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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 4, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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thousands of students and workers gathered in tiananmen square joined by millions more as cross kahne to. tiananmen square protest came to a very violent end at the hands of the chinese communist party. 80,000 troops there pushed towards the square in tanks, armored vehicles, firing into crowds of student protesters and civilians, hundreds, maybe even thousands perished that day. tomorrow on "special report" our exclusive sit down interview with south carolina senator tim scott, said to be a top tier contender for v.p. to former president trump. thanks for watching "special report." i'm gillian turner in washington. "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening. i'm la laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight.
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nothing says vigor like octogenarian president ready to throw down. we have details on the biden interview gone horribly awry. attorney general garland defends the left's lawfare on capital hill. the twisted sound. and that tonight is this cop or is he a bulldozer? [siren] >> laura: an oklahoma police officer seemingly defying the laws of if i sicks to catch a fleeing subject. tonight jimmy failla has the details on this viral video and more. first, biden's border head fake, that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ now, this is joe biden's border legacy in three names. the first one, david antonio calderon, an illegal alien who was freed from prison in el salvador and soon after crossed into the united states. is he now accused of murdering a woman in west virginia. by the way, the victim's body was burned. almost beyond recognition. weeks before that calling doron
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allegedly attacked two homeless people with a baseball bat. he has an extensive criminal history in his home country. and then there's this lovely. marvin paris lomsz. he came to the united states illegally in january from guatemala. and has an immigration court date in 2027. he was arrested after allegedly grabbing an 11-year-old girl off the street and forced her into his van where he raped her. and, of course, you can't forget about jose ibarra the illegal from venezuela accused 6 killing georgia nursing student laken riley. she was out for a jog when ibarra allegedly attacked and raped her. is he accused of disfiguring her skull. ibarra pled not guilty just days ago. and we won't ever know the names of the thousands of illegal legals who are kept conveniently secret by the biden administration after they were arrested. or even the chinese nationals who are -- were arrested trying to breach u.s. military bases or the jordanian names.
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who are these people who are trying to get into quantico? the crime epidemic among illegals, the national security concerns, the billions this is costing taxpayers that driven this to the top of voters' concerns. even the "new york times" had to grudgingly admit that trump's approach to the border and his mass deportations plans resonate now with voters. wow. remember the old liberal line so you want to round up millions of people and try to deport them? well, now americans apparently saying. [speaking spanish] and of course they blame biden bigly as they should. hispanic americans, who are here illegally are just as traumatized by the way as other americans. >> in el paso, it's become a huge problem to where we have had break-ins. i have been here for 30 years. my whole life. i have lived here. this is not something that we have really had to, like, worry about, you know. like, hey, we got to make sure everything is locked up. or hey, make sure when you are
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walking around if you are in the dark be careful because you just don't know anymore. it's scary. >> laura: you bet it's scary. but voters are also angry. and they blame the guy who opened the spightsz for dozens of countries. the guy who gave corrupt foreign leaders a gift. easy way to export their problems here by just emptying their prisons and insane asylums. engang jered schools and healthcare. that didn't bohr biden and fanatics who work for him. their sole goal was to fundamentally change this country. remember, the country that they consider systemically racist and wicked. they flooded america with what they hope will be future democrat voters in order to create a permanent majority. and what will that do? well, that is going to render your vote meaningless yes, democrats, every single one of
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them who is honest, they want illegals to vote as soon as possible. oh, yeah, that's coming. that's the plan. thus, nothing that biden said today about the border matters. it's all smoke in mirrors. it's an election year. biden has no intention of limiting the number of people coming here. let alone stopping asileees from becaming the system. you got to give his speech writers some credit. they are trying to turn the tables on republicans: i come here today republicans in congress refuse to do. take the necessary steps to secure our border. i'm moving past republican obstruction and using executive authorities available know as president to do what i can on my own to address the border. make sure illegals who come here download an app. >> we are allowing asylum claimants to come to the ports of entry using our cb 1 app. in a lawful, safe and orderly way.
