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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: hello everybody and
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jesse watters with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford junior, dana reynaud and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is 'the five'. wait a second, joe biden now has the power to fix the border? less than 5 miles it was a big i was crying to the whole world how he has done all he can on to blame for allowing millionse of illegals to waltz into our country and calls all sorts of chaos. biden sound his hands as migrants took advantage weaning of cops in times square then flipping the bird to americans when caught. just outside migrants were taking the selfies at a border wall in california. with an election five months away, joe biden changed his hard. >> president biden: today i will be passing my executive authority of able to me as president to do what it can or my own to address of the border. announcing actions to bart migrants who cross our southern
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border unlawfully from receiving a solemn, simple truth is, is a worldwide migration crisis and of the united states is not secure our borders is known limited to the number of people who may try to come to come here because it is no better place on the planet than the united states of america. >> jesse: as of may night of the board will be shut down for the first time since donald trump was in the oval office, that's because the move effectively blocks asylum request once the average number of daily encounters hits 2500. but that is peanuts to what we're saying right now. but do not be fooled, the so-called crackdown that was still permitted a minimal a 1.8 million new arrivals into america every year, even if enforced properly. so why is joe acting now? cnn's hasn't some clues as. >> immigration is the nations topic, back in may of 2020, 1 percent of voters said it look
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at where we are to date may of 2024, last poll conducted, it's about 18 percent back in june of 2020. joe biden was doctor troster the more on the question of border security and immigration by single point. good where we are in it may of 2024, my goodness gracious, look at those huge jump that donald trump has gone. is now ahead on this issue by 27 percentage points. >> jesse: judge jeanine, a lot of loopholes executive order. ray happy he took action are is it too little too late. >> judge jeanine: out will be one of the positive people in serena slam so glad he decided he had the power that he did not think he had and it took him five months to figure it out. have the feeling that joe biden really knew he had the power because you issued an executive order getting worried of donald trump's orders that kept the border more secure. and rbc what you've got is you
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repeatedly needed congress and now that immigration is the number 1 issue for i guess it was few months in a row, has been at number 1 and i think it's 24 kind 27 years. he knows he is five months to make this right. between us chickens here, and i mean that in a very positive sense. >> jesse: give me the benefit of the doubt. >> judge jeanine: between us chickens kind 2500 a day means the borders not closed. it means that what joe biden is doing now is he standing up and saying i've got a secure border now americans, you should be happy. but we all know, maybe biden and mallorca is, enacted 64 executive orders to keep the border open. so i guess it kind of how data order in their back pocket. it said this is purely political, the truth is of the cartels are still going to be in charge of what's going on at the border. and they will still be throwing
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babies over fences and i really think, tried to understand why this was done and the first instance, this horrible white gold and white supremacy, notes like verdure signaling, we are over that, will let everybody come in, we will make sure everybody has a place in the united states and we will absolve ourselves of our guilt and let them all come in. i think what's happening in america since of the pandemic, covid-19, with the 8-10 million illegals is just terrible. because american citizens are paying the price they should not have to pay, minority communities are being subjugated to the needs of the migrant community, and was it just yesterday two cops taught by a guy from venezuela who crossed illegally right two cops were short, one into the chest one and the like, but purely joe biden made 250,000 illegals
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amnesty by saying they don't give that might have a criminal records and then out of national security threat. there's no real closing, there is no real finality. it's just let them all in. >> harold: afterward you how many times he had at the paul racette we pointed to the statue, congress gave them the power he said no. jesse watters does not have the power, needs congress. who was right? >> harold: first of all is good to be back. both partially right. first let's give him credit today. he has done i think all he possibly can with an executive order, and president trump in fairness to him did a lot with the executive order. donald trump promised in a campaign he would build a wall, he built about 40 miles, he promised mexico would pay for it, mexico did not pay for it. i'm not faulting him but there is an order of everything we wanted to happen at the border, it takes congressional approval
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and partnership to do it. that will give with president biden the benefit of the doubt, that he is doing everything you can. that republicans worked on administration, it was rejected. why don't give them the president of the doubt he should have done this earlier. dana knows probably as well as anybody, working in the white house, of policy -- policy formation is fluid and one of the most powerful factors that contribute is politics and the most powerful elements, politics is an election. no doubt being a few months out, to the point around the table about this issue, the fact that we are coming up on an election is certainly influencing this. i do not fault people for their move by the voters. i accept what the judges excepting,, could we have a more? yes, but i believe the only way we get more is of congress
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helps. this is by no means a comprehensive solution, it will take congressional buy-in for the fentanyl and human trafficking to go down, terrorist across a border to go down. we were both right. >> jesse: i will take it. the politics of this dana, there were some no-shows today, some democrats did not really want to be involved in this. >> dana: all of her reelection, positions right now, though slightly ahead and the republican challenges. they don't want to mere biden because they know the constituents are looking out of those numbers cnn were showing like oh my goodness, look at those! that's how those people in those states feel inputting arizona, pennsylvania and wisconsin. and montana, sorry. harold said that policies are fluid and politics are, is just like a couple of things but mike 2017 at when all of this anger at president's policy came to bear, right?
