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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 5, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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it is conspiracy. it is conspiracy to protect hunter biden. >> real quickly. you and i were talking about the jury. there is an article on "the daily beast" said this is ripe for a phenomenon called jury nullification. they want to send a message and ignore the evidence about it some social issue that is larger than the case itself. they are not supposed to do t that. >> there was a very clear and important message sent by the jury in that particular case. >> i think for us to be right about the corruption that we have seen, he will have to be acquitted. donald trump will be sentenced to prison or confined. everyone has to stay steady. we know what is coming out. >> let's hope that's what they do for any defendant including hunter biden. here is "america reports."
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[indistinct] >> president biden: the headline -- 4 more years. the president of mexico did not want to open up the gate. whether you live in a red state or a green state. >> john: "the wall street journal" out with a scathing new report describing the president signs of decline behind closed doors. we saw it as public. it all comes as the 81-year-old is facing skepticism from voters about his ability to do the job. >> sandra: how can his campaign change voters minds 5 months out from election day? we will ask katie pavlich who will joining us live just ahead. >> president biden: today i'm announcing actions to bar migrants who cross our southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum. >> it was business as usual last
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night. all these border patrol agents came out and started blocking everybody. the agents did their jobs and process them and took them away. >> i am from turkey. >> all turkey? where are you from? >> egypt. >> john: president biden is finally trying to fix is border crisis. it does not seem like a whole lot has changed since yesterday. i am john roberts and washington. we are at the top of the mountain of the week editor at the weekend. >> sandra: not exactly a shutdown of the border. i am sandra smith. after president biden overturner policies, he has now taken executive action. >> john: here is a look at the devastating impact that biden's policies have had on our southern border. >> look at the mass of people
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down there. this time 2 days ago, they were just over 4,000. there are upwards of 11,000. we are talking nearly a tripling of the numbers in 48 hours. there are no border patrol agents down there or immigration agents on the mexican side. it looks like it's a water park down there. >> i love you, joe biden. >> waiting for border patrol to pick them up. [bleep] [bleep]. [bleep]. >> migrants snaking up the hill from the river. this is a group of at least 500 easily. you can see these people. [speaking in a global language] venezuela. >> sandra: republican lawmakers are led to say, this so-called border crackdown is nothing but a political stunt. is this all too little, too l late? >> john: lets ask the republican governor of the great state of texas.
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great to see you. thank you so much. the threshold that triggers this executive order is 2500 and legal crossings per day. we have been well above that for the last couple of years. 6700-82 on average per day. i don't remember a week in recent years where daily crossings have been below 1500. many of these people are telling griff jenkins and bill melugin that they are not coming to claim asylum, they are coming to claim work. all they want to do is get a job which makes them ineligible for asylum. they are still coming. how in the world will this executive order change anything? >> let's be clear. americans need to know this really executive order order does absolutely nothing to change the chaos created by joe biden on the border. as the senator pointed out, this all was started by joe biden when he existed the executive orders wiping out all of the
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programs that president trump had put into place. when trump did lead to the lowest illegal border crossings and more than 4 decades. now there's more than all-time records. importantly to what biden did yesterday, nothing. actually, i'm going to differ from that. it entices and attracts more people to come into our country illegally. it says for the first 2500 people coming across the border, they are going to do absolutely nothing. after 2500 evil across the border a day, joe biden is going to stop with the process. that doesn't stop people from coming across the border as he just pointed out. there are people crossing the border every single day who don't want asylum. they are terrorists and murderers and and have criminal records or they are coming here for work, coming here for work is not a reason to get asylum. and then, where are the people that are going to be denying
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illegal entry? they are not there. joe biden is doing absolutely nothing to stop people from crossing into the united states illegally. >> sandra: which has led you to take matters into your own hands in texas. a few minutes ago, you lost another initiative. texas' 10 most wanted criminal illegal immigrants list. this is your attempt to chase down some of those bad guys who have gotten in. we have lost track of them. many of which are carrying out repeated crimes. what is your goal here and will it work? >> sandra, this is once again something that texas is having to do to respond to joe biden's open border policies. he is leading in known criminals or people who cross the border and commit crimes in the united states of america. texas is the first state to have a statewide crackdown on these criminals with a most wanted list to try to locate them, identify them, and the rest of them.
