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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 5, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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"washington post" executive editor stepped down this weekend following a 77 million dollar loss last year. the post writers were upset over the lack of diversity at the top. they did not care about the financial crisis. how many people did you interview for dei people for top job? are you listening to me? they are fanatics. >> jimmy: millions of cat owners will lose something to line their litter box with. >> laura: no one is reading you, who did you interview for the top job? did you get -- my gosh, jimmy, great to see you. don't forget to catch jimmy on the road, in dallas this friday and jesse is next. >> todd: fox news alert. the u.s. ambassador in beirut
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secure after a gunman opened fire hours ago. guards were able to neutralize the threat. an investigation into underway into the motive. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. lucas tomlinson has breaking details this, mo. >> lucas: the associationed press said shooter had words islamic state written in arabic. one shooter identified as syrian national and captured after he was shot and taken to a local hospital. there are three shooters total and one getaway driver. one shooter was killed and one escaped in addition to one wounded. u.s. embassy posting on x, 8:34 local time, small arms fire in vicinity of the entrance of the
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u.s. embassy. thanks to our team, our facility and our team are safe. investigations are underway and we are in close contact with host country law enforcement. does not appear there was significant damage or injuries at the u.s. embassy, north of lebanon's capital in a krift yap suburb. gun battle lasted 30 minutes and u.s. security personnel were involved. source in beirut says one shooter was on a moped. the situation is now said to be stable. since october 7 massacre, the region has been anything, but stable. potential ceasefire plan for hamas to end the war in gaza. hezbollah launching on northern israel for months, forcing israelis to flee their homes, no talks underway to end that part of the conflict.
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1983, deadly bombing at the u.s. embassy in beirut killed 63 people. the two truck bombs that killed u.s. maen radios, now after october 7 massacre, hundreds of protesters clashed outside the embassy. >> todd: pick it up there, this is in your wheel house here. is this just a rogue actor in your estimation or part of something bigger? >> it appears it is an isolated incidents, you can't ignore october 7 and hezbollah in the region and a syrian was involved. syria is operating inside lebanon and while much of the fo us can has been on the ceasefire with i ga, hezbollah has been carrying out their own war against israel for months. i was in israel, there were hundreds and thousands of people who had to flee homes from northern israel. they are in hotels in tel aviv, another part of the conflict
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that does not get talked about you have in, guys. >> carley: thank you. chris swecker, former assistant fbi director joins us now. middle east is a powder keg andy woo are seeing that play out in lebanon this morning. yesterday merrick garland was on capitol hill and asked about heightened security threat at home. take a listen to that. >> i am worried about the possibility of a terrorist attack in the country after october 7. a threat level for us has gone up. every morning we worry about this question, we try to track anyone who might be trying to hurt the country. >> carley: yesterday fbi director wray was on capitol hill testifying and said the same thing. where does that leave us? >> i would say they understated terrorist threat. it is not just october 7 that has brought the threat about, it is our open borders internally in the united states.
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we have been vulnerable overseas and terrorist organizations have targeted us overseas, especially in places like beirut. now 1800 miles of southern border, people coming across we have no way of vetting, they are coming from countries across the globe, many terrorist countries, countries that spawn criminal gangs like venezuela. the threat is elevated not just october 7, easy access. we have thrown the front door open in the united states and all security measures we took after 9/11 are for naught. i think merrick garland has gr grossly understated the threats. >> carley: wray was talking about the isis-k terror attack in march. hes something could happen here. this is knowa organization on
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its heels in 2019. do you think they have the capability to launch a wild-scale terror attack here on u.s. soil? >> i actually think they do, i wouldn't have given you yes answer to that question several years ago. i would say yes >>. we let us on isis-k, the theme about the border, our borders are so insecure, we created opportunities for terrorist organizations that are not capable to become capable. one thing the fbi should be doing and we know they are not doing is interviewing and vetting all special interest aliens coming across the border, not gotaways, you can't get to them. special interest aliens, countries hostile to the united states. terrorist organizations. every one need to be vetted by the fbi. they have not searched resources down on the border, which they
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should. they should have special projects going on down there, which they don't. we don't know who is coming across, it is creating huge gaps and vulner aability before the border opened up. >> todd: take a look at some of that from yesterday, watch. >> my greatest fear is that he woo could facea i terrorist attack from elmentes, is this fear justified? >> every morning we worry about this question. we try to track anyone who might be trying to hurt the country. best way to protect the border, pass bipartisan legislation. >> todd: he's worried, that is nice to hear. we are all worried. shouldn't doj and fbi and intel agencies focus on threat of actual terror whether from the border or not instead of people in red hats who like to go to church, chris? >> absolutely, they need to take
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that rhetoric and turn into action. i don't know what has happened to the bureau over the last 10 years. they used to be very proactive in the '90 says when cartels were surging, we surged resources up and down the border, special project and special emphasis across the border and it an impact on the cartel issue at the time. to my knowledge, we've done nothing on that border. nothing other than b.g.s as usual watching people stream across the border. border patrol there hands full. fbi is responsible for counter terrorism and they are not doing special projects like we did in iraq. i went to iraq and interviewed every foreign fighter on the theory they would come into the united states someday. get them in the database.
