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  FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  June 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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rachel: good morning everybody. it is 8:00 here in new york city, and you're looking at myrtle beach, south carolina. beautiful morning there in south carolina. i'm happy to be with will and pete here. this morning after our big trump interview yesterday that we've been airing all day. good morning. pete: great to be here i had a concert on "fox & friends" great american. trivia for pete. pete that song as a -- will: now found lover of country music is a reference to older country music song but not that old. 90s -- pete: got nothing -- will: heads california, tails -- who sang that song? rachel: that is -- pete: george straight -- rachel: no it's a woman.
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will: i'll leave you at the suspension it is jo dee messina. rachel: that's right. pete: never heard of her. rachel: never heard of her? pete: shallow but catching up. will: wide but shallow. roots are running deeper. thanks to maverick -- pete: that might describe our interview wide shallow but deep sometimes deep. great conversation. we're very thankful to the former president for giving us so much time he gave us 90 minutes yesterday at bedminster sat down three of us had our list of questions where we wanted to go with things and top on the list was hey, this is the first interview he has given. since what happened in the -- with the verdict in manhattan where's his head at. that's exactly where we started here's about ten minutes of that interview. watch. >> mr. president, welcome to "fox & friends" weekend.
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>> thank you. pete: thanks for being here. this is your first interview since the verdict. it's been 48 hours. where's where are head where's where are hat at? >> i'm fighting for the constitution i'm fighting for the same thing i watch you all of the time you fight for freedom. you fight for your country. these people are sick. they're sick. they're deranged. you know i talk about the enemy on the outside and the enemy from within. see you have russia and china and if you have a smart president you handle them easily. we have a lot of advantages. but the enemy from within, they are doing damage to this country. they want open borders they want high interest rates they want to quadruple your taxes quadruple you know all of my life i watched politics it was like politicians want to lower taxes not quadruple them there's a sickness going on right now. it was a tough venue we tried to
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get out of the judge and wouldn't think about it. so we had probably maybe the worst area in the whole country for me you know in terms of vote. i'm sure if i sat down and explained it to that section of the world we could probably make progress but one of the worst sections and they always bring them to these sections. you know d.c., there, police pls where republicans not just me but republicans get virtually no votes. but the good news is that -- i think we've set a record beyond all records for fundraising that's like a poll another one came out before i got in that were six points higher than we were before. so i don't know if that holds up. , i mean, i'm not sure but people get it. it's a scam and the republican party is really -- they've stuck they stick together in this. they see what's, it is weaponization of the justice department of the fbi, and you know that's all coming out of washington. you may think it's bragg. take a look at who opened the case i'm not allowed to talk
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about it because i have a gag order first presidential nominee and -- the leader -- leading crooked joe by lot that's not allowed to talk. maybe heir doing me a big favor who knows. but i'm not allowed to talk i'm gagged nobody has heard of it it is weaponization and it is a very dangerous thing we've never had that in this country. they have it in other krpghts in south american countries you know a little bit about it. glam that leads me to my question i think for a lot of american what's happened to you feels foreign it's never happened here before. but for hispanic americans people coming from latin america this feels very familiar. and those countries people are imprisoned instead of going to fight there. they're on house arrest they're told they can't run for office. what is your message and by the way, i think a lot of hispanic americans i hear from them they're scared about what they see what's your message to them about what happened to you --
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and about how scared they are that our country is turning into the countries that they left bnsd the corrupt dysfunctional countries they left behind. >> they are scared very great people great energy, and as you know i'm doing very well with them beyond i don't think anybody has ever had polling -- rachel: do you think this is why a little bit? >> always liked me and i've done well from the beginning in 2016 i won the entire border along texas and they're all 85% and it's been great for the beginning now i'm leading over this sky, sky that can't put two sentences together that's destroying our country look he's the worst president in the history of this country. and he's a danger to the country. and you know they have misinformation, donald trump is a threat to democracy. it is words he doesn't know what it means but a slogan i'm the opposite. they're the threat to democracy. will: i want to return to the vecialght and explore something you said already in the conversation and referenced
