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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 4, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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ask tough questions and be in the right place to bring our viewers a firsthand look at what's really happening. >> john: absolutely no better team than them. i am john roberts in washington this is "america reports" the executive action would effectively bring down asylum requests at the border once the number of daily encounters above 2500 we are well above that every day but now it is in congressman jim jordan ahead and moments. >> sandra: these reporters now covering from the beginning religion is they are and griff jenkins at the white house. give us the details so far about this executive action the president is about to announce and from your view what real impact will it have? >> yes, so reading this
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executive order what i can say is in no way should it be described as "shutting down the border" and i will explain why. there are several exceptions to this executive order he will be announcing. number one, this is not going to stop or slow the up to 1500 migrants per day who are being released into the country by showing up at a cvp port of entry with an appointment on a cell phone app called cvp one. its 1000-1500 everyday and they are released in the country. this executive order does not touch that. that's exempted. it also exempts the controversial program where up to 30,000 migrants per month are flying directly into the united states from foreign countries via a massive pleural program the biden administration has put in place for migrants from cuba, haiti, nicaragua, and venezuela. he has brought in over 450,000 people into the country that way so far. this executive order also does not touch that. so we are talking thousands of people coming into the country
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every single day that is left completely alone. what -- while there is one more exception as well. unaccompanied children and minors are not touched by this executive order. that will raise concerns about possible child trafficking the cartels will essentially be able to market to migrants and say hey, give us your children, we will get them across the border to the united states. we will get them to the federal government. past money come the united states is not going to deport them paired will get them across the border from the u.s. government will get them wherever you want in the united states. that is exactly what is happening right now. there are other exemptions as well migrants are able to claim fear once they are apprehended. so let's talk about what this order actually does. essentially says if a seven day average happens more than 2500 people per day are caught illegally it triggers this border which suspends and blocks asylum for anyone crossing the border. you may wonder where you're
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getting this number. once that happens it's like a siren goes off a bunch of them come out on the wall goes up they have explained where they're getting the manpower to stop asylum for everybody. i'm being told to wrap i don't know if the president is coming out we will send it to you. >> he is not but we want to talk a moment with griff at the white house. graph, part of this order will be under section 212f of the immigration and nationality act which ironically is the same clause that trump used when implementing his band keeping people from countries that we couldn't be certain they would be safe from back in the early part of his administration. from the so-called muslim ban. i can see when this goes into effect that the aclu and the progressives in his party are going to go nuts.
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>> that is exactly right. bill did a great job laying out the details of these executive actions but under title eight which is the nationality act of the u.s. more than 50 years old as our immigration laws. under that along with title 42 you recall they were able to send people write back is this due process clause to claim asylum this is saying all of those in between ports of entry they have to either be a heightened threshold and i just met the last hour with a white house official there come a heightened threshold of criminal fear in torture otherwise they will be immediately put into removal processes. the last 24 hours cvp says 5100 plus migrant encounters of which more than 3500 crossed illegally between ports of entry. so i said if you've got 3500
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with criminal fear illegally they will be placed in this into rule process and he said yes. i said every day? he said yes. and i said i would talk about mass deportation? and he said we are talking about sending a bring back to those country so we will see where that goes. the white house confirming to me this will take effect as of midnight tomorrow night an interesting day on the border because as bill points out the capacity across the nine sectors to hold people in the rule process and will quickly move a. they are already at or near capacity they don't have enough manpower to put people. then there is one more wrinkle which is more pertinent in a coma where bill is special interest aliens or migrants, those are people from places this morning or from turkey, syria, jordan, these are countries we have planes easily flying back to lake honduras, guatemala, el salvador.