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as you were pointing out, this is the latest thing that texas has done. very important for you and your audience to know. because texas has built our own border wall, because we have laid down hundreds of miles of razor wire border barrier, we have national guard -- thousands of national guard on the border behind the razor wire, in texas, we have a decline of more than 74% in illegal immigration while at the very same time, it's going up in california and arizona and new mexico. enforcement works. open border policies like joe biden has do not work. >> john: governor, i want to come back to the numbers again. this is what jay johnson the former dhs secretary under obama said about a thousand people coming across the border a day. >> my staff will tell you them if it was under 1,000 apprehensions the day before, that was a relatively good number. if it was above 1,000, a
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relatively bad number. i was going to be in a bad mood these all day. i cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 that day looks like. we are truly in a crisis. >> john: he said a thousand the day overwhelms the system yet under this new executive order, the threshold to restart allowing people to claim asylum is 1500. 500 above the number jay johnson said overwhelms the system. what is going on? >> when jay johnson said that, the vice president of the united states was joe biden. obviously, a thousand a day is chaotic, uncontrollable and destroys the united states of america. under joe biden, not just under his new executive order, but also ongoing under joe biden, there's thousands of people crossing the border illegally. before we shut down eagle pass taxes when they were 5,000
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people crossing a day in eagle pass, texas, alone. there is only one correct number about the number of people that should be crossing the border illegally a day. that number is zero. why biden thinks it's a good policy to have thousands of people knowingly allowed authorized by the united states of america to cross the border illegally is completely unacceptable. it's another reason why joe biden must be fired as president of the united states. >> sandra: following up on that point, i know the answer. in administration that is for quite some time refused to admit this was even a crisis. you had a dhs secretary basically saying, our border is closed. now for the white house in the face of political pressure, to be taking this executive action, you give the administration any credit for stepping in here and
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trying to stem the flow? >> sandra, to be clear, what this executive order does, does not in any way address the border crisis he created and will in no way reduce illegal immigration into the united states to the contrary. what this order does is attract more people to cross the border illegally to try to be part of that asylum process. this actually hurts. it doesn't help the illegal immigration system in the united states. there is no credit that goes to joe biden for a bass. only condemnation for his reckless open border policies that are now going to be worse than before. as was reported when the policy went into effect last night, there was nothing stopping people from crossing the border illegally. those images get back to the people trying to cross the border illegally. they know it is open season to cross our border.
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>> john: they are standing in front of the border fence taking subtleties. got up and -- >> thank you all. >> sandra: hunter biden's gun trial set to return soon. it's on a brief lunch break at the moment. that is when his ex-girlfriend will be back on the stand to continue her testimony about his drug use. judge jeanine pirro will be here in just a few moments on the possible defense strategy. that's begin live outside the federal courthouse in wilmington, delaware. what have we heard so far and what we expect this afternoon? >> we've got a pretty fast pace of witnesses. we have zoe kestan on the stand, hunter biden's ex-girlfriend. trying to show that hunter biden was a drug user when he bought that gun back in 2018. she is testifying that she met
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hunter and december 2017 while working at a gentleman's club. zoe kestan said after he started smoking crack, he was the same charming person. incredibly charming and charismatic. during a 5-day period, kestan said that hunter was smoking crack every 20 minutes and that his demeanor would not change when he was high. even that hunter would give drug dealers his atm card and his pin code. kestan, hunter's ex-wife, when she left the courthouse an hour ago, she declined to cipro the prosecution still trying to build a case of of hunter abusing drugs. she found a crack pipe in july of 2015 but said she had been suspicious before then since hunter had been kicked out of the navy for testing positive for cocaine. unlike kestan, hunter was angry when he was using drugs and not himself. she said she would check the cars before allowing their daughters to use them to make sure they weren't driving with drugs on them.