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2016, the democrats had nothing about asylum and there convention, they did not talk about it at all. trump gets in the office, you makes decisions and oh my gosh, now the democrats have to protect all the people of the world. they promise in their 2020 platform that they will protect people and reversed trump's policies. wooded biden goon his -- and his first two weeks, that is what he did. he owns all of it. and another thing about today, you so protective, not having to deal with anything -- are you making fun of me. [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: just making faces. >> dana: agri-food something was happening. biden is so protected from all of this, he invites all him and his blue city mayors, never worked in politics, just assented. then you get to basically pass bills with billions of dollars, never have to worry about riding a check for $750 to go for this playground in this constituents, and local government is the hardest, i imagine a lot of them
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were sitting there saying, okay,, i'm here because you kinda forcing me to be here, whether they know that the problems in their communities are caused by the decision and 2020 to reversed trump's policies and other trying to blame the republicans. it's really quite something to say and i don't think it will work politically with those numbers. >> harold: give us a global view here, big picture. >> greg: i'm a big picture guy, you know what this reminds me of, caliph -- frame inflation, the prices go up but slower? we have to remind ourselves, it's still going up. we should be calling this illegal inflation, were this proves that we already knew, you like that? >> dana: i did before that's good. election have consequences, the consequences of polities and jeopardize elections. that's one that only care about you, and pretend to abandon all of their luxury beliefs for now.
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so whether it's social justice agenda, de i, climate change of session, there embracing sanctuary cities, and of course supporting joe biden. all of that he could probably do in better times when things weren't already in ruins due to four years of luxury beliefs and that's the paradox. and good times, democrats make it bad because it's less noticeable during good times. joe biden himself is a luxury hobby gig just like defunding the police, denying inflation, and supporting ukraine. we can support your own family, you can support illegal families any can't support wars across the globe so don't ask anymore. we are all done, drum however is not a luxury belief. action costs you to support him. you know? it sick when you come out for trump you endure the acrimony of people that you work with, people quizzically are smarter than you, and its exit short
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term response to a longer-term problem. you go to the gym, but it pays off later where hearts at first. that's how you look at trump. you get trump is a tough decision that helps you in the long term and when you do it is brave because you are in during the emotional wrecks of those who will mock you would when you support donald trump you realize you are not in luxury times. in luxury beliefs because these bad times. and the dems won't help you. and their luxury beliefs they don't care about the border. right? they don't care what crime. they do not care about you. that's my point being, this was just an action based on caring about an election, in the election looms, you are doing. it's not about you. >> judge jeanine: can i add one stab at? apparently there is a polar showed that 56 percent of americans think that of the should be rounded up and deported. that is a huge number.
