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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 4, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: tonight's video of the day is the son of tennessee congressman he stole the show by making funny faces during his dad speech in the house floor yesterday, take a look. >> we'll be served remember the long and tourist tradition we have in this country of settling political differences at the ballot box. for nearly two and a half centuries our nation's elected leaders have properly resisted the temptation to oppose their political rivals. >> sean: you have to love children, never missed an episode, don't forget fox nation special let not your heart be troubled and great will put a smile on your face, have a great night. [ cheering ] [ ♪♪ ]
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>> greg: thank you. thank you. [ cheering ] good night everybody. [ laughter ] happy tuesday everyone. arizona man who owns the guinness world record for the world largest collection of fossilized these has opened a museum to show off his findings. and after dna testing the samples they've tracked down the original source. hundred biden trial is off to a fast start with the jury picked just a single day. i guess he must be sharing his cocaine. because he's not sharing it with you.
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the jury includes six women prompting hundred and what they charge by the hour. some congressional democrats are trying to distance themselves from biden as they prepare to campaign for november. also gaining distance from biden an injured turtle. i know we had an injured turtle for the photo. >> recipes. >> feminist offer author claimed castration maybe the key to males living longer. men who can afford drinking at the same results from marrying a feminist author. more trouble at the washington post as the editor steps down following last year's $77 million loss. they're also changing their slogan from democracy dies in darkness to failure to pay her light bill results in darkness. pat will bid farewell to the
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wheel fortune on friday. i get the feeling he's happy to go when he asked the audience to solve this puzzle. [ laughter ] authorities said that a woman that was pronounced dead at her nursing home was found alive two hours later at the funeral parlour. she claims she was just getting her hair done. hunter biden's criminal trial has begun charged with lying about his drug use on his federal gun application, there's no argument that he did a. 's case is more open and shut in the trapdoor and judge janine's office. compared to that trump's case where the charges still cannot be explained. disaster local democrat. >> what crimes he committed?
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>> financial crimes. it was white collar crimes. >> which one. >> he was convicted on it. >> was the crime. >> new york state law. >> what is the crime. >> he just got convicted on 302 counts. >> of cooking the current vote. >> you will -- you are not allowed to use her own financial money to pay off somebody and then logged it as something different. he logged it as just a regular payment but it was actually paying off this porn star to keep quiet which is not been running for president would not have mattered but he was so packed it campaign finance laws the new york state. i'm no expert. >> you are no expert. that's a federal law.
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>> greg: let's prepare than i was for my colonoscopy. who knew you're not supposed to eat four pieces. >> para that biden's charges, the facts are clear there's video evidence of his drug use while brandishing the gun, it's opposite from the trump trial as you can get. yet i admire their defence. he lied about the drugs. because he was on drugs. and it's our fault to trust a drug addict to fill out paperwork. and i can't lying on applications big it's like when i have to fill out a medical form and ask you how many drinks you have a day. and i go, what time is it now. but if this works all crimes like drunk driving are subject to the same reasoning care but it's not really about hunter, it's joe in that laptop. hunter might be involved with family bribes but joe was involved in the bribes, gets more kicks back -- kickbacks in
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a perverted horse farm. while trump had a face a new york jury that decided on a few skilled back in 2016, hunter goes to trial and his daddy's front yard and oddly joe made sure to visit the ask. delete seven. maybe he wanted a bangor two. [ applause ] although it's hard win his nurse won't leave the room. but she's one of the main witnesses against hunter and hunter's dad, the current president happen to visit, i'm sure it's not so they can get their story straight because as we all know by now no one is above the law. and i'm sure during this visit hunter never came up. after all that could be witness tampering. and remember he finished top of his class in law school. right after he led the d-ring rate to freeman's -- nelson mandela. and crawled to the jungles of
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papa new guinea with a knife between his teeth to save his uncle from cannibals. so now dad and his son are suddenly taking a long rides together. which is heart warming since he's not used to writing anything that does not have a ukrainian accent. but that photo is a message. it's delaware and i'm the president and i can always call the irs. said they see the contrast nailed on made a blog because if he was in biden was able to escape real laws because he was. none of us could have done what hunter did and made it even three months. neither be arrested or dead from keep talks. this has been a well-funded pampered and protected crime spree. the trials only happening now because hunter got messy joe can still pardon him. if his dad is not president has but would be closer to the chopping block than when i had