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in these special interest aliens also secondary vetting to make sure they are not terrorists trying to sneak into the country. one last thing if i can, nothing in this executive order that i see addresses the one thing that the border officials were worried about which is the got aways. a 1.8 million to got a since president biden took office. when i talk to chief owens of the border patrol in february when he accompanied president biden, he spoke about his greatest threat. i'll get back to you after this. >> border security is a huge piece of our national security and border patrol is the primary agency and that. when i tell you their areas of the border we don't have awareness as to what is happening, this is the type of threat i am concerned with. there are those who want to come into this country and do it h harm. those are the individuals that keep me up at night. >> we will see if the president
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takes any questions that we can ask about the got aways and the greatest threat meanwhile we are looking as bill says not only effective closure of the border but we can be looking at a significant number of deportations and already not only the aclu threatening legal action and rashida tlaib and setting their hair on fire about it we have groups like lost americas out of el paso saying that "this decision illustrates the administration and the lessons of failed deterrent measures in place by biden's predecessors." >> sandra: griff, thank you for that. bill, the house speaker mike johnson did speak earlier ahead of the issuing of this executive action. he is suggesting this is just window dressing. >> he was asked why he would not use his executive order
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extensive executive authority to address the border catastrophe that he himself created. 126 days ago he looked in the cameras and said i'm out of options and i've done all i can do. suddenly now he wants to issue some weak executive order one, by the way, when executive order supposedly to try to address the issue. it is window dressing. >> sandra: i wanted your thoughts on that. >> is a valid question. think about how many years we've been down here doing live shots showing these massive lines of people at disneyland. to get processed by border patrol smiling waving to the camera, no fear of deportation year after year after year. we kept hearing from the white house year after year no crisis at the border and it's no issue and we moved forward at this year we heard the speaker saying after the border bill failed president biden said repeatedly i've done all i can do on the border. it's up to biden to fix it. will suddenly know five months before the election that there
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is something i can do executive lee. he has decided to take this action. it makes you wonder why didn't happen last year? 2023 december was my highest number ever in history over 300,000 people in a single month more than 670,000 known got aways were reported by cvp last year. literally the worst number of all time in history and he did not feel that action was needed last year, but randomly this summer after saying he couldn't do it he now feels he has to take some sort of action? you have to focus on the true details here. yes he will limit and restrict us i some people who cross the board illegally in between ports of entry, but he is going to continue bringing in tens of thousands of migrants per month using the cbp one app and flying them into the country via these parole flights. so the illegal crossing numbers may go down a little bit, but he
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is going to bring more people in the country through "lawful pathways,"" which are things he has created at the level. >> john: griff you will likely hear from the aclu they eventually wait and sing the buy demonstration announce executive order that will severely restrict people's legal right to seek asylum including tens of thousands of lives at risk. this action takes the same approach as a trump administration's asylum plan rather which will be chall challenging. to bill's point as to whether or not this will cross traffic, i am not sure how it could possibly do that because the pull factor is huge. the biden administration is not going to want pictures of people being turned away the border. because the left will go nuts over that. you can't send people from mauritius or mauritania or nepal or china back, so they have to go somewhere. there will likely be pulled into the country.
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they can't be held in detention centers there's just too many of them. you may say you don't qualify for asylum, but they also likely don't qualify with getting kicked out of the country. >> that's right. the pull factor is an unprecedented level because the cartels have gained the system to go to areas to send him across to tell them to claim asylum, john. >> sandra: griff and bill, if you can hang on with us, it's a live look at the white house where surprise, surprise they are running a little late. about 11 minutes behind at this point but we are getting closer, hang on with us jim jordan coming up the chairman of the judiciary committee thank you for joining us, chairman. we will keep that life shut up there as we do anticipate we will hear from the president shortly he is anticipated sign this executive action at the southern border, why now? why is he taking this option now?