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the prosecution and defense question special agent today. they focused on hunter's laptop through the defense pointed out that hunter was not in possession of it from april 2019 to december 2019. it was at a computer store. if she saw any evidence of tampering and that laptop. she responded no. first lady jill biden has been here today. she left about a couple of hours ago. prosecutors have signaled that they will call hunter's sister in law. they were also together after hunter's brother both died. she is also the one that discovered the gun and drove it to a nearby shopping center and threw it in a trash can leading to the proceedings that we've got going on this week. speech is a lot to take in a lot of wants. a brief lunch break and it looks like we will hear about some activity a few minutes from now. >> john: we have judge jeanine
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coming up right after they break to give us our thoughts on all of this. it is amazing going right for the trump trial to the hunter biden trial. >> sandra: this is "the new york post" covered to date and if you haven't seen it yet. like father like son, and reads. malarkey runs in the family. hunter puts up ridiculous "i didn't lie those quotes gun defense. >> john: and it attack on the u.s. embassy stopped by police in lebanon. who is the suspect, and what was the motive? plus this. >> as time goes on, if the cost of wages and labor is too high, we will be laying off. long term would be if we are not making a profit would have to close down. >> sandra: who would have thought it? you have to raise pay, and it puts you out of business. this is a hugely popular restaurant chain. they are forced to close dozens of locations and lay off many
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workers as california hike as minimum wage. it is certainly taking a toll on business owners. we will speak ahead about the rising cost of doing business ia that state. ners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards i'm admiral tom lynch chairman of newday usa. we hear from veterans all across the country. they worry a lot about being in debt and having the money they need for their families. big credit card balances can add up over time. and now just making the minimum payments can break the family budget. refinance and take control of your credit card debt. call newday usa and get the financial piece of mind that you and your family deserve
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>> sandra: could the defense strategy in the hunter biden trial center on a sympathetic jury? jonathan turley says that could very well be the case in a new op-ed. judge jeanine pirro is a cohost of "the five." she joins us now and is still taking notes. jonathan turley said this. i will put it up on the screen. hunter biden may be seeking jury nullification rather than vindication. in addition to a favorable jury pool judge, biden may be hoping
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that testimony on his travails with drugs will prompt one or more jurors to ignore the law and vote to acquit. do you agree? >> yes, i do. juries do it all the time. jury nullification means they prove the case. we don't want to find this guy guilty. they will vote not guilty. i was counting when you are making comments. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 jurors who have someone in their family was at a drug or alcohol addiction or someone who died from drug or alcohol addiction. they picked a jury that is sympathetic and understands the consequences of this kind of thing. in addition to that, you've got jill biden at the trial. she wasn't just at the trial. she was at the selection of the jury. i can't help but think, she was there trying to send a message. i'm here. she has her arms around the
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family members. we are the bidens. this is delaware. on one hand, you have the sympathetic jury who have experienced the devastation and then you've got the mob mentality. we know who you are. we are in the courtroom, and we are watching you. >> john: on that point, jill biden was in the court again today. the president spent the entire weekend with his son. in "the new york post," observing that maybe there's some intimidation tactics going on here by the biden family. "joe biden making a cynical power play to keep his son out of prison. the president used the photo ops to make sure the world and potential jurors saw his loyalty. this was a mafia-like message. screw with my son, and you screw with me." what do you think? >> it is not the first time. as you recall during this whole thing with charisma in ukraine and the whatsapp, if you recall,
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hunter said, i am sitting here with my father. you don't want to have to deal with me. you don't want to make an enemy of the bidens. it sounds like this is something -- they have continued throughout their political careers. we are the bidens. you are not going to screw with the spirit is right out there in openview. it is verbal and nonverbal. but it is out there. i totally agree. speak to "the wall street journal" taking on the hunter biden laptop with a big headline "the laptop returns." the back seat to the narrative in 2020. remember this moment from hunter biden. this was 2021, not answering if that laptop was indeed his. >> was that your laptop? >> there could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. it could be that i was hacked.
