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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  June 2, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> the jury finding the former president guilty on all 34 could wants but that doesn't mean the election is over, far from it. this means trump attacking the judicial system is rigged and much of the base agrees and joe biden may have trouble beating donald trump despite the new legal baggage with many democrats, privately pan interacting about the -- panicking and going for the country and one part outrage by the conviction and the other part celebrating the stormy daniels case and the media completely and outdoerly polarizing. the commentators couldn't agree on much of anything including judge juan merchan. >> this is by every measure a travesty of justice perpetrated by judge juan merchan. >> i have a man crush on him
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now. >> one thing for certain, it all came down to the jury and. i'm howard kurtz and this is media buzz. donald trump unloaded on friday taking no questions. >> they were literally crucified to this man that looks like an angel but he's a devil. we'll be appealing this scam. >> it takes a guilty pendant on all sides. >> this thing felt pretty ordained and felt more arranged than a marriage in kabul. >> it's in the hands of the american people to decide if we'll accept those efforts or stand by the rule of law and
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recognize this. >> this is a humiliating thing and >> trump and his lawyers thought they could bully their way through the proceedings. >> some outright celebrating. stuart: thinking this should have never been brought and coming down to both sides of the
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jury. i don't blame the jury or the judge for the instructions. >> we can go into the legalities and minute by minute and both times the more sickening part here is the way the media was covering it and the way the media has been celebrating this and it's a dark day for justice and a dark day for america and no matter if you like donald trump or don't like donald trump and these are some of the same media pundits, hacks that i would call them, that don't want anybody else to go to jail. they don't want anybody else to go and have the book shown at them and throw the new book at them and thrown at donald trump and they celebrate that and i think they'll rather talk about donald trump as they always have and talk about failing joe biden and failing kamala harris and failing america under joe biden and kamala harris and this did them a favor in more ways than one, and it's really a travesty to watch them celebrate like
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they are. howard: leslie, the judge said you cannot convict on michael cohen's testimony. you have to find corroborating evidence and i think the flaw in the defense has always been they had an alternative when it came to the e-mails and the texts and the signal messages and the banking records, which tended to back up what michael cohen was saying. >> well, look, you know, when people talk about blame, one of the things that's great about our nation is our system. whether you like the outcome of the verdict or not, many people were angry many years ago in the outcome as i was in the oj simpson trial. but the jurors based their decisions on what is presented by the prosecution and the defense. i honestly, howie, thought going into this, didn't think a 34 counts of guilty. i was surprised about that. even though i watched a lot of the trial, i wasn't sitting in the juror's box or in the courtroom. the jury deliberated not just based on the judge's
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instructions but specifically on the evidence or lack of evidence that was presented by both sides. your point to me is exactly why the jury came down with the 34 guilty counts? howard: the media are deeply divided about them he's tainted the criminal justice system and biden saying trump was destroying confidence in the judicial system and going to make or take difference signs of the coin. going for the person in terms of the argument. >> to me it's really rich and i mentioned before, hugh howie, these individuals not wanting anyone to go to jail and want everyone to get out of jail free card and cashless bail and thugs
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and felons to roam the streets and legal immigrants to beat up cops and plea deals and find donald trump saying no one is above the law but donald trump has been existing blow the law and the fact that they're celebrating it when they want everybody else to reek havoc and do as they please, that to me is really rich. howard: wait, they want illegal immigrants to beat up cops? or is that the result of the border? >> well, they have illegal immigrants beat up cops and getting plea dees. let's be honest, howie, we saw that in new york city. they don't take the people that have jumped cops and attacked cops on camera and think they should be given the benefit of the doubt but donald trump, the book should be town at him, even if it's a book known has ever read or seen before. howard: yeah, you know, i'm the kind of with both of you on this point, which is, it's a sad day for our country.