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when people access the cpb 1 app. and come to the port of entry, they have been screened and vetted before they arrive at the port of entry. >> laura: use the app., illegals, come on. of course the details of this are just terrible and the supposed threshold numbers they cite people are going to be tracked or monitored. they are never going to be tracked or monitored. after the election they will throw the borders wide open again. even mayorkas when you were listening to him with neil cavuto has struggling to remember all the rules. >> if we experience seven consecutive calendar days where the average number of encounters each day is below 1,500, then 14 days those -- that seventh day, we will reopen and if, in fact, -- if, in fact, the number encounters thereafter is 2500 or
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more on average for seven consecutive days, we have the authority to, again implement this bar. >> laura: okay, were you laughing? it's like -- therefore, this is the same guy who said the border invasion wasn't a crisis. and he was impeached for violating his duties to enforce u.s. immigration law. now, check out the numbers at the border right now. it's criminal. 5200 day. 5,000 plus last week. daily average in april 4200. and that's not including the got-aways. can't see how this moves the needle for biden at all given these numbers. >> it's a bit of a 180 from his previous policy of allowing open immigration to flood in. the fact that biden addressed this now at this point in time, five months before the election, really sounds like political posturing to me. >> laura: yeah. they always think americans are stupid, don't they? they're not. we have to never lose sight of this simple fact.
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everything the democrats do between now and election day is designed for them to keep power. our constitution, our laws, norms, they all love to talk about norms, none of it matters to them. neither does the suffering of the american people. it's about winning at all costs so that they can return to their primary objective, reordering america into a place that you won't recognize and where you won't want to live. >> laura: right now it looks like there is still enough of us to love this country enough to save it and that's the angle. ♪ joining me now from the border is fox's bill melugin. bill, what are you seeing tonight? >> bill: laura, it's wild continue to see showing up at the border and entering the united states without any resistance. take a look at what we saw this morning 1:30 a.m. in jacumba, california. this is what has happening, people around the planet showing
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up here, very nonchalantly and crossing illegally. this someone of the hot spots in so call. they walk through the mexican military and walk through a gap in the border wall. no resistance. most of from africa and asia and special interest countries that dhs vetting on for terror concerns. there was one single border patrol agent out here trying to corral hundreds upon hundreds of people who crossed. the migrants were asking us where they were, where's america and where's border patrol? take a listen. >> >> bill: where are you guys from what country. >> mauritania. >> from africa. >> yes. >> bill: why did you guys come to the united states? what country? >> nepal. >> bill: nepal? all of from you nepal. >> yes. >> no english. >> bill: no english. what country? >> vietnam. >> bill: vietnam. what country are you from. >> mauritania. >> bill: more takennians? what country are you from? >> india. >> bill: this is america. see the red lights?
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that's border patrol see the lights? >> bill: laura, i know you will have some thoughts about this. i saw some of the migrants after they posed illegally posing in front of the border wall taking selfies and photos celebrating after they crossed illegally here, violating america's laws. using the border wall essentially as a prop for their social media post. just showing these people really have no fear of consequences whatsoever. and back out here live we are hours away from this new biden executive order. taking effect tonight. that is supposed to happen at 12:01 midnight eastern time. 9:00 p.m. pacific. we will be out here on the ground in jacumba to see if there is any changes happening out here whatsoever. laura, can i tell you some of our border patrol contacts in the san diego sector tell us they have gotten no guidance from the leadership so far. this is just business as usual. send it back to you. >> laura: bill do they have a
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clicker at the border like they have in restaurants click, click? is that how they are going to keep track? i mean, this is unbelievable. great. >> bill: click, click, click to 2500. >> laura: the selfies were a nice touch. bill, thank you so much. joining me now one of our favorites louisiana senator john kennedy, senator, biden ended his press conference in a way that says it all. watch. [shouting questions] >> mr. president. >> >> laura: mastery of all of details the threshold numbers, the 14 days, thereafter we will you. >> i, you know, the highest and best use of the president's time at this point would be selling catheters on late night tv.
