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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 5, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> brian: where did the company come from. >> four in tennessee. a family business and they make great stuff. i've been dealing with them for years and go to their website for so many different things. they come out with cool stuff. the air conditioner just came out. i'm super excited to launch it. i am ready for every kind of apoc apocalypse. >> go right to the website at four and find everything you need. >> steve: rachel, thank you for coming in today. >> brian: don't forget to catch the radio show. we're following all the trials including hunter, right? >> bill: you mentioned it, good morning, everybody. moments away from the resumption of hunter biden's gun trial.
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his ex-wife will be on the stand today. this after the prosecution called its first witness and they presented that laptop in court. so much more on that coming up shortly. first, however, there is this. >> president biden: today i'm announcing actions to bar migrants who cross our southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum. this action will help us gain control of our border, restore order to the process. this ban will remain in place until the number of people trying to enter illegally is reduced to a level that our system that effectively manage. >> bill: how do you do that now? bearing down on the border president buying signing that order to stem the chaos or try. too little too late? someone asked yesterday at the white house, why now? good morning, everybody . i'm bill hemmer in new york city. we're team blue today. >> dana: good to see you i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." it's pretty interesting that the timing of all of this certainly
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you could imagine there were probably some polls that showed the white house and biden campaign they must do more. president trump is way up ahead on them on the issue of immigration. biden's crackdown goes into effect when the border is overwhelm. a week where illegal crossings averaged 2500 a day. >> this is america. see the red lights? border patrol? san diego, see the lights? >> bill: bill melugin will never forget that moment. you have 8 million crossed the border illegally since biden took office. the new order who allow 1.8 million, however, 1.8 million into the country every year. >> dana: bill melugin is live in california with more. >> good morning to you. it was business as usual out here last night. president biden's executive
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order took effect at midnight. we did not see any migrant rush trying to get in before that executive order took effect. this is what we saw at sunset. 20 or 30 minutes before midnight eastern. we saw this little group of mostly chinese and vietnamese illegal immigrants who came across. once midnight hit they were being processed and not like an alarm went off and all the border patrol agents blocked everybody. we show you what we saw earlier in the afternoon. look at this. a bigger group middle eastern men who crossed illegally here. several of them those special interest aliens we're talking about. coming from countries that dhs has concerns about for potential national security or terrorism issues. supposed to get additional vetting. caught up with several guys from jordan, egypt and turkey. take a listen. >> jordan, why did you come to
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-- why did you come to america? >> for a job. >> you know it's illegal to cross the border like this, yeah? >> yeah. >> you don't care? >> yes. >> where are you guys from? >> egypt. >> what country? >> turkey. all turkey? >> where are you from? >> egypt. i love america. >> egypt. >> we have stunning data from our cbp contacts. since october 1st here in san diego sector there has been 260,000 illegal im granulitis apprehended by border patrol. of that number, 78% of them have been released into the united states. we're told that's primarily because a lot of the people crossing are coming from countries where it is very difficult to deport people. they aren't afraid of
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deportation. you heard the guy from jordan. you don't care about crossing illegally? he said yes, i don't care. >> dana: good reason for that. they have common sense and looking at this and picking it up for what it is. >> bill: the president is saying that republican obstruction forced his hand. only four months ago he claimed his hands had been tied. >> give me the power. this action will help us gain control of our border, restore order into the process, doing nothing is not an option. we have to act. >> bill: mary is a columnist or outkick. the newest fox news contributor. >> i'm glad to be back. >> dana: you had some babies along the way and comes with a bigger family now. thank you for being here. >> mike johnson said the
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president engineered the open border. he signed at least 65, maybe 70 more executive orders. to borrow a phrase from years past, what difference at this point will this make? >> you can't erase the damage that has been done, right? you can't erase the huge numbers of people already here. you also can't erase the lack of trust for this administration. they are acknowledging it is a crisis. they've been confused for a long time. voters aren't confused and in the top three issues for many of them despite economic issues. they're feeling pressure and the opposite of what biden offered to them, he said i'll bring order, not chaos. this feels like chaos. let me be clear. i think you have to deal with the cynicism here. it speaks to whether you can trust this administration on this issue. this is not a border crisis for them, this is a re-election crisis for them. this is a last-ditch effort to
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say we're doing something about it. even as you note, months ago both biden and mayorkas said there is nothing we can do here. we know it's not true there is nothing they can do. it was biden's executive actions removing trump's executive actions that created this situation in the first place. the folly of governing in opposition to trump even when some of those actions were effective, is coming home to roost right now. >> dana: one of the things that i've read that's interesting is biden at this point five months from today until the election is trying to lock down his own base and he has a problem on the far left, which makes up a significant piece of his coalition. and they don't want to return to trump-era policies. yesterday they were expressing dismay that president biden would even consider doing this because this is what they did after 2017, they decided to make a change on the democratic side to go against anything president trump was for. biden says yesterday look, i will never demonize immigrants.