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and that is serious. >> harold: we have an opportunity to embrace of this if the republicans are so strongly -- >> jesse: how dare you show your face out here, democrats have one more than republicans. >> judge jeanine: touche! harold. >> harold: hunter biden speaks of his gun trial, when i what happens, next. [ ♪♪ ] here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> greg: org pending arguments at hunter biden's gun trial opening up with a bang as the doj introduced the introduced the infamous laptop from hell into evidence, the macro pro 13 that was said to be phony
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russian dissent if it was a tangible piece of evidence today literally wrapped in plastic. [ laughter ] brought to the prosecution's first witness an fbi special agent authenticated to the jury. and other explosive moment, hunter opposed to sit and listen to the sound of his own voice as you played experts from his audiobook where he boasted about his crack had wisdom. >> crack takes into the darkest recesses of your soul and the darkest corners of every community. of garnet everywhere a bend in the last few months. i could get up plain in timbuktu and a score of eight of crack. >> greg: stop bragging. the same media that's elevated every detail of trump's harsh money trial not feel bad the vibrant how to deal with such embarrassing details. is an interesting comparison dana, because cad is a video? no? soundbite? nevermind. you will hear my voice and start. you have this natural comparison
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where you have people who can't even explain what trump was found guilty of but here, is actually explaining it. there's no way he's not guilty yet somehow the sympathies outpouring to him because he's not trump's to have it clear-cut even after the verdict, actually know, still does not make sense. and i think that what i noticed in this trial is that prosecutors came to play. they are really going hard at this, they are saying that they are going to make sure these charges stick and i was talking to the judge this morning, in the newsroom about if only they hadn't tried an overreach in his plea deal two years ago, this would not even be happening to them. ol. >> greg: hey, jesse. >> jesse: hey. >> greg: what he think of the argument you are seeing in social media, where the young people are, you are probably not familiar with it, the argument that the hunter trial shows you
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that trump's trial wasn't legit because of the scales are balanced, they're going after him to? what he sees to that difficult question? >> jesse: he was not getting home cooking, not -- they were in blue manhattan and they had to invest -- invented chargeback this case is a slamdunk, every thing lined up perfectly, have seen these jurors? >> greg: i've heard about of them. >> jesse: one adjourn childhood best friend die from a heroin overdose get a other has an alcoholic brother-in-law, and other juror pled guilty to a dui, other juror has an older brother at a ditch to pcp and heroin, wonders as you should be able to buy a gun if you smoking weed. and other juror working for the secret service and her husband is currently a secret servicemember, a lot of point, actually smiled and the alternates and obama donor. >> dana: edger of his peers. [ laughter ] >> greg: nice he done. >> jesse: you said, takes it
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to the darkest ways of your soul, made me want to do crack. >> greg: you know i don't do it. >> jesse: i won't do about your point is right about the prosecution, they were humiliated when the plea deal blew up. thing they will go hard and get a conviction bradley can actually get at the conviction and ask for no prison sentence and walk away from this bal balanced. i hate how the media talks about the biden family and the trump family. the way that father has love for hunter. this beautiful special relationship. is a crack head he pays for prostitutes. he schools out of alimony, the guy is a wretched, wretched human being. and the trump kids don't do drugs, they don't even smoke cigarettes. they are part of the family company, they have the beautiful families, and they talk about eric and donald likely our scoundrels, like trumpeters and he would like his own sons. it's ridiculous. when he raises sound, you are
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responsible for that sun, it's like raising a daughter it's different. [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: come on jesse! >> jesse: every fathered a sun knows what i'm talking about. you have two mold this child in to a man and that comes with responsibility, discipline, morality, and you have responsibility to send your son into the world as a responsible civilian. joe biden did not do that. >> judge jeanine: how about the girls, had a raise your daughter? >> jesse: i give them everything they want. [ laughter ] >> dana: know what you mean. >> greg: it sounded funny when it first came out. thoughtful analysis. let's go to herald for a tender pays? jesse makes a good point that it's like it seems like the biden's i getting good just a plethora of sympathy right? and they are playing the loving
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father and the sufferings and when really the story is hunter is the rainmaker for a green dad. that's how you described earlier in the green room. >> harold: so prosecutors bring cases where the crime was allegedly committed. the crime was committed in delaware so it makes sense what it is in delaware," they would have to bring it there. number to the defense or not bring the case against himself, that prosecution and defense had to agree on the juror. >> jesse: but he put his laptop back to the whole world. >> harold: he did not bring the case against himself guided the evidence to be brought was there. look i'm not -- what make is, prosecutors brought of this case number 2 juries, imagine if he has the jurors, imagine if he ask the jury pool here in new york and the kinds of questions you were asking to visit jury because it's relevant to this case a drug use, alcohol abuse, have you had this in your family? i would imagine those jurors would have people and their families who've experienced
