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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 4, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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cherished tradition we have in this country of settling political differences at the ballot box. the d.a. campaigned on getting president trump. >> raymond: they say never work with dogs or kids. i thought it was hilarious. he told his son to smile and the kid created his own side show. and now over my shoulder. great. he is fun. can't raise taxes or spend on foreign wars. keep the kid, i like it. >> laura: his dad is a republican, sticking out his tongue, that is what we feel about congress. follow me on social and jesse is next. >> carley: video you need to see this morning. a bike shop worker attacked by a maniac afrmed with a helmet in a
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chaotic scene that does not stop there. we'll show you the tape and tell you what happens next. >> todd: plus, is dr. fauci trying to rewrite history? >> do you agree there was a push to downplay the lab leak theer sne >> not on my part. >> really? >> really. >> wow. >> i have been very, very clear and said multiple times that i don't think that concept of there being lab leak is's conspiracy theory. >> that is not how i remember it. joni ernst has been demanding answers for what happened in wuhan, what fauci knew. she will react to bloc bust er block buster testimony. >> carley: this wnba controversy won't go away.
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chennedy carter doubles down. what is her last name? you won't believe what she's saying,ure are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: may have sounded like you made a mistake on chennedy carter. mistake is body check she gave to caitlin clark. left name, what is that? chennedy carter. i'm todd piro, we know our own names. we are heading back to wilmington, major day in hunter's federal gun trial with opening statements set to begin this morning. >> carley: jury of six men and six women have been seated. jackie ibanez is here with more. >> jackie: three days set aside for jury selection. the juror panel is one retired
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secret service agent whose spouse was a d.c. police officer, several gun owners and a man whose father was killed by a gun. five people with relat relationshipings with people with drug use close to them. prosecutors will call fbi special agent erica jenson, expected to introduce evidence, c c including particular messaging and excerpts from his memoir. yesterday first lady and first daughter made unexpected ap appearance in the courtroom. miranda devine said the ap appearance was strategic. >> ruled joe biden is emperor of this small, odd state, very wealthy state because all
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corporations in america are headquartered there. it is a town of 70,000 people. one juror said today, it is a small town. everybody knows the bidens. dr. jill biden in the front row today, conspicuous in bright purple jump suit. >> president biden issued a rare statement saying, i'm president but i'm a proud dad. jill and i love our son and are so proud of the man he is today. hunter's resilience and strength he's brought to recovery means a lot to us. jill and i will continue to be there for hunter with our family and love and support. hunter is facing felony charges for lying about his drug use
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when purchasing a gun in 2018. he faces maximum sentence of 25 years 234 prison. hunter pleaded not guilty to all charges. the trial is expected to last two weeks. back to you. >> todd: timing right to father's day with joe biden doubling down on dad. there is a federal gun charge mixed in. thank you. president biden is making campaign issue out of former president trump's recent conviction, slamming his opponent for being a convicted felon. for the first time in american history, a former president that is a convicted felon is seeking office of presidency. disturbing as that is, more damaging is assault donald trump is making on the american system of justice 6camp pain -- june 27th.
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>> carley: today family members of eight american hostages being held in gaza will be on capitol hill meeting with leaders. the families saying, the world must take every necessary step to terminate brutal conflict and retrieve all hostages from gaza. president biden is pushing for a ceasefire arguing hamas strength has waned. israelis say further military operations are necessary to get hostages out of captivity. >> todd: look at this, take a moment, 48 americans getting warm welcome from french children arriving in france to mark anniversary of d-day. to our forever heroes, thank you. a veteran remembers storming
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normandy. watch. >> subst terrible, some young f never made it to the beach. that is how bad it was. >> you remember it strongly? >> you better believe it, like it happened yesterday. >> todd: veterans take part in ceremonies throughout the week, official commemoration on thursday. this 80th anniversary, honor these individuals, the 90th anniversary, these brave men will not be there. honor them now. >> carley: hawaii most active volcano erupting again. located in a national park on the big island and officials do not expect the lava to extend beyond the park. >> todd: it could impact nearby residents. look for the smog.