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so it's interesting that it is coming at a point he is trying to maybe try to move to the middle to see if that will work. i'm skeptical on that. at the same time he risks losing further distancing himself from that far left coalition. >> i think as usual the strategy is somewhat incoherent from this white house. they do have to deal with several things. they have to deal with the fact that voters in the middle of the road are upset with them. upset with the situation. the left was very happy with what was happening at the border. the left is happy to let people flow over with no sort of cap on it at all. by the way it seems like the 2500 number they're giving, which is far less than the 5,000 that was in that senate bill they be moaned not passing, maybe they could have offered that to republicans as something to do a deal on. they said it's the best you will get. went after the opposition instead of getting something done. the question is do we actually get something out of this? for those middle of the road voters who are concerned about
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this? again, i don't think you can trust this administration to actually follow through with the things they're promising to do. >> bill: we'll see on that. secretary mayorkas was on with neil yesterday says the time is not too late. watch. >> we expected congress to act. they did not act once. they recently failed to act twice and we took this executive action. it is not too little and it is not too late. we had hoped that congress would act. they have failed to do so and the president exercised executive authority as he has done now. >> bill: some people will believe that. no doubt mr. biden will wave his new order as a shield during his debate with mr. trump this month. the political timing of the order invites voter skepticism. will the media follow this or moving on to something else? >> a question whether the media can ignore the problem and voters can see past it.
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voters have seen past it when they haven't been covering the crisis closely. mayorkas, does he mean too little too late for electoral problems or for the actual security problems inherent in this issue? i know you guys know the story earlier this may. two jordanian nationals tried to gain entry to quantico. we have risks out there already let into the country and i'm not sure how you get past too little too late with those issues. >> dana: mkh for the win. great to have you back. thanks. right now day three of hunter biden's federal gun trial is underway. prosecution opened its case yesterday by playing hunter reading from his own memoir describing his drug habit. the defense denies he lied on the gun form but it lacks plausibility. what can we expect this morning, rich? >> good morning, dana.
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day three is underway. more questions of whether hunter biden was a drug user when he bought that gun back in 2018. hunter arrived just about a half hour ago to this courtroom and a bit of a surprise with her husband in france for the 80th anniversary of the d-day landings the first lady also arrived here, jill biden. right now you have lead attorney abby low well cross examining the special f.b.i. agent. prosecutors introduced lengthy segments of hunter's audio book where he says he had a super power, the ability to find crack in any town at any time. >> crack takes you into the dark recesses of your soul as well as the darkest corners of every community. unlike with alcohol, you become dependent not only on a criminal sub culture to access what you need but the lowest rung of that sub culture. >> the prosecutors showed the gun form at the heart of their case asking if the gun buyer,
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hunter, used illegal drugs marked no. the defense says it asks whether the buyer is a drug user, not whether he has ever done drugs. defense maintains hunter had periods of sobriety during that time and wasn't on drugs at the time he bought the gun. prosecutors used jenson's testimony to bring hunter's laptop into the courtroom. investigators have a summary chart of contents, 18,000 pages long including photos and text messages. next up the prosecution is expected to call kathleen buell, hunter's ex-wife and in a legal fight of unpaid alimony. they will call more of his ex-s including his sister-in-law, hallie and another x of hunter biden as we're under way day three at the courthouse. >> you'll see familiar faces
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next hour. kerri urbahn and andy mccarthy and turley. >> dana: he said you're not going to convict a biden, are you, delaware? whether it's sympathy for a drug addict or biden the defense clearly hopes the jury will look beyond the evidence and the crime in this case. but the prosecution is not holding back. >> bill: i think it was quite a moment when they revealed the laptop yesterday. some of the reaction from some of the biden family members or relatives of the family were none too pleased about that and made it known. we'll get analysis on that shortly coming up. let's get to this right now. >> i start screaming, she pepper sprayed me in the face and the eyes. another person starts stomping over me and my husband ran towards me to save me. >> bill: a seemingly random
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attack leaving a chicago couple bloodied and battered. they are just going out for the night for a bite to eat. two teenagers charged with misdemeanor. >> dana: a damming report claiming president biden shows signs of decline behind closed doors. how the white house is responding. >> bill: a live look kennedy space center. nasa is trying to launch the boeing star liner with a crew of two on board. if they can do it and they've been delayed for a long time now, what it might mean for the future of space flight. we shall watch and wait together throughout the morning here on america's newsroom. ♪ everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike.