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>> i think it's five months before an election but you know, sandor, i thought the border was secured time and time again. secretary mayorkas in front of congress, biden said it, kamala harris has said it, the border czar themselves said it so now some executive order 212 they've always had this authority as the speaker pointed out so i think this is just shazam we are five months before an election and the american people are tired of an open border on pace to get 12 million people and the american people i think i understand this was willfully and intentionally deliberately created. this mess by the biden administration on day one to change three policies. no more remain in mexico while we evaluate your claim and when you get here you will be released and given a court date five years in the future. that's why everyone has the thumbs up and smiles for the camera when they come in the
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border. they created it and now some sham way to deal with it five months before an election. >> sandra: this is a white house that can blame republicans saying you have not been getting this done. a long time ago there had been congressional action what do you say to that? >> we passed it over a year ago, the legislation in the house judiciary committee a good piece of legislation i strong bill that would have put a long and i think if he really wants to he can but or is willing to but they pass out legislation over a year ago. >> sandra: this is obviously an issue that has gone far beyond the southern border. we see city after city dealing with the influx of migrants including in new york city where mayor adams is finally talking about the number of migrants who are committing crimes right here in new york, listen. >> illegal gun dealer does not
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say let me see your immigration status. are intelligences looking into it to see this number of those committing this crime. overwhelming number of migrants and asylum creek seekers to take the next step on the journey but it's a small number we are really leaning into it. >> sandra: people are fed up with this. it is coming to a city and a town near you. what is a growing migrant crisis and now the number of crimes is on the rise committed by these illegal immigrants. >> it sure is. it's not just the crime which is terrible enough. ask lake and riley's family. the police officers in new york is impact on your school system, health care system, hospitals, the wait time when you have an influx of people who are coming here because, again, the deliberate decisions made by the
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biden administration on january 20th 2021, they decided they were going to do this and overturn the policy's trump in place that were working and again the they are seeing the effects. >> sandra: you say it's because it's a couple months before the election. perhaps they are seeing polls like this. these are his approval numbers biden on security, released on may 16th when asked do you approve or disapprove of the way the president has handled border security, he has a low approval rating of 33%, 64% disapproval rating. and he is not even making those on the left happy including congresswoman jaya paul. not sure if you heard this, listen. >> what is happening at the border cannot be solved by enforcement actions only perry what really is needed is the entire illegal immigration
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system and legal pathways and resources to process people. two things that republicans have been a completely unwilling to provide. when donald trump tried to shut down the border it didn't work them. i'm disappointed the president has gone into the same frame as donald trump when we need to make a distinction between donald trump and joe biden. >> sandra: that was a democrat on capitol hill today saying i'm disappointed the president has gone the same frame as donald trump on this issue. hear your reaction? >> well, we will see with this executive order really does. and what they are going to do. i can envision the president is taking all kinds of choices to satisfy the left, we will see. the american people have common sense. there's a reason the vast majority of americans are opposed to these open border policies because they see the impact on the community. the american people get it. they understand it's a big issue
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because it's a big issue. they understand that. >> sandra: congressman we appreciate you joining us. we await the president about 16 minutes late but he is expected to step up to the podium shortly and sign the executive action will be listening for his marks. congressman, thank you very m much. john, everyone is watching this. it was once a border issue, a southern border issue, now as we report almost daily we have bill bennett coming up on the education impact of the influx of migrants in these cities where you have many children who had never spoken english before, they are in the public school system and these public schools are inundated with kids who need to be taught english. these are school systems that were already struggling before this crisis coming out of covid. so this has major implications coast to coast.