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i mean, it really is sad. we all know someone who has reached that age. we wouldn't even think of giving him or her the toughest job in the world: if the president were my father, i would take away his car keys. >> laura: what about this border situation in terms of national security concerns? we know the economic costs are in the hundreds of billions of dollars to this country. >> i have read the executive order. the person who wrote it is either -- is either sell deep stupid or a skilled liar. i think the appropriate term for it is a scam. it doesn't limit people come in. it says there can be an unlimited number of people coming into our country illegally so long as they come through a port of entry. and it will take the cartels a skinny minute to figure that
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loophole out. then if you go to the very end section 3 b it says everything before this night withstanding, if the secretary of homeland security decides he needs to let someone in for, quote: humanitarian reasons, they can come in. >> laura: they have zero credibility on this issue. in fact, they went -- the president made sure that try to reassure the left it is temporary today. >> it won't do anything. the main effect of this executive order will be to remind the american people that living under president biden has been one long prayer that he has been spectacularly awful, not just on the border but on so much else. we probably need to get one of those gigantic clocks and put it in times square that counts down the minutes and the hours and the days. >> laura: the number of illegals that come here that would be nice. we don't know any. >> something in a makes sense.
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>> laura: humiliation of america on the world stage because of this. the leaders thinks this who cares? we spend $840 billion a year on our military. and, i mean, we are celebrating, of course, the d-day landing this week. huge anniversary, you know, not many of our world war ii generation left. but now this is what america is? an invasion is ongoing and we keep funding the government. we keep saying okay, help is coming. trump will win. but meanwhile what damage has been done. if you ever president xi or putin, you are watching this going this is a representative democracy, senator not by suicide not by murder. >> laura: is that what is happening here? >> in part if you look at the state of our country today. do you know anyone who is better off today than they were four years ago unless you are an illegal alien?
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i don't. >> laura: jeff bezos, maybe. >> number two, i think our enemies, not only don't fear president biden, they don't respect him, they think they can show him right through that wall. and i think they are going to take make an enormous effort to keep him in office. in fact, i predict, if you took president lopez obrador in mexico turned him upside down and shook him president biden would fall out of his pocket. i predict over the next couple of months president obrador a far left socialist is going to try to slow down some of the people coming into our country illegally. >> laura: just to help. >> just to help. and if president biden is reelected they will just jack it back up again. >> laura: the republican party now, i think, is more united than it's been in a long, long time. i know there are different wings before the party. >> i agree with that. >> laura: given what's happened to the country. there is no
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choice here. there is no nuances. president trump, former president trump has to be the rallying point for trying to save this country at this point. >> i think here's the way most fair minded americans will look at it. this is what they will say. republicans aren't perfect. but the other side is crazy. and it's led by joe biden. >> laura: do you think is he leading it really, senator? you are a smart guy. you have home spun way you are crafty and smart. is joe biden -- i mean, saw that you man. is he making any big decisions? if not, who is running this country right now. >> president biden. it's one of three circumstances, laura. is he either a woke idealogue, or is he a scared politician and will do anything to be reelected. or he is a skilled liar. >> laura: or he is run by someone else. >> or he is run by someone else. it would have to be a scared to
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death with. who with any sort of integrity would say even though i'm the president i will let you tell me what to do. i think what happened when he was elected his staff sat him down and said joe, can you either go down in history as president obama's sidekick or you can be franklin delano roosevelt and president biden's attitude is well i have principles and if you don't like i have others. >> laura: he has always been that way. >> i will take door number two. and so he runs as this moderate but, instead we get the first cousin of bernie sanders. and they think the american people are stupid, the american people, they may be poorer under president biden but they are not stupid. they get this. they see this. they look at the border. the crisis at the border is man-made. >> laura: why do you think they did it. >> that man's name is joe biden.