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these people i'm certain you've seen the video of joe biden when he was asked about the verdict and gave sort of a smirk -- >> terrible. remember bragg didn't want to do the case he came out he said there's no case and how can you have a witness like so and so i can't mention the name. can you believe this? this guy is allowed to have television shows i'm not allowed to mention a name it is so unfair. but regardless, you know you have to -- you have to really play the hand that you are dealt. and then you have a jury that's from a certain persuasion would have been hard to do no matter what. but i did absolutely nothing wrong. i mean, absolutely think of it. you know, i hate what they say bookkeeping this and that it's not. it is called think of it -- expense i used word expense legal expense. i pay a lawyer, he was a lawyer at the time. i pay a lawyer, and he's a lawyer. that's called legal expense a bookkeeper without speaking to
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me because did the right thing been with me for years markings it down as legal expense. i paid a legal expense marked down as legal expense and they say that's a fraud. what am i going to call it did you ever see a ledger study accounting line is like an inch long you can't write the story but there's no story if you pay a legal expense write it down as legal expension and then indict you and go to grand jury and don't use bob goodell testimony didn't want him before the grand jury because he's persuasive this judge didn't want him to talk. they shouldn't have allowed -- certain people to testify. it was -- totally wrong that they did that. so everyone tells me this is the easiest case they've ever seen to overturn but they don't care because they want to last to the election so far poll numbers have gone up. you explain this to me pete maybe can explain it. i maybe, will can maybe they're
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smart in texas. but poll numbers have gone up substantially. i don't know if that's going remain that way. will: you changed your tone at some point during the trial i would say a built more hopeful in the beginning and towards the end yowx something to the effect of mother teresa could be acquitted to the venue was there a moment in the trial that you felt like it turned or you saw that it was heading in a certain direction? >> when you object to something good lawyers, professional lawyers good records, nice people -- you know, i've had a lot of lawyers that weren't nice and sometimes you're better off that way. these are really fine people. they would object, not accepted not accepted not accepted when they -- the government meaning d.a. bragg -- when he says something, all right. good. that's fine. more, more, more but more thing it was turned down by the southern district they tried to
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rush it because they want it before the election and could have been seven years but never had attention. a case like this has never been brought before and never been a case where state is going after federal election that's for federal like southern district to go. southern district turned it down. we got clearance from the fec federal election commission clearance. they're suing say we violated a thing but gave us clearance. but the charge was written. it was leak a weird charge. tell a little of this, that, do throw mix it up. >> except arraignment days before the rnc. >> that's part of the game. pete: someone suggested you can appeal to the supreme court because of the special nature of this case. when it comes to -- the legal you're facing and judge could decide to say house arrest or even jail. what that could -- >> i'm okay with it. i saw a lawyer say you don't
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want to do that to the president. you know don't beg for anything. the way it is -- they have all of my books you know they went to -- for five years they sued me getting my tax returns right at the end of five years. they got them -- the supreme court actually gave it to them. that was the end of it that was it. they never found anything. they are the best accounting firms i have a pure gold firm. they call it gold rated firm i don't know what that's supposed to be. who knows. but with all of that for years you heard about my tax, then -- >> never looked into the clinton foundation. >> never found it and never with the clinton foundation never went all the way with the clinton foundation sort of interesting isn't it -- so that could happen. i don't know that the public would stand it. you know. i'm not sure the public would stand for it. with a -- pete: house arrest or -- >> i think it would be tough for the public to take at a certain point there's a breaking point.
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>> where and how can you do this not to mention rally after rally and the energy but the question is how do you do this. but how does your family do this all of the obstacles what about everybody around you? >> so in many ways it is tougher on them than it is me. they are good people all of them. i have a wonderful wife who has to listen to this stuff all of the time. they do that for this reason. they do that all of these salacious names they put in -- of these people and i'm the not even allowed to defend myself. because of the gag order. think of it. but they put this stuff in, to create havoc these are bad people i know everything they're doing i know every move they make i get it but a lot of people don't. but it's tougher i think it is probably in many ways tougher on my family that it is on me. >> how is melania -- >> she's fine.