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>> john: initially it was thought this idea was it's a democratic talking point, but when you take a look at the impact in literally every state across the nation, it absolutely means every state is a border state because every state is affected by this. but i mean this is the part that is difficult to wrap your head around. that is that president biden is having the threshold trigger for this program in 2500 which means this program could be permanently in place. because right now we are at double that number at times we have gone up to 858500 people per day so i still cannot quite figure out how any of this is going to work. we are moments away from president biden announcing his ongoing executive action of the border. will it do anything to get it out of control? homeland security committee we will ask him coming up next. because the biden administration has waited nearly its entire
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term before lifting a finger to address the open borders anarchy that it invited. stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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the numbers should always be zero. we should allow zero people to enter this country illegally. if you want 2500 if he really wants to have an impact in the border he should be deporting 2500 people that are already here illegally. what about those people? no one's talking about that. all the attention is on the thousands that come over every day. what about the people that are here? >> john: i have to interrupt you here, here's the president. >> president biden: take the necessary steps to secure our border. four months ago, after weeks of
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intense negotiation between my staff and democrats and republicans, we came to a clear, clear bipartisan deal. the strongest border security agreement in decades. and then the republicans in congress not all of them walked away from it. why? because donald trump told them to. he told the republicans by many of you that he did not want to fix the issue, he wanted to use it to attack me. that's what he wanted to do. it was a cynical extremely cynical political move. a complete disservice to the american people who are looking for us not weaponize the border but to fix it. today i am joined by a part bipartisan group of governors, members of congress come mayors, law enforcement officials, most of whom live and work along the southern border. i know the border is not a political issue to be weap
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weaponized. the responsibility we have two share, to do something about it. we don't have time for the games played in washington and neither do the american people. so, today, i will be moving past to the possibilities for me as president on the border. i would've preferred to address this in bipartisan legislation because that is the only way to actually get the kind of system we have now that is broken fixed to hide hire more judges and more border patrol agents but republicans have left me no choice. today i am announcing actions to bar migrants across our southern border unlawfully from receiving a silent. of migrants will be restricted from receiving asylum at our southern border unless they seek it after entering through an established lawful process. those who seek to come through the united states illegally for example i am making an appointment to come through port
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of entry, some will still be available to them. still available. if the individual chooses not to use our legal pathways, if they choose to come without permission and against the law, they will be restricted from receiving asylum and staying in the united states. this action will help us gain control of our border. restore order into the process. this span remains in place until a number of people entering illegally as domain is reduced to a level we can effectively manage. this is consistent with all of our responsibilities, everyone of them. in addition to this action, we recently made important reforms in our asylum systems. more efficient and more secure forms. the goal to deliver a systems on asylum as quickly as possible. the quicker decision made that a migrant is less likely to pay a criminal smuggler of thousands of dollars to take them on a dangerous journey knowing if, in fact, they move in the wrong direction they will turned
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around quickly. two weeks ago the department of justice stated they started a new docket in the immigration course to address people who had recently crossed the border to make a decision within six months rather than six years because that's what happens now. in the department of homeland security has proposed new rules to allow federal law enforcement or quickly to moose asylum-seekers and have criminal convictions the united states. my administration is also recently launched new efforts to go over criminal networks that profit from smuggling migrants to our border. and incentivized people to give tips to law enforcement provide information and bringing the smugglers to justice. we are also sending federal prosecutors to hot spots along the border. and prosecutors of individuals who break our immigration laws. one other critical steps that will be taking and that is
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making a huge difference and we continue to work closely with our mexican neighbors instead of attacking mexico. and it has worked. builds a strong partnership of trust with the president of mexico and the elect yesterday i spoke with we have chosen to work together with mexico is an equal partner and the facts are clear. due to the arrangements that i have reached with president ovet has dropped dramatically. while these are important they are not enough. to truly secure the border we have to change our laws and congress needs to provide the necessary funding to hire 1,500 more border security agents. 100 more judges to help tackle the backlog of cases more than 2 million of them. 4,300 more asylum officers to make decisions less than six months and set of six years