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my butt reduced. i like to say the fixes in but hunter might misinterpret the meeting and ran to his dealer's house. he can't pay any editors are the mothers of his children that his dad barely knowledges but he can afford a sweet crib in malibu with secret service protection funded by you in me. the same federal government paying 30 grand mouth -- months for a house with secret service king guard's mansion, closely paying 20 grand month for. i -- from a guy who held a job for years and these days he only produces paintings that look like something that i through up at a cake or in the nineties. the government is about as level as joe's craft medic adjustable bed. meanwhile you're saying this argument, you pro chapter say the system is bus. but he's being tried, the only reason he's being tried is not because of the justice stem,
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it's in spite of it. he got away with everything for years and why? he was a biden. no one who is not a biden would not make it something to learn that if you are republican bill and venue laws to punish you but if you are a democrat they avoid punishing realize that you broke until they can. father struggling with this on the diction, son dealing with addiction now on the road to recovery. the criminal redefined his victim, a common democrat trope. but it's designed to erase the real story, it's not hundred bears in his debt, it's a greeting pop exploiting his act offspring that happens to be a good earner. and the crack and made him a great one. the biden's, they are the family but with hair plugs. peddling insolence to cover the big guys 10 percent. >> let's welcome tonight's guests.
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the use of silence and want to shut ahmad, former operative and from a podcast, mike baker. [ applause ] she speaks eight languages. seven she just made up, cohost emily. it's hard for her to stay grounded when she weighs in so little, new york times best-selling author fox news contributor. and he trims his beard with an iranian helicopter, new york times best-selling author. [ cheering ] somewhere along the line i am sympathetic towards hunter and i have to ask you, when you applied for the cia, did you really tell the truth on your application? in this stain can you lie about. >> it's just between you and me?
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i didn't. and here's what i would say, it's pretty easy to do to tell the truth, i mean when you're filling out applications, the questions are not that hard i get what he's saying, fuse i was addicted at the time. so i cannot understand the question are you a drug addict. he's a smart guy, regardless of health problems. he's not an idiot. section you what he was doing, the contrast between what happened with trump and what's happening with biden could not clear. shrubs case they had an individual and then they went out looking for a crime. they spent a lot of time trying to piece together something that they could call a crime. biden had a crime that they washed over and now they are faced with this issue, we have to let it move forward for optics. we live in the stupidest times. >> that was the clearest answer you have given about anything.
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that was really good. i'm impressed. emily, the standard of drug addiction is so subjective. so he could say that i got the gun but i was not. if you're not a cure always an addict in itself reporting. he will defend? >> i don't think the semantics that are put forth in a specially perpetuated by the mainstream media will work here, especially went on day one of trial they played his audiobook were in his voice he said my superpower with that i could find crack cocaine anywhere, any time about the same year that he purchased the gun in line on the application after his attorney said he was not an addict at that time. at the end of the dates laid bare, not your addiction but that you're a liar. and that you're trying to con's here like you are trying to calm the application then. and i have to point out, just january of last year they put
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forth the whole press release same that federal prosecutors were committed to pursuing aggressively those who light on these gun applications and a lot of people went to jail. a lot of people went to jail for three months at a time, up to 10 years in prison. so i think there actually is parity here with the prosecution. but we need to see if followed through and his defences are not working but what makes me nervous is the display of the biden's and the courthouse. and joe biden, how is that not witness tampering. and joe biden put her arm around ashley and started to cry when they talk about a 12 day bender in skid row in la, the first ladies in a courtroom and you're trying to tell me that's not can have an impact on the jury? >> that's not witness tampering it's witness tampering. >> who cries about a bender? i'm sorry. >> greg: it's a great point. you have for showing up for choosing the jury pool which is
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very strange. but i have to go back. there's something about this but what they're getting them on that kind of bugs me. number 1, think about mass shooters. the young master uterus, they're not on weed, there are antidepressants. they're on adderall. how many people are guns on prescription drugs. >> you're going with adderall. >> through school shooter i'm not there with you. >> greg: you can make this argument about other drugs, is what i'm saying. >> or you can make the argument instead that it's not constitutional because the second amendment does not have an exception and it if you are addicted to something. >> greg: good. >> you can make that argument that his second amendment rights are being violated which would be funny to see joe biden essentially asking the courts to make that argument. >> the crime is the gun ownership but it's lying on the application shift. >> i'm saying you could argue