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34 counts saying that was a surprise and thought there might be one here and so, the constant media coverage, even though it's a terrible tv show because of what we're looking at text from the reporter and the transcript and going to give speeches and saw prior to both the 2016 and 2020 election and tommy and i agree cpi i would agree with her till the american people and there are certainly people on
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the right and the left that are screaming against our system whether it's because the supreme court members wife hangs a flag upside down and he won't recuse himself. whether it's because somebody thinks that politically rigged or railroaded a former president just is a convicted felon on 34 counts and the list goes on and i'm sure for those on the right especially with the upcoming trials, which are actually more serious in charges. howard: more serious. >> right, much more serious than charges i think we're going to hear a lot of this rhetoric. i think both sides get angry with hypocritical statements of the other. you know, i take the whole show just to sit here and give hypocrisy and hypocritical statements on both sides coming to the justice system. howard: michael cohen is regarded as a hero on the left and despite the fact he lied to
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congress and investigators and so forth. and he's been doing the rounds on msnbc increed blizzard warnings long interview with rachel and colleagues going on and on cpi on. take a look. >> it's this media that wants to portray me as this bomb best ick character. howard: he's not a bomb best ick character? that's a surprise to me. everyone knows he's a bombastic character.ment the sentence asking july 11, that's two months of speculation in the media. >> his campaign able to achieve in terms of fundraising over the last couple days has been astounding and high dollar donations coming in from
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families but there's a number of small donors and people that never donated before and saw this verdict and rightfully so very angry and might even believe, hey, listen, if donald trump loses fair and square, he loses fair and square but not because he's a political prisoner. i think this will breathe new life and energy into his campaign and something the other side simply doesn't have and i don't think anybody would like at biden is harris even if you're a supporter and say that campaign has energy or that candidate has energy. again, this is going to do well for donald trump in terms of fundraising but the deputies got what they wanted and talking about this and >> look, the people that support donald trump are going to no matter what and same for joe biden. those aren't the people that are going to determine the election. that was for the last numerous election cycles and down to six
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states and a sliver of people and largely independents in those states and i'll say here on national television by some of the polling i'm seeing right now, i might have been wrong when i said i don't think this is going to move the needle at all because this is not a kitchen table issue that voters on either side of the aisle or independents are concerned about. they're not concerned about the trial. some are like trial? oh, yeah. heard something about that in the northeast. at the end of the day what i'm seeing is two polls that have come out and showing numbers like 60% of people that base #-d on this verdict that they don't feel that donald trump is fit to serve if you will and that may come down in november to just that one or two percent margin and that's all either the president or former president needs to win or lose this. howard: all right, guys, stick around we want to hear from andy mccarthy next.
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stuart: former federal prosecutor and contributor to fox news and the case was a clown somehow and the judge was biased towards the prosecution and in terms of coverage, people tuned out because most of us didn't get to see the trial and had the reporters quick notes on the screen. >> yeah, back in the 90s, i did it in federal court and not on television and every day we were on trial and the oj simpson case in california was on trial and that got all the coverage precisely on television and because it informs state court and a spect cal and people can judge about historically what
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was more important and public about the understanding and a lot more in california because they can watch it. howard: exactly. i remember that vividly. were the judge's instructions here about intent, about trump falsifying or causing someone else to falsify records, making it even more difficult for the average person to file -- follow the action? >> i think so and it's hard to follow guilt and the main objective supposedly here was a violation of the campaign finance laws and federal laws because that's such an abstruse statutory corpus, congress makes you prosecutors prove willfulness, which is the highest intent standard in the criminal law and the judge never instructed the jury on what willfulness meant. they thought that might be too much after intent to defraud.