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which is what it takes now. and around 100 more high-tech detection machines to significantly increase the ability to screen and stop fentanyl from being smuggled in the united states. these investments are one of the primary reasons the border patrol endorsed in the first place. these are essential and remain a central. as far as i'm concerned if you are not wanting to spend the money to hire more border patrol agents or asylum officers or judges or high-tech machinery, you're just not serious about protecting our border. it's as simple as that. i believe immigration has always been the lifeblood of america. we are constantly by a number of people in newtown. the statue of liberty is not a relic of history and it's tense of who we are in the united states. so i will never demonize immigrants or say they are poisoning the blood of a
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country. and further i will never separate children from their families. i will not ban people from this country because of their religious beliefs. i will not use the u.s. military to go into neighborhoods all across the country to pull millions of people out of their homes and away from their families while awaiting deportation as my predecessor says he will do he occupies this office again. my very first day as president i introduced a comprehensive inform plan to fix our broken system and secure our border. vetting pathways for citizens and dreamers and a lot more. i am still fighting to get that done. we must face the simple truth. to protect america as a land that welcomes immigrants we must first secure the border and secure it now. the simple truth is there is a worldwide crisis. and if united states does not secure our border there is no limit to the number of people that may try to come here
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because there is no better place on the planet than the united states of america. for those who say the steps i've taken have been too strict i say to you to be patient and goodwill of the american people are wearing thin right now. doing nothing is not an option. we have to act. we must act consistent with our law and our values as americans. take these steps today not to walk away from who we are as americans, to make sure we preserve who we are future generations to come. today i have spoken about what we need to do to secure the border. in the weeks ahead, and i mean weeks ahead, i will speak to how we can make our system more fair and more just. let's fix the problem. stop fighting about it. i am doing my part, we are doing our part. the rest of the republican should do their part. thank you very much. [reporters talking over each other]
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>> i asked his prime minister no laying politics with the war? >> president biden: i don't think so he is trying to work it out. [reporters talking over each other] >> john: one shouted question the president took there about recent articles that suggests he believes prime minister netanyahu is drawing out the israel ward to keep himself in power and asked whether he believes that netanyahu is playing politics with the war he said no but other than that the rest was all about this plan, sandra, a lot of people say may not have much effect on the
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number of people coming across the board illegally. >> sandra: but you heard directly from the president of this action will help us gain control into the process texas congressman tony gonzalez has been standing by with us, john. in the committee it took a while for them to concede there was a crisis at our southern border. i mean, john and i cover the press briefings every day. there was a denial the border wasn't secure even from alexander mallorca's now it's a worldwide problem that joe biden says he has done more than anybody on this issue. he is taking this action now. what's your reaction what you heard? >> sandra, wow. it's very sad to see a president read from a teleprompter and not really understand the issue. you have to take your hat off to house republicans we have pushed
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this border security issue for years to this point but i represent nearly half of the southern border. i have been very vocal at wanting to work with anyone who wants to solve this problem because my district is at the center of this crisis. i do not believe one word out of joe biden's mouth because they have done absolutely nothing. if he was really serious about securing this border, what about the 10 million people that are here illegally that i've already broken our laws? what about importing them? what about that? there is no discussion on that. it's a simple half action that is met months before the election to confuse people not only have i given up on the president, i believe most americans do not trust what the president is saying and they don't believe in the administration would ever want to secure this border. >> john: in terms of whether or not the american people lost faith with the president here's
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the latest fox news power rankings in the polls here showing him well underwater and literally every poll amassed about the immigration issue. fox news poll's have trumped up 56-41, 52-41, 52-25 marquette, abc if so's 47-30 in favor of president trump. there is one thing that he said that really struck me. he said he has a very strong partnership with andre manwell lopez over door of the current president of mexico. that he is going to build a strong relationship with polish on well the incoming president of mexico. and i thought if he has such a strong relationship with mexico, why is mexico allowing cartels to control our board? >> yes, john. the american people do not believe in joe biden ever securing this border.
