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tv   Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy  FOX News  June 3, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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trey: welcome back america, pete hegseth is a unique guy, decent, kind, comes across as in it. the hero, a man who stepped up to serve his country in two different theaters, plus one time obey he is a fantastic guy, this book is illustrative of who he is and how he thinks. again stepping up to save the united states military from the biden administration of the world i encourage you to get it strongly the world on warriors,, comes out tuesday you can get in any bookstore. we will see you next "life, liberty and levin" ♪
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♪. trey: good evening and thank you for joining us i'm trey gowdy it is "sunday night in america". for the first time in history of former president of the united states was found guilty of criminal charges, it happened in the new york state courtroom on all 34 counts. this is one battle in what promises to be a much longer w war. >> remember brad did not want to do the case, he came out he said there's no case everyone tells me this is the easiest case they've overturned but they don't care because they wanted to last until after the election, the only problem so far my poll numbers have gone up. trey: how did we get here prosecutors have more power than any other participant in the committal justice system there would be no judge want where sean presiding if alvin bragg had not brought the case. they brought this case despite a record of being soft on crime, bragg struggles to find cases worthy of his time and resources
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except for election leading cases against political opponents, if surprising negative stories during the campaign is really a crime, you better start building more prisons, donald trump will be sentenced to july 11 days before the republican national convention, actual prison time is unlikely because alvin bragg for the most part does not believe in prison but we shall see whether bragg and judge mershon put up first-time defender in a nonviolent case behind bars. joe biden likes the justice system this week. >> as reckless, it is dangerous, it is a responsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict, our justice system has endured for 250 years and literally is the cornerstone of america. our justice system the justice
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system should be respected and we should never allow anyone to tarry down it's as simple as that. >> that's pretty rich given how often he criticizes the supreme court and he didn't seem too happy when special counsel rob her referred to him as a feeble man who could not remember enough to face criminal charges for possessing classified material. time will tell whether he likes the justice system with his own son handing trial on gone and tax charges next week. one thing is for certain the justice system is on the ballot this fall, do we want a system where prosecutors like alvin bragg promised to go after political rivals in the left-wing media cheers, do we want a system where the right is tempted to do the same thing when it regains power or would we prefer a blindfolded woman simply holding a set of scales who could not care less if you are rich, poor, black, brown,
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white, male, female, republican, democrat, what we decide to do with the justice system will determine what is left of this great nation, joining us attorney and former new york congressman lee zeldin and heritage vice president roger forgive me my favoritism is going to come through i have to start with my old colleague lee zeldin. congressman i thought the verdict was about what you would expect with a vague indictment appropriate seek you judge an appropriate seek you set of jury instructions, that all leads to a guilty verdict. >> when president trump or what president biden is referring to not being happy with the verdict because people are calling it rigged.