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that the question itself is not constitutional. >> greg: in-your-face, emily. >> i did not go to law school. >> it's a good argument. [ shouting ] it's good. >> how much did you pay for law school? >> not enough. >> stupid boston marcus feels right now. >> i was fired from ruby tuesday. >> avoid thanksgiving roger. >> greg: in all fairness it would be funny for biden to bring that up. but to be funny for conservatives to bring it up. >> like as you brought a big an addict is a subjective thing. and whatever you're addicted, it's very subjective. there are people do think that if you do take adderall and ritalin as prescribed that it makes you an addict. it's all subjective. their people who have very clearly serious problem and he's just having a good time. we know that guy. it's very subjective. and so very interesting because we've not heard anybody weigh in
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on that at all. to me that's the clear thing there. >> greg: it's an argument for or against free will. because he's basically saying you don't have free will when you're making these choices. rounded up for us. >> we're missing the major point here. >> again. >> we're all being set up because we know exactly what can happen. they're going to arrest the ghost writer for lying. he didn't write that [ bleep ]. he was high. when he bought the gun he was high. he was not an addict he was [ bleep ] high when he got the gun. then the have somebody come out, one of the constituents to let us know that what we just found out is crack is actually the missing part of the food chain. we'll help you and makes you brighter, smarter, the only thing it does is a mild memory loss when you check boxes. fda approved, crack streets
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breakfast, through cracking and get the date. with the. >> he tried to escape. we'll the tape. e affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops. voted america's best outdoor retailer. save even more and support conservation when you join the club.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> he turned on the worm made. she was not expected to get called. >> video the day comes from dave smith over the past comments on ivermectin during the pandemic. >> they don't want to take care of to go, joe ragan -- joe rogan got better, i don't like what people did the him. >> you didn't?
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>> find the clip. >> find the clips, you shame to joe rogan you said he's taking horse and you warmer, you and don lemon were chuckling about it. >> i'm not chuckling i'm listening. >> absolutely there appeared to be how they? >> injecting drugs for animals. and horror. >> people telling them to. what person. >> you talk about council culture and who to shame. ivermectin, warmer, really? >> they are shaming themselves. >> you're taking a dewormer right now. >> apologize for that. >> you are not being clear that it was this and you know that, you're being so dishonest right now you were talking about ivermectin the drug, not talking about this version of it. [ laughter ]
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>> cuomo is that while it might be used on horses it works for jack acids. >> it drives me nuts. i'm sorry. i know it's your turn. but. >> sean: imagine losing at all. and still being this boring pure you are fired, he has the option of taking the high road. now i've seen the light. and i apologize and i'm sorry. or he has the option of taking the vengeance a road in saying that they made me say this stuff. or i will help pressured to say this stuff. but to just be the same boring milk toast dude you've always been waiting you have the freedom of having truly lost it all. it's a horrible thing. but in one way only it's a gift and you can do whatever you want
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not even taking it, how boring are you. [ applause ] >> the reason i'm laughing so hard is that when i was researching and watching cnn i heard the opening at the time. my daughter said, chris looked like a milk inspector. but here's the thing. we are done with questions. enough is enough. when people are full of [ bleep ] and never stop being full of [ bleep ] the hardest thing to do is to remember that they're always putting in new [ bleep ]. and when you are full of [ bleep ] you never have time, you love this because i'm saying it, you can categorize [ bleep ]. you know what i'm saying? when they catch him on something and into thousand he said this. let me go through my [ bleep ]
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file. he doesn't remember because he just says things. he's not smart. he reads the teleprompter. he says whatever is going to give him the money and in front of the tv. facts, integrity, owner is pure [ bleep ] to him. >> sean: emily, the thing that kills me, and i think he's right. send find the clips. he just have no expectation okay we have one here. and then it wasn't don't ever sam outnumbered, find the clips. find it. >> what i love so much is that finally he did not have the power. he says find the clips, here you go. and they worked two guess on that show, he was not the one and a host see that could drive the train and continue with his elite pulpits bs that we are subjected to and other people subjected to as he and lemon would do their hands off, every
