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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 5, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> rachel: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, wednesday, june 5. this is "fox and friends." biden landing in france for d-day. he's signing off for the day as new "wall street journal" report says aides are discussing his cognitive decline behind closed doors. >> steve: live look at wilmington, delaware, awaiting hunter biden's motorcade. trey gowdy is on deck with live reaction coming up. >> brian: plus, california democrats pushing for illegal immigrants to get taxpayer-funded jobs. state republicans are pushing back. >> lawrence: you did the growl, brian. >> brian: comes from the heart. >> lawrence: final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. mor mornings are better with friends. >> rachel: president biden executive order is in effect.
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agents are seeing average of 5000 illegal border crossings per day. >> brian: shut it down, right? we should have jake tapper shut the border down. blocking most migrants from en entering the u.s. yeah, that will happen. >> lawrence: president biden touching down in france to commemorate with white house announcing he will not meet with the media almost immediately after landing. he called the lid, steve. >> steve: day before d-day. screen left peter doocy is live on a roof in paris. we start with lucas tomlinson live in the bureau in d.c. good morning. lucas tomlinson five months to the day from election day. president biden said he had done all he could fo fix the border. some thought they were expecting
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executive orders at state of the union address and here they are. shuts down border after 2500 encounters per day and reopens it when encounters drop to 1500 per day. they can be criminally prosecuted. prevents asylum seekers -- to enter the u.s. each year. critics say this is proof white house does have ability to shut down the border if it wants to. here are exceptions to new executive orders. it will not apply to visa holders, unaccompanied minors and those using the cb cotton cbp 1 anticipate. here is biden's dhs chief with neil cavuto yesterday. we deal with unaccompanied children in a humanitarian way.
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>> this is encouraging drug cartels to take advantage of kids, does it not, sir? >> we're taking it to drug cartels with unprecedented strength through criminal investigative unit and taking it to the cartels. we accepted unaccompanied children from this asylum bar. >> donald trump's chad wolf said this is proof of biden's failed border policy and proof biden lied to american people fw not being able to do this sooner. >> steve: thank you. to peter doocy live on the rooftop in paris following president biden's arrival ahead of the 80th anniversary of d-day. tomorrow is d-day. it sounds like today is z-day. sounds like the president, they called a lid -- >> lawrence: that was good, steve. >> steve: he's taking a nap. >> peter: that is good, mag n95
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magnificent. president biden is here in france and he's just a couple minutes from our location. few minutes after he got there and checked in, white house officials told us not to expect to see him rest of the day. it is possible he's having meetings with european leaders. if that is the case, they are telling him to do more to stop trump from taking over. trump now back in the states, he will make a rare san francisco ap appearance for a fundraiser. new time magazine article, president biden is claiming about trump. there is not a major international meeting i attend that before it is over, that is a world leader does not pull me over and say, he can't win, you can't let him win. tomorrow is 80th anniversary of
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d-day landings. the plan is for the president to be at the beaches among the 414 allied troops killed taking the beaches 80 years ago. world war ii veterans have been arriving in france ahead of the ceremony. expected to be part of the last ceremonies they will be able to attend in their lifetime. there are only 150 d-day veterans still alive today. president biden will meet with president zelenskyy. he talks about russia invading europe from the east. expect him to make parallels and talk about how things back then, 80 years ago, not that different in his opinion than they are right now. back to you. >> steve: mag nificent, peter lerner. >> that was terrible. >> steve: regarding "wall street journal" article, peter, it talks about how the president,
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according to 45 people, is in cognitive more than a while back. they describe the president who speaks so softly now. people who are just a few feet from him can't understand him or can't hear him. you see the president all the time. have you noticed he's getting softer and softer? >> peter: sometimes it is so soft that you really have to be paying attention if you're in the room and not able to listen to the microphone he's talking into. those are limited opportunities they put him out there on camera. the reason that this "wall street journal" story seems it is so damaging is because they're talking about all the rest of the time when the president is doing the work. you have biden officials over the last couple months who say forget what you see on camera, behind the scenes he's on top of it. >> lawrence: absurd.