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hawaii is beautiful, but it is a volcano formation that became beautiful. pay attention to the volcanic parts. >> adam: this is what it looks like, hawaiian ieshgsz islands. this is the volcano, something to pay attention to. in the united states, one big story next couple daybreak days is heat. a lot of 70s and 80s. real focus is extreme heat. we have heat advisories across western united states. excessive heat next few days. fairly widespread in fephoenix. las vegas gets really hot next few days. around 110 to 111.
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july 1. we are nearly a month ahead of schedule with real extreme heat for a lot of folks across the region. across the country, risk of severe weather in middle of the country. larger story is guys, it is feeling hot like summer hot about a month early out west. >> todd: tough stuff. today president biden expected to sign executive order on the border crisis a few months before the election and just day after you see him there, that teenage migrant arrested for shooting two nypd officers. allison eintozitto is here next. >> carley: a bike shop worker tack tabbed by maniac armed with a helmet. naattack is just part of the chaos that unfolded. we'll show you and explain what happened, coming up next.
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...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? is >> carley: president biden expected to take executive action on the border crisis today that could shut down asylum processing along the
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border. >> todd: madeleine rivera has more. >> madeleine: the white house has yet to publicly confirm their plan. several reports say this executive order would shut down asylum requests through ports of entry when crossings hit 2500. the move will likely be met with legal challenges, marking s significant shift for president biden. polls show this is a major political vulnerability ahead of november. the president's critics think this executive order will do much to improve polling numbers and situation at southern border. >> i expect no change. this is all an election-year
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deathbed conversion by joe biden basically this executive order by my count, 95th executive order he's issued does in the nothing. it says first 2500 that come across the border get in free and released into the country. >> madeleine: in new york city, nypd says charges are pending against migrant, for allegedly shooting two officers early monday. officers tried pulling him over, but police say he ditched his bike and ran off before firing at officers. he entered the country illegally through eagle pass last july. >> todd: new york congressional candidate and served as nypd police officer.
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if not for a bullet-proof vest, we would likely be previewing a funeral and that is horrible. as a former nypd officer, what goes through your mind when you basically see the suspect had his illegal immigration case dismissed? what is going on here? >> what goes through my mind? fear, fear for my cops. i retired from the new york city police department and sent my cops out with fear in their lives. fear of losing their livelihood and freedom for a job society asks them to do. you have criminals on the street embolden. sanctuary city policy and kathy hochul, my opponent, pat ryan, mayor adams making places sanctuary cities, it is
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unacceptable. you have 19-year-old illegal immigrant, he did not walk into a gun store and get that gun. that is illegal. kathy hochul sensitive location. we have a problem. even city council, saying maybe we should put forth a policy to renege on sanctuary cities. problem is, day one, joe biden came in and with stroke of his pen, he changed all border policies, ended remain in mexico and allowed title 42 to expire, stopped construction of the border wall and opened up the border. this is a very big problem. we had 300 known terrorists we caught, that is not the millions of gotaways in our country. we have credible problem with
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sanctuary cities and problem at southern border and criminals are coming over, fentanyl is coming over, they are killing our people. b biggest thing with this, it was not laken riley or people that were killed because of the border policy, it wasn't the nypd officer that were shot, it wasn't melee happening in time square or the two killed in middletown on deportation list, none of that caused joe biden to say, maybe i should do something about the border. it was an election year. >> todd: november 5, talk about joe biden waking up >> . what he is proposing daily encounters, once they hit 2500, he will shut it off. shouldn't the number be one and
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then shut down the border? >> congress did something, they passed heart attack r 2, secure the border bill, that would have shut down our border. redone the border wall, reinstated remain in mexico policy, this is what the house did. the senate bill would have allowed 5000 per day. joe biden needs to act. do not allow a little at ail time. too little too late. americans are suffering, police are being shot. there are billions of taxpayer dollars to going to house, feed and clothe illegal immigration and they are being sex trafficked. this is horrific. he has to shut down the border and protect the american people and women and children. joe biden is smoke and mirrors,
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only acting because there is an election. american people should be angry and november 5 is coming. >> todd: i have no power as president to do executive a action. appreciate your time and insight. back to you. >> carley: surveillance footage of a man attacking a bike shop owner. another person rans out of the store and stabs the attacker. he threw something through the bike shop window. the man fought the police officers, biting one. suspect and the police officer were taken to a nearby hospital. charges are penning against that man. wild footage. new crime wave hitting southern california. thieves are stealing fire hydrants hoping to sell them at metal recycling yards.