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>> laura: why did they do this? this was a purposeful effort. do you agree with me this is an attempt to remake the country? >> yes. i mean, you don't have to be men'sment material to figure that out. look at economy, healthcare, look our border, look at crime. look at our international relations, look at the war in ukraine. look at gaza. look at afghanistan. look at our relationship with iran. we haven't been this vulnerable as a country since well before the world wars when we were just trying to stay out of everything and then we got pulled in. and it's sad but it's fixable. it is fixable. but i believe this. i hate to be so cynical. i think the only place we're going to find a more secure border and a saner country is in the voting booth. i've given up on president biden. >> laura: senator kennedy great
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to see you. >> great to see you. >> laura: in studio of all places. he was offered hair spray and didn't take it? >> that's right. >> laura: a real man doesn't want hair spray. >> i'm not a hair spray guy. >> laura: no. no hair spray. >> laura: senator great to see you. thanks so much. the laptop from hell is back. big debut at hunter biden trial. the details next. ♪
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it is so obviously a russian operation. >> all of a sudden, two and a half weeks before the election, this laptop appears somehow. >> laura: well, only took four years for them to catch up to what we were saying bang then. well, today, after opening arguments in hunter's trial on gun charges, the prosecution introduced his laptop it was indeed hunter's. prosecutors went through multiple messages and videos all to prove that hunter was drugged out when he bought the gun and allegedly lied on those forms. joining me now jonathan turley, g.w. university law professor, fox news contributor. professor, with all the evidence
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today, what do you think hunter's defense team is going to do to try to thwart it? >> well, it's one of the most curious trials i have ever seen unfold because there really isn't a defense here. i mean, the form is quite straightforward. it asks are you a drug user? and basically, the trial began with hunter biden being called to testify against hunter biden. i mean, they read from his book that said that he was an addict that he was at times taking a hit of crack every 15 minutes. and not only that, but they -- the prosecutors went ahead and introduced evidence that blew away the defense that was just suggested to the jury. because the defense said that he didn't knowingly lie on the form and suggested that he might have just been drinking heavily during that period and using drugs. but they have a text from the very next day in which is he
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trying to reach a character named mus mikey to get drugs bed a high school sports stadium then after that he tweets is he doing drugs on the hood of a car. all of those locations are a couple miles of the courthouse. >> laura: well, those are interesting names for drug scores. the jurors in this case, jonathan, seem to be, according to one account, pretty bored. they were increasingly bored with the first witness's testimony, which is largely focused on hunter biden's audio book version of "a beautiful thing" some jurors were slumped over their chairs and had their heads in their hands as hunter's narration was heard in court. is that a problem for the prosecution or to be expected? >> sort of reflected the book sales and the jury had same
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reaction. >> laura: convicted of a bad book. >> this comes down to a check on a form of a very clear question and so if you are going to apply the evidence and the law the case ended 30 seconds after it began. that's the telling issue. why wouldn't hunter biden plead guilty to avoid or at least reduce the chances of his going to jail when he doesn't have a plausible answer here. it may be a jury nullification. they are hoping the jury will be sympathetic over his struggle with addiction and his book really has very powerful sections. they are quite moving where he talks about how this took over his life. also this is wilmington, the hometown of joe biden. they may be hoping that those two factors can come into play to get jurors to look beyond the evidence and beyond the law
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either for a hung jury or an outright nullification. and having the first lady in that courtroom sitting behind hunter really brings that home this is in fact biden town. here the jury poll is amazingly good for the defendant. and so is the next jury pool in los angeles for the tax charges. >> laura: trump gets hosed on that and biden gets the cream of the crop for the sympathy. professor, great to see you. thank you. all right, coming up, wait, this can't be. biden actually tried to fight a reporter or tried to, what? details, next. ♪
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>> laura: "time" magazine
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profile of joe biden was devastating. they admitted that he was quiet and scatter shot and noted his ad advancing age and broad experience. "time" also observed that biden had a stiff gate, muscled voice and fitful sin tax and cut a striking contrast with the intense loquacious figure who served as senator and vice president. oh, fitful sin tax. that's a new angle favorite. i'm going to to steal that at one point he joked biden did about throwing down when he was pressed about his age, biden telling the interviewer, can i take you. maybe he should ask those ufc guys who hosted trump about that. >> donald trump is in the building and the former president is getting a stofingsg ovation from the assembled masses. >> laura: joining me now
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conservative columnist chris bedford. the biden campaign needs to make this about trump, clearly, is it working? >> not so far it. worked first time when it was just joe biden as possibly being his grandfatherly healing person who hadn't been in the limelight for four years before that was just vice president. and the american people were willing to buy during covid that donald trump, who had been fighting in every corner was someone who they could just put behind and things would get back to it. this is alley strange election for modern times where you can't just lie to the voters. people know what it's like to have four years of donald trump. four years of joe biden. so, even though joe biden wants to make this about donald trump, the voters go to the grocery store, looking at the bank accounts, paychecks, that's not going to work for them. >> laura: still lying about inflation, which is staggering. he was pressed about price surges. he said wage increases have exceeded what the cost of inflation, which you are talking about as the prices that were pre-covid prices which are not the same. then he went on to to blame corporations for ripping off the public.