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>> peter: democrats have known biden for years, who say he is showing signs of age. that is the last thing that they need right now as they are trying to regain ground in the general election polls of swing states against donald trump. so that is a tough one. but at least for today, they are not doing anything about it because the president is here in paris and he is -- >> steve: for d-day. >> brian: thanks a lot. they talk about ukrainian meeting. he's down there, they talk about in january, what they need and don't need. he's reading cards and ep cooing passing to his people and he barely spoke during the whole time and said one quote from an anonymous over negotiation over ukraine, you couldn't be there and not feel uncomfortable, let's just say that. kevin mccarthy said i used to
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meet with him when he was vice president. i would go to his house. he is not the same person. his explanation of the problem to time magazine. no one can do what i can do now, watch me, i could even take you. >> lawrence: that explains why the world leaders like having him there. they can get whatever they want. talk about how crazy that is and peter just went into it. they are saying when he's in public and you see the notecards and even sometimes questions from the reporters on the note cards and his responses are scripted. when he shuffles away, it is much different in private. how much sense does that make? he turns into a different man. someone that had the opportunity -- >> steve: we hear that from all the people. the other thing and brian
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talking about kevin mccarthy, mike johnson was talking about how he would go talk to the president about negotiations on ukraine aid and joe biden would launch into general conversation and the speaker was under the impression joe biden did not realize what they had negotiated. mr. president, we've done that work. it is like, what? >> lawrence: to that point, i don't want it to get to the point it was with dianne feinstein. when you wait until the end, all the way to her resignation, she did not know they put the statement out saying she had resigned. i don't think it is right of us to get to the point where the person has to die in the seat before we say, it is time for them to leave. >> brian: if you keep pushing, he'll be gone. >> lawrence: yeah. >> rachel: the problem is,o bad.
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whether it is barack obama and valerie jarrett, whoer, it is a problem. really quick go back to earlier report before we had pier on and they were talking about the border and he said, you know, the executive order and so forth. mexico has devolved into a narco-state. we're getting the cartel, has anybody heard we're after the cartel and on it? it is a narco-state, they are devolving, chinese are in there, money laundering and chinese are involved with fentanyl and politics in mexico. this is right on our border on top of all the things coming across our border and affecting us, that is our closest ally, it is a huge risk to us. it is not he is a goofy old grandpa, policies are dangerous.
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>> steve: he is both. >> lawrence: there is implications. >> brian: russia has been decimated, they just called up 200,000 and he's allowed china and iran and north north korea refur bish and rearm them. he is not doing any of this. >> lawrence: i just wonder and i said this in the 6:00 hour, are we going to wait until the staff is gone and joe biden is no longer in office for truth to come out from the staff members? they should not be hirable if they are -- >> brian: see with the debates. land we'll be following it. we are awaiting hunter biden's arrival at the courthouse. >> rachel: set to resume in an hour and hunter's ex-wife is expected toic tathe stand. >> brian: this can't be good. rich edson is live. >> spectators going in right
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now, we expect soon for the defendant hunter biden to show up for his gunfire hearing. this follows seven hours yesterday of opening statements, witness questioning and awful lot of audio from hunter biden's audio book. when this resumes in about an hour, we'll continue to hear from fbi special agent erica jenson. prosecutors used their question to introduce lengthy segment of hunter's audio book where he says he has super power, ability to find crack in any town any time. used special agent's testimony to bring biden's laptop into the courtroom. there is summary chart of its contents, 18,000 pages long of photos and particular messages. the gun form, asking if the gun buyer used illegal drugs. it is, maed no. defense says that form asks
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whether he is a drug user, not if he was ever a drug user. defense maintains hunter had periods of sobriety and was not on drugs when he bought the gun. prosecution is expected to call hunter's ex-wife, who is in legal fight with him about unpaid alimony and hallie biden, hunter biden's sister-in-law, who he was in a relationship with after beau biden died. >> steve: the person in america with the hardest job in the world today is abbe lowell. talk all that stuff suggested yesterday and he's got to today on cross-examination, come up with way to inject some reasonable doubt into the minds of the jury. it looks pretty black and white. >> yeah. and that is what he's trying to do. they are trying to pick apart
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the gun form saying, it does not necessarily say are you currently using drugs. have you ever been a drug user. the chain of custody of who was in possession, whether the gun owner tried to rush him through the process. we expect him to continue that over next few days. >> lawrence: is it expect they also made the argument, he put in his book and been public about it, that he wasn't on drugs at the time. it was an addiction to alcohol, after he told us -- >> steve: well, that is better. >> that is the argument he's making. at that time, defenses he was not on drugs at that time, he was using alcohol and that is a question the form never asked. >> brian: the thing is, i don't think that was true about secret service coming in, fbi agent investigating.
