cia director barack obama. the letters served as political purpose of giving that media and joe biden the opening to discuss the "new york post" laptop scoop on disinformation returns at the biden campaign was behind the letter, okay. case closed. under oath under penalty of perjury he received a phone call from lincoln but less than my check he is our pathetic secretary of state. october 17, 2022 days before the release of the letter and three days after the "new york post" published e-mails from hunter biden's laptop. why were those e-mails important question of the an illegal foreign business schemes to get money from the communist chinese. mr. blinken was a senior advisor
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to the pain and out secretary of state. the letter says mr. morel also explained the biden campaign helped to strategize about the public release of the statement. so they organized it. they drafted. had the entire process set up. they get to certain reporters i admit it was something corbett it's worth it's a mainstream radimainstreamradical democrat g was pushed out he said he then contacted an aid to former cia director jon brennan to say the biden campaign went to a particular part of the washington post first and he should send the statement to the campaign when he sent the letter to the reporter. acknowledge had two goals with the statement to quote share our concern with the american people unquote and to help, and i quote, vice president biden opened the election all this took place the final president of the gang and proof the hunters laptop was funny quote
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for national intelligence folks to say what this is. president trump is accusing me russian plan. that says it has all the characteristics four or five cia directors, but is it what he is saying is a bunch of garbage. greek signed, you leak it to media outlets who are happy to support him for they want him to win an and he cites his own diry work. for what? to influence the election. even if they did not have intent it would not matter. that is what this is an open and shut case. he told the committee following the debate biden campaign chair now senior white house aide called to thank him for the statement. no doubt the biden campaign had it generate its own disinformation marshaling the authority of supposedly nonpartisan intelligence veterans to discredit a story that's accurate about laptop e-mails that were authentic but
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we do not even need to play around. we don't go through the emotions of breathing life into statute sitting to be revived because the statute of limitation has run. no action what part? the in-kind contribution but i do not have to point to any part. that's what happened in the courtroom biden said is a great process. joe biden and antony blinken, god willing if donald trump is president, must be indicted if are going to have an equal application process or in this case due process. he's a happen problem for joe biden. have a special counsel to disclose classified materials. i quote he violated the
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espionage act. act as an. there is head of the executive branch. being from such a prosecution rate which i think he would be but that is my own view for its violations occurred when he is u.s. senator when he was vice president in a private citizen. million-dollar book deal. others got $8 million spewing classified information about afghanistan meetings. that is a crime. if anyone else did it, it would be a crime for joe biden believes in the rule of law slit stick with the rule of law here. the fact of that matter is you can and date a president after they become president for actions they took having nothing to do with this presidency. it's not even what is that before the supreme court which is the actions of a president when the president leaves it.
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this is about the actions of a president before he was president. vice president when he is the private citizen when he was the senator. what about the statute of limitations? they don't matter. we have a case in new york. the statute of limitations, what statute of limitations? for goodness sakes we just believe in getting bottom of this. we have so much evidence in this report a willful violation of classified information. the department of justice said they're not going to act because he said and certified joe biden is an imbecile. plus you cannot indict a sitting president for a number of monies to present him with the defense is one a trump attorney general has to accept. joe biden is exposed and it did
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look at ain classified informat. effective billing secret but the cover it up. what do you think of that, joe questioned what i'm hit with two great guests, with us tonight but i do not understand the resistance for the confusion. but it mak the point you cannotw the case in new york to stand. because the case in new york stands for what? not just lawlessness not just a violation of the federal bill of rights as it applies to the 14th amendment. not just a violation of a presidential candidate, mark present the republican putative candidate in his due process and traction were that will be bad enough. we the people have suffered greatly the people have been attacked. the campaign process has been employed as the beginning of the republic cap been altered prosecute i did but the judge.