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night it was so pompous. in that same attitude, he dug and even with present with the clip you did not even say you got me. the narcissist, the pathological liar believe their own lines of the detriment of only guess there for him, all the people that he subjected them to and now he's just called the [ bleep ] out on television. >> greg: he didn't even have to apologize. all he had to say was i'm wrong. just sam wrong. >> we all denied stuff. show me the kids that are mine. [ applause ] and they all had my face. and i said hello, kids. >> greg: again to what they said, he assumed that because he doesn't care about what he says that we shouldn't care either. he just said, whatever doesn't matter. >> first of all i was going to
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be the only one who didn't swear during this segment. >> i think we broke a record. [ cheering ] >> there we go. that took us over the top. that is direct i always get this guy, cuomo confused with the guys smacking it on assume call. with cuomo the best part end dave smith, he and i look at the world a little bit differently on occasion. but we have different views. he's super smart. and he makes really interesting point a lot of the time. but what i enjoy about the interchange there before they ruled the clip boys with cuomo did start that he was in trouble and then said i wasn't chuckling. that was his best defence. now i see but you will see that
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i was not chuckling. even though i did everything else. >> has to we're meeting, look in the mirror in just go, okay. enough of this clap. i have to be honest, and one being honest you know i'm looking at you, you look like you fell out of a first-floor happy hour window. [ laughter ] doesn't he? [ laughter ] >> ain't that a kick in the head. >> greg: that was a complement. up next is the washington post toast. assistant, and stylist. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪
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shame. it's been here as long as i can remember. living in glances of people i loved. and ones i didn't even know. (♪) but what good is shame when it comes to health? health is not about what weight we lose. it's about all of the things a body can gain. (♪)
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>> greg: five words. employees get reality check. yesterday the washington post published told the newsroom that we are losing large amounts of money, your audience has have in
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recent adults. i don't use that verb lightly. people are not reading your stuff anymore. and then employees, while they're being told that there screwed they also said louis cannot expect to bring in new readers when she's abolished all diversity from the leadership so while they're being told that they are in trouble, the people that still have jobs go, what about diversity? >> that's what they said. they said that they had a problem that the leadership replaced the female with just another way man. and that he only got a good buy at 8:30 pm small paragraph and that they were scooped on that by the new york times. so i feel like this is one of those. >> self-fulfilling process -- prophecy. >> it's like a geometric term and it means that it goes around and around. >> circle jerk?
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[ laughter ] >> they lost half the viewers because they were too obsessed and because subscription costs. >> that they been pushing finally ate themselves, it's a lizard that each of its own tail. >> they bit the hand that fed them. [ laughter ] >> can i go? >> you can. >> you got 24 square words in the last block. but you know it's funny, it is kind of interesting that even as there being devoured, they're still questioning is it still gonna help us? >> it's a same problem that cuomo has. they don't think they're wrong on anything. somebody come in here and we had a meeting in this audience said, it's costing us $70,000,000,000.000000 or whatever it was. in there like, but there's not enough blacks in the audience,
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maybe that will make it better, you saw, it is a matter what you are doing, he's firing the wrong person she lost $70 million any year. even on crack that's hard to do. that's why she was like go. and their answers diversity, what every person who said that should have been also let go. you don't get a huge right off when you lose 70 million dollars. you lose $20 and your wife wants a divorce you. think about that you ten dollars and you go crazy. it's ridiculous. pages do not get it. they don't live, they live in their own bubble. you suck at riding. that's the issue. fire them all get people in there that can work, who cares what colour they are as long as they can write. >> the thing is is that there is one mission, it's a profit mission. but they developed a parallel mission which is diversity and then if that doesn't go into
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profits, you lose everything. >> they don't run on parallel tracks. processes just approves, that's all it is. and people discovered that it was an interesting business models you had a lot of grifters coming into it and created this industry. but that does nothing for shareholder value which is what the companies are now finding out. and that's why there's this rebalancing that's going on, we see it a lot, i run in intelligence and security firm for all your business in intelligence needs. [ shouting ] and we work with corporations. and there's a lot of internal debate going on that you would not imagine be taking place two years ago but they're starting to question and the efficiency of it,. >> they are banning it. >> yes. so they are abandoning it like the people you shoot in the words.