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>> bill: just want to share this with you. they closed the watch during the commercial break. two astronauts are on board. boeing along with nasa will try to get the star liner off the ground. it's been delayed repeatedly now. this is a million if not billion dollar operation for taxpayers, etc. we have to get this thing in the air. we hope right now about an hour 32 minutes from now on our program we'll see this thing launch, we hope. >> dana: 10:50. >> bill: scrubbed over the weekend and trying again today. >> dana: looks like good weather. >> bill: we'll keep the blue skies and hope for the best with the star liner. you got that. >> we didn't steal anything. they said we own the street. you can't walk around. i was wearing a nice dress and heels. i was out on a date with my husband and they dragged my
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dress on the ground and said we own these streets. you can't walk around prancing in your little dress. saying things that didn't make any sense to me. they don't know me personally. >> dana: a chicago woman and her husband are recovering from gruesome injuries after being attacked by a gang of teenagers. the woman said she was pregnant and suffered a miscarriage after the attack. garrett tenney has more in chicago with more. hi, garrett. >> part of what makes this attack so disturbing the couple says it happened out of nowhere for seemingly no reason. this couple was on their way home from date night in the streeterville neighborhood. a few blocks from navy peer. a teenage boy punched the husband in the back of the head. they tried walking away but the teen punched him again and again. at this point a large crowd of over a dozen teens started to
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converge on them. the husband tells his wife to run. but before she can escape, she gets attacked as well. >> another lady came to me and dragged me through my air, with my hair on the ground. i start screaming. she started pepper spraying me right in the face and eyes. another person starts stomping all over me. to be honest, when i was on the ground looking at my husband and feeling all the beating and getting sprayed, i thought i wasn't going to be able to make it home to my son. >> at the time, the wife was two weeks pregnant and later found out she lost the baby. in the pictures you can see the wife holding a chunk of her hair ripped up and bruises all over her husband's head from the teens stomping on him. when cops showed up the crowd ran off and two teens were arrested.
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a 17-year-old girl and 14-year-old boy charged with misdemeanor and released from police custody. the alderman says these kinds of crowds of teens have been a problem in that area recently and they're bored and looking for something to do and know they can get away with this kind of thing without facing any real consequences. this couple says they now plan to push for changes in the law so that the parents of these teens and others like them can start to be held accountable for things like this and their other piece of advice for the public after this, be careful who you vote for. dana. >> garrett, thank you. >> bill: message in there. executive director of violence interrupters. tia, welcome back to the program. the crime stats in chicago going back to pre-covid. murder up 23%, robbery 38, theft 41 and they're stealing a ton of cars in your city. 227 with motor vehicle left. it's not getting better. >> right now chicago is the only
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city throughout the united states that has over 450 homicides every year, 450 to almost 700 homicides every year for the last 20 years. not getting any better. the numbers don't mean a thing when it comes down to people being attacked downtown and people losing their lives. we had a 5-year-old girl shot and killed one week ago here in chicago. there is no outrage behind the killing of the 5-year-old. you have young people roaming the streets of downtown chicago looking to hurt people and by any means necessary looking to hurt people because they don't feel there will be a consequence. we have to change the mindset and behaviors and then we need strong law enforcement type of strategies that can be deployed in chicago instead of -- right now a lot of young people feel they will never be held accountable. we have to step up our game coming to dealing with what's going on in chicago on a regular basis. violence spreads like an infectious disease and i push
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the public health approach myself. i understand law enforcement just the same. >> bill: there is an alder woman by the name of lenny -- and she says she doesn't want to give crime alerts because she thinks it creates a perception that is bad. here is her quote. research shows us that over reporting of crime negatively impacts her most marginalized and underserved neighbors. she represents the 48th ward. and i thought it was the south side and the west side or downtown. i thought it was going to midway airport. that's the north side of chicago. and her ward is well north of wrigley field and that's the part of town that hasn't been affected by the things we've talked about. >> that's not necessarily true what she is saying. i wish her the best but the reality is chicago is a rough place right now.