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howard: what, if any, missteps did the strum p team make? >> make up your mind going in if your position is at the non-disclosure agreements on legal, then you can't treat them like kryptonite in the trial. saying to the jury they're fine and have trump take the position he needs to stay a million miles away from him and it's all cohen. then the other thing they did, howie, that i just don't get is they open to the jury telling them that trump never reimbursed cohen and it was like an avalanche of evidence that reimbursed cohen out of his own mouth. howard: yeah, and signed checks and all that. >> yep. howard: do you think, obviously, a former president being a
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convicted of these felonies, is this one of the stories that a week from now everyone is talking about something else or this it'll have staying power? >> certainly up till july 11 when the sentencing happens and the spector of the republican national convention around the same time that will draw even more attention to it. i think that the unseen thing here happens and we could have any other trials and i think that depending on what the supreme court does, if jack smith has anything left of his case, he'll put the pedal to the medal and try to get that washington case tried and judge will help him do that. howard: that's the thing about donald trump and after the case and accusation and thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you, hue wee. howard: who thought it would be a great idea to bring robert
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deniro to the courthouse? ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise.
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howard: robert diniro outside the m manhattan courthouse. >> donald trump wants to destroy the city and kiss this city good-bye. howard: if the idea was to get media coverage, so be it. why would biden bring out robert deniro and detests donald trump
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and more. >> they don't have the star power and biden surrogates have to trot out celebrity elite and who is robert de niro connecting with? the independents that leslie talked about previously and connecting with the voters that joe biden is hemorrhaging in the black community and hispanic community and young population? is 80-year-old robert de niro rich and abundantly wealthy connecting with the people that can't afford to buy groceries or pay rent or mortgage or pay off the student loans that joe biden hasn't already forgiven for them on our taxpayer dime? i don't think robert is connecting with anybody. sure, it was a great performance for the cameras, but is he convincing any of the biden voters to come home? i don't think so. >> i would agree.
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i don't know who is idea it was and i don't think it matter ifs you're a big politician on the left like bill clinton or barack obama or a celebrity like robert de niro. that does not move the need and will we see that in election after election he's not a politician and know how he feels about donald trump and again, to your point, howie, i think the president was wise to stay clear of up until this and anything regarding this trial. this is a former president and is his opponent in the next general election in november ov2024. like i said, i didn't think it was a good idea and it really doesn't do anything except give us anything to talk about. >> i'll ask tom tomi, biden said
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they're obsessed with this trump trial and covering this former president and the conviction. this was the only way to breakthrough the coverage. howard: they've gotten far less media attention and i guess that was the point. >> yeah, he's a big name and draw and new yorker and he's somebody that was, you know, very bombastic and i'll bring that word back again and he was reading from the a script and those that put him before the camera wanted him to be as, oh, i don't know, forthright as he's
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been in the past with this criticism of donald trump. >> howard: you guys have agreed on a number of things today, which i think is good, but you have strong opinions. tomi lahren and leslie marshal, thfor joining us. next we'll get reaction from the biden campaign.
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come back in magically and ends up with the judge who's donated to joe biden and, hue wee, i was in the -- howie, i was in the courthouse almost ever single day and when you sigh the way he was gagged and going to advice of council and couldn't introduce piece of evidence and they couldn't call some of the witnesses and going for them and >> the direct connection of why this is rigged and the unconstitutional gag order and keep in mind, if you saw joe biden on friday and gave that press conference and he was
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asked as he walked away and turned that shoulder and gave that smile. that was the look of evil. back to august 2016 when biden ssat in that oval office and talked about the witch hunt against donald trump, joe biden is the one that thinks he's against the law. above the law. howard: accusing him of being evil based on a smile? >> evil because had knew what was going on and joe biden thinks this is funny and the weaponization of the legal system against the political opponent and this is the game they play, whether it be 2020 when they changed the rules to use the media to silence the hunter biden laptop and spying on president trump's campaign in 2016 and joe biden has been behind a lot of this. howard: well, 10% of republicans