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that we have been critical of this process long before the jury first had an opportunity to weigh in on the case before it. alvin bragg campaigned on a pledge to take down president trump and he comes in on day one as you were referencing how you would refuse to prosecute times across the border and treated as misdemeanors and you take a case that was declined by the department of justice, declined by the ftc, declined by sy vance alvin bragg predecessor in the judge on this case and somehow the same judge on the trump organization, the banning case as if he's the only judge in new york, jury instructions really trying to drive the jury toward one option one option only, that is to find president trump guilty, that is why people have been saying the whole process has been rigged throughout, this description i provided is beginning to scratch the surfa surface. trey: the speaker of his house is a good lawyer in his spare
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time, let's listen to what he had to say. >> i believe the supreme court should step in obviously this is totally unprecedented and dangerous to our system. i think the justice on the court i know many of them personally i think the deeply concerned about that as we are and i think they will set the street, this will be overturned there's no question about it it's going to take time to do it. mike is a really smart guy but i would be surprised if the u.s. supreme court stepped in. i think there is going to be a sentencing in july and i think there will be a state court of appeal, i think this is going to be an issue in november but let's assume i'm wrong about all of that what are the best issues on appeal from your standpoint from the u.s. supreme court standpoint and from a state of new york standpoint? >> if you don't like the phrase rigged how about railroaded president trump was railroaded because this judge had the jury instructions that said you could choose your own adventure your three potential options how you
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can convict president trump and you don't have to be unanimous as to which one of those counted is. that violates the due process that violates the sixth amendment, you have to be able to be confronted by the charges so you can defend yourself it could have been four jurors on one count and for another important another that's not how you run the justice system, if president trump is put in jail there is a petition you could go straight to federal court if it goes to federal court could go more quickly and go to the supreme court is either under habeas corpus you process under the sixth amendment if it goes quickly it'll go to the supreme court and i agree and this is on the road to reversal which was all about politics from the beginning it was not about justice it was not about law it was trying to interfere with the election through the courts instead of the ballot box. trey: i was in the courtroom or the overflow room for four days, i was a prosecutor and i know what pro prosecution judges sound like an look like and roll like i've never seen a judge
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this pro prosecution, there is a temptation to want to take an eye for an eye, that is human nature there is a temptation to do to them as they may have done to us, how do republicans fight back without turning our justice system into a nether political weapon depending on who has power. >> first thing making sure that were settling the score at the ballot box, this is election interference and this is meant to lock up president biden chief political opponent and bankrupt president trump and his family and in some of these cases remove them altogether from the ballot so voters cannot pick their next president for them, anyone who wakes up the day after the verdict comes out in their motivated than ever to do something about this, then get active we saw tens of millions of dollars raised in the first 24 hours for president trump
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people can sign up and volunteer and we need to make sure that these people are not rewarded with more power. for americans out there that are upset with what is happening it's important to make your voice heard by talking about this case when you're talking about the other issues that matter to you and ultimately voting and volunteer or donate $5 along the way. >> roger monday morning quarterback it is a tough job but i will ask you could it have led to a different verdict or a hung jury it's very hard to run for office and be a criminal defendant but was there a theory that you think could have worked in hindsight? >> i really don't think so i predicted there was going to be a conviction and yet a politicized prosecutor with a politicized judge with a politicized jury poll in manhattan, we knew what was going to happen from the beginning but there's not much
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that could've been done maybe they could've objected a bit more in the closing arguments the judge allowed the prosecution to allege there was election crimes that the conviction of cohen matters to whether or not trump did it and there are other errors, the defense did a very good job but the deck was stacked against them from the beginning they were out to get trump and they got them at this stage. trey: i'll tell you why it's hard to object when you never win the jury thinker tried to keep stuff from them, it's a horrible look i would've sat on my hands because every time they objected it was overruled, lee zeldin, thank you so much i have a suspicion the three of us will be back together at some point in continuing this conversation, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> up next a dying empire that's how young voters described u.s. politics the presidential debate is this month, believe it or not
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what is the state of the race and will the verdict have an impact all of that is next on "sunday night in america". ♪ it's hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial today.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america." it is hard to be a criminal defendant. it is hard to run for president. it is nearly impossible to do both at the same time. but donald trump is trying. >> they should have been a noncase. everybody said it was a noncase, including bragg. then they saw the polls. i was leaving the republicans. i was leaving the democrats. i was leaving everybody. and then all of a sudden, they brought it back. i'm very honored to be involved
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because we are fighting for our constitution. >> trey: democrats may have won the battle, but they may wind up losing the greater war after the verdict, trump's took off an old enemies took his side and supporters seem more resolved than ever. while trump was inside a new york courtroom, joe biden had his erica robert de niro william. >> donald trump wants to destroy not only the city, but the country and eventually, he could destroy the world. >> trey: i would say robert de niro sounds deranged and unhinged, but that is not fair to people who are really deranged and unhinged. and it's not just old hollywood actors who are panicking. >> actually not coming home to the democrats. because democrat messages full of [bleep] speak with the white house is uniquely tone-deaf and not listening.