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unfortunately the kinds of things like my family, it like i'm sure others have. number 3, 1 of the things i find refreshing about this and this is not to be totally critical of president donald trump, we will hear anybody attacking the judicial system, the judge or anything of that. you don't hear hundred biden, he's letting his lawyers do his job. what i heard today the words of hunter biden, i think we replayed what was played because you don't have any cameras or audio and the court room and we can have people texting out of the courtroom they get into the trump trial, those are damaging words. it seems to me to be prima face of their that the crime was committed. and i said from the very beginning he is innocent until proven guilty nephews proven guilty has to accept the consequences. i think he and his father and stepmother who he calls his mom will have to accept that and we'll have to wait and see.
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and trump was catered for falsifying business records. >> jesse: the reason he was saying that is because he is running for president, had to make his case. >> greg: and also, m. with you to respond to this, biden doesn't have to talk about it, he is the president and you visited one of the chief witnesses and then he goes bike riding with hunter knowing that is basically telling everybody in delaware you know, i'm here. >> judge jeanine: we are all one big family. you know what it is wonderful that we can actually watch the trial and know what the charges are right from the get-go. but i think that dana is right, the prosecutors didn't come to play, they have a full-court press. they wanted to find out whether or not they can cross-examine hunter on the front being thrown out of the military for the use of his cocaine, examine him on the lack of child support for linda roberts.
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and is curious now that we are hearing james biden is coming in, i don't know why the presidents bought -- brothers coming in, may be at character witness at. >> harold: hunter biden's attorneys are calling. >> judge jeanine: he would come as a character witness. was interesting as if he does come as a character witness, all bets are off. everything that hunter ever did is coming in and that would be a very interesting take. but it's the woman at the brink hunter biden down, who said that she will ship to go in the car to make sure there were no drugs in it, because her daughter was driving she went in and found drugs or crack pipe think 12 times. >> jesse: that's his ex-wife for those who don't know. >> judge jeanine: spacing, i appreciated. i do. thank you. katherine buhl who was his wife at the time found drugs and a crack pipe in the car. and his brother bo's wife apparently the president visited is somebody who can income to him as well. seas of the president, through
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it in the garbage across the high school. and of course london roberts coming in who is of the mother the child, the family did not want to recognize be! this is a very relatively simple case whether or not hunter is an addict and whether or not he knew what he was doing and the think is, denial of addiction out was in rehab and his own book yet she wrote, all of my energy in delaware on october ot alleges he made the application was around to smoking drugs, making arrangements to buy drugs and beating the beast that is right out of hunter's mouth. the circumstantial evidence with the laptop, is going to be damaging and i cannot imagine that the defense is going to win in this case. >> greg: alrighty then! coming up, one of the biggest liberal commentators mix of addiction about joe biden. [ ♪♪ ]
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my grandfather's run meyer the hatter for over 75 years now. 99 years old and he'd come five days a week if we let him. shape is great, the color's nice, that's a swell lid for you, baby! finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded, really struck a chord with my grandfather. i've never seen this before. look at it - where has this come from? all the stories that's he's been able to hand me throughout the years, for me to hand him that information.. you don't get that moment every day.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> judge jeanine: joe biden's turn to get his money's worth out of the democrats and he trample off very, telling a group of elite democratic donors and a fundraising last night for the very first time that american history, a former president it is a convicted felon is now seeking the office of the presidency. but even at liberal bill morneau is that l'affaire won't save joe biden in november. >> i would vote for his head in a drawer of blue liquid over donald trump. that does not mean that i'm not, first of all, and think it's a moot point at this point. is going to [ bleep ] when this. >> judge jeanine: okay jesse, 67 percent of the voters and say conviction will make no difference, or makes no difference, and that includes 7h
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i thought was shocking to three this is and moving the needle at all, so what he's convicted felon? democrats convicted him. demagogue judge, democrat prosecutor, it's all demagogue to scan. everybody knows that and if you look at the money, carriers in fundraising those, 200 million dollars? and he's had decided money for lawyers for the past year and a half. unease had to shovel out money to beat desantis and nikki haley, that he basically caught up to the biden warchest which is outstanding, that was biden's one big advantage was cash penmak that is gone. now they will be equal going into the summer when they got a debate coming up, an awful, embarrassing and would it goes trial, just a scoundrel. howard leasing at his laptop was fake one they are now using it in court to prove a crime? this whole think is coming undone and this stupid executive order is not going to save it.