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that was clear because the gun was gone after hunter's exgirlfriend and beau's widow tossed it into a dumpster. couple days later, a guy was going through the trash and they get alerted. did you find anything strange? yeah, a 38. they chain of custody can't be confirmed found residue of cocaine. i will tell you, he's lost. this family's secrets have been exposed, laptop verified. >> rachel: this jury is in the tank for democrats. >> steve: it is bidenville. >> brian: it is true, i personally don't care if he goes to jail or pays a fine, we can talk about that, i just think everything out there has been exposed, his crack, his cheating on his wife, him going with beau's widow. she's so concerned, text message back and forth and excerpts in
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the book, naked pictures of him right now, exchanges with his father, stuff they told us was not trued is verified and used against him. >> lawrence: why is the fbi coming to retrieve a gun at a crime scene like that? that is something local cops handle all the time. why do the feds have to come in? >> rachel: because bidens treat federal law enforcement like it is their personal security or law enforcement unit. i don't care about this gun charge, i wish he was on trial for selling out our country, all the shell companies, all the millions of dollars from the chinese. this is all -- >> brian: that is on the laptop, you can't say unverified while you use pictures. >> lawrence: those questions can be asked. >> steve: that is next trial. get through this one and we'll have coverage throughout the day. 17 after top of the hour and carley joins us with news of the embassy. >> carley: that is right.
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fox news alert, guys. at least three gunmen carried out an attack at the u.s. embassy in lebanon this morning leading to half-hour long gun fight. [shots fired] >> carley: one of the shooters was killed and another gunman, syrian national, was shot and captured and a third is on the loose. theus embassy in beirut posting on social media, their team is safe and investigations are underway alongside lebanese law enforcement. fox news alert, italian court upholding slander conviction against amanda knox. prosecutors say she accused a bar owner of murdering her british roommate and was hoping to clear her name. here is what her lawyer has to say. >> amanda is very upset from the
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outcome of this hearing. we recognize the decision and ep is the decision. >> carley: knox was convicted of the murder of her roommate, that was overturned. she served three years and will not serve additional jail time. florida deputy getting into a car chase after a wanted fugitive speeds off during a routine traffic stop. >> it says you have a warrant. >> you are not allowed to stop me. >> i am, you match the description of a wanted fugitive. >> i am not wanted. >> don't you drive off. >> i'm driving off. >> don't you do it. >> she did it. police taking the suspect into custody after a 20-mile chase. one deputy was hurt during the arrest. officials found a stolen gun, drugs and substance. a new bill being pushed by california democrats would mandate illegal immigrants be
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hired for taxpayer funded state jobs. chairman demayo blasting the proposal while speaking to fox news digital. >> i have seen a lot of outrageous proposals from democratic politicians, behinding over backward to make it easier for illegal immigrants to get in. this one tops the list of insane ideas. >> carley: the bill sailed through assembly, passing by 59-4 vote and awaits action in california state senate. those are headlines. >> lawrence: be clear, california is now new epicenter of the border crisis because in texas we got control of it and did not depend on the federal government. to award illegals now taxpayers will pay illegals for jobs. >> steve: we're paying them right now. >> lawrence: that is right, new york city, they get di debit cas
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we pay them andic can the poor people out of housing in new york and elderly people in harlem because rich people don't want them in their neighborhood. >> brian: good news for new york, knicks are good again. >> lawrence: right, i mean -- >> brian: that is all we got, and the yankees. >> steve: thank you very much. in response to donald trump conviction, retired knivy admiral is calling on both sides to rise above political division for sake of exceptionalism. >> brian: the admiral will join us next. ♪ he's still a soldier. he put away his gun and boots. but, he still believes the american -- lord, you know what's on our hearts.