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there is a mirror total freeze-out on outside advised to the detriment of joe biden and kamala harris. >> at the time is running out. like we are six months out and i think we have to be honest, there is a chance this guy could win if we don't start fighting harder. >> trey: i wonder if they ever stopped to ask why, why is president biden losing to or in a close battle with someone under multiple felony indictments? why is president biden in a close battle or losing to someone on the left to thinks is a threat to democracy? could it possibly be that voters are tired of hyperbole that you just heard? could it be that the left isn't talking about what the rest of america actually cares about? joining us now are axios reporter steph chi and democrats tragedy is kelly hyman. welcome to you both and thank you for joining us. kelly, i was right there in new york listening to
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robert de niro. i didn't even need a microphone, i could hear him. he literally sounds like an escaping from the psychic word appeared why would president biden use them as a surrogate? there are so many's persuasive, applicable sera good spirit i may disagree with him, but they are good sarah goods that he could have sent. so wipe pick a hollywood multimillionaire to try to relate to folks struggling with in inflation? >> that is something you are going to have to ask the biden campaign but let's look at the issues. i think the issues are key. you might have to see what is going on with america. they have a important decision to make in 2024. and ultimately it will be their choice who they want in the oval office. do they want someone who has been convicted and will be a felon once the nominee happens
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who is 78 years old, or do they want the current administration? that is what is great about our country no matter if on the right or left, you can voice your opinion and get out to the polls and vote. >> trey: steph, the debate is coming up, president trump, former president trump is yet to pick a running mate. what else in your judgment can change the margins in this race? >> i mean, the reality is all the polls show this will be a very close race between former president trump and president joe biden. you know, we have talked to strategist who said that it will really come down to about 6% of voters in just about states. those six mckee battleground states that are going to decide ultimately who will be the next president of the united states. so these are very small groups of people who are still undecided to appear there is only small numbers of people who can still be persuaded between , november. we are seeing increasingly that partisanship in the u.s. has created people who are already decided. trump supporters will not leave him no matter what. it is unlikely the latest
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conviction on 34 counts will impact his base that supports him there. and you know, we also know that there are never trumpers and people who will vote vote for biden no matter what. so things we are looking at number one with her we see black voters to stick with biden, or f we see as polls have shown more black voters especially black male voters switch and end up voting for trump. that could be a population that could make or break up for biden, especially in some of these key states. another thing i'm looking at, how all of this factors into all of this? we see healthy support for independent candidate. we see at as kind of a big protest vote. depending on how many people, whether trump supporter's or otherwise or biden supporters otherwise end up casting their vote for rfk jr. come november could also be a huge determining factor. >> trey: kelly come i want to pick on something steph made reference to. i will not quote james carville
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because he has a limited vocabulary that consist primarily of bad words that i would get in a lot of trouble if i said. but the essence is he doesn't like the message biden is sending to voters of color. biden picked a black vice president and put a black woman on the supreme court. so, why is there this angst about black voter turnout and support given that? >> well, i can't speak for him, but we have to look at the facts he read and i think the facts is key. we have to look how african-americans were affected under the trump administration. i think that is key. and african-americans were according to the statistics come over as fortunately left out from trump's tax cuts. african-americans household receive 5% of the benefits of trump's tax law despite making up 13% of the households you are we have to look at trump's track