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as bullet holes for the whole thing. you can still get him a judge, they can still say well, did not come in legally but we cannot repel you to mexico. they are still letting him into the country. this is all going downhill for joe biden, i don't see anything that can turn it around. >> judge jeanine: i think a lot of the democrats are holding out hope that at some of the republicans won't vote for trump but it barely 25 percent of the republicans excited they are even more likely to vote for donald trump now that he's being convicted. plus with the independence now, a little worried about -- >> harold: i'm always concerned about these things, at great respect for bill marra, i won't take his word that he knows what will happen. i think there's six states it will decide, arizona guided georgia tech nevada, michigan, pennsylvania. the poland dated next few weeks about how nikki haley support is an independent voters and women into the suburbs and keyboards
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where you're from in pennsylvania jesse, will for me be more determinative. i think one of the things that has been set around the table for president trump no doubt, we had record highs in the dow, record highs under president biden. he's right when he says inflation has risen more under president biden but under president trump, we lost 3 million jobs, 3 million americans lost their health insurance. this erases going to get joint, it will be interesting as it goes along but i don't deny the fact that inflation, the cost of living, factors on every days -- every voters minor but i can't make a prediction about what will happen in november in june. by the time of the election happens we will know who won the world series provide the election is five months from tomorrow, it's getting late to early proximity said that. [ laughter ]
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something that biden said about donald trump now is that aligns with the holding all along, i'm above this, i will get involved, i will pay attention, will actually do private fundraisers when you're playing to do the msnbc crowd you are. they think this will work for them, he has again, president biden at this .5 months from tomorrow still trying to solidify his base. i mentioned yesterday donald trump is chipping away at bait by bait at a low density voters -- low propensity voters and swing voters. and biden always says don't compare me to the almighty, impairment to the alternative. i think trump should open up the debate that way. take his line and say don't compare me to the almighty, this is your alternative america and leaden people make a decision based on what they want the next four years to look like you've ten wooden she agreed that because electors calling donald trump everything from hitler to
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the russian asset, they overplayed their hand so early that he's being a community felon everybody's like not impressed about it before it's what i said before, when you say that he's economic advantages they sell? around and have a president who can serve a sentence and one that can complete one. started by outlaws, adventures, and outsiders. nothing more american than a lone man battling a corrupt system, a powermad system run by some arrogant, elitist, after all, down from god convicted and biden is in the, because one is a dangerous rubble, the other is a hood ornament of this corrupt system. that can we do trump. so the reversal is completed, the left is now the man. remember who was the man? the left is the man and the right is the freedom fighter. that's why it's so easy to
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embrace donald trump. by the way, i would add that might want to ask harold does, have ever met alex's oars? >> harold: i have a seaport why is it that when his finger bids are everywhere, he's been pushing the phrase convicted felon, how mentally embarrassing is he that you have never seen him on tv? he's behind everything awful. is a sense of the -- something google wrong with him? >> harold: nothing that i know of. >> judge jeanine: that you have a conversation with him? >> greg: what are you hiding? [ laughter ] he is the one that has been pushing the convicted felon thing. >> harold: if it was reversed and joe biden been convicted of 34 counts, would donald trump not be saying the same thing? >> greg: >> jesse: he's not smart enough to be convicted, his own justice department said that. >> harold: but if it were revised in donald trump to be calling -- yes, he wouldn't let me answer for you to five he
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wouldn't have pretended he wasn't going to do that's my point, biden was saying i would have no fingerprints on those, then he goes behind the scenes and calls him while, yeah. >> judge jeanine: and we know when donald trump was president he did not use the department of justice to go out of his enemies, not once. >> harold: what's done is done at. [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: i had to get reporting crime is not racist, democrats i have found another way to destroy the city's. [ ♪♪ ] i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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[ ♪♪ ] [ laughter ] >> harold: reporting now is guess what, graces. despite violence running rampant, a progressive democrat said she will not sure crime lords with constituents unless they "opt in for it".