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you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> steve: this week democrats and left wing media celebrating donald trump's conviction last week. our next guest is asking, is this really how we want america to be. retired four star navy admiral, william mccraven joins us from the west coast. good morning. >> good morning, steve.
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good to be with you. >> steve: when we saw your op ed yesterday, i was surprised that is where pundits put out stuff they want to put out, but there you are, lifetime military guy. what were you trying to do? >> yeah, well, for your viewers, steve, and as you well know, i am not a fan of president trump, i think the jurors got it exactly right and i hope he is not re-elected. the point of the oped, can we r rise -- lay down rhetorical arms and bridge the gap. maybe it is naive on my part. every time donald trump does something wrong, the left gloats about it and the right rants about it and it begins to escalate. we have to deescalate this, the world is watching and america is
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more important than one man, whether it is donald trump or joe biden. >> steve: i love the way you started it out. you were talking aboutureiomother and american extensionalism and she interview up in the segregated south and yet to her, you make sure america exceptionalism not by power of the military, on our values. for you, the core is all about value. >> absolutely. and as my mother and my father, but to your point, that greatest generation focused on values and my mother was an english stories. she told stories about john adams defending red coats after boston massacre and talked about grants and how he was able to show grace and compassion through a defeated lee and mcarthur and the japanese and the berlin air lift and marshal's plan.
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look, can we get past the hatred. we were able to reconcile with the japanese and reconcile with the germans and reconcile between north and south and now you are telling me we can't reconcile among american people between trump and biden, i think we're better than that. >> steve: your next to last pair paragraph and you are taking shots at both sides. >> the left, stop -- political vitriol, on the right support the verdict and find way to bridge it is political divide. there are thoughtful, reasonable, good men and women on both sides, let them speak for america. admiral, would you like the final word? >> yeah, thanks, steve. once again, i know this is not easy. people said, you are naive if
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you think we will find a way to come together. can we get democrats and republicans to show up on the floor of the house and senate and just agree to focus on the policies, focus on the issues. stay away from our institutions. every time you undermine the judicial system or one of our institutions, you undermine america. to say this was not a fair trial undermines the most important institution we have, our judicial system. this is really a plea for civility and i hope folks on the left and right will listen and read the oped and try to rise above this. >> steve: thank you for joining us from san diego. >> my pleasure, thanks. >> steve: all right, coming up on 8:30 in new york city, no place like home and gen-z is making it a top issue as housing prices sky being roet. we have a live report coming up
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>> janice: beautiful ladies from iowa. becky. >> kim. >> cam ron. >> darcy. >> sydney. >> janice: what are you here for? >> college graduation and birthday. we love "fox and friends." >> janice: do you want to say hi to anybody? >> grandpa jerry. >> janice: take a look at temperatures, going to be really hot across the west, that is our big concern. we have heat advisories, heat warnings for california in toward southwest and this is the setup for next couple of days. intense record-breaking heat for california and toward arizona
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and las vegas, nevada. temperature over 100. our friends in texas and south texas will be feeling the heat, over 100 in a lot of big cities. take it easy, fox, for details. >> janice: say hito everybody on the couch. any favorites? >> brian. >> you like ainsley? >> yeah. >> that is nice. >> lawrence: everyone loves brian. >> steve: and ainsley. >> brian: great tv series. >> lawrence: three hours and tv and three hours of radio not enough, do another one. everybody loves brian. >> rachel: everyone loves brian. >> brian: we have the music lfrd, i feel like we're in the middle of king of queens. ♪ >> steve: all right. >> brian: i feel like i came