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now does the whole country have to abide by that now? they did it there all kinds of schemes and lies and censorship that took place in the star chamber. the appellate court process in new york is not sufficient. whatever they rule is going to be too late that is number one. number two appellate court process in the state should not determine the impact on a federal campaign under pain law on the federal presidential campaign. whatever they decide. the process is already been breached. the jurisdiction, the constitution is art been breached regardless of th that w york appellate court says. this needs to be put back in the box. now one entity that can do say we've got to get into the federal districts in the second court, that is not right. that is not even possible. we've got to wait until the end of the state court process you wait till the end of the state court process than the
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constitutional issues are destroyed. we have had people hearsay brilliant lawyers and they are right. all of these issues that are relevant one said we cannot unravel this our system has been destroyed. others said the public will at some point rise up and demand justice. the problem is we have a lifetime of pointed federal judges we have elected judges. okay. you think the electrode in manhattan cares about what we have to say? they're going to rise up into a ticker tatickertape parade for e guys. these are not serious answers. as an advocate, as someone who is litigated against the left for 40 years you've got to do better than that. there's only one body that can save this judicial system is a top judicial court in the country. you have to give it an opportunity to address this. you can choose not too. and then what is done is done. you have to given an opportunity. when you're trying to save the
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country even horrific 10% chance isn't that good enough? you don't play football simon said got t to the 30-yard line there is the end zone game over because the referee says not the 30-yard line that's it. no were going for the end zone. i have never heard of a battle in which you surrender and keep whining about it. so quickly this is an important constitutional matter that raises incredibly important constitutional issues that is what the supreme court is for. the extent of state court powers the powers of ada, this is crucial with thousands of das and assistance and thousands of state judges and in merchan who is in an acting judge yet. whatever is result in new york does not resolve it for the country. number two the supreme court cares about cases that affect the entire nation. this case affects the entire nation like no other case.
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number three we have present the court stepped in under bush versus gore and different circumstances but what is it tell us? the court has an election treating presidential elections differently than other activities. and even though exceptional case for the court to take up exceptional, exceptional circumstances that requires an immediacy not that lumbering process in the state court. the president's lawyers want to stick with that process for preserving his appeals but we have the bigger issue. the presidency. the federalism. due process, equal protection, the first, fifth, sixth amendment of the top of my head. equal protection. pain is not on equal footing. because of what happened in the courtroom. joe biden runs it unfettered campaign house detention require
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trump to sign up every time it was a state for another state? this is ongoing interference with the election is ongoing one states decision one d8 one judges decision could not affect the integrity for the election for all of us voters who do not live in manhattan the supreme court has the power and extraordinary instances to grant relief by use of common a lot powers. are they rare? yes for rarick? yes this is the rarest of occasions and how does it work? issuance by the court of extraordinary autho authorized r 28 usc 10 oh 165a. it's not a matter of a right but discretion. sparingly used by the courts to justify the granting of any such the petition much as the shout be in eight of the courts appellate jurisdiction exceptional circumstances warrant the exercise of the
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courts discretionary powers and adequate relief cannot be attained in any other form or other than this course you file the notice of appeal. as you notice you ask for a stay of the trial court from the immediate expedited review. you file applications for common law writs. prohibition, it doesn't really matter for our purposes. we are trying to do is get the case to the door of the supreme court. in 1000 constitutional federal constitutional reasons for doing it. the circumstances, it is going on right now the constitutional violations are affecting the election as i speak. every minute that goes by, more damage is done pretty becomes more difficult for the supreme court to undo it. i do not know why this is complicated. do not know why people resist it. it's a longshot it a long shott work. so what if you do not take a long shot you take no shot. it is not a kook process.