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it is hard for her but she's fine. >> people started focusing on barron actually -- >> he's tall good looking a very good student. he's applied to colleges gets into everywhere he goes. you know, he's very sought-after from the stand point a very smart guy. very tall guy. but he's -- he's a great kid. he's cool. he's pretty cool i'll tell ya. it was interesting, though, colleges you know, six months ago you look at a college you want a certain college and see all of the colleges are writing. >> yeah. and maybe you want to go to a different coif a college because there's plenty of colleges that we also like that -- are different and they don't riot. >> speaking of colleges we went ton then asking later in the program -- what he thinks of the department of education. whether that should be around you'll be interested in his answer. >> fascinating. when it comes to shrinking size
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of government. >> made no bones about it he was clear he said 100% he believes prosecution in new york is coordinated from washington, d.c. coordinated from the white house. let's bring in fox news anchor shannon bream to join us on "fox & friends" thanks for being with us this morning you heard ten minutes was what was a 90 minute interview with trump. we would love to hear your thoughts. >> i thought when you honed in on the fact they felt hopeful in the beginning and changed over time as you watch this trial play out. it illustrates how many different things that trump legal team will probably have to use on appeal because remember, more than a year ago, when alvin bragg first indictment people all across the legal and political spectrum are like this is a weak case this is a noel theory and won't go anywhere. and then you saw that change as this judge made very specific decisions about what testimony could come in couldn't come in. who could testify who couldn't how limited it would be and jury instructions one of the most powerful thing that happen in
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the trial. because if a judge telling the jury exactly how to interpret what's going on and it wasn't until the jury instructions we got a clear spelling out of whatever the underlying crime was supposed to be. jury was given multiple options they were told they didn't have to agree on options so -- i mean, watching how the mood of that changed over the last year until they got to that verdict on thursday, was very telling and i think does provide many options for looking at what would possibly work on appeal and you've got to have the question too, you know, what if this thing is overturned conviction eventually after the election results are in. a lot of people are going to have a lot of issues with that depending on who wins and whether that conviction goes away. rachel: you know, jury instructions were not standard. my husband is a lawyer he was like never seen anything like this before. and you would think in a case this serious with a former, you know, president -- in the middle of an election leading over joe biden that they would at least be trying harder
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to make it look on the up and up but it didn't seem like they were trying to do that. you're sitting there in washington, d.c. shannon, i think that democrats let's take the legal out let's look at this politically i think the democrats were counting on just getting convicted felon. you know, being a win for them politically as an outcome out of this trial. but now we're hearing about these record numbers -- maybe close to 60 million dollar raise a lot of it from small donors a coalescing around donald trump. what do you make of this politically? how does this shake out in your view? >> he rightly predicted before that first indictment if it happens it will help my poll number that's exactly what we saw play out a lot of his gop rivals had to come to his defense. they had to do that whether campaigning against hem to say this is not -- you know what they viewed as a fair use of the judicial system all of these things helped him in polls helped him in fund raising we'll see how this all
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shakes out. because we have early polls that show there is attrition of voters who says if that conviction happens i may not stick around and vote for donald trump if i was leaning that way. we're looking at what independents are say to go. there's some people within republicans not surprisingly but with independents who say this conviction makes them more likely to vote for donald trump. so he has to hope that he wins over more who are swayed into his column by this than he loses and the only way to know that will be when the voting actually starts. will: absolutely shannon what do you have on fox news sunday today? >> all of these things not surprisingly and speaker of the house mike johnson to talk about that lucas tomlinson saying executive action on border this week and we'll talk 2024 with tim scott as he going to join the ticket, and congressman roe cana who was out trying to talk silicon valley folks out of going over and donating to president trump as some of them now are publicly doing.