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are less lick likely to vote for trump on the conviction and 35% are more likely to vote. >> i'm more optimistic and look at numbers, daily mail had a poll out saying president trump's approval ratings up 6 points following in verdict and daily express had a poll saying more americans were more likely to support president trump than not. over 53 million that donald trump raised online and a third by the way are new donors and howie, last night at ufc in new jersey, that was a hero's welcome. walking into an arena and 15,000 people cheering for president trump, i think that's the message of where america really is at this point. howard: why are all the republican leaders lining up behind the former president and
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>> they'll do it to any of us and going for donald trump and the traditional norms and lost here and all of this, howie, you don't hear anything about inflation and immigration and killing that's happening overseas and americans are tipped off going in the other direction and they see biden, his campaign directly and see the legal system and and something about the grocery prices and the 15 million el legals that came into the country don't target a political
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opponent. howard: has the courthouse become the target of a political campaign and going with them coming out and attacking the judge and the trial and alvin bragg and so forth. going about november 5 and what people are concerned about and over this six week trial going for president trump to hit on those issues and i think it was part of the reason why the base of the republican party and the independents are seeing with him in that strong fashion because if we're going to be kept off the campaign trail, we'll bring the campaign trail to us and going outside for allies and reminding people this is what you're concerned about and what matters in the country and biden and the media, they don't want to go and talk about this. we're going to talk about this because this was hurting every
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american. with the sentencing for july and ho no such thing as conspiracy and coincidences and literally four days and going one week after president trump and republican nomination and going for president trump and the oval office is going and i have full confidence in the legal team and going head-to-head ballot pass numbers and going for the competitors and broadcasting cable stations and nobody head-to-head ballot test numbers and the reason they know president trump's numbers are going up.
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howard: thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you, sir. howard: next for the biden campaign. when dry eye symptoms keep... coming... back... inflammation might be to blame. over-the-counter eye drops can provide temporary relief. xiidra can provide lasting relief. it targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no-o-o! xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied,
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bring criminal charges and not appearing to be too aggressive? >> i think one candidate doing that and watch what donald trump did and in new york with his unhinged rants and he's attacking the judge and attacking the jury and the judicial system in the way he's attempted to undermine our democratic institutions and not so much here in standing up for l rule of law.
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anyone rigged and the fundraiser and going for each situation going to find them in the for the society. >> stakes are incredibly high this go around and this will be the first presidential election since the horror that we saw on january 6 when a violent mob tried to overthrow the results of a free and fair election at urging of donald trump. if we're going to continue to live in a democracy that joe washington referred to as sacred cause of the democracy, there's no option but to vote for joe biden because everything frankly is on the line. and donald trump you have somebody who is not only attacking the judge, the jury,
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the judicial institution, but a man who out on the stump when he does stuff on the stump and leleaves mar-a-lago is talking about ruling as a dictator on day one if he can regain power and calling for a blood bath if he loses the election. those are the fundamental stakes and donald trump demonstrated he's not a normal candidate and fundamental and persistent and growing threat to the democracy and joe biden is making sure we end that threat once and for all. howard: obviously the loyal maga movement would view this very differently and the states like alabama and threat to have contraceptive care and women underthat there's fundamental rights going to be restored and
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whether it be healthcare that you deserve and entitled to as american in this country and joe biden and kamala harris doing that when we restore roe and donald trump on the stump is bragging about the role that he played in overturning roe v wade and extreme state level abortion bans are playing up brilliantly and not the vast majority of women think it's maying out brilliantly right now. that's going to be we're confident the american people understand that they're going to be voting on and joe biden is kamala harris are the only option. howard: did the media have a gaffe patrol for joe biden and
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this campaign going to do this and relentless and he'd been communicating the stakes across a number of platforms and the president going with this and local interviews going back to local communities and right when we go to places like philadelphia not just doing like speech but sitting at a kitchen table making sure we are using digital platforms and using these media bubbles and going for the pathways and talk about american people know that they have a fighter in joe biden that's been waking up every single day and fighting for their freedoms and democracy in a economy that works for them and see every day that it's outside the manhattan courthouse and mar-a-lago and truth social