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record with african-americans and one we can start when he was president. >> trey: steph come i want you to take us home by reflecting on how the justice system is going to factor into this fall's election. like it or not, the justice system in reality or perception has become the issue in the minds of voters, whether nursing student student in torture, misdemeanor in new york or robert hur's report on biden or biden's son on trail next week. the justice system seems like a really important political issue but who does it benefit? >> that is a good question. i think we are all waiting to see especially how these latest convictions against former president trump play out with the american public. of course, you see the republicans and trump campaign seem very confident this will ultimately help trump. it is factored into the way they are reaching out to black voters. they think that by talking about
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trump as a victim of the justice system, that might help them with certain group of voters they are trying to win mike over and peel away from president biden right now. but you are absolutely right. he's not the only one facing serious legal issues. hunter biden will also be facing his own trials, expected to be embarrassing, expected to take out the poncho of biden family drama that the president would rather not have out there mighte of these will issues between now and november and they are afraid of the justice system right now. >> trey: i guess i'm glad i went to law school and the lodge agreed to help talk about presidential politics. i need to apologize to my law professors because they prepared me for it. thank you very much and thank you for joining me on a sunday night. i look forward to visiting with you soon. >> thank you. >> trey: still ahead some of the future of the supreme court is doomed if you ask the left, they missed souter and brennan,
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blackman, earl warren, g.o.p. judicial picks who turned out to be justices. fox news contributor, ben domenech, breaks it all down next on "sunday night in america." ♪ ♪
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>> good morning and welcome to "fox news life" i'm jackie ibanez in new york. potentially life-threatening heat wave this week and widespread triple digits forecast across much of california starting tomorrow. parts of arizona and nevada also are under threat. some places could see the temperatures near 120 degrees by thursday. officials are urging people in these areas to take precautions to stay cool and prevent heat-related illnesses. meanwhile, jury selection for hunter biden scheduled gun trial is set to begin in the coming hours. the president son faces three charges brought by the special counsel david rice. he is accused of buying and possessing a firearm while addicted to illegal drugs, which is a violation of federal law appeared hunter biden has pleaded not guilty and claims he is being politically targeted appeared i'm jackie ibanez now back to "sunday night in americ"
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enjoy. ♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america." president biden and first lady jill biden are sending warnings about the supreme court if biden is not reelected. the president spoke at a campaign event this week and another attempt to wear black voters while the first lady joined "the view" to promote her children's book. both took shots at former president trump claiming there would be disastrous results if he were reelected in november. >> and think of the supreme court, for god sake, talk about things getting worse. can you imagine if we put any more republicans the supreme court? no! we will lose all of our rights. >> if, in fact, we are able to change some of the justices who will retire and put in really progressive judges like we always have, tell me that won't change your life and trump justices are already overturning
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roe and decimating affirmative action and so much more. >> trey: i guess they forgot it was actually a republican appointed judge who wrote the roe v. wade opinion. it was a republican appointed judge who preserved obamacare. it was a republican appointed judge who first did her toe into the affirmative-action pool. and another one who put limits on the death penalty. it is funny how exercise the left gets when anyone goes after a judge, except it is fair game for the first lady to do with while she is promoting a children's book. i wonder if it bothers the first lady the judge who presided over the trump trial actually donated to her husband. meanwhile, senate democrats requested a meeting with chief justice john roberts to address the so-called ethics crisis. with a crisis, apparently, what flags or phone at the alito home. perhaps we can pitch in and send