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vet them. sit down with them face-to-face. >> carley: we want to ask you about the hunter biden trial. yesterday we got a sense of his defense. part is that he did not lie on the gun form, he was in denial about his drug use, that is what his lawyers are arguing. other thing that happened yesterday, the laptop was entered as evidence and that is infamo infamous laptop 50 agents said was russian propaganda and the president repeated thattin loo. what do you think about all of this? >> denial thing is something to throw to the jury to -- that is predisposed toward hunter biden and first lady sitting in the courtroom everyday. that is just giving, somebody calls it yesterday jury nullification. give jury an issue to hang on to. it is not a real defense.
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any more than nice old man defense that hur provided for biden to not indict him. as far as the laptop goes, when that laptop was turned over to the fbi, they issue the a receipt to the fbi agent that picked up the laptop or to the company or computer repair company. on that receipt was an fbi file number for money laundering, i recognize the code on it. there is a code. there was ongoing full-fledged money laundering investigation at time everybody was denying that laptop was relevant and it was russian disinformation. that laptop has been validated on the witness stand and contains valuable evidence. i have a book -- >> todd: let it go there. prosecution best interest against hunter is hunter
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including his laep. thank you for your time, we appreciate it. president biden signing executive order to curb wave of illegal immigration, happening under his watch. some far left dems are not happy about it. watch. >> i'm disasppointed that the president has gone into the same frame as donald trump at a very time we need to make a sdi distinction between donald trump and joe biden. >> carley: here is the border czar during a visit to jimmy kimmel show. >> republicans in congress got a call from donald trump, don't do the deal because he preferred to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. >> carley: border is major election issue for voters, maybe this is why we're seeing the white house address it. all the details coming up next.
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craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment!
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there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. >> janice: good morning, happy -- is it tuesday or wednesday? what day is it? we have a pattern shift on the move. high pressure moving in to
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california. the desert southwest and texas. record-setting temperature for this section of the country and trough bringing wet weather and cooler temperatures. take a look at heat alert. central valley of california toward desert southwest. 105 in fresno, 108 in las vegas. these are temperatures you see in july and august. that will continue throughout the work week and weekend. dangerous heat for some areas. fact we are setting records this early is incredible. well over 100 for a lot of cities, las vegas, california, flagstaff 88. las vegas 111 tomorrow, 113 in phoenix, really dangerous heat. south texas, excessive heat warnings and advisories, there
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are forecast highs today. temperatures in 90 toen it0. moisture in the atmosphere will add to heat what it feels-like temperature. 112 in uvalde, texas. corps co corpus christi 113. we have incredible heat and we'll monitor that and in east upper part of the country, wet, cooler weather. >> todd: rain tonight. >> janice: happy wednesday. glad we cleared that up. >> todd: thank you. president biden taking executive action on the southern border and cbp confirm 5000 migrant encounters in the past 24 hours. this action will shut down the border after encounters reach 2500 per day for seven consecutive days and stay in effect until the number drops to 1500 per day.
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a lot of exceptions, it does not apply to visa holders, unaccompanied children or those using the cbp one app. use the app and you are good. it will allow nearly two million illegal migrants enter the u.s. every year and democrats are not happy biden did this close to election and first presidential debate. >> we want to do things that solve the problem and to me, solving the problem is exknow an panning path to citizenship.