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>> you don't abandon them you bury them. >> you know it is great, that they were expecting jeff basit was that owns the washington post to continue this mad experiment but then even a billionaire doesn't like to lose $77 million. >> it doesn't really matter how much money your company loses, the most important thing is that a white man is not in charge. that was their argument. i think that just in general having to pay to read articles is something that most people are not wanting to do, i think people. >> we are immediate gratification that if there's an extra staff, you have to login again. accardo. people are not doing that unless the other side of the pay wall somebody's naked. >> exactly. >> i should not have said exactly to that. >> he answered really quickly. >> only fans is thriving. jamaica look like you're thinking immediately. [ shouting ]
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[ ♪♪ ] [ applause ] >> i agree. is her reason smart for not putting away her cart? the second video of the day comes to us from california. mom and psychologist posted on tiktok that she refuses to return her shopping carts. roll it. >> i'm not returning the shopping cart. and you can judge me all you want. i'm not getting my groceries into my car, children into the
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car and then leaving them in the car to go return the cart. so if you're gonna give me a dirty look [ bleep ] office. >> greg: she's perfect for this show. [ laughter ] i'm gonna get her on. she posted up a follow-up video explain why. >> may 31st and 6 million people have freaked out over nam returning my shopping cart because my kids are in the car. i want to give you some stats. last year 265 children were abducted in parking lots in america. as a single mom returning the shopping cart you are primed for predator to watch and grab you. >> greg: kids have been getting abducted from parking lots clean i've been wasting my time at the zoo. [ laughter ] looking for those poor missing children. how dare you laugh at that punchline. what would you choose your cart or kid? >> which kid?
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[ laughter ] >> what would you do? >> i'm not a mother. but i do have eyes. and i happened to notice, where are the kids of whom she speaks. they are not in the car, are they in the trunk? >> greg: maybe they are tiny kids. >> that's my only question. how old are these kids? but also i'm not seeing them. i'm not seeing the kids, multiple kids in the back for some reason? alone? >> there is nothing. and she's angled it. listen. there's no stats for someone to just being a terrible person. lazy person will make up any excuse to say the reason why they do not do something. she is saving her children from that. but you're talking while you're driving. which and what are the stats on that? one of my closest wrestling
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friends, not there anymore, him and i, nothing bothers us more about a human being that does not put their cart back. it says so much about you, how you plan, your integrity takes three seconds. and here's a crazy idea. teacher kids to put the cart away with you. because then they learn responsibility, usually the thing you hear from these lazy troglodytes, i can't because, i have to be clever. we hear from them is if i put the cart away than the cart guys will lose their jobs. so they will always make stuff up. and my -- i am the number 1 customer. if i see a straight cart i go get it. and let me see somebody not put their cart away. i'll be like, are you american or communist, put it away and help out do you're part. >> she said it was a 12 minute walk, maybe don't park at home. >> greg: you know what.