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senate democrats a book on powers or the menendez trial because nothing screams ethics quite like robert menendez. but please, by all means, go check on the flags being flown at the alito home. joining us now is fox news contributor, ben domenech. ben, the right doesn't even get it, right? when it is their turn to that, you have john paul stevens, souter, g g.o.p. picks and recently elizabeth warren's beloved customer financial protection bureau was saved by justices appointed by republicans? so really, the world is going to end if another republican justice gets appointed? >> look, all of these people live in this fantasy world where the republican justices who are appointed are somehow abject partisans who can't be counted on to have heterodox opinions
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among anything. of course, as you said, there have been a number of choices where i feel like past republican presidents have gotten it wrong. i wish you could raise the funds to send the white house a book on separation of powers. i really doubt that he would be able to make his way through it and understand it. but he especially can't understand the meaning of the flags on the outside of the alito home as being anything other than a useful bat to go after these justices with. there is one more subtext, trey, when i listen to jill biden complaining, listen to that the complaint at sotomayor if they wanted to really push to try to make a difference at this point, there are a lot of democrats who wish he would have stepped down already, frankly, so they would have an option to name someone younger to her seat. so, the pressure, i think, to expand the core and engage completely ridiculous, unlawful,
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unconstitutional and really anti-balanced behavior in terms of the way the democrats have approached this issue, i think that is definitely going to happen if democrats are able to win back the white house with joe biden and win the senate as well. when you know, ben that is a great point and very rich justice sotomayor is too old but joe biden is not. something i thought we would never do together is listen to a guy from chicago lecture us about ethics. >> justice alito's not paying attention to its responsibility to the court and to the american people. he can't play fast and loose with these political symbols without jeopardizing his own integrity. >> i think the question is, how many idle flags do supreme court justice have to fly until the rest of the court takes it seriously? absolutely. trey: hey, ben, if you keep
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a secret come i have no idea what flags fly on my front porch. my wife is in charge of all of that. i couldn't tell you which flags fly, i mean, honestly, that is what is on their mind, what flags fly at a supreme court justices house? i mean, either one of there is. >> who gets to define what a maga battle flag is? i remember colin kaepernick went after the betsy ross flag. where i live in a historic area come i see those flags all over the place in an area that is so blue that it would crawl over broken glass to vote for joe biden again. it is something that i think is absolutely ridiculous here, a historical and when sheldon whitehouse says things like that, he knows what he is doing, taking american history that should unite us around our founders and around a founding generation that fought a revolution for freedom. this is a flag in the case of
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the appeal of the pine tree flags that actually was flying in front of san francisco city hall and had four years prior to this whole controversy. who knew that they were flying end of battle flag all along! apparently that is something they needed to correct. but that is that a historical situation we are dealing with here or they will seek out anything to weaponize against a court that they can't stand has a number of constitutionalists on it. they when i just find it so rich that they criticized judges, like judge cannon in florida and supreme court justice when they don't like the outcome but they criticize republicans who even like brown at judicial ruling. >> how dare you! >> trey: and i'm a lawyer and it's too much for me. ben domenech, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> good to be with you. >> trey: all right, coming up a cease-fire is on the table in the middle east while tensions
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ramp up in the eastern europe. former national security advisor robert o'brien on how we steer away from world war iii. that is next and only on "sunday night in america"
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♪ i just wanna see you ♪ ♪ just wanna see you ♪ ♪ be brave ♪
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- we're not powerless. so long as we don't lose sight of what's important. don't be afraid to seize that moment to talk to your friends. - cloud, you okay? because checking in on a friend can create a safe space. - the first step on our new journey. you coming? reach out to a friend about their mental health. seize the awkward. it's totally worth it. ♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america."