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>> carley: take on the democratic nominee, as well as
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disg disgraced incumbent bob menendez who is running while on trial for alleged corruption. democratic congressman donald paynejr. won the district primary despite being dead. he passed away on april 24th, after the filing deadline for the primary passed. special election will be held on july 16th for payne's seat, which he held for over a decade. >> todd: what do you say, congrats? i don't know. scuba diver in florida hitting jackpot after finding this ancient tusk. the tusk was found 90 miles south of tampa. could be millions of years old. american mastadons related to elephants and mam moths. >> carley: i'm a mastadon expert
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in the field. reported to national museum of national history, if they den think it is scientifically significant, the diver could get to keep it. that is a piece of wood, move on. >> todd: i had a lava lamp, he has a mastadon tusk. congrats to you. >> carley: something older than joe biden. democrats want to give taxpayer funded state jobs to illegal immigrants and the propossessal proposal is getting pushback. >> todd: and final months of biden's campaign, he tells time magazine he is ready for it. dems are talking behind his back about how much he's slipping. our joe is not slipping, he is here to react next.
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>> todd: listen to this. california democrats are pushing a bill that will direct university of california system to hire illegal immigrants for taxpayer funded state jobs. those illegal immigrants do not
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need u.s. work authorization. gop party chair joins me now. in the pantheon of bad ideas out of your state of california, where does this one rank? >> it is pretty high up there. it is just the latest outrange. what is terrible about this, the state is in dire condition. wee have az 73 billion dollar federal deficit and todd, i could take you to areas in california where unemployment is as high as 50% in the central valley. democrats are focused on criminal aliens. >> todd: do far left legislators not realize this would require state workers in california to violate federal law which prohibits exactly what they are trying to do here, hire
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illegals. >> well, i'm sure they do. a lot of lawyers in sacramento. i suspect this will come up and maybe they will find a work-around. why are they doing this in the first place? in an odd way, this is the camel's nose under the tent, trying to normalize criminal aliens. one thing i might note, we had the california republican state party convention and it was noted that republican registration was up in every single county and district in the state and up relative to democrats. as republicans gain ground, democrats are trying to find new group of voters possibly. >> todd: far left legislators see it is a slippery slope. that is what they want because first jobs, then voting, is that what you are saying, john? >> absolutely, what other state
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would propose something like this without there being outrage. the democrats have super majority here in sacramento. they control the legislators and want to continue to assure that. >> todd: when i lived in california, i knew a lot of actual citizens who would have loved a job in the uc system. the uc system is a job for life, they are not firing anybody. why would california state democrats prioritize illegal migrants over tax paying citizens who would want the job? the only reason is to get them to vote. we appreciate your time and insight. california own vice president harris is going to campaign in san francisco today. first she appeared on late night with jimmy kimmel, is that the name of the show? i don't know. happened last night. >> carley: jimmy kimmel live. we came into office and offered
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c comprehensive pathway for citizenship. taking care of dreamers, fixing broken aspects of the system to reinforce security at the border. republicans got a call from donald trump, don't do the deal. he preferred to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. he intends to ep waize the department of the justice and he admires dictators. sign of weakness to have empathy or concern or care about well being of other people and go about doing something to uplift their condition. that is the track we take. >> carley: that is her version of events, fox news contributor joe concha joins us now. she reacted to the trump verdict and said trump is a cheater and cheaters don't like getting
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caught. what do you think about the vice president's appearance on the late night show? >> joe: ask yourself this. given jimmy kimmel has told anyone that supports donald trump not to watch his show, how many voters does a kamala harris ap appearance on jimmy kimmel live bring to her side and joe biden's side? 0 .0. jimmy kimmel is unofficial chairman of the democratic national committee and pretty much an unfunny one at thatim this does nothing except show the vice president cannot do any interview that know cocysts of a challenging question. she can rub n and talk about ho she wanted to fix the border and
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make jokes about donald trump and his trial. bottom line, while this is grace for the msnbc and they will play clips all morning, does nothing as far as doing real work she needs to do, bring voters independence to side of biden and harris who are outraised at blistering pace by donald trump and his team at this point. >> todd: you are the border czar, you should be able to overcome obstacles as second most powerful person in the country, if not the world and fact she is blaming everybody else for what amount to excuses for her administration is telling. you nailed point one a, fact she does not do hard-hitting interviews. part one b, that sound bite, there was not one truth in there. did you hear one truthful statement? >> joe: particularly around the
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border. she was the border czar appointed to fix the problem and root causes, so to speak. we've had 10 million people come into this country over the last three years, including hundreds on the terror watch list, under her watch. if this is her responsibility as vice president, this is basically her -- she needs to be held accountable for it. jimmy kimmel is not going to do that. the biden-harris administration is blaming republicans for what we are seeing at u.s. southern border is laughable to point of ludicrous. there was not one truth she said, she can say that with jimmy kimmel, he is an act vist, it is late night, be a human and say, that is wrong or don't you think what you said was
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misleading. of course not, it isim judgy kimmel. >> carley: behind closed door, biden shows signs of slipping. biden started the meeting reading from notes which struck several participates as odd. some attendees had trouble hearing him. much of the conversation did not include him. some people who aupon tended the meeting recall him turning to staffers. they said you could not be there and not feel uncomfortable. trump is leading biden by 21 points on the question of being more physically and mentally fit. what about these concerns? >> joe: well, we've heard them before, carley, right? this is something that is a central part of this campaign right now.