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will: we'll be watching thank you so much. rachel: thanks shaun. will: now few additional headlines white house confirming that fox -- fox news president biden will announce executive action to handle crisis at the southern border do this apparently on tuesday. just last month 15 house democrats urged biden immediately to take action at the southern border as more than 1 -- 1.85 mt. got aways have crossed under his administration. rachel: a low estimate. must have found power. known for targeting art was detained yesterday after sticking a poster on to the poppy field painting in paris. i was just there. what museum is that? rachel: glued to the painting -- will: wasn't a member of the cain family. protester -- the protest poster depicts apocalyptic futuristic version
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depicted in the paint nothing word if the poster damaged the actual painting. police are investigating. another activist with the group previously threw soup at the mona lisa in january. the defense department facing backlash after mixing up pride month and ptsd awareness month. in a deleted post on social media. rachel: needed to be in your book. pete: organization highlighted president ptsd and later corrected this is -- this writes itself. this is -- rachel: really. pete: cartoon of exactly what our pentagon has become. lots of file photos of the pride month they were ready to go. june first get that thing going. ready to go also ptsd. it is a really big deal amongst vets in the military but that was -- that's front and center and by the way, units across our marl are confronting this right now. the emphasis on you see
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transflag on the side there was a reason donald trump banned transgender from serving in the military. because life altering surgeries and pumping chemicals into your body make you combat ineffective so if you care about winning and fighting wars you don't need that. a little illustration is my guyings use thed to get their teeth pulled before deployment because you can't deploy where there's bad dentists people are going to deployment like that because they needed to address it so along people to pump themselves on chemicals comes out on tuesday i think everybody will enjoy it. fox news books and donald trump talked about defeats isis you can do it if you get the lawyers out of the way. that's what he did. rachel: also going to fire generals. pete: woke generals that absolutely needs to happen and new commander in chief needs to clear house. will: and the trans issue. pete: moving on hunter headache. president son legal woes loom
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over his white house run. hunter biden's federal gun trial begins tomorrow. what is it and how did it start? will and i go off the wall coming up next. rachel: more from our exclusive president interview with president trump his plan to end the crisis at the southern( border♪. (♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. ♪ rise up this morning, ♪ ♪ smiled with the rising sun ♪ discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress,
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>> well trial against hunter biden begins tomorrow in delaware. marking another big case during a busy campaign season. will: let's go off the wall to understand how we got here and what we should expect and legal troubles that hunter biden is facing and start with the trial this week pete which is about a gun charge. if we'll remember back to october of 2018 he purchases a cobra. he purchased it now 11 days later remember haley biden this is beau biden's widow who linked up with hunter did a lot of drugs other thing and 11 days after that gun purchased she took it and tossed it in a trash can behind a grocery store if you'll remember secret service came in behind and -- grabbed the gun as with so there's more details of this why were they involved in trying to make this gun charge go away.
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will: you bring up drugs that's the key thing when it comes to a gun because in his biography a memoir in april 2021 hunt or says i was smoking crack every 15 minutes. pete: he said about that 2018 remember october 2018 also says in the book i got sober in 2019. so the acknowledgements in his other words in audio book are i was not sober when i was -- i was not off drugs when i was purchasing that gun had is illegal. will: right charge then is he lied on federal form to buy the gun because you can't if you're a drug addict self-admitted smoking crack every 15 minutes drug addict. hunter then in june of 2023 pleads guilty to the misdemeanor charge that we're discussing. this is in order to avoid prosecution, that at the time you'll remember we talked about here wow that's a heck of a deal out of the blue at the last minute. pete: smasesive sweet heart deal and into the courtroom and -- as you rarely see in unscripted
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moment during deliberations, the judge said no, this is not a fair deal this was if you recall i don't have the judges u.s. district judge mary ellen -- nominated by trump found deal unusual and said no we're not taking this. will: charges come back on three count indictment when it comes to gun charges. that is what is set to meet the courtroom this week. pete: speedy justice maybe not. september 2023 when the charges happen going to trial of june of 2024. will: what to expect this week start with jury selection. starting on monday. pete: apparently i don't know if i buy this. but apparently reports are that hunter biden financial struggles getting support from the outside may limit his ability to mount a robust defense to call in outside witnesses or experts or specialist to defend him. other people have been funding him for a long time i wouldn't be surprised if given joe's network that other people arrived on scene at that time but there's reason he has
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financial struggles. glit a lot of cases. you have to pay expert witnesses to come in earlier this morning there's a debate about what -- what the definition of an addict is that's going to take expert witnesses. facing up to 25 years. pete: prosecution will have not that much because ex-wife kathleen will testify and they're ongoing custody battle as well. will: there's more so with financial troubles there's so many other cases as well. he's -- got a federal tax evasion charge saying he failed to pay at least 1.4 million dollars in taxes over four years. pete: trial in september and you have ongoing divorce in all moan alimony dispute and amount not paid which they thought resolved now she's accusing hunter of being almost three million dollars behind on alimony payments again we don't know if that's the exact number that's a lot of legal woes and troubles.