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eight months after hamas brutally attacked innocent israelis and provoked war in the middle east, peace may finally be on the horizon. israel has proposed a three-part plant which could lead to permanent cease-fire in gaza and release of remaining hostages. president biden called on hamas to accept this new offer saying the best way to end this new deadly conflict. the president also sent a message to those in israel who want to keep fighting. >> i know there are those in israel who well not agree with this plan and will call for war to continue indefinitely. they want to keep fighting for years and hostages are not a priority to them. well mayor virtually benjamin netanyahu to stand behind this deal despite whatevr pressure comes. someone who sent the u.s. forces to directly defend israel when it was attacked by iran, i ask you to take a step back and think about what will happen if
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this moment is lost. >> trey: a previous deal fell apart because israel was being asked to unilaterally disarm. biden remains under political pressure as his policy seem to defend the left and the right depending on which day it is. are we closer to peace? can there ever be peace with a group like hamas? joining us as former national security advisor, o'brien, thank you for joining us. how can you ever trust a group like philip and even if some agreement is reached? >> trey, that is a question, you can. i was in israel and got back a week ago. and i was near where the slaughter took place at the musical festival site where this letter took place. this wasn't an invasion of israel by hamas. this was a slaughter of innocent jews and others including others. this peace deal that the president announced, it is unclear if the israelis are
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behind it. benjamin netanyahu said it's a nonstarter and there is a lot of confusion about it here and it doesn't bring peace to the region. it does not bring peace to hamas. so hamas come a terrorist organization, they kidnapped and have 130 hostages. the deal calls for release of 130 including palestinian terrorist pier that sends a message to hostage takers in the first place. to increase the risk of more hostagetaking because 10-1 deal. that leaves approximately 100 israeli hostages and their bodies whether dead or alive ought to be pushed off and deal with it later but it removes israel from the population centers and hamas, baghdadi m i.c.e. running the i.c.e. caliphate similar to gaza. and the cherry on the cake, you will get a kick out of this requires the american taxpayers to spend billions of dollars to
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rebuild gaza after hamas hit them. it is insane. >> trey: you dedicated most of your professional life to resolving difficult, tough issues. so i will put one before you. israel to make cannot sustain perpetual war with its neighbors. it just is too costly come into deadly. but the goal was to drive hamas from gaza. and that does not seem like it has been done. so, i mean, hamas is just going to regroup, right? unless you eliminate hamas, they will regroup with a neighboring country or back in gaza. unless you get rid of them, you will have war with them again, are you not? >> you have it right, trey. you have to finish the job. israel has to finish the job and take out the leadership. you can't kill the idea, the john huddy leadership and one of the rare pictures we have had se
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global war on terrorist went president trump with the isis caliphate. and we ended isis. israel needs to do the same thing but hard for israel because 100,000 votes, noncommitted votes in michigan, president biden has put terrible pressure on israeli government not to eliminate hamas. we showed it can be done in the trump administration with the abraham accords. when we made peace with other nations. we can add to that and have peace in the region but eliminate terrorist groups. if we had not gotten rid of baghdadi and isis, we would never have the abraham accords. >> trey: like a smart lawyer you anticipated my last question to you how much is israel doing or having to do based on american political pressure because of biden and his political challenges? it sounds to me like american politics may be influencing our position with israel but i will give you the last word.
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>> it certainly influences how israel is conducting a campaign here they have are going slow and use all the tools to defeat isis and hamas. that pressure is instrumental the morale of the people of israel knowing number one partner in the united states of america is not there to help them appear that is a tragic situation. >> trey: and pastor robert o'brien, thank you for your service to our country. who knows, you may serve in another capacity and some point and thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> thank you, trey. >> trey: yes, you also disappeared too little, too late, president biden reported late to shut down a silent request and deny entry to migrants once daily thresholds are met. i wonder what took so long? could this possibly be in response to the border think the number one issue for voters? and the killer of georgia nursing student they can really
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former choose which mike charged with murder pleaded not guilty even as an a "abc news" articles at his case became "a rallying y for conservatives." actually "abc news," we are just sick of seeing innocent people out for a run get murdered. winning us is jonathan fahey, former acting i.c.e. director. director, i hate to sound cynical, actually i don't own it doesn't bother me one bit, but why now? the border has been a disaster for years. why now is there a "daily limit" how much legality or unlawfulness we can stomach? >> i don't think it is wrong to be cynical here, trey because this is being done because of this administration is truly cynical on this issue or they haven't done anything, like you said of my three and a half years, even though we have had ten and 12,000 people coming per day. but it is an election issue so they want it to appear like treating this issue seriously and trying to deal with it.