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if this is the 81-year-old version ever joe biden right now in june of 2024, what does this version look like if he somehow wins the presidency and is in the oval office say in 2027 or twe 2028, what are we looking at as far as deterioration of a man who shouldn't be a golf starter at your local golf course, let alone president of the united states. this is something we see in public. you can only imagine what he looks like when cameras are not there and americans need to consider, is this the person i want to vote for in terms of does he have his fastball anymore. more like a knuckleball. who is the backup? kamala harris. do you want to elect this man who will be 86 years old in his
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second term as president and then the backup, if he decides to resign or something else happens is kamala harris, running the show here. i just think that is something even independents and democrats cannot stomach at this point. >> carley: that question is on the mind of voters in november. thank you for joining us. did you hear this? watch out wall street, texas stock exchange is reportedly taking shape and looking to give new york city a run for its money. >> todd: blue state exodus, but this is a huge development and we're talking about it next with cheryl casone. can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years
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>> todd: no shock here. brand new survey revealing majority of middle-class americans are stressed about their financial future. >> carley: wouldn't it be nice to have a $100,000 bill in your wallet >> cheryl: until you try to break it. can you break my bill? good morning. this survey is not a big surprise to viewers. more than 60% of middle-class americans say they are struggling with 40% not able to plan beyond their next paycheck.
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46% don't have $500 saved for an emergency. 80% have lived paycheck to paycheck, despite strong stock market and gdp. a third feel stress about paying det as new fox power rankings show former president trump leading joe biden on issue of economy by 15 points. trump leads when it comes to border security, despite president biden's new executive action. >> todd: time for words i never put together, texas stock exc exchange? >> cheryl: this makes sense. there may be new stock trading sheriff in town. group backed by blackrock and citadel and others, two financial powerhouses are planning to start a new stock exchange in the state of texas. group making move in response to
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heavy regulation. according to "wall street journal," exchange aiming to tap into disinfection with increased cost at new york stock exchange and nyse. texas stock exchange raised $120 million from individuals and large firms and plan to start trading next year. >> todd: that is wild, could be a game-changer. don't miss sherel on mornings with maria in new york city. >> carley: switching gears to america's crime crisis. a chicago couple speaking out after they were attacked by mob of teenagers. the husband and pregnant wife were beaten, stomped and kicked repeatedly and tragically, the couple has lost their baby. >> another lady came to me and dragged me by my hair. another person starts stomping
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all over me and my husband ran to me to save me. over 10 people held him. we believe in faith and it wasn't meant to be. we don't know why this happened to us. >> carley: william kelly joins us now. this happened in a nice area of chicago and details here are devastating. what can you tell us about this? >> well, god bless you, carley. it breaks my heart as a reporter and chicagoan to see the kind of v violence all over the city of chicago. this is the postcard of chicago, when people think of postcard of chicago they picture streterville. i've been reporting on teen takeover mobs, flash mobs for quite sometime now, seems like career years. mayor johnson knew about this.
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this was preventable. this video, i shot that, police sheriff snel ing knew about thi. >> carley: the woman just found out she was pregnant. this should be the happiest time of their lives. there you think you are safe and clearly you are not. she says they did not rob this group of teens did not rob them. they were just out for violence. they punched them in the stomach, pepper sprayed them. police caught two of them, 14-year-old boy and 17-year-old girl and they were charged with misdemeanor battery, a slap on the wrist for causing this woman to lose her child. they always attack from behind, you never see it coming. i have had it happen to me in
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streterville. this is nothing new. and what is upsetting is chicago media, police superintendent sneling, they are treating it like a one-day story. thank you for bringing this story to the rest of the country. >> carley: it's a big one. >> this is where the dnc, believe it or not, democratic national convention is going to be held in 76 days. >> carley: and likely to be vifrtual and this may be one reason why. in chicago, democratic alder woman said she is going to stop posting crime alerts on social media. she said based on feedback, our office is updating public safety alert system and research shows us that overreporting of crime negatively impacts most
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marginalized and underserved neighbors. she says she is doing the community a favor by not reporting crime alerts because of anti-racism tactics she's hoping to implement. >> only people she is helping are violent criminals. it goes against her narrative, trust me, if the violent criminals were white and victims were not white, she would be screaming bloody murder about this. this is, these are priorities of the elected officials in chicago and you will be seeing this on full display. if my reporting on twitter has anything to do with it while the democrats are celebrating their achievements at the dnc in the city of chicago.