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the different process in bush v gore never a wind event bush v gore would with give the court a different path a common law which is a rare but save for sae extraordinary circumstances that is the point. i've no idea if the court will take the case of a does or not if it doesn't you're no worse off than you were before. so many serious constitutional issues that affect their liberties that affect our voting systems that affect the presidential election process. that affect what i'll call reverse journalism when the court steals the authority of the u.s. attorney's office. these are matters that must be addressed. not by state courts, it belongs in the federal court and the only federal court that can take it and make a final decision is
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the u.s. supreme court. would you stop at the 30-yard line and say this is going to destroy the country? i do not know how were going to unravel if it will never get it back, it's a sorry day. i surrender. i never surrender. do you know why? because the enemy never surrende
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america but we are is one of her friends john yoo your weather the country former deputy assistant, hoover institution visiting fellow all around great guy. john yoo, you see this case in manhattan. how bad is it for our nation? how is it for our electoral system? how bad is it for the rule of law, for federalism, the whole kit and caboodle ver projects tk you for having me back. i am saddened at what this case is now done our political and constitutional system. it is hard to exact the harm it is going to do. not just to donald trump. he is important for the more orton' is what is a stooge or institution as you said our
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legal system our electoral system our system of federalism and systems of power for all future presidents. for all future citizens. first, we have never prosecuted former president before. this is not because of passive presidents hapastpresidents hadg bad it is because we thought it was the best thing for our separation of powers to leave presidents alone. the constitution concentrates so much responsibility and authority and the president. to take care they are faithfully executed. to protect the country from threats. we do not want our president to make the hardest decisions on behalf of the country should be worrying about whether they will be prosecuted or not. they don't be insurance claims adjuster's written risks and bounces of their own personal finances and their own personal legal situation but one thing to decide what's best in the country. because this was so frivolous is
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based on concocted and opens the door wide for any d.a. any d.a. sue and prosecute any president any past president perhaps any sitting president under the theories that were put forward earlier. i think it even worse the problem is the rule of law what we have all learned now as a ist prosecutors can destroy a person for they can destroy a person's reputation, his finances, just by investigating even before they get to court. just by announcing they are investigating someone. we have for 20030 years relied on prosecutors on our elected chief executives governors and presidents to show against statesmanship. to show good judgment not to abuse this power now what we see is the biden justice department a's are abusing this a power not to try to stop crime but to
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target individuals because they do not like them. because they are unpopular and find crimes to fit in. that is a direct assault of law that harms all of us in the country. not just trump, not just president you come to me and everyone else. so about the electoral system when you have one of these in va's deciding they get to decide were trite to decide the outcome of an election through the process they make an ambiguous reference to federal law, sees jurisdiction when it comes to federal election campaign law. let alone seize the authority from federal courts on the supreme court to make these decisions. regardless of what the new york courts say up change. whatever the new york courts say up and down the chain, that is decision the federals court
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decides to step in that is the decision for new york. if i am in california and i see it worked in new york because we have a lumbering appellate process we can interfere with an election by the time the appellate process catches they're going to time with the same weight. this could become a cancer on the political campaign system arthe highest federal official n the united states. in the election ther thereto? >> i appreciate what you said statement. the supreme court has made it clear not just sent one off the side comment three very clear decisions only the federal government can enforce federal law. only the justice department and the federal election commission can prosecute and violation of federal election law. they are the guardians of how federal elections should run. the d.a. approved by this judge, judge merchan grabbed the
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authority away basically decided to prosecute his own interpretation of federal law. some permissible under separation of power and federalism the supreme court will reverse they get a chance to hear this case. mark: when we come back john yoo, that is my question should we sit on our hands and say there's nothing we can do let it work its way through the courts of new york despite all the impacts we said despite the fact the courts could not catch up with the electoral process and that is intentional for those where the case was timed when it was time to hear it should we just sit back and say it's a rare chance that we'll take it and so forth and so on? that is that
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tomorrow. i am jon scott now back to "life, liberty & levin." >> will the back america but will try not to be too legalistic here. so john yoo it has been my proposition now there should be a filing with the relative substance and so forth of constitutional issues what we call common lot there's different types of comet lot cot writs there's mandamus, prohibition in their is? cooks you do not want it to interest you might've got the wrong one there. there is a clear and supreme sut case from the mid- 90s that says anyone who is being held unconstitutional by state government which would be the case here, can go directly for