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and that's very clear and saw it play out this week. howard: funding under the infrastructure law he helped pass and chips law and has every right to do and every president does but feels like looking backwards or he's going to give a speech in a couple days about the middle east. few top ibrams are more important ore outreach to black voters and guarantee trump will be the top story soon. >> there's no doubt we live incredibly fractured anding frommented media environment more so than in 2020 and this campaign understands it has to use every single tool at its disposal to reach the voters in the jury selection and that means things like running traditional paid media advertisements and means what we're doing right now and joe
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biden going for that and they're going to take on donald trump in the fall and paying for millions in legal fees and this campaign understands the media environment in which we have to operate and have the tools we need to use to relentlessly communicate with the voters today the path ways of the electoral votes. howard: whether a criminal trial or civil case or whatever, what the president is doing and it's governing. but i've seen announcements and he's been giving speeches around the country but it must be
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frustrating given how close this race is. this is a tight race. >> absolutely a tight race and will remain tight all the way till november and all modern presidential elections are at this point. so from our perspective, that means the work that the campaign is doing that the president is gogo doing to calcify the polarizing electorate anding frommented and there's a will the of noise running against donald trump and does take up a lot of media oxygen and saw that throughout the criminal trial and had a footage of security guards standing outside the courthouse and hours on end and so this campaign understands that it has to go around that media environment or object yourself into it in a creative way talking about earlier. we're obsessed on making sure that the american people understand that they just want to have a fighter in joe biden looking out for their own
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personal self-interest and fighting for an economy that works for them and defending and protecting our democracy and fundamental rights and freedoms. howard: appreciate your time and hopefully we'll do it again. next, me reaction from felipe. number-one motorcycle insure r. but do you have to wedge it into everything? r. what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill
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>> when people do something wrong and caught for it, they're punished for it and he has done multiple things wrong over multiple years and whether it's
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good luck or whenever it happens to be, he skates for it. howard: it's a cause for celebration? >> it's not celebration but it's justice and i -- i have a lot of friends, democrats that over the last weeks and months have done the -- this might help him and raise more money and all that and it's not going to do any good. i have been surprised about the numbers of the polling since the verdict and a lot of people, including republicans and including independents seem to be taking this very seriously. so it's not about democrats celebrating, it's about people, this seems to be something that the polling during the primaries was correct about, that they were worried about all four of these cases and it's coming to fruition and what comes of it, who knows. isn't the end, does seem to be rather lucky and this is a factor that people are allowed
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to factor in. howard: some democrats are telling the biden campaign, you just keep talking about this. >> i have to tell you, i do. that's not just a reflection as a democrat and i work for hillary clinton and make as lot of people wince. the reason i say that is because my experience with media is because the press does not give bill or hillary clinton an easy pass on anything so i don't know what specific reporters political bent is. i can guess sometimes and guess not and >> both fox and msnbc
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record numbers and that is good. so on the one hand you can't say that msnbc and liberal media are happy about this but at the same time say that they're making profits off of it. they go to work and see that donald trump is good fire. that's confusing and sounds not right but it is true. you see it and i've seen it for 15 years, reporters and media outlets do what is best for their companies. they're respective of their own political ideology.
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>> my guest guess is there's a bums out and >> looking at every race since then and someone in power whether the president or house or senate has suffered for it and has been the guys throughout the last bumps and some have donald trump representing a newness, which was an oldness and not having this situation and athink 134 years we haven't had a former president trying to regain the office.
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>> joe biden for inflation and he doesn't, donald trump doesn't sit around and say here's my four part plan howard: yeah, but at the same time -- >> people are unhappy with our politics and i'm unhappy. rhyme not showing that by voting for donald trump and not showing that by voting for rfk. >> throw the bums out is not pleasant when you're the incumbent. incumbent. howard: always good to talk to you. this edition of media buzz, i'm howard kurtz. see you back here next sunday. ♪ some people just know there's a better way to do things. and some people... don't. bundle your home and auto with allstate and save.
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