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home from work study day, my fake wife is at the kitchenette and i open up the refrigerator. ups guy, i go, hi, honey, what's for dinner. can we hear it one more time? ♪ ♪ >> brian: isn't that great. >> lawrence: it is so true. >> steve: all right, moving on with this show. owning a house and finding a place to live is stressing young americans and new polling data suggests housing affordability could be a top issue for many young people on election day. >> brian: fox business reporter lydia who is here with more. >> housing becoming a more important issue to young voters. we have a recent harvard poll that shows half of voters, ages 18 to 29 said housing is an important issue to them and ranked higher than other issues like abortion, immigration, climate change and even student debt. recent fox news poll shows 86%
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of voters under 30 consider housing to be a problem for them and their families. for younger voters, the skyrocketing cost of housing is putting the american dream out of reach. cost of a new home has spiked 30% since the pandemic and higher interest rates make mortgages more expensive. a 30-year mortgage is above 7% and was under 3.5% three years ago. think about investing in real estate. >> the worst time in my lifetime for someone to buy a home. down in florida, it costs $400 grand for average home and will cost $51,000 with insurance, taxes, maintenance. home is not the american dream it used to be.
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>> is homeownership harder to attain? this is an election issue. in fact, recent poll shows nine out of 10 young people say that housing will influence how they vote come this november. something to keep an eye on. >> brian: why wouldn't it, it is a real issue. >> lawrence: the american dream. >> brian: fox news alert. look together in wilmington, delaware. we understand -- i'll slow down, we watch hunter biden arrive for day three of the criminal gun trial, which is set to start in just minutes. >> steve: he is in the courthouse. trey gowdy is questioning if this is best use of federal court time, he'll explain that next. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made
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this, the feds sometimes when they can't get you to come to the negotiation, they stack all these charges and one is this gun charge. now hunter is arguing, his defense did yesterday, that he wasn't actually doing drugs at the time. do you think that is going to hold water in court? >> trey: no, this is actually a really easy case, lawrence. there are no lawful users of cocaine base, it is per se, unlawful. you don't even have to prove he's an addict. he is user of a controlled s substance, he lied on the firearm application and possessed the drug, he did both of them. i have a bad habit, which i'm working on, of trying to be fair. i thought last week, if his name had been donald smith, donald jones, he would not be on trial. it was because he was donald
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trump. i used to go after convicted felons and people adjudicated mentally ill, people not in this country lawfully or people guilty of domestic vi violence d possess a firearm. i never once prosecuted an addict for being a drug addict. i got them help, never put them in prison and most did not. >> lawrence: can i ask you a question, as someone that sometimes was on the other side of you as criminal just justice reform advocate, i would see prosecutors stack charges they typically wouldn't prosecute. when they want to get you to the table, take the deal, not waste time in on court, they layer things. they could not reach an agreement, do you think that is why they threw in the gun case? >> trey: absolutely.
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they do it all the time. prosecutors have more power than anyone else in the criminal justice system. far more power, far more power than a judge. so the fact he's facing more time than susan smith, who killed her two children, killed her two children, for double homicide, tell you charges are stacked. reality is, i don't think he's going to prison for any appreciable period of time. my point is this, go after people who are really, who are using the gun, who are brandishing the gun and threatening to use the gun. this addict lied. he possessed a gun. he is guilty. you don't have to be clarence darrow to win this case. if his name was not hunter biden, i don't think we would be talking about this case. >> lawrence: let me ask you this, i go back and forth. my mind goes to the federal judge. it looks like they were going to give him a deal.