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now, "time," to its credit, later noted that the cumulative inflation has outpaced the wage growth throughout the presidency, which is the salient point here. that's devastating. still one and two in the top concerns. >> not working in the white house. trying to keep on telling people they are not getting the message. that's not working. telling folks a lot of jobs getting hired. unless you are a immigrant you are not benefiting. telling folks they are getting a raise. people know when they are getting a raise. people know when they go to the grocery store that they're having to buy different kinds of cuts of meat. having to choose their dinners differently. they are having to go out less and take their kids out less. the white house can't message out of that. >> laura: we put this up. fox news has him up 1 points on the economy. quinnipiac 12, marquette 21. abc 14. >> that's awful. awful news for joe biden. >> laura: how do you win the presidency with those numbers. >> they keep trying to put in new questions into the polling machine to see if they get different results. they are not getting different
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results over and over again on the policy, equipment, fitness and age. even though same age joe biden is losing to donald trump with voters. they keep on leaning back on likely voters. i think we will see a lot of new ones this time. >> on the issue of immigration he tried to do the big pitt today. kind of. made no sense. this was stunning. when he was asked about lifting the trump era immigration measures, you would think maybe well we were too quick on that. instead he said if i was wrong, it's because istook too long to lift remain in mexico, 212. all the other things that actually worked. >> things that completely broke down. that's why you saw this announcement from the white house as opposed from the border which the white house would have very much like to have done. if you went down to the border you would see mayors democrats and republicans saying this president has put our town in danger. illegal immigration is out of control. >> laura: still worrying about suburban women. apparently suburban women want to vote for decline and unsafe streets and open border.
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abortions in mississippi. abortion on demand in mississippi and louisiana but i will take declining income is that will they will vote for. >> i'm worried a lot of the same voters who get angry about mean tweets convicted felon this white house will push over and over again even though it was a kangaroo court. >> laura: they were never there when the country needed them to challenge biden on the border or run away spending. vulnerable democrats are now trying to appear as if they are distancing themselves from biden. according to axios, dems in tight races are focusing on abortion rights, maga extremism, inflation, the border and local issues. but anything except president biden. joining me now byron york, chief political correspondent at the washington examiner. fox news contributor. byron, you have been doing great stuff writing about this exposing it. now, why would jon tester, bob casey, in pennsylvania, and sherrod brown skip the big biden border announcement? why wouldn't they show up?