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will: estimates with $10 million in legal bills. pete: if -- looming over all of this is with joe biden issue a pardon you wonder whether that's been discussed when trials are done. will: all starts this week. pete: confirming joe biden isen playing to take executive action on border by tuesday. well how will that compare to former president trump plan to tackle border crisis. more from our exclusive tv interview. >> who wants to have open border with millions coming into our country we're paying this and i'll do the big deportation biggest ever, eisenhower did the biggest this will be bigger. ♪ ♪
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will: we're back with more with our exclusive interview with trump and you have heard not yet he shares insights into his future foreign policy agenda as well as plans to fix the southern border. you hear the white house talking about an executive action too little too late. what did donald trump do what does he plan to do including how difficult qowld it be to implement so much these deportation efforts that he's talked about as well here's donald trump yesterday. rachel: so just in this year fiscal year 74,000 unaccompany children come across the border in 2024 and get this number 137, 25 you know you've seen images of these children, five, 7 years old nine years old, 12 years old, and the joe biden administration has lost 80,000 of them. no one can track no one knows where they're at. >> at least much more.
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rachel: at least. will you commit, will the trump administration commit to finding these children and returning them to their families to their countries because many of them have been lost into sex trafficking. >> many of them are dead. it is heartbreaking. rachel: will you commit to finding those children. >> but the answer yes it is a simple answer. many of them are dead -- they have done such a bad job they have done such a bad job and you know they go into the guys that they're dong this wonderful job of letting people, you know what's really bad caravans i came up with that form 40,000 people coming up and biden thinks he's doing a favor by allowing only reason they have the caravans because -- i end it all people weren't getting in we had lowest number ever the lowest number that we've ever recorded number of illegal immigration. i had it down and you didn't
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have the caravans anymore. you had it when i came in you didn't have them anymore. it was really good. one of the bigger differences i know -- you know before i won, i was in washington the press says about 17 times. i never stayed over. so i wasn't a washington person. and i relied on people for recommendations. and i got great once look we had great -- the economics bob lighthizer great people but we have some that i wouldn't have put -- don't have to use their names but i wouldn't have put now i know them all. the tough ones and weak ones and dumb ones and we know the strong ones so i think it is going to be very good. and we're ready to go but the country is really going bad when you look at all of the people million of people coming into this country, it is -- i really think other than nuclear weapons, which ring the single biggest threat not global warming. when they say that -- the seas will rise over the next 400 years one eighth of an inch
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which means beach front property okay. think of it. the seas will rise who knows. but this is the big threat i watch biden the other night, it's the greatest existential he loves that word because it is a big word and thinks -- he doesn't know what the hell the word means. he goes it is greatest existential threat to our country. global warming. and meantime you have maniacs with nuclear weapons -- that can do damage which i won't to go you about it is the greatest there's never anything like it the power of weaponry today it is be obliteration that's your real left. but in terms of our country real threat who knows millions come into our country millions and millions not just from south america but coming from africa from -- from the middle east from europe all over the world they're coming in a and they're coming in from jails from mental
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institutions. and sick asylums some of the sickest mentally ill people are dropped into our country. we're going to be paying for this for a long time now i'm going to do the big deportation. the biggest ever -- eisenhower did the biggest, this will be bigger. but it's -- it's a very tough thing. what they've done to our country is unthinkable. that they could do this and so many other things i mean you're goapg to new york kids can't have little league games anymore. sounds so trivial right -- rachel: why? >> migrants are living on the field unless you have to play around the tent. will: how can you implement deportations and do you think the public will have -- the appetite the stomach for watching deportations on their television screens? >> that question is so great. and so tough -- because you know the radical left is going to start saying look, so you'll get rid of ten really bad ones.