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and no press conference, no executive order can ever change that because his actions have proven this. on the mexican side i suspect what is going to happen is that numbers are going to go way up because it's very evident that donald trump is going to win this election. what will they try to do? they will try to get as many people in as they possibly can. one last bite of the apple if you will and who will be impacted the most in the american public? it's no longer just texas. we have california economy of arizona, new mexico, the fentanyl is killing people all over the country this is what will be for joe biden's achilles' heel and the reason he will not be elected is because it's all a facade. and i expect they will have this out this executive order out and the court system will come back and say know you don't have the authority to do this, that, or the other because that's what they want. they want to blame somebody else for the reason for their inaction of the american public who have had enough and it's
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time for a change. >> sandra: to your point if he can take this action today he could've taken it six months ago, a year ago, terkel years ago? >> it took an election to get them off of dead center. even then it's not even a real situation. if it was real i would say you know what? i will take five months over nine months but the facts are nothing is going to change. i suspect it's only going to get worse. why? because the administration wants this. this is exactly what they want. they want to blame someone else for it. it you can blame all these other people. the facts are you are the president of the united states. what are we doing with the 10 million people in this country illegally? how are you allowing this to happen when they've artie broken our laws question what do you want to get serious? you do poor people are already here illegally and put the american public first. might district is over 70% hispanic and we have had enough. we are going what about us? why are we lost in this
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equation? >> john: congressman, we don't have a total updating number you said 10 million people illegally, 7.8 million came illegally in the last 3.5 years and you combine that with people who are already here we are well above 10 million. thank you, congressman for hanging with us we appreciated. >> sandra: thank you. >> thank you john and sandra. >> john: let's bring bill melugin life from the border did you hear anything, bill, that gives you any confidence that the daily traffic of illegal migration that you have seen since you started on this beat three and a half years ago is going to obey to any degree? >> john, real quick one thing that jumped out to me in the statement you just made is it seems like it was one of the first times he acknowledge the american people as a whole are really starting to sour on his handling of the border. he said hey, to anybody out there who disagrees with the order and putting in place today, "be patient.
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the goodwill of american people is wearing thin. we have to take action now. that could be on nod to what we have seen in the last year and a half, terkel years spreading across the country different cities being overrun with migrants, having to put them up in hotels, having to cut city budgets, cutting school budgets, police department budgets to house these migrants coming in their cities. the border used to be the idea was oh it's just the texas, arizona, may be a california thing, not a more. once governor abbott started busing them around the country in 2022 that really expanded over the last couple of years with migrants showing up all over the place. hey this is affecting me and my life and my child's life. my child's school classroom sizes are exploding from the district budgets having to make different indentations for migrant children coming in. john, the bottom line is the biden administration has to change the feel of the border.
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right now all of these people are coming in with no fear of removal, no fear of deportation. if we can bring up what i showed earlier this morning to see a group of a few hundred that crossed illegally. i watch them as they walked to the border wall behind me and start imposing for selfies and pictures in front of our border wall as if it's a tourist attraction or a great background for their tiktok or instagram photos. it was remarkable to see. some of them think it's a joke. like we ask you know this is illegal and they giggle and laugh at us and say we know. so they shrug and they smiled. they are not worried about being sent back to where they came from. with the biden administration with they can do today is they can clamp down if they want to. after that 2500 threshold is hit they can deport mexicans, northern triangle countries very easily. the united states has deportation and repatriation agreements with those countries. it will be a lot harder for them
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to remove these people we have seen coming across here from egypt, mauritania, jordan, these tens of thousands of chinese nationals, from syria, some of these countries we don't have agreements with, they're not cooperative with us with the bite administration really wants to put the money where their mouth is and say they will start mass removing people to the state department is going to have to work something out with these countries. so instead of sending one plane load every six months with 30 people on you start sending potentially hundreds back a week. then all of these images on social media that these migrants see on tiktok instead of thumbs up and waving turn into oh, deportation. people in handcuffs. people being sent back to mexico. all of a sudden the mood might change. that's when you might see the numbers drop a little bit, guys. >> sandra: the president a moment ago did reference he said were deportations are down, but
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he did not take questions. it's a shame he did not take questions because there is some follow-up needed there, bill. the challenge would be they are down month to month because they are not down administration to administration. i mean what it do you think when you heard that from the president? >> well has deportation numbers are significantly lower than what the trump administration's were and keep in mind only a fraction of people who came in under trump than what we are seeing now and one last point to make both president biden and dhs secretary mayorkas have said multiple times that they believe just being in the united states illegally should not be grounds alone for being deported. it would be interesting to hear some reporters asked them if they still stand behind that because how is that not a come on and sign, you know? >> sandra: bill, thank you so much. >> john: thank you, bill. >> sandra: i mentioned it's a shame i mean he seemed to stop,
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the president, as he did last time he was at a podium. it looked like he was going to take questions. he asked a question off to the side and then turned the other way and walked off stage he did take the one on benjamin netanyahu. >> john: i thought it was interesting that he said doing nothing is not an option when the last three and half years alejandro mayorkas some critics have said is the baghdad bob of immigration has led people to believe whether it's congressional hearings or public announcements everything is fine. speed to the border is secure. >> john: now doing nothing is not an option. spiel and it was admitted it's a serious crisis. that's being debated right now. will get continued reaction right now democratic reaction this time from jared moscowitz who is standing by live and capitol hill will join us live next. you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget.