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over 200 homicides so far this year, over 1,000 people have been shot and carjackings are chicago and armed robberies. some people don't want the information to get out the information but the couple that were attacked were talking about watch your surroundings. people need to know that. you could have somebody robbing people, a rash of armed robberies in a certain area and people need to know. i disagree with that notion not to alert person. that is what is happening right now. >> bill: a lot of times the public can help you. maybe we'll see you in chicago mid-august for the dnc convention. >> dana: i hope. good idea. stunning report raising concerns again about president biden's age. what lawmakers from both parties are saying about his performance when he is behind closed doors. plus a fiery hearing on capitol hill. house republicans grilling merrick garland and the attorney
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and then their world can just be turned upside down. to know that there is an organization that can step in irreplaceable. please contribute $11 a month. to help families like mine please visit t2t dot org. >> dana: he is already the oldest person to be president. it reports in his private meetings with congressional leaders president biden is showing signs of decline. the journal saying in part his age and cognitive fitness have become major issues. the white house and top aides say he remains a sharp and vigorous leader. some who worked with him, however, including democrats and some who knew him when he was vice president and senator described a president who appears slower now, someone who has both good moments and bad
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ones. let's bring in our panel. steven and mark. this comes at a time when "time" magazine also wrote a piece that posted yesterday. biden did a long interview with them and even the reporters acknowledged there had been a visible change. and i go back to the maxim if you find a turtle on a fence post it didn't get there itself. these stories are coming out at a time when, steven, my reporting, a couple people i've talked to is there are democrats who are very concerned about biden's state right now. and that's kind of a delicate topic but one that is driving a lot of consternation among voters. let me turn it over to you and what you think about this news report and the development and what you've heard. >> certainly. president biden's cognitive decline has been the talk of the town in d.c. for well near a year, dana. you and i know washington is a small town. people know each other and
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people interact with folks and news gets around. there has been a lot of conversation about and concern about biden's cognitive decline and you see it in the polls. independents and some democrats in polling express concern about whether joe biden is still up to the job mentally. i will simply say this. i'm not a psychological expert and i can't gauge or diagnose the depth of whatever cognitive decline president biden has but i will tell you this, he is in steep political decline. that may be irreversible not just connected to his mental state but the agenda he is pushing very far left and very unpopular with voters. >> dana: mark, let me read more from the "wall street journal." it was incredible to me as a former communication person that -- after the offices of several democrats shared with the white house a recording of an interview or details what was asked, some of those lawmakers spoke to the journal a second time and once again emphasized biden's strengths. they just said that i should
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give you a call back said meeks a new york democrat referring to the white house. the white house spokesman said we thought it was important that all perspective to be represented. they were false and politically motivated claims. i know what the press office is trying to do and doing the best they can with the facts they have. but they don't have necessarily the communications problem, they have a fact problem, mark. >> well, i was chuckling when i read that how they called back let us set the record straight. it was an odd story in the "wall street journal." cobbled together what voters know. over 60% of the voters are concerned that biden is too old to be running again for another term. and i don't think that issue is going to be decided by these whisper stories. i think there is going to be a debate. they have deliberately thrown down the gauntlet for an early debate. i think that will be the point at which americans judge is he ready for another term or not? clearly an issue.