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but we all know it is pure nonsense. they are going to do this and try to come up with some executive order. they hope it will get challenged in court and they lose so they can say, "oh, we need comprehensive immigration reform." we know it is all nonsense and geared to the election. if they want to do something about this, this court has been open since january 2021. we have all been talking about it. we have talked about the ways they can prevent it, and they haven't cared and they haven't tried. in fact, they demonized anyone that wants to bring it to their attention even their own agents. so again, you are right to be cynical but this is the most cynical administration that puts politics ahead of the safety of american public in front of the national security. they have this open borders political agenda, and at best, they will do something for a few months and go right back to full on open borders and probably even worse if he gets reelected.
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>> trey: all right, jonathan, you are a subject matter expert. if president biden were watching, and this may be a little past his bedtime, but if you were watching and you said to come all right, jonathan, give me one thing i could do tomorrow to do the most good ani don't need congress but i can do it ed you tell him? it would be remain in mexico, that would deter people from coming at mostly claiming a sale asylum because remain in mexico until the case is heard to deter the flow. secondarily, the people that don't go to ports of entry, you should start arresting and prosecuting people that come in for illegal entry or illegal reentry here that within stem that tied here are the third thing would be to port the people that are here that are at least criminals. this administration, as you know and your viewers know, doesn't even deport criminals. they only deport in rare circumstances to be considered for deportation they have to be
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convicted of aggravated felony. remain in mexico would turn the tide immediately because it would dis- incentivize all these people, these cartels trafficking people and everyone else, they would lose the incentive and lose the money. this could be brought down to a ripple and almost come i would say, almost no time. if people aren't getting in and they know they are not going to stay, we don't have a problem anymore. >> trey: morel of law enforcement is something i care a lot about. i cannot imagine the room morale is good when asked not to do something you can even go after people who have absconded before a trial. so how do you recruit people when they are being told not to do the job they were hired to do? >> i really don't know and it is a nationwide even on the local law enforcement particularly with the cbp agents, i.c.e. agents. not only are they told not to do their job, this administration told them they will harm them if they try to do their job. remember the mother border patrol agents falsely accused of
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whipping migrants for racial motivations and entirely foals yet they spread that line. the morale is terrible, but it can be changed, but it has to be changed with selection. >> trey: jonathan fei, we shall see. the borders number one on the minds of the jury, number one on the minds of the voters. so we will see what happens this fall. thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> thank you. >> trey: up next, you get to ask the questions only on b-29. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america." each week, we enjoy hearing from you via email and social media. we love to hear what is on your mind. tonight, we start with jim from wisconsin. >> hi, trey, jim from wisconsin, do you think the democrats will continue to push their agenda through the courts after failing in congress? >> trey: yes, jim, they will but so also will so will republicans. the legislative branch was supposed to be at least equal with other due branches and arguably the strongest of the three. but it does not, not anymore. congress looks like a bad episode of the "jerry springer show" and they went to for change. that will remain the case unless and until the legislative branch reasserts its constitutional role. our next question comes from
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peter from virginia. >> a lo, trey, this is peter from virginia. do you think your time spent being a prosecutor killed your soul? >> trey: peter, one of my favorite books in the bible is the obscure book of habakkuk, habakkuk was a prophet who had fairly pointed questions of god here at the book starts with how long god, must i call for your help and you will not listen? why do you tolerate wrongdoing? why is there so much injustice push marc those are good, fair, tough questions. why do bad things come know might happen to bad people and why do they escape judgment? it turned me into more of a cynic than i was. i'm still asking questions like the prophet habakkuk and i think as long as you are asking questions to make your soul is still alive? next, carol from atlanta asked
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this: >> it is carol from atlanta come i have a question for you. if you could create a ai clone for yourself, what would you do to improve, and what would you do differently? >> trey: well, like lots of people, i guess i would want to be smarter, funnier, faster, cuter. but if i tried to clone myself, my wife would intervene immediately and stop that from happening. i think she would tell you that one is enough. she might even tell you that one is more than enough. if you have a question, email us thank you for spending your sunday without spirit i hope you have a great >> todd: right now evacuation underway near san francisco as massive wildfire


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