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>> if an individual chooses not to use our individual pathways they choose to come without permission and against the law they will be restricted from receiving asylum and staying in the united states. >> sandra: that was president biden moments ago saying migrants must seek asylum lawfully signing an executive action to address the growing problems at our southern border. let's bring in jared moscowitz, congressman thank you for joining us. what's your reaction to the steps the president is taking and why now? why didn't he do this a year ago or terkel years ago? >> thank you for having me. i appreciate coming on your show i'm talking about this again. i applaud the president's actions today. they are needed to address the issues at the border to make sure we have a more secure border. this will effectively shut the
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border don't because of the 2500 limitation on the number until we get below 1500. obviously you are talking to someone who's grandparents escaped a persecution from germany and poland during the holocaust and came here. so this country will always be a beacon for people escaping persecution but there is no doubt we need more on the border i applaud his actions today and i did say earlier a couple of months ago that democrats were linked to the table to address this i'm happy we're doing and how. we could've done four months ago on a bipartisan basis but unfortunately but that bill was killed because donald trump wanted to use it as an election issue. >> john: congressman when you said this will effectively shut the border down, how would that work? it's not like when you hit the 2500 trigger a wall goes up and the sign says sorry we are closed. people will continue to come across the border and coming across the border as i learn
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from bill melugin today to places like mauritania, they're coming from nepal, from china, india, places to which they cannot be immediately removed without enormous logistical half. so how would this logistically shut down the border? >> one they won't be processed for asylum. number two this will act as a disincentive. a lot of the policies that my colleagues wanted to bring back from the trump administration and a lot of them acted as a disincentive for people to travel here. so this new executive order will have that effect and we should see that over the next couple of months and months of less and less people trying to come here unless they are really escaping persecution and need to come here to save their life or their families lives. >> sandra: do you truly believe this effectively shuts down in our southern border as you just said? >> it should come the right question that's the design of the executive action. of minutes that threshold at
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2500 the border is shut down no processing of asylum until you get below the 1500. we have not been at 1500 for some time now, so effectively this would shut down the border. effectively opponents of the executive order have said this effectively shuts the border down. >> john: the aclu, congressman, and sang the air going to challenge the spirit and puts in the same box as president trump's immigration order after he first took office and in fact part of it is done in the same subsection of the immigration and nationality at 212f. and if you had people coming over the border and you are above the threshold and you know they are not going to get processed for asylum and eventually they may be sent back, i don't think there is enough time to house them, won't people on the progressive left to lose their minds about what is happening? >> look, i don't care about the progressive left. i care about what we need to do
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to make sure we have a secure border. john, you bring up a great point. it was a point that myself and the president has made for months which is why it will be better to pass a bipartisan law here. if the president tries to do this by executive order like trumpeted, it will be challenged in court which is what is happening here which is why we were pushing so much to get a law passed. congress has to function again. in executive order congress does not want to do with big issues because they would rather use it as an election issue is what president trump said, right? kill the bill and blame me for it. so, look, i'm glad president biden has done this, but yeah. the fact it could be challenged in court we saw this coming democrat said it would happen because trump had to do thing. >> congressman i appreciate you joining us. a lot to take in here. the debate will continue over the actual impact of this. a lot more is needed here
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thank you, appreciate the time. >> john: great to see you. now at daniel gard the president of the libra initiative, daniel, i want to play this piece of sound from the president's announcement just now. where he is talking about the goodwill of the american people listen here. >> for those who say the steps i take in are too strict i say to you to be patient and the goodwill of american people are wearing thin right now. doing nothing is not an option. we have to act. we must act consistent with both our law and our values. our values as americans. >> john: that sound like a guy underwater on immigration with five months to an election. >> that's exactly what's going on, john. in fact he mentioned he was there with his bipartisan group but i didn't see any bipartisan legislators that are needed to arrive at a consensus here so we can get to reforming the law. he also mentioned they had no choice?