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the debate is the strategy to push back. >> dana: the fox news power rankings issue tracker that we revealed yesterday at "america's newsroom" showed that when it comes to the issue of age and the concerns about it, president trump is up over biden by 21 points. now, the "time" magazine piece that ran yesterday if we can pull this up, this is what it says here, which is times said could you do this job as an 85-year-old man? biden said i can do it better than anybody you know. you are looking at me, i can take you, too. that kind of bravado, how will that play? >> i think it was an unfortunate moment and made him look small and petty. he could have responded in a funny way. sounded more mean and defensive. that has part of what feeds into this view that he has gotten too old. he doesn't have the patience or the sense of humor and quickness he used to have. again, the larger issue that i think he has is not just the reality that people are seeing
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in washington that people are whispering about when they are in meetings with them but people out there. they are feeling it. they know it. they can see it and sense it and it is an issue they'll have to deal with. >> dana: just the campaigning. crunch time. five months to election day until day. biden's schedule was light and now he is on a good trip he is doing for america to represent us as normandy but a lot of other travel and then the debate. >> well look, i think the campaign starting with a deficit. we know that kind of as the memorial day scorecard is trump is ahead. administration is fighting back on immigration and he will fight back on age with a debate. you see an active campaign doing what they can and they are going to emphasize the strengths he has and the weaknesses. the biggest thing on the time interview is what he said about netanyahu which was a real
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problem that they need to walk back. >> dana: give us a quick synopsis. what did he say? >> what he said basically was netanyahu was keeping the war going on for political purposes. >> dana: prolonging the war, that's right. >> that was a horrible thing to say about your ally to accuse them of basically wasting lives for political purposes and i think he has to walk that comment back from that time interview. >> dana: he is about to see the world leaders at the g7. maybe we'll hear more from there. thank you for your time today, steven and mark. >> thank you. >> bill: more to come. here is a beautiful look right now at the boeing star liner on florida's east coast, all right? they are a year behind schedule. $1.5 billion over budget. >> dana: is that all? >> bill: boeing and nasa have a lot on the line and see whether or not we can get going in an hour and 14 minutes. stand by. we're watching it from space
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coast. dana. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: well, you hate to see it but more drama in the wnba. angel reese was ejected and she waved her hand in dismissal and argued with an official. she did not talk to reporters after the game but her head coach says nobody explained the ejection after the game. >> i tried to get an explanation. i did not. i don't know to this moment what has happened. >> dana: i tell you something, i did not have on my 2024 bingo card that we would be talking this much about the wnba. >> bill: i thought there was a good chance we would. we aren't talking about playing basketball or skills. >> dana: isn't there a tournament going on on the men's side? >> it will tip off tomorrow night. >> dana: is denver still in it?
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what happened? >> bill: dallas and boston. the women are great players, they are playing at a level they have never achieved before in the sport. but we're all focused on the physical side of this and thinking about how good their abilities have gotten and maybe if the league focuses more on that we would pay less attention to the mean girls on the floor. >> dana: i follow a.j. hamilton on x and he watched with an open mind and it was terrible basketball. who am i to judge? i have no idea what i'm talking about anyway. >> bill: let's get to this here in new york. >> senseless act of violence, a total disregard for life. >> bill: you have two nypd cops injured in a shoot out with a venezuelan migrant who crossed the border last year. the cops are lucky to be alive. what we are learning about the suspect today is not good. in t he nineties anymore.
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♪ >> dana: it's all system go or is it. the boeing star liner poised for lift-off. are we going to be a go today there at kennedy? >> hi there, dana. everyone's fingers are crossed. we've been disappointed two times before. right now launch is set for 10:52 a.m. eastern time just over an hour away. but today's launch attempt comes after a whole series of delays. boeing had to fix a potential weakness in the spacecraft's parachute system. also had to remove about a mile
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of electrical insulation tape after engineers determined it posed a fire hazard. on may six star liner was poised for launch on top an at last five rocket but they had to replace a relief valve. a second launch attempt june 1st was scrubbed because of a faulty power unit on a backup computer on the ground. astronauts take these delays in stride. butch, also an ordained minister led sunday and others in a pre-launch prayer. they expressed confidence in the boeing spacecraft and said their families were supportive of their mission. >> we trust in a sovereign god, whatever the plan is we're ready for it whatever that might be. and so yeah, they are excited, as we are and ready to go. >> we wouldn't be sitting here if we didn't feel and tell our families that we feel confident in this spacecraft and our
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capabilities to control it and to be on it. so i think they are along for the ride at least in my family are excited. >> so if this launch takes place today butch and sunny are scheduled to dock with the international space station tomorrow just after noon. they'll spend a little more than a week in space testing this new star liner spacecraft and if all goes well with that test, nasa hopes to have a second commercial option for bringing u.s. astronauts to and from the international space station dana. >> dana: something to watch. we're keeping our eyes on it. thank you, jonathan. >> bill: an hour from now, back to that. meanwhile new details on the illegal venezuelan migrant accused of shooting two cops in new york on monday. officials saying he might be a member of the largest and most vicious criminal gang in his home country. want to bring in a former el