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it could be russian intelligence. i really don't know. it is a red herring. it is absolutely a red herring. i don't know. the go are you missing a laptop? we go i don't know. read the book and realize that i wasn't keeping tabs on possessions very well. >> not only that, remember that media and the disinformation about that laptop that was so quickly spread. listen. >> this is classic textbook soviet russian tradecraft at work. >> this laptop is likely russian disinformation. >> ongoing russian disinformation effort. >> it is so obviously a russian operation. >> all -- [indistinct] >> yes, yes, yes, god love you,
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man. >> sandra: 2024, there will be key evidence presented found that laptop in the courtroom. >> the feds and the department of justice have apparently come to realize that it is not russian disinformation. that is an essential part of the evidence in this gun possession case. had david weiss not allow the statute of limitation for the rest of the investigation could have made an even more serious part in establishing a connection between the bidens and the huge amount of cash that's coming in. the sad part is that america has lost faith in our politicians and in our justice department. you've got james clapper saying that it is russian disinformation. "the new york post" knew it wasn't. it got joe biden elected. make no mistake. >> sandra: all fair points, judge. you are holding out on us on your birthday. your birthday a couple of days
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ago. >> i am not counting my birthdays. >> john: i stop doing that myself. >> it is not good. >> john: see you again soon. the state department briefing following attempted attack on the u.s. embassy in lebanon. a man armed with a gun open fire outside the building leading to a long shoot-out with lebanese soldiers. just moments ago, the shooting suspect appeared to be wearing a shirt with an isis insignia. trey yingst is live. what do we know? [no dialogue] >> john: unfortunately, we seem to have lost his audio. i tell you what. we will try to reconnect. this is very important story. this shoot-out lasted a long, long time. dozens of shots were fired. thankfully, no one was hurt in
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this as far as we know. the fact that somebody wearing an isis shirt is taking aim at the u.s. embassy in beirut is very troubling story. >> sandra: we will certainly have them up shortly. federal agents are looking for the person who tried to bribe a jury with bags of cash. how would shaping a massive fraud case plus this. >> president biden: a paycheck is about more than a job is about more than a paycheck. >> john: that is just a few of president biden's gaps in public. a scathing report from "the wall street journal" reveals even more slip-ups are happening behind closed doors. katie pavlich is here after the break to discuss it . they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept...
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>> sandra: we have reestablished connection with trey yingst. thankfully, he is back live with us from tel aviv.
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on his latest report on the shooting suspect wearing an isis shirt, what can you tell us? >> good afternoon. earlier today, there was a shooting outside the u.s. embassy in beirut, lebanon. mse posting text saying "at 8 8:34, small arms fire was reported in the vicinity of the interest to the u.s. embassy thanks to the quick reaction of -- and are embassy security team, our facility and our team are safe. investigations are underway. we are in close contact with host country law enforcement. the gunman was wounded and taken into custody with lebanese security forces. investigation is underway to determine a motive. officials say the man could have ties devices. the state department -- wearing a shirt with isis insignia. took place between rising tension between lebanon and israel as the militant group
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hezbollah continues to launch daily attacks over the border. israeli prime minister benjamin not you visited a town, an area close to the lebanon border where extensive changes of fire have sparked recent widespread wildfires in recent days. israeli leader issuing a warning to the iranian-backed group. >> whoever thinks they can harm us and sit idly by is making a big mistake. we are prepared for a very strong action in one way or another group we will restore security to the north. >> with rising tension along the northern front, the israeli government is expected to improve an additional called up a 50,000 reserve soldiers. >> sandra: thank you. john. >> john: sandra, president biden's mental acuity under scrutiny yet again. "the wall street journal" republishing and a port that the president is showing signs of slipping. the lighthouse is insisting that
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biden is still sharp. last spring in editor and fox news contributor of katie prevalence. one of the people interviewed was kevin mccarthy who is known joe biden for years. in private, he has spoken highly of their conversations that they have had together. here's what he told "the wall street journal." "i used to meet with him when he was vice president. he is not the same person. this quote >> a number of democrats said the white house is watching very carefully about what they were saying about the president's mental acuity. this is not just anecdotal evidence. you also have this coming as congress binds to have the audio transcript, the audio of the interview that president joe biden did with robert given that the written transcript that has been released to the public shows much of what has been happening in terms of what he said to the special counsel to not face
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charges for mishandling classified information because it is a memory lapse injury would not convict him because of his age. >> john: there was some heavy editing in the transcript. >> the white house has gone through great lengths not to have that release. you have the combination of all of these things. that translates into politics for voters. i don't think it is necessarily they think about age. they think about the ability for the commander-in-chief to do the job. when there are big issues like the world on fire and big issues here at home, you want someone who is capable of handling these things and mentally acute to be in charge. >> john: he has good days and not so good days. this is one of those not so good days. >> president biden: when i was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. i'm humbled to receive this organization. it truly inspires me, saving
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millions of families -- and premium. cracking down on corporate landlords to keep rent down. the white house absently put out a transcript that included 9 corrections. >> sandra: yeah. >> john: they are not even trying to hide it anymore. >> it is one thing to have a stumble or two. everyone has a good day or a bad day. the overall view of the president's abilities for the american people is very concerning. that is something that is on the minds of voters. on the minds of that campaign highlighting kamala harris in terms of her role and what it would mean for a real steal bid. >> john: this to say about "the wall street journal" article. "nonproduce a have made clear in their own words that presi president biden is an effective leader who has a deep record of
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legislative accomplishment in 2024, house republicans are making false claims as a political tactic that contradict previous statements made by themselves and their colleagues. as you pointed out, "the wall street journal" also noted ," most of those who said biden performed poorly were republicans. some democrats said that he showed his age and several of the exchanges. there are a lot of concerns among democrats that he slipped. this is why gavin newsom -- >> not just among washington, d.c., who have had the opportunity to meet with president joe biden. governors for example. it's big party donors and people who have been involved in the democratic party for a very long time who are regretting not putting their foot down earlier and demanding a different nominee. >> john: do they try to make a change at the convention? >> based on people i have talked to had people have power and ability to push that are saying it is too late.