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she claims and notifications lead to an inaccurate public perception and added to this, research shows that it reporting of crime it negatively impacts most marginalized and underserved neighbors. i think that would be victims if we don't give them realtime information. providing this all the time realtime to cops and communities great hot eco? >> greg: if only we could opt out of crime and virtually we cannot. the logic is reporting crime is more harmful than the crime or you don't be preventing that information from future victims. what if we applied this to other areas, it would have food labeling, don't put warnings on cigarettes or house cleaners? let them drink the drano instead. so basically they are saying that citizens cannot handle the truth, and yet the political was -- the politicians will always see how this information and know what neighborhoods not to walk in, what streets are dangerous so behind all of this is a cowardice. i want to be seen as a racist if
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all the reports of crime led in one direction without assumption is actually racist because you assume a black victims care more about black criminals than their own personal safety. >> harold: also assuming all the crime is being committed by blacks. what are your thoughts? >> dana: i'm okay people want to opt in, i don't. i want to have alerts on my phone. at a friend, you know her, la laura. [ laughter ] she had one of those apps on her phone that would tell you every time anything happened and her phone was going crazy, she lives in new york city so it was a robbery, there was this guy that was that. it was too much. and if you watch local news and most big major cities, is the first 20 minutes is all about the crime. sometimes you may need a piece of it. is all okay with the opting and. i also think it's interesting that many of these cities are refusing to turn over crime stats to the fbi, that's why things are all screwed up.
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then the white house is actually crime is down, actually it's not, actuators and they debate. people can see it, they know their cities are in bad shape. >> harold: you were a judge and prosecutor, without the technology, does this help to not have this information bombarding? in all fairness, i think she summed it up but this is help or harm did not have communities note realtime stuff? >> judge jeanine: i understand why dana is saying katayama phone and you're bombarded all day long, you houses being held out, house next door burned down, you know, you don't have time for that. but the thing that we have now that is so helpful is this thing into chicago called a sharpshooter, that's what it is? it is a gunshot, it sends an alert and brandon johnston wants to go right up in chicago. he says it's scaring people. while i think if there is a
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sharpshooter -- >> harold: shotts water. >> judge jeanine: all right, it sends an alert and it sends the alert, the police show up at and if some buddies injured they have a better chance of surviving and summoning nose polices coming, they have a chance of not being a victim. but to have politics play into it, he is keeping to this -- after the dnc because he knows his works. but he does not want the people into chicago to be aware of how much crime there is. it's almost like ignorance is bliss and the less you know about her the better off you will be. by the more cops know about it the safer we will all beat. >> harold: symptoms actually guided one of these on the show. what is your opinion on this jesse? >> jesse: the crime on the south side of chicago is being committed predominately by african-americans, it's a predominately african american part of chicago as somebody who is .1 percent african-american it is racist to say this