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court file for a writ of habeas corpus it is called usually federal courts do not like to get involved too early and state criminal proceedings. but this is the thing with the state here has done what new york has allowed the d.a. and this judge to do a section extraordinary assault on the rule of law, on our constitutional system i think the trump lawyers trump lawyero directly to the supreme court and demand that this this is en you need extraordinary as in times like these. the second thing is you're already hearing a case about presidential immunity. so all we are asking you to do is pause, stop the new york courts do not allow them to take any further legal measures against president trump at least into the issue at your immunity decision the court may say presidents have full immunity from criminal prosecution. they might save in such a way it would wipe out these new york city proceedings. to cause them to maybe never be
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able to ring the case in the first place. so at least it's what you can say is pause everybody, do not let any further proceedings against president trump proceed on to decide on the immunity decision or you could say he should be released to go and look at the merits of the case. see this on prosecutors trying to enforce a federal law of the supreme court has said several times last 20 years is unconstitutional. when quashed indictment. stop this kind of draw from happening. look at all the damage it will do to the separation of powers and to federalism, and to our electoral system into the rule of law. mark: the court this extraordinary step when the bush/cheney campaign you were involved in this litigation. so were many other excellent lawyers. went to the supreme court because the florida supreme court had issued a ruling it was obviously intended to help core. they were not done. they filed with the called an
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emergency appeal to the supreme court. the supreme court treated it as a writ. i do not want to get too complicated which this would not be. we do have other written potentials with the judiciary itself. it is not have to be statutorily babes. that's based on her own press and i would argue bush versus gore is a perfect example. including a number of the federal jurisdiction points you raise. yes, we will take up the case. maybe they won't. if you do not petition the court and bring it to them, i know for sure one 100%, they can't. so if this is a big enough problem we are there problems on the outline presidential elections are on the line the rule of linus under the line. we need to address this we have never seen such a horrendous thing in our lives why would you not? >> i agree. the use of the supreme court did
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not exercise this great power respects state courts as it should. if seen the of astute judge in these outrageous charges damages argument done. court of heirs of the cult in new york will cure this case and make a decision before can get to the u.s. they should act faster to be conscious of the harm this is doing. november precooked swimming say this the harm is already done. even at the highest court in new york throws the case out on every ground we think it should, that is new york there is not a national standard now. that it new york law. that is not national, federal, a law. i am in california a d.a. in san
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francisco or barkley and i said you know what? i can do that next election two. i'll let the courts catch up with me in the stage you cannot have that going on and 20, 30, 40 states and so on and you need to have a national electric project with a national election with national authorities are responsible and in charge of it. before i want to thank you very much. you've been doing a fantastic job for you always do. god bless you my friend keep your head down at barkley. [laughter] >> thanks market is not easy but i will (♪) (♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with new tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪♪)
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mark: welcome back america prepare here with our buddy leo terrell a great, great lawyer. joe biden is behind destroying the judicial nomination process instrument of the judiciary committee destroy the reputation of great people who were coming up he did not agree with them.
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he is to fine-tune supreme court ruling sees that tax supreme court justices. he attacked the supreme court has a militia of the dobbs decision is harassing and threatening to supreme court justice he did not say anything about any of it. he didn't say a thing when his buddy schumer when you say to joe biden, leo? do not listen. he's going to lecture us from the white house. this meant has no credibility when it comes to the supreme court whatsoever or the court system for he does not respect him. he was bragging last week about ignoring the supreme court ruling on student loans. this man only uses the supreme court or the legal system to his advantage. no it in this country should respect a ruling that came out on thursday against president trump. why? because you had a district attorney, a state judge
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hijacking on the criminal justice system but the election system. there is no credibility whatsoever. what is happened is this, zeros has used state judges, district attorneys to basically take over not only local crime and local issues involving states they've hijacked the federal election system. we have a district attorney and a judge who's going to try to control that leading candidates for the presidency how we campaign, when he can campaign. the democratic playbook is to ignore the constitution, abolish all rules think power and control to stop this immediate. mark: isn't it interesting leo terrell on his dialect changes.