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the thieves use vehicles to knock them out of place. you can see in this video here. residents cannot believe this is happening. >> this is crazy, mind-boggling that just fire hydrant, in and out innen it minutes. >> carley: water companies in california working to replace them and installing locking shields over bolts that connect them to piping in the ground. over 300 have been stolen since beginning of 2023, ripping things out of the ground in california. today opening statements begin in hunter biden federal gun trial and media coverage of this case is different than coverage of former president trump's trial. watch. >> the gun trial could ez pose expose personal information about the biden's life. >> sad story of drug addiction
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and consequences in the family. >> todd: and chennedy carter doubling down on her foul against caitlin clark. we messed up her name in the a block, hope she won't hit us. tomi lahren here to talk about all of it, don't go anywhere.
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personal private life, maijor distraction for president biden. >> sad and sovereigntied tale of drug addiction family and carries potential of personal and political pain for the president. >> hunter biden has been open about his substance abuse, this is open court. >> todd: tomi lahren joins us. the main-stream media shedding a proverbial tear for hunter. i'm looking. are you shedding a tear? >> tomi: so many tears i've c cried ahead of this segment. i love the description of graphic details when we had to listen to stormy daniels testimony for how many hours
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with graphic details that had nothing to do with the alleged crime that donald trump was charged and convicted with. i don't want to hear the media clasp their pearls about graphic detail. so much hypocrisy. i will say in comparing this to the trump trial and what he was charged with and election interference. a lot of this case revolve around the laptop we were told was russian disinformation by officials and joe biden himself. if you want to stalk about election interference, we'll hear more about that laptop. last thing, also interesting to hear media clutch their pearls about preshunter biden, they hao love for gun owners or right to bear arms.
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now a drug addict getting a weapon and lying on a form is not a bridge. >> carley: prosecutors plan to call a dozen witnesses including his ex-wife, his brother's widow and london roberts, the family of his daughter they do not acknowledge. first lady and his sister were in the courtroom. president biden released a statement. tomi lahren, the group silent are gun rights activists you think would be insensed, they are not saying anything. why is that? >> tomi: we always know different rules for democrats, especially if you have important and special last name like
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biden. fact media is willing to change narrative on a whim depending who is involved, couldn't be anything more mainstream than that. i expect to see robert deniro show up. maybe we'll see them outside courthouse today. i will not bet on it, that would be appropriate. >> todd: hunter biden has more relatives at this thing than i had at any of my graduations, that is clear intimidation tactic in wilmington, a city joe biden made. that is not right, weenba chenny carter is defending her foul on caitlin clark. i will compete hard, like i
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said, no, i don't have any regrets. that body check is move to c compete when playing hockey not women's basketball. what is going on here? >> tomi: the dog pile on caitlin clark, somebody who came in and bringing so much spotlight and eyes to wnba is disasppointing and members of the media talking about her being white and straight. so undeserved, the way they are attacking this girl. she's been professional and classy for her part in all this. she has not taken part in the cat fights. it is not an easy time if women's sports, we don't need female athletes attacking each other. i hope this passes and they realize what caitlin clark is doing for their association.
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i will not hold my breath, they seem ded kicated to hating this girl. >> todd: without caitlin clark, nobody is watching the wnba, she is making them money like tiger resuscitated golf. thank you. to baseball, latest gambling controversy has a san diego pad d padres player facing a lifetime ban. he allegedly placed bets while he was injured last year and they were reported to the league. league rules state any player who bets on games involving his own team is subject to be banned for life, the pete rose rule. who doesn't love the '80s, new
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episode of fox nation series, who can forget. here is a clip on the year 1983. >> whenever footloose comes on, i have to jump on a chair and jump off, that is what the contracts. >> kenny logins is a genius. >> indiana jones, freddy. >> todd: i love indiana jones. new episodes of who can forget available on fox nation. check them out, they just dropped today. check them out, so much fun. >> carley: if you say as the kids say, you were born before 1983. >> todd: i was. former trump raise 141 million in month of may. here is what the biden campaign has to say about it.