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>> carley: it does not look like the crime issue is going to be slowing down. thank you for joining us, stay safe, have a great day. send it to lawrence jones to look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: i thought we were going to getz banter, i was not ready. this wednesday morning, president biden executive action on the border in effect. cbp sources say more than 5000 encounters everyday this week. the border czar kamala harris is passing blame toer had predecessor. texas congresswoman de la cruz cruise says the move is too little too late. the election is five months away, trump is urging republicans to vote early and cast absentee ballots. and time magazine says the president's advancing age was visible. this coming as hunter biden's
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exwife is set to take the stand in the federal gun trial after more damning content from the laptop is brought up in court. trey gowdy reacts live and pete hegseth and medal of honor winner on fight against woke business in the military and skip bedell has latest gear you need for this camping season. admiral william mccraven has an important message about the gr greatsness of america, that is coming up on this busy "fox and friends" morning. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. see y'all in a bit. kick some a, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free
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♪ >> todd: for the first time in 35 years, major league baseball has given a lifetime ban to one of its players for illegal gambling. infielder march can know made 387 bets on baseball while a member of the pittsburgh pirates raging $150,000. dan docket on and he joins me now this is not a player that can make or break a team. could this go beyond him? is this part of a bigger massive problem for baseball involving actual players who really matter to teams? >> i don't think there is any question we have already seen it with an o. tany the number one star in the sport. we have seen it in the nba. no, i believe this, todd. i believe that you're going to
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see once a month a player somewhere in some sport whether it's basketball, baseball, football, college, you're going to see someone arrested. a couple or suspended. a couple of things with this. one, players don't really understand, i've been told, how easy it is to track you. in fact, it even goes coaches. the head coach of alabama baseball got fired. he was betting through a guy in cincinnati very easily found out the bets were too big. the site went and looked at it. they got g.p.s. involved. found out it was from the coach. next thing you know he is out. todd, absolutely, this is unintended terrible, terrible consequence of legalized sports gambling and that caro is an idiot. he was going to make 700,000 this year. you said it over 150,000. and lost 96% of those bets on major league baseball. how do you do that?
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he did it. >> todd: begs the question going forward for these leagues. do we eliminate gambling or can we ignore the revenue that comes in from draft kings and fan duel and all the betting outlets that sponsor our leagues? it's an interesting question to watch going forward. but, of course, the topic in sports everybody is talking about these days, caitlin clark, she is bringing plenty of fans and money to the wnba. heck we are talking about the wnba. what is the league doing to protect her? here is charles barkley on his take on how other players are treating kaitlin. >> petty jealousy. petty jealousy. it's really unfortunate, because what she has done for the game -- yeah, you know, listen. i believe in rookie hazing. some of the criticism has gotten overboard and i think it's unreally unfair because, man, she got everybody -- you look at the ratings for the draft, for the wnba. she is making everybody money. >> todd: for those who don't
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know you, dan, you are not just a guy with a microphone. you were a coach. you coached basketball for decades. as a coach, should the league be doing more to protect her or is this just basketball? was to kennedy clark ready to receive a ball from out of bounds, other thing about it actually even more disturbing was the way the bench including angel reese celebrated it was a targeted hit. had nothing to do with basketball. i'm with charles. i understand hazing. hey, i understand you go to the rim, someone knocks you down. okay the league is not doing enough. you need to do more. my wife coached women's solvable a legend in the game. she told me forever women are so jealous of other women in sports they have to tear them down. and this is exactly what charles
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is saying about pettiness. and this is exactly what you're seeing happening in the wnba. there is a massive difference, todd, between going to the rim or getting elbowed in a play and getting hip checked when the ball is out of bounds. that's not basketball. that's crap. >> todd: it's hockey. that's what it is a hip check. in hockey that would be called interference because the person didn't have the puck in this case the ball. they were just standing around in space. i look at it in this way, dan, and it makes no sense. why are they basically tearing apart their own league at the time when the league is getting all this attention? it makes no sense. you should protected your number one player because, dan, as you know it happened with golf with tiger woods. when one player gets the a attention everyone wins financially. dan daca kitchen love having you on have a great day, bye-by


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