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they are going with biden. it is too late to do all of the infrastructure even if gavin newsom were to be willing to step up to the plate to fill that void. >> i remember a time when the convention decided who the nominee would be. >> they can handing the protesting. they will nominate the president early to get him on the ohio mail and do most of the things in chicago via zoom and other meetings. similar to the 2020 campaign. >> john: great to see you again. now this. 3... 2... 1... ignition. >> sandra: finally launching into space. following the historic maiden voyage. >> john: president invited in france today. peter doocy there with the president. >> john, we are in paris. the president is a few blocks away. there's a lot going on even
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>> john: president biden's in france to mark the 80th anniversary of d-day. the visit comes as a faces backlash over recent comments regarding israel's prime minister and questions about his commitment to american allies. white house correspondent peter doocy is live in paris. >> i tried to speak french earlier on ""fox & friends"." i will just say good evening from france. president biden down at his hotel right now. his staff tells us that he's got some internal meetings talking
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to allies about democracy. donald trump. according to the interview where president biden says about trump, there's not a major international meeting that i attend. a world leader doesn't pull me aside as i'm leaving and say, he can't win. you can't let him win. the allies in france are on the -- -- there is a switzerland that what president biden. he will meet with zielinski in france. there is lot less agreement about finally backing israel in the fight against hamas and gaza. starting to walk back this answer from president biden who was asked by time, suggested that -------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------- four is prolonging the war for his own political self-preservation. there is every reason for people to draw that conclusion. part of the cleanup now is
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coming from the national security advisor jake sullivan. >> what we are going to do is focus on the fundamental task at hand which is president biden's effort to make sure that palestinian people have a decent future. >> we do expect the first lady jill biden to start popping up here in france for some of the big events. she will at some point soon be leaving the gallery of that court room in wilmington, delaware. >> john: peter doocy there in the city of lights which at the moment, in the 8:00 hour. thank you. >> sandra: all right, john. mexican restaurant chain. if you know, you know. shutting down 48 locations in california blaming the rising cost of doing business in that state making the first big victim of the states new $20 minimum law.
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chairman of reform in california. if you know, you know. we brought this up with john the other day who frequents the area and knows it very well. this is a beloved chain. $20 minimum wage at a time when a lot of these businesses were still crawling over the pandemic struggles. this has hit hard. >> yes. if we know anything about california fast food restaurants, we have 11 hometown institution restaurants. in-n-out burger and rubio's. they have their famous fish tacos. lines out the door at these restaurants. it is not an issue of lack of interest by its customers. in-n-out burger stunned people just eight weeks ago by shutting their only location in oakland citing crime and costs. this week, the stunning news from the rubio corporation. 48 of their restaurants will be shut down just in california.
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they cite skyrocketing cost of doing business because of the minimum wage increase. california politicians have declared war on small businesses with all sorts of taxes and regulations. it is only gavin newsom in california democrats could make inflation worse than joe biden. >> sandra: when you force this on businesses, it is premature. they will raise pay when the demand is there, right? and they need to attract more workers. if that is the case, they will naturally pay more. we have seen that play out over history. in this case, you have got this guy, ralph rubio. he is earned of the title of san diego's tocco king. he discovered the fish taco in baja, california. he brought back the fish taco in 1983. he started this. he is credited for bringing fish tacos to the u.s.