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>> we'll see if they raise that money when they have to file financial disclosure next month or this month. what is important is what you do with the money. >> carley: keeping your home cool this summer, highest cost in a decade. some are blaming climate change. cheryl casone will look at those stories and more coming up n next. ♪
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>> todd: former president trump and the rnc raking in record breaking $141 million last month, manufacture than president biden raised in march and april. >> carley: cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: that is right, difference in numbers is striking. former president trump raising 141 million in may, same month of his court case. combine march and april, president biden raising 127 million. trump's donations are coming in after the verdict. >> look, we'll see if they raise that money when they have to file financial disclosures this month. what is important, not money you are raising, what is important is what you do with it. >> cheryl: trump donations were
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first-time donors, according to the campaign. >> todd: see what the polls say. a social media bill out of new york. >> cheryl: it is interesting. new york lawmakers and governor kathy hochul, to be clear, reaching a deal on landmark legislation that would regulate social media feeds for kids. new york will be first stait to do so. tiktok and facebook could not use addictive algorithms. it may head to state assembly. remember, this is a lot on the heels of the huge string of "wall street journal" articles that shows what instagram is doing to teen girls and emotional effects, leading to higher rates of suicide and
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other issues. interesting to see if other states follow suit. what might be easier is a federal law. >> todd: thanks, lobbyists. >> carley: cost of cooling homes this summer. >> cheryl: are you loving the heat? you may not be loving the bill. cooling a home is expected to hit a 10-year high. average cost predicted $719 between june and september. two years ago, $573 average. the association is blaming climate change. mark wolf says inflation in sense you have to spend more to cool your house, you use more, you can't blame the price, this is price of climate change.
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pretty sure there is not that big of a temperature difference. >> todd: using less energy, energy cost doubled, nothing to do with climate change. >> carley: don't miss cheryl all morning long. thank you much opec plus, agreed to keep oil production cuts in place due to expire this month. opec is cutting 5% of global demand through 2025. raising questions about cost of gas through the november election. president of the u.s. oil and gas association join me now. you hear about production cults at time when demand is going to increase. what does this mean for me and everybody else filling up? what do you think?
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>> it is interesting, this is indicative of the fact o opec influences the price of oil. this was designed to keep lower production levels in place. they do that because u.s. producers are so prolific now. we have been able to insulate opec and global price, they would love to have it $100 per barrel. we keep it $75 to 80. >> carley: that is good thing. president biden said he will tap into the petroleum reserve to keep prices down. will that decision work? >> that one particular announcement was on gasoline reserve for the northeast. that reserve was put in place after hurricane sandy, that will
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have two to three cent -- like another hurricane or global event. administration is be shortsighted in particular cases. >> carley: going back to the o opec decision, why they are making that decision right now. theories are saudi arabia wants to boost their economy. others say might be a political aspect to. what do you think about the decision, why now? >> it is only cartel if anybody acts like a cartel and opec members, russia has to fund a war somehow and saudis have ambitious economic agenda and iran and china, a lot of factors
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and dynamics that were not in place under the old rule. i think saudis are watching u.s. demand and we have not seen that kick in yet. usually cocaines in after june. we are seeing demand soft, consumers are tapped out because of the economy. saudis are watching carefully and watching china, as well. >> carley: bottom line when it comes to gas prices this summer. >> we're doing every"everything everywhere all at once" we can. despite what administration is trying to do with this, they control their portion of u.s. asset on federal land, they largely created a problem that will be longer term for us and squeezing down on our ability to produce in future. a year or two from now, if they don't change their policies, they'll be, federal pruksz will
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be down and will impact prices, as well. u.s. producers are doing evering we can and we're at record highs. u.s. consumer will be ins latin americaed from that. saudis are not happy with this. we put ourselves in the situation we were in 20 years ago. >> carley: good news and you heard it here. have a great day. dr. fauci makes big admission about the wuhan lab leak theory. listen to this. >> i've been clear and said multiple times i don't think the c concept of a lab leak is in inherently a conspiracy theory. what is conspiracy is the kind of distortion of that subject. >> carley: people say they have been clear, they have not been clear. joni ernst has been pressing dr. fauci about this and joins