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and one, you know, beautiful mother, two they think is guilty of something maybe she's maybe, and it will become a story. or a family that's a good family and came in wrong and you know they're going to show it. and then always be tough it is not going to be easy and we have to use a lot of good judgment but the way you get rid of them is local police. you know local police know these people by their middle and last name and they're great but not allowed to do their job they're afraid of losing their pension. they're afraid of losing their wife or husband and lose their house and losing everything. and one of the things i'm doing is giving local police immunity from prosecution they get a prosecutor. when they do their job like your soldier when when they watch departments being raided by 500 people, with guys walking out with television sets and they're told to stand back -- okay. they're told to stand back do not do anything. and they go into these stores,
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big stores that have, you know, opened two years ago and spent 25 million dollars to build a store. and the stores are empty down to the shelves they take the shelves out they take everything. and -- how they don't want to be standing there and they want to do their job. the great border patrol they endorse me they always endorse me. they said when trump comes back it will all be better and biden by the way -- he doesn't need any legislation. he could say the word close the border that's what i did. i said close the border and -- it was so bad that it took a little while. i fixed the border originally that's how i got elected in a way but now borders and i fixed it and i couldn't use it in 2020 in 2016 it was a big factor of my win. i fixed it very we we quickly i0 i said let me talk about the border my people all the of the geniuses said please don't talk about the border it is fixed
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let's talk about it. but nobody wanted to hear about it. now border is -- a hundred team worse than it was in 2016. pete: you mention will asked about deportations you mentioned local authorities what do you do about sanctuary because they can't talk to i.c.e. let alone work with i.c.e. if you're going deport five, 7, 10 million illegals it is going to require a lot -- >> the politicians don't want sanctuary cities i've spoken to many in california. and they're fed up, they're fed up. they can't take it anymore. they don't want it even liberal departments they don't want it anymore. you have to end sanctuary cities, i mean, they're guarding criminals. they're guarding people that are killing people and you can't get to them. and guys like gavin newsom is -- is a disaster he's running -- he's running it so badly it is so badly run and you know i watch him on --
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john hannity show with that, debate he'll talk like everything is wonderful it is great go california. it is doing terribly it is doing terrible willly but they have tl hill out but the job -- of sanctuary cities it is just so horrible for our country. >> i have another question on the border it is related to the border but much bigger than that and that's the problem with china. taig over the western hemisphere so we've had an 8,000% increase over the border of chinese military men. i would like to know your thoughts on what you think they're doing here and buying up farmland but then in latin america, they're making deals with governments. we're not doing deals. they're buy up infrastructure they're buying up, you know, resources. they're taking over the western hemisphere because a lot of people worried about the entire hemisphere now. we used to worry about thing over far away. this is in our hemisphere what will you do to stop all of the things that have -- that are happening from farmland to all of the ways that they're winning in the western and our
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backyard. >> okay, so if you remember with china, i turned it around first of all i exposed china because everyone was giving oh it is a developing nation i said this is not -- a weird developing nation they're a rich nation they're doing -- doing very well by i turn thengs and i got along with president xi and i did something nobody did and charge them hundreds of millions of dollars of tariffs we would have lost, i mean, they had to pay hundreds like close to 500 billion dollars in tariffs. and that was all turning around and we have tremendous power with respect to china. but we don't have people that know anything about using it. china -- has made right now we have the largest deficit we've ever had with china like over a trillion dollars that means taking over a trillion. that's too much. you can't sustain that. but we have tremendous power over china. china built their military because of us they built all of
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this. they took so much money out of our country. we have great power over china. we can get along with china. i will get along with china but they're respected your president they really did. he respected me and they don't respect this guy at all. nobody does. nobody does. i mean you take a look at what's going on in ukraine, you take a look at what's going on with israel -- you take a look at all of this stuff, it's just the whole world is out of control. i got along very well with putin but you have to be careful with putin because putin i'm watching him, and he's doing things now that aren't good. that aren't good and he's dealing with somebody that has no clue how to play the game this guy has no clue. it is a very serious problem. very serious problem. rachel: dangerous world. will: let's talk about that in reference to ukraine then. you've said often we wouldn't be in this situation if i were president but we are if you were
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president again how you deal with ukraine how do you deal with putin? >> i think i can end it very quickly i get along with putin and i get along with zelenskyy and i would get them in a room and ended. rachel: good. >> get it ended. >> i have an exact plan as to how but i can't tell you how. let me tell you exactly and lay outs my cards no i will get it ended. >> brought china and russia closer -- >> it is access now access also brought -- it's also brought iran into the picture. and it's brought a little bit north korea back into the picture. you know i get along great with him kim jong-il when i met him i get along with him great know him quite well he's a very smart guy. they hate when i say that but we had it going so good now all of these people that are against us are become like it's become like a partnership and a lot of bad things are happening.