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wait a minute, what happened to? the modernization act that republican senate had proposed time and time again who refused for 63 and half years to convene a bipartisan group of elected leaders from the senate and house of representatives to the white house so we can reconcile the differences and get to some kind of consensus. the problem is all i heard was the attacks on the g.o.p. he demonized a lot of the folks are asking for border security. at the same time this represented a lot of donald trump's statements about migrants. so it is incoherent whether you are attacking the g.o.p. but then asking them for bipartisan help on this effort? >> sandra: you talk about all of the stories that we covered were he chose not to take this action he just now is taking it after months before with the
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impact on cities with crime, looking at the schools and hotels that we have had taken over to house these migrants who have been hastily thrown into these cities. all over the country. you look at the impact on education we are about to have bill bennett on that issue. there are kids overflowing into the schools that don't speak english. schools that have horrible report cards following covid. massive implications here. the question, right now, what this really does, is it too little also so late? >> this interview with the statements of the president that the patients are wearing thin and you ignored the three and a half years but my senses, sa sandra, that jon tester and montana and in wisconsin, kate seen pennsylvania and rosen in
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nevada and sherrod brown in ohio probably have a lot more to do with an executive order then the president does. and they are wanting him to flimflam the american public into thinking somehow he will do something about border security when he absolutely ignored it and ignored the opposition to three and a half years and now this late stage in the game during an election you want to presume he will do something? >> you make a good point too. to control the border now but undoing all the damage done can take a lot longer. guards and thank you for being with us. >> sandra: thank you. >> thank you john and sandra. >> this massive immigration hitting america's classrooms this is huge for parents all over the country. bill bennett next. discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom
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made followed by executive action on the part of the administration. must bring in bill bennett fox news contributor former education secretary with the reagan administration. were limited on time here but i want to get your thoughts on the wall street journal is -- migrants are settling in cities and entering public schools around the u.s. adding financial logistical strains and communities rather have arrived in large numbers. districts are faced with a need for additional teachers and staff who can dig english and space for new students often while waiting for promise of omental federal or state funding in many cases not even able to obtain it. what is it like for the schools? >> well it's a billion dollar price tag and probably a million students who don't know win to show up differently -- will often don't speak english, they have never -- the schools were having difficulty anyway than covid, poor performance. one thing that happen in the
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and this teacher faces this burden that is unbelievable. and the less -- particularly hard in those cities, you know marilyn well, chicago and new york, an actuary cities. and so in many of those cases you've got migrants getting priority over native board schmuck nativeborn kids. the kids have to move out and go remote learning and the migrants go and sleep in the gym. this is a disaster. >> sandra: were showing parents at least school board meetings and inferred up with it. we can -- were going to get back because her out of time because of the working years, would love to continue the conversation, thank you so much. bill bennett. >> thank you, very important about the future. >> sandra: thank you for joining us, i'm chandler smith. >> john: and john roberts," the story" katherine dow it marc staal in norman --'s before joining


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