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i am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because she's kind of hot. so i know that what they are saying are legitimate. but she is attractive. very nice eyes. >> i thought the same thing. who is this hideous person that i watch the clip and thought that she's got a point. [ laughter ] >> she looks -- no tear ducts. >> two things can be true at the same time. you can have security concerns in parking lots if you're mom with kids, no doubt about that. it can be problematic, you have to use your instinct and think about where you are and be aware of your surroundings and the other thing is is that you can beat you rotated. and can have a drain on what we do in our daily lives because we're talking about her now. and she expected us to be talking about her and that's why she does this. i'm with you. nothing pleases me off more than
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carts just randomly left. i pulled into a spot one time and i was drawn. -- i was drunk. >> i was with you up till then. >> i hit a shopping cart that somebody had left in the parking lot. in the parking space. i think my hatred is on your level. >> it says so much about who you are as a person. >> let me get emily in here. it occurs to me with these home grocery delivery systems, amazon, walmart. it's making it really hard for kidnappers looking for kids in parking lots who speak for the kidnapper. is that you? are you willing to stand up for the kidnapper who is missing out on opportunities in parking lots? what say you, emily? >> i think i will politely decline that representation at that moment. maybe another time i'll take it
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up. i have to return the shopping cart. every cell in my body would explode if i did not return the shopping cart. there are certain things that you have to do. i could not sleep at night if i did not return it. that's number 1. number 2, i feel that if it was that paramount, if the reason was so i'm protecting my kids here, would you make it tiktok video? and would you even say [ bleep ] to the girl giving you the dirty look? i think you'd be like, it does not even dignify a response because i know i'm protecting children in this moment. i'm not gonna waste my time because these guys are idiots giving me crap about it. and also, if it was such a problem and epidemic then everybody would not return it. so many people out there shopping our moms with kids. so it seems like she's the outlier, not us for saying you were rude for not returning it. >> greg: we have to move on. it was a scintillating discussion.
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my point matter most. up next should men kiss their genitals goodbye if they do not want to die? heat makes it las. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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>> five more words. line castration makes you live longer, mike.
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men can increase their lifespan by getting castrated. that you consider this for a few more good years? >> no. but according to the earlier statement if mentioned kiss their genitals goodbye we'd never leave the house. and button no. if my option -- that's not true. i have a family and i love my family dearly. so i was about to say, if i had option castration or [ inaudible ] i'm not gonna say that because i'd be stupid. but much like this research that happens. i saw the headline that you sent, i did not even read the article. >> greg: you know what, i'm not surprised. what about you? would you consider. >> no! [ laughter ] >> greg: what if you were 90? >> i'd be 90 with my balls going out. [ cheering ] do you not understand.
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this country was built on balls, greg. the balls to leave england, to come here, the balls to build this stuff. what you think triggers to run into that fire? goals. who decides to make mike baker fight 77 minutes country, boalsburg you want to cut that off because you want to be around me? you want to castrated man with extra life is like? show him. >> were standing on the balls. [ cheering ] >> when they go, i go. i'm good with that. >> greg: do you think this research would make the news if it was a male scientist suggesting that a woman get her balls removed? [ laughter ] >> that's not out of the range of questions nowadays. >> greg: i rest my case. >> yes.
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i just file, i don't know, i feel like men throughout history have followed their balls to file -- far worse places than death. >> greg: that's a great idea for t-shirt. follow your balls. can somebody make that? follow your dreams with a rainbow -- don't do a rainbow. follow your balls. but two little balls bouncing along. that's a great idea. follow your balls, if i was valedictorian that's what i would say. follow your balls! >> which is the same as full your passion. >> greg: emily, and think about all that male to female transsexuals who went the whole 9 yards, so to speak. they'll be a lot of old transsexuals in the rest homes. >> but still not gonna procreate so they're going to be like those in more fist creatures and cocoons, the ones that came from
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the light. >> greg: i never saw the ending. >> it's just a wood you rather. would you rather live longer in hell or would you rather live a shorter lifespan. >> i like to see what it's like to have balls. is that it option? >> it so is an option. >> greg: follow your balls. if i could tell all the children -- no. if i could tell all the young people out there graduating. >> that's not better. >> greg: graduating from college. >> and are of adult age. >> greg: follow your balls. >> not minors. you're not giving advice to minors. >> greg: let's you're working in the coal industry. don't go away right back. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! were six, seven pounds. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help.
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metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down... so you can lighten every day the metamucil way. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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8:00 pm
[ applause ] >> greg: that is our time, 'fox news @ night' with trees gallagher is next. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher, 8:00 here i


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