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>> because they want to get reelected. i mean, they are the most vulnerable senators in the u.s. senate. by the way jacky rosen wasn't there. tammy baldwin wasn't there. bob casey, jon tester. a lot of people actually skipped this because it just highlights everything that biden has done wrong about the border. and the fact that it was his doing. you can't blame trump. you can't blame somebody back in history. it was joe biden's doing. >> laura: now, during the first two years of the biden administration, when so much of the madness was underway. where was someone like a jon tester? he always has that crop top hair cut. he tries like the tough farmer guy. i'm just like you. i'm a regular. but look at these numbers. 98% he agreed with biden. 98% both years. on the big issues he was there with biden. >> that is relative independence for a number of democrats because some of the other democrats were 99% and
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100 percent. >> laura: ever give speeches on joe biden on what is happening in the border. >> they condemned the border wall. [laughter] >> republicans that wanted to build that. >> laura: never condemned what biden was doing on the border. never. >> bob casey said that trump's immigration rhetoric was racist. they said we have to. >> laura: there is casey 100 percent. only 100 percent he ever got in school. 100 percent and 99%. these aren't moderates. the whole moderate democrat line is a lie. >> they defended this idea of asylum. that the united states has to offer asylum to anyone who can illegally cross into the united states. >> laura: tammy got 99. she gets the a.p. credit for that one. 99% for both 22. >> look independent. >> laura: oh, wait, rosen, we are going in for good measure. i love these graphics by the way. nevada, 97, she a true moderate in the democrat party. is this -- does this work in a time where so many people are down on this economy and.
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>> no. >> laura: extremely frustrated about inflation, home buying? >> the biggest number is joe biden's job approval rating. i just checked it in the real clear politics average of polls, it's 40.3%. and in the polling era, no president running for re-election, has come from 40% in june of the election year to win in november. it just doesn't happen. he has got so far to go. and you have to remember, the 40% is you have been talking about how low his ratings are for handling immigration or for handling the economy, the 40% includes things that he does well on, like healthcare or abortion. i mean, he is way, way under water. >> laura: all trump needs to do in debate is not take the bait. and don't respond in a way that the suburban mothers wouldn't like. just what's your record? >> about the suburban women that chris was talking about, it is still a really close election. >> laura: nationally. >> the national numbers are
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extremely close. and if you look at the swing states, georgia, arizona, nevada, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, especially those northern states are really, really close. and trump has to win at least one of those. >> laura: yeah. well, i think brian kemp has got to get out there and win this for trump in georgia. >> looking better for trump in georgia. >> laura: 2028 he won't have a chance. >> good to be here. >> laura: grilled over the left's lawfare against donald trump. the explosive sound, next. ♪
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we have made clear we will not provide audio recordings from which the transcripts that you already have were created: releasing the audio would chill cooperation with the department in future investigations. and it could influence witness's answers, members of this committee and the oversight committee are seeking contempt as a means of obtaining for no legitimate purpose. sensitive law enforcement information that could harm the integrity of future investigations. >> laura: republican lawmakers went after attorney general merrick garland over his ongoing refusing to release audio from president biden's interview with special counsel robert hur. well, the house judiciary committee was also looking for
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answers from garland on the former president trump's felony conviction last week. joining me now is texas congressman chip roy, member of the house judiciary committee. congressman roy, they have given us the transcript of the biden interview. so, why do you all need the tape? >> well, first of all, we want to be able to see the demeanor of the president when that was, in fact, the primary rationale for special counsel hur in saying he wasn't going to pursue charges against the president. when i was engaging with the attorney general, i asked him point blank, i said, look, did you all claim privilege when it came to the actual transcript? he, of course, said no, they didn't. but he had already just testified. literally moments before, that the transcript is the same as the audio. that the only distinction really goes to the heart of the demeanor of the president. but, when the demeanor of the president is at the core of why the special counsel said hey, i'm not going to pursue the charges, then it leaves you with only ability to, you know, take something away from it was that they are going after president trump because they were saying
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he is mentally facility to be able to stand trial but that president biden is not mentally fit to stand trial. we think we ought to be able to see the audio. look, we think the demeanor is what he said it is, fine. if there is no issue, fine. we ought to be able to see it. it's an impeachment inquiry. we have the right to see it as members of congress. >> laura: garland was asked about potential coordination between the doj and the d.a.'s offices. watch this. >> will the department of justice provide to the committee all documents, all correspondence between the department and alvin bragg's office and f fani willis' office and letitia james office. >> the offices you are referring to are independent offices of state. >> i get that i get that. >> will you provide those communications? >> make a q we will refer it tour outside of of legislative affairs. >> here's the thing you come in here and lodge this attack that it's a conspiracy theory that there is coordinated lawfare against trump. >> laura: congressman, your reaction?