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the taiwan situation, when you -- when you look at what's happening now, the whole world is lining up against us. and our allies are getting very weak for us. they're no longer forced but -- watch what's happening with china. and taiwan, that's a big deal. rachel: interesting. pete: he says on comments on vladimir putin he's doing stuff war stuff we'll see. he intentionally said i won't reveal to you what i would do to end the war in ukraine. but i've got a plan to do it and i'll pull those levers. rachel: what's interesting when you do these interviews and i've never done an interview this long with a president first time for me and then afterwards i should have asked this or that and it is hard you do the best you can. i wanted to ask him when he talked about ukraine, if he thought that ukraine should remain in nato or should be joining nato or not. i wish i had asked him something really specific i'll have him on
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my podcast soon and i promise i'll ask that question and hoping i'll put out a message to the people who plan to my podcast to get their questions in and we did that in in interview as well. will: some of the viewer questions we asked a lot of them. exactly. answers coming up. but mike huckabee has been listening throughout the morning all morning long he joins us now former governor of arkansas. governor great to have you on the program we love your thoughtings. >> well couple of big take aways from this segment you just played one was in relationship to china. and i thought what a contrast when donald trump was president, china had to pay up for the illegal trade deals that they'd been doing donald trump put them back on their heels and we had the kind of relationship we should have been having with china. joe biden comes in, and, of course, we know how compromised he and his family are from the multimillion dollars deals they've made with the communist own enterprises over there so
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they won't do anything and whole situation has radically changed. and i think if people can't just look at that objectively and say, the united states is much better off with donald trump as president dealing with china, than with joe biden, then i can't help them and other was on border which was -- amazing contrast between when donald trump was president, he got the border under control. he fulfilled promises about building the barrier the getting it done and all of the democrats beat their chest about how they were for sank war cities and so much more compassionate. that is until ten million illegal people flooded this country and they started filling up blue cities like new york and chicago and washington. and suddenly, they're not so compassionate anymore. and many of the voters in those cities are sick of it. and i think you're going see a lot of those voters they may not tell you they're going vote for trump because they don't want to be called a racist what about
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phobe but they're sick of what happened to their country they don't recognize it anymore. so this was a great, great conversation. i'm glad you had the extended time to get out of the president what he was able to give us in terms of sheer -- just strong contrast between what presidency is like under donald trump and what it's like under joe biden. and the choice couldn't be clearer. glam one of the thing i noticed when the interview when he talked abouted about what he had done and what's happened to the country -- excuse me. he's sad there's a sadness in how much we've gone backwards especially in western and china hemisphere it was really a great conversation thank you so much for joining us giving us your thoughtings on it too. >> thank you governor appreciate your time always. >> thank you.
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more of that interview other aspects sthaild. rachel: first annual tunnel to towers climb at one world trade center honoring the life and sacrifice of our 9/11 heros adam klotz joins us there live next. ♪ ♪ for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living.
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>> as the tunnel to towers world trade center climb comes to an end, we're going to sending it back out to adam klotz who is live at the event. adam: hey there rachel yeah things kind of winding down here but i convince begged a couple of fox employees who did the hike to hang around with me a little longer one of them travis vp of media sales at fox they're the long relationship between fox and tunnel to towers this is your first time doing it tell me about the experience. >> first time doing it we were definitely a little concerned before we were going up the stairs. but then you just think about how the friends at the fdny trained with 60 pounds more than that on their backs and -- you stop your wiping pretty quickly after that. >> that's good perspective people have it harder did we raise a lot of money? >> we raised with -- fox total raised 20,000 so able to support this organization.
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>> pat on the back you deserve it. >> i've been working for them for five years to see what they do every day behind scenes just to support our first responders, military, and veterans, it just means the world it is the least we could do and it was just great from all of our friends and family who have supported us with donations. you know, we had to climb these stairs. adam: did it get competitive? were you guys talking a lot of trash in the office who did the best who was the slowest? i need the deets. >> nathan won. spill the tea. >> what time was that? >> i don't know the exact time. >> but for everybody -- yeah i think i did. >> we were on the 94 floor and burned right past us. >> okay. so how do question feel do you think this is something you'll do again another year? >> for sure. absolutely. >> absolutely. love it. so we've got a whole bunch of absolutelies in one like i'm done for. i'm going to join you guys maybe next year because i want to do it. i want to sweat it out.
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so a bunch of happy -- hikers well mostly although one, rachel over to you. pete: there's always next year adam. will: i want to do if. if they'll let me off from hosting. pete: folks that work behind scenes not on camera love the country and support first responders and our military awesome to work with great people. adam thanks for highlighting. >> but still the subway hero. never forget. a big show still ahead, more of our tv exclusive interview with the former president, stick around you don't want to miss the rest.
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