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he is always very angry. he is trying to upset people. he tries to racialized everything. one of the things he says as if you are black you do not have an equal shot in america. now, when you say that clearly you must mean the justice system. clearly it must meet you are not equal in front of the law. so, he can destroy or try the supreme court independence individual justice as he can defy supreme court rulings. he can destroy the judicial nomination process at the federal level. go in front of a black audience is that you don't have equal justice. i have a wreck. but it comes to the case in manhattan which is an illustrative of the stalin era just honor it. does not show what a complete farce this is question. >> he is what is happening here? joe biden the democrats have
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used the justice system to target everyone has stands in their way for power but first of all i find it offensive for joe biden to speak to black people every four years. the graduate black a church, go to the naacp and insults the intelligence of black america. that's always losing black votes admit that is why i left the democrat party because of joe biden and his racist tendency. but what they have done now as s they have used this obsession with power to after president trump we have no authority, no authority to enforce federal law leading candidate being elected in november they want to use the system have to be immediat (calm compassionate music) in america, millions of families are facing hunger.
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mark: welcome back, america. do you think you're biden who's a leader of a party who supported slavery segregation and jim crow, the state ups still oppose a school choice shows up in black communities only during the election cycle per does nothing for the black
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community. you wouldn't think that he would note something about the state court system and the south during the period of slavery. during that period of post- civil war segregation and a leading right into the last century. he says honor and the court system, that is what we do we honor a court system that honors the rule of law and justice. isn't that what we do, leo terrell? which as we try to do a joe biden does not follow the law he does not respect the law or the rule of justice pretty plays the race card with black americans black americans are leaving joe biden and the democrats they figured it out it took 50 years, took a 58 years because of joe biden wants to keep black americans thinking they are dependent on the democrats. what has happened is joe biden and the democrats have continuously use the race card i want to be very clear about something out every american to understand. there is no systemic racism in america in 2024 but i want to
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repeat that there is no systemic racism in america in 2024 you've got black bears in chicago, new york, los angeles you have got black people in every aspect of government. where is systemic racism, joe biden question was a systemic racism they played that card. they play that card because that is part of dependency but i can tell you now would no longer works. it's recycle to wear their systemic racism in the white house the democrat party. considering the reliance on the democrat party for an overwhelming turn out in the black vote should. look coming black senators there are. you can count them on two or three fingers. ii have a black vice president you say, yes but she attacked joe biden before she was power-hungry. for the same reasons for joe biden uses the people. he uses groups of people. he turns them against each other. joe biden's eight demigod. he will attack the supreme court but insist on falling the rogue
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state court joe biden is very bad for the country. any final words, leo? >> yes america cannot trust joe biden. joe biden is unfit to stand for trial plays unfit to serve as a president. we have to understand where the critical historical moment. federal election system we must protect the rule of law. we are in a critical moment in american history. mark: a man throwing up our hands as litigators those who do appellate and supreme court work and say were going to rely on the new york appellate system which slugs along all the damage is done. count me out. leo terrell it thank you my friend. god bless you.
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welcome back, america their strategy, tactics are aimed at you intended to turn you off the
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election, woe is me, we can't win. the opposite affected think it will backfire. that said, my thinking people saying it doesn't make happen. we just celebrated the people who died from memorial day, died to prevent this and preserve our nation. it's not asking too much voting today to make sure donald trump is elected and biden is defeated. that's our role, a duty, we are patriots. not just go, thomas paine and paul revere, whatever control you have in life, whatever your background whatever you do, you could influence ten, 20 people that's our job. see you tomorrow night on life, liberty and levin. ♪


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