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the judge looks at prosecution, is there any precedence for this deal and abbe lowell, is there p precedence for a deal like this and defense said no. do you think the prosecution is coming in heavy handed because they were embarrassed before the court or do you think this is just business as usual as we talked about the stacking of the crimes when they can't reach a deal? >> trey: i think somewhere in the middle. i think the first deal they offered, no one else would have been offered. you wouldn't have been offered it, i wouldn't have been offered. pti, pretrial diversion, that is way too light, no one would get that. what they are doing is prosecuting a case, i defy people to go find how many people were prosecuted in this country last year for being an unlawful user of a controlled substance in possession of a
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firearm, that could be a family member who borrows a valium, it could be a marijuana smoker, which is legal in some states, not legal federally going hunting, both violate this statute. how many people were prosecuted for that last year, i'll bet that is the number. >> lawrence: what i'm happy about it, trey, with all these cases, the country is getting somewhat of a view of our judicial system and learning how these deals happen and as someone following it for years and the back and forth, i'm glad americans are educating themselves on it and glad you are on the network to share your knowledge. thank you for joining the program, brother. skip bedell is back on fox square with hot new camping gear that will keep you cool all summer long. but first check in with dana perino on what is happening at top of the hour.
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>> dana: how much camping are you going to do this summer? >> lawrence: a little bit, hunting and camping. >> dana: okay. i'm going to believe it when i see it. i need picture and proof of life. >> lawrence: i'll send it. >> dana: president biden's team is sheltering in place after discussions of cognitive decline. they would rather talk about his action yesterday to get a handle on the border. bill melugin says it will not put a dent in the flow of illegal crossings. a rocket blasts into space, hemmer can't wait, all that and more at 9:00.
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everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20%
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with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything.
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if you're looking for the hot new camping gear to keep you cool all summer long. >> items to make your camping experience better. >> preparing for doomsday, that's it. everything we're showing you is solar powered. this is a portable air conditioner, never before seen. first time on television. for is the source of it. this is a battery in the bottom. totally portable.
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plug it in and charge it home or with a solar panel. everything i'm showing you comes included. >> we could put it in your tent or rv. this is the solar refrigerator. a cooler -- a cooler or you can freeze things all the way down to negative eight. like having a refrigerator are no ice. >> our executive producer had a refrigerator go out. this is what she could have done. >> i take it for the weekend is a solar panel that comes included and stays charged for the whole weekend. no ice. keeps everything cold. >> brian: are we talking prices? >> go on their website. this is the preper dream. water is important. this thing is five gallons, pouring water from a mud puddle. lake or anywhere. filtration system. it comes out perfectly pure.
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>> brian: no way. >> five gallons purchase -- purified. generator, right? no gas. patriot power, 2,000 watts of power and run in a power outage refrigerator, freezer, no gas engine. run it inside your house or car. this will power up everything. a smaller version of 500 watt the side kick. for alternate means of power whether the power goes out. emergency, storm, grid goes down. >> brian: one of those college students in the encampments you could stay an extra week. >> air conditioning, clean water and power. we know they have to keep the phones charged. >> steve: you can plug in four different things. if you plug in your phone charger and three neighbors who can do the same. >> expandable battery to run twice as long. solar panel comes with that, right? all these things come with a
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panel for free included. guys, check out this super cool stuff. this is a sun kettle, a thermos bottle, fill with water, fill it up and it uses the power of the sun to boil water. if you're in the middle of know where and need to boil water. power cell, i love these things. i keep talking about them. i love them. keep it anywhere, the window of your car, roof and always have power for your phone and laptop. again all these things i'm showing here like the flashlight, solar panel. floodlight solar panel. even the bug zapper for your yard solar panel. unbelievable. >> steve: your carbon footprint is tiny. >> this is a campsite cooker. twigs or anything in this and cook on top of this. a little mini cooking unit. so here is waterproof fire
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starters. you can use these to start fire on top of water, unbelievable. >> brian: where did the company come from. >> four in tennessee. a family business and they make great stuff. i've been dealing with them for years and go to their website for so many different things. they come out with cool stuff. the air conditioner just came out. i'm super excited to launch it. i am ready for every kind of apoc apocalypse. >> go right to the website at four and find everything you need. >> steve: rachel, thank you for coming in today. >> brian: don't forget to catch the radio show. we're following all the trials including hunter, right? >> bill: you mentioned it, good morning, everybody. moments away from the resumption of hunter biden's gun trial.


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