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he couldn't survive $20 minimum wage? who else would be able to? >> not only are the small business owners getting crushed but also working families. the minimum increase serving designed to help the struggling working poor. that is an absolute provable live. they are hurting working families by raising the price. $5-foot long from subway, $5-foot long, 2019 it was $5-foot long. in california, it is going for a foot long, 7.50-$8.49. that is a 70% increase. we have lost 9500 fast food restaurant jobs since september. 10,000 jobs destroyed. no one is benefiting from the minimum-wage increase in california. >> sandra: people are losing their jobs. some of the workers showed up and their job was gone. they were told to go home. of course, they were upset.
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they went on and started blaming the company. when the company was out of my hands, we can't operate our business like this. here is another california business owners on the impact of the higher minimum wage. >> stay in business if that cost goes up. no business works without making a profit. >> people want higher wages. the cost to run the business doesn't work out. >> sandra: you feel for these people. the restaurant association saying what we are saying right now they think is unfortunate. n restaurant closers. the last word to you on where this goes. the little businesses be able to hang on long enough to fight this? >> now, they won't end nor will working families. the consumers are getting a sucker punch. workers are being laid off. businesses are shutting because
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of the high cost of living and the crime we have in the state. this is what is happening with the extremist policies in the super majority-party state. i have to warn america. this election is crucial. you don't want to become like california. that is where we are headed in that country. in california, we are organizing the fight behind enemy lines in the blue state. we are seeing people coming to our side. the only way for us to have recovery is to literally throw politicians out of office in this november election. >> really important that we are covering it. it is happening. it's turning a lot of folks. the businesses and the people who work there. they've got to raise prices. thank you very much. joining us for that. i know this is a -- >> in san diego, we would go out there frequently. every time we do, we go to
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rubio's. particularly on taco tuesday where you can get their fabulous tacos for half-price. they've got among the best tacos i have ever tasted. in fact they are closing is heartbreaking. >> sandra: they look delicious. they have a lot of other headwinds as well including the rise of chipotle and some of these other chain stores brands. they had to compete with and the pandemic was part of the restaurants. >> san diego is going to miss it. not only the sky high cost of running a restaurant about the cost of housing is a major problem for younger americans. how it could affect voting in november. >> sandra: chicago's crime crisis is back in the spotlight as a gang of teenagers around a married couple turning their date night into a horrific nightmare. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds.
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>> john: a vicious attack by a gang of teenagers in chicago targeting a husband-and-wife while they were out on a date. in chicago, more on the brutal beat down. do we know why the couple was attacked? >> this appears to be completely
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random. nothing was stolen. the only thing the couple remembers the teen saying to them, "we own the streets for you can't just walk around here." this area is right downtown. just a few blocks over. the couple was on their way home from an early date night when a teenage boy came up from behind and punch the husband in the back of the head. and the couple tried to walk away, the teen punched him again and again and within moments, more than a dozen teens swarmed with them viciously beating both the husband and the wife. >> a lady came to me. drag me through my hair with my hair on the ground. i start screaming. she started pepper spraying me right in the face and the eyes. another person started stomping all over me. to be honest with you, when i was on the ground looking at my husband and getting sprayed, i
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thought i wasn't going to be able to make it home to my son. >> in these pictures, you can see the wife holding a chunk of her hair that was ripped out as well as the bruises all over her husband's head with the teens stopping him. at that time, they were kicking the wife in the stomach. she was 2 weeks pregnant and ultimately lost the baby because of the attack. only 2 people were arrested. a 17-year-old girl and her 14-year-old boy who were charged with misdemeanors. because they were juveniles were released from police custody. to learn from their experiences, be careful who you vote for. >> john: she was pregnant and lost the baby, and they got out on misdemeanors. in chicago, thank you. >> sandra: top story for sure. right now, john, we are all looking at california. the new epicenter of the border
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crisis. biden's actions do anything to fix the problem, we will ask pat ryan and republican senator john thome. they will join us in the brand-new hour just ahead.
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