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us next. >> todd: steve doocy will preview "fox and friends." pressure is on. carley set the bar, you need to be clear with this tease. have at it. >> steve: from dr. fauci to mr. grouchy, i will read this thing, okay. >> carley: take it away. >> steve: awesome. thank you, todd and carley. coming up on "fox and friends," eight minutes and 30 seconds away. jury is chosen and hunter biden federal gun trial starts today. we are outside the courthouse in delaware, stay tuned. five months from the election and biden administration is taking action on the border crisis, will it sway voters or is it too little too late? military recruit mment troubles continue. pete hegseth will break down his new fox book that is coming out
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today. stealing the show, congressman john rose gave a viral speech on the house floor and has nothing to do with what he says and has everything to do with his six-year-old son making faces behind him. adorable. they will both be with us on this busy tuesday. todd and carley back in a couple. you are watch ing "fox and friends first". accused residence at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan automatic authority approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges way, you're more than five times more lik."pproved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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>> todd: dr. anthony fauci testifying in a house hearing that the wuhan lab leak isn't just a republican conspiracy theory after all. >> actually, i have also been very, very clear and said multiple times that i don't think the concept of there being a lab leak is inherently a conspiracy theory. what is conspiracy is the kind of distortions of that particular subject like it was a lab leak and i was parachuted into the c.i. a like jason born and told the cia that they should really not be talking about a lab leak. >> thank you. >> that's a conspiracy. >> appreciate it. >> carley: what a difference four years makes. iowa senator joni ernst joins us now. this testimony yesterday what did you think about it? where is this going and what happens next? >> oh my goodness, we know this has been going on for years, the debate over how this occurred.
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covid-19 pandemic shut down the world, and, you know what? it looks like our taxpayers have been funding efforts of gain of research -- gain of function research reat the wuhan institute of virology. finally after all these years hhs and nih have admitted that yes, our taxpayers were paying for that it's good that fauci was in front of the house yesterday for that subcommittee hearing. but, again, there is a lot more we need to get to the bottom to. my efforts have paid off to defund this effort by the american taxpayers. >> todd: question of why. review says money was sent toe ecohealth taxpayer funds gain of function research at the wuhan
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lab. based upon what you heard from fauci yesterday, senator, did you get any answers as to the why, why those taxpayer dollars have been funding a lab, doing gain of function research which sounds like it's really really bad and the evidence shows it's really really bad in china for the last couple of years. it makes no sense. >> it does -- it makes no sense whatsoever. and why on earth would we be sending money to ecohealth alliance, again, through nih, and purposefully direct it to china, to the wuhan institute of virology? and over and over again we heard that no, there's no gain of function research going. nothing to see here. don't look at the man behind the curtain for heaven's sake will. and we find out yes, taxpayer dollars have been funneled to that type of research, again, in a country of our adversary at their wuhan institute of
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virology. so, we don't have the answers but i did realize many years ago that we needed to cut off this funding and i have been nicking away here and there and every avenue possible to stop our taxpayer dollars from going to that. finally, we have heard now from the administration that ecohealth alliance will no longer be funded. i continue my oversight to make sure that that is true, that is accurate, that no more of our money will go to this agency and heaven forbid it ever end up in the hands of our adversaries again. >> carley: senator, you recently announced you will be seeking a third term in the u.s. senate. but you also are open to a role in a trump cabinet. what do you have your eye on in terms of that? >> well, i would say whatever way i can project iowans voices i am happy to do it in whatever capacity. but i will say that as republicans, boy, we have a real
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depth and breadth of talent in the republican party and i'm just so pleased to be part of that mix. but, whatever the future holds, i am up for it. bring it on. we need republicans in charge. >> todd: wow, that really sounds like, senator, you would be willing to give up to what amounts to a very, very senate seat for decades to come to work in the trump administration. is that what we're hearing? >> well, i have made no promises. i haven't spoken to the trump team, but i can tell you i do believe that president trump is going to be our next president, and, again, whatever we can do to right the ship. this country is so different than the country i fought for during my time in service. >> todd: you heard it here. >> thank you so much. >> carley: thank you so much. have great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> steve: s


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