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paso, texas u.s. marshal and police department deputy chief and worked narcotics for 13 years. how are you doing? good morning. so this is a gang, apprehended at the southern border. show them this. 41 apprehended at the border. apparently he wasn't one of them. how tough are these guys? >> absolutely the 41 that have been apprehended and many more not apprehended. they are here in our country and they are committing horrible crimes. they just shot two police officers. they've been involved in other crimes throughout the united states. i'm over here teaching a class in sacramento right now and just talked about this dangerous gang that is going throughout the united states. they are extremely violent. they were involved in the attack on the police officers, nypd
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officers in january at times square. they were also involved in assaulting and choking out someone on a train in chicago into unconsciousness and robbing them. they committed a murder in florida. also the person that killed laken riley the university of georgia student, his brother is a confirmed member. he is at least an associate. they are committing all kinds of crimes. it won't stop. it will only get worse. this is the result of the influx of these migrants coming into the united states. unfortunately our state and local police officers are going to have to deal with this mess now. >> bill: he is 19 years old. here is what we think we know about him. entered the country illegally in july of 2023 in eagle pass, remember all the live shots we did and the reporting we did from eagle pass. they kept coming. in may of this year suspect in a violent robbery in queens, new york and then nine days later police believed he pulled a gun
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on a security guard. they use mopeds and stalk and steal. a lot of times from women. that tells you that theft is their game, right? >> absolutely. they've been stealing those cell phones for quite some time now. they take them to a stash house in the new york city area and then they have a group there that go through the phones and access the financial information on those phones and they steal money and then those phones are shipped to columbia, wiped clean and resold. so yeah, they are involved in all types of criminal activity and you saw where they shot police officers. i just wonder, you know, what we'll do to get a handle on it. i'm really worried about our country. i'm really worried about law enforcement officers. thank god these police officers were not killed. >> bill: we have heard from some people in new york who were
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victims and when the purse is gone, before they even contact the credit card company, the credit card has already been used. so they have a vicious and effective system, robert. appreciate you coming on today and see what we can do. thank you, sir. >> dana: president biden touching down in europe as a new report paints a picture of a president in decline. how the white house is responding. new testimony in the trial of a woman accused of mowing down and killing her police officer boyfriend. what forensic technicians are revealing about evidence gathered at the scene. started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds.
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>> dana: good news for the people of atlanta. you are looking at the mayor there, andre dickens holding a news conference to tell everybody the city's water has been restored. they've had a nightmare situation down there. so everyone will have water service but i want to make sure everybody knows this. he is saying that the boil
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advisory remains in place for a swath of the city affected by a series of water main breaks. it began on may 31. june 5th now. everything is restored and he thanked the hard working people of the department of public works to get that done. good news for atlanta. >> bill: from atlanta moving to the northeast. right now testimony resuming in the trial of a woman charged with running over and killing her police officer boyfriend. molly lines on that story again today in massachusetts. where are we? hello. >> good morning, bill. the forensic scientists are back on the stand today as defense attorneys question the investigation and the investigators in this case. prosecutors continue their efforts to prove that karen read killed her boyfriend by smashing into him with her s.u.v. during a january blizzard in 2022. on monday a state police crime tech acknowledged she did not find blood on the vehicle. >> the testing that i did on scene from the various areas of
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the undercarriage which i mentioned before, the tire flaps, the edge of the bumper and exhaust pipe screened negative for blood. >> the head of the state police search team that dug through the snow testified the guidance he received before starting to look for pieces of taillight and o'keefe's missing shoe, both of which were found. >> you would agree with me that it was lieutenant actually from the norfolk state police that told you where to look and what to look for, correct? >> correct. he told us the area he thought would be the best probability to find what we were looking for. >> karen read's attorneys insist she is being framed. the scene had been left unattended for hours. a very long stretch of time before the search team arrived more than eight hours after o'keefe's body had been discovered. >> bill: that trial continues down in massachusetts. thank you.
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>> you are gangsters. >> you are washed up. [yelling] >> dana: it's rough out there. robert de niro outside the courthouse last week. he appeared on the today show and he felt he had to do something and very concerned about what was going on. it could have been hemmer's celebrity news. >> bill: you could have done something. maybe not that. >> dana: you don't have hemmer's washed up celebrity news. >> bill: we don't have that. >> dana: that would be a boring graphic. >> bill: we haven't made that yes. interesting to look for some of the stories. who is washed up and who is in the news? the whole de niro thing was a bad call, a bad move by the biden team and saw it. >> dana: let's forget that ever happened. let's get to the second hour here. president biden on the world stage arriving in europe to mark the 80th anniversary of d-day as
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