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community can to get better, or some might say get it together, i wrote a book about that, number 1, still available on amazon. or wherever books are sold. [ laughter ] >> greg: that was perfect. >> harold: to have any thoughts? >> jesse: be have to go to commercial! b6 the house forgetting silly and it's all the lawmakers for a change. [ ♪♪ ] wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> dana: academic a daycare, they might have appointed. this yxe old son of john rose making some goofy faces as his father delivered remarks in the house floor. >> it we would be well served to remember the longer and cherished tradition we have in this country of settling our political differences at the ballot box. >> dana: i can't wait until jesse junior right here behind you making some faces. >> jesse: i do know he could move his tongue like that. it makes me like congress. unlike congress but when i see a little kid like that it makes me think they should just have a bring your kids to school day, congress day all day long. >> dana: maybe they would behave a better. >> harold: given the debate in congress this was probably the
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finest moment. i grew up like that kid, might dad got elected to congress when i was four years old and there were no tvs but i saw my dad's first commercial, awaited commercial, you want better housing, better schools, what were my dad. i love with that kid did. he was great. >> dana: judge? >> judge jeanine: i think he was adorable, in thank he doing his abiding impression. -- >> dana: he was a real ham. >> greg: epperly guys never heard of as pdp maxillary based syndrome. or silly face disorder. there is no known cure, it affects young boys ages 5-12, parents where if they keep doing and that way a good stay that way. a lot of these kids their faces don't feel right into their h head, it's kind of a facial dysmorphic disorder. you might need to surgery.
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>> today critics sets new book. the army i fought for has gone woke and it's time to fix that. exposing the problems in today's military, how they're putting soldiers and america at risk and what needs to change before it's too late. >> the war on warrior supporter now at fox news books .com. >> it's time now for one more thing judge okay it's time for now. i love this. >> don't you just love it when clueless criminals think they know the law? >> so it seems that you gote yo a warrant. citrus county. you're not allowed to stop. i am. becausu th ription e you get your message description of a wanted fugitive guy. >> you don't. >> you drive off, don't drive it. don't do it. cause you go, oh, boy. ul as you can see, her escape did not go as planned. and she could clearl asoy use a lesson in criminal law. mi j good. >>ke not good, greg. all right. tonight. what a show, mike baker,r
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emily companion, kat timpf. tyrus. that's a classica lineup for a classic show. >> 10 p.m.. let's do thioluteltings, greg. >> absolutely disgusting news now with gretchen. do you want all right. you want to see some disgusting. take a look at this. disgustingsgusting newborn pood, fawn. it's a type of deer sleeping typ under a little tree stump. >> wow, i see that. but it's. it's the world's deer, the world's smallest deer, and they're native to southa: in american rainfall. >> actually, i need to correct you. eed to core what? >> you are the world's sweetest small deer. stop fawning over me. oh , oh, oh, off. >> okay. hey, both of the massive. he sometimes needs help getting out of small spaces like this. so he's quite large. t he tends to overestimate and h can't figure out a way to get out of the bathroo.m when bee he goes in. >> so they have to go out and back him up a little. beep, beep, beepp beept him nod
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him out of there. thr and ifbrowse you haven't listened already, the latest perino on politics is with colin reida . lion >> give us a little update. all right. you guys want to see a $4 million cow? yes. yes. all right. vietnam, 19 brazilian beefrazild for $4.3 million. she's the secretariat of cows, the rolls royce of livestock. she weighsivestock 20 £800 and s over by a security camera, a veterinarianrity and an armed guard at all times. tonight, jesse watters from time esc how to escape a cult. >>cu the get togethercult series continues. >> it's not gregg cults are nel laughing matter heralds michael jordanading ca trading card sole $2.9 million on saturday. witit's the only one first flog with him wearing the chicago bulls jersey. >> but theo all time all time card sell was mickey mantle. >> 12 point $6 million back in 20 ten. >> i can't believe it. right away. the cow. ro bhave a great night, everybo. welcome to jesse watters. >> primetime tonight, republican


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