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>> yeah, matt did a great job there in engaging with the attorney general. it's very clear what is going on here. right? you have the deputy to the third ranking member of the attorney general, the doj office. goes and works with the district attorney in new york to then target former president trump. and then you see now this kind of level of coordination but the attorney general doesn't want to respond to that he just simply wants to say oh no, those are state offices, i can't comment on that. yes, you can. matt was exactly right. if you are in communication with those offices, you can answer those. if you are going to claim that it's conspiracy theory, then just dismiss all of that by saying look, here are all our communications. we weren't actually accord nation with those offices. bull! everybody who can watch this sees that it's a politicized attack on the former president. look, i haven't always agreed with the former president. you haven't always agreed with the former president. the former president is being targeted and attacked by this department of justice but also leftist throughout the country and bragg's office.
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doing it for political reasons. it's undermining the rule of law. i gave a speech on the rule of law what sets our country apart? think care about norms, constitution, all racist and has to be replaced and indignant responses today were not at all surprising. congressman, great to have you on. thank you. now, should you return your shopping carts? and why are millennials turning to the stars for advice? jimmy failla on all that and more, next. ♪
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine.
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have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. now, with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me.
4:54 pm
perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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>> laura: time for the wtf tag joining me now, the host of fox news saturday fox news saturday night. are ready oklahoma police officer, i think doing his best impression of a kool-aid man, chasing his car thief is keeping on foot, watch this.
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>> don't move! don't move! get on the ground! get on the ground! >> wow. [ laughter ] listen, really, really cool. dangerous. as a new yorker i'm jealous their cops are allowed to rest people but shout out to him for the workout and this is a reminder, we can joke about this but it's a reminder how important the cops are, don't ever forget, democrats wanted to defund the police but they did not do it because biden thought of the police were british rock band. >> laura: keeps getting his royalties. all right jimmy, one mom right now is divining the internet over something she will not do. watch. >> on not getting my groceries into my car, getting my children into the car and then leaving them in the car to go return the cart.
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>> my gosh... before jamie do you return your courts? >> of course you do, returning the car to is at the door test, remember back in the day we do not have power locks? if you unlock somebody's door and they did not reach over to unlock yours while you were walking, it's considerate person. i know what's more annoying, that she doesn't return the card or she neat -- feels the need to issue a proclamation like she is a revolutionary. on like a rebel! whatever. it's ally, some drunk he will probably steal it anyway but she is a joke. >> laura: first of all, the worst is when you can't get a parking space because everybody's carts are in the parking space. >> and a straight card hits her car, screw people like that. these are the worst people. >> laura: a recent poll jimmy shows at millennial's on really really turning to astrology,
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that is our religion. 81 percent are using it for relationship guidance, 79 percent for self-care. and health, 65 percent for life choices, 65 percent for career advice. what are the stars telling you tonight? >> it does differ by gender, 40 percent of women want of women want to date a guy who was his name's side as some -- sign is on, 90 percent of men want to date a girl who was easy. you can throw all the sign stuff out the window nobody cares, moral of the story does a lot of people who need direction in life, a lot of broken people. rather them go to a psychic and then go to crazies like the woman on tiktok so i guess i have to cosign this. >> laura: by the way, when you go to if today is a birthday, you can always find something that is accurate. how do they write those? it is always something, a humourous side, like long walks on the -- there's always something. you think puppies are cute.
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did a good job. washington post executive editor step down to this week, following -- following a 77 million-dollar loss last y year, the post writers were upset over the lack of diversity the sea at the top. they do not care part of the financial crisis, these and will how many people did you interview for the top job? and it's like are you listening to me? fanatics! >> that is a part of me that is not want to the posterior goa because millions of cat owners will lose them into line with their litter box with. i'm kinda rooting for the cat owners in this equation. >> nobody's reading you, by who did you interview for the top job? jimmy, great to see you as always. don't forget, catch jimmy on the road he'll be in dallas this patty and jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters prime time, tonight. >> mr. trump: >> preside b


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